[TUESDAY, vMlMMmn 8% 1*17.] KO ^ 1 pi HP [VOLUME Vli.------No. SO.] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. aflai*»^:i£5fc.ii&35F J"«.a.'- i ' -;■ •._.. a-^^-~^^r V »* 2Si^T Jwntsfor the Kingston fxtmtte, gpieJt To*n< JAM ISS RANKIN, E.q. jork.WlLLiAM Vf.LAN, Ivefc Jrockville. A. SHERWOOD, ft* frllv.hV, S. M'NABB, &Cf« Cnsaek's Hotel. THE fubferiber having opened a new and convenient Hotife in (b*rtf lh inoft RcfprCifully informs his friends a'lrl (be public, that he ha* taken prrtrai paui kfunnfh it in every relpcdl to merit u bare of public patronage. Gentlemen travelling may rely imon living good accoi^m.idatiuu an J atten I tnce. Lady's and Gntlcmen can be! daily fupplicd with Confettioiia:y of ail kiu'iauJbeit quality. Alio the Prince Regents m>rnin^ Drink, com poled and carried on at pref cnt at the above concern by James Reed ^puie&ioner. R. CUSACK. Kingston^ Sept, 6, 18 17- r 5*f JUST received by rfjfi thw fubferiber, a complete a (Lament of Ofafuperor quality and vvnrkmanfliio, lich will be fold very cbc p fivr Cash I. FLSK. mm Militia Pension Agent's Office, York, 1st October. 1817. . lK General A^-entfor paying Militia Pensions, having received the sum of Eight Thousand Pounds, in aid thereof; hereby ... ** Notice, that the same are now in coarse ot issue, agreeably to the following Lists:— LIST o! VVjuows whose Husbands have been Killed in Action, or by any Casually or Accident while on Duty, or have Died of >Voatt*fe receif ed in Action, or from Disease contracted on Actual Service during the late War with the I nited Slates of America. Name of Widow. Name and Kavk of late Husband. NAME HA S K ,i *.iaii', jPkffibc ..it; i*:hie, Sophia «•*»<*>, M. :Vi;.ikloue •:ii, Margaret »>i :chon, Nanc.v i -, .Y.ui£u <*t Ma::-;!'* to ftary v , Su.-an \w.« -.. v>ahara >:i .m, U'nor .Ji.lui, Tm ey i#eji, Sihn.nna.il <n.-.vn, Ci'.farioe *i iiunium, uarrfta in a mptottt June 7/A, 1817. 1 a To Lease, FOR tilt term often vears, a Town Lot, adjomirjg t!ie C3a Jtco"tMti-J l*( two Fifth-, of an acic—frpnly to the! •ilcribem. * H.C THOMSON,! Cbuteh I GH$.sHORT% falsing, Srfit. P., 1S17. .IChttich ! ci-anut*, 1 luH^jelh ^liu.:^ L'jCi da Do do * art'M. N-r-.c** \i • "l, i... ah ill " i.ti;::r... u, Ma/y i'\K> , M.iiy iui.;. .iai'v ■ oonvu-.i n, Hutnah aha. tjv. \».ii '..-ii'.j-ij^'i. N<si;cy \'jrra:lft t, Uac id \'o;.-. !,!j/a"«"h itrpeuter, Sophia • '••".■iv, Uttry B. i.|K i'ta..eco ». '• "b«!lj -u:iry ;>o 1U1 fk-'!cr, oei'itsfaa 1 * why, o'f* .:!••.e 1 .in-, tifi ^a i'i ? )0 uo *M*-yi!i, Matiuah i'i'a-» r, Ca »aline i'uvnrg'oii, Catharine - t ' i>ri>L9n 6to «;t f ripHF. fubft ibcr ha ju'l ,ereIvH at I 'Jl hix Brick IW, I'Vout It.ca. 1>oU- ble a-.J SinHl«- •' s n?W ^ Sheet Iron, An J !»■" alio 0.1 han.I ai uluai a gen- j jjj j{Lrti»cnt "f Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GKO ERII'.S, Crockery and 'jr««fc Wnr. in Crutcn. linl'cc*4 an-* Cu riers Oil, Paints ground Jnoil ;— and ex,«-Ct* in a rVw day^ an KJditiou vo his Stock, all which wiil be fold cxnen.cly ch^aoat wh -iefiie. S. BARTLET. Ktn$ston08. 20, 1817 21 ■■ 1. <i. ' i»*a.- • ItaiK, Mill do Mary i>a *I«* j iKvaier, ("athnnnc 1 til i For Safe, SEVERAL vakiat»t« T- wn Lots.— Apu'ly to the lul.fc»iner. Allan MacLean. Kington, OSr 2, 1817. IJ>tf l !.!.:<. , ll.ll l ill! (u'.ll, i.li 'hi- Ii Kitten '»' Mci,fMd, Marttia . Imnbliu, Lti. sifrcib i!»<* \*, l U a'/i*.U !'.is^.-, A vtsbali 1 i. :/•!'., 1 lamiah Jo ,1-11111, Ann j.»;t.: mi, El., abctb l; t«:jt, J'ji"Iwiiii K"ul!-r*«'S-. Su^an^ah KytrA, S.n;ih i>o do Linil>,,ri.iM-, Catharine I Lo "'t^' % Niitii') Lti loft, (jtatf&otte M»'.rraYi PlWOW Ma>, !Dorothy MiDoir.cMj Nancy Mc 1 MiUfESftl, Margaret [ttci'oiltiin, Saraa vtaiit-, Ruth N.ct'lvui-, Wary jSr-iotfl Ail;an» j.lohn Adair \»>'*' August me L»a«reti.'- fv»ody Joshua Booth Pi* ne Hailtcnoa Josi-j-b Brt;ioo L.»n- HI -ur!.ette Jo:)'imiu i^ntler |>aa>: l>r«.« o Marrin liojor Jacoli Balm (ivovg* Ben Henry ijov.en Wt'^pl^r Barntim \\ tlitunt [juchanan Mo.-i'» BrigUain John Carroll GWMgO i'ot;ii:-!l Ailat'i f'l ndeniien John loon John t lark A >"in. CJendenneo Pierre Caha-.i' r-re vViUiwn( ampbell l~fl »* jrd ('airallou IA h" liiatn t oil* Jaiis'i Caineuter (icair< to. ek WiUiam Copfl Cyreutts Coihin John I)*- lor Jo.m'jjji OetiiUf Dudley Darby Davol L.llii JampQ Korby'h WVUiiun Eraser 'Samuel Karriogon Adam t'orbtfS Mii-hatl Grass George* Gftfitt William Grant J5.i.uu»'l Greea Georgo liainer SSui*heriah liainer lluvid ilaiuri' Eiaci Wnll Be'da Uebert Sita- H&inhiin •lo epti Hicfafa Jo;.atiiai linear aicitard Ua^'il Jidm J ohm coo Ti innaii .»o'ui-on (ii'«»r?t- Kins f)uke Win. Kondrick A>aio*l Kyeb Fi^a.e do fiO Can tain do ;-,^i^a'-e do 80 Laeui. Colviiel Private do Seijca u Knvaits IT- um*Jter t*n*. .lie '. .; a 1 t'vivalo do Cao>"ain i'.i^aic do do do do Te&ntstcg i'ri -aie do Serjeant Ti'ainser Private du do Bntdgn Pr^ate do t\o do do Captain Private do do do do do do do Lieut. Privaifl E|rj do do do ' do Teannter Frlvase do Spi j"ant Lieut, do I Private M<ilor,Tuesis Mi'hu'hc. Archange Mel*'* r.on, Jane Do do Mere^ly, Catharine Do do Milrtin, Sarah ;>o do McDonnell, Ann Do. do piw, L^dia P«l e, Catharine Wans a S'ruauon. ASWditir. Bar and Book Keeper jj \0 .«tend a Gent-eman ay Body! Servant, or Butler tn y family the irb-! fcribc, win oa< livc«Ji throe war* 3c two1 months in hi-; prcO.nt ntnatlOQ ?.t Wal-i i>a( 0|-M»i, Kiauuah Kin's rioTBL, where an uitexceptiofia*1 Ppw, V.ary ble charade, will he ^r.ven. ^ *j ^..ah Kiiigfton, Nov. 7,1817. 2+tfi i Hab jee, Aiarie Angelique m*--------------------------------------------------------------j! Elobfrfe, Sa-ah TO LET j I Stewart, 1/ieretia Av_ . - . . ,. , ; SiO'nw, Hannah ND pofT-ih ,n given immerliateiy, S;ickl.\ Mary aHo'ifeand Lot with a Stable,; Unoonei, Parthena $m«<\ in Stuartville. 11 do , ftJj Alb, one Hoofe ?»nd Lot, fit bate J, IxJvlor/sarah by the Ffen,:h Church, lately occupied h'al, Barbara by Mr J.fcul- St. OermWn. One■-!Teal. CaiHerriie noule bod Lot, next do,>r to Ylr. i ou-. r . .« rv r • 1 ii v • r savior, >iaij bint l.eftyge. ivnqtnre of no do Dc-Larah .— — I do \i xandrr Lymburaer do John hottrHg* jCajMain Jo;- |»b i-a tour il'iivate Chr: toiler {ijleDondl !L,iei". Daniel Murray John Mav Donald AleDonell Dor.ald McDou^aJ Collin McCoJi'oa Gorneliil \iarks Ail&uMcClean James Miller Louis Meloch» Dttule] McPberson f'uii.iopher Mercllerv John Martin rlogb McDonnell Sr^phen Peer ■avid Pulse John Paiiesion >.-.iniHl »"\v V.;r.ai. Petit PorsChal Keaume John RftriC Joan B. Kabbee WiUiam Rolierts Bnoc'i Stewart H-nrv Stwaisi John Stickle Na/atvth Spoouer Geo-*r T irney Robert Tavlor La.vreMic T'-al Zacitenah real Jpiemian T-vnukins Pe p-r Ta; lor Trumpon* Ofborah do do Va d rbarrack, Mar/ Va«^ie!vlf, vlarj^aret Hui^r Harriet VVrieh'., Kli/.ah.N'h lki"isou,Na.icy ,K":uui, Catharine \V«di\ I'.lsey ■.V;i';.t, Piio/be \\,lkei>on, Mary Wilson, Elizabeth Wigloy, Mary M'nit**, Hannah Jo do Voitiiff, Nancy Voung, Mary 107 Trnmpour Paul Corn's Vauder Barrack David Vau-ickle i dward Walker Chan.* Wright Jacob tfilSterson Philip WoltVnm CoTirort Wolfe Michael Aarner Kobe r 1 Wiiker-on Bamu 1 Wilson Cnvi-io!>'.;T Wijley NaTo-4'-*.el White iH.nry Voun» Ulcury Voaflg I Prince Edward LtfliOX 'l.J Kingiion OB. 16, 1817 anf For Sale, THE New MI LLS on Big Creek,! in Fierlerickib irgh, in g.^od re , pair, with the Weft kalf of I-ot No 25,, in the fourth concefli >n of faid Town-, (kip, with a final), »>■■: convenient Dwel¬ ling iioufc thereon eredxed. ALSO. Seven Hundred and Thirty acres of Land, lying in the Townihip of Locha- ker,l)itiriitof Montreal, and two hun-j dtedacTca in thcTownfhiu of Camden,! • 1 ■C.inrtmAncPC laMKirKL ^^i'lD/fflii n«A and1 Elegant Bleiffhs- Blank, summonses icuUi., apply Im j qm Ml Jilt * '* m*«ww | ^ frivate Lieut, l.i. ign T«»aia-ter do Ser^-ant priva<* Ac's; >ai|in« Mazier Private do do Teamster do Privat do do do do do do do Serjeant P-"V4ie rto do do do do do do do Captain Private do do do do do Captain do do do Caotain Private .lo do do lo Teant^ler rivale Jo t aptaid do bieut. Private Service or Ite-gi 10 which tie belong* d- Action in which, or Uow kilU-d.or DrceaM'il, and when. ACTION, *r, I uni'N Period for v\lnch :'*(i*-'on is. in com-e of Payment. PROM I T» • : >, -oiid Lincoln Uunh do ttft-I Lssex do Addiugton Se*eoi:d l'X-e>. Second Lir.cnto j do fourih do !s^^*oni' STnrk 'fir-l l.ii.cnlo »seco!id Lincoln Lenot do fir-t N^rf<»lk fir^i Vteex Middlesex Oxford ifitst Lincoln :fir?t N'.irfolk uecond Lincoln j do tnst Lincoln Incorporated [first Gie'ogary Having? L'uox titfti Liuroln Second Lincoln fir-** Norfolk [iicorporated third \ ork third Lincoln Oxford '•■'•rood Lincoln h's, RrenvUle Pi'Uie*' Edward Inrorporated I'i'ii Lio'oln do first Glencary wrontl York H*rst Lincoln do do Ivicor:iorated fif'li Lincoln (^■■Nii'l 't^tn'tll Pi Lure 1'dwaid sreood Lincoln first Vssrt fo-trth Lincoln Osfo«-d s> cond *i nrk third ^ ork r>: L****ds do fhnr*b Lincoln tif'» Liucolu !'" 'nn'rn^C •»eiittd Lincoln Sird York I" -t Lincoln s nrmitti* «r<ioud ntrn^ai'v ••"'Old Li:.coin Oxford K**nt Cnipuana ! i\ i*a-c do Fort Meigs fLv" Ruin t'nippawa iio disease do iio do do do do do do do Casualty Lnndy a Lane Von Lr:e i)ib**ase do do do dt) Jo do do do do do do York [Disease do do do Chippawa Disease do do do do do do Casualty do Disease do do do do do .lo do (iQ do do do do do do del do do 'hii'pawji York Dwaae do do do do Ca&oalty l)iM'a«e 48 I* •_ * * Jul» i->Ut**entu Deem. • ■vt April i'i: May vcnty-*iMenih Oct. e.rii!>-nrfei January .ifii. July dftli July l»Tr-r. De'Ci'mbor tenth December tucr.u.-ih April second December |tairt>-firsi December eighth February sixteenth Match nineteenth Sept. [fifuenili Aagubt [twenty-^eveuth Aug. h14 tU CIIIN-Illill Jul> 41^ twem>-e?ghih Nov. *1^ second Jansttirjf *I3 fourth December *1- tweory-iifci October *!**' Felouary 'IJ fir^l March *1S twenty-nfh January 6J? thiri_\-nrsi Deceoib »r*U twcorv-MMh Jan laryl-i fourth December " -' fifth darcli M.s twelfth March 'It 1^14 Fi,vt Jau. IbL. M3 «W Mrs M4 *M *IS MV •1* 43 'IS MS '14 [twenty-aeventh April'13 January 45 eleventh March 4IJ twenryseveuth Oct. '18 tifih July *N seventeeath May « lW uiiriv-nrat Deeeinber*^ sixth March Fevcnteenth Dcccio. thirtieth .Uav do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do hfte*»nthAqja rsf Jam do Jo do do do do do do do do do do do twelfth March tot Jan. do do do l27tn October first Jau do do do >1 /^ixtli March ■. 4a in^ut^enth Feb'y, 4- *ix,h July 48 lrt-'niy-*«*coiid No\. pcc:iNj Pebmary bi.\i!i October June N mem her ieitrhth Tehruarv tui-io\-fourtii Oct. lentil Onober Leuih ()c ob'T hr?. December tenth Dereinber Decr-inber fir>t January burteentfa July fir*i K>-"x Addlusion Ml 43, thirteehth &offunt iwenty-iiiiith Nov. ihirty-rirsl March fifth July 44 t**enty-heventh April 42) eighth November tw^Ufie'h March fnit February twelfth December |6rst January hr»t Pebrnary --t .Ian. '.)t;i \iay '*irs< Jau. do ixtti July 5rst Jau. do do do do do do. do do do do do do do 'IS&urteentb July first .Ian. do M 1 •13 4J| 4J Ma 43 48 M3 48 *W 4a 42 43 Diirhain Pro»*L ^larine do C^ualty do I Disease 1 do Addineton Dr's. do do second Glengary] do ; do •<»ee>nd Lincoln \ ldingion Lenox* second Lincoln "cond Norfolk 'ir.s» P,-!=p\ hird Lincoln Chippawa Disoa>c do do do River Rasin Dife^a^e 42 4a MJ 48 MS 48! do do do do do do do do < o do iVl, Ar'y. DroJCaviahy From wounds in IMEmi "actionatF inds in ) "t.Meig^ ninth October, 4I4 do eighteenth May thud January ftlSHti _ Jl - - |t,r. fifteeuth March 44[ttC lou.th December 44 twemy-eigiirh Feb'y 43 rifth July M*| fourteenth June M3 twelfth December ll- teain September tir.-i Januarj *13 tVfeoW-HrsI January MJ first December twentieth March 43! do I Si hinl Jan. si do teen 1 h March :rsi Jan. fourth Dec hr-t Jan. SSlfa Feb. lir>i Jan. lo MiliiiaAnillerytDUea^e Addio^ion ipcond L'ncoln Fron'cnac •econd Lincoln do third Lincoln do Prince Edward Oxford Addington Dr -econd Lincoln hllh Lincoln [ucoi unrated ttr-i Lincoln ceoxid Lincoln Incocporai d hist Lincoln do second Lincoln Kr«t Norfolk hr-t 1 s»ex second Norfolk do do do do Chippawa do Disease do do Action on Lake Erie do Disease do do do Fort Erie Fort George Chippawa Casualty Disease do do do do do do do do tenth May nineteenth March -Jthirty-rim March 43 do tenth December thirteenth Occobei 11 |lif'U July Ditto ninth January *1^ seventeenth January 43 rwenry-teventb Dec. M- tenth September MJ 14 StstOeceiaber do Canada Currcucy, ____ i)i'li.tr al53 ^0 0 0 47 43. 47l 45 M7 4S 41 MS 47 43 471 1 •15 •17 '14, '17 14 M7 •IS ♦17 17 27lli March t M3| M7 '13 47 |eiebteenth March December twelfth Angus) [twenty-seventh May ftt'th July iwcniy-lirsl August tenth December tir-t November lifili June thirty-first DecembV 4-W ielevenlb October M^i fifteenth March 44 thiriy-hMDecembr. M^| r-whteeuth No>eui'r. fc12 44' 47 do do do do do do d.) do do do do do do do do do do do du do do do do at> .lo do do do do <id (See next pagf-) * do SO 0 i> do •£') 0 0 do 0 0 0 do tfil \\ 0 do ' u 0 do 0 I) do p9 0 Q do ' P 0 do :*> 0 0 do iO 0 0 do xO 0 0 do 80 0 a do 0 :j do 0 0 do '16 47 18 s* do «17 vo 0 do so 0 do 2J - 0 do ?d 0 0 do iQ 0 0 do .0 0 0 do • 0 0 do ) 0 do ■ ' 0 0 do J • 5 do ■ » fj do . 1 0 do 0 0 do .. 0 a do 'IK .,-• 3 3 do •Ii ■ . i> do - 0 0 do • 0 0 do '_'U 0 0 do MR ■J J IS 4 do •17 W 0 i> do •ju 0 0 do 50 li 0 da *0 0 0 do Mn »n i) 10 do M7 10 0 0 do MB ;i 16 ■> do 47 10 0 do ■j) 0 0 do MR In I do •17.* 0 0 do I--U 0 0 do w> 0 0 do 80 0 1) do 20 0 0 do 20 0 a lo so 0 0 is M " 9 do 20 «. 0 do 20 0 a do ti) 0 fl do 20 0 0 do w 0 0 do cil) 0 0 do do 46 tS9 417 ( 7 » do 0 0 do \<n 0 0 do 0 0 0 do ■■• 0 0 do hftj • 0 do lit) 0 0 do r1 0 0 do bo 0 0 do to 0 0 do 20 0 0 do ■ 20 0 0 do go 0 0 do lo 0 0 do 4 6 Sfl 17 lo do (17 -0 0 0 do 48 S 0 4 do M7 2o 0 <* •lo 41 41 lo 8 do M7 ;.> 0 0 do MG 76 16 5£ do 47 So 0 O do teo 0 a do 0 0 do » \ 0 0 do Bo 0 O do 2o 0 e> do So 0 9 do So 0 O do 90 0 0 0 403\> 11 u£ fold che-ip.—Far parti* ... Mr. J. fullfe, Bnnftoflj or to the litb fcribcr, on the yremifr u Matfbias Smith- $A!ik/:clJlurJt0 Du.ty 1617. 3^-1} For iale at this O^Hce, npWO eWgant and highly fiuiflied 1_ Double Sleighs f*>i **a!e. Apply to SMITH BAIUXET. Dec. 1$; ^U I For the District Courts, for Sals at this Office. A OUice. To be Let, Room with a fire place and twe Bed 10 1 n*: ■' . viire at it..: ILiniSituu, N#v.^. 2^