Kingston Gazette, December 16, 1817, p. 4

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NAMR. K.tnk and KVphn«H)tt or Service to LIST of Officers, &c. concluded from second inure,________,___ , ---------------~------- -, K„„,dt^hiar^S is In course ot Noti¬ ce. Action in which or bpwcvev Wwindedi and whwi RANK. I?v;imf\'T. &C, An ion. If. Horton, Samuel 11 tlchi on, (i-orge livdkjnsei., Samuel do. Jlolnvvr, Daniel do- Hull. Kichnrd I. Jarrie, William Jarr . William M. do. Ketbv, James ■ Knkp;itrick, Robert K nncd), Andrew J^ong, Joseph L-impman, Peter, Tun. Ljh, Peter, do. M. U'Donell, John JVT&regw, J*'hn J4TGrjfcr, James J.i'l)oui?al, Daniel £f i)i>rt**id9 Donald iMnUimore, William Ivl'lsinnon, Charles N'baitn Pai-qiibar f.i'Konzie. R -derick JiiDougaK LaucMiu Marten. James Major. Thomas ftl'Dougal, An^us ftPColtam, !>&niel &gitch*U, John WDonrtl, -Donald J,l oira, Fin lay M'lVhiNen, U'illiam ,M"K.achie. John do M'LVwgai, Peter do. M'Naoghton, Robert do. Mullet Janv* A. JVlrnej ", Alexander do. M'Donall, Jonu do. P. Powell, Caleb Iclrie, I hiiip, do. Grosser, Samuel do. a <Jniek, D-ivid do. Quick. Alexander do t R. Rotfan, Henry iiv *r -ii. George J{ii Wr&oo, James jRtchard oh, Robert U. *«tm, Michael Jjtibb) ■ Aufhouy li..e. AJ -xai'der Jio>>. Tl* >mas lija Juhn do. Robinson, Joseph B. dw. Kandolph. Samuel do Rose, Alexander do. Rev., C olman do. S. Simons, Tltu* (?. S;;iitii. Thomas £ilyerthoro? Thomas JforvJi, Thomas fv "\v\ Sfceparda Joseph Suyriri\ Jacob Sec* rd, James Stuil, Adim S- 'vard, Daniel Servo, John D. * do. T. Tremor. David THh nipM;n. Frederick Tet" tor, Aaron W. Wier, Samuel Wn*»atottj Joseph W eIN, Jesse do. Warner. Zachariah do. uvnte Seaman Private do do do do Captain Lieutenant do (Captain /Major RtiMen When WocNntr*. Issue, HUM 11(5 [25] i mate do t do do do do do do Lieutenant do do MifMiipman I mate do. Lieatenani 1'iivate do do do do do do do do Seaman do. Major Li. nti-nant i .'hate do do do do Captain |S.:r;cant i nurate Captain do Private do do do do do do do do Valuable Lauds FOR 3ALE, IN the Third ConcefTio.. of the Town, (hip of Picftorgh, being Lota No. 6,-he half of No 7, and No. 18— An indilpntable title will be given, and the terms of payment made calv. H. C. THOMSON. __K'ng-ffnn, July 28, 1817, 10 Officer > Half PlyTaaOrBC ler\ Penfion BLANKS, for f«1c at tlu8 Uificc. [lst Norfolk Provi. Marine |>t Lincoln do. Rf. Volunteer: do. Incorporated Incorporated do. do* 2d Lincoln Incorporated yd Lincoln Sd Vork Incorporated 1st Lincoln Cps. of Colon do. Incorporated lit. Volunteers do. Incorporated l*t Glengary Incorporated £d Gleogary 1st do. 1st do. Kf. Volunteers 3tl Lincoln 3d York Incorporated 4th Lincoln Fort Krie Lake Krie Kort George do Long Woods do fort Krie f SVmw mi <i i'1""- sion Provii «r Currency, Dol¬ lar ai fts. Vork Do. loss of an eye do. Fort Krie Chippawa Queeuston 2Sth 1 Oth Sept. 27th :<y do. 4th March do. I2lh Aug. <>7thApril do. do. 2d Dec. Pith Aug. 8th July 13th Oct. Cross Roads near Ft. Ge. 19th Sept. Fort George 27th May Fort Niagara (accident) 10th March do. I Lundy*s Lane Long Woods Itiver Thames Lun«lj's Lane Ogd«nsburgh Lundy's Lane Year Cornwall Ogdensbnrgli Accident Loose Woods Black Rock Queen ton Lmu'ly's Lane do. hi. VolunteersjLoHg Woods l*t Glengary |0«id<*nsborgh eiigary 2d Gl Hastings Dundas dr>. Indian Dept. do. l-t Glengary do. incorporated 1st Glengary do do do 1st Norfolk Fro?.A.Drivers Accident do. Incorporated ■ do. , lllooplf's Creek Accident Lost an eye by accident do. Leu-is ton do. Ace dent do. Cross Roads Accident do. Oifdensburgh do. Malcolm's Mills do. Fort Krie do 1*1 Kssex do do do Incorporated 1st Norfolk Irov. Alarine do. 2d Kssex 2d Lincoln Incorporated lst Glengary jArv. Drivers do. 2d Cirenvillc do do do 1st Lincoln do. Pro?!' Marine do. ^d Vorb do*. lst Norfolk Scormont incorporated ■ad Voik Incorporated l^t Liucolq do do do do •T(h Lincoln 1st do. 4th do. 2d Lincoln lst do. Ad. Dragoons do. * 2d York do. River Raisin do Accident do Lundy's Lane Fort Krie Oswego River Raisin do, Chippawa Accident Ogdensborjrh •Lundy's Lane j do O^densburgh do ,'Prescott i do Chippawa i do. Lake Erie do. Lundy's Lane do Fort Krie lOgden^bnrgh [Lunday's Lane lYork [Lundy's Lan I Queens ton Fort Cr£OT2e do. 25th July 4th March 6th July 25th july S3d Feb. 23th J uly 10th Nor. 2?d Feb. 28th Oct. 4th March 80th Dec. io«h Och 25th July do. |4th March 22d Feb. IOth Nov 14th Dec. Hd Oa. do. l&th Dec. do. 21st March do. 8th Oct. Isi Sept. do. 22<l Feb, do. fith Nov. 15th May o. 12th Aug. do 22d Jaa. do do do '25th July 28th Soy. 0th May 22d Jan. do 5th Jul/ ;.".'tb July m Feb. 5rii July do i2d Feb. do. 2»(uOct. do. 5th J do lOtl.Sept. do u!y e Queenst' n Black itocfc do. Queenston St. David's Accident Chippawa ^t. liavid'fl Accident do. Lundy's Lane do. 25th July do •27(1. Nov. 2'2d Feb. 25fli July '27th April 25(h July 13th Oct. 27th May J 3th Oct. 1st Jan, do 13th Ott. 18th July 15th July 5th July S2d July ir-fhDcc. do i5(h July do 12 1st Jan. 13 do 13 27th May 1st Jan. 14 4th March 1st Jan. 14 do 13 do 27th April lst Jan. do do do US ll 12 I 131 do 13| do 1410th March 1st Jan. 11 do 14 do I 1 do 14 do 13 do 14 do 13 do 13 do 13 do 14 do 13 do 1'2 do 14 do do 14 do li do 13 do 12 do U22dOct. I -t Jan. 13 19th Dec. l*t Jan. 112lstMarch 1st Jan. 13 do. 13 1st Sept. •1st Jasi. 1322d Feb. 1st Jan. 14 do 1115th May rls-1 Jan. WW \\>%. lit jau. 13*-'2d.Tnn. |l-l .ran. 22d j an. 1st jan. 11 12 14 13 14 IS 13 13 do do do do do do do 14 r do iAtlucly [istjrnn. 13,U2d !••■•(>. Mm Jan. 12'2i:hOct. 1st jau. 5th .inly list j:||) 13IOihSept. list Jau do do do¬ do do 13 do 11 do 12 do 13 do • 12 do 14 1st jau lst jan 12 14 14 do do do 14 do 14 do 12 26th Dec lst jan 14 25th july Ut jan 181? 13 17 11 17 IS 17 14 17 14 17 13 17 11 17 * 13 17 IS do (\o do* <\o do do do P 30th June Slst Dec. do do do do do do do do 30th June do do do 3 lst Dec. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do <\o (\o do do do do do do ; 14 17 13 17 13 17 IS 17 12 14 17 13 17 do do do to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 14 17 19 17 i; 17 30th jnne 31: t Dec. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 16 17 16 17 16 17 20 20 72 20 56 20 20 10 73 20 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 Oj 0 0 0 101 0 20 0 0 16 17 20 20 20 20 56 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 60 20 55 20 20 66 20 16 17 10 20 20 20 90 20 20 20 l20 20 60 20 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 14 V 13 0 0 13 0 1 0 0 13 0 IS 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 5 0 I 0 15 0 17 0 3 0 ■ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 H 0 H 0 5 0 0 8| 0 0 0 II 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4f 0 7 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 16 17 Errors Excepted. 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 80 6 7 20 0 0 48 15 4 20 0 0 £ lf197 9 EDWARD MacMAIION, General Agent for Paying Militia Tensions. 10 Notice. ALL perfons having any demands a- gainft the Eitatcof the late Bry- an Crawford, Efq. ceafed, are hereby requeued to produce their claim*), duly authenticated—4tfo% all perfons indebted to the faid Eftateare hereby requctted to make immediate payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston, xgth Juty$ 1817. g For Sa -at ihi« Office, A READY J^CKONER, Shewing the value t" Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Provt^c! of Upper Cana¬ da. JLfiO, FEKGl'SONS Improved Table of J"e value of Grains of Gold Coin, 4 'er 6P under weight. ATTORNIES BIank~BiHs o, Costs, for sale at this Office. f ir^'("r' received and for fale at tbii <*J Office, p.ire 7{d. the MONTREAL ALMA JSA CK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. yj/fo—Ess^rs on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY. Addrcfled to the Canadian Farmers* ByC. F. Grecb, of Monacal. jNovcmltr 14. 2 5 A LL perfons indehred to tl c Fflate _h\ of the late Jon»es Cnrr,wing% Ittg of H;dlowell, diceafed, are reijuclttd t0 call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James MiGRtGon, now in charge of the eftabliflint*nt, at Hallow, el) bridge ;—and thole who havec'aimi the faid C ft ate, are defined to prefent them fur adjnftment. The flock in Trade of the decea^, confiding of a very complete afTortmertt of Good? well laid in, and very fuiiablc to the Country, is no* felling off at pri. ces io low, as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public. 1 Cafh or Country produce tvill he tafc en in payment, and a credit of 6 mondn given to refponfible Farmers, or othenj, JOHN CUMMINGt\ WM. MITCHELL, J 1817. 22 Executo-ri Kingston, Od 27 ►"(JtHE tubferiber returns his mot Jl grateful thanks to his friends and cuftomers, snd 'he rcfpedt3l»le inhabit* ants of Kingifon. for the liberal en¬ couragement h.- haa received fince he commenced bu fine ft in this plact, aod would inform them that he Hill cam'n on the Tin. Coffert Sbett Iron and Ltat Bufinefei in all i's various branches, ne* the Engineer Yard, whrre he hopes by his affiduity and attei tion, llii! to meiit a fllarc of public favor, aflnnng tbera that nothing fliall be wanting on his part, to faithfully execute all orders wiik which he may be honored. He has for fale, a large affbrtment <£ thebeft Engli/b Double Tin iVare^oU^ cry defcription, ever offered /or fate io this Province, and a large arTortnient of Japan 'd, Copper and Hard War,'. He alfo keeps on hand anaffortHieni of Sheet Iron Cloves, Stove Pipes and Elbows. 40 boxes of the befl Double Tin, and 60 boxes belt iSfnet Iron, forJale cheap, (^Produce will be taken in payment. James Meagher. Klngftort, Sept. 30, 1817. I4mfi M Sheriff's Sale. idland District,! IO* pirm ¥} \ JLfinrmojhX- fi CUT ION, issmdom of Hi* Ift^f tij's Court 0/ time'* />V«t7»,//"/</'«f.'L'- ;v7 Pteas in ti,ut)-r the MiUfomi ';'»• 11 fit tifntpsilHh "I <>«■■ tuit *i) fi|l }5" JIW HtnmUN, of thc'T.ncntit hingston7 hi the said Dtorirt. Gvntk; nun*, again&tlhe Lards aim Tenem fit* fjwjs pan juTim ot nic Township of Rithhiord) and District aforesaid. Inn Keeper, directed to the Sheriff of ihe said Midland D.stn.t. / have seized audi alien in Exec,t ion as />/, nghigtti the said JOKJS I jy JialtNE, a part of the South Btto t*>i in cumer of fat number Seventeen, in fhefrst Concession of the TozcmhfpM TtfcJitnond; rchich piece of Land is hut led and bounded, or mail be othen <cfseknozcn, as follows : that istos<$% commenting in front of the said convex sion. at the. South Easterly angle aJ said Lot No* &e~et'irf>'en* thence North Sixteen degrees, West Fourteen chants and Fifty links ; then South Seventy- four degrees, WvSt t:co chains ; tnen. South Sixteen degrees, *Eust Fifteen ehuins Fifty links, more or less, to the water's side; then Easterly,alon* the mater side7 to the place of beginning; containing Three A'eres of Land, be the same more or less, with a dziwlling and oaf Houses thereon erected. Note I do hereby give NOTICE, that the aforesaid piece of Land^ to* gether icith the buildings thereon ercc* ted,zcill be sold and adjudged fb the Mghest bidder, at the Mar feet, in the To:cn of Kingston, on SATURDAY, the TfURD day ofJJNUJIl) , now next ensuing, at the hour oj Eleven o 'Clock in the forenoon. JJENRi TfiORP, Deputy Sheriff. And every person or persons having claims on the above described piece of Land and premises, by Mortgage, or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertised to give notice thereof, to the said Deputy Sheriff, at his Jlousdi in the Ullage of Ernest Tozsn, prcvi* ous to the sale thereof* JJENRi TUOnP, Drputj Sheriff. Kingston, 2Qlh March, 1817. 43 THE fubferibers beg leave to inform their friends and the public in ge¬ neral, that they carrv on the TATLOIitNG BUSINESS m Main Strrrt, where they intend mtik-1 ing every article in their line, on more reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe wl*0 wifh to favor them with their cuftofflt may rely on having their work well made, i and on the (hortefl notice, for Ca«h. Nori is & Stevens. ] KingstonrSept. y. 18-17. |f_ BLANK BAIL B0MD| i or sale at dm QtSace* ■

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