UST of OrpUfi naidren frhbse Fathers hove ton kffled ^ Actitttt, # have died on (Service. from Woumls deceived or1 Km* contracted Name a:. rtaakirfl r&tfti Fa«.ft r, N \ M . j * •• iMimo < itnif1*" Qiilufcii i^v^t !l'*v,;' t-.M' to do A C TlOJi i Rf?un?ntor Sw-tvhfeh kill Vice iu wlncl'ur hovv l)e- it J *»i I..- •/* - Time of Becoaaei 1 . . r»- ST'h ....... ....i. {Private do «.» <ij &i do do do da do d/» no d» do vlo (IO ■to do do da do do do do do do ■40l V.....i-> Ni ;i'i*.----- '»'..».., j w- i: Aft!....... " ■ v *:: nil.......... ■ ti'._. >«■ t ii.......... I"' i ;•: W ;i\<t....... !.- i.jum'n Newkirk..... Vt , • ■ >\ • ■■ell........ j, tin : racJcJrxou........ ,M» ' ' ia' •!»»»'........... !ja :;.io \ r>;igi r.........; AV.UuuH f;<»!inis........ Jf.hii an. -a............» •o nti.a- ftilffifl........Private "i.a*'t - M'V"ll:lH....... d«l I-aac WiilLi*r.......... dw Iv-ftr liu -slxirr....... do Acrf......... do $axi3U*l N'l'n.......... do Joliu Sceuan.......... rfo Solomon Mills........ Seij«uit Tluisnai Poach.........Private Ilohev M'ljaiigblifl.....t do J uctA) \ an Camp......■ do Cliilg of illuauiphas Fuller....... do $%tij&reu of JWpli Clapp..........| do l.lolin M'-Gnith......... Bfi.umi.; Smith........ jAdaitt Forbes.......... "Ciiid of [Samuel v aison........ CfrUdrcn oJ S i»iui: Vr*«art......... fth do Tin Id of do Children odR*>*"*rt Cook..........■ do J.»:oi V oo'i............ Iiija'; })» rfey......... fu-tMtre Murlal.........'Serjeant do do do do do do do Archer Likens.........P-'ivate ' ijjN !3 'c^'xmo'.......I do Jo'i'- Ov rhoh......... H ilUam Cole.......... '•tpi re D' Lantsce..... if mna- Smith......... (to do do do du 4o ito do do no Chi!" Of Children rf do do do do do do do <!o ThU'i Of <le — Cb ldr*n ofll'i^a Th«rnvon do " -«. * iitld of [Juflifit Moore do I .. .. Cinldreu ofJoMii Wool do do do do Ai-wui-W H"triiiu-on.. Serjeant A lamon B. Pra»e...... do jSi>!0:ni)!. Nicholb........Private L« vi li.MnT.......... do Mi\\v 100 S:or\........Serjeant i (aama • ony..........En^pn Jo^*|>ii Porrfffr........Seamaa baac P'.'tit.^..........Pr, ace — — do MartSu Stiver, .Inn..... v'<» — — do U*.-nry Travis.......... do J — — do Asa JJrowfc............ do d^> LAsa nrnwa,...... Uacob Ko.-fet..... William Clark • • CuiJthvu orjSaaiuel ny do do do do do do do no do do do do lb«ra \ork- drl Liiuc n do t!r- V orfc 2 i Lincoln •innt!|/f>rafd Oxlo'd ftrsi Lihcoin do U Lincoln da 2it Lincoln do do f r-: do do do do do Jo do 5:11 do ,2*' York lo's. C>i*-ii£ary li Co- po^atJ d j&rst (r.iriNilU' trcoud do Iprinct: Ednard do do tiif orj-oratcd Addti a on do l'" Ii.k; UUtfUtcd second York ; do fifth Uucoln do jtir i -!o do ;Sd do pTSI Norfolk do p.'i.Mle-ex Oxlord IsecoudNorfoIk ilir-* li-?«ex do P'0\1, Marine Prince Ed'wd. do Addingion do Pcince Ed'wd, do Jla^ni'gs do Cx.ord do Z'i Norfolk Ho Oxford do Id iirenvllle do iirst LcedB do xd Circuville do If .i^d. Unci M?U>n l^lli & pti'JDlOCt do I hirtrrittft Qtou I'ort (irorpo jitli Aiay - JfjlOlf of r.VAKOIAX, PERIOD foru'liici' PEKSlbS isio courrf of Issbe. I do York < '!i<|.|>awa t'tttt liric Uease da tin d^ do do do do do do do UO do do do d^ do uo do do do do do t.o do do do no do do do do do di> do do do do do <:* do do do do do do do a\o do do do do do do di> do d-> do do do do do d.> 'Jo $>.h April nirli .July 2 4 September ,>i>ii November ,if;.viuli Hox. (hii .tenth Nov; jtifth Janaa/) io'incrn'h Iwc ninth Di-i'foibrr ibird i >«**■€ tubtff ilitrieeiuh Uei\ twent^lif'.h Aiig tnrnu^vii Oct, eigifili Xovcmb. fourth Nov"i:\l>. 14di Noti'mbcr .. Novell ber iim D*xei!*bet November 5:|i J»il> rt\<*m\st*coodMaj*fcio 2 -lit August K;i .Marco 2 7 ; .\ia'di t^entJeth Nov. iurtitfth April ; i'ty;r«» Ot'., - wt Marco -■\U» '\j>ril thin . fi ii i)j*o. ■ seventh Apiil bl.'C.ii i'lian .\lniast. ... .[lac JaUnari ilrfWUhaiu ^mlths S«;;.... i n a1*' id riiOtnifoii.___ l*n-.i !>'■ r;oodoh....... I ;ii/»ib' ;H HI rod...... \uii Mhtla»r.......... Catharine McGrath___ Wyiannr l>5 mburncT... .■ do 4i d<> \\< do| M: M: Ma aV do do M* 'i d>. John Bebher, Sen..... lolm Warren, K>q..... iVier Tramblr........ Lawrence. Jennings----- "arah Dockstedfer..... ffOI'jJ;' \«lHlll-........ Suoth tin Hid......... Anna Yonng<......... drJW*.fitaAf Walker i..... dolEleanor Chambers..... dolitoinvi N el lex.........i dojCburloice Acre....... dojsaiah Bai'gbart..... rli. * * Sophia Latt'any ..... ^anie- Bttuchet..... \adab < afimaii..... tt*ij :oim Lam»on....... doiOjauna Barber...... *i Nanev Shon....... • ■ M 1 i.'oio.tiy Griffith..-•*«* do ; ariMiana C"minings- • 'J5 A';oa Mitt*.........-- '13tether Van S'einbinS-. *i2 '«!»» Aerfiar:.......■• %t.>*\e/iali Raymond ..%■• nimii December Ml L^n-derick Ilirds..^.. !.»■ t September doltebeceo Kenny.... -•• 5th December *itMRry Bratty......%.. (■tevcnlh Detent doCatUarine Myers___-■• 27rii Fi bruarv *i 1 Eunice ' 'tan'......^ • - teuta June *I5 Juiui Clark ........■• • twenty fifth N'»v. *iS WilHam Sera n.....%«.. 'hi *vtirsi Jan. Ti-'o'-in W'arr^n, Frq..-- tift'-eiitl' Deem* * 2 Kil-.niasTf.. ninth Oefober *l.t.\»hw Backiiouw, \:-$-- lirpt .*nro;a>Y *ll LliyaJn h KeaTOa ..-•• [tweDtypeveoh Jim*r3Viole'ta Dn^'en... .*.•• tw niyfourthOct.'ij Marrba Wolley____•.• •nirtietii J«ine ll • Man Koaoh.......■•• c-shie^nrh Sep:. Uz Monica Toekfir.....•.-• do jFcWtfl "«>*, Sen... • • seventeenth Bfar.M^ponnia %• I on......^ do 1 wentytbird Jan. *1! do nineteenth Nov. M2 do fbirtyfirsl March L\\ do twentyfirst Feb. 'M do twentyninth Jan. 'I9|CathaTiiie Maabt....: do tenth March 'ISPatharlae Poole___r».fccnth March do — — ftr*t Jaiiua. v twetiysrcondJun CI3('aihnrinc M-|>oneil irenwsrroBd Jan '-.t January fteb» era I.vns Manrai Bice......• r.k-P'w Yerex.....■. Deborah Br»*pee,... • .fern hb eon tt ...: I do uintb March do sixteeotb Jau do *!8 •13 Sarah Pennooh FROM I ___ . TO .. ,~ TylT. 31st December 1817 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d'a do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do¬ do do do do do do¬ do do do do do do do do ' do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do 1 do ;l'nnvi\i K Cttr- nr.N'Y, I)or> LA a at 5s.___ 20 "2o 26 2n 5>0 SO 20 2o ?o ?o So Sri So go \t6 20 80 go 2d 26 go *> go go go go g<* go go go go go go go go 90 go go go go ?0 *io go ' Q.o go go j Charles Dawson, I |jjj EOS leave to acquaint hi* friends JJLO and the Inhabitants of KiWftmf that ht has re-commciKcd the Auctioneering l$it$hie$s, • At his old It and, oppofife the taaTkg I Place, where he ha*< for Auction aud Privdte »S<ile, a large ^iTortrrxnt of buoerrine and coari'e Cloth's, Kcrfeys, Flannels of different colony Calicoes, Shawls, Cotton, Stockings, Hats, Fur Caps, &c. Willi a great variety of other article^ 'Mad • A few Gallons tA I.ifh Whffecy, Spirits, Stc. & two Pipes of Red anj White "Wine Kingston, 8tii Dec. N.B. Sales and Evening. 28 every Morning vCU "iarv • nth MarrJi \ >1 January I vieemh Janu; Hirst January <?3 47 •M ll? M7 k\M (I7 «r> M7 *n •13 M7 T' 17 ll7 41 «r. M7 ■16 M7i *n •w M7 Mfi M7 M*i M7 •Ifl M" go go # 75 n go o 5*^ 15 g/» Q 8g go 55 go 7 0 o I o 11 o I o H o 0 4 l| o o 9 *4 o o 5 53 o o in 15 11 o o 6 p| o «• o rj 77 18 'jo 71 gi> go 70 go 79 £2UI>8 ft ^,1^,.,. * *i 11 , a; • iV ,.. '. M^(-resana lean.sie.s nnon^iub- (0 tire Militia FareCM^Bm ol OffnTrs and ^ca¬ me, ■ r.rlwn^inji' to (lie I'rovn.cial ivianiie Lstab lshmenl and P^ranns c^vmo- in rti2? i r i< - i i .«' ,..i f,,„k*i .Pi 1 i w■ » 1. '^V "Uf«na reraons serving iinn^ Indian Iwpnrtment who have been disabled Hon, Um-d Labour b> Wpuads received m Action, or b> any Casualty or Accident while on Acfmitfemce. THE fubfen'her mformfi his fri-nrll and the }-nhiic, that he pro] iTej dining rhe \vinter feaf'»n, to deliver a courlc of Lectures int"'durilory to tlic (tody of GEOCJRA.PHY. Thcfnb- ijcflsof thecoorlV will be illuflrated by the ufedf the Glubesj and a variety of Ma'-s and Chavts. The different projections of the fphere, and tl»e principles on which iXtapn and [Charts are conHrudfed, will be etpla;n':4 ae early as poiTible ; and their praft'ca! application to the conftrarfl/on bf Mapi of differeiit coiibtrieg, will be continued as a regular exercife througliout the courfe. As NatunI and Civil Hiflory are in- tirratcly conncAed with Geography, oc-'^ calional notice will be taken 0/ thefe j and the moil approved method* of it«i> yinj; them pointed out. It is alio intended, fo far aw time may admit, to perform a number of ChcnHCii experiments, on a variety of Mineral fpo cimena ; in order to afiill the younq Iif quirer, to pfofeeute by hi'hfclf, the i* icreliing lludy of Mineralogy* An introductory IcttJie *'itl be deliv¬ ered on ihe 2J <»f January, at half p^» |6 o'clock in the Eveiuny, when the plan wilt he more fuliv unfoldej j After that* jih'oulda number of young men, fiifficicnt to foim a cIaf»,cotne forwards the c*>u'»* will be continued to toe beginning « r-tl • J, ir\\\n ((HO'H IKWi *locc L& turtf" wrll he delivered evciy week. Terms ; two Guineas fo. the eonrft JOHN WHITEl/w. Kfnofti.n. JJcc 9> 181.7. 2o - v N \ v t-. Al\* avii. Kr-when Avesry, Kh :iil /er A- * im*'. (r *argQ A'h n, Samuel do. IV nn-.t. John JJnnk and R *Kin> *nr, or Service to ivhicii he l)'»lon;e*l. RANK. I Br:r.rMKN-r, ,S:c. Anion in whirh or however VVoDnded. ami uben \< 1*10 W :;ev Womrnvp Bu«!l Vi "iiem lianmid, John Hotjt'ii"'rr, Francois lioratid, Attdiew Tr.ant. .Infill ISo k, Jo.-ph iJa^tcr, Nathan BeW5 :Vnfhaniel do, Bbattpripj Charles do, ConneU. J^;hn, -II. (-i^nr^e- Cravvford- James Concfivac J. Baptistc (>r!rs, S««ihi t;. ■Chase. CJporge Cornell, Jotm Cu^hman, Arts. Willian CardnVr, I lerre Caim D.iiiir I Campbell) John C.'aiv.pbol^ John C'iiislir.'lin, W iiliam do, Coh's Nathan do. Cu'!, William do. Drake, Richard, D* »>eau%. JuM'ph d -. Delift!- $ an fiapriste do. ]>r-. Finiipp. Bbvrortl. Georgu 1 . Fn-.r. Thomas Fani'iara, r\rchelatffl I a!kn ■:, James F* •■ • i;aa; 1 do Graha G. ^.^ ones Tl-rirate do l/f:utetiant teamster 60 PrHate [S'.rjcant Hujer Private do ICorporal }*rivare do Qr. Ma^tef do S> anan do It rate do uo <!o do Lieut-'nant Scrjcniit Pi ivate do do do do do do do do do Ser|eant do. Seijeant Private do j do do Lieutenant 1 rivate Capfain rvivuie do do do do do ,2d .Norfolk. 2d Leeds Ul Lincoln Oxlord ^do, -2d .Voifolk I :t Leeds Incorporated [1m Essex '3d York incorporated -Jlli Lincoln l.-f Locds Wii Liticola do. I rrvl. Marine do. Incorporatrd 1*1 Lincoln roil Krift |AccJdcnr at Gdiianoque iFcrf (iii.i^e Accideut Period for witicli I'.'n-io*! is in cu& I' ol F\Mal I • Amonof of P*1" s'on Province t Currt-i r>. I/O - k28fli X'-v. Vuth Jan. -* v do pPtiH Brie O.dcru burgh '.Niagara I'rontieT .\joii£wuga Voik il'oit Erie |lv.Vii!r Creek lirockiilifi vhl< »CT do. jLaki* Kite [ do. Lundy*« Lnne Fort George K*. Volunteer^ Km r Thames 1st iCssex 2d .Norfolk B ' Lincoln l>i Gtetigary Tucorporated Lpnot A<i. Dragoons ^>d K.«sex 1M. Glcngary fill- Lincoln J.-t Lincoln Incorporated do. 1st Lincoln do. Kt. Volunteer- do. l2d -Norfolk lit Kssex . do do do St' rniont River Raisin ^inlcolm's Mills iOiippawa Accident do. Kitt^toa Ac* idpnt Kivev Uaisin ■ O^diM^hurgh Accideut do. Lundy's Lane do. m. David*s do. Long Woods do. tilth :-<oy |l7JhScpt. do. 2'.d fr'i I). H'U Oct. Pth Ai^M^'t l27tf. April 12th A« ^. 24thJu!jr m Fub- ^ih July do. 23d June do. t&tb July l^7tii May Bill Jily 22d Jan. [ith JVov. Blh July 7i: Jure UtJ'uly 10th Nov. 15th Sept. 22dJan f&d Feb. l>f Nov. S4tl. Oct. ■25fh July do. Slid July J do. bt Jan. do do I7tli Sept. 1st Jan. do do do do do do do (to 1 issthjuly I.4-'Jan. ISSSt1 June If Jan. 14 do do 1. 1 1 12 12 13 1 1 ].' 13 1M / -i l . i/t%-. It U i 1^: 17 ] 1 17 C; 17 13 M 13 II ii \2 1.1 I I: J-J do do 1:0 do do do do do do do do N.rlJ.umberl'd,Accident U!, March „ . d«»- ptmiy <.rcok(IJakeEric\'l.itli Nov. -"2(1 Jau. do. .'"Ii May do. l-u\ Vob. Kith April Hivfr Kaisiri do. Fort Meigs] dc. Ocdcjsbiirgh Inrmp/ualed 2d l/rds '-(I Lincoln 1^' Ciioiignry do, Kt. Volunteers do. do. do I 3d Lincoln Isl Lincoln do. L"i:dv"s Lane jGaunatioque Hiack Hock Accident do ' do do Black Rock jSiotij Crick J do. 25fhJoly c2lst S««pt. SOthDec, l'-'th July do. 41 h Jan. do. SOtfi Dec. O1I1 Juno do do ?5tI»JuJy 1-tJan. I )i2dJdy !■>< Jan. I iil»Mjirch I tJan. 1 do. ISSSdJan. 1st Jan. 18 5th May 1st Jail. JC do |1 do I I do 15 do 1V do |L3l2th July '•t Jan. M**hJan, JLt Jua. 14 17 n 17 11 17 rlo do do d-> V!o do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1' 171 If) 17. Ifl! 17. 13 17! 13 17 13 17 II 17 1 i do '•'Ii June l-l Jan. 13 17 do do do do ' SOtili June .'*Lt i>cc^ do do do do do do do do » do do 16 17 lfi 17 16 17 Iflj 17 It) 17 16 17 16 17 (Vondudidonlitstpage.l 16 M 20 b.r> UO '20 20 20 •20 '20 20 '20 20 -IS 20 70 •2V 20 20 20 20 'JO 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 20 56 20 20 78 20 73 20 10 20 20 20 2U 69 20 .r>y 20 20 71 '20 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 10 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 18 0 12 0 0 15 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 15 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 •I 0 0 11 0 Ii 0 u 0 o 0 o 7 0 7 0 The anxi..UP solicitude of a fifter ^ cprAeffeu if Mr. Abraham Do^-tr,. 1 omrronly called Doolitile, U withi„ rbc PlwiWrtM of tipper OT Lower Canaca that he will immediately addrcft a |jj: to ber, (Mr«. Mary Ann Hill. Bcilvilk Upper Canada ) Editor* of News P* pcra in Canada and in the Uoiied Stat^ mti excite the warroefl gratitude by «L Wng this at. infertion in their refpi^u Papers. Beifoiltc, Nov. 29, 1817. 28.4 Mail Stag^ THEfubfcnVr informs the pubi;( thai he intends running a Sta« from King (Ion to York, and from ¥<frj to Kmgflon, the enfin'ng winter, and will commence a* foon as the fl igh«n* will anfwer. To leave Kinu(ton and York every Mondiy at two o'clock. Stage Fire. F»om Kmgftonto liellvi'lle, three did 'ar^- from Kingston to. Sp Aden's Inn. fix dole ; from Kingston to York, ten difc SAMUEL PURDY. K;n?Jtony tStA Nov. 1817. jf 3'0 LEASE, FOR SEVEN YEARS, A PIECE of Gr^upd, fuppofed to be abort an acre, eligibly fituated (on the borders of Grtcn Bay, Point Frederick,) for a Brewery, Dill tilery, Tannery, or a lumber Yard. For par¬ ticulars enquire of the fubferiber. And he hereby f-rhfds any perfon m perfons from trefpaffingan laid premiic*, efpecidUy in taking <,(F fand or gfavel from the beach on pain of being pni'c cutcd to the Utmoft tinorof the law. JOSEPH DENNfit ___Pt Frederick* 2// December% 1817. 2] TOlSiTwLD, Y the Subfcrioer two paw of 0 y 0 0 BLACKSMITHS' ' BU- LOWS, on* JNPJL and Carriole. Walter m'cuniffk. KingHon, 3d Nov. 1817. V PAN OP LIST, Fo. the Year 1816, For Sale at this Office. * . ^Com^icte.j