Kingston Gazette, December 16, 1817, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1817.1 KIN TON [VOLUME VII.------No. 29] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. LF-3T.3K ■j;*-.- - • . :>-.!» <-V" Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Ernest Town, J A V E« R \ N K IV, L,q. Y^*,WILLIAM ALMN, F.sq, BrockuMe. \. «!T!-:RWOOI>, E q. Brllvillr. S. M-NAHB, T'.sq. CusacVs Hotel. THE fubferiber having ftpeiied a new and convenient Houfe i»i ftnre it■. moft Rrfpcetfuliv io forma his friends and the public, thnt be has taken great pain to furnlfh it in every refpedt to meiit a fcare of Mubb'c patronage* - Gentlemen travelling mav rely upon living good acc^mmodati *a and attend ancc. 1.2 !y*s a"d GentU-men can be daily [upplfed with Confe&iouaty of all iindanJheft quality. Alfo the Prince Regents morning "Drink, compofed and carried nn at prcf- ent atiht above concern by James Reed ^onfeoioner. fW\ Militia Pensiov Agent's Office, York, 1st October, 1817 Jj_ HE General Agent for paying Militia Tensions, having received the sum of Eight Thousand Founds, in aid thereof ; hereby ^ v? s Notice, that the same are now in course of issue, agreeably to the following Lists :— Li ST of Widows whose Husbands have been Killed in Action, or by any Casualty or Accident while on Duty, or have Died of Wotuitls received in Action, or from Disease contracted on Actual Service during the late War with the United States of America. Name of Widow. Name and Hank of late Hi'skavd NAME I RANK Ki mgsion, Sept. 6, 1817. R. CUSACK. i5tf JUST receded hy the the fubferiber, a complete affortment of GenthniU'iis ('lotttlis. OTafi)pc":o- quality and \v'«rkmanfh:o, which will be fold very rheap fur Cash. 1. F1SK. Kingston, June 7/^, iRi7 itfi To Lease, IjV)R the trrm often years, a Town Lot, adjoining the G&r»l9 eaittaiti* i w£ two Fifths of an acre—apr1y to the t fublcribtre. H. C THO MSON. CHs. SHORT, M&Jten Sff>t 8 1817. 1 Church I C warden ,j is I BOOT.SHOK and Leather STORE. M..ini«, Macy vi1ah, Phrehf Vi:^tivinn-( Sophia Hourly, M. iUacukne ii.tiuu, Margaret It.. Action, Nancy '•<. iijo, Margaret n!a. », Alary tfuflef, Su»un Uto.wir, J>:i'l»ara ■*r»\ •■!*, lienor &tlm, Ta-cy 8i»a, Su-annah l:n-ven, Catharine Uiiffium, Martha U tciianuu. fr- n/.aneth 4rislium9 Lucliida 1)0 do Uarroll, Nancy U>£t*ell, Elizabeth i li iulcMi"n, Mary ■ tiiMi, friary ■ Clark, Mary t'lriiiit'in^'ii, I fan nab L',aJ)a.-*:ric, Ann • -H.,J)^(, \ Kl&ix nla.ii, Flac;i4ftl 1'.ilc, KlLaoeth ;'arfvn:.e.\ .ooo-iiia Luuu, Al.1i") li. 1 op**, France* * 01 h\o. Mary Ihi do bamnel Aripms John Adair Abel Augustine Lavireuic Bocdy Jfehua B00H1 Piwe Uadiehoa Josepn RaMiriu \AiU:: Blar.-licUe J..I itl «on Boiler ;.' k»r. JtN • ilia ii'i-iini , Ui/.iVth r^afb>, IV clove r.i'i", .Margaret We (to J or \ ill, ljunnah :.t .*r. ('aiiiai'in** f ar iag.0.1, Catharine rVroe 1, Ann * i a ■•, N^ai'j Ova-**, .Mary fat fio (Iran'. S'tury I ■» . .mi," iia tjaret i>0 *io .;a..:rj, Cutltai'lliC .;i .,••". **..l.h:a ■ ' 1. 1,1 i.ii " .01 I-aaC Brow 11 :Maniii Boyer Jacob Balm Win vlcr Ikirnuni Bncliaiiaa Mc-ti Brigtiuta Jolm Catndl Geor^i' Cut* irll Adam (I-i..lrnneD John Coua .itfii.i ( larfe Aii'in. I hadtMinen Picirc CaW-'ii rro '»\ iili.iin t'aun.bHl! t urtall ai Abuibaia I ole Jaaiti Cai(>fater I ,*'.».- ('%»■,rk. VV lil.iU) Cot)" (.y reii us Corbin Jotni D^'Inr Jn *»;ih Dennis ]>m!lev Parby Ua\id" Oils James Forsyth William l* [Saroucl ,;ani ngton [Bijrnacl ti.-as-s William Gxmt Samuel (Jinn George Hamer iarUeriaii Ualtier ,'\/.l 1(1 I 1...M' f K..111 It'll Private rio <!o [Cuptain do Private do rio Lieut. Colonel Proaia do St*rjrnut Private [i'eamiter Private Cap ?in Private do '^a»ta!a ■> * M ibltii, Mrvabriii l!i»*v>. Mi ..aucii '.•;r.ii, Av.ihaN "ff? . r ., • ....1:_____||.J«'!HHini, Ann .lii.iii-i'.u. !• Ii>.a'ic!h II iiet; »v Elolictd, Maflba l'» tia llrbert WILLIAMS 6f Co. at the did t, rdpe^fully in&nn the inhabitant* j 0f Kin-iHon, and its virinityi that tbeyj |tll GF-nttntie their Boat and Shoe Mt*nuJ factory* where they keep o.iiltanily on baud, a la.^c afT^rtment of Lady's and, Gentlemen's Boot^ and Sboea of every j fcfcription. Likewise, a fupnly of good aoie Upper Leather, of all kinds. Kingston, Oclober 6. 1817. lt)tt STOVES. THE fnhi'cn'hcr has juft received at hU Brick (tore, Front ttreet. Dou¬ ble and Single \STUVES & Sheet Iron, And haf alfo on hand as ni'ual a gen- ttalalT..rtme:>tof Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glafc Ware in Crates, Linleed ami Curriers Oil, Pabtt ground spoil {—and expeft* in a kw day* an ftMition to hi- Stock, all which will be fbldrxtiemely chi-a|»at whi '« la,c- S. BARTLET. KtmstonOa. 20, 1817- 2« For S^?/e, SEVERAL valuable Town Lots.— Apply ti the lobferiber. Allan MacLean. Kingston. Oclr. 2, 1817. lcjtf Wants a Situa'ioo, AS Waiter, Bar and Bo k Keeper ;j to attend a Gentleman as Body Servant, or Butler in a family the t'ub- fcribcr, who ha? lived three y<-ars & two nmnttuinVm prefciit filiation at Wal. »er's Hotel, where an unexceptio',a bit clarafter will be given. CHARLES D4IVS0N. Kingdon, Nov. 7, 1817.v 24tf 10 LET, ANDpoffeffion given immediately, £± a houieand Lot with a Stable, Wed in Stuartville. Alfo, one Houfe and Lot, filtrated •I thcFcrnch Church, lately occu;»iec 9 Mr J^feuh St. Gernv.i.i. One Woufe bad Lot, next do--r to Mr. T*«« ■N Lcftagc. Enquire of MONjEdU V St. GERMAIN. fyguouQa. 16,1817* K«E Kiiii;. lta?Karu K'4i;ij.'.*it'k, Susannah K\«->, Saiah l.uiili'.iriuT, Catharine L^^l■r)^Ii;«,, Nancy La TiHsf, Charlotte Mel>.i;icll, Su-aniiiih Murrav, I'Vancca May. DorcHhy MiUonncIL Nanrv McDou^jil, Margaret \icColltun, Surah Ma. ks, Rviih McCli-an. ilary Miller, Thesis Mflnclie, A»change Mci'hoi^on, Jane Do do [Morcklj, Catharine Do do Marl in, Sarah Do do McDonnells Ann Do. do I Pt>.»r, Lytfia [ I', Catharine Pattersoti, K.n\.iah "Vnv, Mary IViii, Su-annah Rea-me, CecUe Rorh, Catharine llabi/.—, Marie Angclique RoVrtx, Sarah ^ieuart. Lncretia s.oniir, (innuah Suctlc, Mar^ Spo»Jiie,, 1'aithena do do TllTIJ^V, A .HI * Taylor, Sarah T'.ul, Bu»>;aa Tral, (.ailicrire T«»i pkln^ Debarah Taylor, Mnvy •ui do P »»wpour Deborah do do \ ardi'i^anack, VTary \ a I'rickle, Margaret V alkcr Harriet '•\ ugh:, l.liyalx'iii V <I»n'i--on. Nancy *\ oltium, I'aTliaiine Wolt'. Eiiey *Aar;.ir, Phrcbe Wilkerson, Mary \\ il*on, F.lizaboih A'ijrlt*., Mary V, bhi . Hannah di» <Io ^ onntr, S'ancy Youn?. Mary 107 Si la- H:.m:j:in .h)s(>>)h hicks Jonathan Wa rar Ri'.'.iaid Ha '.ril I Jo in John-inn T.t'i'i.'i'i Jn!.u>un (i'Miif-r" Kin,; Duke Win, Kondrkk A-aliol Ksrs Mf \ .i.ih*r \a mburiior ■ Jotn; Lottridge Joseph I.a Tour Chri-topiicr McDouill Daniel Murray Jolm Mav Donald McDoqpU Donald McDnngal Collin McCo'luM iGorneliUi Marks Allan McCleao James Miller I^iiiis Meloche Daniel McPhcrson Christopher Mercklcy John Martin Hugh McDonnell Stephen Peer •>avid Puke John Patterson Samuel Pew Dnali Petit Parsehal Re an me John Rock Jean B. Rahhee William Roberts Enoch Stuart llenr> Sturma John Stickle Nazareth Sptkuer George Tnrney Robert Ta\lor Lawrence Teal Z^cheriah Toal Jeieinia!iTouk|>kina Peter Taylor ; Trumpour Paul Corn's Vauder Barrack David Van-iekle P.dward Walker Cnarleu Wright Jacob \\ ilkcr.-on Philip Wolfram ICourod Wolfe Michael Warner Roliert WHkmon Samuel VI IVon Christopher Wigley Nathaniel Whi-.e Henry Yonng llle«r> Young Pri*a,e do do do do do jTAanwter Private Sei jeant |T^aiisier Private do do Firigo Private no do do do C-.ip lain Private •lr> do do do do do do 1 .Nit. Private .■. do do do d» Ti.nn-ter Private do j& rj'-ant ! t.-.-u'. do Prhate do ! °° rCnplain Iprivaie jl.ieiii. Frivate Lieut. Bnnign Teamster do Serseant 1*1 i\.ne Acr^ Sailing? Ma lei 5 Private rlo do iTeam-^rer do Piivat do do do do do do * do *%erjcant 'inate do i\o 1 do do do do do do Captain Pri'aie do do do do do Caotain do do do Captain Private do do do do Teamster Mivate do ao'aiii ti(» L.ent. Private Servleenr j Regi to winch ! he helon^i-d Action in which, or how Killed,or Deceased, and when. ACTIOV KC< I WHFN Period for wh.cli Pension is in tour Payment. FROM I ' TO m'» and ! iueuln [fourth do l.r?i L>sex do AddEnghOn 's- i'(»; 1 ' - ex [second Mncoln I do 'fourth do second YtfTk d\Y4\ Lincoln Lt^tond Lincoln Lenox do ilir 1 Norfolk |hrsl b*o£K iMidJIe >'\ Oxford rii>! Lincoln "lii>l \o:rolk {second Lincoln do firs( Lincoln IncArnoia ed rir-t Glengary Huntings L- t:o\ fifth jjincoln r.i- ond I inohi fiitst Noifolk Incorporated third Vm* ihiffd f.Micohi A Idtr.gton Oxford Clupfawa i)i i-a-e do Fort Meigs Ca-ualty Itivor Raiiin 'hipnana do i)i-ea>e do do do <!o do do do do do ICa.nalty i..ithi\"> Lane * "or' Krie Ou"a>e do do do do do lo do \ do do do •l'2 MS M;j ■ fill Jul\ gnteeath Deem. . i April r;ii (»-;ay vvnty-evenlh Oct. \\eufv-tirat Januarj fill July iii'ii July lifts] December tenth December itKimtteifa a pril second Drcciuh.T 'thirty-iirsi December MS eighth iVhraary M.J sixteenth March 48 inlneteeiuh N.-pt. 4S ■tit'i-eiHh Aog-i*l *t M4 44 Mv MS M:> 4« if 1 do York Disease : do do do GOnd Lincoln Ch^ipnwa ■r«t fJ.-e-iil!** Disc-iaO ir ■ rdwat'd » i:v»rp nat-d k Ltucoln •Jo M V 44 M. |t\.r ntv-"'\e:i;h Au^. tv.^i'ty-::nlt July ttveo i -eighth xov. secOiid Jaoua^x fo-THi |)ece i>t»r iw« tit\-afiu Oetsber Felnnary lir^J March t;\f.i.\-. fin January M;> thirtslhrst !>c inherM.t lvn atj «im!i January' '•* foarfh Dccmher lW fif'.i Marr.'i M.S twelfth March t Jan. do do do do du do do do do do do do do do do iifteeiUhAo Urn Jan. to 4.1 • i * ■ i ->i * lo S- do do >lo do do do do do do -lo do do l&l.^UiDeccuiOfi do do do 'to do rio do (to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do <\o do ■e of ! anadn Currency, ________ >>idiai j 3* 1817. w o TT 14 »f* Jo o iir r fjh^ogary Ue^ou.t \ ork f: >' ! I oUcollI do do Tn«'orj><tr;ti"d fit'N 1,1* -"filti c^i oi Hi » . '.v i prince i d-:>'i t^*fond L.n.'oiu f/^"r,h Lincoln tKford rond ork i»!»inl N rv k rst Le«Js do tourlh Lincoln fth Lincoln * rontcnac '•ond Lincoln bird Yi>rk "-t Lincoln • 4>< ipont r*cond ^ilenp:ary econrl Lincoln Oxford do Jo do do (".c mltv do D>Hease do do do .lo IIU I do do do do do .to do do do no do iio '• hrppawa v nrk Disease do do do do |Ca.*ualty M4iittHfr|, March lirsl Jan. do Ao do. twealy-se\enth April".* January M5 elev;*ntli fcareh 43 .\uMity-wvi-..tit Oct. M3Ji?th October , r3l Jan liftll Julv Mi ■seveniefiiith May *!•'! i j ;_, -first J'\x.':nbfrM. \tli I arch M . v venteiiUb Decern, mv hinictti Mav M^ 17 M3 41 ■i^hieenth Feb'y. . x ii July M. •I t.. rutv--ecirv| Nov. *l M*eond ' < h vary W-.V i ' 'Ctober jnr \t>.»\em'*er . «-> i *• eiuy-iO'v tli Oi:t tt'oi' Oc obcr nr- D rend), r li ..«it D 'Cenvber lt-c -i!jer t.;'»t J.(!MmI|v iio.irieeiuii July do do , do < v r li "March ■ f Jan. jOtn May •rst Jan. do i\fu July ir i Jan. do 45 41 *M M7 48 M ' • M { Mi •l-> (a 48 M;< Me 4* 4S M* 43 Kent i»n»v'l. Marine Disease ifiivl K«ex rio Xddit^ion Ca-"alty __ do Durban) Disease do *dding*on Dr1?. do _ i do <econdGlrngary! rio _ do i*rond Lincoln Chtppawa thirteenth Anp'M Ml twentv-niuth Nov. MS, (fhinyl&fit March *1SJ n.;n Julv 4,-4! jrw"inv-?«\euth April 48 ci^h'.T November Ui.'iilieth Match rirsi I'Vbrnary twelfth December fo'st January IfivNi F'bruary ninth October, |eig;hteentli May third Juuttaiy \ddin^ron lx*tiOX ••cond Lincoln **cond Norfolk |£nd Essex :»ird Lincoln Disease do do do ItiMT Ra^in Disease Prl. Ar>. DrvsJCa^-aPy Prom wonnds ir do do iio do >u ,\o do do do do d> do 43fourteenth July — ir»r*i Jan. 4a do do do do do do do do Co rio M.t Mi M2 48 43 4J( 48 48 Ml do tificenrh March tourth Peeember 48 do Mo,'bird Jan. jtn.f( do M I fifteenth March first Jan. M lAmrtfa Dec. ur-t Jan. twentv-eisnth FeVy 4SBtli l->b. J Lm Jan. M5 M7 M4 471 14 41 M3 M7 Hfili July Ifoitneenrh .tune [tvyelfth Dec.tuber tenth September tir>i January tweuty-tirst January *i3 !fir-t December twentieth Murdi LS 4« 43 M.i rtr^t Essex Militia \rtillerv Vddiu^ion -econd Lincoln Frontenac ■econd Lincoln do ;bird Lincoln do -Prince Edward Oxford \ddington Dr re-cond Lincoln fifth Lincoln Incorporated fatet Lincoln ■•c-eoiid Lincoln lncorpoiut"d t'l^t Lincoln do MVond Lincoln lii^t Norfolk iir-t K>>ex *%cond Norfolk IVince Edward *•.<•• uox actiooat Ft-Meig. Di.^ease do do do no Chippawa do Disease do do Action on Lake Eric do DUeaee do do do I'oi i F.rie FoitG»*or^e jUhipjiawa Carnally Disease do do (10 i\0 do .io do do tenth May nineteenth March Itliirty-hiNt March tenth December ihir.centli Octohei 481 4M 43 48 M3 42 43 II fifth July Ditto ninth January 48 [seventeenth Jaimary 48 ^wenty-seventb Dec Mv ;etitii September 48 «lo do do do¬ do do do do do do do do 27th March LS lei^h'eeiith March December welfth \ui;nst hv.eni>-seventh May [dftll July f.venty-flrst \ugust tenth Deermlnrr .'.rst November Ihfth June Ithir y-tirst Decemb'r M'i (eleventh October 4S Itifteenlh March. M4 rhirtv-first Decemttr. Ml2 48 4 1 4S 44| 48 Til 43 liueenth Oct. |nr-t Jan. do do do do do '•nth September llitoi Jan. 2?th March ;ir^t Jan do do do do do do do i\0 do do do [fifteenth March tins! Jan. i\o 4« 47 43 M7 *18 47 Ml M7 ;eipruteeu(li Kovcin r. M2 d^ =-^. ■ 1 ri-ivt— ^j-*-*— •■ -> do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .lo 'do do do do Jo .In do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dd (Srcvrx* nfftre*) so •0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o b 0 •) o 0 10 o a _\» o o iO o a 20 0 o 20 o o lTR 17 18 3 '17 .n 0 o1 ii) o 0 to o 0 10 o o ?0 0 0 :0 0 o >Q o o •'. 0 r> 0 o 20 0 o 9.0 o o l\) o o '>() « 0 •><t 0 t) 46 56 • S 3 4? -Ji» «» 0 «0 0 u so o 0 20 0 o 46 S3 M7 20 0 0 '20 0 0 VO " 0 20 l> I) 46 47 S6 8 lo ;?() 0 0 46 n !'i .; 47 1 0 if .^i-° o 0 M64*> lo , " l> 47 *) h. <> 0 r i X • 0 fl o 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 o a 7 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 46fe9 17 |„ 417*o o 0 M6 36 o M7 go o MO,ii )o 41(2o o 40 h6 to M7 So o ^o 2o Bo So So ?o ISO 20 20 20 80 Mfi ti4 47.20 '20 20 20 20 20 o o 0 O o o II o o 8 o 9 o o o o o o o Mf> M7 46 47 0 o o 0 o o o o o 0 " 8 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o o f>7 lt> 84 >0 o * 6 4(1 4 .■5 «0 iO !0 ->o vo 20 20 v:> SO 20 •o 20 56 SO -o o o o o o o o o o o o o 10 o o o o o o 0 o t' o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 t> o o / 30J2 n 0^ \Blank Deeds and Memorials, For f&ie at this Olfice. A Dwelling Houfe anj Bukc-hoiife to LET for *,,y number of years that may be agreed anon. Forparticu- lar6 enq'iire of WALTER M'CUNIFFP, Kingston, 0&2'7X$i% 22tf Blank Summonses Fur the District Courts, for Saje at this Office. To be Let, A Room with a fire phce and t-.vo Bed rooms. Enquire at this Olfice^ Kjogftoitj Nov. 5* 2+

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