Kingston Gazette, December 9, 1817, p. 4

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Just Arrived, I(X» «>m 'talsdrj Cod Fiaty, 10 Uarreb Ling, g0 D«. Iii«v Cluilenr Salmon, £(; K.-s Loch Fine Honing 10 Firkins Bulter. ///,$/),—\ few felts beft Rngfivll Plated Harnesses, Saddles and Bridies, Martingales, Pads, Veliescs, Horse Cloa tiring, and '20 Dnz. Fine SliOCS. The above articles will be fold cheap for Cam or produce. ALEX'r. MACDONELL H Co. Kindlon, li,lh J(">. 1K17._______5 Smiths Work. Terr tiers ILL be received at th< {Ton of Richmond, too acn* ; Lot num- j^ft^W^S& Linlfccd M jug to the King Hon borough 200 acres. ^Awm nuflt Brulte* aflbited, ladies Forterm^plyroRichard RoWjn. J»*5Crt «* and black filk or in lusablence. .Vita MacLean, Elq. 8 rf ft ta„ ,lo. r„ow __Ki,,gltc,n, ,7th Nov. ,«.7- ig gSSlJSL 1*7* Side Saddle- LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL, elegant Riding Whip* &o &c. TO JURE, For 0ie Winter Season, P \ I!J of Son! Oivlian Holies & *•■••# rjflHE Midland District School, on THE fubferiber moft refpeftfully irfoims the gentlemen of Kings* er, will be opened on Monday next, i6th ton, that heisjoft arrived here from November.—The terms of Tuiti'Mi three Dublin, and has commenced the bufi- (hillings and font pence per month, pay- lief* of Black ami White Smith, in all able in advance. its branches ; more particularly that of By order of the Prefident St Trustees, horfe Shewing, in which he will give R. STAN TON, Sec'y. ____. J\ Sleigh.—Enquire at the Printing ,-„«,«„« M,lllu____,-. An afTirtmcnt of Ladies and 0!fioe> Bri'tTm'system'oVEducHtion, Gentlemen's Fur dp*. Ladies ui Due. 1817- . ___,-----*222 under the fiipcrintendcnce of Mr. JoHW- (VIutfs and TippeiS, aild I* Ul* son, who has been engaged as Teach- qj ves J. & R. RICHARDSON. Kington, 24th No*. 1817. »tf«4 Notice. A LL pel fo"9 who huve claims againft IV the li'bfc'hrr, are requefted to leave the fame at the Office of C. A. Hage-Wat), Efq. on 01 before the 15th davrf December nest ; ai.d i>ll who are dto him, are dcfi.ed to fettle the THE fubferiber hegii leave to ac¬ quaint his friends and" the public, that he has made a forge improvement the greatcll fatisfaai.m to thole that em- N g An EVENING SCHOOL on Lot No. 1, in the-.ft concellioti of j-'^.^ on or b,foie ltie flv,i day of l)c- pl.,v him They may re y a having ,if0 wflj be opened af the fame time, the the townfliip of Cra/nahe, being well • otWerwffe theiraccounw mttltf thcr wo.k well do.e, cheap and mat, hy u.rm(i 0fw|,;ch may be known by apply- iituated on the Prefqne Ifle Kay. tor a- 1 j d f AUonicy far applying at Mr. j. Meters Barrack . tQ ^ gnhfcriber. «y kW of bufatfi, a, veffeb.or 60 tons f^J*^ Arcet, where he has commenced. ^B JOHNSTON. burthen can go up to a vvhair now built All >r.ler>in that line will he gladly '________________. tie hopes to fee a Village there in a received and ft'ift attention given. NOTICE. 0t<wt time, and hat laid out Rim acres of Kingston 13th 05. 21 collection. To Let, € RIVERS that his II rjpHE fubferfbers inform their Friends on|y a few jay8 mo'TT . atld £ now [yjing JL and the Public in general, that onCl,mnui|1]y |ow for Cafh, they have received in addition to their peljffc C|oths< Blankets, Couil- formerlupply.alargealTor.ment of . ^ Chinte Fllril;,(|r„t D3msifl< 1 vf .«, .t, Brtu.'A land in Town Lots winch he oner* tor /^ w** F . e /> 3 informs the Public, , f . • /« four rooms in a houle near the 1 • tr;__n ;U .. iale on renionable tern:*- „ „ 1 ,,- , n » lay m Kmgflon will be f . Q Roman Church, as alfo 3 lur->e Garden. James Richardson, Sen. Cramahc, 22cl No\ 1817. 26013 DRY GOODS, Glafs and Earthan WARE, Iron, Steel, Hollow Ware, A jmall affbrtment of HARD WARE. Double and Single STOVES. sluo,— Ladies and Gentlemen's FUR CAPS. Ready Made CLOTHES. The whole Calh, -or ^hoi Monjea Kingston^ Victualing Cellar. THE fubferiber br-ra le;ive to inform hi& Friends an(3 the Public, that he \% now opening a VtSuaUtig Cellar, UB* dcr the roof where hi keeps a Grocery Store, near Wordcn'>. Wharf; i?1 which will be ieady at a momeni^ notice, hot C"ffcC or Tea, Soup*, Beef (takes, Mut- ment in the townfhip of Rfngftrm, was ton Chop, Oylleri AaM% ihc feafon of made agreeable to the annexed plan, t|.em< auj rVtTy ty^ lnaI rnc Market that the roads in'erfeftcd each other at afiords at any hou. in the day, and fer- Apply to the fflbfoihCr. JOHN YOUNG. Kingston* Now* ^4» 1817. 26. Table Cloths, plain and twill'd Bomba- zeltes, &c.—Alfo, a vaiictv of FANCY GOODS. Kingston, Store Street, near the Post- Office, 30^ Srpt 18 J 7. 18 WE the fubferiber* do certify upon oath th:tt the original fettle- Attention ! r* RIVERS, i^m Quebec, ^-^ • W rtift arrived at Kingfton for a f.w days only—and ha-* now unpacked, and ready forfale in Store Street, Fifteen packages of «'ell allotted GOODS, N u\ the rear as in the front, and that the firft fettler? took their lands Eait and Weft from the road between the lot> No. Execut'-ve Council Officef Tori, ltd OH. 1817. OTICE is hereby given, by order 17 and 18 in the t^wutfuoof Kingfton. of His Honor the Adnn'niftrator Signed JOHN WARNER, in Council, to the Reprelentativrs of John Galloway and IVVHam Caldwell, to make ^ood any pretenfion to lot nurber twenty one in the fifth conceflion of the TuW'fhip of King/ion, withii) fix months from this date, or it will be granted to the occupant, who has been in pofTcflion Cxteen years. JOHN-MALL, CIL of the Ex. Council. S0L0M0M or en$ ARTHUR ORSER. ]*AAC OR tSA ELIJAH GROOMS. Kingston* AW. 2, 1816. 16 kh* be fl.a'1 be -Lie to give every fori* "^OT Jf1 °*™ ^OmmOf U* fMtkmt* thole who many favour bin for (CASh) on deWry of the (i^ Hvirii their culfom. ^ ^- ^WKRS, N B stfx-cir Elfirht boarders can Store Street, Kingston, | 'have good accommo'laiions up Itfliri, at 23d Sept. 1S17, J ^1 low rate* Kingstonx OH- 28. N. PALMER. 22tf In order that no perfon may plead ignoranc in taking anv ifllc from Jc- thro J.ickfou, on I.»t No ic in the fo- Cond conceflion in the townfliipof King!- tou, the property i« the fubferiber* in law and equity, and will be recovered as HE fubferiber hereby forbids all f00n 3P J^^'ce can take place. and every perfon or perfons from pt" l6 ,8,7- Amos An/ley. & NOTICE. T medlfng or n.aking, or cutting any tim¬ ber, 01 trefpafling in any fhnpe whatever, Upon Lot No. 2if in the 5th conccflion Pith lie Notice. HTIHE Subfcilbers, Executors to the Notice. A rrjmediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all Wofe who have demands against the LL perfons indebted to the fubferi- SKj* ^'^ '° f r°d"« th,e f:,mc ber are rcquetled to make imme. d" J a[i^ed. »""^ that a Settlement <!i«»fe payment of the Estate may be eflefled a^ fp^dily AH kind, of produce wi.l be taken k *t£8!m'o 'wuVSS"?^*' payments the Market prices. a7 I 1m m i SX^RT»I ExCC* Thefubferiber haS taken into partner- « . * McL£AN, | uror,. ftip his brother, ^!lan K. A/acDondl. Km88ton' Augu_st\UJ8iy.~I itf The bufineft in future will be carried on under the firm of ALEX. MACDONELL* Co. In addition to their former (lock, they are now receiviV a general afTortment of DRY GOODS, JLIQ UOM.% GROCERY IT ART} WAR K Earthen Sc Glass, Rags ! f Rags 4^1AMI paid for Clean COT- P"!TlffE fubfeiher hzi received and :)f- jL ter« foi (ale at his Auction Room, oppofite Moore's Coffee H ufe 60 pair;: Wellington Boots, 130" iio Gents Pumps, 56 do do drefsfhoes bound with filk, 6 do do do do do St lin'd with tt 60 d<» do ftroflgdo d-> wi»h leather, 56 do buys do do do do do jodogirlafine do do do iilk 100 do I'hildrens (h>>es afTuted. The above will be fold either whelc- ^fale or retail -Arch. M'Donell Kingston, i yh 03. 181 7. 2otf C. Hatch Sr Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad top ball back. 1 Fancy & Windfwr, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Children's J W1RRANTED GOOD Atth - ' CO < n Take Notice. A LL perfons a-e forbid purchgfir^ XA. fiom Ifaac Km>ht, two Dot«3 hand againft the fu!)fcribe- : one for f,x. ty dollars or thereabout ; the other 0rJ fifty dollars, to the bell tyf my rerollec. tion ; which two Notes are onjuftiyife, taincd by him, they being ahead* paid 8\MUEL PURDY." Kirigjloriy 2 S'h Nov. 1817. 2m THE fubferiber;. have Received ia addition to their former ftock a quantity of Cloths, Flannels, Spirits, Sugars and Teas. IV.ilITEM M'CUNIFF&ttC*, Kingston, A'ov. 25, 1 S j 7. F<» 2<5tf Sale, Or TO LET, R ION and LINEN R A G S, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. , ^ Snr Chair Shop, oppofite Wm. rt. i neir Cha.r, arc f„peri0r to any they have h.therto offered for falc O Cab.nct Ware for frfc as ,boye< Kingllo... Nov. 10, ,817. 24tf IMMEDIATELY, an elegant a? _ Story dwelling Honfc, Suedorf the moil commodious manner, iiifl excellent Stable, t..?eiher with m an get her ...„ the lown Lot 01. which they &and.-* Anyptrfon wilhinjr tolealeo. nUlcha(c the above will find it thc.'r i.tereft tC make immediate application to HENRY CASSADT. ' •.•'•. V < (• AEX'h MACDONELL. tLuigiton, iji Sift, i8ij6. I UST received and for (ale at this Of. • f ficc, pr.c, t/-8, /W „, ^ ^_ W«te Circumstances, by Lord Bvron —. and othrr p..emi ; to wrjiY" " Tifc /-'/"•- -i/"//4f Noble Auib Not. 28, L OTNo. FOR SALE, Kingfton, Nov 3, 18,7. zyi 12' '" the5th conccflion of the townfliipof Rod.. ALSO <7 Lot No 6, m the TO BE SOLD, AGenicel convenient f/oitfr «it& part of a Tov.n Lot. li;c,it«f« ffihfi^T? thet°^"'p'of Ported C°7m°nUf 5°?,ftnel n«r «*• M-U... a-nol ^-prcfiuj, therpar,,^ ',« f ^^ ter- «Wft?fcBfcr.«, line of phlf mofl (he Vfeib Q& fe lihj, * J t f A iflp^irj . .-/y. »e, 1 s 17. rtf

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