Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1817, p. 5

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The 4ying IntAnt* ThMaper watejuil fcl^niitertng Irtthr kkcti M the \Vcary mJ f >rrowful ntt>th (f awakened from her momentary dual ^•torenc* h-r uqprfb I Am turned fcereyes on her rxpiiing infint,^ whofe i orb* were fl^^y turning ill their hollow abode• It was Utidnfcllt, *nd Du.hmg was heard but the ftnke* -fthe clock pendulum. and thr heavy fi^h-. of adKconi'olate father, which mingled wt h the (hart deep breath of his fuffrring dai- ling Halfraifed, and leaning on htflpil'ow, bctiaJbecn watching the dread moment, when a figh or a ftrugt>le (houM an- wince that hope and life had together j taken their everlafting flight. A TndJ-n! on the 4th Jnft. Gates, that quarrels were] 'till co*'*ly ocean ing between the .r>opMof Com AaryanH*hofe of Col Irvine- tfc alio ftatcs. thuc on the %6\h tilt a fchooncr mtved from Nafla-i, M- P. with about 40 officer a late of Lord Wel- liogton's army, whofe oWy:& it wan to join M'Grcgoi ; but on hearing that he had left the place* molr of them re embar¬ ked in the CongreU, for Venezuela. Parts, Sept if).—Mrs. Fhzherbeit, kno« n to all Enrope fur her cflimabie qualities, ha1* arrived here, and propose* t-» ftop fome week*. In her youth this lady wnw married if) the British Piince of Wales* and waft much beloved by him ; hut the Parliament declared the marriage j illegal, and hr was compelled to marry a P.n'ISn* filings irrft srnt«> of confusion hejj tiid not anticipate, ho has withdrawn* -Jfc 'Vinrrla uf Pn.flia. now Princefs o Jutterdrewthe attention of the wrctt.hed ; 1 . c .w 1 ~~k,.n» AkJi.4 j'i Wab, but fepar^ted from nun, ana parents from the melancholy object ftlij » .w r r . .u. _.,;.;r..* [«, rclidmir in Italy. From the. Eftw/fr.—We have se*m (says thss Bovfc*n Daily Advertiser,) letters from Rio Janeiro to the begin¬ ning of September. A naval expedi¬ tion was filting *>u< at that place, the destination of which wa* unknown. Pftrfcap.s it is not unreasonable to con¬ jecture, that its object is to take off the Portuguese troops at Monte Video.— lei feet tranquility reigned at Rio. their meditation—it was the expiring in* feot'ifavorite bird* whofe food had been Ifglrftci ever fince the Hanger of its lit tie admire* hid abforbed all other car*, and aii the fai prefage of its fate it now apired. Theparent*looked alternately oncach other, and ©** the bird, but at thiifnftant, to add to their diftrefs, the candle ceafeJ to burn,—the father fei35 tdin.infant's hand —the mother felt for iti forehead, but the pulfe was (till, and * was cold !! Strange advice for a Lawyer. Mr. T. an eminent Counsellor in the ftate of New-York, lately deceafed, had j yacquircd a la.^e fortune by hi prafeflum. j «*d as heiiad no children of hi- own, he looted a daughter and two foils belong- to a filler. \n?ong 'nine oT3cr Iij- I" charges and bcquetU. the fallowing j »W&fl prominent. u I *»ve »*ta my . Jghter------tnd to my two fons - j -----the fum of twenty five thonfand |J ara each ; Provided, that neither of ctt Follow the degraded profeflion of a j*7«t, orieft >r profttttitc Yet if Pro* face in hi* wifdom. (tall have ptedes- l,af«d th-n to th -fc calling* : my next raver?llfj reqnrft is, thai the lawyer take fai the p> left no fafarp not even the Pruihtntc any reward- For now- on the *g Boundaries.— It W tlated in the Albany Daily Advtftifcr. that " the furvcy on the St. Lawrence ha* been completed about 40 miie*s at an expence of £0,000 «*ollar? f* and that the " C >m milfionei for running the Northern line, has with his Attornies exploring parties, &c. &c. been at the expence of at lead 50,000 dollars for running 20 miles !'* The whole length of the boundary line between the Unitied States and the] Uriiifli Provinces is eftimated at 2000 miles. What i* the fixing of this line to co»t the United State, ? At the rate of :he forty miles on the St. Lawre ce, a million and a half cf dollars\ >r take su our rate the twenty mites on the No'fch- m line, and yt u will pay the round fi:m A Jive Millions 1 i Charleston, S. C Nov. 10. Indian \e:cs.—We learn by an Of- fleer Of the Army, who arrived in town on Sunday last, direct from Fort Haw¬ kins, that hostilities are expected im¬ mediately to break out between our hoops and the Seminole Indians. Ge¬ neral (.iaines, with his force, took up the Hue of March from Fort Montgom¬ ery, to fort Srott, about the 27th ult. where lie was to be joined by abontdoo Creek Indian warriors, making hi.-ar¬ my, in the whole, amount to aboul v2..r>oo nun. It was expictedthat Ge¬ neral Jackson would join Genera! Gaines at Fort S-ott. £rienrM\ip, When one came to Alexander and defired hhn that he rnighl fee his trea- fure, he bid one of hi» lervants take him. and (hew him not his filver talents, but his friends : it fecms he put a greater value upon them, than upon all the wealth which be had. Robberr. By a Proclamation ot His Kvcclleney the Governor »u Chief, it appears that between Mondn> the 3d Wid .Monday the 10th in^-t. _CJl"Sy in American anil lin^liih gold coins were Stolen from the Commissaiiat vaults at Quebec. A reward of 8O0 dollars is offered by His KxcellriKV to such person or per¬ sons (uor the felon or Irion*.) who will give such information as will bring the offender or offenders to punishment,— and a reward of loo dollars and afree pardon, is offered to such offender as will discover his accomplices.—'The Commissary General a!o offers a reward ol !oo dollars, to the informant upon bringing to conviction the felon or felons. Mont Henld. \\ Advertisement. nnHF. Snhfcrihrr rd^eOfuHj! inform^ JL the Inhabitant* of the Town and Townfhip of Kinj^t-m. the Towrfliip of Pitftnirgh and W«.-olf, that he 15 now ciecTtiig a Pot Afh wo k in the Vicinity of thin Town, wheic he will receive good Houfe Allies at the rate of Seven Pence C'y per Bufliel whea delivered at the Works, and fix pence when collected in Town ; the A(hca to be paid loi in Merchandize, A Sleigh is to be fent round Town to colled the A (hen a wetk, or oftencr if neccflury. A.MACPHERSON. Kingston, 17th Nwv 1817. N B.Caie fh-.uld be taken to Keep the afne«- Div and Clean ai none but what is of a good quality can be received. •WK nfmv ^rave, I am convinced, that Jwfcc? earthquake?, fami.e,->rpc!li!ence, "»»- caufed h tlf fo mu.h mifrry to the fe»»'lta rtaraft a^ the rtne'a m ie .enaty er of thefe ptofeiBoin ! ! The Jnrnal d-'s Debat« contain* a ftory ^ayr»nnc vicar. Chaumont, woo, in a fcfnon preached on the 20th [uly, •ffa'mft the indulgence of the nnffion's, BpWW-J" The ferret » Mnch.need. t mult repel him by-force of arm. : rf th# worSn mtt taken tn the literal bufc A fr** (,f lllC eongregatson fciead a report that Bonaparte had re Led. and invited her nftghbOtira to dSkabottletotbe heaUh of thr- emperor I anrcuu.aaoce which operated fo power-} y« on the country people m the ^hbotnh.^d, that thev drove their 0ule tn the fairs, and f^ld them at a prjcc Snder their value. This female, the ,cr,ont adds, beinff convicted of th... offmct, w.s fentenced on the 23d f A«^"ft. by the eoweAtonal tribunal ot Cbumont, to imprifmment for three n»oiUlw,andafineof 50 fra-k«. Glafyonv paper. From the National Intelligencer of Nov 14 Mr. Fiederick Grudim, Mtniffer Rcfi-lentand Conful Gen. of H. M the King nfPryffia, has arrived in this city, and wa« on Tuefday laft. introdueecl tr-the Prtfident by the Secrerary uf Stave. We announce this ewcumlUne* with tht n^ve pleafure, as Mr. Greuhm i'm the firft Mini'ler rhat the King of Pltlffii ha*app«i"l«d ^ reprefent him in the United States. Mt. Rufchas left this city for An- unoob". wbtre he wtfl embark m the Vr'ank-.iti 7+- ** En«J«4 Mr. Ben. fauriu OeleT^loe, of rtm city, goe, our with Mr R. lb a- his Private be- ,-ret^ry- Mr. >hn Adams Smith, at pTI f«ij in Enffkud as American Charge j de« A ffaires will remain, as Secretary of T o 'ion The folio win is a genuine letter from a failnr on his return from an India u Warren Haftings Eaft Indymao Gravclcnd, March 24, 1814. "Dear Briber ^om, " This corns hopcin to find you in j $ni heltli as it leaves me lafe anchored here yc-lleiday at 2 P. M. after a pleafiint wagetolerab'y (h«rt and ftw fquall*— Dur Tom, h'^ptrs to find pool old Father Stout, and ^m quite out of pig¬ tail—Ri^ht- of pig-tail at Gravcfend. but or fortunately not fit for a dog to chor—L)ear Top*, Captain's boy will btiQfr ynu this nnd i>ut pigtail in hi* PMdcet when bort—Beft in London -At the bl^ck boy in 7 di!es, where go, a<ks forthc^ htll |)i^-tail—pound pjjj tail will ^0 and am flioit of Ihiru, Dear Tom. as wrlhirtnonly took two whereof one is Quite worn out, tuther moll, but dont fotgeithe pi'a-tail, as I not had a quid to l'Wi never fince Thuifday—Dear Tom. |» for the fhlrts, your fize will do only longer— I \\^ urn lottg—get one at ?rcfcnt,bell at Tower hill, and chejp— ™t be particular to p,o to frven dile? fot y pigtail at the black boy and Hear -Gm acka for Pound bell pig-tail, and W it be good—Captain's boy will put ^pig-tail in his pocket, he likes pic; Jjfotyitup— Dear Tom,lhall be up about Monday or thereabouts. Not fo Particular far the (bin, as the prelent can Jwalhed bm dont forget the pigtail ^hout fail, f0 am your loving brother T. P. ™ S.^Dont forget the pig-tail/* &om the New York Spe8aior of Nov 18. prom Amelia !J!ar.d — \ neotleman WtoAmelb-wlw asrivrf at Savannah At the marriage (>f M-u(:eer, the Cenm d* Art* is. the city of Paii;s agreed 1 to tUflcibutc marriage p'rti.Mjg. A fmart j little girl, of 16, named I if? Noiriu, Ha'.'injr ptefent^d herfclf to tnferibe hei name ontKe li'l, waa .'fked who washci lover?—W0!M faid flie, with great fimplicity,'1 I have no lover ; I thought [ the city furnilked eveay tUwu.w—This] anfwer created much mirth ; and in the event a hufbaud W9*found for her. u Important* - It is circulated am- oiisz the kuowinf ones of Wfl^hincton. that th'* Spanish minUterba* b"eu au¬ thorised by his 0m*frir, Ferdinand VII r<> niake an offer of Florida to the Uni¬ ted Stales, upon terms ttiuJ our gov¬ ernment will find it adv:inta;o»Uh to accept. It is al?o conjectured the purchase will speedily be effected. City, nf fVashvigton (Jaz. KINGSTON : TUESDAY, D&cssmu:er% 189. At a mertiucr h<ld at the Court House, in or T'Jivp of Kington, Oil Saturday ilip^nil1. :iav of NovrmW, 1817, the Rev. 0F0RG5 0K1LL STL'ART in the-Chair, it wa« mol- «ril— l.-i. That a Society ^ hall be established fnr ►he relief uf d»*«rrvsnl emigrants and othor«, in and Jibr.'it K My-ton. to Tn- railed 4i TffH KtXGSTOS VQMPA8Sf9VJ t'tl 8001* r/nr Vd. That a Committee b»» elected in draw ':,» rele.and r*f HaMim-, r.nd thai the follow¬ ing G":».l<-:tic:i '<> form 'hi?. Committee, viz. Wie Rev. 11,0.1 MlTOis, Rrv. Mr. ( \TT\ KICK, Cijn. A. T. DMJIiS. t. A. I!AfSJ R\t \\%]>q. J VMFS '.!I)!)1S,!H and V»>. Mm MKtt. Ivrj. 3*!. That atfi|ei;;» me'Minir be convened a» •V CVurt WuUm. 0I1 \yj DNI'SI) \ Y, for the piinjiKcof eiinridprinjc HteRvlc^and lt*»gul»- r»nn» to be febniiftH in »be Commit tee, 4;!'. jiaitiir,- R'-oluiious be printed ie. 1 lie Ciftiette. Fop tff. Kinc-ton G azt:tte. Mr. Priniery In n hifepiiprr you published Mr. tleurhi}^ p".-.|>o:-aU- on tlie subject of colleeHng n-Hterin|5 for a Ktati<tlc de- <eriprion ol I ^?ov Canada. In addi¬ tion lo thequ^tjoriK there* propoco(l, I would recotrt^nd it to him and his rorre9»(oiidcm«, to ascertain fhi> rtatn v/1 tn*- poor, ^i(l r he ni"nus o( I heir sup¬ port, in viiiM-ns parts of the Province. in tins Di-inet, I under-taiul, tfteyare ->uppott«'d af the rhur^e of the I)is- tiiet, paid 01 ul of 'he Treasury : nhirh i- said not toton done in other tli^tritt.-. Thi>hasheewmentioned as therravon why h'-Ua. si pauper^ area ceumn la tiiiii here, il hi-iiii: nat'ir&l for MU'h persons to floek io a .v pluix*, where tfiev can obtain a maii^ienauee, from some fund h)depend:*iU of their own per-o- al la¬ bor. Hence many acquire a habit of j idleness, vvh'i, by proper CxertiouK, iniiiht ^nin a comfortable liviu The Quebec Gazette, »>f »he 6th No vembcr, fiys, '• the total number of vef- fela from lea, thib fcafon, 303 ; and fei- tlcrs arrived, 5375." T LETTERS For Charles I'leuh. r, Philip Bake- maiuand John A^h. Kingston, are lelt at this Othce, when-they tan be had. ACKNOWM DOMF.NT. u W*« \J**n will liav« a place in o'ir next. - -^»t - .^. ,» : C.f>» »1 .•v[)(V GiBnvr.TAU, Oct.4. From OraiK by letters dated the four¬ teenth and tivntji e/gth September. Death of the D 1) of Algiers.—On the 30tll of Sppt a number of Juttiv a- rias assembled roue.d the palace of the JVy, calling upon him to deseetid, his re\%n having bi en a series of disasters Ivoth by wR nod laud. ' The Dev.bnog ob'i^ed to comply, vvastaken'bv the soldiers to the house of tin* kishnn-Aia, where he was ^liaiu'led, and a man named AIi Cocrhi. a retired merchant, was declared his successor: the minivers of the late i)ey have been exiled to different cities of the regency* The number of deaths in Algiers, ac¬ cording to official Indulgence, have a- . mounted to 10O a day; but the dnease I has subsided to abort do deaths daily. Rumor*—Tt has been rumored that the State of Georgia has threatened to lake possession of the East Florida herself, if the general government uill not immediately adopt measures to ic- store tranquility to that province. The collection of the negroes is so great that serious apprehensions are euter- tuined for the security of that stale ; and it is with a view to provide against Sis danger that Georgia is said to b^ determined on the measure suggested. -Washington City Gazette. c.iall) in a country, where the object* 'A labor Tar exceed th:* number of la¬ borers. Dots this evil exist iii an txpia) decree, in other parts of th*- Pro¬ vince ? Is it increasing among 11s? What iL it* tr'ipca-ise? andwlntis the most praeticit :le and offeetual remedy for it : These are questions wortl:v < f the attention of Mr. Gourlay, and ev¬ ery friend to the prospeiit\ of tin* Pro¬ vince. HOWARD, The Government of the United State;appear to be enforcing their taw prohibiting th;ir own citizens or foreigner:.froift fitting out within the United States, an expedition against any power at peace with them. Vtt individual citjy.^ns go, with impunity, and join the Patriots of Spanish Ame¬ rica : and the sentiments of the peo- j pie are manifestly in favor of that cause. Many of oilr Country subscribers have long been wishing us to publish the W Pi-ices ('urr^ut." We fear it will be out of our power to give full satis¬ faction on this head—indeed, at pre¬ sent, it is almost Impossible to do it, in its usual shaptk on account of our AV" ures being occupied. We will, how- evor, endeavoi to give the prices of a few of the article* now selling in town, as correct as wyj have beeu able to pro¬ cure them. Joseph Scott, A CQtJATNTS the public that he "]\. has taken into partucrfhip, H Mc3SBy Memtief of the Dublin and Edinbu' ^h College* *>f Surgeons, f«»n of Dr. McOec, Phyfician, nfBtflfirft. Ire¬ land. The Profeflion a I bufinefs will, confequently, in future b« carried on un¬ der the firm of SCOTT# McGMEM Co. SunreoaSj Chcmisls and Dru*r- ijists. Thole indebted to J. Scott, Surgeon. will be pleated to fettle ihirir accounts. In addition to the formet ftocic ef DHUiiH & MBDICl^p, The following have arrived lately, viz :— Powcn's Sago Powder, in qi. boxes. R.oniay'b rctlo'alive Vc^eUb.e Too*h| Powder, Kamfay's Ante Odontalgic, or excel¬ lent remedy foi preventing To -th Ache ^ quantity of: x eel lent Cephalic SuuiF. Barclay's Aromatic Vinegar, tor the cure of head aches, Glafs's Magnesia, in great eftimation I in England and the Colonic, fol acidi ty in the Soiuacfl or eholic in tht bo*vel6, Indian Arrow Root, Barclay Si Son'sgeunine Itch Oint't, Lamp Oil, Oil of Turpentine, Olive ! Oil, l.intlccd Oil, and the cold iirained Caflor Ollj fo fnper'Oi to that in eonv mou ufc, Spiiits of Wine, Vitriol and Aqua Fortis RamfayV Medicated Nuts, aofeful ar¬ ticle in excelling worm* in children :— I Thev will materially aiTid {.Scott's I Worm Powder, fo generally fuccefsful in ebildieti and adults, SCOTT & McGEE in Co. Surgeon/* Ch mists and Druggistst near the Catholic Church. 1 ft Dec. 1817. *7W3 SINGING SCHOOL. HE fuhferiber propofes to teach 4 Singiujj School in the Town of Iviiigtlon, to i-ommenC' about the 10th of Nov. next if a fnfficitnt number of Scholars fhall be fubfcribed tor. The fubfcription paper may he fern at 'ht Pxixrt.vG Ovficm. where alfo the leirat aiid tuitber pnrtlctden m-y br known. THOMAS SWEETING. s Kingfton.Oft. 28. 1817. tt Mail Stage. 7¥lHE fubfcliber informs ihe public i that he intends running a Sta^c from Kingft^n to Yo^k, ^.nd from Yo-k to Kingllon, the enfuing winter, and will commence ;-.-» toon a-s the flcighmff will anfwer. To leave Kingllon and York every Monday at two o'clock. Stage Fire. From Kfngfton to Bellville, three dot* lar>; from Kingston to Sudden's Inn, fiat data ; from Kingston t« York, ten dols; SAMUEL PURDY. Kiiigflon, iSth Nov. 1817. tj Take Notice. A I-L pcrfon^ a'e fbrhid purchnfing II. from Ifaac Knight, two note-, of hand againfl thefubfcrtbei : one for fix- ty dollars, or thereabout ; the other one fifty dollar*:, to the hell of my reculleo tioil ; which two Note* are unjntly de* taincd by him, they being alieadv paid. SAMUEL PURDY Kfagjlzn* 2fStb Nov. l8j7. 27 JOSEPH MURDOCrv, (Lve from Ueliit'd/), IB EGS leave to Inform the Publiek, j) thai ht has commmced the Chan* ■ dhry liuftrufs nearly oppofitf the Uni'*a Horel. He Batten lii':i(c!f that fro-n his experianee in Bufiuefs, he w.Il be able to give fatiafadion to thofe tliat will favour him with their commands in the ^.bove line. Kingston, 14th Nov. 1817. 25tf I TO LE T, AND pofTrflion given the firft day of May next, that Store and Houfc at piefent occupied by Mr. Richard Smith* Apply to NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 08. I 7, 1817* 41 CIA ME into the enclofureof the fub- / fcriber, fome time in September lall, a large COW, in good order The owner is defired to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. SIMEON MORRILL. TO HIRE, For the IVinter Season, \P.\I R erf front Cmadian Horfc9 & SJeigb. — Enquire at the Printing Office ui Dec. 1S17. 27*»3 Kingfton, (Hatter's Bay)! Nov. 24, 18:7. 3 26 Fhrtda.-M is said that a gooA A- •Mta of notoriety has rrcmt y 1.,; ;t..fl St Mar\'s with a>v intn tioti to Beef, five dvHws per cwt.—Butter at wholesale, tyom \f:\ to 1/ti ; r*'tail. 1/8 to \fU : t'-heesp, wholesale, (id: n tail, from ll^g to 1/; Flour, super¬ fine, from $evcjni0 ahudoUarx^x bar¬ rel ; fine, fron^, sevcn \0 fight dolfors ; OatS from9/tr 9/;; perbushel ; Fork \fea fatter* P"r cut.— Rum* from if* [t» flfpttr (ial'ion.—Siilt, from three and an halfio fonr dollars perbnrrel: Sp'Mif.. JntnaioL frcnn 7/ to 7/i i»-r gallon : Ten, Vlyioti Skin, fror.i tj\i to TO LEASE, FOIl SBPjE/V YEARS, A PIECE of Ground, fuppofed to be about an acre, eligibly fituated (on the borders uf Gnen Bay, Point Frederick,) for a Brewery, Dillillery, Tannery, or a lumber Yard. For par¬ ticulars enquire of the fnbfcriber. And he hereby forbid* any perfon or perfon* from trefpaffing0(1 faid premifes, efpecially in taking off fa.»d or gravel from the beach on pain of being profe- cuted lo the ntmoft rigor of the law. JOSEPH DENNIS. Pt. Frederick id D umber, 1817. 27 1 » .4 LL ihoi'c having demands againil ^\. the filiate of the late Capt. Tho¬ mas Paxton, of this place, will pleafe to render their account* properly authen¬ ticated, on or before the lit of May next, to the fublc.iber, who is author!- fed M liquidate thc-p ; and all thnfe who are indebted tu the Eftate, arerequcllcd to call and fettle the fnn><?. JANE PAXTON. Kingston, Nov. 25, »91 't• KlJ 0- 70 LET, A ND pofTeffion given immediate iyf XjL a Hotife, containing fix rooms* a good Celler, Well and Garden ; and a good Bake-houfe adjoining it, the overt of which will hold 200 Loavefc of bread- Apply to the fubferiber, near the Caiho- lic Churchi PHILIP VIAS. Kingllon, Nov. 7, 1817. 2^f VST received and for falc at this Office, price 7{d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSATS on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, Add re (Ted to the Canadian Farrrers. By C- F. Grece, of Moutrcah November 14. 25 J 1 For Safe, unr^UE Eait half of Lot nu'Ser If Eighteen in the firft coneeffioQ [of Frederick-burgh, on which is a gOv»d lloufeand large improves e;»t.—Enquire at tht • Orfke. I K.ingdoO) Nov. 2^ i9i7- a<J^

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