Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1817, p. 4

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Just Arrived, Land*, for Sale. 100 Cja; few* :t> Cotl l*'isU* ]() fat,Tel* I/i'iti". Oi> |),,. ii;i\ Clialeuf Salmon, gfl K< 4- Larfe Hine Herring, lv) Firkin* Butte* yjI.SG — A few feus heft Eiv^iisii Plate'l Harnesses, Satieties and Bridles, Murtiugsilefe, Patls, Velieses, Ho»*e Cloathing. and 20 !)('/•• Fine Show. The above articles will be fold cheap for Cafll '"• produce THE raWcrfljcw&eji fcsweto inform their friends and the F thlic, tw Tenders ILL b»- !ec'."ivc«! at the Clift* m her 20 Rtli conceifion of Richmond, ZQQ bUcfc and ye SSI3 half number 2 1, $d and *>«*^^ Tenders to he Tealed, and to contain the name* of two Curette* for the perform¬ ance "f the contract Kingston^ ipi Nov. 1817. %S FOR SALE, BY acres s r,a irrnmnii ««m •'-'"^ * ' *» . > , « r> ^., 1 V boroueh 200 acres. Fortermcapply to Richard Robifon. 40 dozen paint or Buifhe- aflorte-il, ladle* I'or term* apply to tvicnaru uvumuui t~ ' • ,. , ,, , (;]|. • i- ir \»i,„ Mnrl ^n ¥(a and gentlemen's white and black IHK 111 hii ahience. ,\ :nn i*.uCL*ean, t-iu. w * . f . fl , v ,o(1 *-7f Gloves, cotton and town tan do. Fnow Kingflon, 17th Nov. 1817. *5W ? iT- LL.fl rjj- Sai},Uc_ 6___1 ' .__________.----------Stockings—one >a'y S owe oauoic— ALEX'r. M ACDONELL & Co. LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL, elegant Riding Whip,, &* ft* Kingston, Z+'h Jan. 1S17.__________5_ _......_ ALSO, —:--------" ZZZ I trjritiE Midland District School, on An affortment of Ladies and SffittnS rfOVK* Jl the Britifh System of Education, Gentlemen's Fur Caps, Ladies Rrf its branch** ; more particularly that of horfe Shewing, in which he will give the greater! faiisfaAiofl 10 thofe that em¬ ploy him. Thev may rely on having ab'e in advance. Thomson S; Bettor 2o Burels Prime Porfc, 50 Bart el h Fine Floor, 100 Boxes Yellow Soap. Kingston, Sept. 29. 1817__________ Notice* A LL perfon*; who have claime againft ^\. the fubfciiber, are reqneilcU to trjflHE fubferiber beg, leave to ac l^e the fame at the Office of C A, IB * Hagerman, Efq on or hi fore the 15th By oruer of the Prtfident 5c Trustees. J| quaint his friends and the public, , ~ r .^ .- j n 1 R«sTAMTOM ^.-/-'v * 1 1 •. ■ «. * dav of December next ; and Ml who n.e . 5 1 rVWlUiV, Oicy. that he has made a large improvement .',,.,- . '. , r*.i..u, N. B. An EVENWG SCHOOL on Lot No. i,i,.thei»a conceifion of "f^^^'^^^^^ l)f £ rheKworkwe'idone,ct.eap'and« alfo will be opened at the fame time, the the townfliip of Cram a he, ^t% *A\ &««* 2hw£thA««ooi wfll be ons Put ,nto the lianJs °^ an &*wnwJ kr burthen.can go op to a wharf now built. Colledion. anplyingat Mr. J. Meaghcr«, Barrack terms of which may be ki.own by apply- fituared on the Prefqtie Ifle Bay, to ftreet, where he ha. commenced. ing to the Subfcriber. nv kind of bufinrfc, as veile!s oi 60 r All orders in »ha» line will he gladly received and drift artenii u m'ven. RICHARD CORREAL. Kingston 13th Oct. 2* Rb. JOHNSTON. NO 1 ICE. - He hopes to fc£ a Village there in a fhort iin>e. and has Lid out fum acres of c DTxrtTDo ! r .l r> ui"„ land in Town Lots, which he offers for KIVftKo inh-rm* the riiblic. r. - .. iaie on realonable terms. 9 thai his flay in Kiuglton will b< ANf To Let, ND polieflion given immeJiate!y# in, THE f'bfcribers inform their Friendfl only a few days more ; and is now iellii and the Public in general, that Uncommonly low for Cam, they have received in addition tO their Pelifll* Cluths, Blankets, Coun¬ terpanes, Chintz V nrnitures. Dam. Ik 'Fable Cloth*, plain and twill'd Bomba- former fupr.Iy, a l?rge afT rtment of PRY GOODS, Gtafs and Earthan WARE, Iron, Sreel, Hollow Ware, /I fmail ajfortment of H.APD WARE. Double and Sin-lc STOVES. Also.— I .--dies and ditlemen's FUR CAPS. Retvh Mode CLOTHES. zeues, &c.—Alfo, a varictv of fancy goods. Kingston, .^tore Stmt, near the Post Office, $otb Sept. 1817. 18 Jan«es Richardson, Sen. Cramahc, 22d Nov. 1817. 26:113 Victualing Cellar. f STlHE fuhTcTiber be^s leave to inform JL bib Friends ami (he Public, that our rooms in a houfe near the Roman Church, as alfo a large Garden* —A poly to the fohfcinSer« JOHSt YOUNG. Kingston, Nov. 24, 1817 26. Attention ! CR1VEKS, from Qusbee, • is j 11 It" arrived at Kfftgirfvi for a \\ few davs only—and hi* now unpacked he'is now "prnin^a Vicluttting Cellar, nn- der the roof whee In. k.. -ps a Grocery Store, neat Woiden's Wharf; in which J"E the fubferibers do ceitify upon will be ready at a moments notice, hot antl rca<|y ^or lH'e f" Storc Stnrt, Cnffct 01 Tea, Soups, Beef ftakes, Mut- Fifteen pttkagtt of well dfoited u*\ Chop, Oylters during the ieaf-.n of f^t f\ /^ W^\ Q afford., at any hour in the day, and ler- and well worthy the of Town ved up in a neat manner, nearly half 3-»d (Jcnntry Merchants—they will be oath that the oriental fettle ment in ihc townfhip of Kin^fton, wa* made agreeable to the annexed plan, them, and every thing that the M-nkct that the roads intrrfected each other a* right angle-., and that at ihc four cor _.._., ___.......___^....... The whole will be fold Chiap for ticr$9 PaJci' were planted at tight wgkh cheaper than can be bad in the public f<ld by the Piece or Package only. Cafh, or approved credit. and that each lot butted and bounded houfes about town. The Good-, arc of the best qoalttf, MonjeaU & St. Germain. &rt&ly oppofite iti conerp'vndJngf nwm- Having employed one of the heft aid as Mr. Rivers fhortJy goes t«» fcng. Kingston* 19/A Sept. 1817. i.7tf tcr, and that the lot-* were (Inked as well Coob in Kiogtion, he flatter? hinfelf h?:ul, they will he f M mWUWiwuW V*W _ in the rear a. in the front, and that the EJjp.t he fl.aW be able to give every fatiV for (CASH ) ^n de'ivcry or' the Goida- Execvfhf Council Office, firfl feelers took their lands Ealt and faftion t^> tbofe who many Torkt ltd Oh. #8r7. Weft from the road between the lots No. wjL|, t|lc;r cullorn. T^TOTICE i^ hereby given, by order 17 and 18 in the townfliip of Kingfton. E avour ii]:ii In of His Honor the .Vdmiuiftrator in Council, to the Reprefcnrativ. <* of John Galloway and William Caldwell, to fnajci good any oretenflon to lot nu : bcr twenty :nie in the fifth concefTion of tl>e Townfhip of Kingfton, within fix months from this dare, or it will be granted to the occupant, win* has been in pofleffion fixteen years. JOHN^MVLL, Clh of the Ex. Council. & NOTICE. THEf-bfcihrr hereby forbids all and every p; rfon or pcrfons from medling or n.aking", or cutting any tim¬ ber, o' trcfpaffin»j in any fhapc whatever, upmi Lot No. 21, in the 5th conceflion of the row fljipof Kni^lton, being profecuted acrnrding to I aw. JARVI-: WORDEM. Kingfton,Od 22,1817. 23U16 Signed JOHN WARNER, SOLOMON 0R\£R9 ARTHUR 0RS£Rf f*AAC ORxER, ELIJAH GROOMS. Kingston, Nov. 2, 1816. 16 N- B. ^ix or Eieht boarders can have Jfood accommodation* up llnirv, at a low iate- N. PALMER. ^T Kingston Oct. 28. 2 2tf \\ C. RIVERS. Store Street, Kingston, 1 23d Sept, 181 7, J 17 NOTICE. 7"HEREAS a Woman by the name of Sarah Gilavd, for- ignorance in taking any title from Je- thro Jackfon, an L#t No 1 c in the fc- c»nd conceflion in the townfliip of Kings- toil, the property h the fubferibers in law and equity, and will be recovered as foon ?s jullice can take place, fept. r6 1817. Amos Anjlcy. Public Notice. y, . ri-- rt . - HT^HE Suhfcribe-s Executors to the Irupor tviivrlton, on pain of ir^-,*. , r/*t ; o r-r • -J Charles Stuart, Efqiure, THE fubferiber h3^ received and of- me:ly lived with Mr Barnett, at Stuurt- fers for Iaie at his Auction Room, vi!le, and having broken open hii; bar in In order that no perfon may plead oppofne Moore's Coffee Houfe Ws abfence and defrauded him feveral 60 pairs Wellington Boots, times, and Sole feveral articles*. I here- 136 do Gents. Pumps, by caution any prrfon from employing 36 do do drefsfliocs bound with fllk, her as fhe is a dihV.neft perfon and not 6 do do do do do & lin'dwiih^ to be trulted with any thing. 60 do dolirongdo do wi'h leather, rVMRY BURNETT. 36 do boys do do do do do Kingston, Nov. 17, 1817. 26 30 do girls fine do do do IVk 'rTTv^v^Tu^i-----Z------*-----~ 7 100 do Child.cus (hoes afforted. W/ friL ««*™«ff have Received fn . The above will be fold either whole- ■* . ™ah*» former flock a fak or retail quantity of Arch. McDonell Kingston, l$th0cl. 1817. 20tf C. Hatch & Co. Notice. A f.L perfon-- indebted to the fubferi¬ ber are rcqnelled to make imme- diote payment All kinds of produce will be taken in payment, at the Market prices. Tl-e fubferiber has taken intopartner- fliip his brother, y/llan R. A/acDonell. Thebofineft in future will be carried on U'ldci tin firm of Af.&XMACDQNELL* Co. In addition to their former (lock, they are now receiving a general aflortment of DRY GOODS, JLIQUOMS, cnocrcruES HARDWARE, Earthen $ Glass, kc. ftc %c AEX-k. MACDONELL. Ki'iguon, \Jl S^t. I H1 6. 5 dfccafcd, late Sheriff ftf die Midland, Distri£t,hcrehy requests all ih«>fe indebt¬ ed to the faid Estate io make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all OFFER FOR S A [ E thofe who demand, .gainst the Elegant Broad top ball back, 1 estate are requested to produce the fame fen** ,t, mtnJL, w„„.u... duly attested, in order that a Settlement of the Estate may be effefted as fpcedily as poffiblcaftet thefirstdayoffuly 1818 GEORGE O. STUART, ] Exec! ALLAN McLEAN, J utors. Kingston, August 1 1, 1817—/itf *9 Flannels, Cloth Spirits, Sugars and Teas. co Qi I WALTER U'CVh'IFFBtkCo Khigtion, Nov. 25, 18,7. z6l{ For Sale, Or TO LE r, Rags! Rags! CASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN RAGS, (Of any Color,) 7 AT THIS OFFICE. FOR SALE, LOT N.i. 12, in the 5th conceflio/ ot the townfliip of Rodney ALSO, Lot No. 6, ,„ the .2th conceflion of the townfhip of Portland }—Fur ftlr Th Lift ofr.,e NooUAu^r *** lh" V^fi^lZ**™^ Nov. 20. e K. a S^'M * A N.I RN AM. 5 ft-'"gfton, Oct. io, 1817. ,,.t Fancy & Wind for bamboo, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Children's J ™™™ coon, jy%2i\xtes At their Chan Shoji.oppofiie/^w ••«"----" Po-well'sTxn ami Gr<lCery Store, ||o,. an. Their Chairs are fupe.-ior to ai^ they have hiiherto offered foi (ale. Country Product received in payment V5 Cabinet Ware for fak as above. Kingllon, Nov. 10, i8i7. "> the molt commo<l,o„s mzuo^^ an excellent Stable, t. "ge'Lei JUST received and far fa|e at this Of- Bee, price i/8, /W on hit Do- mate Circumstances, by Lord Bvron _ With the Start,/ the Legion of 'Honour, and other Poems ; to which the [own Lot on which they Han,] _ Any perfon witting toieafeo. purchafe the above will hnd Jt lheir £$£ make Mtiaahtte application to Kmgflon, H„v, 3| lSlJ TO BE SOU), A Genteel convenient Houfe, with jjCm. pm of a Town Lot, htuatrd i:> r1..:tartctucar!he Market, in a moft cLg-dc htuHt-ou for aoy iine of y- bnl.n.L-lor pa.ticulars apply 0 thl printer. " 7 ° lre 2,.t Kingston, sept. 15, 1817. If.

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