LIST of Officers, &c. continue.!. KSuk i«nil R-iiinont.or Service to whir1 m. M loaded. Action in Wfiich or however Wounded. and « l1 •' 'i NAME, MNK, !'v«:MFn, K'C. ACTION'. FL H rton, Samuel H-.itrhi'On, George liatlkinson, Samuel do. Holme?, Daniel do. Hull, Richard I. Jarvie, William Jarvis, William M. do. K, • Kcrby, James Kirkparrick, Robert Kennedy. Andrew L. Long, Joseph Lampman, peter, Juo. Lee? Peter, do* AL M'Donell, John McGregor. John M'Gregor, Jam** M'Qougal, Daniel lYPDermid, Donald Maltimore, William AJ'Kinnon. Charles IW'Bain, Fannhsr M'Kenzie- Roderick M'D^ugal, Ln.ucliliu JVlarter,. James Major, Thomas M'DouJr!, An*us JVrCollur.. Daniel Mitchell, John M'Donell, Donald Finlay WMulIcn, William JVl'Kachie, John do M'Dougal, Peter do. M'Nau*hton, Robert do. Mullet, James A. JVrPherson, Alexander do. ATDonaH, JohQ do. P. Powell, Caleb Petrie, Philip, do. Preiser, Samuel do. Q. Quick. David do. Quick. Alexander do ' R. Rnttan, Henry Ryerson, George Richardson, James Richardson, Robert R»aume, Michael Kibble, Anthony Rone, Alexander Ross. Thomas Kjan, John do. Robinson, Joseph B- do, Randolph^ Samuel do. Rose, Alexander do. Row, Lolman do. S. Simon?, Titus G. Smith, Thomas Silverthorn, Thomas Scrvis, Thomas Shelve, John " ' Shtpard, Joseph Sender, Jacob Secord, James fitull, Adam Steward, Daniel Servo .John D. do." T. Treanor, David Thompson, Frederick Teetor, Aaron Wier, Samuel Wluaton, Joseph Wells, Jesse do. Warner, Zachariah do. 115 [25] Private ■? uman Private do do do do Cnptain Lieutenant do », Captain ) Major Rnsign Private do do do da. • Captain do. Lieutenant do do Private do do do do do do Serjeant do. Private do do do do Volunteer do. Private do Serjeant Private do do do do do do do do do da do do do Lieutenant do do Midshipman Private do. Lieutenant Private do do do do do do do do S*aman do. Major Lieutenant Private do do do do Captain Sferjcant Private Ca;>tain do Private do do do do do do do do Valuable Lands FOR SALE, IN the Third Conoeffion of the Town- uSIp of Pirfburgh, being Lots No. 6, the half of No. 7, and No. 18.—An indifpiitablc title will be given, and the terms of payment made eafv. H. C. THOMSON. ^ Kmgfton, July 28, 1817. 10 Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Penfion BLANKS, For f«le at tbia Gift;?; J JVhkn Wo^hgp. Vonod for Whirl. tVnslon Si ■» course of Jwsue. FROM I TO 1st Norfolk Provl. Marine 1st Liucoln do. Kt, Volunteer* do. Incorporated Incorporated do. do. 2d Lincoln Incorporated 2d Lincoln 3d York \ Fort firie Lake F.rie Fort George do Long Woods do Fort Erie York Do. loss of an cyd do. Fort Erie Chippfews Queeiibton 2Vh Nov. 10th Sept. 27th May do. th March do. Pith Aug. T * 27rhAprii do. do. 121st Jan. 13 do 1327th May 1st Jan. 144th March 1st Jan. 14 do 1 13 do 27th April 1-t Jan. 1817 13 17 14 17 ('2d #121 2d Dec. th Aug 5th July 13th Oct. m ■ us Incorporated l*f Lincoln Cps. oi Colou do. Incorporated Cross Roads near Ft. Ge. 19th S-rpt. FortG-orse 27'!i May Fort Niagara (accident) lOth March do. Lundy's Lane Kt. YolanteersfT-png tv\- -;. di>. Incorporated 1st Gh-ngary Incorporated •id Glengary 1st do. 1st do. Kt. Volunteers 3d Lincoln 3d V'ork Incorporated Hihsr Tfauaoi ji/j.uiVv. Lane Oxdehsburgh Lundy's Lane Wear Cornwall O'dcn^burglft Accident Long Woods Slack Rock Queen'ton Lundy's Lan« do. 1 1th Lincoln Kt. VolunteersjLong Woods 1st Glengary fOndeusbur*h 2d Glengary Hastings Uundas do. Indian Dept. do. 1st Glengary do. Incorporated 1st Glengary do do do 1st Norfolk 1 Nov, A. Drivers ;A evident oople's Creek Accident Lost an eye by accident do. Lcvriston do. Accident do. Cross Roads Accident do. Ogd'-nsburgh do. Malcolm's Mills do. Incorporated do. L t Fv: do do do Incorporated 1st iVrfolk Prov. Marine do. 2d Essex 2d Lincoln incorporated 1st Glengary Ary. Drivers do. led Grenville do do do l?t Lincoln do. do. Fort. Erie do River Raisin do Accident do Lundy's Lane Fort Erie Osw ego River Raisin do. Chlppava Accident O.gdcn b'Jrgh Lundy's Lane do O^'densburgh do. I ,2*itb July ■'■'c Marc* $ta July ,25th jwly S2d Feb. 25th July 10th Nov. 2'2d Feb. SStih Oct. 4th March 30th Dec. 1 3th Oct. •25th July do. 4th March loth Nov 14th Dec. 2«2d Oct. do. I »th Dec. do. 21st March do. (Kth Oct. l^t Sept. do. 32d Feb. d". 6th Nov. 15th May do. 12fl» Aug. do « I do Preset ctt do ChippnH* do. r-ovl- Marine L:ik<: Erie ' do. 2d Ynrln do. I-1 Nnrf'.Ih Storroonl JlICOrpOraf.'(l ^•1 York Incorporated 1st Lincoln do do do do 5th Lincoln 1st do. 1th do. 2d Lincoln 1st do. \d. Dragoons do. 2d V01* do. do. Lundy's Lane do Fort Erie OgdctC h"rgh Ltinday's Lane Fork Lundy's Lane QueBiistpn Fort George Qicenst-n I Black Rock do. ' Oupenston •Jt. David's .Axcideut Chippawa ■«. David's Accident do. Laiidy'g Lane do. Jao. do do do '25th July 18th Nov. !;rh May l->d Jan. do S»h Jnly SOHl July >"'! Feb. -•5th July do J ' :d Feb. d<>. UthQet, do. ^•h July do 1 Or h Sept. do f26th July do 27th Nov. 2'.'d F*b, 25th July 27th April 25th July 13th Oct. 27th May l.tth Ot;t. l^t Jan. do 13th Oct. 18th July 15th July 5tb July 12d J1, ly 26th Dec. do 46th July do 14 12 13 131 14 do do do do do 10th March 1st Jan, ■ 1 do do do do do do do 30th Jun» 31st Dec do do do do d. do do do 13 14 30th June do do do 31st Dec. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do (1. do do do do do. do do do d. M 17 13 17 II ,T| 13 17i 17 1 ) do 1-J 15 th May :1st Jan. 14 12th Aug, :1st Jan. l-t jan. •i'td jan. 1st -»au. 14 17 14 17 K1 17 13 17 5 Iff! 13 22d Feb. 13 1st ,»an. 17 12 24th Oct. 12 1st ,?an. 17 1 J5Hi .xulv u 11 -if .ran 17 131001 Sc->t. 13 il.t Jan 17 14 13 12 14 13 U 13 13 12 do do do do do do do do do do 14 1st .ran list jan 12 do 14) do 1 f do 1-}' do 14 do 12 2Gfh Dec I >t jan 1-1 25th .iuly 1st jau 14 V v: 17 1! 17 do do do do do da do do do ■U do Jo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 30fh june 3Isl Dec. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Ain>'"i:l <J1 PC lion Prnvincf Currency, Dol¬ lar at 5b. 16 17 16 17 16 17 20 20 72 20 56 20 20 10 73 20 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 o| 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 20 17 16 17 16 171 1 83 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 C2Q 48 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 15 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 4 0 I Medicines, S(C. THE fnbfcribcr has received a gen. eial Alton went of Medicine Late from ILurope, together with ihc moft approved Patent .Medicines, pur* pofdy fele&ed for the Canada^, alfo a quantity of Oils, and Dying material* for Manufactories, viz : Paregoric Elfxcr, Turlingtons Ba-fam, Sir John Hill'a Peftoral Balfarntrf Honey, Dr. Ben. Godfrey's Cordial, De Lambert's EiTencc of Tyre for changing Grey or RcdHair taa beautiful Black or Auburn, Steers Opodeldoc, Britifh Oil, Lee's, ^nderfon'e, Hooper's and Coil's celebrated Pills, EfTential Salt of Lemona, WlicatonVItch O.rirrcn in boxes Dr. Bateman'a ctriebiated Pecto ral Drops, Dr. Giifon's Reumatic Tinfture, do. Female Pills, Boyntrji's Cancer Ointment, Oil of Turpentine, Olive Oil, and a quantity of excellent Lamp Oil, in jars Spirits of Wine, Oil oi" Vitriol, auil j every efTential oil in ufe. The above are genuine from Europe, and frtc from any adulteration. Tlaf may be deprnded upon as fuperfdf i« any a.-; ye( imported, and will be difpofed of on reafor-able terms. Country praftitiun«r? will rto well to avail themfejves of this opportunity t* I obtain a fupply. Ptefcriptions careful- ly rmde up, and the ufual branch** of : Phyfic, Surgery, &c. ic. purritually «• j tended to. * • JOSEPH SCOTT, I « Surgeon, <Sfc. Iffc. Kingflon, 3d Nov. 18 1 7. 2jW!2 * 1 Error9 Excepted. EDWARD MacjVAHON, General Agent for Paying Militia Pen ions. VH Notice. ALL pcrfons having any demands a- gaJnft the Eftateof the late Bry- an Crawford, Efq. of Adolphtiftown, de¬ ceased, ^re hereby rcquclted to produce their claims, duly authenticated,—J//b, all perfons indebted to the faid Eftate arc hereby requeued to make immediate payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor. A//JW/OT, igth July, iQtj, • g For Sa sat*"Office, A READY l^CKONER, Shewing the value ^ Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Provf.'c" °f Upper Cana¬ da, aO°* FEKGl^ONS Improved Table of #» val« of Grains of Gold Coin, t »er ^r under weight. ATl'ORNIES Biil«k Bills oi Costs, for sale at this Office. No tice. T HE concern heretofore carried on fn this place, under the firm of H. W. Wilkinson & Co. is this day diiToIved by mutual confent. All.tboie indebted to the above concern, are re- quefled to make immediate IcttU-ment of their refpedtive accounts, either by pay¬ ment or promiffary Notes of Hand, to the fubferiber—who will alfo fettle all demands again(I the concern. H. W. IVIL KIN SON. Kingflon, loth Ort. 1817, . 74 Sheriff's Sale. Midland District J IT^V virtue of 4 To Wit; J JO foilqfXX* ECUTION, issued out of ilh Mttfn* itf's Court qfKiffg** BeftchAiotdingVi* vif. Vlcas in and/or the Midland Dim Met ftj'orssttid* ut the suit of UICH* jnu RonisoN, of the t**h j Kingston, in the said IXisti //7, Gftltie* /;///;/. against tho Lands ami Tenemei!t$ of JONAS VjfN JLSTJAf: of the Toxcnship bf iliehniond) and District aforesaid, Inn heater, mrifttd to the. Sheriff of the sard Midland DisMct^ I have seized and token in Kjvv ffWw'K /'r lAifinMng to the said MNjIS I jjy JLSTfNE, a j<trt of the South En* tcrly corner of lot number Seventeen. f>, the first Concession off he Tozcnship of ! Richmond; which piece, of 7.w?£/ £ butted and bounded, or may he other* xi'ise.knozvn, dsfolloTCS : that is to son comtrendng in front of tin said conces* siow. at the South Eoster/j/ angU. of said Lot No. Seventeen, thenee Nt>r/t\ Sir teen degrees, West Fourteen eitains and ffiftif links ; then South Seventy* four degrees, West two chains ; /f,eu South Siafeen degrees, East Fifteen chains Fijty links, more or few?, to the water's side ; then Easterly; along the xjater side, to the place oj beginning t containing Three Acres of Land, he the same more or less, zcith tt d&cttlnm and out Houses thereon erected. Noto I do hereby give NOTICE. that the aforesaid piece of Lands to¬ gether zriththe buildings thereon erez* ted, tcill be sold and adjudged to the highest bidder, at the Market, in the Town of Kingston, on SJTUTtfJAK the TlilRDday of JANUARY, nam nest ensuing, at the hour of Eleven 0'Clock in the forenoon. I1ENR1 THORP, Deputy Sheriff, And every person or persons having claims on th* above described piece of Land and premises, by Mortgage, or other right or incumbrance, are here* by advertised to give notice thrrerf. to ' the said Deputy Sheriff, at his House* in the I'itlage of Ernest Tozen, previa ous to th-e sale thereof. . JJENK1 THORP. Deputj SinM<C Kingston, 20/A March, 1817. 4S nriHE fnbfcrjberfl beg leave to inform* X their friend* and ihe public in ye- ncra!, that they carry on the TATLORING BUSINESS in Main Street* yfatrt they intend mak¬ ing every article in their Ifne, on more reafonablc terms than ha« been done for a number of years back. Thofe who wtfh to favor ihcm with their ci.ftom, BlBy rely on having- their work well maJe,- and on the fhorteft notice, for C:*rh. Norris & Stevens. Kingston* Sept. t), 1817- /c- TO BE SOLD, Y the Snbfcrihcr two pair of • BLAG;*.SMITHS' H EL- •OWSttmeJNFtL and Carriole. VVAI.TKK M'CUNIFFK. KingflOQ, 3dNwv. itfiy. ??