Kingston Gazette, Tuesday, November 25, 181 ?—Continued. , ana ii'iKS into me earui,ang ■> »«» «•• » i..............««.*«, uuutn uuin;iii *'>« .larvcsi :, .,u»t u..i,.ivahi in aw i r i- « .. r ■— more till il emerges in foam and bulges »«*«*, «Wch levering by tue ,-0„ . most all the pwui(» ,.i lh.; empire. ™"!^H» V » ? "' the ntheeentttef the Devil'. Hole, from »"'»«.-atiou ofauiinul heat, hadaiiu^lr-J The weather eoati.-ues bite and screue, P ^ ■ ttl T l,teftit«** to its whence ic Mff&a a raogh precipitous »*> d/iug atid the dead in one ma,* „f but II.,- lcu,„vra..a u u.iatrewrr to M"'JwJcej B,a>f R««»P*J» KXCUSHble ; channel into the Niagara. A deed of P^Ucatiaa. he cold, au;U,mou.,c^aa eu.iy v.u- f ? W^ W,'7,^""ala^«»') would horrour watered at the Devil', Hole, i ■■ t,-r. ' *"■.» to nave alike t.ken p ..s-«ion of ,-• horrour «•»« acted at tlie Devil's Hole, ------- .^.. fl . - = of which it was a proper theatre.— Fromffui NationalIiiieUigencer. JLuiLurgli Sept. So. „^« ^-- ! V' . Benc?' to Tradition tells the ftory and alcribe* to --------- Travellers arima .. re from Lu- JflwfJ°ml Powpr> learning and wis. that the origin ofits name-On a ™K OLD si.ill'E.N J. .ok btc SN AK L. fc« * haw bnmgut .no .mMa.u-b.dy Li- J« "^"«««S »« «ew«B h, ccrtafa night during 'he lail French war, '*1* Otertema i!«berme« *erj mo.;, >.,-;,L. i.-IIL.-hc.:. that tn* tii<m ,,. \,......>,u " d Wtl***r*Wfl»' Khw in the iu- a« a party of Eiig'ifijmen were going ^catdt'tftPbigSfsi&ceiCiterdead o»«hv« from the deed to the foot of the portage. Outlet tli. m .... longer their fond keaaia »i,-_ Wl'h waag-ms loaded with merchandife cuw, - _ - , - - mil. it ciuuLUItu 111 lilt." L Dl)1'!' I "lT'-ida anouudci *u r.c-rt ..t toilers, a party 'r.,,r.,.,h .;..-,. wind, d.ugaioi.i lll0- ""« " wt*e couaunu-d. Ga/'tu ■ '1 he wis- »hJ ,.,;,« of Indian? in al!i.-r.c: with the French th.-ri^_________ uaitnc ti.c wtse, the patrtofic and Jff? fTvTa* J A 'e ,?'" T1,e "«^-W»1l '"'J *— 'O S*wl» ««■ ^ At** tfpa&ft that mtAv -nan to his preltntMabori the Dcvjl's rfult, w.icre they had lam in ,..„,_ , . „ . },. * pw-»j•» udoii- ambu/h, and cot tticm off from retreat hi Thai cheats a fair uom,n is imw .«, „, , f "'w"*."* **■***—* <>c »""""" ™* tt™ertat,nS *» b' >""J '!»• po*«r every dJMUo. but loio the Hole. The ^'"^T??ITi """ llifviaK b«n •«»•«* ^'d ff Pfls<*', "■*• *»«« cWmarfotl dreadful yell br&Jthig upon the ai'l .______ W' ^ *»«fiw6r«We, the bwwft wa* very fate, ««*«&.» of toe iwaU of bis proposed Gloom of midnight, and rcfounding vrru, Ym t. vr , **"o aiufih «f tfet -.rain, npi-c-ially oau, puoiu-at.oi. to th.i colony, fnay ne <oll. rhroLh .heda.kca.en and the fo-eft, - zf ? ^* *' "?* *""* '" °'-!ob" In l"C **&* • ^ ^.^0««nottmfoagb-, - • b** l«W bL^ot .no i,.,,an,hoIy i.,- „ " . , ^ T! "^ Tl "e,5r*"" bp> U-Uigncd, thai u.c ,„.... oi Nou/tadt, "'l' Vf*S ^.aPP^« J>*«»" «« in- b-IUtaUiL, H«i almost cn.v.y u,.! Jj^.^J l.f?i:llud!' T**!* wucfc iu uii-N iiaic. i nere may De iomc wire, a lnort Xtll.C iillCe and dl s wuou cicven of uic grains tnji t------.w*«.^ , auxx lut- pjaes! amongst exaggeration in tliivtiirj', but r gfveihc ed immcdia(clv " * " ,Mc! b'c" !trfl l!a,,dinK ln l!;sr (,cl(1 wc,c fi,0in "'"«> ti" livc t0 ^-ap tlie sweet facia a^ I irr. iv.d lium. In cvfdcuceof * ^'__ found to be equal in weight to u.iity of ri vva,d **& tlwir laudable exrrUo»« by the trwih uj'rl.eltory, there i.avc pieces lO\(iP^ O - the grains which had beui cut a fort- wihw«*{nff #h- ""•«- — • " * l ofiionb'-lortgingroa vva^on been hund TIik mnmi.., « " \ ,*' 3* nc -ht fo,">cr' though lome of the grains ■- l.i>r?e wave.whithtumhj/;.,»« fi, j ....... " "u "ot ™»* 'is cha- r> •, ■-^■w«w» "■,"J",1* V l»t">at»Jr thai it may Oe fcvoal .,hole,ItL-nt,:.y»fce,e. incluC Z "l v " I^Vo ^i'""" ■'" Pr1*1 '" ' ^"Sf^P t0Wa^S WC.Itb, aIld ^, SSrSSf"1""' b« '"« ll- ^-in. i^ente oik, of jock, which boic » ^^^^£725* ^,!Ii;f^ ?'" d°°r "**««» l-r- SSSSrtSSir*" ^ "^ excepted, targe«ke of ce ate fo1;,d ' ! \^^ a.,,1 a .,,„„,, s *, ^ ,ai,d flmty Jubilance, G*nm»*«tf other oouriftment. uJ, the »dS aloog ;1« Zlt^ H^^S "T" "'•(' "' ^ ha£dt°ch^as «'* as ,odi- -,, '"V'T ^ ** "'-'-"'-ted , "wu ""!"^1 ut ^'^t^tinopic, gc-ft i thouiandb of bufhekarc CJdViSwS"^^ rf#&**'*»*