Kingston Gazette, November 25, 1817, p. 3

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It is ifm.11.but Foil bodied yell< wifh fact that the Spanish Minister, Don ThefoUitetttf Advertisement h cop. grain, and differs from the common oat Onis, has at this moment in hispo.<u>s- fed verbatim from a manuscript bitl^ by its thuifliing~Jltan out from the hufk, sion sealed despatches from fltfai lattUy posted up ttt a public place. m tl*e manner of wheat. J. M. F. Court, which despatches he is directed Richmond October 17f h 1817 ------mm_ not to open until the meeting of Con- Advertisement The win: of good neighbourhood, *«* *•• N. \. Spectator, this is to Certify that 1 Solomon Al¬ an J direliftiou of duty, fo often and juft- [The above statement is considered bert is Good to Cure any sore in word ly complained of, as often proceeds from by the National Intelligencer, lobe Complaint or any Fains Rheumnticks forgetfulnefs as fiom ignorance. And as premature.] "" every one will acknowledge thitftnten- at are oitcner remembered than farnons, 1 have ventured to offer the public, Find all's Four Rules, for promoting peace and Good-will. id. Never negicdt a fair opportuni¬ ty for reconciling enemies. id. Never haltily join thofe quarrcW to which women or children are apt to From South America —It is Hated in the Nantucket Gazette, that Captain Weeks, of the fhip Martha* who left Valparaifo on the i nh of July and ar¬ rived at Edgartown on the 20th ult. touched at Rio Giandc on the 6th of September, wheie it was reported that Pains or Any Complaint whatsoever the Subscriber doctors with yefbs or piocurcd from the Treafnrcr. Roots any Person wishing to employ hira will find him at Dick Hells Solom Albert PUBLIC NOTICE. T[HE first Suhfcription Ball will take place at Walker's Hotel, on Friday, the 28th instant. Allan Maclean, "1 Thomas Markland (Managers. Peter Smith, J Kingston, Nov. 14th 1817. N. B. Tickets of Admittance to be 25 NOTICE. A Meeting will be held at St. Geor¬ ge's Church on Saturday next, Notice. A LL perfons who have claim? againft Uj\. the lublctiber. are requeiKd to leave the fame at the Office of C. A. Hagerrr-an, Efq. on or before the 15th the Patriots. The (hip Enterpiiie, Cap¬ tain Coffin, of Philadelphia, from Juan give rile. 3d. Never believe, or repeat, all the c- vil you may heir of your neighbour. T . 4th. Never abufe a Sorrowed article, Fernandez, arrived at Valparato 9th Ju- or keep it beyond the time allowed you. \f *»* a i««&« from th*\ P,acc'. who —~—m had given themfeivcs up to the patriots. . , _ ~ r~ , , , iV. York Seaator. A deftructtve fire lately took _____ place at Albany, N. York. Be- afecondrevolt had taken place in Pernam- ^ , g ^ ^ ^ ^ .- day of DtfCemher next . and ,U wh(J '^ buco, and that the cty was tn pajftfion of y^ cnRflderat;on the diftrefT.d ftate of indebted to him, arc defiled to fettle,he Emigrants in and about Kingfton, and &IW on ** bt"'orc »!»■ fir't day of De- ofdevifing means for their prefect and member, othrrwlfe their account-. wiK be permanent relief. Kingston, Nov. 25 Put mt.° the ha,ld$ .of an Attorney fur cullcdtion. A paper printed at Chillicothe, Ohio. fore the flames could be extin- ftatcs t,lat'" tl)C ««•»»«? of that town, a young Ptar Tree, wh'ch had never before born fruit, lias produced this fta- foa about thirty Pears, weighing on an average one pound and a halfeach. One of the Pears mealures fifteen and a half inches in circumference, and weighs up- ib NOTICE. A LL petfons indebted to Jonas To Let, guifhed, twenty-one buildings w<fre cieftroyed. Abbot, or Jonas Abbot 8c Co. A ND poffefuon given immediately, are requeued to make immediate pay- XAIl four rooms in a houfe near the ment to Thomas S. Whitaker, as Roman Church, an alfo a larg* Garden, all accounts remaining unpaid after the —Apply to thc fubfetiher. 20lh December, wiilbeproi'ecuted with- JOHN YOUNG. « W m out difcriminaiion. Jonas Abbot, By his Attorney, T. S. Whitaker, Jomas Abbot & Co. Kingston, November 24, l 81 7. 262 % Kingston, Nov 24, 1817 26. MARRIED* In this town, ou Tuesday last* by the R.v. George O.Stuart, George wards of two Pounds. B.Wilms, Esq. Lieut. Rojal Artilie- vnr 4<m/TC ty, to Mabgarft Frkdmica, eldest Thc ^ rf ^ M % iece cf ^ „ -----------_ daughter of 1-r.xr.K Smith, E^. cvery polatoc ufed iu the of the HP*1? fi*ftnbn» beg leave toimora, . , v • ik* i lL , ,, . i r* _,] ....... K,it -1 their friends and the rubuc, that At Y*>rk, on Monday, the loth inst. winter, has often occurred to u« . but J.4MES M.iVAVLAY cj.1 i* 1' \f 'r** of preicrvuig spector of Hospitals, to Mi^s Crook- gel[ed in a communicat;;)n publiihed m FOR SALE—VERY LOW, OZ\ Tons of good barn H * Y, to be ^^7 fold in a lot, within fix miles of Kingfton —Apply at this Of5eo Nov. 25, 1817. ifo they have tuft received on confignment. p.. r»*mi*i; Tn ^ve nevcr yct 'hougnt ot io eaiy a way 7 J . & ' , Cibq, deputy In- / ? f ' :./.,,,. the following a.tie es, which they will . ,*. ^ of p<-eierv:r»tr this kind ot Iced as 16 tug- ..- t .ft 0' oiSpole ct cheap tor Lain—vut. c -SHANK. / B/K TH. On Sunday, the Lidy of Major Lo- ETKa, of a D'*tighter.— York Gaz. DIED, At St. Andrew, Upper-Canada, on the *26th of September, in the 29th y.*ar ot his age, Lieutenant Joseph Fiton- Vsher, of the late Glangary Liylit Infantry. the Albany Gazette. Many cujeful in¬ telligent farmers have a(fu«ed us, Iron; aflual ex )erimcnt and obi'ervation, thst when a fta ( while thofc from the opp fmal!, fpindlin^, znd comparatively bar¬ ren. From this it i* evident, t!»at live feed ends produce almo-l as abtindaut a CTop aii five wh -ie potatoes, and of couric Whitcand tar'd Ropt, Hambro and Cod Litfe;-, few in g, I earn and Holland Twine, Patent Yelhnv and Sitfc l^intb, white, black and .Spnnilh brown ditto, iw ^< A ME into the tnclofure of the fubr fcribert feme ;ime in Septembei; la(t, a larpe COW. in good order The ownoi in defired to prove property, pay charges, and take her ?wav. SIMEON MORRILL. Kingflon, ( Hattcr'a Bay) } Nov. 24, 18:7. f 26 wafln fcrubbingj ft' veand flr>e Brulhej, 40 dozen paint Brufhes affo.ted, iaoie$r S? TO LET, A ND pofleffion given irnmediarcly, _,t\ a Houfe, coutaiiitng fix toam$9 a good Celler, Well and Garden ; and a good Bake bnufe aij ining it, the oven and lientleriien'e w hit'- and black lilk of which will hold 2wO Loaves of brc^d. Extract o/ft h>uer tn th? Editor of the Richmond Vitiriot* dated " NATCUKZ, Oct. IS, 1817. "Of all the pljigues I ever h**ud. Gloves, cotton and fawn tan do fnow by f-ving thefe ends, there h a clear gain St->cki^s-one lady's Side Saddle- utwtrt ihan half of every p.tat.;e. So «Wg«« Ktdmg Whips, &c. &C. ALSO, An affortment o! Ladies 2nd that the man who ha-4 laid tip twe^ity bu(hcb of potatoes, indeed of ufing fit- bury tne oeaa. me poor wretehesare found d'*ad in their hou- poles cutting off a^ fcnall piece of tW ses by themselves, and it is difficult to f«d cuds, and putting them into a caflc, get any one to lay them out and put mixing a little to keep them from them in the ground. Almost all the drying or moulding.] stores are shut up, and the ^post-office ---------- Isouly open two or three hours on mail The Brussels printer, William Deb- Apply tc the fubfcribers near the Catho* lie Church* mufwuii Kingfton, Nov. 7, 1817- h 241? For Sale, Or 1O LET, IMMEDIATELY, an elegant 2| Story dwelling Houfe, nited out in the molt conimodious manner, blfo an excellent Stable, together with THE fubfcriber beg! leave to ac- , _ T . . . c „ , quaint his Mends and the public, thc F°WJ! Lot °" wh,ch ^^ !la"d ~ that he has made a large improvement Any pcrfon willing to leafe 01 pUlchal'< on Lot N'v 1, in the rirft conceiHon of the townfhip of Cramahe, being well litnated on the Prefque Ifle Bay, for a- ny kind of bufinefs, as velTels of 60 tons days. It is such awful times that not a usscher, who was prosecuted by the dollar enters the town, except to get Duk-of Wellington for a libel, has burthen can go up to a wharf now\un7 some necessary that canuot be dispen- been found guilty, and sentenced to He hopes to fee a Village therein sed with." pay a fi"e °f loooo ilorin«, to be inm disposed of as the Duke shall direct, ' MONTREAL, November \1. to print 2ooo copies of the judgment Ou Saturday last, the Honorable W. against him and post them up in what- B. Coltman, oue of the .Commission- ever parts of the kingdom his Grace ers appointed by his Excellency for shall order, and to pay the costs of settling the differences between the prosecution.—Brussels paper. Honorable Hundson's Bay Company ■ .andtlie Northwest Conpany, arrived Something Remarkable. here from the Rfd River, with Henry m^tlv liu^.1 «,;th Mr «„..„„..■ n, «».-, . * «.«-»*-»•*—— -- w^*-..*.»^x^ a ft*E^oire-TheRiah.(."°"-- Atihedil,"er.°.fth.eA=ricul- 35^-SwSS"ok!otnSbCt HHPiif.c'"ir,*rr fh-Tt lime, and has laid out fum acres of land in Town Lots, which he offers for fale on reafonable terms. James Richardson, Sen. Cramahe, zzd Nov 1817. s6»*4 w NOTICE. HEREAS a Woman by the le the above will find it their nitereft to make immediate application to HENRT CASSADT. Kingfton, Nov. 3, 1817. 23tf JUST received and for fale at thil Office, price 7\&. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSATS on name of Sarah Giland for. PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY- *.u4 utitk \tl ■* U .,__________* O._____A. *r the Earlof Selkirk ^turn^to thh city tural Society at Brighton, were IfrjE^S iSakTism feveral bythecurutousrouteoflrhiladelplua, pro(lUced some black morocco lliim. and ttolc feveral vtiekk I here- I .<*athrr aiul a nair of Indie's by caution any perf:>n from emDlovinkr and is expected daily ^/ Leather and a pair ot ladie's by The Floridas.—It is stated in the Philadelphia Democratic Press of last evenhig, that8 Captain Arnold, of thc ship Lucy, from Bordeaux has brought shoes, which were maiiufactur- ,*«*■ d!ft°nefl Pfrfon andnot . ,.' .. , ,, ,, to be trulted with any thmtr. ed irom the skin or a Croat, MARY BARNETT. which was alive iu the rooming Kingston, Nov. 17, 1817. 26 out despatches for government from the ot'the same day in Chariestown; pipHE fefefcrfcew ba« Received in ml addition to their former flock a American Minister at the Court of The animal was killed, stripped Spain. It is presumed tjiat these dis- of his skin, which Was CUITjed patches relate to the negotiations ear- amj tanned, and a pair of shoes T^°LhTTi^ 2£f Sn£ made from it in less than twelve and Spain as to tne purchase 01 the " n floridas. It h distinctly understood, ■»««- Boston paper. on very good authority, that G. /Britain ---------- has said to Spain, " If you choose to A Radish raised this season iu the •keep the Floridas, it is well ; but if garden of Capt. jacob Dittrick, near >ou determine to sell them, we think St. Cotharines, measured 2t>j inches in we have a rtgUt to the preference, and „ rtrta . f , «e shall expect the first offer." This ienSth> 22l IU circumference, and language has offended and embarrassed weighed 13 pounds.—Mag. Spec. the Court of Madrid, although we dp - not believe it will inliuence its determi- EPIGRAM. nation ; indeed we feel confident that Loud brAy'd an Ass—Quoth K-i»e, * my dear/ determination is made, and is now in fa> spouse, injeerSug can iage, the United States. We come to this 'Qne of your relatives 1 bear*— capdu*ioa from a kiiowi«4ge of the * y«jJotc/ e^y«Jit, *fymarriage? Quantity of Cloths, Flannels, Sp irits,s Sugars and Teas. WALTER M'CU/VIFFE&Co. K gstontNov. 25, 1817, 26tf For Sale, THE EaR half of Lot number Pinter. Eighteen in the fiift conceffion 4jf Frcdcricksburgh, on which is a good Houfcand large improvement.—Enquire «it thii Office. Kingllon, Nov. 2A; 1^17. 26wj By C- F. Gsuece, of Montreal. November 14. 75 FOR SALE, LOT No. 12, in the 5th conceffion of the townfhip of Rodney. ALSO, Lot No 6, in the 12th conceffipn of the townfhip of Portland ;—For fur¬ ther particulars, apply to the fubfcriber. JACOB VANARNAM. Kingflon, 0£t. 30, 1817. 23if TO BE SOLD, A Genteel convenient Houfe, with part of a Town Lot, fituated in Front ftrcct near thc Market* in a mod eligible fituation for any line of public bufinefs—For particulars apply to the Kingston, sept. 15, 1817. 16 BLANK BAIL BONDS, For sale at this Office,

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