[TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1817.1 - ^— KINGSTON *■ [VOLUME VII.—No. 2G] J— T T E Kingston, Upper C\?;ada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annu »tbt m—Exclusive of Postage. *- j r___,___.-—i- ^fe&&^.*T?->4*fe.i2£ Agents for Ike Kingston Gazette. [r«estTo«vn,JAMES RANKIN, Esq. irk, WILLIAM ALLAN, Esq, rockv'rlle. A. 8FIFR\VOOrD> Esq. •Hrrlle, S. M-NABB, Esq. U* ■ * ■■■■ ■■■ Cusaek's Hotel. HTE fubferiber having opened a new and convenient Hou(ein (lore ftr. Soft ReCpeAfnlly informs his friends and »c public, chnt he has taken nrcn? pain1 fo furnifh it in every refpeft to merit a are of public patr< nage. Gtut'cncn travelling n)ay rely upon laving good accoiy»m«.daM.»n and attend- ince. Laiv?* and Gentlemen c;>n be My To prilled wfh Confe&ionacy of a,!l tind/and heft quality. Alio the Prince Regents m^rpin? •ink, compofed fliul carried on at prcf- II a\ tht above concern by James Reed nfe£lint,er. R. CUSACK. KtovsJon, Stpt. 6, t817. ^ i5tf 15ST received by the the fubferiber, a complete afToitmeat of Gentlemen s Chalks. fafuperlor quality and workmanfhip, *hich will be fold very cheap frr Cash. j. PISE. Kingston, June yh, 1817. Itr T Militia Pension Agent's Office, York, 1st October, 1817 HE General A^entfor paying Militia Pensions, having received the sum of Five Thousand Pounds, in aid thereof; hi five* Notice, that the same are now in course (ii issue, agreeably to the following- Lists : ere by LIST of Widows whose Husbands have been Killed in Action, or by any Casualty or Accident while on Duty, or have Died of ound.s received in Action, or from Disease contracted on Actual Service during the late War with the United hi States of America. Name of tVinow. Name and Ra.vkof late Husband. NAME I RANK To L Pf/t&0 OR the trrm often years, a Town Leu, adjoining the Oa.d, concain- j! two Pjfcb« of an acre—apply to the kferibsrj. H.C. THOMSON,! C//i. SHORT, j Kmzttctt Sept. 8. 1817. Church wardeus, 1$ Boor , SUCta and Leather ji 8TORE. 1.5!, .dams, Mary Mair, Phcebe \ ugiiKLip,-, Sophia i't»ndy, M. Mudelene ^ih>.h, Margaret idilicfton, Nancy .Sasndo, Margmrt *Iat5Ca*ttc% alary Butler, Sii*an •jiown, Ba bath rioyer, Elenor '.ialia, Ta%ey ■jc'ii, S-* aiMiali Bowen, Catharine liurmim, Martlia ttuchttii&R, f lizabetb iUivtimn, Luci iida Do do Carroll, Nancy Co*..ell. Liizab^th Clendccnen, iVlary Coon, Mary Clark. Alary t'London ncn. Hannah OiibiiMne. Ann Campbell, Nancy CarcaJan, Rachel Cole, Elizabeth Carpenter, Sophia Caack, Mary a. r<;p».% Frances C'oi bin, Aiary ffcl do Ile'Ior, Jenisha- Dennis rJ.Kahcth D&rby, fivelove E!!i , Margate! Do do Por?ytb, tfannah t-'ru-or. Oa Marine b'arnug'Oi'. Catharine Ko/iwaj A:||| ': &•*, Maiy G#a , fch*rj j>o do Grant, Mary (iiv:-ii, Margaret do 1 lOUa.PUiQ Urner, Hiipliia Latter, Harriot .lull, l.ti/.ibeth Samuel jvdams John Adair [Abel Augustine Laurente JBnndy Ju>hna Booth Pierre Badichon Joseph Ba-ti<Jo Lorn* BlaucheUe J0:1 a.-on BctSer l>aac Brown Martin Buyer Jacob Bahrt George Bon Henry Bow en Wht-eler Bar mi m William Buchai>aa Mtfees Bukhara John Carroll George Cegiiell Allan 1 Cletidcnnen John Coon «loun Clark Ali'm. Clotidennen Pi<*rre Cahasierre VV iiliam Campbell Edward Curcallou Abraham i'ole Jam"-. Carpenter Cieorg • Couck WiUiam Cope Cyrenus Cdibio John Del lor Joseph Dennli Dudley !>ai!iy Jaittei lorivth [WHtiaW I'raM-r ISau'uel t-'arringon A.'am P»rb*».s Michael Gras* George vlrats "VViUiaT. (irnnt Samuel Qrctfn (lvnrjt>* Union* /.iciieiiah llnincr David rfainur jKiah Hull ;i-!»e:-t or Mrbeid, Marlha B-ela Hebert \J V91V1.1AMBJ8 Co. at rbo JjX • Si/jn of the GoMtn Last, tlore Jiec^i fcfpefifwlly Inform tlv. ininhitams if Kiugtton, anfl it< virltutf, that rhev •ill centinnc their fi^i ^^/ SAcw Manw USory. where they keep o-nftantly on Hand, a large aff^rfneft' t»f Lady's and Oiutleroen's Boots and ^hoe9 of every LiKE\vis»-t a fupply <.-f ^ood Sole Jhd Uoper Lcarher, of all kinds. Kingston, OBoh-r 6, 181 7. 1 (Jtt STOVES, THE fubfcrifee* has |aR leceivedat hi; Biicu aorc. Front ftrect. Dou¬ ble and Sinr>le ' STOVES &f Shest Iron, And has a!fo on hajid as ufuu* a gen¬ eral affotrnenT.^f Dry GOODS, Liquors, . AND 6ROrJUUES9 Crockery and Glafs Ware in Crater, L'ufced and Curriers Oil, Paints ground j inoU ;—and expefts in a few fay* an addition to hh Stock, all which vvi!i be Ibid extremely cheap at wh-le fa^c. S. BARTLET. Kingston 03. 20, 1817. 21 For Sate, SEVERAL valuable Town Lots.— * Apply t'> the IcbfcWher, Allan MacLean. Kingston, 08r. 2, 18 I 7. 19tf Wants a S'tuation, AS Waiter, Bar and Boak Keeper ;j to attend a Gentleman as Body Servant, or Butler in a family the fub- feftwi, who has lived three years & two months in his prefent Gtuation at Wal- ser's Hotel, where an unexceptiona¬ ble chatafter will be given. CHARLES DAWSON. Kington, Nov. 7, 1817. 24<f TO LET, A ND poflrffion given immediately, ^fc a Hoofeand Lot with a Stable, fit«ttedinStuartvill«. «&, one Houfc and Lot, fituated T UieFtcacb Church, lately occupied J Mr J^fcph St. Germain. One g*ft aadLot, next door to Mr. Tou ■foLeftage. Euquire of WQNfBJU y St. (fERMAIN. ISammiity. Eli-' abelii M«-k-, r.»i/nbe:h il.i.-;ar, A cubnh \\<\/<:!!, Kfauoah .Joan.'on, Ann John*on, l'Ji/;i!»elh Knit:, Barbara Kcitdcriek, Susannah Kves, Sarah Uo do Limberncr, Catharine Lottr.-.Jjre, Nancy La Tonr. Charlotte \ki>oi;' 1! SM^annah fvi u 1 •■&>, Fraiicw May. i>o^;liy | Mrl)anueli, Nancy j MeUmtgai, Margaret Me Co1 him, Suraxi iVta ks, Roth McCienn, Mary Miller, Tlivsis ^"t"loclle, Archange M'iMier.-on, Jane Do do JJerrkly, Catharine Do do • Munin, ?arah Do do Mci;onnell, Ann Do. do Pier, Lydia PnUe, ( arharine , Paltefeon, Hannah Pew, Maty Petit, Susannah RenQaw, Cecile Rock, Calhanoe iiabbec, Marie Angelique Roberts, Sarah Stewart, Lncretia i Siorms, Hai:nah Stickle, Mary Spoooer, Parthena do do' Tor:;ev- Ann Taylor, Sarah 'IVal, Barbara Teal. Catherine Tompkin>, Debarah Tavlor, Mary do do Vanderbarii#rk, Mary V'ansickle, Margaret Walker, Harriet Wright, Lli/abeth Wilkerson, Nancy Wolfrum, Catharine Wolf, i-.lsey Warner. PliVt-be Wilkenon, Mary ^ilsOO, Xvli'/.abeth Wigley, Mary - White, llaiinah do do Yt*nn», Nancy Younjc. -Mary 107 Silas Huinbllfi J(»>epl» Micks Jonathan ila^ar ElicnanI Ma/ell John Jolu^ion Trionan .lohnson George Ivi irsr |>ake Wntg Kendrick A>ahel Kyes Private do do [Captain do Private do do Lieut. Colonel Private do S'Mjeant Private [Teamster Private Captain Private do Captain Private do do do do do Tea taster Private do S^rjeani Teamster Pri\a(Q do do EnM«n Private do do do do On plain Private do do do oo do do do Li*", it. Private do do do do do iTearostef Private do Serj-'ant Lieuti : do iPrivate do do Captain Private Alexander l.vmburner John Loitri'tfije Joseph La Tour ChriNSOpher McDonell jLieni. Daniel Murray I Private John May Donald MeDoneB Donald MeDcugal Collin McCoUum C*or;:elius Marks AUan McClean iLie;it. Knvien Jau&es Miller Lonifl Meloche Daniel McPiierson Teamster do Sergeant Private Act't; Sailing Master C Private do do I Christopher Merckley Teamster — — do John Martin Hush McDonnell Stephen Peer David Pulse J eh n Patterson Samuel Pew Uriah Petit Par=chal fleaume John iloek J enn B. Rabbee William Roberts Enoch Stewart* Henry Storms John Stickle Nazareth Spooner George Turney Robert Tavlor Lawrence Teal Zaeheriah Teal J ei emiaii Tompkins Peter Taylor Corn's Va.ider Barrack David Vanvirkle Kdward Walker Charles Wright Jacob Wiikexson Philip Wolfram Courod ifVuife Michael Warner Robert VYilkerson Samuel V> il-on Christopher WigJev Nathaael White Henry Young Henry Young Privat do do do do do do do Serjeant Private do do do do do do do do Captain Private do do do do do do do Captain Private do do do do Teamiter Private do Taptain do l/i cut. Private Service or | Reg! to which ' he belonged. seeoi.d Lincoln fourth do nist Essex do Addington second Essex second Lincoln do four tit do [second York firsr Lincoln second Lincoln Lenox " do first Norfolk first Evsex Middlesex Oxford first Lincoln first Norfolk second Lincoln do first Li 1.coin Incorporated fir*J (ileugary Ha-iings Lenox fifth Lincoln tecond Lincoln first Norfolk 1 incorporated third York third Lincoln Aldington Oxford Action in which, or how Killed,or Deceased, and when. ACTTON, Ac. I WHEN ( aippuwa Di-ease do Fori Meigs { a' palry Ri\**r Baste Cnij-pawa do J)*s. a»e do no do ' do do do do do drt Casualty LttodVs Lane Fort Erie Disease do do do do do do do do do do do York Dteeasfe do do Period for which Pen-ion i* in course of Pavment. FROM I TO '1*3 M3 M4 M4 *W • fifth July 'ignteeatfa Deem. •irst April .:f;h May •-v.enty-veventh Oct wenty-first January »ftb Julv fifth July firvt D'cemher tenth December twentieth April second December thiny-first December MS eighth February *\3 sixteenth March M.S nineteenth Sept. '13 fifteenth August fc!-l twenty-seventh Aug. '14 twenty-fifth July 414 twent\-,M^hth Nov. *!S •erond January '13 foui'i.* December '15 1 wenty-fifth October '15 February * I •> Hirst March «13 twenty-fifth January c18 ihirty-hist December*13 twenty-sixth January113 ourth Deenubei* '13 fifth March *1S welfth March 1814 Fi.st Jan. l\V do do do do do do do do do do do Jo do do do ifMenthAuj first Jan. 14 do do do do do do do do do do do do second Lincoln Chippa*a first Grenville Disease Pfincc Edward loeorporated .irst Lincoln do firit Gleneary second York first Lincoln do do Incorporated fifili L'nndu I I'rinei' Id. ;d M'Cont' Lincoln firs? VNsex ftvtir'h Lincoln Oxford eond York bird "York rt Leeds do a«rth Lincoln Rh Lin«:olu loniettae Second lvr»coln hrd York .-t Lincoln second 'ilen^ary - eond Lincoln Oxford Kent Prov'l. Marine !:r>: Essex V-ldington IVrham do do do do do do Ca-ualiy do Disease do do do do .4.v do do do do do do do do do do do do Lhippaw* York Disease do do do do Casualty Disease weuty-seveuth April413 J an nary 'I b\ ! even tli March *13 twenty-seventh Oct. 'IS fifth July Ml seventeenth May 4I*'- ;tiirty-lir>i December * I..' i\th March *i ■"• ■•eveiiteruth Decern, *1- hirneth May *W ighl-enth Feb'y. *13 ^i.\ih July 'IS '14 M3 '13 •13; 02' 13 •13 U2 MS 'IS •13 do Casualty do Disease do Addin^ton Dr's.1 <Ur — do •econd Glengary do — do -'-"oud Lincoln Vding.on Denox second Lincoln •wond Norfolk '";-t Esex • hird Lincoln I*rl. Ar'y. DrvsJCasualty ■ir-t Essex tnriftr-second Nov. second Fetm;ary KiAth October J'ine N"rtvem!»er ;.jji 111 '•"'-•Hii'tnmy twenty*fourth Oct. en'h October emli Oerober ir-i December enth December Deri-mrn'r first JaiMiary fourteem 1 July •13feurC I — — — fir*t , thirteenth Angutrt M4I do lueotY-nimh Nov. M2 tiarfv-tirM March M3; ^fth July M4l twenly-sevvnfh April * 13 figlitii .November weuueiu March first February twelfth Deeeiober r-i January rst February in tli October, eighteenth May third Jauuaiy do do MiJtwelfrhMarcb *>r>- Jan. do do do 27th October ntt Jan do do do xtii Mardi rr^t Jan. 30th May rirst Jan. do i:\tii July d«l Jan. do do t do do rlfr do do do do do do do •lafourteenth July Jan. IT MS M3 '18 •tt M3 •1+ do do do do do do do do ' o do do 31st December do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dp do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •13 M7 M5 M7 •13 M7 •IS •1 M •ia do Motbird Chippawa Disease do do do River Rasia Dise^e fifieenth March burtfa December tvtfnty-eighth Feb'y ' fifth Jnlv fourteenth June twelfth December 'IS tenth September M3i first Jcuuary '13 twenty-first January *i3 fin-t December twentieth March m 111141 Jan. hryt do l14 fifteenth March rir>t Jan. M4 fourth Dec. first Jan. '13 28th Feb. first Jan. do do do do do do do do 15 M4 •13 1 M7 M4 M7 14 M7 M3 M7 From wounds in > temh M act om at Ft.MeigJ M2 •13 •18 VliHtiaArtHIerytDisease Vdd'iit;ton •erond Lincoln Frontenac second Lincoln do third Lincoln do Prince Edward Oxford second Lincoln fifth Lincoln t \ Incorporated Urn Lincoln second Lincoln Incorporated irsi Lincoln do econd Lincoln ttrsi Norfolk tor* Ets<-t second Norfolk P'iuce Edward Leuo« * do do do do Chippawa do Disease Uo do , Action on I^ke Erie do Disease do Fort Frie FortGrorge Cliip]>awa Casualty Ptseaie do do do do do do do do nineteenth March thirty-first March tenth December thirteenth Octobel 1° do do *!o do fifth July Ditto Ml MS ninth January seventeenth January M3 tv, enty-seventh Dec. tenth September ei<; teentb March December twelfth Augnst twenty-seventh May lifih July rwenty-ftrst August tenth Dc ember first November fifth June thirty-first Decemb'r *1S eleventh October *1S Efteenth March M4 iirly-fir-f Decembr. '12 ighteeuth Novem'r. M2 •13 M2 M3 thirteenth Oct first Jau. do do do do do M3 tenth September fust Jan. do do do do do do do do do do do fifteenth March first Jail. do do •13 '171 L '18 M7 M3 •IS M4 M3 M4 MS 'W M-l •18 M4 •17 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do *> do do do do do do do do do da do do do do (Seenext page) 16 M7 &0 po 20 |*0 20 20 20 20 20 |?0 20 20 SO 4T V0 .'0 'JO :o .'J to •' rO 20 *) 20 to 20 56 %Q 20 20 21; 20 V0 so 36 >0 71 20 20 ti<> 20 20 20 2t» (■amiU ( urr-ncy, Dollacaijs r Mfi 17 •17 •K» M7 MM M7 Mfi M7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 <» 12 0 0 0 h 9 O 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 f) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 .0 0 * 0 1 I) 0 0 0 C3 0 0j <\) 0 I) E0 o 16 Blank Deeds and Memorials, A For Ms 2$ this Qftce. A Dwelling Houfc and Bake-houfe Id LET for any number of years that may be agreed up^n. Forparticu- lars enquire of WALTER M'CUNIFFE. Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sate at this Office. A OCicc. To be Let, Room with a fire place and two lied looms. Et.quirc at this tiiigfton, Nov. 5. 24