Kingston Gazette, November 18, 1817, p. 5

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Kingston Gazette, Tuesday, November 18, 1817— -Continued. ^ Militia Pension Agent's Office, York, 1st October, 1817, ___ HE General Agent for paying; Militia Pensions, having received the sum of Fftfe Thousand Pounds, in aid thereof; hereby gives Notice,that the same are now in course of issue, agreeably to the following Lists :*-*- LIST of Widows whose Husbands have been Killed in Action, or by any Casualty or Accident while on Duty, or have Died of Wounds received in Action, or from Disease contracted on Actual Service during; the late War with the United Stales of America. Name of Win mv. N'A'JE and Rank of late Hpsband. NAME RANK AilHtU*, iVia-; *dan\ Pftorap AugSMiue, Sophia iioi.dy, M. fciatleiene Booth, Margaret j&diChfin, Nancy B"_- ido, Margaret BhmcI.eUc, Mary !Srltr, iMi>an Brown, Barbara Buyer, Lienor Ratio, TaNey Ben, Susannah Boh en, Catharine B.oitum, Manila Reraanan, Mizabeih lii i^itani, Lucinda Do do Cnnoll, Nancy C«*l-Ml, Elizabeth C'i 'iidCDDcn, .Mary C'OOD, Mary Ciarii, Mary CieiuViwien, Hannah Caba^irre, Arm Ci'^pi>«MI, Nancy CVirvu Ian, Raoiel, iJi/aoeih Carpenter^ Sophia C\i\.:\ Frances Co &s,fctary Do do De«li»r, J*nraha In :;.-.! , i iuaiieth j;*.:b>, "reelove l>0 (In F«)i\\th, Hannah fYa,-r»\ Catharine Farring.on, Catharine J'oibu.% Ann Gra-s, .Mary Ora.-.*, Mary I Jo do CtaiH, Mary Green, Margaret bo do Hamcr, Catharine Jta-ner, Sophia Hiil'U KtizalH-th ]j b'*i! or IIeD'»rd, Martha JlambHu, Elrzabelh IJick-, Kluaheili Itagar, &?«&**! ' lia/ell, Hannah Johnston, Ann Johusoh, FJizabeth Ki»«i Barbara K< hdtfrtdCA Susannah K*.-* Sarah Do do J,i.nDtirncr, Catharine lo*. ridge, Nancy J,a Tour, Ch;i lotte McDoneli, S :-..-ioab Murray, Frai ccs May- Woiothy M\'>onne!l, wancy McOougal, Margaret *1e(*o!l»in, Sarah * arks, Ruth McCl'au, Mary Miller, Thesis Meioche, Archange- flcPherson, Jane Do do tytrckly, Catharine "Do do Martin, Sarah (* (G do Mcl/om.ell, Ann Do. do £eer, Lydia Peltr, Caiiarine Paurron, llaunah F*w, Mary Pt»'i\ Susannah R-.-au^e, Cecile Roik, Catharine Uabbee, Marie A.igelique Roberts, Sarah Sfpwart, Lucre-tia So'tas, 1 Ian nah Stickle, Mary b^iooner, Parthena do do Tnrney, Attn Tsylnr, Sarah Teal, Barbara Teal, Catherine Tamp viii", Dcbarah Taylor, Mary do do Vanderbarrack, Alary Tan-iekle, Margaret *Vatker, Harriot Wright, Elizabeth "Wilkenon, Nancy "VYolfrum, Catharine Wolf, Efaey Werner, Phcebe WlUtet'SOii, Mary WtLw, Ll'uabeth W k « •, Mary Wn.i. i fan nah d» to ^ ..»■•.*, Sancy Young, t»Ury iff i$nm;;cl Artaut* John Adair Abel Augustine Lmtrente Bondy Joshua Boorh Pierre Badichon Joseph Ha jido Louis Blatichctte Johnson Butter Isaac Brown Martin Buyer Jacob Balm George Ben Henry l'uwen \Vheeior Bainum William Buchanan Mo-**' Brighain John Carroll George Coghell Adam Clendcnnen John Coon John (Hark Ab'm. Clendenncn Pierre Cabasierre William Campbell Kdwa*d ( arcallon Abraham Cole Jamc- Carpenter George Uo;*ck William Cope Cyrenus Corbin John Deilor Joseph Dennis Dudley Darby David £11 is James Forsyth William Prater jSamuel Farrington Adam Forbes Michael Grass George Grass William Grant Samuel Green George Haincr Zacheriah llainer |)j*\ ill llitiiirr Kiah Hull Beela Hebert S»la» Hamblin Joseph Hacks ,'->..- l i! ku i Hagar Richard Maxell John Johii^tou Truman Johnson George King i)uke Win. Kendrick Asahel Kyes Alexander Lyinburner John Lot ridge Joseph L:t Tour Chri-topher McDoneli Daniel Murray John May Donald McDoneli Donald McDougal Collin McCollum Gomeliut Marks Allan McClean Ijaines Miller I Louis Meioche Daniel McPhersen Christopher Merckley John Martin Hugh McDonnell Stephen Peer David PttU* John Patterson Samuel Pew Uriah Petit Parsclial Reanme John Rock Jean B. Rabbee William Roberts Enoch Stewart Henry Storms John Stickle Nazareth Spooner Geoige T'lrney Robert Taylor Lawrence IVal Zsicheriah Teal ^ Jeremiah Tompkins Peter Taylor Corn's Vander Barrack David Vansickle Edward Walker Charles Wright Jacob Wilkerson Philip Wolfram Conrod Wolfe Michael Warner Robert Wilkerson Sanmel WTil-on Christopher Wigley Nathaniel White «[enry Young Henry Youn& Pmate do do Captain do Private do do Lieut. Colonel Private do Serjeant Private Teamster Prixaie Cap ain Private do Captain Private do do do do do Teamster Private do Serjeant Teaii;sier Private, do do Fn-ign Private do do do do Captain Private do do do do do do do Lieu*. Private do do do do do [Teamster Private do Serjeant Lieut. do Private do do Captain Private Lieut. Private Lieut. Ensign Teamster do Sergeant Private Acfg Sailing, Master Private do do Teamster do Privat do do do do do <\o do ^e jeant Private do do do do do do do do Captain Private do do do do do do do Captain Pmate do do do do Teamster Private do aptain do Metiti rtitUte > Service or Reg; to which he belonged. .second Lincoln fourth do first Essex do Addir.gton second Essex second Lincoln do fourth do second York hrst Lincoln second Lincoln Lei i ox t\o first Norfolk first Essex Middlesex Oxford first Lincoln first Norfolk second Lincoln do [first Lincoln Incorporated first Glcngary Hastings Lenox fifth Lincoln sreond Lincoln first Norfolk Incorporated third York third Mncoln IddingtOtt Oxford AcUon in which, or how Killed, or Deceased, and when. ACTION, &c._J________WHEN fifth July -ightcenth Deem. ■rst April Chip paw a Di.ease do Fort Meigs Casualty River Rain Chippawa do Disease do do do do do do do do do Casualty Lundy's Lane Fort Erie Disease do do do do do do do do do do do York Dt case do do do •econd Lincoln Chippawa first Grenville Disease Prince Edward Incorporated Erst Lincoln do first Glengary second York first Lincoln do do Incorporated fifth Lincoln second Grenville Prince Edward Second Lincoln first E«sex fourth Lincoln Oxford second York third York ;r>t Leeds do fourth Lincoln ♦iflh Lincoln Frontenac do do do do do do Casualty do Disease do Ho do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •reopd Lincoln IChippawa 'bird York !ir<t Lincoln Stormont -econd Glengary -econd Lincoln Oxford Kent Prov'l. Marine first Essex Addington Durham York Disease do do do do Casualty Disease do Casualty do Disease do \ddington Dr's. do — I do -econd Glengary' do — I do econd Lincoln iCbippawa Addingion Disease '.enox do Lincoln do •econd N -rfolk :irst Essex hird Lincoln Prl. Afy. Drvs ■irst Essex do River Rasio Disease Casualty From vsoumls Period for which Pen-ion is in course Pavment. ___ FROM | TO 1814 Fi,st Jan. 1817 412 do of Canada Currency, Dollar at 3- ii fill May ■ wenty-.-eventh Oct. iweniv-first January flftfl July fifth July first December tenth December twentieth April second December thirty-first December* 18 eighth February ■•'> (sixteenth March nineteenth Sept. fifteenth August '1*1 •13 •13 MS MS Ml MI *H •Us MS M(. MS MS twenty-seventh Aug. Mi twenty-fifth July *W twentv-eighth Sov. k¥& second January 'W fourth December *12 twenty-fifth October M^ February '15 tirst March lK twenty-fifth January MS thirty-rtrst December MS twenty-sixth January M J fourth* December " *W fifth March c13 twelfth March do do do do do do do do do do do do do 31st December do do fifteenth Aug. tirst Jan. do do do do do do do do do do do do do M4|twel ft h March Or»i Jan. do do do 14 M7 twenty-seventh April MS January **B rleventh March 'IS twenty-seventh Oct. MS*7ch October firtl Jan fifth July '14 seventeenth May *!•' thirty-first December 'IS xth March 4l- Keve. teenth Decern. •>' thirri^th Mav M.'. tighp :nth Feb'y. rix'Ji July twenty-second Nov. second February *i\ii OcroLcr June Noveml-er eighth Feb'uary tv\ ()ei. lenih Oi*lo)iT tcuth October Hr^i December tenth December December first January fourteenth July M3 M7 *IS «M MS MS MS M2 MS MS MS »ia »ia •ii 42 MS do do do •ixth March tvt Jan. wtii May Nrsi Jan. do ixth July rir-t Jaa. do do do do do do> do do do do do do do '15 M7 MS M7 MS M7 thirteenth Aegust Ml twenty-ninth Nov. 48 thiru-tirai March 43 IS fourteenth July hrst Jan. do 43 41 fifth July 11' twenty-seventh April M3! eighth November twentieth March first February twelfth December first January first February ninth October, eighteenth May third January 48 M3 MS M2 MS, MS 14 do do do do do do do do do do do do do d» do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .hi do do do do do do •!•> ltd do do do do do do do do do do do do do i)0 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do MG M7 W17..S0 20 9(i SO 40 so 80 20 80 *<> 80 '20 20 90 80 47 •>0 80 20 *0 20 20 •>0 •>0 80 80 '20 ")0 "20 l20 50 63 50 SO '20 vo 36 MB 'li '16 '17 '1« '17 '13 '17 it>|71 17 20 20 GO '20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SO 20 SO 2') 20 20 20 Mfi 69 '17 o a o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Si 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 lv o ■> 0 0 0 0 0 o !• 10 0 t) 16 n 0 0 0 0 16 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * -4* -20 0 o '20 0 o :o o 0 JO o 0 ,'0 o o -•0 0 o o 0 20 o o 20 0 0 20 0 o 20 0 0 20 0 o MS, M5 tifteenth March 4 ourth December 4 twenty-eighth Feb'y MS fifth July *M fourteenth June 43 twelfth December „ M2 tenth September MS first January twenty-iir-4 January fir*t December twentieth March do third Jan. first do 4 fifteenth March first Jan. 14 fourth Dec. first Jan. 28th Feb. first Jan. do M5 M7 M4 M7 14 M7 43 47 MilitiaArtillery \ddmginn *econd Lincoln Frontenac second Lincoln do ihird Lincoln do Prince Edward Oxford ;ccond Lincoln fifth Lincoln [Incorporated ,irst Lincoln second Lincoln Incorporated rifdl Lincoln do second Lincoln first Norfolk first Essex second Norfolk Prince Edward Len*1! in actional Ft.Meig- Disease do do do do Chippawa do Disease do do Accitmon Lake Erie do Disease do Fort Erie tort George Chippawa Casualty Disease do do dr» do do do do do tenth May nineteenth March thirly-iirst March tenth December thirteenth October MS •iS M2 MS MS MS 43 M2 MS 44 fifth July Ditto ninth January 43 seventeenth January 431 do twenty-seventh Dec. 42 do do do do do do do do do do do do thirteenth Oct. irst Jan, do do do MS M7 tenth September 13 eighteenth March December twelfth August twentv-seventh May fifth July twenty-first August tenth December first November fifth June thirty-first DecembV 48 tevenih October 4* fifteenth March 44 MS M2 M4 M3 441 43 42 44 MS thirty-fir t Decerabr. 48 eighteenth NovemV. 48 tenth September first Jan. do do do do do do do do do do do fifteenth March first Jan. do do M7 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do du do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do tfo do du do do du do do do 2o o o 2o O ri 46489 17 lo 47 #0 o o Mfi 26 o o MTVo o o 46 41 lo 8 M7 9o o o M6 76 10 5i 47:8o -o o *o 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 2o 0 0 2o 0 0 2o 0 0 2o 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 '20 0 0 M6 61 7 S M7 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 MG W. 16 8& 47180 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 56 2t> "0 20 Mfi 47 o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o O J> i2937 7 i'

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