Kingston Gazette, November 18, 1817, p. 4

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wa i tt. r m* amrrr. &t* \ M. VI; rec rived by r*hc lac Hrfttels awl ■ fifer f.»r i"?.:o, al tiuif lloies, cheuo forCiith, the f.*!l >wmg G O (> D S, Vir. : Strong Jamaica -Splnw CogtwrcBh&ndy, Purl, cherry and I'cn-.rifT Winogt of fr very foperi.M* quality. Lime Juices Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Mo) a (Test Bright and Dark Mnfcoviido Sug<irs> R-.iinei Loaf Sugar, Twankfy and R-yfun Teas, Pepper, A llfpice, Nutmeg?, Fi^ Blue, Indigo, Poland Search, Engl.fh Soap, Candles, Coffee, Almonds, Out meal, Bailey, Pipe Clay, Pipes, Tobacco, Siitiffj D y and Msntln's Liquid Blakjng, Wd ling ton's Blacking coke*, MSQi A genera] aflbftment of DSY GOODS, CoN-!ST!NG OF Sn liiu, ri Idling an I common Cloths, ; ?<•'*'. ' ..i!v orfaf.iionriblr colo'S, j Douhlr arid fi'.gle i»itt*d Kcii'cytnere, While and <o!o>/d Flaty.cls, \ eitmgs. Jiiir.!/es, Co nmon and Furniture Calicoes, ^ frack and White Carr.bridts, OratidtKcH-,;pt i C -Uons, Cotton Oh - k-, iv\1 Tick* Dimities, Notice. Jmt 4mw k j-*" ft * M 7 barge of :lie eltablifii merit, at Hallow- | and thole who have claims to 10 Firkins l>,,((,,,. ^/,.50,-A few fctts beft English 1 la(t.d Harnesses, Saddles and |*,j(||es •Vnrtin»ales pa<ls, Velicseh, Ilf,rscC)oiitl,iMi,. .lud 20 Doz. Fmij. Shoes. The above 4rt.clt.swll| be fojd ch r n. r> r ' " "" i it l i l ' for C afh or produce Ca(h or Country produce w.M he t*- A LEXV M ACD0NELL & Cf) en m paymenl and a credit of o month, ^^ ,j >, l877 c given to reioo^fibfe Farmers, 01 others* i ! ■>»*/■• > 70//A? CUM MING \ - //'A/. MffCNELLt I L' Kingston, OS 27, iS i 7 en htidg .igiiuH the f.ifd eilattj are denred prefenl them for adpilrmcnt. j The flock in Trade of the deceafed, | confiding of a very complete alfortment of Goods well ftid in, and wfry billable! to the Country, i* now felling r»fF ar pri¬ ces ib low, ss will delerv'ediy claim the attention of the pubWc. Executors 22 i] 1 I TO LE T, j j ANDp ^ffio#|ivcn t{ve firft day of j j n May next, tltf. Store and Houf.-at Victualing Cellar. ^^ :> fT^HE fuMcuber hega leave to inform! -1^ his Friends and the Public, that he h now openings Fi.luailng Cellar, un¬ der the root when* ht k«»pt. a Grocery Store, orai Warden's Wharf; in which will be at a somen's notice* hot } HCofFcc m T»-a, Sonns, Beef flakes, Mm: TwtU d, Plrfin i' Fi^nrcd Bombazettes^;j t n Chop, OvHen duunff tl>e feaf»n «»1 afTorreii colon* , j them, ano everv tiling tha» the Maikct ShftWiB «md Mandkf<. d'ffcrent fizes., I aiFords. at anv tram in tie.'av. and .Vt- SK*w)s and I landkf-. d'ffcrent fizes, Co:t 11: Shirting, Infh J.inens, Ruffiji Sh'^-tir.g, White Cottons, Euii India Flag & Black Silk Hdkft, Co!'-rcd bdrcelonia do t'.o Ladle's and Gent*« Gloves and Hc(icry; 44 5 4.6 474 Black and White 6iik V.ils, Green Sttk Gauze fur Veils, Ribbons, A f«vv pieces Thread and Cotton Laces, A frw pieces5 4 Apron Check, Engliin Writing Papei, OaiU, Ink P"rtder, bengal Stripe, Linen diaper, Tabic Cloths, large (ize, Green t?*hlr Covet6, Siik Twill, Bi-ck Sewing Silk, Silk Velvet, .3?>'a-;k Lutefttlngi do Satti;>, A few pieces p<ain 8c fig'd diagonal Silk.,' I :fh Poplhl, Italiunct, White and Colored !ar,cs, Siik Slnwi>, Fafhi>nabk Stoxrkinottfi, C 'tor. fringes. Siifpcnders, P< und Pins, .'.ffmci Thrende, P .tied and Gink Coata :d Vd\ bot\Sjfi$i Ma r cord Mnfii'n?, Mil! Mnfiln. Thin and Figured Jackonett Mufitno, Tr-icu'v CnnA- ci»rtf« Avpwnsf qc&tki ft Cobourg Strioe. Kingtton* 16th Atig* 181 7. 12tf IH'KIJKC Conmerekd Academy % Board ittg School, ffdSj at any Iktih in the day, and fd- vej up in a i-eat manner, nearly half cheaper rhnn can he had in the public honl. s about town. Having employed on*; of the befl I Cook* in Kino ion, he flatters hi-**-ifelf that *:c fhall be able to give every firtis* (adiion to thole who many favoui nim with ti.eir cultom. N- B. "*:x or Fiirht fcroarderfl cm have pood accommodation!; up Hairs, a; a low rate. N. PALMER. JGngst<my Oct. 28. zZli Neil Mcleod. Kingston, Od. 17. ,817. aX Notice 1 n 1 ^ T i SINGING SCHOOL. HF Inhfcribe' :r"pofes to tea-h a StttgptP Scbooh in tl e I'ovvn of Ki>'gl* !■ " * e nil t i N'ov r.eKt it ^chntara Ihall b<: i ilijttttwd for. The ftihfcrlrtion p <p*T ny be (en at the PfttfftTfiG OttiCK w here difo the te'rma and further particuler- m*»y be k'town. THOMAS SWEETING. Klngfton, Q$k i?>, 1^17. 22 1 'V c about the loth ' • I ufilciVnt \omber of I .no * E. a COLLIER, C. IWYLF^ wul Assistants, 1%. g R. Coll if a b^p to acquaint hi • IVjt fr.v «d- and the public, that lie h-- coonefl'ed "wuh him \w the govern- rrei; of the Svh<o'l, Mr. Doyle. \\u d.'i7?cal Afllitint, v.hofc literary qoali. f»v;i -un^ it is prelumed, will prove a fvrmxnwt adv^ntsge tothcEit^bufhmcnt. A k** yuong -enticT^i, of gcrntc-e! roriKxio-■•-, will Continue ro be recff'wd a D.i) ictiobui, and it is ptopofed to incre-ife I be piefent nunber of 20 to 24 1 So.iMer;; to whofe morals, health, and fm:.'ovcuici,t,the mell fcdalouBattention fhdii be paid—In the d'.ineitic depart¬ ment, the bell pcfTible arrangeme'ts h^e been made to promote the health and comfort of the youth j and during the Uoars of rccrcau'o:., a tutor will conllantly attend to regulate their Lau- duct. and to prevent improprieties The Fill and corrftaut exercife df tin religions dories, taught hyto/i Qhnrelies, win be promoted bythche3d»OJ this Academy; Mr. Doyle being a member of the Ro j Cathnic, and Mr. Collier, of the Pnxellant Church. The Greek, Latin, French, and Eug'Tfli lauguanea ; Geometry, Men- furation, Writing, and Arithmetic ; Geography, vn&tbcufitftbeGfoks, &c. Sec. arc taught i,. \im School. A Convenient OUSE, with goorl offices TO] LET, for any number of yeati that may be agreed upon—for partial kits enquire of . 9 WALTER M'CUNIFFE. fGngsttm% 0$ 27,1817. 22 FOR SALE, ~BY Thomson SfDetlor 2o R.rrels Prime Pork, 5c Barrels Fine Flour, 10c Boxes Yellow Soap, Kingston oV/*. 2 9, 131 7 F R t f A LL perfoni indebted to the fubferi- t% her -Are rcqned.ed to make imme uin\r payment- fi, II kinds of produce will be taken in j payment, .it the Market prices. The fuhferiber has taken into partner¬ ship his hrotrurr, W?*an R. '^/acDonell. Th»- hufmefs r\ future will be carried on under the firm :^f \Lli\.MACnONEhh^Ca. In nd-drtiori to tlnirformer ftncjt,they t- rtc»w receiving;\ generalaffortmentof DRY GOODS, onm criis. IIARBJVjnE* Earthen Sf S:r jff. %,.. AF.X-r. KlACDONELL. Kingston, ifi Sept |S'^- 5 R ags ! R ags ! ASH paid f°r Clean COT¬ TON a«*P LINEN tt- A 0 S, (Of ar.-v Color J AT THi.s OFFICE. TB$ SUBSCRIBER )| WILL receive ptopofaU for build¬ ing a GRIST MIL Lai Gan- anoque.on the North fide ftfthcrivi tt and j for making a Canal to take the \wtcr j from the rapids at the fording place, t«* J the Gully al th'e landing wheicrlv Mil' ' is to be placed. He requefls that pin pofals may be* given to him before tin 20th of June next. A Town plot wfll be laid out (his feafon ai the above nam- j ed place ; ll e rcrms of fale and leaf j Will be known by applying to the fubfcri bcr, who has for fall 1174 acres rd I and on the River Rideau, being lot Nos. 5. 6 and 7 in fo ft concciTi<in and ( Nos. 5 3ct 6 in the fet'Ond conceifion j wiih the broken front, in the townfhip of Maribornugh : r\liofor Sale, fevc- ral lotes of land and 1 own lots, at and in the vicinity of the Town of ICiagftou, and a Houfe and Lot ii\ Ktn^llon. •*• • Likcwile, for fale. the Eaft half of Lot number thirty-four, in the fecond con- c«flion <jf the townfhip of Darlington, containing too acres. For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, 25th May, 1817. ^2tf 1 &e. Smiths Work. THE fuhferiber muft refpedfully ii forms the gentlemen of Kingn- t»-u, that he is juft arrived here from Dublin, arrd has commenced the bofi- iufs of Black and White Smith, in all its branches ; mote particularly that uf horfe Shewing in which lie will ^ive the greatetl fatwfaflron to thofe that em- plny him. Thcv may rely on having their work weli dee, cheap and >, by ! arplyipg at Mr. j. Meagher*, Barrack" fttiex, where hehas commenced. All orders in that line will be gladly received and ftiifi attention given. RICHARD CORRELL. Kingston \ j| h Ctf. % I f* '(H ^t/E fobfcrjber has received nnd of- M Fers foi Inlrr at \m AafttOfl Room, oppqfite Moore's Coh.-c oufe 60 pairs WWItiigton Bona, 136 do Gets. Pumps, j 36 d<> do drcfrftoa b-mnd with it A. * 1 1 j> j Valuable Lands FOR SALE, N the Third ConcefTio;, «,f the Town- fhfp of Pitfbturgli, being Lots No. 6, the half of No 7, and No. 18—An indiipt.table title will be given, and the terms of payment made eafw H. C. THOMSON. Kingflon, July 28, 1817. IO Notice. It HE fn}.ferifeet3 rnfora thei Friendd aj iS the Public in general, 'hvi they have icceived in addition to Iheii former fMpplyralar^e alfortment of DRY GOODS, GJ.ilk and Earthan WARE, Iron, Steel, Hollow Ware, A fma/! qfortment of HARD WARE. Double and Single STOVES. Also-*—-Ladies and Gentlemen's FUR CAPS. Ready Made CLOTHES. The whole will be fold Cheap for Calli, or fhort approved credit. Monjeau k St. Germain. Kingston, Mjih Sept. 1817. 1 -tf Medicines, fi- ' 1 m THE fiibfcn'bcr ha* received a rfen* eial AfCntment of Mcdi.< tw% Late from Europe, * gc-fher wtth the rr.oli approved Patent HWeiHctflfJ*, pttr- Ditfety felected for the Cansda-;. all a quantity of Oils, and D)ing materials tor N'aiof.ctories. vi/ : Paregoric E-fxer, Turlin*:tons Ua-frm.- Sir fuhn Hiii's Pcftoral Balfam of Honey, |>R Ptn. Godfrey^ Cordial, l)e Lamlci's EflVwe ofTvre far ehani^inf; Gieyor Rcd'Hait to a beautiful B'acfe or Auburn, Steers Opodeldoc, Brit.'fli Oil, Lee's, Andciioii's, Hooker's and Ciit'a cdebraird Pills, £{Tri*tial Sait <.f Lemons, Whe. ton's Iuh Ointrnen in boxOft. Dr P/atemau's ctitb:aied Pecto¬ ral Drops, Dr. Galon's Rel^in^t'c T.nrTture,, do. Fen,/,'c Pills, Boynt' n'fl Cam er Ointment, Oil of Turpentine, Olive Oil. and a quantity of excellent Lamp Oil, in !j«r-, Spirit?, of IVii.c. Oil of Vicriul, and every dfbriual oil in nfe. The above are genuine from Europe., and free frotn any adulteration. 'I hey n*ay be dep.-nd'd upon as U\\ erior ro any as yet hi ported, and will be Jifpufcd of on reaf 1 ab'e terms. Country ora lit it ion crs will do well fo j avail thnnf.lves ofthu opportu-oiy ro obtain u injvdy. Preicriptiorti careful¬ ly made up. and the niuat blanches of j Phyfic, Surgeiy, &c- &c. put dtindly at- k "J dto. JOSEPH SCOTT. Surgmrti GSr* *ivV. Kingflon, 3d Nov. 1817. tendc 2 j WI 2 7^1>i i-trt 11, ora M3 Writ at KXm 6 do do do do do & fii^dwith 60 d 1 do ilrong do do wi-h lecher" $6 d- bnjN do do do do do 30 do girls lilt do do do fi.Tc 100 do > h:Idicu< fluies afforted. The above will be foid ei:her whole- faic or retail Arch. M-Doneil _____Kingston, i p/j 03 l S i 7. 20- f j j ENGLISH ANDFrTSch Academj/. fTEkaV LATHAM,late a Clerk! * IL in the Naval Yard, b?gs leave to IdhmnfaH fnn.Js and the public, that I from the tnconngemem he h;..s received 4 LL perfon* having any demands a- -£1L gafnft the Eftateof the late Brv- an Crawford, E(q. of Adolphuftown, de- j jceafed. are hereby requcfled to produce ' I their cliim«, duly auihcntlcnted —4lf0y all pCrJbns Indehffdtothe fai'd Eftateare hereby requciiecf to make Immediate payment to H'illium Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston, 19//-' jvljt 1817. 8 Slier iffy Sale. J\i Wit; J ____.......-t - • EGCTION, imteti ant ttf !!. $'$* v/i Pitta tii tiiulj \ ■ ■ ff'/rfAf ?;*>* ii hi '" .w./V. ?/ r7«i a»* •, .' I\ ti. li^ ARl) HOiUSOX. cj ':'/'.v;; '/ Kfog$tQt*rin thr Miff teNi /»'/. &<•*/*•- ///6V/. (tgaijlSttllC J./Wti> e.f'.t 'J\ Jtrnn t-iS c; juisAs yjsji yrr /:. <;/ rv;« 'fonn:.Ji//>oj Hit Iin;w;(i\ it mi !)/&(* tct (ftoresttftL hiH tire/yr. ftiMWt'iifojAL S/i>r/ff'"J"/"' *tfA* Ahtftftml ir tt >rt. / //.vn* .seized uinitakei, in i'r. \hu,,n. fi9 ftvfangittgto the said J(>\.is I \$ ALS7WE* aparftifihv Smth Knu UcrljjeonuToj lot nUii'hci' .1v;va7,t//. ^ the Jit st Cvnasshn <•, tie Toftnshjp {if Richmond j which ju'eee of Lmtit /> h'utfttd and hounded* "f mtit he otlur- \T£Jscknoz??)i asfoltoxzfi : that h to \,u/ ' coiiunaiciitg injroh-t uf tl t said cowtY'V- S/ntf, ttt the South littstti/ji vn-h- of said hot No* SeveuitCit* fhi'VCt* JV/.rt]| \ Sixteen degrees fVext Fuurtee7tehutn& and Fifty links : then Hmtth Seventy. fotitth'gt'eefii first ttco chains ; then South Si.ite<n dcipres* East ¥ipvfy chains ViJIji littks, nit-fc or !.*-s<. to the , vt i u' u .u 1 1 • -a ^ mttor** side ; thai Eustwh;. along the jL^fl of Hrs Honor the Admimftrator ., ' - f • ^ -1 * a d f / zc<t/tr s/tie, to the pti.'cc 0/ Oex/nntn-s z in CouneH, to rne Keprefencstives o- . . . /»,, . •* „ , ■■ * et 1 rt a A unr n n n ,n COffftmtutg three Acre* of Land, he John Gftthway and William Cohkotll, to ,, * , .;} . • ,/c • , , ^ .. . . fne same more or less, xciln a dzrclUttff mrke rrood any preter.lion to lot number .^ a »/ ,7 , s s . V .r, rr r 1 ana out Jlviises it>ereou ercvteti. twenty one in the utn concn'on or the \- # / ? i »v.'?..,« rP A. fT^. (i .,. r I\oxc 1 do hereby gn& AG/ilE< l owr.frnp of lsmHIon, Wlttwn lix month* ,, ..• „ ... .. , BLANK BAfL BONDS, For state at this Office, Executive Council Office, Tork. zzdOcl. 1877. "j^TOTICE f< hereby given, bv order -L\T of His Honor the Admin-ftrato Ynu.ijr gentlemen defiroua of lakW I ?7 fi*f1*1 f,f,,,e f 'nclPal rahabttantj Irflbns either in Geome.ry. Greek, £ j .°r fht. J*11 Ward of Ki.Vf14,n. heh,a Latin, may hive an oportunity of d>mr' ""d"l'c,i fo re-oren tl,e Academy, fo v.- ir.n 'i-n. at the hours devoted loir' , Bak-r' -towe in Store ft' therdpetive (Indies. \\('"lr'y abanJom-Jby Bedford,) for the IniTASiTEQ »t rhe above Academy 7 v a young gentleman about rq 01 14 years of age, to be articled for 3 foi m-i'c) years. Hl will be boarded a: I educated gn^'s and be entitled to a:l the advjiua'^es r-ofT Htd by tht Tijro^a? hoai- da.-, during the two fit it yeir» ; in re¬ turn f'>r which he will be required tin third year to aflill in the School* Application on this fubject, will be re¬ cti wd tih July Pirft. Quebec, 6th May, 1817. 4 Bhwk Deeds and Memorials^ For &e at this Qfficei For 8ale7 ^N reaf .n-:brc '«-ms, the rear half of ™ Lot No '4- 'n the fourth Con- C--ffion of the -jWn-fhfp 0f Kingflon, lying about fix fPlics from town. There are furry acrces »"der improvement on whj< h Hte yearly c"t 20 ton? of bay. with a fuhabk n nt'°n of plough land Apply at this rdPCfi. Kingston, Oel. "' '817. 20^- For Sale, TWO town r'ot8* fituated next to the Prmi,!lS Office. For further particulars apply*0 Wr* R Bofselly. inflmcli. n of youth of b<th 'exes, in the following ufcnil branches of EaHCitioa, viz ; Re:«dinij, Writii-jf. Englilh Gram i i man and a knowledge of the French J [ yUSTrcceivc.dJn(!/or fa'e at tins 0f SipRGE BARNES. KingOon, Oet 3°> »8l7. $3vt*p r 1 • . ° -■•■....< iiA 111 w(>Lira frnrn tins date, or it wfll be granted to the ocoi paut, who has been in poffcffioa fixtecn years. JOHN SMALL, CIL of the Ex. Council. 0- NOTICE. npHEf.bfcM'ber h^by forbids al? J. and emy perfc, From or n,ak,ng, or cutting anv tfm- ber, or trefpfiing fa any fl):ip, wh' "7LotN(,2I,;I)[h ,J ••»^tow.rh,p,.fK,V»..„fonpalu of rs ft JARVISWORDKN. ^gggop^Oa 22, ,8t7. 23m6 WATCH MAKimJ^T mHE fnbfclber refpeafully informs "*- hls fne,lds and the public, that ////// £/*e aforesaid piece of Land^ to- gcthe? xcith'the buildings thcrco;icr<x* tea. will he sold and atffmtged toi-e highest bidder, at the filet* (y/, /w Me 7>;2TW 6-/" Kingston, on SA J t 'II /> A J", Mr THIRD /% of JAM rJRf\ now next ensuing, at the hotir of Eleven o"*Clock in theforenoon* Language. In 'oiicitinrra fhare of Public patron- age, he h,Pes byaflidiiity and attci;rion,, not onlytothernflruaion, but to the m<^als 0f lhe pupils entrnllcd to his J charge, to merit a continuance of it. Terms may be oh.ained by nd!» tion at tbefchool Hud& nr5B^An Evt!n'^ Scb001 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, fIOm 6 till 8 0 clock. Kingston, 08. 6. 1817. Ig , Mlfl.TIPIJCATION Fables, For the ufe of Schools For tale at this Oifice. ' ji J"^ « * i^WCIVti * ------^u- villi V/J hec-, price 1 '■' ' ^«*M o« />« /J^. M«tfflp Cireumst„1'Ces; bY Lord Bvron___ Wirh the Star of *ht Lr.?'°" of 'Honour, and other Poem", j ,l,° which is P^fixed, The Lift of the roble■du'bor. Nov. 28. j Genteel ^""^"t //^% v,hh part of;' |°"'" Lot> 'ituated it. Front firm near j*1* W*«i >'n a moft eligible fittiation tor a"y '",c of public bufuafs— For r',a,tlcular6 apply to the p inter. Kingston, scfit: 15,lSl7- 16 A he came,™ the WdTCSlu CLOCK *gfi£ ****.« his Houfe, at the of f•Jz&tmo m,Ie9 btlmv the "1%e f/,^. 7 ! -hereevery,a9O0tf h, me wd be gratefully acknowledged, by the public's humble fcrvani WM. P. PATRICK. Ernest Town, OS. 2Q, ,8,7. jj^ a ^ J°r ?* ; n th,'» Office^ A READY RECKONER Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, -m h the Proviuc, of Upper Cana FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the nh, of Grains ot Cold Com,< -er or under weight. ATIORNIES Blank SijlT^ Costs, for sale at this OJIke. iiEsin mo up, Deputy SlicrilT. evrrif person or person* having claims on the above descr/t^d piece if Land and premises, by Mortgage) or other right or ivminltrunce, are herc- bi] udvfifced to give yofiee thereof, to tin- sail! Deputy Sheriff'^ at his Home* pmi '" ihv ^l11"^ «f Ernest 1W ous to the suk then;,/: ben&v Tiro ftp, Vi, 4 n„ DrpMij Sheriff. Kingston, 9.0M March. 1817. 45 ^HE fubfeMher, beg leave to inform DeTa, JS$***•*** 'he public it. ge, Mra'* that they cany <>„ tfee . J/rLORlNG BUSINESS [-Main Street where they iutend mafc. a nub, Cf y bacfc Th{>fe an ,l,r on *^<W their work well made, and oa the fhorteft notice, for CnH,. ' Norn's & Stevens. A»{V'on, Sept. o, tB,7. ,f to » sozzv 'Y the Suhrcriher two pj,V o(- ^3 BLACKSMITHS' P/^; *******JOfriL and ca„i(w; WALTER WCUNIIFE, Kmgtton, 3d Nov. 1817.

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