Kingston Gazette, November 18, 1817, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1817.1 vIN TON [VOLUME VII.-—No «Ll GA im Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPiiEN MILES—Pr tub Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the fCing&fati Gazette. kne^ fmvii. J A \i i-.s II \\ KI S, Esq, Yfc-k, WILLIAM \U.VN. £*fc B-oclivilK A. SHPRnO;)!), t-q. BeUvttl<\S. M'NABU, K-q. ■ Ousaek's Hotfl. 1 •-»■>*!**• *^-^-x^'v!ti>«^ajiint*AZi: S^7"" l^e "*WcNbera do.certify unci vf oath tn >t rhe original fettle- ment in the towmhip of Kin^fton, was ,;Madc agreeable to the annexed plan, :hnt the loads interfered each other a: right angle*, and thn at the four cor¬ ners, (takes were planted at right an^le*, and that each lot butted and bounded mHE fabfetiber tofe* open-d a rew jS**8®* 7""'f jts cottrf?nnd$ng nam 1 and convenient H.rofc i, (ton- ftt. \ ?*• **rf ,hr,t ** ets'«* ™ ' a* wf*! a d r Ckf .1, :~r„.. ki. r • . i j ,0 tne r-^! a- In the fruit, and thai the ttepuHlc. tb« he has taken <rr«l », ,^ ^1,,-, took their In* Eaft and h&A h in «ervrefp,a to n.rit a ^e!t from the road hrtw«n ^cUb No. , «7 and 18 in the t wnfhipof Kmglton. mimed 70I/N WARNRR* (hare 'tf . uhlic patr-mage. Gentlemen travelling may relv wyem having go.*d accomnvnlati i» and a* tend ance. laly's and Qfntl?me-j can b- daily nipjilted with Confe&ionarv o^ a1l , kind and bed quality. Alfo |he Prince Regents mornir? Drink, comoofed and carried i*n j*t pre! «n: at thi ahove eoncei n by J.itjies Reed .confe&io*er. R. CUSACK. /Sngften, &»#. 6,1817. t jtf kOLOMQN OR £/?, ARTHUR OftSER, I-A AC OR ER* ELIJAH GRQQM& Kingston, Nov. 2, 18 j 6. 16 It- '."ler that no perfon nvv plead j 'ignorance in taking any iitlc f* >m Je J -thro Jiok'on, on Lot No i 5 in the f- c* n* tronceffion m the townfhipof King's. t jtou, the propeuy 1 = & 1 the fubferibers in J'.'ST received hv the the fuhferiber, a complete affortment of ■ Of aAiper-or quality .and vVO>kniHrlhi|), ! Wich will be fold very chcMO f< J. FiSK. Kingston* June 7th, 1817. I tT ' Cash To Lease, pOR th. law a-.d eauity, a*»d will be recoveredae foofl ?> juftfee can take place. !cpt. 16 18 t 7 Amos <1t:fley Blank Summonses Vox the District Courts, tor bale at this Oilice. j •- NOTICE. /gri RIVERS informs the PttKlic, '^y» that llis (lay fp Kingdon will be >iv a few dav<* mot;; an^l is now iclli: ie term or ten ye?.rs, a Town Let, adjoining the Ga il, routatt! *'< two Fifth* of an acre—apply to the | "**** , . u frr r^ //. C THOMSON.! Church fcT ttytton srpf, H 1 Si 7. J« irdens 'S •UOT.SHOK and Leather STORE. PeiiiTe Cloths, Blankets, Coun- trrpancs, Chinu Fui"piture»:. D^tiiwil; plain and twill'd B^mba MOORE'S COFFEE-HOUSE. . _____ * John Moore, RETURNS liia fincu-e ackjrowledjr. J ments to his Friends, ai.d the Public at lar^e, for their paft favors, and Withes to acquaint them that he has re¬ moved to Mr. Amdmison's new Hone Hdufe, oppolite to Mr. Wetfel's Store. in ftore ftrecti where travellers and oth¬ ers may rciv upon good accommoda tions and attendances or. resfonablca •erms. Tlu fubfetiber, having rente! thi: larce c •fivenient and elegant build¬ ing, has fpifud [te txcition- or expence i't his p -wei, to h.ive it furnifhed and at tended in Fncfc a manner as to merit the app' bui'rn of hi* farmer cu'.ton»er* and othe:* who n^av honor hin? vvuh their c.-rrp ,-iy. He has a t'v' ' ywd *i'd fiablc for car- '.'?.fr'?s?Md Horfc Soup5 every iav fr -m 12 to I oV^ck. Khgsl?n, OS r ? 1817. 2c:f From the Upper Canada Gazette To the Reddent Land Owners of Upper-Canada. Qneenfton, October, i S17. Gentlemen, I am a JBrftUh Farmer, add have vi- fitcd tb-.s Piovince to a fee r tain what advantages r poflcftee in an Agricul¬ tural point of view. After Khrec mouths refidtrnce, I am convinced that theft- are great,—far fupetior indeed to what |the Mother Country ha* ever held out. either as they concern fpeenlau've pur rhafe, or the ptofits of prefent OCcUpa uon. j» jt lit Hta * f wC .^ V Table Cl( ths. zettes, &c.—AJfi a varinv of FANCY GOODS- Kingston, hitnt Stiest, nair thi P%'l- 'OJlu, '30/A Srpt 1817. 14 M •'TJ^' T fnbfrrfher w^wru* his mou t critrful f» nV h^ ■ * fti nd>. atid cut1- 'lids, pnti ih' .• fp ;;* ude iuhabii WILLIAMS & Co.'-' die Ham* ( Ki-oton. f«» rh« libtri! en- nda> '•' t'ic :;.h-»lj *r\i tc ".irn^err.eni hi h"" recti veil filtce he * *» *•■' *•(■• n nn-nrcd buRf^f* »' ^hi« place, ar»d i:'v Wmui" 'nf:rr»; them that he ftili carries iiuc their Boat atui Moc ' *wik ( rj.- (1 T/r, Cvfpfr Slteit Iran and Lend of Kinefton. %«'Hts vjcimiy. that |»iU c. nt a 1 - - • ftrfcrv, wheie the^ k'ep c >n(t» ■»• ^ ■* • JJnfs -\ all it* vanoufl Nra<-chcs, near handt a tar»?.e affi*ftnfcnt jf Lady'* arid ',nc ^t»j>ineer Yatri- wiure lv h-pes by Geutletnen's Boots and 'hot-s of e^eiy' bi dTidoity aiid attention. Hill to merit Mcripti"D. _ j.a flu-e .f public f**or, affuring them THE !f^VrJJ,er v.ih ■ 10 inform the ':' biic tbat he i'-.tends 1 un niug a ^i. IV -n. Ktaictloi f« York. .mo w! ■ it, Tiorv K.n ;."on o » Monday the 4;!* ' ty if Aiigufi f-'. York, an'! will a3■■•• * 1: fi.-vt ::;;m Y tk and Ki:y! >,..•■ y ■•; nday. The fubferi- ber h-; ne? .• bn faithful attcnt/on to this if * kn.gto Boerit a fliare or' the C'r I h? --'a^e \A\t> from K;nj>9on to j B< ' 51'*' v ; , i.e 4 D /H us. from King- I .:.' l6tlnu-ilfcon 01 Smith'* Creek, 8 " Doila^i au-d from King it on to Yo'k, 12 Dollars. SAMUEL PURDY K*ngst*n* 5 uly tCi, 1817. 9'/ Public Nottee. 7"|f~ii-fh Hut ictihcr*, Execntors to th> J5 E"t;.tr- ojf Chirks Sivttrt* Efquire d ee-'ftd, late SbMlff ofllte Miriland, D'5tri£t>here!iy requc-tsall thofe iudebt- ed to the laid -tste Tf> make immediate payment to ti-v faid Fxecuiors ; and ali Liktwise, a fupply of (rood $tii<M[t!i3f nothing fhall he wanting on hi 4dll;»per Leather, of all kinds- Ifpnit, to faithfully execute all orders with Khtgtton, Oftober 6, 18:7 tq:- |u, j,;,;.. [ . wy\^ honored. ---------------------------------------------—— tj ..._ h^jfor faV-a large ^ffo^tment o Cnftfl VrK,.S |::!..vr>eli EngljjhDoubk tin Ware>dtv L- L V ' • «^* jjerv defcription, t-ver ofFt^ed for Me in THE fnhfoiber i«VH j.-.i-i received at [1^ prov;!lCCj and a larije affottment m bi, Brick Itoic, i:iont Itreet, Dou- j yaPcn\jj Copper and Hard Ware. He Me and Single I 'a<io k«-epa on ha"d anafT >rtmc ♦ ofSheet : STOVES &f Sto frtW» I'Irot. 8tJ*vet, Stove Pipe-and Elbows. And ha? alfo on Uui a* ofual a gen-j ^ bMe< of the bed Double Tin, and 60 boxes befl Slue* Iron, f r fale cheap. Produce wiU be taken in t>ayrnent. James Meagher. Kingfton- Sept. 30, 1817 I4m6 u_/ cral affnrtment < f ' Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glafs Ware in Crates, Liofeed and Curriers Oil, Paints vfT0"nd in oil;-and expects in a feV days an 1 a DwdUng tt- aSdition to Ms Stock, all which will be I ^\ to LET for Udextremelv cheap at la!e. S.BARTLET. 21 KtM«slon Otl. 20, 1817 For Sale, EVER A L valuable Town LoJX— Apply t the lubfcribcr. Albn Mac Lean. ■ Kingston 08r. 2, 1817 »9tf S Wants a S;rurion, A S Waiter, Bar and Bo->k Keeper ; XSl to attend a Gentleman as Body Servant, or Butler in a family the ftb- fcriher, who has livrd three yesn & two Months in his prefent fit nation at Wal Ker's Hotel, where an unexceptional We character will be given. CHARLES DAIVSON. Kingfton, Nov. 7, iSl 241! I TO LET, AND pofTefllnn giveji immediately. a Houfe and Lot with a Stable, boated in Stuartville. Alfo, one Houfe and Lot, Gruated W the French Church, lately occupied J? Mr. Jofeph St. Germain. One Houfe and Lot, next door to Mr. Ton- faint '.eftage. Enquire of MONJEAU y 5/. GERMAIN. Kington 08. \69 1817* ^llf Dwelling H. ufe and Bakt-lioufe any number of yeats that may be sgrerd up m. Fortatticu- lars enquire of WALTER M'CUNIEFE. Kington, Oft 27 1817- 22tF FOR SALE, ~W OT No. 12, in the 5th concefiion _1_J of thetownfhio of Rodney. ALSO, Lot Nc 6, w the 12th concefiion of the townlhii. of P>rt:ar,d <—For fur¬ ther part.cii/an, applv tn the fuhferiber. J/I COB VAN4RNAM. Kingfton, Oct. 30, rSr?._______zjtf Notice. THE conc-rn heretofore carried on in tblfl place, under the firm of H.W, Wilkinson cif Co. is thisday difli'tved by mutud content. AH thofe ir-dcbud to the above concern, are ie- quefted to make immediate icttlement of their refpe&ive accounts either by pay- ment or promiifary Notes of Hand, to the fuhferiber— who will alio fettle all demands again It the concern. h. w. wtLKimom Under fnch imprefiionc, it is my pur- pofe, as f. on as circumttauces will per- mit, to become a feltler ; an J in the mean time, would willingly do what lay in my power to benefit the CQUiWry of my choice. When I fpeak in thU fanguure man nerof the capabilities of Canada, I ttike it for granted that certain political re- Itraintfl to improvement will be fpeedi- y r'-moveri. Growing neceffity, and ihe opinion of every fenfible man with whom I luveconvcrfcdon the fuhjed,] g\' es a(Tur»n.-c of this. My prefci t aocrefsi therefore, wavea all regard 10 political arrangements ; it ha-= in view, amply to open a eorre' be- hwcen yon and your fellow fubje&6 at j \\ -me, wheie the utinolt i ;norance pre- «Mjb wnli refpeft to the natural refourees o\ this fiae country. Travellers have pnblifh.'d pnfling re¬ marks,—they have told wonderful fto riband amufed the i-ile of England' with cltfcriptions of the beautiful and grand feenery which Nature has here di played ;but no authentic account hss yet been afforded to men of capita), tomen of cntcrpnze and (kill, of thofe important fa&i which W*e ilTentfal in be known, hefore fnch nacO will launch mt-t foreign fpecnWion ^j fen to re with their famiiiCB, in qu< It of batter fortune acrofa the Atlantic In thi". (late rtf i^norancr. yon have hitherto had for (ettlem chiefly poor men driven from home by defpair. Thefe men, ill? informed and lod in the novehir$ which fnrrourul them, make h'fe who h vi demand* against the jatfirft but a feeble commencement, Estate aie req-oc-ted to produce the fame j land, ultimately, form a fociety, crude,] I duly attested. |^i order that a Settlement j unambitious and we «k. In your news¬ papers I have frequently obferved hints towards bettering the condition of thefe] poor fettlera, and forenfuring th<.ir re- fidencc in the Provinces. Such hints evidently iprin(r from benevulent feel¬ ings : they are well meant, and may tend to alleviate individual did?eft, but can produce no impr. »ant good to the country. Canada is worthy of fome- thing better than a mere guidance to it of the blind and the lame : it has at¬ tractions to lltmolate delire and place itf. colonization above the aids of necea- fi'y. Hands no doubt are neceffbry, btit, next to go >d laws, the grand requifite I for the improvemert of any country, is capital. Could a How or capital be once directed into this quarter, h^nds ! would not be wanting, nor would thefe ! hands be fo chilled with poverty as to (U- of the Estate ftay be efteftcd a? fpcedi'y as pofliblft aftc\ the first day of Juiy 1818. GEORGE O. STUART,! Exec- ALLANMcLEAN, j utors. Kingston, r\uyu*t t 1, 1817.— lltf Attention I r* RiVKRHj trom Quebec, V^ • iP juft arrived at Kingfton for a few days only-i-antl Has now unpacked and ready for Ifcle in Store Street, Fifteen packages of well afforted GOODS, and well worthv the attention of Town and Conntry Nlerchant^—they will be fold by the Pie^e or Pack^^e .only. The Goo.Is arc 0f t|ie r) quality, and a** Mr. Rivers (hortiy goes to Eng¬ land, they will be fold uncommonly low for (CASH) i,n delivery of tli^ Gooes. I* need the patronage of charitable in C. R1VLRS. Store Street, ^iogstoo»1 23d Sept. 1^17, T 17 Kingfton, 10th Oft- i«» 7 zx OflicersHalf Pay, and Artil¬ lery PcnfiaD BLANKS, For Me at this 0%^ MtyTlCM ISHereby ijiven to all perfons, that the fublcril1(rr has every reafon to believe that Mugh Earl and George Smith, (both of Kingston) have offered. orwilloflei for i;1le, a certain vcfT-lcaDed the kh'r. Gnttft) Brock, (built in the BayofQninty \ Know now \fa fnbfcriber f>rbids all perfons from P^rchafing the whole or any part of lafd vcflVlf or of paying unto Hugh Earl, (as fliip's hufband,) any freight accounts rendered by him, up to this date, or any future date. Whenev¬ er Hugh Earl anj George Smith think proper to rrnde] a correft account of the above veifePs eqj| previous to her fiift failing, on or abhv,t the 1 ft of July 1815, and her yeflily expenditures fince, with her freight r*-Vcived, and how that freight has beei\ maje ufe cf, then the '.ubieriber will ccc] p)eafure in confor¬ ming to any ar^ngemcnt they may wi(h, ,md found agrc able ,0 oliphant 0. Petiie ; provicli«s tHeir wiflies *do not exceed the boun^p uf propriety. WILLIAM FISH. Niagara* Oct 2, 1817.—21— 6w tuitions. At thi* moment Britifh capital is o I veifiowirg- : trade is yielding ic uo : the I funds cannot profitably ahforb it : land mottagagc are gorged ; and it is, itrcam« ing to waftc in the fix-per-centa of A* menc*. Why fhould not th^ Rream b»* diverted into the woods of Canada, where it would find a ftill higher rate of intereft, wfth the moll fubftantial fecurity ? m Gentlemen ! The moment is mofl aufpicioUs to yotir interelts, and you fhould take advantage of it- Yon fhould make known the Date of this conntry i lauofl of Britain would emigrate wirri cheerfulnefs and be planted here ">viih hearti unbroken. We liear of four or five thoufrnd Set¬ tlers arrived from home this leafot. ; and 11 1- talked of as a greatacceffion to the population of the Provinces. It is a mete drop from the bucket. England alone could f-are fifty thoufemd people annually, while (he would be rd.efhed attl ftrcngtbencd by the difcharge. In war, England fent abroad annually more than twenty thoufand of her yotr.hful ions to be- flain, and more than twenty thouiand of her daughters (hot artef 'hem the Jaft hope of honourable love. in thele twenty five ><ears of war, ihe population of Eng'and rapidly ?ncr*ae- ed : what is it to do now, when 1*3 it an end, when love and opp »rtunity arc no longer to be foiled, and the poor laws have provided fu'renance for children independent of the parent's care ? Under exfftmg cirrumlanccs, it i% abfoHitely tieceffuy, ev«-n for th* do. meltfc comfort-«f England, that a vmt fhouldbe immediately opened f r her incrcafiig population, and the co! >ni- zation of Canada, if once begun, up ^n a liberal fo *ing, would a (lord this vent. The prefent emigration f;o n Eflgtattd affords no relief whauver to the calamity oecalioned by thf Poor lawa. ThoufamJa and tens of thoufomla of pnipers could be ipai«d, vdw cannot p.Mfihly now gtft off for want of means but who w -uld bM brought over by men of capital, were confidence for adventure here, once e(Ubrilhed The extent of calamity already occa- (ioned by the fyftem of 'he Poor law^ cannot be even imagined by ft ranger* They may form forne idea, bvwev&r, when I tell th'n, that laft winter I fiw in one parrfh, ( Slack wall, w". bin j o* f «mdon») Icvrrfll hond-ed^ of abl> bodied men liarneiLd a<*d yolc-d. 14 in* gether, in crts, hauling gravel for t'.c re¬ pair of the highways ; -*h 14 men per¬ forming jufl about a** mmh woik a? an old hole led by a bov could accomptifa* We have heard finer, that i't^' ha* been voted to keep the poor at w»rk ; and perhaps the -n"ft melancholy conli deration of the whole i-, that there are people who tmft to fuch means as a cure for the evil While all thi« is true : wh^n the mo¬ ney and labour of England is thus waft* ed : when thnufanda of our fVHow fuh- jecAs are emigrating into the States of America: when we even hear of them being led off to mix with the boors of Polannd, in the cultivation of a ctount-y,- where the nature of the Government mud counteract the utmoll efforts tow¬ ards improvement,—is it not provoking that all this fhould go on merely from a reigning ignorance of the fuoer ior ad¬ vantages which Canada has in (lore, and a tboughtlefmefs as to the grand policy which mi<xht be adopted for t he general aggrandizement of the Britiih nation. Some have thought the exclufion of American cwizens a great bar to the jfpeedy fettlement of Canada ; but a lib¬ eral fyilem of colonic.tion from Europe, Would render thi= of fmall importance. Before comincr to a decided o:;in;on oa this import.ini f-bj-'ut.I 00k much pams to inform myfelf of facts. A minute enquiry on the fpot where Government has endeavored to f Tee a fettlement, fat- i^fied me as to the caufes of the too no¬ torious failure thwe. It convinced mc that the fault by no means reded with the incapacity of the fertler*, but reflat¬ ed from the fyftem porJbed. I have Gnce fpent a month perimbuiating the Genefee country, for the e!;pref3 pnr- pofe of Forming a enmpaufon between Britifh and American managemeM',— That country lie3 parallel to thw ; it pofles no fnperior advantages : ita fettle¬ ment began ten year* later : yet I am I you mould advertize the excellence of afnamed to fay, it ia already ten yeaf^be- the raw material which Nature l..-s la- vi ASly fprtad before you ; you fhould infpire confidence, and tempt able ad- ver-tortr* from home. At this time t^e»earethoufands of Britiffi Farmers (lefcemd with disappointed hopes, who would readily come to Canada, did thevbnt know the truth : many offhtfe could frill command a few thouiand poinds to begin with here ; while others lei's able in means, have yet preferved their character for fkill and probity, to entitle them to the confidence of capi taKfts at home, for whom they could acl fore Canada, in imorovement. This has been afcribed to the fupe-ior dexter¬ ity of the American people, but mo.fc erroneoufly. The art of clearing land is as well understood here asin theScates: men direct from Britain are as rnergfttC and after a little pra&ice, fnfltciemly expert wiih the axe. while thry are move regular in their habit* and more pcrfe- vering in their plans than the Ame;i- can«. No improvement has taken place in the Oenerec country, which could not he far exceeded hereunder a pioper fyf* It wa- indeed Britifh capital 4"d as MOM h Hdventu.e. Under the tern. i^,,uceai ^ t- ;« wing of fuch mqft the redundant popu.|[cnterpn(t wh,l, Save tlu ar^tauu tm-

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