Kingston Gazette, November 11, 1817, p. 3

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I flc ,fns fixed to the spot *y thU sin-| ulor- and un.X|)P.f<'il OCCU1 TMK ■•' !lj~*aite<l to hiar the tcrmiit»(ioi| nl (hi^snugof^th, when the drop fel as the word marked in [talk was upon thfir lips. The sudden cessation of Arirtoiea* fp)m slKn a CIU,S0 was in- «pre»sihly shocking. Such was the termination of ft scene which those who vituessed ran never hope to forgot- It f3SA scene in every point of view full ofhorror, calculated to excite feelings fceculiarlydiitie.*sti% whichever alter¬ native was adopted—the innocence or the guilt of the'■■uff'Ters : and painful as *asthe idea that four innocent men should refer death—the other alterna¬ tive that they should die with such complicated falsehoods upon their lips, was still more shocking and revolting tothrmind : .and it was impossible to witness the apparent sincerity with which they persisted in the av» wal of their innocence, w'thont forgetting the Strong body of evidence which had Ueen idduredto e-fablHi their guilt, and be¬ lieving them for the moment to be in¬ nocent. fpecie payments after the ffl in(Vt DUBLIN, Sept. *?. The Mail which became due this morning has not arrived, and the wind continues adverfe, blowing a ftormygale from the Weft. ■ 1 do hereby dircft, that there be infrrted forthwith in the London Gazette, the following notice from the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, dated 18th Sept. 1817, viz . " That, on and after the ifl Odober next, the Bank will be ready to pay cafh for their notes of every defcription, dated prior to the 1st January 181 7. CHARLES M. SUTTON. 22dSept 1817. Sp. of the H. ofC. 1 t • of Salt vrer^ rtafiVd from i\\c tow wharf into the river, *<t Fort Erie, by the violence of the waves, and totally loft. It is underftood to have belonged to Meffrs. Grant & Kirby, merchants, of Quecnfton, From the Geor»ctoTun (Ken ) Patriot. Wrhave been fmnifhed, foi publica- Bog, with the following letter-, received by col. R. M Jnhnfm, from the a&m$ fecretary of date, on the fubjeft of the American citizens who were nvtde prif- j oners in the late v.-^r, and were fu;u ofed • tofccheM in captivity by fame *fth- In- Palladium Office, Boston, Ocl 26—noon The Henrico brought Uulin papers to the 27th Sept. containing London dates to the 22d. It was stated in a private leiter in the Dutch mail that in the late tumult at Breflan 200 DC funs ! were wounded and 20 killed. The further dirnituition of the Allied Army, it wan fatd \v old h* deferred KINGSTON : TUKSDJ}\ November 11, 1S17. COMHtWIC.ITION. Since the termination of the late W3r, the Federal party in the United States have declined in popularity, and appear to defnair of ever regaining their former weight, and influence in their national council*. Many of them feem difpofed to give up their oppofition, and unite with the administration, who (they fay) have adopted the principles of Federal- :sm. The New York Evening Po(l, a leading Federal Paper, devoted to the Hnmiltonian in'ereft, concludes a Re¬ view of a work "t a late Englith travel* until next Ipring. — Lord Wellington wasexpefled to return immediately to {j1^-with the following addrefs to the hi- head quarters Yonnj Na.oleon, it is fafd, when arrived at a proper age, will be created Archhifhop primate of R-infirm, and Arch Chancellor of the Germanic Empire. From the Richmond Enquirer OH. 2^ A letter from 2 gentleman in LrtnJon dm!- tribes in the neighborly d T Lake! 'to his friend in this City- g-ivetj the Huron. From the • nquirtta rlrt aofear] jfo'lowiny; interesting information ;— to h?ve been made up m the fithji ft, we are induced to believe, that the repiefen tati m -nade in our govern nent were in- correft, and that but fi wt if any, of our Citizens who were captive* in the late *ar, remain with the Indians. Department of State, Sept, 16, 1817. KIT. I have received a fecund letter, «ed 12th of this month, from the Bri- M Itoinifteron the fubjeft of American citizens who were made prifoners in the TO war, and were faid to be It ill held ^•captivity by fome of the Indian tribes jn the vicinity of lake Huron. Of thi* Uer 1 beg leave to enclofe you a copy, toother with the copy of one which was <ncL.fed in jr, from tru. governor general "°* Canada to Mr. Bagot. 1 h*ve the honor to be, with great RICHARD RUSH, H^ aSing i'ecretary. on. R. M Johrfon. •Wa^iinpron Cirv< i '* A (hip U just about to Hiil frO'n [Port««nouth| for S America, with Lord I Cochrane, Sir Robert Wilfomid 30,000 '.stand uf arm? on b*.v,rd, f*>r the Patriots- This ib publicly known." i! ... Sejifemher :;. «8i7 g}t—Ift-trftfreiwe tu •»•) klLr.1 oj \\it l-thofMaTth lad. 1 have mw hoivu to f!*:t.| ,'t ro von ihe copy > f a letter which 1have this day received from hi* ex. el- Irncvtlie govtrnor treneval «>f Canada, icqtiaftttmg n^e with the rrfult of his MOl-rji^ ojk* the fubj-d of the Ame ficancittVenH who were ftated to be (till icld in caotiviiy by fome of the Indian tribeMM the vicinity i.£ lake Huron, It is veiy fatrnfeftory t^ obferve, by the enclofcd letter, that every means have been taken by^Sfr J"hu Shi rbrooke, for the proper invert i^ruion of this affair,and that there in the fulled reafon to believe th-it the reptefent-'.tion*: made upon the fubject, to* the American government, wrre incorrect. I have the honor to be, with the hin.h- eft confid. lation, your moft obedient humble fervant, CH >Rf ES BAGOT. The Hon. Richard Knife. Ca!:!e of ^t. Loutl, Qit^b.-c. * ugutt 24, 1P17. Sir— Referring to my letter to your NEW-YORK. October 2%. Bv the laft intelligence from G'-eat Britain, it appears th't the tt^de of tha-; country had experienceda^encal revival, and their manufacturer, particularly of cotton and linen goods were advancing) in prior. This intelligence, we prefcrroc, muft be intcrefli"g. . ] tt ferves to (hew, how unfounded are the multitude of Speculation* and pre dictions, of (hallow or prejudiced poli- ticiajis with regard to the internal con¬ dition of that nation, founded upon the accidental exigence ^Jf a w:uit rif labour, fcantiry of pro^tfions, and pooular com- motions $rrowi u out of thole evil*. A plcntifu' harveft in various parts o'thc world, whtch ferns to be the fad this year to a degree i-nn^ec; di-i-ted relieves |thp deftrefi ar l-n- *»o;ti fcArcltv—the .■apui iccovery "i itu-woi id from the ef- \h cUuf the French Revolution, an«i the limmenfe demnnd f.;r ?t> ds, which the ! Britifh can fupply in greater quantities, ant! at lower prices, than other nations, ft»rniil»es eirployment for the labourers, and ft:lls the cla rsoun from that quarter, while the trade of the nation derive* from the fame fource the moft elTentia! benefits. The truth i.s, it is not an eafy matter to crufh a nation poflefTed of fo jjreat a (hare,, , . , - . , - , , , of the moral and pl.ylkal means of; iann kmcinel, are to be chen^d and cnl- fupport.'and profperity, as » the cafe tiva^d tow.rdMnd.v.duaU ot every coun with Great Britain. They have a heavy load to fuftain, but they can bear much' more than any other nation in exigence, j 11 Federal'tfls uToconr!ude: Sincethe author coun- u-Is Gteat Brita"i to legard thisc(mntry as the moll dangeroiu enemy, both in peace hs well ab war, that the has or ev- er had, and the Federal ids as the moll j formidable • f all parties; fince he advi- j fe** thai frieinifliin mould only be fliewn ; J to individuals. a**d that no nations! par- tialfrie^ fh<»old be indulged or enconvag- ed, why Ihould not we hold a correfpon- ding la.".gtiage ? Since too, it is now manifetl that ou- own government i* ad- minmering O" our own principles, I would alkT whether, as long as we con tinue to prnfefo our attachment to the imod old 'T~^xim, meafures and not men. principia r>on homines% we can, with any colour of coiifiit-ncy. continue murfhall- ed as a party f«»r oppofition \ And in I fine, what poffi'de purpofe we can pro- ipoie to ourfelvei by infilling on retain- I mg a diftii'clive appellation when it no longer has any object, when we all know thai no matter how unreafonably, a fix-j ed odium \t\ il'.e , yes of the people is at¬ tached to «t. It is true the nfcl of the federalifls la not now wanted, either in the cabinet or the field The adminiUr tiofl is Ihong enough without any immediate acceffion vt \n*wtv. \\ rntnqut] times, it is of lefs rroment \vht iher there is not parties in a (late, hut wncn dilputes with foreign nation? avifc, and more efpccially when t'hcY <•'»<! in war, it is defirable that the Tiat;*" fhould ptit forth its whole Atength and wflRC it with a unanimity that al ne willwommand complete lucccf*. It will aV:Vs bt the interelV, and confequently, «lwjvs the policy of foreign governmenth to r?vidc us into parties, they may more ealilv manage us, but it ii» our iutereft, and it ought to be our duty, to fruit rat* fuck defiVns. Let usf then, bear in mi ndi tlint though feel in ^n of courtefy Charleston, S C. Oct. 20. Latest from Amelia Island.*—r\ gen-1 tleman who left l7ernandi:ia on the i«6th in It- ir forms usrhat the Florida Patriots- hid been in a (tare of great coufuhon for fome time before he left the iflnnd, I try, yet as between nation and nation,we kn.w no partialities no parties. Tnefe obfervattona are, with great ree pe6 and difference fubmitted to the dis pa(?onate conlideration if that party with wW^h I have always afted, and ia which it i> tny pride to be numV>ered. Mr Editor, Ifyeiu think the following thonjjhts and i; was not expe&cd that mattersr.of fofficient importance to meet the eye would be fettled immediately. The 1 j of the publics they arc at your pleafure. French party unde. Commodore Aury,ij 1 he prelcnt age fo fertile for charity. Hrel!cncy> of the 19th of Ftbrmfry 'aft,| [with hi* ***** tu.o.^s. on one fide ; .has produced wonders in the moral world. I have now the honor to acquaint ?"»»* iand Governor Sheriff Hubbard, with all j Bible Societies, MiuWary Societies, & lht|.after the moft adidu i-^and minute '.the Americans and the trrrateit part of 'Tr.ick focicties have been formed in al- enquiries among all the Indian natione. lt]lc feamen on the other, are at open ■ moft all the principal parts of chriUen- in the neighborhood of f tkeKpr'vn, as jwarj and it wav the general expeftatton desand are now exerting their enflu- well as among rY the other difftTcm It* (that blo^d would be Ihed bef-re the : ence to chafe the moral darknefs from dian tribes rhwughout the C?nadas, I have rtceiv. d the moil pofitivc cduran- ccs that there is not a iingle inftirce of an \mencan citizen being held in capti¬ vity ^mong them J Thefe enqt-iries have been made by our own officers and avjent*-, upon whofc diligence r-> difcover ft»ch a fact, a-id on the coneclntf of wbofe information I can confidently rely. I am therefore utbfied, that, upon your reprefentrtion wrcof, Mr. Mutttoe will be convinced Mth of the inaccuracy of the ftatemei.t lade to him on fhe fubject:, and of my defire to tt3ve difcovcred and rcdrefTedj the grievance, had i* exifted. 1 have the honor tc remain, &c. &C« J C. SHERBROOICE, The Right, hoi.. 5 . BdgoU jthat blood would be Ihed 'commotion enJed. Such was the infta-': minds of benighted men. The happy [btitty of the government, that ncwjlefTc^s of thefe focieties, have already Councils were firmed every two or three been felt through almoft every part of days. On the 1 yh an arrangement was j: the Britilh douuuins ; and they ate now 'entered into which excluded the Milita.' j developing their blc(Ted contequences, .TV entirely from power ; and there wasl-npon the moral ilate of man ; both at I no doubt thit this Council Would be jhome and abroad. The vaft importance ;ovei'turne<l foon by the Military, who, j [of thefe inftitotions being obvious to the in their turn, would exclude the Civil i world, all ranks of men have come for- iansofthftj rifing empire from all parti-1 ward to their fuppott ; and the fpring 'ciparion in the adminillration. For the jj of thefe powevfull engines are perhaps Mad ihree day^. the parties were actually j now only acquiring their full play, and in arms againft each other ; and it is Athe fyltems begin 10 move with accelera- next to impofGhle, even on the fpot, to J ted energy, and mere diffufed effefts.— BQ-TON Oct. 26. IfQtesifrom Europe —The brig Hen¬ rico, Captain I,uce> arrived in this port laft evening, in 27 days from Dublin, and by the politcnefs of Mr. George ]* x, afliftant at the E. C H- News Roem, W; are favored with the Dublin Ever.jng p0(> >fthc 27th^ept. The only anich- of hmoitance which *e candifcover is an offi ia! avmu.ciation conjecture what a week or a day may bring forth. Strong reinforcements were hourly expeded by both fides ; and (hould Commodore Champlin go in, But while we thus behold charity ftren uoufly exerting herfelf in behalf of the foul, lhall we not alfo fee her, dropping a tear and putting forth a helpful hand »ed tne fracklefs ccMrt, fully expecting to obtain a maintenance for themfelvcs and families in the Canadas ; btll alas, generally fpeaking, they ate dtTappnii.t- ed—their hopes are now cut oft and ex¬ pectations blaited ; and their money be¬ ing gone, they have not wherewith to return This is evidently the lamentable lituat ion of numbers ; for fcveral weeks pad, one or anothei of them have called on us, to beg bread fot their penlhing families; and while heating of their wretched dale, my heart has bled with forrow in their behalf—M and I looked for fome to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters but T found none"—Surely fomtthing ought to be thought of, and Ipeedily adopted, to re lieve thefe unfortunate fufierets. If 200 acres of wild land be the only pro¬ vision made for them by government, how are thofe who have got large fami¬ lies, a^d are deltitute of money to take! pofffflion of fuch property ? and h»wj are thofe who have already entered the! woods and taken poiTeflion ot their alot-1 ment, with an a.moft empty purfe, to face a long, cold and unfriendly winter,! without iomeadditi mal alfillance. ] Many of thofe unfortunate families, by' attempting to char their way in the wi'dernefs, have exhanfted their little property, and are now obliged to aban-! don tlieir mifeiable huts, and feck fup» port elfewhere. But from whom, or in! what way (hall thefe fufferers be relieved ? 1 This quefiion. I trull, will loon be an- ■ fwcred by our Rulers, chief men and Governors, \vh" are placed by Divine providence to u do juilly and love mercy;. to be a terror to evil d »ers, and a pr.iife to fuch as do well." The tkh and the noble out of their abundance have ca[fc in ( mighty fums, towards the lupport and I fpread v»f the Gofpel, and the poor have] not withheld their might ;—and (ball we! not fee every man now coming fuiward] according to his ability, to endeavor to refcue many of our beloved couutrymen fioni a premature deach—after a kind providence has conducted them late o- ver the mighty weters, thai I we fee, or hoar of them dying, through hunger and cold, without affuding them every pos- fibleafliftance ? No, we will aifilt them — the relij ion of Chriit ia intended by its benevolent author, to be at once the balm and ornament of human life, and cannot {hut up the bowels of our compai- fion from a d.ftreffcd countiyman, while this chriilian principle remains in our' heart. Charity -hit noble and acftVc ,rtare of the foul, will, 1 truft fpecdily, ftir up the < levateo* ranks if focietv, who together wiih the combined efforts of thofe who move in a humbler fphere, will be able to lave numbers of men, wo¬ men and children, from going down intot an untimely grave. Reader,imagine thy-, fe'f in the fiutation of fome of thofe ob- jedta of Charity, who have come into a| far country, expecting to find employ¬ ment—but who are now without money, without fhe'ter, without Food, without friends 1 and thy loui will at once be ftir- red within thee to give them a helping hand. Cornwall, U. C Odoher 30/A, 1817. The lioard of CommiiTnners for car. rying into execution the 6th and 7th' articles of the Treaty of Ghent, after an unremitted occupation in the performance I of its duties fince the beginning of May Infl, held its lalt fining for the feafon at, St. Regis, on the 29th inltant, and then- adj mined to meet at Hamilton, on the 151b day of May next. It is under-' Hood *hat a unanimity of fentiment1 prevails at this Board on the important \ j fuhjetts fubmitted to its dee-ifiou, which i we make no doubt, will on all accafiens, j be founded on jullice and fair principles of national policy. Canadian Courant, foitf op knrctr oft. Not. .S, Roal Vtu-p, &re^fr.b£dm*burfiiff with ( balrs. I. Opm w Tiiiciw.f' Grvm*J rlior Mand, with pdtaufev,—Sch, Tnumpi*i fv.okr, fr. saeketH; wirli Tubacru «nd Snuff.— 9,.May Ftmver, Patterson,fr. Ouci>»r*n. uita apples, fi, KLujpion I'urket, RirJ, fr: S.ick- ets, uiili Oau—Com. Perry, l*arkrr,fr. do. with cattle, h. Uont ITftrnet, W' do.— tfpen boat —,Tull, U: Orvnudier bland, witb Pumpkins—Srh. Swntlbw, Leslie, fr. Sorli, .# with firt i5!il>. Hour—TrhjmplnC80ki*.fr. SacJt* rt*, uith leather. Cheese,Ae \c. 10, King^ (on Packet, Reid, fr. do. with PouifCattle&c. \nu and Jane, Smith, Fr. BurKngtoo, \sa\k l»o a^h—Sally, Snou,fr. Oswego, null Pnia- iue> pea4, apple-Tee-, \c. CLEARED. Nov. X Tlnat V\a-(>,fiursl, for Ogdensbur^l, 4, Seh. Triumph, Cooke for Sackfts. 5, Ow- **n, Sinclair for Vork with merrhaodlae. t>, Kington Paeket, Krid, for SadceU. 8, Com. Perry, Parker,for do—Boai iioiner. Wood, fordo.—Swallow Leslie,forSodtis—Trirmjih, Cooke, for Sarkeis. 10, Kingston Packet. Held for do.—v;il!y, Snow, for Oswtgtt LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL • • THE Midland District School,on the Britifh System of Education, under the fuperiutendence of Mr. John¬ son, wiio ha» been engaged aa Teach¬ er, will be opened on Monday next, I o>H November.—The terms of Tuition chres (hilltnga and four pence per month, pay¬ able in advance. By order of the Prefident $c Trustees. R. STANTON, Secy. C Hatch Sc Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad top fall back, Fancy & Windfor bamboo, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo, Comm#n, Rocking and Children's J WARRANTED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofiu IVm, Powell's Tin and Grocery Store, iIotc Art. Their Chairs are fupcrtor to any they have hitherto offered for fale. Country Produce received in payment. (fj Cabinet Ware for falc as above. King'ron, Nov. io, t8r7. 24tf CO OS < Notice. THE concern hcret"forecarri & on n thia place, under the Gi'n *.f H, W. VJtttLtxt'** 6fC« U rh.-: y diff'dved by mutual ron- . t. ^ ll thoe indilitrd i> the ab've concern, ar- ie- quelled to rr;<ke immediate fcttlement of their refpe&ivr account'* efrhcr ' y pay- mt-nt or promiffary NoteJl of Hand, t^ the fubferiber—who wiP alfo fettle a11 demands againfl the concern. H. W. IVIL VINSON Kingfton, icth Oft. 1817. 24 & ro LET, 4 ND poflcflion given immediately, XjL a Houle. containing fix rooms, a good Celler, Well and Garden ; and a good Balce-houfe adjoining it, the oven of which will hold 200 Loav«« of bread- Apply to the fubferiber, near the Cath^ lie Church. PHILIP VIAS. Kingflon, Nov. 7, 1817. 24tf To be LetT A Room with a fire place and two Bed room«. Enauire at thii Office. Kingiton, Nov. 5. * • - * His Royal Uighn.-f« the Prince' Regent has been gracioufly plcafed to grant to Mifs Harriet Armstrong, (laughter of the late Dr. AnnftroQg, 4th I vet bat. a penfion of Two Hundred Pouads per annum for life. This ii the young lady whofe misfortune and pecu¬ liarities of duration, ortcafioncd the fympathy of all claflesof the community at and after her (hipwreck in the] Harpooner at St. Shotts lalt autumn. gue. Mer. 24 Wants a Situation, AS Waiter, Bar and Book Keeper ; to attend a Gentleman as Body Servant, or Butler in a family the fob- feribel, «rbo has lived three years S: two mouths in hi^ prefent fituation at Wal¬ ker's Hotel, where an unexceptiona¬ ble character will be given. CHARLES DAWSON. Kingfton, Nov. 7, 1817. 24tf TO LET, who was off St. Mary's Bar, with three. I towards the relief of the body ? efpecial- or fmr fail of vellels, the American par- j j ly when poverty and diitrefs, already por- irry the day ; if not, | te^ds approaching deilru&ion. If re- ty expefted to carry the day Com. Aury, with his veterans, wi bably keep the upper hand. tra BUFFALO, Oft. 14. A violent gale from the Lake, was! felt in this vicinity, on Tuefday lad. A ir.ew 2 ftory building belonging to Mr. S.; ■ Vrankliu, was blown down at BL Rock, \ ,and al-naft entirely deltroyed.—We alfo approaching ports are to be credited, numbers of our fellow men lately arrived in thefe Prov¬ inces, are now literally (larving, through want of food, and (belter. 1 ipeak with reference to thofe whohavejuft emigrated frv>m our mother Country, many of them being oppretT**d at home, through the g'vat ft agnation of bufincfs, fettle then liilie affairs, fold the principle part of From the Canadian C'ourant', Ocloher 25. On lafl Sunday night the Church f Beloil wz% dehV.oyed by fire, in confe- quenceof the fteeple having been ftruck by lightning. A man, while endeavour ing to remove fome ornament from the Church wa? killed on the fpot by a piece of timber falling on his head. MARRIED, At Montreal, on Sunday, thr 2(1 inst. Rob- r-R-r HfVRY. Esq. «f Hamilmn, U. C. CuMrs. FAnnAND, daughter of tl»* lale Rev. J. Bk- thiwte, t>f WUllain^burg, V. r. ifet the Bank of England^ will icfumei l^jidcrftand, thai fcveral hundred barrels j ithicir farft'iarc, teak fe?p and have ctof jj Church Catcchifm For Sale at this Oflice. I A ^"^ P°^c^,,n g,ven immed;?.tely, I JyL a Houfe and Lot with a Stable, iituated in Stuartvillc. Alfo, one Houfe and T.ot, fituated jby the French Church, lately occupied j by Mr. Jofeph St. Germain. One Houfe and Lot, next door to Mr. Toll- faint Lefta^e. Enquire of M0NJE/1U & St. GERMAIN. Kingston OB. 16, I 81 7. 2 l tf For Sale, Or TO LET, IMMEDIATELY, an elegant 2f Story dwelling Houle, fitted nut in the moll commodious manner, Jfo an excellent Stable, toget her v. ith the Town Lot on which they Stand.— .Any perfon wilhing to leafe or putdiafe the above will find it their i'ltereft to make immediate applica;ion to rVENRT CANADA KinglUc, Nov. 3, ijjf^. a%<;?£ '

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