Kingston Gazette, November 11, 1817, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1817.] * J& [VOCUME VII No. 24.] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. aMgMBK r^a^aMi.'oak- Agents for the Kingston Gazette. hncl Town, J A M KS R \ N KI \, fc>q. York, WILLIAM ALL \\T, Kmj, •. Drockvillf, A. SUER WOOD, Esq. Bellrille.S. M'NABB, feq. ' Cttsack's Hotel. THE fiibfcriber having opened a new and convenient Houfe in ftore ftr. Oioil Refpeftfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken great pvns to furnifh it in every refped to merit a lharc of public patronage. ; Gentlemen travelling may rely upon laving good accommodation and attend¬ ance. La*Vs and Gentlemen can be daily fupplied with Confectionary of all kind and bed quality. Alfo the Prince Regents morning Drink, coinpofed ?*nd carried on at pref- «m at the above concern by James Reed coufe&jouer« R. CUSACK. 1 Kingston, Sept. 6,1817. 1 $\f JUST received by the the fubferrber, a complete afibrtojent of Gentlemen's Cloaths, Ofafuper'or quality and workmanfhip, •wtichwill be fold very chcip for Ca^sh. J. F1SK. Kingston, June 7/$, 1817. 1 tt WE the fubferibers do Certify upon | oath trnt the original fettle- ment in the townfhip of Kinpfton, was made agreeable to the annexed plan, that the roads inrerfe&ed each other at right angles, and that at the four cor¬ ners, (takes were planted at right angles, and tint each lot butted and bounded directly oppofite its cortefponding num- |ber, and that the lots were (taked as well in the rear a" in the front, and that the 61ft fettlers took their lands Eait and Weft from the mad between the lots No 17 nod 18 in tlie t'wnfrabof Kingfton. Signecf fOIiH WAR NER, SOLOMON ORSER, ARTHUR ORSER, ISAAC ORiER, ELIJAH GROOM*. Kingston, Nov, Zi 18.16. <6 In order that no perfon may plead ignorance in talcinf anv iil!c from le< thro J|fckfoft| on Lot No. 15 in the fe- C'/nd conceffiorj in the tow«:(hipof Kings ton, the property is the fnbfcvihers in law and equity, and will be recovered 3* f.\on as julliee can take place, lept. 16 1817 Jtmni rfn/kyi Blank Summonses l-or the District Courts, for Saie at this Office. MOORE'S CO FFEE-H O V S E ' John Moore, O ETURNS his fincerc ackrrowledg- A\) ments to his Friends, and the Public at large, fo- their p ft favors, and wifhes to acquaint them that he has re¬ moved to Mr. Avdf-.rson's new (tone Houfe, oppofite to Mr. WetfePs Store, in ftorc llrc&t, where travellers and oth- i ers may rely nprSn good accommoda¬ tions and attendance, on reafonable •erms. The fiibfcriber, having rented thi* large, convenient and elegant l>und* teg, lias (pared no exertiorra or expence in his p-*wer, to it ftuwfhed w<<1 at tended in fucb a manner as to mc it the \ approbation of f:'s forirjer riitoiren; and others who fray honor him with then company. H • Tv L ease L^R- the term of ten years, a Town *■ L*t, adjoining the Gaol, contain "gtwo Fifth* of an acre—apply to the itoibew. H. C. THOMSON,! Church CHs.fHORT, ± waideu*, Km" mm, Sept. 8, 1K17. 'i BOOT, SHOE and Leather S TORE. NOTICE. CI RIVERS iirf.mrn the Public,! '« tbat hi* Itay in ICingflun will be ittily a few days more ; and is now felling ui.o mtnuidy low for Cafh, PeiiUe Cloths, Blankets, Coun¬ terpanes, Chintz Furnitures, IXut.:fk Tabic Cluths, plain and twtll'd Bomba Izeties, &c<—Alfii a vauViy of FANCY GOODS. Kingston, Store Street, titar the Pest- Ojp.cey $Qtb Sipt. 1817. 18 PKOPO-v\T,S For publishing a tveekly paper, to b • entitled tiie Gleaner, &; Niagara Nczcspa- })(r. By ANDltRW FFBRGN. Tnr. (Ilfwlii will be rJublished weekly, in octavo, and wiil coutai'. sixteen pages, neatly printed <m good clomi paper : besides? the mo>t interest¬ ing news of the day, it will contain p\- tractn from the late^t.and best British pubHrationSj calculated to improve the mind, and enlarge the uuderM<Mt(Jki&. ! if wiU he open io communlmtions o! evcr\ kind, if vvithiu the bounds of de- ccnuu. '['rw- mire to be Tuenlv Shininss- Curirpey, one bulf pajubTe nt Hie * ud r>f -i\ mouths, irA uiif haif at the end : filu ear. To tho<e who paj in ftd- vii e-c a dW'ouvt of five per cent will fje Tiad'.'. The taper shall be sent b\ '•/ail,, e-r othew,i.e. on us ren>onai>U 1 rage ;,and HorfeJ \bvrmM |>0>3lWe, at ihe.xpcnseo the e „ a r .-,. t nu^L lwihs<-nwf*r. >> ::-,at or Hour will 1m. Soup*every ^ay trow 12 to 1 0 dr,ck. Kbtgsinn* 08* t$* 18:7. zcif Mail Stage. T I l^jj^l-iE fuhfciiber returns his moll .1 graU'fjilthinks to hi* ni,iK^ and cnflomcrh, «rn»l 1 he relpeCt i!.U- inhabit «k(|- WLUMiBU Co. at \hv -mts u{ Kingflcn, tor the liberal en- jlX • Sij?o G& r^c G&kfas t*nk J« '« Icoura^emeut he has received fince h fl.cct. «f*«5fii% iuforniiJK "nhahit?.. u jcoa-menccd tjfin/fs in this place*a il if lCiVi;(h»n. a,><| C:s vieiiaty. that ih'-y . : wr>uld inform tlicni that he KU ca^rie-- jflc-ntinne their 5w/ W A&9I xV.//.v-j |OI: T||C J-Jrti C^T, 5&rf Iron arid I cad HiE fuhfaiher avIfh-R to inform tlie Public that he Intends run ning a Stage from Ivirj^lion to \'ork. arrdwili Hart from Kiue;!!i.n,(>n Monday! the 4th day of Atigufl; for Vo. k, and will after Chat fta 1 from Y»k an) Kinglltmevery Mosvdr/. The <uMoi-j- '•erho;e. ly hi* f ;ti fill a'tent/on to this un.lcrlykh'jr to »\icvit a Ihure of the pubiic favouti (C/- The Stage fe*e from Ktngflon te BeUvillt will le 4 ij.,Ur. • froifi King- . Ron ro Hamilton o» gr?j ..)?? Creek, 8] Dollars, and jrom B^'ingUce r-<' Vo k. \t D«.liars. SAMiXJEL PLTRDY. Kingston* J") *o>, S»7. 9//" 1. gf*ptfd ef in payment, by the EdJtoi aud bi<agents,—Those who subscribe1 will h,Miud<'istoed as bound to tnk* tho pappr, only until they give notice tr the KtH'tnr* fbat they wish it discou- linued. and pa) ior those received. ,c(Ubf n*arived at this (Jjficc. FOR SALE, BY Thomson SfBetlor 2c B :rrel rime Pork, 50 Barrel* Fiee Flour, 100 ftoxes Yellow Soap. Kh!»st>,n, Sept. 29, 1 3 1 7 i8tf ! pi ibiic Notice. H>a ,arK' n . « r (Jwtk'mcn'e Boots and ^hocs ot every dcfcripti.»n- Lirewise, a fnpply of grtod Sole find Upper Leather, of all kinds. AWi'ot* Oflairr 6, 1 8 17. 19tf For Sa. ■ at this Office, n ^j^y, where they k.ep conltantl) .*»■ j j f)t<fi/:rj}, in all its various branche*, ne«*i a larac aff^itment of Lady'e awd I jibe Engineer Yaw!, srbere be hopes by ihiu aflidiittv end attction, lt«t to merit |a Ih *re of public favo:, afTueii'g them itliat nothing fliall be wattttng on hi- part, to ftithftiUy execute ali orders wit which ht maybe honored. lie has for fate, a !ar*re iifTertnunr p the bed Englijh Double Tin Ware, of ev cry defcription, ever offered tor fale in tlii? Provi-ice, and a lar^e ifT-.-rtment 01 *fapan*d9 Copper and Hard IVnrt, He a»fo keeps on hat d anafi.itme-t ofSh :et Iron Sioves, Stove Pipes and Elbows. I ±0 boxes of the LcH Double Tin, and J60 boxes bed Sheet Ivoivf- *fde eNeap. 5C>Pr(»duce will be taken in >ayn*ent. J.?mes Meagher. Kingfton, Sept. 30, 1817. 14.16 inriHK ShW rtbeifl^ Exccntura to th .1 l.-t'te i.\ ' l\trles Shtnrty l;.U)nire, d-ct:jftdj l.'.e I henir o^ihe MTdlaiuI, DiHit£tvherrhy rvq e tf*at? tlv fc indcht j er1 to tlv faid 1 rue to make immediate payment to » e fa'd F.xscutors ; »nd all •!»« fc wh,, h.wv demands apuinst tru- £«tat( aie -eqtj» -ted to p.uducethe fame j duly a'te tt; ', in order th;it a Stttlerrttnt of i: t v. Utc may he eil* ^ed a- fp< edily las poffi. iraft>-riht:fir.<tdayofjo1yi8i8. <;tOKGE O. STUARr, I Exec A .L ^ ?. cLEAN, j utors. ivi-.j. *jmt ^.iijrmt ii, 1817.— 1 ttf A READY REClvONEiv, Jhewiug the v.due of Grains of various Gold Conis, current in the Province of Upper Cana fa ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Tab! 3 of ihe val^e of Grains of Gold Coin; n er o. under wrighu 7TTIRE f.^fcfiberhas received and nf- jl teis foi fale at his Auction Raom, rv;n-'fi*e Moore's Coffee oufe 60 pafra yVellTntrtuu Bo<»ta, 10 ilo Gents. Pumps, 36 d" do drci* (hoefc bound with filk, ft do do do do Jo & lin'd with u 60 do dol^r-mgdo do whh leather, 36 do b«»ys do do do do do 30 t'o girls fine do do do fdk IOC do **hildrens llioes a (Tor ted. 'he above will be fold cither wbole- fal e or re Arch. M£Donell Kingsfoty i$th08 1817. tod Wanted* PACKET. THE Schooner Comm^dtre Perry, will another feafon fail regularly between Kin?llonand Saokeifriarb-M-. Horfe* and all kind of freight lakenoii loard as ufnal—Good aCcommodatio!i for paffVngers —For Pailagc or Freight apply to the Mafter on hozrd. ™ .' • J. G.PARKER. may 17. '____________ STOVES. THE f»:bfcMber has juft received at hi, B'ick ftore, Front ftrcet, Dou¬ ble and Single r STOVES &f Sheet Iron, And has alfo on hand as ufual .a gen¬ eral affortment of ' Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, - Crockery and G'lafs Warr in Crates, Linieedan.d Cu.rieis Oil, PfcHrts ground inoilj^and expt<SU in a few days an Edition to hi- Stock, all which will b^ fold extremely cheap at whole fale. S;. BARTLET. Kingston OS. ao^-i817.' 21 For Sale, EVERAL wloabrle Town Lots.— Apply to tHe it'bfca'lKr. Allan MacLcan. Kingston, Q8r> zA 1817. I$ff Attention ! c i..iVERS, from Quebec, •-• h j it ft arrived at Kingfton for a|. . . _ , w few day:- --u'v—and has now unpacked j\bcr. at his Surgery, near the Catholic A N apprentice to the Medical pro- Jt\ f.'Hion. One or two young men '*P» be iaftrmftedin Medicine and Sur- cPMy. Every attention paid to their he- bits and Siudies. For porticulare. enquire of tbf fubferi- I a\ Dwelling Houfe and B^ke-houfe :X^\_ to LEI. for any number of years itliat may be agreed up-.m, Forparticu- lars enquire of WALTER M'CUNIFFE. KingstWi 0& 27 1817. 22tf ""~ LOsfl! ON the 23d wft. in the Town of Kingston, a Note of hand a- aainft Richard Smith, for nine pfi>nnds eleven (lulUngaar.d rnnt pence, Halifax Cnry, dated at Peretangufhcne, ift Oc¬ tober 1817. All perform are cautioned againft purchafing or prefcmiugiaiJnote [as it is difebarged. Any perfon having fnund faid nott and will deliver it at this Office (hail re¬ ceive a reward of Two dollars. • Church. and ready for iale in Store Street, Fifteen packages of well rtiTorted GOODS, and well wi ithv the atte1 -Jon of Town I and C: nntry Merehant«—• ey will be fold by the Piece o Package only. The Gocd.r v.rf of the best quality, and as Mr. Ruei: {bortV ernes to En-j- \\. B , . r. . , .u- „tii.- *r,.., 6 •! inform his mnda and the pub.ic, tuaL JOS. S-COTT, Surgeon. Kingston Ocl- 6, tR'7. ENGLISH AND FRENCH Academy. IF.NRY LATHAM,lafea Cleric in the Naval Yard, bfg» leave 10 POETRY. Though I walk through the valley 0? the Ih'duw of deartt, I will fear no evil ; for thou (my God) art with me : thy rod and rhy Raff—they comfort nic.— Pialms xxiii. 4. THUS n. ill the Gfrjfitm ever fing, Whofc heart is hx'd on heaven ; Dcirh can to him no terrors bring He feds his line forgiven. An inwaid peace his mind fuftains Andfwcdly footbes bisbreatl : Nor bound with Satan's galling chairt^ Unholy and unhlclt ! See him fulfill his works of love— How placid and ferene : Nor virtue dare Ins deeds rer.ravey Nor vice direft iu fpleen ! Like the unwearied fun, each day, He preflea o<> bS courle ; Stiii keeps \u view the glorious waya. . Whedce gcocbefs has its fourxe. His Saviour is hifl only hope ; And wcil he liken his law : j lis j<race (hall bear his fpirit up, His fed horn ill withdraw. Thus fh.dl the Chr[ftian ever Ga^, Whofe heart \% fix'd on he^v'n, Death can to him no terrors bruig, He feela his fins forgiven. Awful Intercd. A volume has recently been puhl flted on tl>e revelations of St. Jonnt in which the Rev. writer (J Georg< Schmuikcr, Pallor of the Evangel^k Lutheran Church, Yoikt avii, Pa.)i»as att-mpted to ftew that the ^reat body of tlie predi&ions has already beeuaceomi lilhed. He ha* with much learning and lag^city ^nlaiwAlhierfntf f^ift' i\kfl<? i\&\ihif vitVonfr that haunted the rep"fe o| the difciple whi*c he refided in the ifland of Patmos. Whether this explanation is fatisfaCtory, we will riot pictend to fay. According to tlie opinion entertained by this writer, we are very near the winding up of this great drama ; very near the confumrnauon of all thing- ;vety near the Millennium, and of courfe the Day of Judgment. Another Volume on this awruily intereftmg lubjedt, and from the Ifarne hai.d, is now preparing for the pre 19, 'the publication of which will depend on rhe fuccefs of the foimer otic. We hope the Rev. Gentleman will continue his invcllig;Aion of tlie fttbjed~-2t appeals, and with thrilling inieieft, to every member of the human race, whe. ther fiivc or freeman, monarch or fubiecl. That f me great purpofe isdengncd by Divine Providence in thole tremendous fecne" by which the world has been af- flidted, it ipimpoflible to doubt; ?ltho:*gh i, i land, they will be fold uncommonly low for (CASH) on de?M-ery of the Good?- C. RIVERS, St< re Street; K'ngstor.,1 z^\ Seirt. • ^17, 3 x7 iV 0 rick \ rldrly abandoned by Bedford J for the rtftru&iofl of vouth of both fexee, in the IS Hfrehy given to all perfons, that' M . r r-, , , o r w , • . * , c '; , r ♦ h fo]Invjnor nfeful branches or hducation, t:icliifofcriber bas every reafon tojl". ' ■» .. ,iT . . n- im r«w«* rtX« tJ u r \ ' \ n Av,clv/,: Reading,Writing, EngnfeGrani- iheheve that Hutrh Earl and George , tB 1 c .it» v^^\> o .u '1 .u r 1; • . \. tt^Jj mar, arid a knowledge oi the liench Smith (both ew Kingston) nave uttered, ■ a ' ° The above Note w^s due U> the ful-j j th;^^ fciibcr. THOMAS GEORGE Kwstpn>08 2;, 1817 - 32W3 ■ s I FOR SALE, LOT N<-- 12. io the 5^ conccflion of thetownfhio of R. dacf, ALSO, Lot No. 6, ;n the 'Zth conccffiori of | tbc townfliffs of Portland ;—F«» Bir- iher particuUrs, »o the fubfcriijer JACOB F.iNARtfAy KwgSoiboa 30; 1S17. '»3tf 11 or wi1!offer for 'ale, a certain vcffel called J the khV. Gent al Brock, fboih in the BayofQointy ) Kn.oft now 'he fubferitfer f. f&idadl perfon fiom {M^rchafing the whole or any part ot u*id| veffel, or of paying unto I ilugh Earl, (^s (hip's hufband,) any freight acccunt-s rendered by him, op 11 01 au^- future date. W htnev- er Hugh Earl ajnd George Smith think proper to rend.. T a correct account of the above voifel's c<ofT previous to her frfl filing, on or a$>aut the iliof Julf 1815, and her yearly expenditures fnice, with her freight received, and how that freight has hee.n made ufe of- then the fuldciiber will fccl plealnre in confer ruing to any arjfangeTncnt they may with, and found ag-^eable to Olipltaivt O. Peirie ; providing x\^xx wi(hcs do *ot exceed the bo.i.ncj$ of propriety. VrVlLUAM F1?H. Niagara^ O^ 2, 1^17.— 21—6w ^ this object is now hidden in clouds and I9w6j:iu daikncfs, yet that wiieu accomoWlh d, *iT will be ravealed, and with the bnlligacf of tun-hearns is equally apparent. While on this lubjeft, it may n-t be improper j j to Hate that the allot ifhir.g fuhlimity of the Apocalypfe conllitutes one moie internal proof, if one more internal proof were wanting, that tin's was dietated by from the encouragement he has received divine revelation Can it poffihly be ! from fever'al of the principal inhabitants conceived that John, a poor and illiterate of rhe Eaft W .d of Kingfton, he has |{t(lierman, called from the exercife of bis [been induced to re-ope 11 tlie Academy, 'daily vocation, Ihould by the meie UtMr Baker's-Stone Houfe in Store lU] lua^ffiftedforce of I is *.wh fancy, have [wrought viiions of fuch trememious lu^- lioiity, which it ia impofflble for us to read* even at this diftant <!ay, and for the (hundredth lime without imparting a fort j of holy Lieinor to every ne^vel No, his oagc communicates part of that awful infplration that he felt. Wc feet as in the more immediate prelVuce of a 'being who with one word fj» ke the lua into exigence, and with another, rou'd cstinguifh his heams ; we feel that human [power and grandeur arc ohj-A» unworthy of purluit when put in competition with the favoui ot a hi-ing uo lefi. almighty id his mercy than in hi« judgments. Federal Republican. i Language. In folkltittjra fhire of Public patron¬ age, he hi^pea by affidutty and attention, not orly to the inflruftion, but to the morals of the pupils entruiled to his charge, to merit a continuance of it. Terms may be obtained by applica¬ tion at the fchool Houfe. N. B. An Evening School Monday. Wednefday and Friday, from 6 till 8 o'clock. *9 Kingston, 08. 6. 1817. MULTIPLICA'IION Tables, For the ul'e of Schools, For fale at this Office. l ATTORNIES Blank B:ils o. Costs, for sale at thir Office. Officers Half Pay, and Artil- i lcry Penfioa BLANKS, For bk at tl"^ Ofice* - (< He who betrays another'* fecrets, becaufe he has quarrelled with him was never wot thy of the name of Fvi nd ; a breach of kiudnef:. on the one iidc will not jullify a breach of trull on the otlu- er. t> ii 14 Patiently endure all the attacks of rfiofc that envy you ; you will by that means conquer them all. Thus foe itklf isexiiugnilhed, when it meets Wi^i* nothing thai it can bum/'

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