Kingston Gazette, November 4, 1817, p. 4

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WALTER WCUNIFFE &f&] jOTAVS received hy tlic late flrivals, if TJ and offer for fale, at their lloies, cheap for Cafh. &e following GOODS, Viz : Stropj: Jamaica Spirits. Copntac Brandy, Port, Sherry and Tetferiff Wines, of a very fupcrior quality* Lime Juice, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint. MolalTes, Bright and D.irk Mnfcovado Sugars, Refined Loaf Sugar, Twankcy and Hyfon Teas, Prpper, AMfpicc, Nutmegs, Fij4 Blue, ind'gO, Poland Starch, Englifll Soap, Candles, Coffee, Mmonds Oatmeal, Bailey, Pirn Cay. Pipes, Tobacco, Snuff, D.iy and Wartin*8 Liquid BLkiig, Wellington's Blacking cakes, ALSO, ' A general affortment of DRY GOODS, Consisting or Sopcrfint, midline and common Clothe, I-Yiilie Coih of fafhionable colors, Double and Gngle will'd Ket fey mere, White ^fid colored Flannels, Vcftingd, Chintzes, Common and Furniture Calicoes, Black and Wh;tc Cambricks, Graudwrells, Striped Cottona, Cotton Cheeks, Kcd Ticks Dimities, Twillrd. Plain & Figured Bombazettefi, nffortcd colors , Shawls and Handkfs different fizes, Cotton Shirting, Infh I.iucns, Ruflia Sheeting, While Cottons, Eafi India Flap & Black Silk Hdkfs, Colored Barcelooia do do LadieNand Gent's Gloves and Hofiery, 44 5 464 7-4 Black and White Silk Veils. Gree-t Silk Gauze for Veil?, Ribbons, A few pieces Thread and Cotton Laces, A fev*- pieces 6 4 Apren Check, Enjr!i(h Writing Papei, QuiLj, Ilfc Powder, Seagal StritiC, Linen diaper, Table Clothe, la'ge fee, G'Ccn table Covets, Silk Twill, Bl-ck Sewing Silk, Silk Velvet, Bj&Ji Lttteftrinp, -do Sattin, A few pieces plain & fig'd diagonal Silk: Irifh Poplin, J'alianct, White and Colored janes, Silk Shawls, Fafhionable Stockinftu, C'tioo fringes. Sufperidera, Puund Pirn, Affhrted Thread*, Piattdand Guih Coatand Veil buttons Hair cord Muflin«, M«il Muflin, Plain and Figured Jackotictt Muflins. French Cambricks of a Superior quality & Cobourg Stri>e. K'tr.gUor., 1 Cth Aug 1817. 12tf Commercial A wicmuSt Board- * mg School, CONDUCTED nV E. a COIJJEH, C. DOYLE, *ntl Asfixfttttis, 1lL/| R« CoLtica beg* to acquaint his 1*J| frfeuda and the public, that he ha* co«M<edted tfith hiu) in the govern¬ ment -if the School, Mr. Doyle, his Clascal A.Tiirant, v?hofe literary quali- fiearion* it is preltimed, will prove a AermancfU advantage t.othcEftablifhment. A few young gentlemen of genteel COtlt)eXlOU9, will continue 10 btt received as Day lcnolars, and it is prouofed to inceifc the prcfent nirnber o? 20 to 24 BoaMers : ro whole n«0-als, health, and improvement, th.e mc([ ledulous attention ffaall be paid — In the domeltic depart¬ ment, the bell pcffible arrangements h:vc been made to pro note the health and comfo't if the yeu'h ; and during the hour*? of recreatioi, a tutor will conHantly attend to regulate their con duct, and to prevent improprieties- The full and conflaut excrcife of ih< rel'giotoa duties, taught h}'loth Churches will be promoted by rhe head? of thib Academy; Mr. Doyj.E being a member o'F the Ro¬ man Cat hi it:, and Mr. Collier, of the proielUru Church. The Greek, Latin, Fvfnch^ and j£ffjrH0] languages ; Geomet'-y, Men- jfrration, Writing, and Arithmetic ; Geogi aphy, with th • ufi qfthe GloLes% &c tec are taught in this School. Y-ung gentlemen dellious of taking leffoos cither in Geometry, Greek, or Latin, may have an oportunity of doing (o, by attending at the hours devoted to the refpfdive iludies. WANTED at the above Academy a young gentleman about 1 3 or 14 years of age, to be articled for 3 (or more) years. He will be boarded and educated gratis, and be entitled to all the advantages pofllflcd by the regular hoar¬ ders, during the two hi ft years ; in re¬ turn for which he will be required t4ie third year to afliit in the School. Application on this fubject, will be re- Cefvrd till July Firlt. Qjebcc. 6th May, 1817. 4 Blank Deeds and Memorials^ Vox iale at this Oflice. Notice- A LL perfons indebted to theFflatc jfV of the late $am?s Cutnmrng, late of MallowclU deceafed, are rcquciled to call without delay, and fettle the fame! with Mr. jAMfcs McGRfcGOR, now in' charge of the ellablifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;-—and thole who have claims agaioft the faid eflate, arc defircd to prefer)! tlu-m foradjuftment. Th€Wk in Trade of ilie dcoeafed, confifling of a very complete affortment of Goods well laid in, and very iuitable to the Country, is now felling oft at pri- c<$ (o low, as will defcrvedly claim the attention of the public. Cadi or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 months jMven to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHN GUMMING, 1 Execulor3 1 IVM. MITCHELL, J ^xeculors Kiwi' sttm, On 2 7, r 8 r 7. 22 Wanted, FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE, Ona Thoufand bufhcls of OATS, and, One Thoufand Four hund¬ red bundles of STRAW, Of 1 2 11)9. each, to be delivered into the Commiffariat Mapazines. at Kings¬ ton, in the months of January and Feb¬ ruary next. Tenders for the above Ripply Will be received at this Offiee,unttl the I itb No¬ vember next, inclulive. Comm't/fdria* Office* \ On. i?.% 1817. Kingston 22 1 * Victualing Cellar. fB'^HE fubfetiber b^gs leave to inform JL his Friends and the Public, that he is now opening a P^iBudltng Cellar% un¬ der the roof where he k cps a Grocery Store, netti Worden's Wharf; in which will be ready at a moments notice, hot Coffee or Tea, Soups, Beef flakes, Mut¬ ton Ch»p, Oyfter* during the feafon of them, and every thing that the M-iiket affords, at any hour in the day, Hnd fe/- ved up in a neat manner, nearly half cheaper than can be had in the public boufes about town. Having employed one of the bed Ccofcd in Kington, he flatten hitofclf thnt he mall be able to give every fatis- iaclion to tluife who many favour him wiih theii cullom. N. li. Six or F.iirlit boarders Can have good accommodations up ft airs, at it low 1 ate. N. PALMER. Kingston) 08. 28. . 22tf TAKE NOTICE. RAN-away from the fnbfcr^ber, on the 24th inft. a Shoe-nnker. by •he name of Daniel McG/trty, about five feet 7 inches high, thick fet, black hair and beard,datk complexion, large brown eye* ; wore nway a black hat, failor'? jacket, dark grey fai'or trowftrs- He has ftolen orte knife, a quantity of tackcf and one leather apr>n—had hued with the fubferfoer foi fix months Whoev¬ er will fecure the faid run-away, o' bring him back, (hall receive one dollar re¬ ward. GILBERT PURDY. ■ R'im/ston, Oct. 27, N. B. A g*od (hoe maker wiil find conftaiit employment by spplyine as a- bove. 22W3 Ran-away, FROM the fubferiber, on (he 19th 0<S. an indented apprentice, by the name of Richard Davis, is twelve years and eight months old, wore away a pair cfgrey coloured woolen ttowfers andveft, a butternut colored coat, black hat and thick (hoes. Whoever will re- turn faid apprentice to the fubferiber, (Trail receive fix pence reward, but no charge* paid—AHpeifons are hereby forbid harbouring or trufting him on my account, as I will not pay any debts of hie co&nafting after this date. RICHARD J. GARDINER. Sophiajhurglu Ocl. 18. 181 7. 22-3 SINGING SCHOOL. THE fubferiber propofee to teach a Singing School, in the Town of Kingftori, to commence about the loth of Nov next, if a futficient number of Scholars (hall be fubferibed for. The fubferiptum paper may be faen at the PnmrurQ Ovfics, where alfo the terms and further particulers may be known THOMAS SWEATING. Kingfton.Oft 28, 1817. 22 A Convenient I'TO USE, with good offices TO li LETy for any number of ycais that may be agreed upon—for particu¬ lars enquire of WALTER M'CUNIFFE. K'uiSstoptOft. 27, 1817. 22, v. Just Arrived, 1(K) Quintals dry Cod Fish, |0 Bairels Ling, 20 Do. Bai Cbalour Salmon, 20 Kegs Lorh Fine Herring", 10 Kirkins Bu(ti*r. ALSO,—A few fetts beft English Flif.tvl Harnesses, Saddles and Bridles, Martingales. Pads, Veheses, Horse Cloaslnng-, and 20 Dnz. Fine Shoes. The above articles will be fold cheap for Cafii or produce. ALEX'r. MACDONELL & Co. Kings Ion, 24th Jbh 1817. 5 TOLET, AND pofleffioi given the firft day of May next, ihat Store and Houfc at pre fen t occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston, Ocl. 1.7, 1^17-_________41 Notice. A LL peribtis Jidebted to the fubferi- /jl her are rcqi'dled to make imme- diotc payments All kinds of produce will be taken in payment, at the flferktf prices. The fubferiber has taken into partner- fliip his biother, //Han R. AfacDonell, The bufinefp in future will be carried on under the firm of ALEX. MACDONELL^ Co. In addition to clieir former (lock, tlfcy are now receiving a general aflortmentof DRY GOODS, JL1QUOMS, GKOCF'ttlBS. ITAItWVARE, Earthen Sf Glass, be. %*. $c. AEX'r. MACDONELL. Kingston, \Jl Sept. 1816. e I rm SUBSCRIBER \ Xirr ILL receive propolaN for binM- the of the river, and for making a Canal to take the *rt» from the rapids at the fordmg place, * the Gully at the landing where.h* Mill f8 to be placed. He rcquelts Aat p»o pofals may be given to h.m before the 20th of June next. A Town plot will be laid out this Icafon at the aDove nam- ed place ; the terms of Iale and leak- will be known by applying to the fuofen- ber, who has for fale i 174 acres or Land on the River Rideau, being lots Nos. 5, 6 and 7 in firft concelTi-n and No*. 5 & 6 in the fecond conceffion, wi.h the broken front, in the townfhip of Marlborough : Alio for Sale. I'cve- ral lotes of land and Town lots, at ami in the vicinity of the Town of Kingfton, and a Houfe and Lot in Kinpllon.------ Likewife, for fale, the Eaft half of Lot number thirty-four, in the fecond con¬ ceffion of the townfhip of Darlington, containing 100 acres. For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, 25//; May ,1817. 5 21 f of R ags f R ags ! CASH paid for Clean COT- TON and LINEN li A Ci 8, (Of any Color,) T THIft OFFICE. THE TRUSTEES F the School in the front Concef¬ fion of Frederfckfburgh, give public notice, that *he faid School i* opened, in the fchool Jioufc near John Camp'5, under the fnflru&ion of Mr. Burns, who teaches Reading, Writing En^lifh Grammar, Arithmetic, Geog¬ raphy, the Latin a/id Greek Languages, &c. ROBERT M'DOWALL, WM CRAWFORD, JOHN CHURCH. Fredericksburgl) '.'fL 20, 1S17, 12W4 m Smiths Work. THE fubkuVr moft refpedfully inform? the gentlemen of Kings- con, that he i- jult arrived here from Dublin, a-ui baa commenced the bufi orfa of Black and White Smiih, in ail I its branches ; more particularly that of i'orle Shewing in which he will give the greneft bthfafiuM to thole that env- ploy him. The? may rely on having their work well done, cheap and neat, by applying at Mv. J. Meagher;, Banack llrtet, where he has commenced. All orders in that line wiil be gladly received and fl.ifi attention given. Kingston \$lb Oct. 2 I GF-ORGEPIATT& Co. 30pVVE r^eived by the late amt, -ULML als from Lot'dim, Liverpool Hull and Briftol, an extenfivt'affortment (in addition to their former Hock) of l IRONMONGERY, HARD WARE BRASS, COPPER, PEWTER J TIN WARES—Alfo, a very hani fome aflbrtment of PLATED GOODS &c* &«• which they offer for fale Wlidft fale and ReiaiK upon the lowed poffifcle teims for Cafli, produce or approve^ credit. A mong thefe ^oods are the foU lowing, viz :— 200 boxes Tin Plates IC IX DX, ago cafes Sheet Iron, 15c rons Swedes Inrfi, Similated flfti and Englifh bar Iron, 15 tons round and fquare Rods in bundles, 3c tons Hoop Iron aflorted, 20 tons Plow*(hire Mould**, 45c Calks Nail? and Spikes affottedj 75 caflcs Triice, halter and IogChm. 25 enfl^s Horfc fhoe>, 12 caflcs Brafs Kctilcg, I go boxr<* Window Glafs 7fx8{,m 8-^x9-^ 5c coils White r(.p.-#' 10 cafeh Guns (Fowling piece*,) 150 kegs Paint;-, affortcd, Valuable Lands WR SALE, ■rN the ThM Cn,nc,0ion ()fthc Town. 6 .the half of No. ;fBMd ^ f8 _An ludifputable title v,,!, bfi givcnj an(J the terms of payment h,ade calVt tr- « , , ' C. THOMSON. Kmgflon. July ^ r8|?> 10 Nut ice. A LL Pf^'iavmgany demands- JtJl gaiofttheEftateofthelate Bry. an Crawford Ffq. 0f Adolphullown. de- ceafed are l.ereb) reque^d t0 odtlce t .,-.r claim*, duly a„,|u.ntiC3ted._^A all perfons mdebtcd tofhf fey Bftweie herehy requeRed to make immcdiate payment to Wiilian Al xamier c.rrmt, -,. . • , Executor. Kingston, 19th %iyt ,8,7, g o For Sale, THE SUBSCRIBER, RESPECTFULLY begs leave to j inform his Friends and tlie pub¬ lic, tiial he Has ereftcd, and now in op¬ eration in the townfhip of Camden, on thctfapane River, a WATER BLAST Furnace, Where Catlings of almoft every def- criptiou will be executed on the fhorteft notice ; equal iu quality to any that can be procured in this Provface. JOSEPH H. SMITH. N.B. Paterns and Orders left at the Store of An McPherfon, f$ Co. Kings¬ ton, v/ill be forwarded and the Callings returned without delay. Old I^fefa! wil be received in payment at the rate of leveri Pounds ten .Shillings per Ton. delivered either at Kingftori or at the Woikfe Camden* 24 Jujy% 1817. 91 f J 1 co bundles Frying Pana^ 500 Grind Stones, 4 ci.flcs elegant filver Plated Wa% 230 cartes and cafes containing a Gen. eral AffcKmeot of Birmingham and Sheffield Goods. &c. 10 Slater's Steam K*tchens,comp|#£ 15c double and fingie Stovo#j loo boxes Tobacco pipes, 6 cafca Confeflionary, 25 carter GlafTware, aJTortedt 25 craten Crockery do. alTtred. A great quantity of Callings, fnch as bellied a*4 French Pots, Camp nW'V Sng-ar Kettles, Potato Coolers, Kitch¬ en J3o.lers, Iron Chefts Water Pip". Hog Trouuh», Scale Weights, Sad b rons, Wheel Boxes dec. &c. t ALSO, Cut ShinglcNaila at the nduced priceof 2/per M. Cotton and Wool Caids for n.m hi.icry, — Matters aud Clothicii twilled Jacks. Montreal Jug w/7 14, 1 £ 17. tiwtf Sherds Sale. Midland l)i.-tiict.> If J$ 1 virtue <>fi T«> Wit: I Jfj) H'iUmE* RCV'l ION, issued ,n« oj IU» M'Vr!' tft1/mtnritoy»\->hcttati7& YtHH ft/hn\urJ(L <d the svtt ../ JUrTi [jiw nomwy, oj ,nv ?Cw kirlgston, in the mM Uhtt,./ Q^S nff)t% again si th( Land mttTe** of JONAS IJS ALSTb\it Zl? Township of Richmond, and 1/',,.'! aforesaid, Inn Keeper, ditvetedfoji Sheriffoj'the mil Nhlltaal Distria I have seized and taken in F.r:t:mion* belonging to the said JVA'AS ?jj ylLS'J'/XE, a part off he South fa terUj comer of lot numtn 'l ■ S ventre* 1! / a the first Conce&dtm qfthe Toxn&mu Richmond; which piece vf Ltt^i tnda N reafonabk- Lot No. j terms, the rear half of 4, in the fourth Con¬ ceffion of the T^lvf]]i of KJ . about fix m.1es from Iown ^ are tortv i..j... ■ which on, here y acrces snrler improvement on are yearly cut 2Q tong of «'itl> a fuitsb e p«.,:„n -r _i„ , . ,' a 1 1 • Vr on of P">Ugb land. Apply at tins offi.c r 6 Kingston, Off. 1,; , g, ?> USO t?f,,fMiflie«!«y«Perth. ALSO, that h(|f Lot and T- wh.c w« prop,M^ „f Lottery Apply for h-th t, the Rev| Mp / ^.C',hol,e^ of this town. JUfiSJre-e,'Ve,iind for f"3^ at this Of mesne Ctrcumtane,. uv i ir, T( a.^otherPoems/ttS7^'^ <r/ r -r r i *, un'ch is prefixed thel$*'"Jr***tab Author. P ' Nov. 28. ^ 5 THE febferibers inform their Friends and the Public in general, that they have received in addition to their former fupply, a large affortment of DRY GOODS, Glafs and Eartharv WARE, Iron, Steel, Hollow Ware, A fmall affortment of HARD WARE. Double and Single STOVES. Also,—Ladies and Gentlemen's FUR CAPS. Ready Made CLOTHES. The whole will be fold Cheap for Cafh, or flu>H approved credit. Monjeau & St. Germain. Kingston, I Cjt/j Sept. \%tn , ?tf butted and bounded^ or may In viseknoKti, mtjo/lazos : that is to commencing htjront ojthesmd contM sion, at the South Easterly angle 5 said Lot No. Seventeen, theneeNol Sixteen degrees, West Fourteen fa and Fijhf links ; then South Sereml, 'our degrh'S, If est fzco- chains ,- £ South Sixteen degrees. East h'/tfa chains Fifty links, more or less, /'„ (j, t:ater"s side; then Easterly, (Uongik water side, to the place oj beginnki ■ containing Three Acres of Land, fc the same more or less; xcUh a dtteOm and out Houses thereon erected. Note I do herchu give NOTICE that the foresaid piece of J.antl, /„'.' gether Kith the builirings therein,errc ted, will bc sold and adjudged to th highest bidder, at the Market, in tk i'oxn of Kingston, on S.lTURhJY the Til I Hi) day of. IANtJ RK Ji next ensuing, at the hour of Eleven ii'Clack in the forenoon. I l TO. BE SOL D , A Gc",cd, C""vcnient Houfe, with %ible fituatian fcT^S"**??/1 Kingston, sept, fj, 1817. 16 A Th. J BLANK BAIL BONDS, Forwle at this Office. LF.rrT """ T the honfc of the fnhfeiber, lonie time Bnce, a O'ffEST my^p^ charges. * H P "TO LET~ ^ aHo,if^"dLotw„ha Su HENJi) THORP, nD'-oufy.Sheriff, j Andevery person or persons having claims on the above described piece uf Land tmdpremises, by Mortgage, or other right or incitiutlranr-, are here¬ by advertised to give net«c thereof,to the said Deputy Sheriff, at his Houk1 in the I llhtge of Ernest 7'ox,/, pre& ous to the sale thereof. IIEMi} THORP, D&pnfy Sheriff. Mngston, 20/// March, 1817. 43 lit nati-d mStuanvMle. *„„,„„ rf abli JMrtArW ,,,7 *..infiinr or MONjtAU &St. GERMAIN it f J ^HE fiibfcrfbers beg leave to inform A ti.eir fnVn«l« and rhe public in ge¬ neral, that they cany on the TAVLORING BUS/NZSS ! |n Mam Street, wlure they intend rna^- "'K (-'very article in their line, on moitf reafonahle terms than has been dune for .1 iiiirribcr_ of years back. Thofe «iw *./li 10 favo, then, with their enlloni, may i-rly un having thrfi w«.rkwell mrfc, and on the fllu.teft m,ii,:r, for Caft. N011 is k Stevens. Kingston, Sept. a, I rf 17. if

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