Kingston Gazette, November 4, 1817, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1817.] KINGSTON [VOLUME VII.------No. 28] GAZ TE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Ernest T.»«n. J AMES RWKIX, £% 3'ork, WILLI AM ALLAN, Ksq, Brockville. A. SHERWOOD, E>q. Jkllvillo, S. M'XABB, Esq. Cusack's Hotel. THE fubferiber having opened a new and convenient Honfc in (tore ftr. rnnll ,Refpe£tfulIy informs his friends and the public, that he has taken great paint to furnifti it in every refpedt to merit a 'ftare of public patronage. G::vtVmen travelling may rely upon having good accommodation and attend¬ ance. Lady's and Gentlemen can be diily fupplied with Gonferflionary of all kind and heft quality. Alfo the Prince Regents morning Dunk, compofed and carried nn at pref- $01 -\\ tht abovv concem by James Recd'i confectioner. R- CUSACK. Kingston, Sept. 6, 1817. ijtf JUST received by the the fubferiber, a complete aflbrtment of Gentlemen's Cioafhs. Of aftiperior quality and veorkmanfhip, which will be fold very cheap fur Cash- J. F1SK. Kingston, June nf&$ 1817. I tr To Lease, FOR the term of xgn years, a Town # I.*t, adjoining the Gaol,contain* n$ two Fifth-* of an acre—apply to the luMcribcrs. H.C. THOMSON,! Church Gift. SHORT, j warden^, mgrfqg, V-8. .#17. ic WE the fubferibers do certify upon oath that trw original fettlc- ment in the rownfhip of Kingilon, was made agreeable to the annexed plan, that the roads interfered each other at right angles, and that at the four cor¬ ners, (lakes were planted at right angles, and that each lot butted and bounded dire&ly oppofite its couefponding num¬ ber, and that the lots were flaked as well in the rear a- in the front, and that tht fit ft fettlers took their lands Eaft and Welt from the road between the tots No. 17 and 18 in the townfbipof Kingfton. Signed 70UN WARNER, SOLOMON OR<ER9 ARTHUR ORSER, ISAAC ORSERt ELIJAH GROOMS. Kingston, Noiu 2» 1816. I 6 In order that no perfon may plead ignorance in taking any title from Je- thro Jackfon, on Lot No 15 in the fe- cond conccilion in the townfhipof Rings- toil, the property h the fubferibers «i law and equity, and will be ^covered a? foon es juftice can take place. fept. 16 18(7. Amos Anjky. Blank Summonses Fqr the District Courts, for Sale at this Ofiice. BOur, SHOE and Leather S TORE. c NOTICE. RIVERS informs the Public, a that his ftay in Kinglton will be only a few days more ; and is now idling unewmmonh low for Cam, PelilTe Cloths. Blankets, Coun¬ terpane*!, Chintz Furnitures. Damaflc Table Cloths, j lain and twillM Bomba zettes, Sec—y'i';h, a varictv of FANCY GOODS. Kingston, >tore Strest, mar the Poll- Office,'$otk Sept 1817. t*> NUT ICE. ^ ;«7 H E R E A S Jethro Jadfm, dfd, ¥ ? in the • ■referee of Henrv Ham- then Anllcy, Daniel Arfhy, Samnel j Ai'fKy and Charles Meirils, furrender tht- peaceable pofffllon of Lot No. 15. in thr 2d concefilon which he held by violent trefpafsevcr lince th.eyear 12 * 2 % and did agrte to c<ime under bonds >S hand* a laroc affortment of Lady's and' arbitiaiion to pood men for the damage Gentlemen's Boot* and Shoes q£ every to be made good to Amos Anfley. ijefcription. Likkwisr, a fupp'y of good Sole and U^per Leather, of all kinds. Kings fori, OBoher 6, 1817. iytf M. WILLIAMS ££ Co at the __ Sign of the GoIJrn Lost% (lore fttcot, refpedt folly inform the inhabitants of KiflgftoO, and its vicinity, that they |till continue fhcir Boot and Shoe Manw fakory- where they keep conflantly on For Sa ' at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Province or Upper Cana da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the value of Grains of Gold .Coin,'I *cr or under weight* Pll 1 PACKET. THE Scho ner Commodore Perry,, lht, Eli„,er Yiad, where he hopes wfi aether ferfoo fail regularly ^ ^^ ^ attention, frill to rr between Kine-*"f>n and Sackei (harbor. j 1 hefe are therefore to give Notice to all pefons whatever, at their peril not to make any ftrip or wafte on the laid Farm j — neither tack or (h&et, either buy or [grain of any kind ; not a potatoc to be 'dug without firft obtaining the pcrmif- fion oft AMOS ANSLET. Kingston, Sep* 318:7. 15 THE fubferiber returns hi* molt grateful thanks to his fiienda and cuftomcrs, and the refpc&3ble inhabit¬ ants of Kinglton, for tbfcr liberal en- corragement he has received lince he commenced bufinefs in this place, and iwould inform them that he dill carries 'on the Tin. Copper, Shrci I run and Lead Pufir.cfsy in all its various branches, near bv m merit FOR SALE, Or TO LET, AND pofleffiou given immediately, an Elegant two and a half ftory Koufe and Lot, fituate in a convenient part of the town for bufinefs* For furth¬ er particulars enquire of HEKRT CASSADT. Kingfton, Oct. i+, 1817. 2otf FOR SALE by the S^'ibTF A few barrels of PLASTER of PARIS, and 20 Reams Wrapping Paper. P WETSEL. 1817. 7 Kingston, June 12, MOORE'S CO F F E E-1J O U 6' E John Moore,, L5 ETL1RNS his Gnccre acknowleda \) ment-2 to hw Friends and the Public at large, fa their favors, and wlfbifsto aoquaint thrm that he has re¬ moved to Mr. Ann:-rson's new (lone HouiV, oppofite to Mr. WetfeP? Store, in (lore ftrect, whrre travrllem and oth¬ ers may rely upon gtr-d accomm^da tions and attendance, on reafonable terms. Tkj 46* :ihc*r. having rented this large, convenient v*-.d elegant build¬ ing, has fp..rtd no txenioofl or expence in hia p: wer, to K^vt it I jruiflied and zt tended in fuch a Riariner 33 to merit the approbation of hU former cull, mers and others who may honor him with their company. He has a pood yard and ftable for car¬ riages and Horfes. Soups every dav fr^m T2to I o'clock. h bigston% Oil l* ^ R , ^. zotf HE fubferibtv - hejjs Ipave in Inform oJ J. the VoUk, ,ll:" ,l,e bnfincia Torrance & A'7, Lcod, \\n the Spirit, Wi»t»* an^ Or»cery line, will be carried on a- RwiwHjr. N-cil Mc Lend. Kui9*m tth OR. i> 817- lo,lv* o ^ Mail Stage. fh'ire of public ..... ..vor, aiTuring them j^*».-^^f k»^_^^^^ j [tbrt noth?n.T (hall be wanting on hi, (part, to faithfully execute all orders with board as ufual—Good accommodation for paflVn'Tevs —For PaffagC or Freight apply to the Matter on hoard. J. G.PARKER. may 17. STO ES. THE fubfeiher h^ jflA rer*eived at his Brick llore, Front fe(tet, Dou- lk and Single STOVES Ssf Sheet ltm% And has a!fo on hand a8 ufnal a gen¬ eral aflortmentof Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glafs Ware in Crates, Linfeed and Curriers Oil, Paints ground in oil ;—aud expe&s in a few days an addition to his Stock, all which will be fold extremely cheap at whole hie. S. BARTLIiT. Kingston 03. 20, 1817. 21 For Sale, SEVERAL valuable Town Lots*— Apply to U e tnbfcriher. Allari Nacl.eun. *9V which he maybe honored. IL-hasft^r fale, a 'arge afTortment of ! the bed Evglifh Double T'ui U/are%oitv* Jerv description, evei offered for fale in '.this Province, and a large affortment of \ J/tpan*df Coppftr and Hard Ware. He hrfo keep? on hand anaflortmer-t ofSheet * Iron Stove^, Stove Pij:es and Elbows. 40 boxes of the bed Double Tin, and 60 bov'sbefl Sheet Iron, for fale cheap. C3*Produce will be taken in payment. Jimes Meagher, Kingfton, Sept* 30, 1817. i4m6 FOR SALE, BY Thomson SfDetlor 2o Barrels Prime Pork. 50 Barrels Fine Flour, pHopos \ls For publishing a weekly pap(?r, to be entitled the Gleaner, Sj Niagara Newspa¬ per, By ANDREW HERON. The Glfankr will be published weekly, in octavo, and will contain sixteen pages, neatly printed on good demi paper : besides the most interest¬ ing news of the day, it will contain ex- tractsfromlire lat&<t^Did best IJritisli publications, calculated to improve the mind, and enlarge the uuderstandiiisj. It will be open to communication^ ol fvery kind, if within the bounds of de¬ corum. The price to be Twenty Shillings Currency, one h:i'f pa j able at the end of <*ix moiitks. ae.d one half at the and 'if the year. To those who pay in ad* vanee a discount of live per cent will be made. The I'uper shall be sent b\ .vlail, or otherwise, on as reisonable •»rms as possible, at the expenhtt of the subscriber. Wheat or Hour will be iccep( d of in payment, by the EcHtor 'uid It ■ agents.—Those who subscribe *vi 11 be under-toed as bound to take •he pap-T, only until the\ give notice to the Kditryr, that they wish it cfcscon- :inuai]. and pay for those received. f^t" Stth.uYiptioHsJi.r thr above Work Kill, he received at this Ojfiee* To^eSoTcl, Largfe two fl<»ry dwelling Houfe, with a garret and a large Cel- er. and 1 Kitchins, lituated next the White Bear in Sjorc llic< t—has a large yard and garden, fuiubk for a tavern or bearding houfe. A j"1)' 7 6tf 100 Boxes Yellow Soap. Kingston, Sept. 29, 1817 i8tf A f Dwellingr Houfe and Bake-houfe to LET for any number of years} that maj-be agreed upon. Forparticu- lars enquire of WALTER M'CUNIFFE. Kingston) C?ft. 27 1817. «tf FttffE fubferibe" wiJhee to inform Jf- the Public fclwt he intends run- ninga Stage from fCmRflon to York, and will flart from $ i'icr|;on,on Monday th? 4th day of Au^t;fl- for Yoik, and will after that fla^'t from York and Kingflon every Monday. The fubferi¬ ber hopes by his faithful artertfian 10 this undertaking to rtnerit a fliare of the public favour. CC!r The Stage fare from KinjWlon to Bellville will be 4 Pilars, from King- lion to Hamilton o- Smith's Creek, 8 Dollars, and Irom iCingiton to York, 1 2 Dollars. SAMUEL PURDY. Kingston, July 26, 1 8 I 7. Qtf Public Notice. THE Subfcribens, Executors to tb Estate of Charles Stuart, Efquire, rTeceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, District,heaby requests all thofe indebt¬ ed to the faid Estate no make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all thofe wbo have demands again-st the' Estate are rearrested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Settlement of the E*tate maybe effedled as fpeedily as poffihle after thefi«*Htdayof July 1S18. GEORGE O. STUART, 1 Exec- ALLAN McLEAN, 3 utott. I RingsconT August 1 a, 181 7.— 1 itf Attention ! CUlVERS, from Quebec, • is jnft arrived at Kingfton for a few days only—atid ihas now unpacked 3nd ready for fale in Store Street, Fifteen packages of well aflbrted GOODS, and wel'I worthy the attention of Town and Conntry Merchants—they will be fold by the Piece or Package only. The Goods are oif tfcc best quality, and as Mr. Rivers fht0rtly goes to Eng¬ land, they will be foldj uncommonly low for (CASH) on delivery 0f (he Goods. C\ RIVERS. Stcre Street, Kingsto*n 1 23d Sept. 1817> r j- PJE'lrlli fubferiber has received and of- JM. feis for fale at his Auction Room, oppofite Moore's Co flee Houfe 60 pairs VWIh*iii?ton Boots, 136 do Gents. Pumps, 36 do do drelffhocs bound with filk, 6 do do do do do & lin'd with ct 60 do do l&rong do do wiih leather, 06 do buys do do do do do 30 do giils fine do do do iilk 100 do Children* fhoos afLrted. n.c above will be iijld either wliole- fale or retail Arch. McDonell Kingston. I $th 06 181 7. 20tf J ¥ anted, AN apprentice to the Medical pro- reffion One or two young men will be iuftrufled in Medicine and Sur¬ gery. Every attention paid to their ha¬ bits and Studies. For particulars, enquire df the fubferi¬ ber, at his Surgery, near the Catholic Church. JOS. SCOTT, Surgson. Kingston OtL 6, \ 8 17. I <)\v6 "englisT and french" Academy. HENRY LATHAM, late a Clerk in the Naval Yard, begs leave to inform his frinds and the public, that from the encouragement he has received from feveral of die principal inhabitants of the Eall Wajd of KingMon, he has been induced to re-opeu the Academy, at Mr Baker's Stone Houfe in Store ft. (lately abandoned by Bedford J for the inftrnction of youth of both fexes, in the following ufeful branches of Education, viz ; Rending, Writing, Englith Gram* mar, and a knowledge of the French Language. In foh'eitinjra (bare of Public patron¬ age, he hopes by affiduity and attention, not only to the inflru&ion, but to the mora's of the pupils eniruiled to his charge, Content a continuance of it. Terms may be obtained by applica¬ tion at the fchool Houfe. N. B. An Evening School Monday, Wednefdayand Friday, from 6 till 8 o'clock. Kingston, 08. 6. 1817. J 9 ~ MULTIPLICATION Tables, For the uie of Schools, For fale at this Office. ATTORN1ES Blank Bills o. Cost?, for sale at this Office. Officers Half Fay, and Artil¬ lery Penfiun BLANKS, 5f fa!i' s\ lis Otli.x. T - ,f ' From the Boston Weekly Mitgiizinc,. LINES, Writ-ten while at anchor in Kingston harbor, liakc Ontario—on hearlns from several Canadian Boats, enter¬ ing from the St. Lawrence, their usual songs. Hark o'er the Lake's unruffled ware, A distant, solemn chaunt is sped ; Is it some requiem at the ^mve ? Some last kind honor to the dead ? Tis silent all—again begun ; It is the wearied boatman's lay, That hails alike the rising sun. And his last, soft, departing ray. Forth from yon island's du$ky side, The train of baftcaux nou appear, And onward as they slowly glide, More loud their chorus greets the ear. But ah ! the charm the t distance $at$j "When first iu solerun sounds tlioi'e SOTlg Crept slowly o'er the limpid wave, Is lost in notes full loud and strong. ifc Row, brothers, row," with songs vi joy, For now in view ft port appears ; No rapids h'.-re our course auuov? No hidden rocks exefte our fc^rs, Be this sweet night to Muniber giv%n. And when the nionfltig lights the vvavp, We'll give our mafin songs to heav'n, Our course to bless, our lives to mi we. ^ LOST/! ON the 23d inft. in tlie Town of Kingston, a Note of hand a* gaiuft Richard Sfru'tii, for nine pounds eleven (hillingsand "inc pence, Halif'MC Cury dated at 1'e'rerangullicne, ill Oc- tohrr r 81 7- All pcrfoHfl aro cautioned agaiuft purchafing or prcfentiug laid note Any perfon having found faid nojtfc and will deliver it m thia Office (hall rc^ ccive a reward of Two d dlar*. The above Note waa due to the fujj. fcriber. THOMAS GEORGE, Kingston, Oft 25, 18x7. 22wj Ar OTIC E IS Hereby given to all perfons, that the fublcriber has every r*afon to believe that Hugh Earl and George Smith, (both of Kingston) have offered, or will offer for fate, a certain vCff*-l called the fch'r. General Brock, (built in the Bay of Quinty.) Know miw the f:<bfcnh*r f-rhids all perfonH fiom purchaiing the fvhole or any part of faid vefl'd, or of paying unto Hugh Earl, (is (hip's hufband,) any freight accounts rendered by him, up to this date, or any future date. Vvhenev- er Hugh Earl and George Smith- ihiuk proper to rtndei a correA account of the above veffcl's coft previous to her firft failing, on or about the id of July 1815, and her yearly expenri'tures fince, w;-h her freight rqpeived, and how that freight boa been made ufe of, then the fubferiber will fed pleafurc in confor- ming to any arrangement they may wiflu and found agreeable to Oliplnnt O^ Perrie ; providing their wilhes do nQt exceed tlvc bound< of propriety. WILLIAM FISH. Niagara, Oft. 2, 1817.—it—6w s TRAYED from the Commons irt Kingfton, fomc time in Augnlr, a pair of fat oxen—one of a red colour, line back, white face, brOad h^rns—the other black, lined bne!c,hro^kle face, the horns turn a 1 it tie in, both four years old pad. Wliucver will return faid cattle, or give information where they can be Ifed to McfTrs. Ivts St Blancharo, Butchers, Kingfton, (hall be handsome¬ ly rewarded. Oft. 20. 2 i < 1 11 CAUTION. A LL perfons are hereby forbid pnn- XJL chafing from William Wilkiiw, or from any oJher perfon, a certain Nov? of hand, ot Fifty potinds currency, Ggo- ed by the fubferiber, as faid note w^ obtained by fraud. MARY WYCOTT. Kkigstoji, OB. 20, 1817* 21 wtp THE ^ Church Catechifm For S.ale at this

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