Kingston Gazette, June 14, 1817, p. 3

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j. vn<VnnrhV^iV<'li sh*w (hcmsHvrs j!rrr0i>nd uptfi which we Can rest OUT :. rhUkl^Ham. vWlc fan quilityis re..' hop-s. Jr.nlhcrlrtU-rffnm S/ochhotm, April I. \ conaeHptiwi i* »<>w malting in the «tel? Wned<HR of all Mlc J,CMinR mr" born in 179« : they aiv 10 beesefcted for a Ibrirvilit in June, after which, (ha w*ia>f>nts formed in brigade, will so in'"> eamp. I« is «M a1*o, thataeamp will be formed near Stockholm, to e.\- eH^th.' troops thii -summer. The fOimg men included fa Hie conscription {uwhta of 5classes,from all the youths from th~ a?e of 10 to 25 inclusive, for- on""a well disciplined and uniform mi- Iifiaof about 300,000 ms-n, from which, only in time of war, the regular regi-l B>ents raised partly bv recruiting, p-irt- lv furnished and equipp-'cl by all land¬ owners, are reinforced and filled up. The Morning Chronicle of April 1 4, States " that one of Hie first friendl> offices to be. performed by the Duke <*f Wellington, on hi>- return to England is that of bestowing the hand of Miss C.iton, on Col. Hakvey, one of his Grace's Aids-de-Camp. Miss C. is from Baltimore." Philadelphia, May 20. Extract of a letter, dated at ha Guy- raj he ZUh April, last. "Barcelona was taket. by the Royal troop* on the 7th hwt« The iiivir.'*eu*> lo-.t in ttie action 110 killed and woun¬ ded, 21 pieces of cannon, 1 I pederocs. j 918 muskets, 98 boxes of cartridges and mauy nfherartiolrs, provisions, am¬ munition, Set*—The Kujftl army moved wilh celerity to pursue Bolivar iu hi* flight. i General Morilio, who was at Si. Se- hisMau, de Ins Reyes, marched imme- didtelv on the road to Maturin. You must suut your ears to the ab¬ surd fictions and miserable stories. - which come desperate Insurgents and ttvur foreign votaries, possessed of in- vanity, an* Ioivj accustomed to deviv abroad. All they say is false. We here enjoy perfect tranquility. Pho appearance of the cut-worm, in | Indian corn and potatoes, which are* now beginning to show themselves. (and in gardens, on onions, and cab- baif«» plants lately set out) has excited much alarm. S^me person* have com- mettc&d worming their lields ; and in many hills, 5,8, 10, of these vermine have been found. Cool, cloudy wea¬ ther is favorable to their propagation. Lime and Suit have been recemmeuded as a security, and deserve a trial. It i*- certain that lime is destructive to in¬ jects winch prey on vines and tender [vegetables above ground ; and it i*- probable that its corrosive quality may pass into the earth, and drive tho worm from the neighbourhood of the corn. But it is believed that an examination of each hill, and killing the worm, \s the surest remedy. If this process should be begun in time, it may be ef¬ fected with expedition, and with pro¬ bable success. It must though be per¬ severed in. until the worm changes to it* second or last state, (as it is presu¬ med it does,) or until the heat of (he weather compels it to retreat deeper into the earth. Should the wheat and corn both fail, what human means can save us from * AMINE? Norfolk, (Vir.) May 13. We regret to learn, by a gentleman, who came pafleuger in the Steam Boat yeilerday. th?t an Epidemic has prevailed foi fome time pad in the town of Man- Schemer, oo-H>fn--to Richmond, which has I carried off. in the fpne^of fix weeks, up- j wards of i 30 pe-fous, chiefly negro^a— a mortality heretofore unexampled in that place, the population of which, we be¬ lieve, does not exceed 500. What ren¬ der; this vi fit at ion the more painful, 19 that among the number who have fallen viciims. are rr.nnv of its oldtlt and moll refpeftable inhabitants* fevrre droopht had exiftc^. Should thevl prove to be, as no*' liifpeftcd, a fpeciVaOfl the migratory keu*t. they wdl probably £et theii wings in June or July, and we ftY'll have further accounts of their depic- dationson vegetables of every delcription. 3o voracious are thefe infects, that they fpare neither vegetables, grain nor grais, but leave the earth quite naked wherever they appear. We obferve that much damage is experienced at the South from the ravages of a worrn called the Cut Worm. If this is the nan* of the Avorm which preys upon cabbage plants, and other productions of the garden, which is of a brown colour, a;id is often called the cabbage-worm, they can be destroyed with cafe, by poking a fmall quantity of strong foap-furu about the roots of a plant, where they arc fuppofed to be, and if the worm* are concealed in the ground, wi:hin reach of the liquid, it will force them n> rife ir.stantancoufly to the furface, whe-c they can he difoatched wich b'.r, little r'jub'e. The <"fk& ur the Cuds are pctfc&ly Cure, and a gar¬ den or any other enchuure, may be entitely n'dof tl.em in this way — Daily /Idv. to fail for the St. Lavcrenee before the end of Vprtl °r the fir ft nf May. Between 20 & 30 veflcls were to fail from London to Canada in April, as many from Liverpool, and ten or twelve from the Clyde, befides great numbers from the out-ports ; of thefe only eight have arrtved. Several of them have been fifteen or fixteen days in the ice. One, the Montreal* the Bid from the Clyde,j has futlaincd tonlrderable injur), and was only faved fi»>m finking by the judiciou* exertions of the malter and fhip'fl crew, and throwi ig about 40 tons of the moll weighty articles of the cargo overboard. ie Magillrate«Sn tm and af' * tHe ofvear ; prache:. and other fruit in blossom, J,8?red no damage. A li^ht rain fell ■m the 18th. and again on (he %M and Kent Cotn-y,(Del.) May 14, 1817. THE SEASON, The present season is like to be the nosi fatal ever known in this State. Until about the loth ol April tin- Sprint Had h.-n very lluUcriug, The whfat, on thi- bntking up 8f the fro, t iu I-Vb- juar), was prom-sing, notwithstanding an 1 the mildness of March, witha sui- lieienry of rain, seemed lo promote 8 vigorous and healfhy v.^.Nation. A- bontthe rath of April a drought com* menced. On fhe tiigUt of die I Gth the J cold was s:o rigorous as to produce, ice of an wfinxnal thicknoas for (lie Hnv- but the weatler being clrv. blo*so I on the 18th. ana again on uhs •-•»> ami 8lth. On the 7th instant, at ui^ht, a pWntiful shower, succeeded by a con¬ sul irable deal of moi^tur^ the t-.*xt day gave new life to th<» plants of the field and garden. Indian corn was com¬ monly planted between the 20th of A- uriKaudthe first day of the present inuuth -, and is now generally up, uad coming up.— The spring on the whole has heen pleasant, but for a few days past too cold, if there had been a grea- tt-r abundance of water it would have been deemed favourable. Grass is ve¬ ry backward, and oats i.:.d Ilax have; Binde poor growth. Gardens have been as early as usual. Turnip-tops, cabbage-sprouts, spinach, waiter cres- sp*, lettuce, raddishes, and all wild sallads, were not delayed beyond their Wanted period*. Asparagus has btjen small and hard.—The blossoms of peas and strawberries aie falling, gi\d the fruit is forming. The wheat, which atone, time cheer¬ ed us with the expectation of an abun¬ dant crop, and of a full compensation for the deticiency ot the Indian corn of last year, is now in a fair way to complete destruction* . The ravages of the Hessian fiy seeni to exceed any thing hitherto known. From the uni¬ versal comprint, it is probable that not £ single field or lot in the country will entirely escape ; and in movf, it is be- lfevetf. tiiat the prodnct Will not equal the qosntity of seed potin the ground. If (Ms destroyer of our hepes should continue its raging certain-* lj' mast sweep, lil;o a destructive fire, ev^ry blade from the earth. It-is rare to find a single bunch untouched.— j Many stalks contain from ftre to t n of' those insects, in nite stnge oranoth?r of lb existence. Tne sickly appearance of (his valuable grain shows how exten¬ sive the malady is. It is possible thai cool, mild weather, with plenteous ihouers, mav give such vigour to th" Email quantity still unaffccted,as in some decree to disappoint our fears. A tem¬ perate, protracted, and very SCWontt* jflfl summer, according to all ren-om ^calculation, mil affard the m\\ fftmhurgbi April4—The letters f»om Stockho'm announce that feveral r«*gt- mcnt> have received orders 10 put them- feKts in maich to approach the capital Colonel B-»rou Roficullww named C^p j tain-Lieutenant of the Corps of Body j Guards who do duty at th<- entrance of 'the interior apaitments of the King and rhc P'ince Royal. For the «el\, the re¬ port* which a«V fprcad of the cyjllence in Sweden of a nume'ous party j would wifh the ov-rtlnow of thf new oy ually. arc rno*e and more confirmed. (hew ?t once it- untafinef*, .-u.d the im- po tance of the affair which is the obj d ot it.s ioquities Paris. April lZ.— It i« certain th»t the l>u!;e of WeRiajJtOTi quits this cap- iial the i8thinlt. for Londou, in order to be pn fe*»t at the anuive«f?ry of St George, the 2^d. The w4io!e of the Vah\ Major of his G'-acc return on the day oi his departure to hcd-quaTirs »t Camhray- where the Duke win foortly after repair in pcrfon. pnl>- Fram the Liiei ary Gazette. Dogy of Si. Barnard. A German Almanack, recently lilhed, contain*fome deta;is concerning the do«» named Barry, one of the prede- ! cefforsof thofewho lately peufhed amidll the fnOW ot the great Saint Bernard.— Thi> intelligent animal ferved the hol- piial of that mountain for the foace of twelve y-ars, dining which time be laved the lives of fo-tv individuals. His zeal was indefatigable. Whenever tl;e moun¬ tain was enveloped in fog* and fnow lie fet out in feavehof loit travellera, Ke was jaccuftomed to run bukiwg until he led breath, and wou-d frequently venture on the moll pcii' places. When he foundhis Ktengdi was infufficient to draw ftom the fnow a traveller benumed with coldi he would run back to the hofpital iu fearcb ot the monks. One day* this interelling animal found a child in a frozen Sate, between the hridue of Dronaz and the ice- houfe of Balfora : he immediately began to li :k him, and having {lucceeded in le- Horiug animation, by means of his caref- fes he induced the child to tie himfelf round his body. In this way he carried the poor little creature, as if in triumph, to the hofpital. When old age depri¬ ved him of bis ftreugth, the prior of the convent penfioned him at Barney, by way of reward. He is now dead, and his hide Huffed and depofited in the mo- fcumpf that town. The little phial, in which he carried a reviving liquor for the diflrcffed travellers whom be found a- rvong the mountaiofi, is Hill fuipended fiom his neck. LONDON. April 21. ^ The Duke of Wellington, and hifi fuite arrived yesterday af ernoon at Dover,and after caking tome rerreihments, fet off for Loo-Ion We aie glad to state, mat hi* grace is in excellent health. Kingston IS, 1817. • ■ Wc underftand that there is dill to the amount of about ^50,000 of Army Bills which have not been returned to the effice for payment. It may be well to remind the holders, that many of the provilions of the Army Bill Act expi*e on the Ul of Augnft next. Particularly that which makcithefcBillslegal tenders. ^tre. GaZ YORK, MAY 29 1817, 0?J Tucfday lalt, fo much Snow fell at and near Burlington height*, that the ground was ptrte&ty white for fome lime ; fome Snow und Mail fell at this place : the froll at night deitroyed a ,/reat quantity of beans &c. but the peas and other more hardy plants were lot much injuredi WcbaveantL-ipated the ufual day of publication, on account of changing the day on which lie Gazette will be if- I'ucd in future ; it being found m<>re con¬ venient to publifh on TULbDAYS than Suitiniays. A defrruQixc fire has lately taken place a; KagSailor, near New \ nrk city; j tlv. value of pi petty dciUoycJ i- ctll.n- aied at out buuSrcd J houfand dollars* ---------------------- Mr. Editor, 'i s . Sir, Iftd to rejoice that a pious minillct has taken to urUell in the Wrlfaieof the 'ifi.ig gcnerzjtii)n nf King- tb»nt as to proj.oir a Sunday tchool ; he has thereby given foil pi oof that he wifh es well to our p olpciity. I hope th:u numbers will wiiungly follow hi* ad- vi'.r. and help (.,• j Ci "l a wmk, and as Lite intent of a Sunday fchool is chiefly to iulliu& I he cl.iidocn of the poor, that have net the means* or opportunity of gctti'.ig them irrftrucked, it k to be hop edtliai many youuyi »ucn and women, will come forward i»" fo Ian iable an un¬ dertaking, to jjive a fmall portion of t eir Sabbatic to fy good a purpofe ae l-i iuflruct the UMmii,r,»c.tcd, and it can rot be doubted for # moment, but that tiie charitable inhabitants of Kiugfton, 1. ili come forward \\\* help in pmchafing books ^nd tiaftgfor the School. I underttand that the R<-v. Mr. Can- rich intends to eirablHh one ; if it fhould »t»^et his approbation**. 01 any e»theroer- fe>n or perfoiu, who wifl) to take the lead of fo h udrtble an iunde;taking. I wil¬ lingly make anoffei ot my School room, ami uiy dliiitance if wanted. Wm. MOON. Kingston, June y. PORT OF KINGSTON. ESTEPED. -Tun.* 7ili.-sr»i. CatSiaraie. lUchardson, from Nor. CasUc, Alth f! «ai a,u! Sia\c^. 9*h.— r.;:. -'Mi.c Branch, Johnson, from P/n -v "U\ with V05 Bill-. »»f rio'ii.—Seii.Tn- iH'itrh, llehh from Sutttfessharbor, with Potash iiul P;)ik. — H:»al Siatira, Sone, froffl Btll- uiic, *ritii°vu Hhl . -if Mom.—Sen. Gommn- iiwe i'ei!\. !'a ker,iViHii Sacketsuurbor, with :.ii-venr«T-« !)a^r.»e. Scb..! ul a, WMtnr v, from ^m ^go. with 376 'lairel-of Hour, 72oi Pork and Liu;:er. lOtlt.—-scii. Plieoix, Kenny, troxn Sack'*ts- iutrbur. with p&sbeugenv and baggagi'.—Sen'i, (tumbler, Cbviry, bom Sackewaarbwj uilh ;.a *er,*er<:ii>e! I»a^a":**. Ilfli. hell* ( tMitno-ln-r Owe a, Sinclair, from trimKbY.wifb S09 Bbls. of Flour, and 12 •I':'oia-!i, —S'iam Boat Tronunac, from Ni- a»;irn. *.■■ idi l'niop$.—Seb. Commodore jViiv. :'.i.-!,i»r. t'r«i«i \ ekel-iia'lmr. with PfOVirfOWS, ilor e>, Wa*gou*, Sfe.—Htoo^i Kelloivsbip, Oy¬ er, fTOnWliirysftorgh, Government bcorea. ISriv lloa: Horu:ki, Wood, from SackeU- naibtit, with j»U>\t ioi»->. i CLlL'tRSD, June Sth.—Sell. Minerva Ann, Parker, for Vm-H'. June Oth.—^rh. CuiUinnitorc Perry, Parker, ror>.u-k.Mvh;n'lit»r.—SeL.Triuuijih. Iv.uil tor .hi. -sjvh. Ollw branch, Johnson, for Osiwrga^- 3oal Sfaii-a, Smne, for IMUiilc.—Scb. Julia, Whitue\, tor Oswego, I0.h/-Sei». Rambler, Cherry, for SackeIs- ruirlrtn.—Sell, Plinif*, Ke,,,.,., r*iv do1.—aV open Boat, I1.II-, fo ('■haiimont. Ilih.—Sch.tom. Perry, Parker, f.»r Sack- etf harbor, I2lll,—Sell. Rioi!w Pc:rir, for York.— Boat TTiiriM'l, WoO'l, for ^aeketsliarhor. CAUTION . t <& perfonofthe mame of Cyrus Co¬ sy, of fmall (tatortt* Fight complexion, and fandy coloured ,whi(l<«'rs and locks, feppofed to he aboim thitty years of age, was employed as a ilchoo'-aialler in A- pril an ■ may lart, aft Frcderickfburgh, in I the Midland DilkriiS, and province of Masonic Festival. FHE Feftivalof St. Jjhn the Bap- tifler will be celebrated by Lodge No. 6, A. Y. Mafons, on Tuefday, the 24th in'lant, at the Lodge Room, at Walker'** Hotel. Thole Brethren, Civil or Military, who wifh to join iu the feftivity of the Day, will pleaie (ignify ihefarnc to Mr. Robert Walker on Sat¬ urday the 2ill inftant. By oider of the W. M. | JOHN BONE, Secrerary, Kingston, Jun? 15, 1817. District School. f^lHE Reverend Johm Wilson, M. 1 1. A. of Queen's College, Oxford, ■ having beet appointed Head Mailer of this Ellablilhrrient, b^gs to inform his Friends and the Inhabitants of the Dis¬ trict, thit every branch of Claf.jal Lit¬ erature and the Elements of the Mathe- raa.icswiil be taught according to the Upper Canada. lie proved to be fo in j J fyftem a bpted in the Public Schools , th::t on the l6th||*:;d Univtrfnies of England. drfcreet and paffionatte of May, he beat one of the children ot the fchool, a dauahiier of the fubferiber, of the age of lix yeairs, to fuch a degree, under the pretence cm? pnnilking her for looking off her book, that her health was fcrioufiy effected, (lire was confined a con- fiderabie time,an i foir feveral days her Jife I wastho't byt be furrgeoni who attended [ h^r to be in danger. A wrrrant was iiiucd agaiuft him ^y two* neighbour!og ma- giltrates,and he hasiiibfruuded. Confi'ler- ing him to be a dangjeYouS pevion, L thi k it my duly to publlifh this ftatcineut of f^dx», asa caution to .»H perfonn wiio may h£ applied to by hiim, s-r^inll employ- in^ (o unfuttablea {berfou 10 iiiiiru-Jl and govern a fchool. GE;ORGE SILLS. Frfttcrktjbttr% 'j, ' June 10, 1817. Everv attention will be paid to the morals of the Pupils, and to tiieir inilruc- | lion in Englilh Reading, Grammar, Wri- ifogi AritbmetiCi Book Keeping, &c. Sec. Kingston, Jun*lZ$ 1817, %HENRY FOULER, Merchant Taylor, !T ATE from England, refpccifully ADDITIONAL Police'TEmP IT is o-dercl bv the »vjag Seffion, from and af' 1 iiril day of July next, thrre (hall ' «* eP» t blifhed in the t-»wn of Kin^fton, rw-U-e Carmen, who fhall keep good and fuffi* cient Horfei and Carts, -ad no /e the excluiive privilcdge of Ca.ting for the Inhabitants of the town '»f K"n*tt »n, and be fubjeet to the following R des and Regulations. 1 il. For every Cart load from the watet fiJe to the Front Street and the blocks adjoining* iod.—if to the next block, ?-,—and fo in proportion alot.g laid tl-eet, but not to exceed 2s to the e id of the town* ' 2d. For every Cart lond from the write- fide to the fecond ftreet and ad- joiuing bh*ck, is.—if to the next block* 1/3, and fo on in proportion al <no f .i 1 Sfe.t, hut not to exceed 2b. to the end or the town, 3d. For every Cirt from the Water tije to the child S ieet and ad¬ joining block, 1/3, if to the next b'ock, \fb9 and fo on in proportion along faid llreet, but uot to exceed as. to 'he end of the town. 4th Fur every Care load from the wa'cr fide to the fourth ftreet and 'join* ing blocks 1/6, and fo on in pr->por Ion along laid llreet, and from the w^ter iidc to the Picketing iound the to ma9* 5th. Fot every Waggon I ad with two Herfen to the differ-nt parts of the town aforementioned, one third more than for carts. 6th. That perfons bringing loads from the eountry into the town (hill nut be fubjeet to the above Rules and Reg¬ ulations. - 7 That every cart orwaygon employ¬ ed a3 above mentioned. uY.ill he n inher¬ ed and have the owners name itaik.'d on it wi'h red paint by the Police 0dicer, and by him entered in a Book to be kept foi that purpofe, for which the owner (ball pay a fee of two (hillings and fix pence, and receive from the Police Offi¬ cer, a certificate of his appointment. 8th. The placeofrendczvoii fhall be in the Market Place, N >rth of the Guaid Boitfe. 9"h That no otlier perfon^ th^n thofe who have certificates, fhall cany for payment, in the town of Ktngftnn, un¬ der the penalty of five (hillings for each load, together with colts loth. That if any Carman, f appoin¬ ted, (hall refufe to cany for the *bnve together with colls. 1 ith. All finca and penalties impofed by thefe Rules and Regulations to be recovered as directed by Statute. ALLAN MAf'L&AN, Cirri of the Peace. Kingston, 11 th June, \ H1 7. 2 w f THE fubferiber refpectfully informs the public, that he will (hortly leave Kiugfton, and has commenced fee¬ ling off his remaining (lock at prime cod —and requeils all thofe indebted to him, cither by note or hook account, to call and make payment by the firll of Au- guil next, as In cafe of refufal they will be put into the hands of his attorney for collection without further notice. SAMUEL AYKKOYD. Kingston, \ 2th June, 1817. 2#'4 ~AUCTION i^MftONMD* ■flnjTTILL be fold on SATUR. y\> DAY the 28th inftant, at T3 o'rlock, the Hiiufe and Lot at prefent occupied by Dr. Gcddes.—The premi- fca can be viewed any day previous to the fale, by calling u'jon the fubfcviLer, LOUIS TAPIN. Kingllon, June 7, 1817. I Notice. THOSE fujferibers to the Kingston Bock Iff Tra$ Society, who have not taken their (hares nf the Books, are requefted to call and take them immedi¬ ately ; othcrwife they will be difpofed of for the benefit of the fociety. And fuch a.-, have not paid their fubferiptions, Isre requefted to fettle without delay, 1 with Mr Sam'l. Mf.rrill, ihe Treaf- o. From the Boston Patriot. We a»e loiry «o due, that a blackrfh kind of .vorm.'luppofed to be the locust iuarA/Wwftate, has made it. appear- aiice in the town o'.' NoThboroush. Wal- So-ou h, Sundhurv md vicinity, in th.s The The quantity otf ice (fays the lid Quebec G4W«f^*)vvhi^h Uw»been fallen in with, on the ccaibs of Newfoundland during the daft and pprefent feafons, indi¬ cates a very unfavorable change in the temperature of the i-iei^hbouriug regions during the la!t two wiiiters, and which will rendci it highly imprudent for ves- I jte They have c-opucl 'o v ?Me j tels not prepared to» ,„COui>ter the ice 2m* l> tlut the i<W« n#vr itwk as if a j after the VMZ~t oi the Grtcnlaiidir.en acquaints the public, that he has commenced buCneftin thifttown, at Mr. Riiby's houfe, near the Polt-Oiace, and rror.tiiifr the Store of Mkffrs. Macdonakl a^.d j -Mies. P By Urift attentioa to pleafe his cufto- mcrs, aided by long experience in Eng¬ land, he trufl* he will be entitled to a (hare of the public patronage. * Kingston, izth Jut;*, 1817, Zif ' ToTLet, AND poffeffion given immediately, . a convenient HOUSE, with five rooms.— Enquite of llu fubfcnbei, 70 US ANT LEST AGE. Kiag»tun, May 23, 1817. 51 urer. By Order of the Prrfident. ict-J TO LE T, I^OR any length of time, and nnffeft JL fion given immediately, that huufe lately occupied by Mr Lchvd. Hendcr- fon, in Store dreet. For particulars ap¬ ply to the fubfciiber. FRANCIS ROUCHELAU. 6th June, 1817. rrf - ---------- Naval Hofpital, June 6. THE following Articles aiv to be difpofed of, and may be feen from it to 4 o'clock, with the prices annexed, for one week from this date. A set of Mahogany Dining Tables, 1 dozen haudl'>me Rulh hoft«*«n Chairdj Kitchen Utruiils a fmall h'uo Dinner Service, Giafs, Cuclery, Plate and Plate I Articles, a BedHead with Beddirg, &c. complete, a quantity of new Flauncl, Carpet, &c. &fi» I wrp h

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