Kingston Gazette, May 31, 1817, p. 3

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■*N - rdtL-n: i In.HM-.l ,- ( , - „,„>, !f b,: to .si..:}. .*!... r. wasTDN. May ;s| . isw. Vwvton Weslevak Chapel. The Steam Bn»uT Frontenac, after hav- completer1., 'be nec.fT.iry work at the 'val Yar'.d left this P .rt ytfterday mo.- Mfafor the porpofe of taki.-cr in vv >m1 °fc;'.c B*yofQuiuty. /} frefh b-ceze, is blowing into the '-arbor, agaiiifti rj*hich fli- proceeded fvviftly and fteadily | Wo the admiral ion of a preat number of . T::cVitors. Wc congratulate the man- Jljrers and proprietor «*f ihU vle^ant ffBoat, upon the profped (V;<ftoidsof ^.^rifftatincr the navigation uf Lake On- '^lilro. by furnlfiiin^ an expeditious 3nd in: . * r . certain mode ot conveyance to its vari- oas ports. V Ui lflyi||ir tW^rs A r*> ' firiifsftM^ModistSodelM now s- "<■ tht»lf]u*t "" hi *-^<\<\ irn>,huJfofaioChap^;^ vvsGHfaEmr \amks 1.. J ..... *»Recount af the S-,hscri3- '" 'V'V'^-.^ulUvmoni^ ,di,adiy '«. .)a.n/N rwanrc... * i'- ... J . ................. <*>.....». * • * • • v . * • 4 • il 0 0 0 0 )• g The Editor heg* leave to apologize i rittorbc Britifh MethodiflSociety, andtoj ■PEffrs. Torrance 5c M'l .«.*!, frr the. ..j«nhappv mfftake which occurred in the; •abatement <,f rhe Ohauel, publiftied in ;ni[tht l;-ft Oazeite. In the hurry of cor- f .pfeNng the proof-fheer two lines n# the1 inlm'va!s,were inadv-rtantly placed at the htftftom of ihe column containing that Lepatement, Inland of the top. We cbn rftay ■M lyrepublifh it, and wc truft «orre&}y. ie! Fatal skciJcnt.— 0:i Friday after- *-f*n, the agdlwfi, a man by rhe name *-^me Randalf, of the 4th cmcelTion ' Srncft Town was killed by the fail of • »>"ee. He has left a wife and four chiU (* i'in to lament his lofs hui _____, £ s.d- 20 0 C 20 0 0 .....12 0 0 ^ ArchibaM Richmuiid...........10 oo - -h.- VvKro^d.................s oo -V O.s.iiart..................5 ou nr. I ,o- ia> Scon..... r. n ,. — u.. Jamrs fiarlner...............5 0 0 — '«-i.u W».ore -—John MiJ.cixi... —Jowl L\nv on...................s 3 ,. -Mirhftrt Covle...................2 ln 0 -.ran- Ut^Jier.......,........9 top w>*^,fil*p« Rftlde.............o lot) Mr- B^iuniu 1-ui.fuia.............2 10 U —JAttr« r^inc...................o 0 0 —ilPury W. WlltflilOQ.............^ 0 0 ?f»£*ai:t Fortj....................2 00 vlr. Sam-r) Siunv..................2 U0 —Smoh Afslct....................2 0 0. — ratruk. StajtU...................o 0 0 —A. Pri.-gir......................2 io v —U'0.*f liouglas.,................2 10 1 —9aiowl \ieinll................,..S 0 0 Fnoina". Mat kJdi.a, Enquire..........2 Io 0 *lr. t'iioma: XorpiQ.................2 10 0 --U sasidrr McLee'...............I 10 0 -Ra nana. Bidwell................\ \o 0 R.o'i. Vm»i£...................I in 0 ! Government ikle/ f llO beSo'd at Public \uc\Jon, in J. front «I tlie Commiflariat 6torc, on TUESD/iTthJioth Juus, about 15,000 //•./« Hoops, S&0 Powr Barrels, 100 7»o)Vv /5«r/'t/s «;«/ 7Verce.s, 1,090 Bwcwft.Bap. The (alewill commence piecifely at IZ o'clock. Commiffar'iat Office, Kingjwiy 27/A TWflj, 1817. 52 To Bakers. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT f ^ENnSRS will be received at this 3. Of&Uf untili2 o'clock on Monday the 16th J;ne, from oerfona mfCbing to J fupply this Can ifon for fix months,com- mencingajfh, June and ending 24th of December next, with Bread, to be baked from Flow furnifhed from the King's Magazines, Father information may be had application at this office. G'trnttiflariat Office. 1 Knirfton, May 26, 1017.3 ^TJEABl m oa t. The Steam Boat FiSONTEVAC WILL commence sailing from (his Port the ensuing week at the fo&uwkur Rates of Passaae :— £ -J. WhiroJ, .vJ...............-.. — famr^ Stoughton.............. — 0. W ;i»li^-»'ij....................I I). Mi HOfietl....................I — Mrxauife'r »! eOunell.............I — S CJiIli" Mil-m....................I — \. Vic; he»"Son...................I — H, *-'. TilO'THMI...................I — ltobfi% Rie!ia/ds>D............ — WilHam Riiiinf............... — .Ttilin J)«irran,.......... —Benjamin OUott.................\ —Cur^'.rr Hatch...................I —Cfr')**- S or!.................... I —"W /hum StOtfghUtft...............1 Vajor C'or'oetl.....................I ..I IO II ..1 10 u .. i 1" <•• on 5a S. 10 15 0 10 10 0 10 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * ..I ..I . I 5 0! * . Wcconnts from Rvhmond (Vtrgsofo)] Uv'.R.f^by......................1 efdie 6th af May, Fare that the &&m\! -N,v,,lli:>,M wf£...................J -1/, :.„,!• . • . , . —-j*'*"• •»i«'ii«u>.........•.........■ Pfw *N »«»t m the —WilKamM«n/«-s.................i s^ieat crops jn that pari of the Coun- tw YGiti;. Mat is, 1817. r. diehard Buff, Stalls b»<bwo r<*-| Wied a>* duly olpctvd to r^prr^ont the ijf'xWyo: HulMn ; and James Duiami it'» luira, for Uit- ConufY of W.ntworiii. -Tmjaw Smtth...................s ^x^ — H ;.e;ui"d Uood...................* 5 8 A Friend.........................0 "', (r...our. Hl.ik^*...............».. .0 3 •.' —,1, M.< «;iu.......................° >° [; — H ' ,2.d ^!l!;T'l...............,...0 —v\HI'»oi H'"-v>Mry ..............0 TO LU'lBER MERCHANTS Prnce. -ing to Quebec with tlie:r Rafts :— T j* lH ' T every advantage will be given Jl to forward the ialt'of all d'.fcfip- tious of L'jmbel- that may arrive ! On ih* fan** 0 Sf!, Backs, j where evc-v thin» b<^ongin^ to a Raft fells for a h'ghcr ptiecthao io any other Covf, owitg to its being fo near the Town. Merchantfl and others confc qiiently ^e tht- Lu">b^rthe urtferenre, a» fhcclia-ac of ground rent and oth?r extjenftR vill bt ur>.'n m >r}er"te terms. R. WOOD. InfpeBor of Lumber. • Qj-ebfc. 16'h May, i«i7. pwfi Kingston to Ernest Town,............0 : Do to Newcastle,.............1 : Do to Ytn-k and Niagara,.......3 ; * Do to Bwitngton,.........___3 : Do to Prescott,...............1 : Prescott to York and Niagara,.......4 : Do to Burlington,..............4 : York to Niagara,................ I : Children under three years ofagQ, half price ; above thrce> and under ten, two thirds." A Book will be kept f< renterin«- the names of Passeno-crF, and the Births which they may choose, at which time Che passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60Ibs. weight of basrgage surpius baggage to be paid for at the usual rate. Gentlemen^Servants cannot steep oreal in the"Cahin All applications for passages to be made to the Captain. FKLlGilT will be transported to and from the above places at the customary rates, and delivered to the different consignees.' A list of fieir names wiil be put in a conspicuous place mi board, which mnst be deemed a sufficient notice, and the Goods, when taken from the Steam Boat will be considered at the risk of the owners. Kingston, i\%31, 1£!7. *■ 52 * • 1 —v ir'iii" v^iioi...................' Lieut. Governor*:- Office, Vona, May 1 Kh, 1817, 'His Eiicll-^icv tin* Lii'ut»uattt Go-! wi.c? ii^s b'^u o'".im (1 to make thv. •Mnu-iii-i- aoo^intmi ut^ : i ^r^"«ua..ui. ... n ...t. , ... :. ';;•■; .v^y':;'L- ; ; : • : i : jlfiU of rln* IVarr for t\w KaHH*m I>5 -'| .i..i 5 r o • • rn n*' VV'ioh.'V..................' '* * — l\.ilnii> Oif'T.viHil..............0 10 —William CwrHJ..................0 10 0 b'rtfacriptiunsfrviH Entreat Vf THE SUBSCRIBER ' I' [, rc< -ive v*op fals f >v build- kursORMTT MllJ ai Gan- \'r. T.wvna'.T.>rr;i:ic« - Yir. Jitbn 'I'irnuxis • ■ • vlr. VVna. Hwchi*oa - - - - - Vtl-w fan** Ki-lu-r..... jan* c;ueft'>f*ihe North fiuC oKhc rivrt, am) Ifor makiiyj a Can-il to tnlte the >v..tcr l FrotTi tht rapids at ih« fording p!acck e^ - - - ft--? lOrtljth, Gu»>:.«t!teVi4iitfr whereib« Mill i., Tu be j," l0r« •]{. rrquoftb that f>To- i iii* i t'*rr mm in«- iji^.iiii i/i - i vi r. I n>*ain-iirtti»| , - - - - 'ij^tcr of rlnfc< HQtntti'vn of Slor- 11 \r. Shii.m.m Kralirr . - . . ttrrr»rat" Court in a;»J U>f lb«3 ^airl lirtr'u'l. , John Chi^holm, F^quir^, to b<» Col- -,'tor of Custoiflt, at tho Outlet, at the »if*fld o\ Lvk** Onuiiiu. ii»jViborl Kr^nrh, fl*|uive, ro be a Co-1 ■ iter in the Ba.«tertl Di^tr'u.t. I &>....................... -w PORT OF rvlVGSlON. rt«i EtfTRU&Qi hj^y &i—Sch, C*nm-wlore Perry, Parker, Iyw>m Si^k'^iurhm*, nrHS pm*-Ui«iw.— Sch**. '.Jnita, Hur«fn»'4, from Jft»A'V»>Liff, witlicoiuury !griW*-zBo*ti William, Millar, frow0^w<?-j *2G.—ftumb) ■;-. C»i tn iVom SacfcefeharlWyJ krt»g*i^and to^t'4g . — Bo-.; Uoia^c, «ro.« i lC—Brh. iU:Uial«, Pnn-y, r-om Sa«'kct.shar- *'M wuh ls4 hhl<. m^mi-j hois'", \c— Siii.1 LooUey, Ro'iitl-sfnim denis^e with +16tAA . Irto'irJH do. poia-h.'-atui'u *,*S;o.—s», Van- Li 5 a p . 3 o ' 0 s/ 0 (' - I to 0 ffV. (pnfaH B1 j- he ^'"(.o t'i hnn pe'-ire \hr I ;ir. .M»n(x-. r»irrc>i -..*•-• s J. H. t'luMnt-c-rUiii, l.-o/HYe - - \\v. Si Bmtittvj ------ »irs. Ca'br. ii^ Di-t»«ir - - - - I viv . .I<*ru£lia :>oi!<M - - - - X fc'i'leud -------- - 5 fl 0 u 0 0 0 i - ') :-, o - o ie (i - 0 o <* : Co* ■o 'J I , *<>u% oi J^- r'y.x. ,\ Town i)!oi will r> l\:V.\v^: W'-.r^f,^ ;,» the above nam¬ ed place ; iic terrm,. of file au \ Irrfc w"U be k'*o\vn hy aapplyinj/1--* »he fii.vtcvi* her, who ha>s F%tf>r I"h1< 1174 acTVfi "f I,and on the Rivccr Ri;',ra»i, hmjj lot- Koa. 5, 6 and 7 iu firft concefunn and Nos, c 8c 6 in rAH! fe onH concefBo Government Sale. TIO be fold at Public JUCT10N, on Wednesday the 11 th June, in the Market P.act-, a pair of Black Canadian Horses, Waggon and Harness. £> Sale will commence at 11 o'clock A- m. Ootmni/fariai Office. KhtgitWt zybMa/i 18:7. 5 2 Something New ! f S^!ii^ 8abwr*J>er is virsir- ou- 11T settling ALL hi* ic co'-ntu up in ihc30th JUNE 1B ;■,!■' ordw th*l he i lay know how I. (laud1* in thr woihJ ■ ThYfcf thesv t »»■ who have accounts a- iiaiuft hirn, are dclired to pteftnl them Removal. THE fubfcriher he^a leave to inform his friends and the Dublic^ that he has removed f»om Barrack Street :o the corner nf Store and Wftcr Streei, oupo- lue to Mr. KirbyN, ia the S'onc Houfe, whe:re he ofFers for fait? a freflx aiTortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, GLASS vNDKARlHEN WARE; all which he will difpofc of very l^w for as h. Atfb—Pour e'r^ant R*^om^ and a Complete Cellar Kitchen, to be it \\\ the laid tluviit MICHAET, COYLS. Itingst' ■• Ma) 30, 1817- 52 Sherijfs Safe. r>Y virtue of Z 11. To Subernpt:onscoH»«ctrilinFiirt — £3 in r1! To'it Amount 55 0 0 Toouioivn1 irfnulMdtiptlttiiB ? 7o Monies po:e rxpcv'.-xd in behalf oj Faiil for ihe gwnsnd i 100 0 0 R."gv!*t^ri»g thed^cd, &c. I \ \i 1...% mr thefourwlaiiwn, o^c. 38 0 11 ('•in- cu»/en loirns 4 W fl lfcuiil Uiwi»4»IU« urebent contract 150 0 0 JS94 n ? t)f\vnr*nip. -H'.u v.luu Ibirjr aekfOrtlcd-re Uu* , alr^iflv revivedfioiuilie pnW»C,thM nf ihctiuuieUme Unpc, thai the inhabitants ot KiHS^onun<lUs vieiuiiy, who b»ve not yr Rtt'^cr'.bt-d, nil! fed inti»n»aiNl i» i«o»ing for-. M-nl r«i-ta.t«t A«» Sod^y in tinU1iW>£SUCh a Ituii'aiita wi* i"'*"11"'1 toiertakit*^ Aiwili- r,- pl-ir Of PttUfcC V nr-hip V U< UasUj "'*^- ..-..-v ui ri'TOKiinciiUro «l^ hurev. ,;n? rn'iabirant? »i":hUrSa—uu-l vveaH k«-ow rhp awf« eou- ^HnMiV^ rfMiliincffom *hc m^K-ct ot »miw „,u sulHwnt^corwaiuatt rhfw«li«>ae*irp .v t,.-Hrtl;e«o:^'!itc/Jii?<^V».ay^oa b«rc- The ?or.;^y, dctfrc^fo ackn&wlrdg** wntt jrra (ittiV* the'liberality of Mc-m-. To«aAyr£ . Fa'rVwks, fi^n Smi^**^ will* i5 obi--. 1 \{ ylCtx>D, ;»oio.ily in !>««alf#if tbeirgwieruii* I^Iom-. J0 rto. of Poia h% poiato.-s^Sjc.— b. tf,J cr.ption?, In'1 h. their comin.s f«»?v arJ 10 i|i(4n>trv, >*a'tipion.fn>-n Smith's Ca'^clL vrllh 11 tn,icmulfv IV pft>raem of rh« ^re-rnt ron- ,HbS bbw. P|paiA r J j iraet, wh\«-U Ui'4^5: A i50 6f wlifoh i^ »««: j o7iS.-.Sc;i.r;)o^l. TJ^n«vf.from Y.i'-k >iit.; 1 <Wxicl- T.ii>o»oiraet t- to iuii-h tht- 0111 i-iJe oi ^MV^ffrs.-^S£,u TCHwikA, R^W, final Stack jl ... y;»-.idin?, oaimi..^ <xo'pt-<l;—after which "Vhcvbor nirb eo '0:1. pota»h *«*! r**T« . ' 1 (iti;Y hop" W be able •»> {H^e»*ed with itUing S8!h,— Scb. Mi wvaAfHi, l';i'k?*\froio M- | ^pihein-ii'.^ •or^lomaUeilaeoiuir.o^imwnhwr Jara, Va sens^h and ba^atr^—Hch, ( oiunto- urofWry, barker, fro.a Sackct.hai-bor, with tnvi?ioil\ ^9.—Sch. Ramble Cbsrry, fe»utSaffkete- 'WinxJCeuMV.fiOHt^act.etharbor, .vUhpio- «&—Srb. tfeuenU Bro I'., PetnP.from Vw-! "T>rte, iritk8.wmutid H^.-r.— Sliwp Fclww- ih>,fro<u Slav lUv. «rWfc Flonr. ^ *1tii.—Koa'i fV>?(»bi»-,Uow,fr.Miin..Uv.n^ sVith Flour.—<ch. T.ii.mph. Ri'M fr.«ti S:«ete-, j^liarbo-.wSth PmvftfAAS hw«i«!ki S^W-\wK ', ao*M-><f>the 2-trh iiut.—Bck. SopKia, Won V*Mtan Oswtga, will) cattle and 4j B"b- ><*Mt, ,: cLEtnr.n. pMay**^,—Co.fl-.i.idore P*fr.Vi Pa-ker. for brlcp^barbor.— Boai Jnoo. RJtllrr, l',r ■ °* V' di; Lac with -our and ptthb'h—boat jA0«i V#mak«t. for Off lenshwgli. .«h-Sc^Rarr.l>lrr. Cherry, for S::ck^- wrSor—s^w Naarv, Parrb5j«k>. to- flenraee, 'wSrh. B«&<ak, !Vnn>, i^>" Sr.clcc'^iar'.or '■Vooat Horwr, Wood fiw g^eketsharbof—Sett- '^noivrv. Rounds :or Giitu-^***'. »«T!b-%k.Kli7.^ Ml'voH. forftfl«^- kTfh.Trim«ib,R-id, IV*r Sickct-imrho -sr; [W Owen, Sineldir, for York, vffith W0 i>•'» " s of m^rehandi/f*. , tm.-Sch. C-> »rt, SteH,t>irSaek^?havUr > fWuMSnma K\\nc< Park^ 6)' S»mtk« Mfr-Sch.Com. Pw^*. P;irker,fo:-Sne«vet^ k.Dn--Sc;i. \s»>. Miller, for York. V?oth.^Sch. R*u*H*r, Cherry, for IMW s- : i/hor.—Srh, PU^rt!uK»,i»n>*w|,,,to,""A A I 4ontr*nl.w^i»'iG^ Bhls.of FlO'-t* 3^!i.-<;(.b.Soph.a. \1on*jur;'- for O^v.-^n. :I!I (|j V Onna* on »e n th vtitb t^e btoken tfrtjnt. |n the ttiWT>fhip cf V!arihi.rnt:r;h :: Alio for Sale, feve- ral lot«fi of land amid Town lot", at an-"* ;»the vicinity oft»l»e Town of Kmgft-*u. For farther particculan* a;>j>ly to JOi:iN FERGUSON. Kinzsion* Zjfh Ifat* IR i 7 52tf A LL perfom ate cautioned 'gsii'tl -':V purchafin; •.'.f David ftradflttw the trufl of feventv fiWe acres of land in the rea* of the weftcrrntnoft half of lot num bev twenty in the .fifth ConcefTion of Ftc- dtrictcsb'o'gh,of ^vhlch I claim the title. I i ami have been in poffefiion more than hi or about tUat Jhv, that a fcnlcmem | Ntweasile Distrti,} nay takt olacc. He a!fo expefts, that ' to wit 9 ^ J #-* vv at. X- m /W of hkenuutry fuhfcriWers, who *ue one, rw*0 and THREE yeirs in a;rear, will call und fettle their accounts with¬ out further invitation. STEPHEN MILES. Cazi-tte Oifici;, Kingston) May 2-8, 1817. A SCHOOL OfWttrai Art? and Sciences* ECUTION. iflora out ui ftft " '<», • ot King's Bench, h ilding civil •' a» in and 1 forthc fold D^ltria 4 NewcatVc, >l "'« I foit ifi ALLAN MACLEAN, of the town #f Kin?fton. Efq -.ire, it;aiuft ite laod« and unementt of £X/ IKtM IVF.LLBR.'f*)* Towfhipof Murray, in the fai \ Diftrift of Ne«caftlef and to me dircfted, L have fcized and taken ia Execution a»belonging'to ihefaid Elia- kim* undivided moiety of lots number three and foaronthe i;orth\\effc twentdreirft. er to afford his prcfeat pupils, and thole who may hereafter attend, with a hand- lome paved play ground and other pica- ling Juveftile conveniences He tcturns unfcigucvlacktiowiedjjrncnts to his friends for thur very liberal lupport A fon of „;,„,„ ,K.nll.-T,eSon,:y wo..ld m.-roo-e, 1,;-r.s,-,ti,a-.t^.v •■■^ '•,,S>; ("«'ib'."-;t «"* MintfHt'r* «'il "=■• a»pniilttfd hT tu"c """ tiioi-as sill give ge«w^^»»^^. s y^<70.9 B- CHAMBB&LAIN. FrtJerkltburgh, .1ay 30, 1 ^ 17- 52 Mr. Scott, LATE $UR<5EON of His Majev) tv^SUp M-ontrcal,bn Lake Onta¬ rio, and Member ->f the Royal College of Sargenroui D«.,blin, formerly one of |the Rcveretid J, G. Weayant is Ihonly the Medical Aitqgndanti ** tlie Lying in • ' " H"fphal in Dublijn ; acquaints the inn 1 bitant* of Klngft^jn and its vicinity, that he refide> near thre South Gate, in part of the houfe occujpicd by Mr. Richard fon. and intends praflifing the fevcral branches of iiis p-r-fefiiun in future.— Every attention w ;ii be paid to patients, onfhem. (1 reafon»/oIt tcriis, A fmail prop«%tiont>f MEDICINE, of a genuine qualify, to be had, KtngsUtty 1 gsh .I\Iay> 18x7. 51 w6 lo the commodious Stone houfe recently ' ^^ lhal lhc vl,irC. /A^nt.^t- .1 U*> \& - LJ-^..^«. ,.»if tfMi." f f ° m * . » *l occupied by Mr. Henry Baker, fronting ^ Lo,h JJJ^ ff) h„ wilh tlu. b,.;,. ; .tore Street he have it n h» pow- ^ j^ ^^.^ wffl bc f^., a!llI "MUxpeQed as Uiher in his School.—He u" [trttib from bta former attention Lis new arrangnoeots and future exertions to ie- enre a c-t»tir.uance of public patronage. The Evening and Sunday Schools are alfo continued ^t ihifi place. Scholars reiiiinj at a diltance may be bonded and inlhucted on moderate N. B- When the Bttlldingw finivhcJaootlur Statement wUi *& r*^ "■________ m --------^----- Far Sal€« terms- Kingston, May jl, 1817. 5*1 lu DiKD j • t»m Of.neKceUeota^Hty-F.nquireatF. CARM8tK'» Dr«W«l* ^,ore- '\T^e' WMvW« &c. recommendaTby tX theb ,'-.the MMland Dis¬ trict, can .eceive their w «cVi'* • *« Office of Dan. VOR SALE at this OFFICE, TTIE " Proceedings of a Ccwrr ilji/r- iialy holdcn at Quebec, for the tri- dof Lt. Bkwoit Bender, of the 41st Regiment of Foot, in July, 1815."— Pi ice 3/9- 5*tf- Strayed* Notice TfR iiereby given, that the bufinef* here> JL tofore carried on by the fubferioers, io thii r1ay iJiffolvcd by mutual confent. All debts doe to«<or againil them, to be paid to B'l'j^min 1 >elifle, who continues the bufwieffc- ^tid \\.;il liquidate all clninitt- BEN] \M!N HOLMES, J , * BENJ \M1N DEL1SLE. | Perth, 14/A M,:yy ibi7- 5IW3P To Let7 A ND pofftffi'.vn oiven immediately, A a fflwe^ HOUSE, with-i« V« i"f..rmauo„ wh-re they may ,,,un;,._l--,,qoiu- „(■ (|k iubferibe, . *'.»•-■„ I Will he w.-'l • wartH 70US ,.//T J.ESTsKJE. adhjdged to the higheft bidder at my r>fficc, in the t.jwnlhip of Hamilton, os SATURDAY, tl»e FIF f H day of J»- t,Y next at the hour of ELEV t.N o'Clock in the forenoon. JOHN SPENCER, Skr#: An^ every per ton and pdfons nav!nj claims on the above dclctihed la:»d and uremic, by mort-age, or other ri.-ht or iiu-umnnnce are hereby advert.led tt» give notice thereof to the faid She. iff, ac his office, in the Townfhip of Ham-1'ott previous to the fa\e tlte-re.if. 10HNSPENCER, Shrift". Sheriff Office, May 17, i»i7- 5tw^ THE fubferi! er wiQies to Ip'o■* th* " public, that fhe has lat.l) put up an excellent new MANGLE, m to.e Street, n«r Mr Gold's Ho»fV — Her prices are, for Table Linm. Sheets, and other plain article*, is. J '. p« do?.--', ¥ Silk? accordinc 10 :h? pieces; Gowns. Puticua:s,or fu.h a tide*, l». led ■,*» ld(1,c„. MARY WHin.. KhtgitoU, Mayzy. «S«7- $* FROM A- fley'e Mill* ifl Pittfborghi. the 291 h April lall, three working OXEN—t*o of them black, one with a whue face, the other a (tor in hi- face and a bell «n ; ll,«: Other a red one with a Hue back, all aged about 7 or 8 yeai» Any peif-'i \v!i.> will return them, or Kingston, Ma> 33, ltjij. C] tl I JOHN .'RM TR0NG piltdurA Miy sit* rtt'h 5: ,, laformation Wanted. r>anicl Gdiefvie D'owi. a&n« 20 year., of age, wa- tw . yvv fine* knn,wa to he in K.»n»ii■«». l' ' a:!a'-- Wetter he i« P' »«'« • "; ,'-'r r« f'r,;U; * and other*WPuUcotrihute./Oe twll) J tn, c-: ••■'e tif hiiina.iity: by pr. .urn md dire '"m! anv iufoimalion ret- ed 1 ^i"-J ' ■" '"SmV.-N-l). W. OROWX. CspISso, BkAcuCq, Apv.i 7.

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