Kingston Gazette, May 24, 1817, p. 3

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jVmi«,;>'" v* '• ■ "v"! * ■•■■'futri : uv r> - ij; Mr. Mnvu$> ft;»d Infill WliMwoi'-i-, u/ho resided in that.qualify at his Court. Filler to 6c conrtuth't) nexliceek.~] I.OaDOX. Apr.! 10. Wtp rrc«-.*" d la.t ni&ht tlio Paris Pa- pfri af'Sunday \a<K and this morning the Mot>iteur of Monday. Tfie im¬ provement in the French funds is pro- *re*sve, wMch, we ivul*rstRntlj is caused by tit* speculations of foriegu- er% particularly the Dutch avd Eii£;- lislu who arc viticcd by the high rate of intercut to \ay out their money in the purchase of F reach stock. A Mor-dna Pap r s^ys—; ft was . yesterday confidently asserted iu the political circle-., Bonaparte would shortly be removed from St. Helena : 4inl,-AIalta was mentioned a* th** place . if riis fuf-'i • abode. It was ad-'.ed, • that to effect this oUjfct, the Rnrperor of Russia had very earnestly interested Limsftlf." W& do not believe a word of this statement. A Treasury warrant has, we under¬ stand, been issued to persons holding ©uVial situations uud'T gor^rnment of a thousand a year and upwards recom- aeiidin^ to them to relinquish or to rascribt', n tenth of their salaries for | the use of the $tftte in consideration of thepublic distress ; and holding forth the example of the Lords of the Tr*3fris- Mry tlie.npelvos, who, it appears, have <hn« given no for the present, or for a limited time, a t*fith of (he stipend at¬ tached to their situations. Mfc'ni*HZ Ptspw. ffXcepi upon Such an e*r«MI*hmenr as maj afford an adequate remuneration to the proper officers hereafter appoint¬ ed to dis<:liHrge the duties in \v isoii;— Kxcwn>in:u.—King's Rrme.nbran- cer5 Clerk of the Pleas, Clerk of tht Pipe, Comptroller of the Pipe, Deputy ditto, Marshal, Foreign rVppOSer, Sur •H^, neriiver irrnerai, two rV.iter- Clerks Master in Chancery, Soli- trof the Exchequer. £i> Lord Ca-tllrkaph had u re!.;ps lri« jiidUpositioo vr*ter:!r.v Tivoimw1*.- ,,. v Dr. Bwkhead, "his Lordships pbyvU |Urips to such a rate, as may afford «ta|WMtnt forexp;eistoaltendt;.e !} lair and wftrfcllt recompense for th Soble Lord at his sea1 at Cray, Kent. Jfcp&rt off he FI Y^AWC Committee. The first report of the Select coni- tiiit e of Pirmsce is jost issued, priuf- ed. IJ-sid?s ihc abolition of the ei v- n afters already mentioned, viz. the two Justices of %re, the Auditor of fh-«%*h*^Mr, CtoJe of the PHK <W T-l r^ of the Kxche |'er, Wart'.* ->f th«Ciniue parts Gov*nior of the *»}* e* Wight, and Commissary General of |Zi t„. l.ers-- I Ti. * rep^il rec^Tr-nenes t »•» tojor and Receiver General of Green Wax, three Messengers out of four. Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Clerk oi Foreign Lstreats, Clerk of the Ni- rhih, Comptrollers of Fiibt Fruits. ( Mienutiov Office,—Three Commis- sioners, Red iver General, two K.itcr- ing C! cito hcottund.—Director of the Court of [ Chancery, Cleric of the Court of Chan¬ cery, Principal Clerk in the Court of AdrniraUy, King's Remembrancer, Lord Treasurer'^ Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer., one of the Clerks in the Pipe Office, Presenter of Signa¬ tures, Exchequer ; Register of Ses¬ sions : Clerk of the admission of Nota¬ ries in the Court of Session. The comniiltee glances at the re»n- lation of a long lia»t of similar othces in I re I tin (I. C-totiial Officer..—Upon Colonial offices* Sufficient materia!, have not been laid before jour committee, for presenting them fully and satisfactori¬ ly to the view of the Honse. but the general principle to be applied in deal¬ ing with them appears to be, in the first place, that of enforcing, to the utmost, residence within (he Colonic, or For¬ eign possessions to which those offices belong, and personal performance b_\ the principal, of the duties annexed to them : (tht* second object to be attaift- d aught to be the reduction of the sa- ~ " a pense ior the j service* to be |)erforrned.) Thcsaviiuto the public by these ■ -forms in estimated at £100*000 per inn urn. The comn-iHae at the same time re- The Morning Poft <of April t2th faye, that it ha6 at length^ been dttcrmi.ied upon to lay a tax of 20> per cent upon the) property of all abfente:en> | 1*hc fecond report .»f the Finance corn- mitce has been publilhied. It embraces the whole military eftabliihmtnt as propofed by the MinilRerB, and refers it to the confideration oi Parliament, with a recommendation of economy. On the 17th of April 7 of the Lud¬ dites were executed at Leiceiler. Moft of the them have left widows, and more then 30 children arc Irft fatherlefs. The Britilh Government, it is faid, have prohibited Lord Cochrane froii proceeding to South America, in a fhip yf the force which he lately purchafed for that purpofe. FromNaJPiu.—Thz Britifhfchr. Conchy Captain Johnfon, arrived at thi^ port ycftcrday, in 7 days fiom N;iffau, with D. lo.ccoin fpecie. Cupt J, politely favored us with a full fite of Naflau papers to the 27th of April. It will be feen by our extract* from tln'in, that the catife of South Ann-iican Independ¬ ence is Hill fluurifl]in|r— a report is pre¬ valent in Jamaica, th^t General Mori!In has had an engagement in the ralley of St. Jofe, was defeated, a*.J aftei wards died of hi* wounds. QUEBEC, M^y 6 On Sunday afternoon, left town for the Indian conntry, the honorable William Bachelor Coltman, and J John Fletcher, Efq- with a Procla¬ mation, in the name of the Prince Regent, for healing the difference* and contention* between the Hudfon's Bay, a-id Noah Weil Companies, command- J log al! co deiifl {rum hotlUc aggrdiij.i of s-ve:y kind ; ail acting as officers Oi foldiers in the fervice of either, to leave the faid fervice ; rcft:tution to be made, on b »th fides, of al! claccaand property feized or ta'ien poffefflofl of by either ; all impediment** to tSe free paffage of trailers, t.i be reroveil and put an end 10 ; Psi^*eii?^TjandB:*££ajfr.—Schooner r!»\hWv| Cherrj,Yii>:iihacktt^hurbor,iriih Potash,t'nca See. SOth.^-^rh. Nancy, Riwmrr. from Heiifiser, with t&f>. ol Hour.— Sell. I oiiim-'ilorr Perry, FarktT. horn SaekeJ^hariior, nitii J'"- lAsh.—Sea.TrSuUfpli, Re»d. from Sackei Iia*-- bor,witb Poia?ti.—Sell. (JaioVuM,Cown <, from Gcoesee, 1SI hbK. or Flour & 21 nfj\»a*h. 2lsi.—-Sen. (Joiiuufxlorr Owen.SiDclair,&om Orim.-u>, w iUi 3i i ublaot Floui and 7 ol I'oi- i**fc,—^rb. .A^i*, Miller, from .Niagara, wiili Lomber.— BoaJ St. Lawmicr, Lynch, from I iockviilf, v.i;ii Paint and Oil. SSdv—SCh, Rainblvr, Cherry,from Sacked iiaihor, with Potash.—Sch« J aha, Whiii«e\. from Ti-oopvflle, wiili 4ot- barrel* of Flour.— Sell. VYrUhitrcoii, Pai;ri-oii. from Carlr'on Island, Ballast.— Boat Jarh% Virks, from ilo!Iovv('!l. Ann 256 barn-lb »l (lour.—Sc&r. Liberty, "Woo.iard, from LSrlcklaud, wLtb Imo- lu-i'.-—Scb. Tiitnapk, P ?W, from Sackettfaarlior with provi-ions. i.'io.—Scli. President, I/azible, from («'iu- we, wiili »>00 barrets of tfoftr.—Boal OenenJ Lii'offn. Shoemaker, from Bandy Creek, vviib 13,000 fVrf of BoarJ* and 16,000 Shinplr-s.— Sloop [Vllow.^hip, Dyer.from |>ay of (.minie. nitli Produce.— Biiat, UUcltCOck, from Quyof (juSntcs, with IVObarrpJsof Flour. —Boat Sta •ira, fiom BetlVfUe, «iih Flour and B"*t. — Commodore Pi-rr>*, Parker, From Sacketshar- bor, wiili Passengers, Ba^age, Ac CLE ill ED, May IT*It.—Schr. Triumph, Reid, fhr ^ark- Ptsharbflr-—Sch,Osvreg<v£wec!<1 for Os«;ero. —SrJl. l)ol|tliin, flov.r. for lieUvilir.—Sell. Sally.' Qswe^O, 19th,—Sch. Mitirrva"^nn; Parker, for York with Merchandise, fzs&vfscn and ba^^egc.— Boai llonipf, Wond, for Siacket'harhnr. 20tft.—Sea. Rambler, (Jirrry, n»r Sac!tet«- hai'h.)r, • Couinio<)orf Perry, Paiker,f»i d*>.— 81*.—Srh. Triumph. Rrt*i Rw-'Sackeisha* bar.—Seh. Carolrne, Cowl-s, for Gr-nesc-c S2d«—Sen. Rambler, ( herry, for Sai'kets- 'iar»)i.r,—Scl.. .liilia, Whitney, for (V.\es*o.— Vki Jar- Wood, for 0>nego...Seli. Liberty, Woodard for s^viv Cre^k. 2Sd...Scb. kVdWneton, Pafteison, for York. Seh. Triumph, Rvid.lbrSackrtsharbor. ihp FuitJiBg,painti0ij«c^pted;-Taf"-rwfcbi;4 *ht»} boj>e to br able to proceed W\\\\ £111104 up 1;.- ir. i'l«- BO as looiak** it acoirimodiops pi^i'^ (il UMislitp.— Bui while lhi»y •ekrowlrdgr :lie ■ u)t,n.ri alTady received iroin the uubhc, they at ihe same time hope, that the inhabitant or Kj-','1.....!"'i "■ ticinit>, who bav< *r pinrr wr niuiic - - <>: -1 >p wa-i Di^lily m*crs* ^iry to arcommoduic the Increasing 1:. .-a.-.>..(.. - of tbibplace—and we all know ttte awfii] con¬ sequences re&oltiflg fiom the i.egiert of Oivutt.- Worship—and a^ the prevnr ('hunbt'* wer« not sulheiem to contain all tho-e who desire t4 bear the word of life, taoevU may --oon be r«-- inediea by a-sistinj 10 complete th;- huilding uOW in hand.—The Society would moreover observe, that they have little doubt, but such MiniMcis will be appointed here time ai'tc? tunc a> \. ill give general satiftfaction, K. M. S. N.B. When the Building .s finished auotrn* Statement will be giveu. 'etwees Kingston Wesley an Chapel. THE British Methodist Society now take :Ue liberty of laying before the public an account of the Subscrip¬ tions received, and til • monies already Lr, c. imUfHn Army : oar i-f Hw Si^ty cUtto « ihc kw Ctw*oftte <;. r-tan of Stye's Om.c; thewllcc- tornud Tra^nifterof Nalr I aprrs: ^mcinf-n.irOlictsinfhc hsfiso and War OfltM ^ Warden of Ha Mill* »»<* Cku ofth-lrv,<; tVrkofttie Par- )Mtte : four Gloria of Hw^gnstand foarCb-rUoCtl^rrivy Seal: ComP- tr(.|l -r General of Amounts III the m- •island tospector G n ral : Rc>;i^ter G^ial ol Kxci.e. I.tspoctorof Crffe* &v. and all others who do duty by a ■ In Scott***—%*+**Of flw Great Seal rffsulat-d -i . -Salary n-t toet- £ed WOO S K -per ol the Privy fcal to be ve-«lat -A to 1-000^1 J-ord , Chief Jv.stice General to merge in the *revid.M»t of the Cuut of Sessions, the Salary to b.- discontinued j keeper ol theS'«Cnetat)olr-^:his dot,:-, to be jQne by tUr^ Urd Be^gr who ,b*\ fcTe no more than LM0£ 3 K-ttigW Marshal a^ Vic-Admiral, the Mia- riostobcdi.cor/M,d: Gov.rnora-,d iheroffic- -.of the Mint to bcabr, fehed: a\.ot!.er^v^^-a;otth^ BWtarf*fwH.fte-Attfiit ro: the E*. ^fTavPS.a,dC- ,icPiUcr G^raiof fStt^>^ Cafhic-and U.cetver Gene- The DubKn ;>a^r=:raen-ficn thebur- tiing of rcrera) hrauog establishmrnW by Incendiaries. One of them intro- 1 • /* 1 « f- .*>* t?ic ;; Tlv «t^te of the county ol DuDliu is daily beeom- itiumoro alarm*MW.\ and wUlruquire th- ntnvostactivU) »od vigilance of the po¬ lice., and Ine sttonge^t measures the 1 iw can luforc", to put a stop to the dreadful outrages fcaich are now se or vnl/nt." LONfKJN, April 4.—The intellj- .•nce from Sweden mentions a conspi¬ racy against the person oi the Crown Prince, which however, was attended with no very serious consequences. A Hint ci—Loid Cochran, we under- tand.has rat cd tue ^ I0,0U0 and bought a line vcoeL n«;arly as large as, a frigate,, which be proposes to man with the b"*t sailors he can procure. lor his vo)a5ti to South America. BOSTON, May 10. We la^t craning received Dublin pa¬ pers to the 8ft April. The avcragf price of VVii ataud Flour, f. r the week ending April \, was l.'Os. per *$#&: The Magistrates of MancheaW », have mibli bed a spiriced bAAv*** i» Efippptt fjrovcrnment. The Biitish gov<rn-| nrat has appoint d a Mr. McCJiHivary, j to dediaad o£ UtA Selkirk, the Bea- ver seized in Canada by his Lordtoipj ialued aii30,000. •ommtfiui tnuttheCro\viiJ,hould>een-J|nn(1 al] tob<; at tx),\ liberty 10 pturfne abl-d to r*c*mipense the faithful mi Ue;r accu(Vomed tt^dc. Tothcfe ends mn.rorious discharge of high aud eili- \^ gcntleM--\\ afer^uamed areappcinud, ..ietit civil otiice. Mirft a Lieu'.ciuui CoL r.nd the lniiera Major, in the h >iau( depa: tmtnt ; and both Jt^ice- of *he Peace ; to aft a^ Civil Magiftrat««i tfee 1;n"d department; jandalfo. fpcial Co inmiffioners fur en [({liftfog into, and i"v*.-itioaiiniT ali offen¬ ce* combined ;,; tl.joi'e coontrieB. It imid l;t obi'ervcd, th.-n there is a ftatutc of the Imperial Parliament, the 4.3d of ,nc K'fng, which enafts, that all offences coromi:rtcti m the Indian Country, fhall he tricvj in the fame manner, and h** iub- jftl to, lr:c f^rne pwnifhment, a« il the [fame H,aJ been committed within the Canad-jg, For which purpofe, offender in thojfc countries-, are anwnabie to the C"Urth, (>f |,ower Canada expended in behalf of .he Chapel, 4c. sirs WintHBm Nj(ME3* £ \if. Jaine- I'l—anee...............£0 - v ii UcLeod...................20 \ r m< -.d.........................12 Ur. A. eiubahl Kirnmoud...........10 —T tuna.- Caiuii'k...............10 ~ftatnv.*l AM."u>d.................8 Key; R. f», Srwart..................5 Mr. Ttioma* Sc<ilt...................S —Air. J&'fi**-. uai ilurr...............5 —John Bfoo&e.....................5 —Jehn ^'^■!.eo'll..................5 -Joini I>*w on...................S -Miclme! Quyito..................2 10 0 —Juniet. Miavlirr.................*2 it* 0 k.fetoT&. J<'ln._ % Finite............."2 10 « Mr. P e*..min l;*aiviicld.............% io 0 _II.-;< v\\. Vfilkfnawi.............J J J Sergeant ?ort>.................... Qfl \ir. Naiilitl Siiiivv..................* -SmUb L^ir-U-t.................—* " ' t l>*|i rK*k Sfi ^ ih...............• - '^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 v II u 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 Tal .if Excise, to do duty in poi •» • Throe ....... , ,ri \A\U fieeit/y GtfjaM^ dated UMM, ■a Salary of iQOO LJ J Fhr* old 1 -11 »»«» . . _ apectoi of Wkwl Carmg^, Ga^ Writer, a»d InsprctOT General of R'-ads, to he abolished. ~ /r^^-O-c of ti,cPeiK Teller March 1<>. 1817. Bolivar* iu action, imitates the tiger, he has destroyed his llect, to inspire hi a roo(>s, aided bj the- marine.^ with de«- perale tuthu>ia-m. General Real, the lie y ali St, has been completely beaten in the various actions witlv the Patri- ots. and retreati d by way of Juueal. KiscsToN, Way 24, Uil. •• .........•.......... ™ Tuesday lu-^t Major Gen. WlOOblKGTtfS i.ndbuii,eariive<» ;n ( »wr# froro Lower Canatla. A CK N OUTLlillG M VST. Tue roteuumicRtioc in answer to w Gvn&cri C^nie mtf )at(k for thUday*9 Gazette, but *ill appeal |p our nevt. S7'£J3f Cf^iT. Ycfterc]ay afterno^u, the Steam Boat left Mr Kirby'a Wharf for the Dock at Point Frederick. Wcarclorry tohear,, that iliroogh fomc accident, the marai- nery of 4,nc cf the wheels has. been con- fidero.1 ]y damaged ; notwiihUanding [which, however, fte moved vrith majea- tic g'*ndeur a^ainft 3 ftrong head wind. We ui,derfland (he has gone to the D^ck Yard, it being a more convenient place, fot F^ing !n a fuction pipe. -A.'-f-Y...........•........t'SSI :£-;^^::::::::::::::::::^-|, T«Hima> Markiaod, Baqoire..........- ; ; y |' Mc.Thoniw IOMM4I.................» j' -Alexaadcr M« Lroj...............\ - -HariirtbanBidtfcri................ -Rob. rt Ymii-ff...................} HS _J.V. liile'.i^a.l....................• J —.latur yt..Th'jn................. |" _l). \\ as! nun)....................• LOST, ON Friday the 23d inftant Hatter'* Bay aud Kingl Two Gold Seals, A Gold KEY and RING. Tke Seals are engraved, one wi'h a Coat of BrfntS« the other with a Crett, and the initials A. G—Whoever will brinr the fame to the Printer wiii receive a finublc icward. May 14. 51 50 Dollars reward* rjl SCAPED from theGaol, in Kingr- JJi ton, on the evening of the ujthinfb. A FELON, by the name oi JACOB J. Q&TMJN. He had an when he went awayt f fhort Grey Coat and Trowfera. Whoever will return the -aid prifoner to the fuyf-.r.'ber rtiall be entitled to th5 .above reward. ROBERT YOUNG, Ga&r. Kin$ston% May zotb, 1817 jr. Mr. Scolt, LATE SURGEON of Hip Mafc^ ty'^Ship Montreal, ©n Lake Onta¬ rio, and Member u{ the R^yal Collcgd of Surgeons in Dublin, formerly one of ; the Medical Attendants at thf Lying »a I H^fpftal in Dublin ; acquaint* the inha¬ bitant^ of Kinglton and Ftl vicinity, that he refides near the South G4te. in part ! of the Inuife occupied by Mr. Richard* ! oV*his: profeflloh^ in liiiJitful I Every attention will be paid to patterns, 'on the moft reafonsblc terms. A fmall proportion of MEDICINE* of a genuine quality, to be had. Kiagttwt 19/A may* 1317- 51 wtf Notice. • ■ * 4 * * • *«# - D. McPoorB..... — ,V*\aud'T MeUontM.... —S.enhen ^ul<-'...... -\. MePi.f *»n..... - U.C.Thoiu,on...................J —itobi r* Kieuai dadn...............l - w illian Fernie...................* __^eoiam>n Dlolt-............•• • • J Che'T II ueii...................J _i;hu.,e,wt.;.................. —M'iniani Scu^LtCii...............* -A.le.niUc...................... Major Crtibett..................... Mr: R. Per'oy./.....-.............■ —Vfill.uw rvaj...................J —John Men/lea...................J THE Public are hereby particularVy cautioned againlt pnrchafing my i^Ote of hand, palled to en« James Rob* iiii'in, for five pounds or npwardi, as the fame has been paid by me. ANTHONY BURKE. Kingston, May zJ, 1817. 5*w5- t —William M»n/.ie?. * r * * ........1 .^the Kx.-iu-quer aud Auditor-General --tlieJf emoluments to be r.di.c-d :— S,,.,,vor G-m-ral of ^.<>«» UttdS, E-^rofth- fc*wri» of Pa.Lun.uu a^dfebrk 6fUi« rape. Ofiice, M be a- j ^lish.-d: ditto A.-oonta.u to th*j Board of GeneraJ O-v.cers, i>enreUr| to ditto. Correct, vof th, Ky. , 1 v.« - I.-JJ-ygj p^^ uill wavc inK PtMS Compiler of ihe Q*M » . -- ^ Cora er Hi, Mnj^tv's .Manor's, Accouu.aut ^rofAccoantsoftheL-racU^t- LOtai aiating his escape to La6uira or Cara- TwiwrWjWia himself to fl« a™ that, i« bi«rtr dap, Ch. flag of an '.. . , n.....t„Ad<! x»i wave Irom G^.1Cral T. R. Poxter and Colonel H^Ui\fi,Hie U. States Commis>ion- <*r* f«v rtmiriuft tt lines on the river, lake'-.&c. arrived here with their suit* on TUnvday la-t, and we understand Con. Porter left towu to-day for St. R-'gi" where he will mcot John O^il-j vy, fed. the Commissioner on (he part of ou. ffoverument, who left town a We receive Toluntrers daily. From thr »**& 9^*^*? , ...------------------- —Th-mas Smith...............-*••' Vj!^ Biake::;:;:".......'""Jw! J.**«.......................O 5 0 -J. Bb U........................." mfl _^av; dSmyth.................•-" '" ' Bradbury ..............» ._Ja,^^allroy.:................J J -William (.m-tiHimu..............J I^WlUumCorrrll:........a"';—?"* Sahmipttoiisfrotn Montreal. Mr.Tl>ouia^To.raiu-e - - - - n no Mr. John To. ranee.....KJ Mr. VNni. Hutoiii od.....- 0 i) Miss J&nc Pt*h*r - - - - -,,r » J i) ------ , no Mr,JohnMfU«Hl......| "" Mr.Bona.ali^b......» J ^ Mr. Samuel fra.-her - - - - - 1 » " Subscriptions from up the buy. STOLEN, FROM Mr. Thompiou'a Whaif, Kingiion, on the night of the I ith I inft. a Yaul BOAT, with fprit 3aihi and itcbooiiei rigged, w:th a boomed Mamiail land afalfc k.e! fpikod on. Whoever ; will return laid boat, or give tr.fornratioa 0 ojlxvuere st may be feond, will be hand- fomely rewarded, and all ueeeifary chat» 4rea paid. SILAS MAY, Kingston, May 14, 1817. 5 *» Notice IS hereby given, that the bufineft b tofore carried on by the fubfcriher% jia this day dtffoUcd ty mutual conienc. I AU debts due to, or againft them, to be? '.paid to Benia.nin Duffle, who continue* the bui'iuefb. an j will liquidate all claims. BENJAMIN HOLMES, BENJAMIN DELISi.E. Perth, 14/* May, 18-17. 5iW3PT few d, T7 m«nt; Barrack Master oi tfee Boj-* Canton, Capt Barrack,. Tl,- Constables of L-ner- ^ .„„ irk. Dublin., and (>t,em'\'m"V ' -U have revived Bo salary. 1 ho Clerk ot he C,, • . d Lon Bo salary. The CierU of the Cu«a£ Wnster-Ma^tcr Genr^l, 1 .*bjf M^r of tu p^ °f(D;b :2t kee^r of th, C^tom. to be!^ 10 vb dcpUe« new holding th«eo& », ^ aLlaries to rue Pn'ocHals d.scont,- WThe appointn.^' to the under-ir-.- havinSb,en stat, d to your »«*£ aor to belong to the Judges of that CourM,uttoh,uUh^ittottlw(:ov.U; andii avpwirinf Ita* o inein ........._ are .v,,ut,d by deputy, rtHU^SSZlfr *• »8^ Latest from Ln^nJ.-hy the fh P „♦„„ Cantaio RogeW, arnved ih. days from Liverpool we our regular files of Lwer A„n Mnrrs. the ot ys since. Mont. Cou,\ • ft ^loutned from the I JIB "» / Oi; Wednerday, Col. Bouchette| and fiitc, left this city for Bofton, where he wil meet Col. Burclay \ thefe two geotffeea having been appointed Com- miffioiers by the Bntift and American (govci,rnents, to determine the iuiurc ioiMMkry to the call ot Lake Champlaiu, bctwe.n the Britifh Provinces and the UniUj States.—Montreal Herald. PORT OK KINGSTON. VESSELS ENTERED Mf^jlTth —Seh. Triumph, kr>id,froaiSack- P«*Mfcr, with 1'otaMsBeef, Tar, &c—Seh. ^,OUf .;a 2bW*. Salt.—Sell. Sally, Taru-r. \fnm ^w^go, whb 40 BIjU of Pork, ti Bbl>. of °lld Jt> Bbb. of Salt. inUC-Boat I i«riiet,VVihid,from Sackcuhar- Mr. Jamrs I vrrot - - .;. U. Chauibt-rUiu, F.^mre - \ir. N- Lmbiny -^ - - - - Mii. CaUiar'-iie OcIjW - - - sirs. Jeriwha Detlor - - - A Friend - -..... * To anm»ct of Siibbcriptions) rollfcied in ;^art J Total now collected .50 - 3 0 .05 - 0 10 0 _ o r> o £n$b i j o ,i,e to ol To Let, A' rooms 70USANT LEST AGE. Kingston, May 23, 1817. 5 c For Sale, £339 59 291 5 U 0 0 5 0 1*94 0 :i IWaount of Suliscupciwib \ not yotcroK- u-4 S To Monies now expanded in > beluJii'ltbe C'ba*cl i The Society, derircsto acknott»;d6e wim tfra;itud- the liberally of M«fC Tohranci: I Mctwiu, not only in behalf ot tbe.r gruerou. '5ii Options btttiu their Wng forward to , demn^v ihc pa>aient of tbe present con- i?«bUWb.i.4va: 1150 of which bM fiv Flower, !> York uitbtui. ■ ____a Of an excellent quality.—Enquire at F. Cak.lisls'« Druggift Store. Kingston, »2*/-'»f-jr, 1817- Si**? TO JLET, THE wea l«M »*f Mr. ■>/•/» 8quf$ Houfc For particulars cuquuc 1 of the owner, at S. Merrill's.

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