- ^ „ VrrW ,iven:-,- ft, C^l ASCTt for ^MMM*, ta g. Province =^.Sft- to1 Syppiemcutary J if of Widows and .r5 V?ot.». of \feT:Cfl, K'meofAVidow, &c ii .Wmv and U* •* • • ■■ ■ Easband wFather ^'children- >am« of C.oardtan _____________________—I of Children. which dt*fr*fc- 1 belonged. NAM 15. K A VK • " Urcriod to which reusion is t<>( rroi it. rimv <f 3)e- : By«faf Board] course 01 Payment. cca-e, Recommended Fkom To Uarreitcy Dollar ai ;>s. 3? .try arj>owell Ainrgftrct M'Don gal uVLtry Grant 5ffn«rv Campbell ■Children or Ciiiidrea of Catharine Fitreer Elizabeth Hanablin Chfttan of C: ^or^n of Ci i d***n of |C'i!wini* FftTThijEtaa 'Samuel Sferrfftgtari 1} »roi Donald WOoi^ll 'Donald M'Dougal \\ if!Wiin Grant William Campbell Thomas Rcacft Robert MljaogMia W ii1; wi l'i »-er *»i:as Hamhliu 'iU'ob Van Camp jR.-.d Iphtr Fuller bii ign i' amster J rivate T amster 1 rivate do C.iptain i rivate do da N&dab Eastman John LarosoB D frothy M'Gralh Christiana Smith E: uOMdi Hi. fa Clar'etfe La Tour J?9lYCy Young Ann* r-.vbes 2S"*anna Hen Han hall Storms Fr^-lnve Darby D' borah Tompkins J.inry Yne.ng Catharine Pulse Rrtchft! Carnal Ian E"/.abeth Cole Catharine Brown Child of Ch:-dren of • Ji junah l'attcrson Children t>( Su animil Keodriek </:i!d of Child of Soobi* Carpenter Children of Children of Children of C; i-drcn of » Children of Miry Mi Conck Mary WUkerMB Zuba Hagar Sarah .Vi'ColIum Mary Stickle 3V! '»\ !-V:«r Children of S «annali Petit K<ab JJi Johnson B ;»: iyarks CI -'clrvn of J; ?nt f - (£bpe Children of C ililren of i\: trtrm Karnnm (" lldrcn of C v!dr,n and Insane) Widow o( $ Children of S.- ah Huberts tUxn Wl&ey h tnnah Hazel F.'/ab"'h Buchannan S.' )!iia Aogustin Cluidrcn rf il-iry MoClean Monica Girty Widow of * C'.IIfl of Aml»auf« Slelodfte do do tlo do do do Lieut I rivate do do do do do Jnlui 53"Grath B«t»jamin Smisii Jo-cpli Hicks Jo>r|)!i La Tour 11 r • n1v YoQng Vf!ni:i ForbeS George Hon ll*nry Storms Dudley Darby Jeremiah Tomkins Henrj Young David Pulse lvluard Carse.allan Abraham Cole Henry Brown Samuel Watson [Simon Arehart John ratt^rvon John Wood Duke VVm. Kendricl|!.ieut. Klijah Durphy fJrorge Mariat Jatrie* (Jnrnenter llobed Cook Archer Likens Hngh Buckborough John Ovcrhoit, William Cole George Courk Robert Wilkerson J.-.pathnn llau;?r Colin M'Collum John Siieklc "Samuel Pew Pi"rre de Lamace Uriah Petit TrUeman JoLn-on C^rn^lios Murks rifomas Smith WtflfofVi Lope .Vlex'ti II"(ehinson Alatison Pease W heeler Barn urn ^•domiMi iVielioIs ^lor'Mont 2 Gleagar) 1 do l do 1 do Inrorpor'd-Si Attgttjtj M-"| t 1 (JrenvillelTMay, m c> do 1 do -1U Man- . is; ; l\ Fcbr^ry *|J IS Febr^ry *13 1 Mare*, *V <l> do Eastern District. 20M0TChiSl*8lDec lSl0.75'U| (} 21 Keb'v. HS •• 77 -1 Ii ,77 7 70 13 b 14 !87 01 Si is 1 Man m do / may, '12 1 1 Mart*, »1M Disti-ict. 27 do 'Hi) 30 Xovembr. 'P2J 31 Decen. M3 Prince Ed do do 30 April. do 31 Ortdher^ do |24 do Frontenac '31 March, Priuee Kd. J31 l>ec* »». l!ie.'r[)*d. 0 Marcra, J.cnox Addin^ton do do do TYamster private Esther VanS^einberg t\o John Aerhart do do Keziah Raymond uieut. ! - J-rivate Fr*;4*»ick Hinds Seric%ant R-Oetea K-nny do jl'nxu-e I " J I, liox d! Adding 3} Dec. 31 do ill Manh, Pjfftiee I'd. |27 Dectm. IS Xovtm. H June. 13 Jan*). ,:i j>e<:etr»- t; April jl iXit-n. !(J do 7 April I Jan. C Dec I Sentew. Ml! ') I ■13 33 '16 'l-'i Midland District- .1 do ■ N.imuel Wilson L-vi R^'^mer William Roberts C 'rri^topher Wigley R-chard Hazel VViiii Hucliaunan Abei An<"stin ,?-vhtl0toa ^tory Allan M'Cl.au Thomas Givty James ]\IiIIer Joseph Perrirtr Louis Me!oche nvate do do do do Teamster do do private do do Serjeant do do Private do Serjeant. do Private do Mary Beatty Catherine Myers •Fi.uic - Grant (John Clark VV iiliam S ram o?C ngton ila<tin^-s Lenox do Aldington do I/;tox Durham 3 York ln"orp'xl. 2 York 5 Liiifohi .*j York 5 Decew. do do do do do Captain Private Serjeant Private Rt!$t£fl Artiug SaUiiig Master Scimao Private John Warren, Esq. Kli/ab.th Ki!!maftter John Backhouse. Esq. ■ ni/.abeth Ivearms V iolette Dnsten S Lincoln 11 <1*> S do 27 Feb\v. I do 10 June* 1 do '26 i\ove»n* •i do 4 DeceW- 2 do fjJunCi 2 do 10 OctoBer- c2 do l-i DectM"- '1 do 10 do ll do 10 Septefl*- 3 do |3 I Jan*)! tt Norfolk! 1 do 1 Oxford flO Tleeem. I do 1 JauV. J jV'»rfoJk]l ^ D- . m. XewcastleDi^'l ) Home \ District. Gore District. 1 Niagara District. • Martha WooIIey .vlarv Roach I do 1 do Middlesex 1 Norfolk 1 Oxford 1 Norfolk *2 do 1 Esse* l do I do I do I do 1 do Kent 1 Ksses I'roM. Mar. do MO 1 * U Match y October^ I Jan'). 10 .vlarch, S£7 June, 31 Decern. 24 October, 11 do 10 do 1» Septem. 1 April, 30 Junu) I i-Vb'y. IS.St'pti-in. 9 October, M I London Diblrict. i < <Io '13 ch, '13 '13 i-j August, '13 17 May, ;13| SFeb'y. '13) I March, '13 27 do '13 m Nov. 'i3 31 D«cem.'13| 30 April, »14 31 Ocr.iber'l 1 24 do .'18 31 March, '13 31 Deem, 'l'i (> March, 'ti 31 Deem. 'IS 31 do '13 II March '13 '27 Decern. '12 UJ Sum. '12 llJi-tie, '13 |f » Jtaf*jr. '13 31 Dcccm. '12 SFeb'y, '13 8 April, '13 :i Decent. *12 12 do 'i2 7 April, '13 l .laiVy. '13| V Decern. '11 I Sopt. '14 ..'ijan'y '13 5 Decern. 'I'l < 1 <\o 'l'i •7 Feb') 'II luJuue, '13 ;5.\ vem. '12 I i)rc m. ' I '2 5 June, 'i3 It; October'13 I-J Decern. '12 10 do '12 10 Septra. '13 31 Ja--'y. »13 1 do '13 10 liecem. 12 Uiii'y. '13 l.i Decern. '12 0 March. '13 il October'13 1 Jati'y. '11 16 March, '13 27 June, '13 31 Decern. '1* * * * * * ■ # ■ * • I » ■ * * • • • * • * ■ H ■7c, |() 77 18 'j76 1 o i75 6 81 15 |60 1 53 9 43 7 63 15 75 80 56 60 60 76 HI H H 10 Oi 1 7 in, 7i 2 1 9 1 1 4' 5 s 0 80 8* 7|_ 7s'l'2 801 1 77il8 74 15 HO 1 81! I 7-1,11 so; o III s, U) 13 7H\ 11 81 9 81 8 56!' 7 6 1 10| 1 i 1 54 i 4 I 11 0 . - ■ • « • . • / * • • ■ . a - ■ ■ 71 S. «l 7i «S: 8. (i* 7K ft- Si 80 80 70 f,l O'i :4October'P2 I Jan'y. I« Mavi 'i Western District- 11 do 'i^ 10 do -V> iy Seprem. M.'i 1 April, 'IS 30 June, *1J 1 Feb>% 13 18 Septem.'lS 9 Oct'r. '1* I Jiny. M5 18 May, '13 • • .1 - • • ■ • • f . • ■ ■ • • •. "4 (U y 7 0 Of 7I 0 ()X io; 8* 10. lj 10 11 A I ll" 4 I 3 10 7 IA 0 0" 1 1 oj o 18 7\ 94 0| 12| 0| 0 75 IS 101 70i (> SOj I 83 I • 81 81 65 71 701 7* 85 "i it 4:: v'2 10 IJ 10 2 6 15 12 101 ».; 0| i o| o o 9 104 k.-pplemenrary List of Persons belonging to the Militia Forces, disabled by WounHs received on Actual Service, or from Acei- <!cr;ts occurriflff whiKt on Ihitv ; wi-hrbe Sum* acc-uii c: <o them rfSpectivelv, .o«-he ^:st of •Vr-fm'-'er, i«i 6. SAME OF PENSION! R. RArTK. Itrgiavm 01 Ser- vuv to niitch jc- , loi"ird. AiTiov&c. i\- \rntcn W9'"vPBi* WOI.S'DEI). ; PLK'.<J>IU li" 1 • •»•• > IS (.. . .'!i of Payment, i— ■ FROM Jaws Secord ti ;org»- Adams jL-twis Clement Alexander Rose JV»ou« AicDciugal Paujei M'Collum D'_mald Cameron Adam Slt'll Johll Cryattt y ederick Thompson Daniel Steward Joeph Long Cieorge Chase 1 .t'T L'-impman J'hn Campbell Aaron Teeter ■.;vi , ,T<vsfcph 13ook George BIsworth C»'or^c Hutchinson William M'Mulleu J< !iti Cornell Arlimas VV. Cushman J-.'-itiian I'axtcr Jn»eph D-ssaux V-'Ttc Caithier .I.hn Mifchel D..i,ald M'•Douell 'J';- • ;"- K'-ks lv.a >:e! Cilbl I'inl-y Monro #1fi'hu Campbell Caj.'.nin Lieutenant do do Serjeant do do do Corporal Private do do do do do do do do » Seamen Private do do do do do do do do do do I do TO OURREItCT Dollar ai 1 LiHiCOUl i do 2 do incorporated do 4 Lincoln l Gieng&ry l Lincoln incorporated 1 Lincoln ) do incorporated do 1 Lincoln 1 do 4 do 4 do Northumberland IrovincM Marine Vddhijcton dr*jtns.) L^nox Adin^ton Dr'gns, l Leeds l KsMex '2 do K-nt Vols. 1 ixU ngary 1 do 1 do 2 do b Lincoln Querustoa Fort George Chippawa Accident at Fort Wellington L.Midi's Lane Lujidy'a Lane • Accident ou duty Fort George Fort Erie St. David's Que^iiKtoii Accident on duty do do Forf George Accident on duty Accident while on march to oppose the enemy Wounded while standing senl{,y Accident on sertice, oni hoard & Ijatteau J L-tkc Erie Accident on duty Kingston Accident on duty IJrockville River Huisin do <lo Long Worlds O^densbuiyb do do Hoopl'^i Creek Aucuster i liOctobr. ,•1.5 IJ October ,'12 'i» May '13 27 May '13 $ July '1! o Jidy, '11 20 do rl3 26 do '13 ttfi do *U 25 do '11 25 do '14 25 <\o '14 7 Jane '1 1 7 June, 'i4 Ll7 May '13 27 May, '13 vi Augusl :'i4| | 12 August, •14 18 July '14 IS July, '14 13 Octr. '12 | 13 October ,'12 19 Sept. '13 19 Sept. »13 1 July '13 1 July '13 27 May '13 ! 27 May, '13 '24 Oct, '12 : J 24 Oct. '12 15 July '14 1.5 July, '14 24 do '14 24 do '14 10 April '14 16 April, '14 10 Sept. '13 10 Sept. '13 14 Decer. '12 14 Deem. '12 10 Nov, '12 loNovm. '12 l h Sept. »12 15 Septra, '12 7 Fehy. M3 7 Feb'y. '13 2'2 Jany. '13 22 Jan'y. '13 I'l do '14 22 do '13 4 March '14 4 March, '14 22 Feby. 'IS 22 i'Vb'y. ■13 aa do '13 'l-l do '13 22 d.. '13 22 do '13 10 Nuv. 'IS 10 i\ovm. '13 1 Nov. Ml 1 l\ovm. '14 84] 7; 8 71 10' 0 4917 3 68,14 3 48:15 4 IS 51 71 47 49 81 6i 70 71 83 49 15 4 711 10, 0 15 3J 0 7 8 \7\ I i 0 10 15 6 4816 54 66 4 3 ll 0 0 n H 5 11 10 8019 8216 ,8:? I 1 i77 19 '7S 15 7S 15 I I 5t> 12 77 1 77 1 77 I 8{ n i oj v, H 62 17 43 6jl0 47 (ERRORS EX.Ll'TED) f.DWAUD' MACMAiiON'. Qmeral Jgmtjbrpaying MiliHu Pensions, Sheriff's Sate. 9 • 1 Midland District,! If]))' virtue ofu To Wit: ' J JLJ ilrih-iEw KCUTION, issued oxu of His m ;t.N /y.v Court of King's BemhJwldikgiBlm v/l Pitas in undjor ihc Aiitlluna Dis¬ trict afonsitid) at the suit of RlC[fm Ittb IIOHISON, oj the Town of kmgston, in the said District^ {feffltg. tilan^ against tin*, huiiilh and Tetictnenh .,/JONJS VAN JLST1\E, ,,,< tSe Township fi/p'HkK»wndr and District aforesaid, inn Keeper, directed to tht Sheriff oj the said Midland District, / have seized and taken in Execution*.® belonging to the said JONJS fAS JjQjTJlS E, u part of the 8nuth Etu* terh corner of lot number Seventeen^ jn thi'Jirst Concession oj the Township of llichnioiid; fshich piece vj Land is hailed and bounded, or may be other* wine known, asjolhivs: that frfc.tygiu commencing in J rout (J t he,suid comes* sion} ai the Soa/li Easterly angle of said Lot No, Seventeen* thenceforth Sixteen degrees, West Vr.mtemchanq and Fiji if links j than SoitthSevc^ four degrees, West tizu chaias; then South Sixteen degrees, East Fifteen chains Fi/li] links, lucre or fefs, to the enter's side ; then Easterly, alwgthe Oilier side, to the place of beginning; containing Three Acre* of Land, be the same more or less, zcith a dialling u.id out Houses thereon erected. Note I do hereby give XOTfCE, thai the aforesaid fricce of Land, to* get her zcith the buildings thereon erec- )cd, wttt be sold and adjudged to the highest hidder, at the Market* to fAfr 7foM of Kington, on S.tTUR^AY, the TiURUday ofJASUAH K ™*> next eimtingi at the hour of Ekvsi o'Clock in the forenoon. h£Mi} TlIOR1\ Deputy Sheriff* And every person or persons having claims on the above described piece of Lund and premises, by Mortgage, or other right or incmnbra,u:t\are here* by advertised to giv& notice thereof ft tie said Deputy Sheriff, ai his UmuQ in the Filial of ErneU Town, pr&* ous to the mh thereof. HENRYTlWnP, Deputy Sheriff" Kingston, 90th March, 1S17- a SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland IMlHff; F&: ,..,rty ii\ virtue of a writ of Fieri pa. cias, issued out of (he Court of Kiurt Bench, at the soft at Jh me* ItoblnOJ (he town of Kingston, Esquire,^nhist the lands and tenameuts of Ani>sAnH ley, of the to\vn>hip of Kin^st<itu Wo. man5 to me directed : I have seized and taken in ex edition, as beloiu&h to the said Amos Au^ley, thenftfl half of Lot number 15, in the second concession of tlie township of i\lHO% ton, containing by admeasurn»>nt ol,e hundred acres, be the same mor$A less : together with a log house nni :ramed barn thereon erected. 1 ,)0 hereby 4*ive notice, that the above men¬ tioned lot of laud, with the buildm* and appurtenances thereunto helor,e, ing, will be sold and adjudg.-d to the highest bidder, at my office in the towa of Kingston, on Tuesday the third da? of March next, at the hour of teaoU clock in the foreuoonn—at which time and place the conditions of sale will be made known. CHAKLBS STUART, Sheriff. Now this house and barn and sixty acres of lot No. 15 was not sold; The Sherill came into Court as a witness a- gainst Jethro Jackson, and declared upon Oath to tMelve Jurors, that he did not sell the House & barn and «i>. ty acres of that lot, agreeable to the original survey ; whcrclorc, that house and barn and sixty acres of hind, i$ the lawful right, the labour and prop¬ erty of Amos Ansley, and will be re¬ covered as soon as Justice can take place. i Therefore, these or to forbid all per- sons from making any waste of timj r, stone or chn for brick, or in auyjrfan ner injuring the house, barn or erHi. ahard, fences out-houses ana baiitf illgs on said lot No. 15 in the second concession in the totwiishij) of Kings- ton, now the village of Welin^ton. * A ViOS A'VSLEi'. * March 3d, 1817, -------------------------------- Sensible of thepivu v.iment h^fhicli we stand, and conscious ti.at we WJ done our duty as subjects, we sho A he wanting to ourselves and to those tender connections, who-finm necessi¬ ty liavo been the unhappy c nipii";*i..» of our misfortunes, if we did not rv-:• our claim for justice ro these who ^ authorised to grant it ; and thereoie we do appeal to the fundamental io** of the society of which we art »^m' bers—to be protected in the '"ici"3' IjHidmarkR and Boundaries b> wjii* »ve have reduced a howling wih BiV9 oa popolousj'rorince. 40 AAiOSAN'SLKJf- '