epiriomthnn he had been. He called the people the deceived and dupc-j, and thofe the deceivers, amonglt whom the moll honorable men were clafTed, one of v»!iorn he ihmild always be moll happy to claiii the honor of being accurjintcd with ; 2 Tian who had never been of any parly ; he meant Mnjor Cartwn'ght.— J general Ijujh. [Delate to he continue;!.^ Kings ion. May 3. I SI 7. ♦ # • V * * * /y)/j 77/2 r:r\"G<ro\' gjzbttb. If( ma'tcr*of Revenue, twicetwo do no' al- i^3V« p*oJn""four. Th**doubling ot"a tax sh fcrfrom searing a double r*»eelpt, may some¬ time*eve© dl!0\nhJi.ln*tead •>!'ir.cr ■fell)** :hrt:t- icount. Suck i* the uafnra1. effeM of imposing a oV.iv beyond thrrat^ adapted Co to mlot^of tilt* market, the facilities far smuggling, and the public sentiment* which is found, iu all conn- (rifMO have an influence in enforcing or reJaat. in* the colUeion of tin tics. It U worthy of Consideration, vvhr, {her this financial axiin b-.' Rot applicable Co the late only of seven pence jut uonnd on Tobacco imported into this Pro¬ vince from th- Un.-.ed States, As that is aot a aoci-ssary of life, but a.m-revulgar luxury, it b undoubtedly a fair object of taxation! and) •if a heavy iax wvcto lessen die consumption a£ it among vs, such anetfeet would be no inju¬ ry to the Inhabitants \ and :ione to ihe govei il- -flicnt, nnle=a i; were all ended wifll a *etalea" SklJtuftbe Rcveaue. Tl.is is, therefore, ibss j>oint of light in which t!re qneathui ought to he Viewed, by those, who mav have to decide upon fUf policy nf renewing that tax. l! is said 10 be U fact- that- rfuricg the last tinier, a comparati\eI\ small quantity of To- bacrowa^ entere.-', at the Cii&Gfn House in Kingston,>'- had the duly paid on It; \. yet the Stores and Sbopjf, not on|\ '" this town, b'it in the other 7o;vD,-di$p?of this District, wen* well nppiied wi-h that article, which is principally not of Provincial, but ftreijgn growth. Evrtj tk-.dy believes, thonjrh no body sceuv to be able to prove, that there has b en much smu^liiiff. I am sensible, this has bevii &>*CrihM h? m:i;;\ to a particular cause, tbe h«.d rj-f of Thr Kftt% y* Fairfield and Forward, a' (he la ' Arizes, Jr Yhitit, a verdiei warobtauiedafaiii*tih« O - fcnfafiUi, followed b) a eonlcir.nn'ion of tt ■ jrop»rty seized, to ib«" apvmni of about eigbt laodi'ed dollars; yeUhe evidence ».is such, :*uo leave the lailirt of Ui0*fi win heard the tri- *l Impressed with a cojsvfcdcn, t'tftS ineie bed >kcwi, on the part of me owners S: their agents Malrn'^aAV^oHpay^te \%<li?. « ffl 'WSJ??. "fairtiiinir; buttha! the fou.-.tioe WUS iucune.d fcv an ioformalityt rr«ulHnjsturn tin- itvadwr* fruceafa y>» <g, •iner.;.'Micn-. ti clerk, who, i.i cot; cqueoceof the recent death of the acting partner, and the >tate of hi; r.Mnilvand famite* ^ca-ioned l»y th;it calauii|f. hap,ienpi! Lona\«- tbeel*ar^' «>f the SioVe for one day. An liudei officer of :be Revenue look a van 1 age of hi jni?Ut!ie, atid mode a seizure, in the absence ijl |hf Collector. Tloeo ^•Hp'.cuce was H *aeel- ftce of the whole property impnru-d, fo^iih-i with the Sleign and lior^es, 10 the sever** lo#u)' ^vejydeocrvijjgand retpeciable family. TV.: extreme hardship of that ca.se, it is true, ■odea strong Unpmfcioo»J*t tin* time, and gave iccanow far a frequent reuark,that their nan Bore daoj^er of incurring: a forfeimre by Uk omission of some legal requisite in the to* ma! proce.-sof reporting, entering, unloading, and pavinjg iheduiies, than by an UiteitiVonal eon- cealHKMitof the importation, for toe purpose ofP evading 'he payment: TSic reditq^eadim hy sorU a'-a-Mway liavc flU'okVd -nine induce- mecJ or apology for.Mmij^;'uip,aut1 peroap-ne- d:ioacdmore:o:-.,Uia^ wi»l wH-gainedlo ih< lrea»ory by one halfof he loileitura; but ao eicite.uen;ofihdlkiudi?,iu itaiiaiure.u-n-.po.! mr>. The gca«rai pmctiefi mi^i have beciuac efl>*Ct<Ot* a more uiuo*mdit ca .-se. In .rade, re- eeiittnent-or fikeod:-hip fla* \&* iniluf*uee,thana jenseof iiittrest, founded upon calculations of proiit and lots. Tue duty o.t Tobacco amount¬ ed to ^0 large a proportion of the saleable price thanuefaif importer coulu uot lavd thCOTiltiJ- gierin lua-ket, w.:j fae^r.-.-occt of;;rea-ona- blepiouto.i iUl- importation. *i$, tiierefore, j^as.-d loimport -9 and iefi thisI>ranchof trad.* to itiose, wlw weie ,villn:g to c.\ea.e theireva- |iooK<fthelaw, underjpoi»r*»f ancn seuuuienis y aft' naturally produced,on ti'.ecue baud, by ♦ hardca-.c, like, that of FidrJtM 6f l-'orvurd, a;i.;,oafaeofher, by the irritating or raptt- CWUsrouduCirtfanyrutardiiiate agent of tne Cusuwn House, bwUng after sciztirta for Uie Like of 'ae legal plunder, llei.ee smuggling r. UnfartSia&tdy acq-'iireda degree of popularity, to ihe prejudice of tbotc .vho paid the Inv.iVl •duties, and to the la.<- of 'be JiubllC Revenue. AUhOTghthe additional tm^o^t dn:ic5, laui inp'.r-uarceof the la-: actjowe lepnlty c *as- cd,by t;:e expiration of *at i* t ; *"e tuive- l alll dOMbtlw comea^au; Knd«'rconsSd*-ratU>n, •tafattrreSe^onoftlic Le^.-i.-.-wre. In t.-.r tDant;«e%.'i> not nijsiraoombie to enquire, wfrihet a mote wufatti* duty on thai unicie uo iid uot produf* a greater amoiui; 01 bW*1 iue ? traC from the aft of the Britifh Parlia- men on the fubjeft, by which every rea- drr'fs left to judge whether it is the du¬ ty of the civil authority to deliver up fnch offenders to the military authority or of the military authority to deliver them up to the Civil authority, for trial. HAWKINS. ••That if soy Officer, niin-eorarnis- ftoned Officer, or Soldier, fhjll heaccu- fed of any capital crime, or of any Fio* Itnce or ofi-nce against the Per/on, Estate, or Property of any of His Majesty's Sub- jetis< which is punihSable by the known laws of the Land ; the Commanding of fieer and officers of every Regiment, Troop, Company or party, is and are hereby required to ufe his and their nt- ffiott endeavors to deliver over fnch ac- cufed perfon to the civil Ma^iftrate ;— and (hall a'fo he aiding end aflilling to the Officers cf J nil ice in th/5 feizing and apurehending fnch offender, in order to bring him to ttial." Mr* Editor, Several communications have late¬ ly appeared in your paper, which from the tlyle o»" their compotuion have at¬ tracted the notice of many of your fob- feriherft, and havecx-ited thecuri (ity of fdiBe to be made acquainted with the m<-,tivt« which .have induced their publi¬ cation. With a view of affording this !ati<fa«fti'>n as well as for the purpofe of expreffiug the venality, and repelling the infiiioations of the malignant the envi¬ ous and the fulpicious, I (hall vcuiurc a few obfervatious,— willing as I am however to enter the field which il M." nfTerts '» Amatpr Jnllitis" to have fiiun acdi I fh/udd thit k it tin wife and un-^ profitable to prolong a difeufllon in a public Newfpaper, which is unconnect¬ ed With the genenl imcrclls cf the com munity :—In taking a review therefore of a fubject which ha? created fo much alarm in the minds of fome of youi rea¬ ders, and perhaps occafioned unpleafant fuif.tions in the hreafts of Othes s, it n*ay eluck ti)c ' npitui»!ity of the f»tctfou*t6| he informed, that I am not ambitious e.f iheliit word, and it may fwectei the gall | ofCritieirm to premile that I do not write for fame* uHHxm\9t whofefinl communicationr^av? life to every :\;ht.qucnt direful cfnifcttt* nnelh'oni tlr.';jii>t.ricty of the aft of two \fo riftiatc- who aft'tatcd by their zeal forpnblic I encfit, had inftrted in the wiil'iag t(^ coniraii 'o k^cp a ferry br. twe. n the town of KinfifftuD and Point Frederick, for the convenience of travel lers, to make kn-.wn the terms en which they world cuga;c .- Whether this aft was or was n«t ftriftty lawful, 1 (hall not dlfcufs, t!ur o}:jeft however was eviJeni, 'ind as it was to ferve the pnrpr»fe3 of gineral utility, I think it (hould have ■heen fcreenedfr<<m ufelefa and unnecefT ary fern tiny ; the ftyle of Bura'fl com¬ munication however, w».>-. in itfelf, inno¬ cent, and evidently written more to fatis- fy the vanity of the author, than from any public fpirited motive, ar-d there foft: 1 think Ihould have been treated by all others* with ihe fame indifference it had beer> regarded by the Gentlemen who it molt intimately concerned.—- M Amator Juftititc?," however, aftuat- ed either by friendly zeal, or a fpirit of controvcriy, ventured a reply, which, though it is entitled to hut little praife for its argument, has had the merit of at- traftin^ a hjaze of notice, which 1 am eel tain its author never could have an¬ ticipated. The various replies which have hitherto appeared in your paper, at¬ tribute to fcim motive", which if true were ungeneron -, and by no me.ana ferving the ca-ife he advocated. Hitherto he has refrained from replying to his accufers, willing pei hap*, to leave them to the en¬ joyment of their opinions, cr hereafter intending to difpeffe them, when the paf- fions which have excited their indigna¬ tion, (hall have fnfficicntly fubfuled, to admit of their reading his communica¬ tions without prejudice. The material motive however, which ha* induced me to make this communi¬ cation I have.now come to exprefs—had not the ill-adviftd dragged into public notice, thar which ii camplaiaed of, the injud:cioU9, anddifcommendab-c explan- tion, which has been given of'AmatorY one) was much too to h ive no one knn\^ ntt(* "nC was kn'owri. it 11 impoflible to vf for wnat '1C hhould be cenfured. T°c caufe which M M n has efpoufed has P M«n, 3s veil as in hi* co¬ adjutors, bed utifortunatc in xvs sJvo- cates ; the mfuveR they impale to an- other, thev tr° evidently poffcfn thern- felves. It w^ nnwiie fo coidpicuoufly to difplay theiv own charafters, when cal¬ ling for judgment on that of another— fince that dec/'011 would be unjull which did not fuhje5 them, to the fame con demnation, tKy would haveinfiiftcd on him they corT:'!*1'11 of- Let me inform thofe gentlem*n tliat confeious integrity is too bold to fnfpeft or to fear latent attacks, and that fuch produftions as 'heirs, can neither ellablifh virtue, nor deftroy fame. The fufpicions which havr excited ibctr reftntment, and the envy which by* awakened their maligni¬ ty, are too apparent—and I trail will conftgn to ob wion prodnftions, which all thofe who <telire peace in fociety mud thiak of wiihdifgult, VINDEX. Mn. FniTon* Wttaotrr **iy ainhition to enroll myself amon^ ih*- nuiulerwhobawe lately eontrihuteil ■oliberaUytOhll ynurcnlemns with desultory Communieatioie i i» which there has not been •li-corlT'»d (w'uha>in^le e\eep'ton)an> lamia- bleobject;—but*on the contrary, the mo«i nn- ■■•inrirali!'* peisnaftl ;nvective>; I cannot help raying a few words, through the raedhira ofymir useful Ciirnuiele,on a<uhjoctri» which mainly I'1* ads fh.* funir^ prosperity of the cottn'rv. Tae easej new with which a number Of Hie M.)je?t*,r:;hj,-- int.;-.*lTiiit^lSate>hrtver;:i- U-aewii the paternal a:id generous otlfer uf tbeif •^overnni nt *n • Oeet th* !r retaora! o Canada, and ivhieji !-as hi'eii partly already aieotoplifh- ed, under :hed;rec:;on <»f the British Con?nl ai N^tr-Fork—furr.ishesa dlitingnished exainph of the bflndnesj! and credulity whieh havr sO i«njf ejtUriaiainonittne emigrants fmin fireai Brltairi and Ireland to the territory of OUT an- Oataie nenrtih'tuis. while i:alH) anordti a ptae- ti~al proe'f of. ae.l at once »t«mps tl.e eo»np;ua- ■rv =i*p liorjiy of these eoii*nics for the views of an emigrant.—For ihfc want of event? *ufii- cien ly p.oi^injrrtt *o Cbtab'irh and make gene¬ rally known Ihis now indi'pmablefact: many, man fhousands nfcood snbjectH have been lo t to r.inr.'Ja, rhomight WW h.ive furnlsbeil her tiic!f-i"ii| »lehcr prercnt jjopulatioii, and po.\- •rfullj a-si t«'d in the acquisition of thai phv^iea! M'*v.gth hv which ehemnul ultimately •la.ido: fall. It isinr.st earn.^'.lN hojv.1 th;.. th^ cirC'iinstaece wi!i ofcra;>* a-: an antidote to :h:;t ini*tafcen policy which leads men rath"'- (0*eelt ;. f(trtnii4**i* existence inaii ulieil couir- try—thnn hy a ma^naclaious 3treg5le«Uhtn« unavoufobf^ 'Itta.-iiii-*. i»fihe ttm'-f, pa'ieu;l> wail ti.e return «f tliat nrosperilj which i? onl\ :»o,w inti erupted bv the mddeii fwftim of a ge¬ neral peace,afteva war i#f unexaaiolc*!expen¬ diture and dera N,|t,— \,H then) not MllUholo from tb« lanJ ov .heir F^rent'lier that boo;i 10 i.idch it has.-ina ..r^1 rt»>m, mil the retnp<»ra- 1*1 «aert':ce will i., ii*>.\e nuei its fn.l i*-waiO— ;i r-*a,T"d 'uat wiln |>.- •,;inllo>rd •> ill*? nllrr- tion of *ia\inrbj.. j\ dv<n«4 in tltr houi nt dilncnity ihr lanid fto»n wh'trti hare e(Miing the sources of all tineir na*iori(il clnry, to u^socate »ti. i»rlve> wistM IheortVprioR of uutlaws& pa- taeides. Th.** nvoral oMisailoii 1.hej ore tint- ondenochen Hui'idsitpnortihe true iii.rcvsi- of *he pn^-ni-rwte, Wot being coHHF^J io one pari of the Empire, Imf exteiwlitig t»i the whole bnvh p:di;ic; aoid a< it mav be received as au axiom in polituall-eet;m»!n\iiiala redtUldaoeyOl' i.op-.i'ai on nevorr can arl e in aov countrv t" fruehati extent ai?» to render Justifiable on sound princip'*- the Pimi^ratioa of it to an alien com.- .r) ; no choice tcati l>egiven ta euk'-jsrate from !•!•• iiiotiinr eounrwy, s*th a proper **n$e of d"-. tv% wh<M'.t*i mi *e"Me i- the V- »ed States nrttn1- j I ('oh- -ies If to ithisare added ihe actual eom- parative advai ^a»« of ihe Colonies, and con- '•nent powcif* J-;ino taniof self Ulterebt, i' .e; CAMDEN. Mr. Printer, meamnor ^it a true equivocaHy cxprcflid by h\-n, to hive met the ol>fer«ation of cany ^f yourra- der*, and thofe only fuch, as would have tr«aied it as abfurd. The production ftnittOwd you by a GUy fct-ibbl-randiii- prooeriy ii.r-rted under ihe Editorial head, as vteYi as the almufttquaHy ndic- uloss j.rod.ieion from the frenzied b-ain i>f" Bum," would not how :ver have &• w»keuedth«S lul'piiions Miey were inten¬ ded to ex. ite. ha'l it dai been for the Sei jrthy, kbemed, a: J evidently ftad.ed pT.idtsawn.of voni laft conwrtunrcant,— ho has ventured to nsfce a tok'inn ap- j may be eooiideiulv eipectetl thai the streamo! <*mi**rp.* on will rake a new direction, and em(>- t\ Itself In tliib vastand Houri-hing country. - This will at once ensure our ••aietv, and do n- wav fhe plea illiat has been offered lo* ti. i'at'itioys attempt^ ol'interested i.i lividnaU \-» pull down thevrdy harrier l./twem ittia eoiiu* try and American iiimienee, with all Usdange- rouAai.d ROXiOO* train of couscqnences. Now, Mr. Fdi or, in these tinu'5, while Sock- tic* at varions descriptions are so roichio voip'e —cenatiit\ not discreditable to ttioV xv-10 *MJU por; them, but extremely speculative la their ultimate ohjec. might no: a Society be estab¬ lished for th'j mtoufagsweui of emigrants from flu :nc'.hcr country,—Tin- Mihject a far as re¬ gard* our intert^i is interwoven with our ver\ exiitenceasanuri of the British Empire 1 fo-- v.i:!.outa well trained and organized Militia. (which ran only be gained where the popula¬ tion i? liherally compacs and numerous accord* in^to the extent ol tprrilory,) ihi^eojntr) can- no; »•• deft'nded o rainstlhe comparative gigan¬ tic power of the United States. \ lertingi; ab"lract^dly it isa nnjeri for the ph'ilo-epher, the xtaic man or the ntortfeman. ! ilciv aie nooppifcii;n preji-dices—no peculiar¬ ity of profea.-ion cr Opinion to eon^tilt—all en- Ughteued people »onldjoin hand in baud in the promotion of an Object whichnoaldopen adoo^ to the exercise ufrhe finest propensities of our nature, while it vriuld h.- conferring a mo.-: important national b^-ielit.--Many valuable snbjecuaredeteritedfroineTnigrutingbv seeing no direct loa'lopt.i totiieSfllcodcdfuturesceoe of their pufVtji ^. Others leys considerate, who cmuarli wltnont^y preconcerted plan,laud in the populous VOYtife, waste their money in a few Weeks and fuuJK are reduced to beggary on the very sliores^hcre they expected to meet th»- raeaosof tuainig themselves independent. lu»bon 1 hey aivi#u only loat to. the colony, luii become abuiii.j, and absolute evil to it— an evil thai can -».;> be remedied by the estab¬ lishment af Mieit nVietie^ for ihe purpo-e o! brioginitenii^ratif^ under suchamt em a> will b- equally elficuei^^ in inspiring the individu¬ al with ronfiriVm i«i ensuring the emplojinetu ol his labor in ike ,„Ht productive channel.-; of 5 agriculture or ihe .Sl f,,| HV{S. A t all *vent< it IsuMMl^incerely h*ped that an indelible bta.- will be given to tn ,nind-* of Br.tush bubjeets on tiii>, to the rohllJeSj most important point; and that our neigthours Mill be regarded in ^eesnywall parts of the old world? rehcliand trri*tnr>—snrindlersnodhaiikrupu- thcreatle • and di>e*oiteiiledofa11 ela-.-e>a;uitn all rMi»n- trids—taCnvytn hare dcacrtcJ celr fa:ni.»-. that they ttaj foruinew eonm cifan j—nna'i- 011 e MnpoMl of siKlh men, is no' likely to be •iistinp-'.ipi'ed fur iis freedom, iu virtue-, or its refinement. There mu-t tie hosnethiofi won- derfol in therVr:aleof this hind, whieh loult work a change hi the habit? and character of such people and $lve tathenxat once all that '*a> ere.it m Greece and Rome.— Of America md ifi repi'fsi .oaiivc-ystcm, it was va'oit-d by ihe celebrated author of 7V« Right* of Mur, ** thai what rVihenswasinminiatare, America will be in magnitude)—the one ».t< |fae won- derof the ancient world \ the other is liecoui- inj: tile nliniration,-the inodwltiifthe present!" Twenty-iive years have elapsed ilnco litis emp- i\ hoa«t wa promulgated, y el what now i* the or«--M*ut state of America ? tlerenreno decay¬ ed bonnifcli-syetaceordiue t» tin* lesniMonv «it every intelligent traveller ivhohm visited »nal eon'inent, a general rotcinnos prewiil.-. Uoorjs >ays— --------------------" Enrn norr, Tftit'cj/ct upon Columbia's fisiue brow% Thf sfioKff sntila vf young prfxurnptUin nlaus. Ilrr hhom l* poison tl, and her heart tit rajs / Ettti mw\ inltiirn nf'lljK h*t' su-lda breath Burn* tcith the taint of\ mpirrs near their tt^it'i.'* OfthcMirdid apactty that prr^ado America. (hi> excellent Poet ob?erves— ™"----------"* pf.hi' tl rrrrif gr'ispinv hand And gratify spirit UitoUgh ////«bartering !ar>d. Turn dlife to traffic ; set thr ri.-mon Gftd So % c, >" ahrand^ that virtu •',« xt If i$ iO:J, -^"lt-"?v,'""'*f- truth, mid hov1titsorr madt To •it'-nnd fa't.UUt other Icdrrs of trade .'" And of*(|,e torpid state of intellect, notwiih- titr^o\^ "U* morions iueitein**ilt9 that nature h>*S '^'.nrifnlly pnmVd over ihe land, he add? iiA^p awtiful annloicN : — ' *yf\thtit Creations varying mas* axttumts 1 Of and or tovrtu. here aspire* and bloom* : Bo' rite thr mountains. rU't the gardens %io:o Weight lakes exptf'i 4 and cony"ring rivers flow : >///**/. miad a'onv. tv-ithwt:?ho8B fUicfc'ning ran 7/Vc wortii s a triftU"* »*,/■*<, and man hat '""•tf, Minds mind atone* ft tureen stilt revo&e, Xor blooms* nor rtVef, »oe expands. norjtovctV* M Bol i: is not to the vi vitT and <jlotvir»^ desv eriprions of poetry, however natural, that we appeal for arguments to dissuade on: misguide ed countrymen «iain<t. the fa»al intlueuce of emigration irhirh bin*nes them to their ruin. They- are to be found by almost rveryarrlial ti-om the United States in ariiiciiuj; accounts triced by the pea Of those who are sutlcTiag thr* rno^equeucc;. nf their folly, or communica¬ ted i>> rile lip*of 'heir happier countrymen, who,»efcnO\i1 ■dc'ingtherr dw'lustotii confess at oner* ibeir imbeniiiy ami happiness in leiurn- iti£ to their native land. If emigration, how¬ ever, he ;ib e'i;f»l;. nece««ir\.wliy do not thoe wiioa;- driveu :» .hi^melaiicholv alternative. accept ilierneoifrn^rmeut held out *n 0U) own colonics; U m.;y. under this impression, be prvwr to<?iM>T%k\ that aUhougb his Ma'esiyV Government have not thought it expedient to- eondnue the plan of conveying emlgraiite u> Canada,ai wa-ilon- last>ear,freeof r.vpeiiae. Vet »ha^ rorommrndaiious continue ro h'^ran- fed and issued from the Slccrofaey of Stated Otfice'o :h: Hovernor of t'aiwu-u »o person who w •*: lo prori ed as settler* to thai CO'tlltrv, and kvho receive tHcre a graat otUaud propiir- tioo**d to the mean* they po»e»- of bringing ii •»to chImih' on. With re.pei't to the ffooref elates destitute of these means desirous of em> igrat:PKt£hey may atteBSl in ag^ieultural la- hor be supplied ivifb r-mployme u ; and let it not b»* rbrgoltted, thai the> may look with con¬ fidence to a t*\r and reasonable participanou in ;l;ena: 1^1 and liberal sympauiics of their fellow subjects am1 rouittrj ii»eq ■** POUT OF !vi.N(;siO.\. JRHtFED. April 96.—Schooner Perseverance, J. G. Par- ker,'Master,from Sacket^harbor; provi:- inn-, book-, board»and regitaWcs. es. ;-.-hoo...»r IJcilphin, h. .May, Master, froin Coini.ail, ba!la>t. —Schooner Eliza, J. Hartford, Master, from Newcastle; fish, —Scli. Henrietta, W. Kcat, Master, from Oswego; Hour, pork and battel. 20<—Scii. Julia, J. Whitney, >-aiter, from Oswego; flour,porkaod bitter. —Schooner Triumph, i>. R*id, Master, from saeketsharbor; pork, bolter,cheese, pot- n-".e- :r:d ');.; is, —Sell. Ap, ti. .liller, Master, from Niaga¬ ra : pas*en»erSt 30.—Sell. Commodore Perry, J. f>. Parker, M&>lcr»ftom Saeketsharbor; plank and cattle, &e. —S :•. "aro'ii \ Ru^el CoIe«, Master,from Ueucsee; po* h., bcei', fow 1-, butter, cheese, potash, lard, oats, &c. See. —Scb. Tair Play, J. Kibiin, Master, Tom Sandv Creek ; boards and shiacrles. —Sch. Alexander, Burns, Matter, from Gra- velly Poiol ; l»aila«t. —Sch. Liberty, Macuitt, Master, from San¬ dy ("reek ; nay and boards. May l".—Sch. Newhaven, Baldwin, Master. froiu Oswego; pork, dour and butter. 2.—Sch. Triumph. Real, MfKtcr, IVonr Jfeck- etsharbor; provisions, window e'ass, lea¬ ther, c<C. —Sci:. Rambler. Cherry, Master, from Saek¬ etsharbor; bailout. —An open Beat, from Oswcga ; I.V) bar- rel?of;:our, pu;k,bcef. bread,cte. —Au open Boat, from Oswego; lit) barrels of ".nn:, and 10 barrel- of-alt. 8J1LKD. April 27.—Schr. Perseverance, Parkar, for Sack' tsbatbor. $8.—Sch. Henrietta, Kent, for Qxwego. —8ch. Elie.n,Hartford,for N«*wcas.le. 29.—Sch. J uiia. \S hitney, for G»wrgo< —Sch. Triumph, K«*id,for Sacketsharlsoc SK),—Scb* Commodore Pcrr: , Parker, for Sa- cket*harbon —Sch. Caroline, Coles, for Genesee, —Sen. Mary, Fanning for Brorkvtllei May 1.—Sc!ir, A.-p, Miller, for \ork, with merchandi/.e. —Sens Newhaven, Baldwin, fo;* Ojtvego, y.—Scii. Rambl'-r, C'H'rry, for Saeketsharbor. —Sch* Triumph, Hi id, foi Snek* :,harbui. —Sch. (icuerai Brock, Peiry, for Sewcasilcj ; a'last. HvDRortp.APHir ffrftcm 9 Pro !SS>»1 \pKl ^ 2*1 - 26> " ^-v- fresh hn-.'/es > ^ e. ti. noiilo-rlv. ** >ioa.m. \. w; Sfl,530 29.40i. ) 9A.st. W, S. W B8> I p.m. Soutli J Miirnighf. c'-mdy ) « a. m. Easterly _) V doifiht. Sooth ) ^ A.Vf.moderale~ 80S 8sS0 p. ■«. ) Midnight, May I—Noon,"Westerly* Midnight .,? n a. >r. Westerly J 4:l5e. m. S. S/w. I •:!i,«S.i m 1 mo 1> 11 ; KS «o,9f>C 29,!)^ » 42 1^ 40 i'2 BO - nn 59,no5 »t9S4 4 s O'Jl 30.010 1 fi(| ■ ift(| WMb I fit) I 204 30^0« 7^ 1 r-> TMEUMOMUTfiR, 83 Fevef Fleat, 118—Blood Heat, 0S« >nmmerlieat,/o-Tempera;e.o5-F,eczin?> Education. Mju& Mrs. WOOLF-, EOS leave to inforrh thr public; ' that on the tzth inft. .hey cur- pofe to commence a Boarding and Day SCHOOL, hi the bnufe recently occin p?ed by Dr. Macaulay ; for the inirriie- tionofyouog Ladies in the diJFer^t branches of Female Education, Card* of terms arid cv«ry other re- qinfite t'i.funTiation rray be had ofi apufi*' cation f> them. Kingston, $d Afay9 7817. 4$ CLASSICAL EDUCATION. SCHOLARS maybe mftiufled at KJ the Academy, in Mr Henry /?y- her's red boofe, rear (\r. ct, in the twll >w- log branches of LiTbRaTURE, at the an itemed prices, viz \ jlo Orthography, Read- 7 £ t i fiSpa ingand Wrhing J Qnartgr, Entrlilh Grammar, Arithmetic and Book KeepingXJ 1 : io : o per qtiar. Compolition, Oratory, the Ele¬ ments of Natural and Civil Hiftory, Practical Maihemnt- icstGeography,&c, £? 2 : c i o |>r qrf Latin, Greek ant] other ChfTtcal branches i1 2 : ic : o perqur. A younQ Lady h wanted to indruft the Miffcstfa phiuStt&iagr the Academy. Kingston sJpril, 1S17. 4& Building*. TpERSONS wiUIhg to undertake to JJL tnitte the New Gatis io the Na¬ val Yard, and complete the two (mall j LiMlingswIiich will be attached to than, Government finding al! the mntcnal»rcs quiied ; plans &c. of the work can be feen at thig Yard, and fealed tefiders wiii be received on the : cth May, 1817. Nrva1 Stoiedeper's office 30th Jpril, 1817. fdttyrkz a 4^ To Let, 1 1 • ■« there bas bcei fn-ne rloiihr rcf j ipea' to tiie com^:mity. and ibfordly •> -an ha*• an? »'«« ,r)0U liWn tafctrai* pro- that itcgiail d lit;*", which \«as aptly dr-criheij j b^ a Luiidoii i-di(*iwome niomli- ogO, St which I subjoin, =!■•'-ild;\m tiilftk (jroperto i«s»»ri u. A FR IKNift T() THE COLON I i.S. u Some nv:y pc.-,ap. }„. induced to emigrate for fhe pvpo»ewf s>jo\in^nn a mo»c etilai^ed M-ahMhfhl* •>;:.2-i»,'raiio.'al iloerty, of moral ,iitrremirse,ot' n.o... Cnli{;!ilriu*d and re! nfd . ^)eie;y. l-'-t ^"'1 r-I'cct.ir indeed refleetioi bfurdly io- ran kaeffnnj ^*;r iipon their bead4ro« ?. pro- I peflin^ MARRItilf, On Tuefduy the 29th of April, by the Rev. OiUeial Stuart, Mr. Duncan 'Thompson. i*> Mifs Ann fifacJLean. DIED In Montreal ou Thurfday the Icth of April lall aged 70, the Reverent] j Jchofaphat Mountain /> D. Official i of Lower Cat.ada, and McsSof ofChlift'a Cbuxch 31 tlut City.-^ A ND pofTefTiongiv.-n the arfl day or J:\. June next, that Houfc Garden, and Stable, occupied by the fuVcriber* HENRY ii.nK£R. Kingfton, May 1 1817 4.3. THE concern heretofore carried on by the iubferibers, und« r tl.e fi:ta of King.-bnry & Sleeper, is rim day dif- fdv^J by mutual ionfent ; -A\ thofe in* debtee to faid firm are requeued to call and fettle them, as their Noto, accounts and Cloth is left with Mr. David {fe. cord ; the Notes and accounts for eolith* tion. Daniel Eingfburv, Jona. E. Sleeper. Napanee Mflls, April 26, 1817. 4,840 C1AME into the enclofureofthc fubl f fcriber, on or about the 24111 r.U. a Cow, marked as follows, viz ; Light red colour, with a line back, apparcntlr fbtnc ati.vanced in years. TL^ fa»d c»iw ha« had a calf finctf ihe camr to the pre- mifes of the fubferiber. Tl'.e owner i« requeiled to prove property, pay charges and the printer for inferring the feme—* and take her a\v<iy\ MATHEW BURNET. EingHon, May 2. 1S17. 483w f X7HEREA8 Hannah* iny wi'eh^si V v left my bvd and b-ard, uiid re- fnfesto live with me ; this is therefore to forbid ali perions from haibouug oc ti tilling htv 011 tny account, as 1 will n »t pay any debts of her contracting after ihis date* FRANCIS TEEPLB. Looghhoroufth, M .y 1, 1817. 4R ! •y'1.-^ !vi £ hito it*-- i. clofirre cf the C b- \_J fcrlber futne twiie finee, -« Cvw*, I'he mviicr h rcq icfti ■' ■ j fftx 'r*o Jfrm ■>. cay cha^g1-? and take licrawray • Lh.Kirass Graham. Klngflon9 Ma/ 3, : S174. 4$-it