Kingston Gazette, April 19, 1817, p. 4

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A Notice. LL pcrfon- indebted to the fubfcn her art requeued to make tnirm tip** avemnt AH kinds of produce will be taken ir. payment, at the Warket prices. f'e fubferiber has • nken intopartner- fhio his brother, /fl'an R- A/dcOom-ll. Thr hufincf5 in future will be earned on Under tbr firm ^f ALEX. MACDQNELL*; Co. In addition to their former ftock, they are row receiving a ^fnftisl afT->vtmtnt or Earthen & Gtm 8. MONTREAL Air Furnace. JOSEPH LOX'Glf& Co. BEG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic, that they have commenced the bufincfa of Founders, On their property, foot "f the Quebec Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Ship Yaid of flfreifrs. Hart Lo/m & Co. where thev will furnilh M\\) Callings of nil descriptions, agreeable to fuch orders a^ they may receive,— ftlfn. Elar kfmith's work of every kind executed with neat- nefs and difpalch. Montreal, Nov. II, 1816. N. B- Cafhtfiven for old Metal, dehV ered at t'»e Works—fay at the rate of £$ per ton, and for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 6d ocr lb. 3* Ti LIST received ai.J for fale at this Of- p" fid , prit... ,y*gf Forms on his Do mestic Cirairr.-it2?hr^ by Lord Byron.— With lhefidj.<|/ iht Lcgim of Honour, and other Podrjis - to which is prefixed. The Life eftk Noble Author. w Nov 28. 26 Sheriff's Sale. New Goods. THE Subfcribers, having ireeived by l|,e late anivals offer for fale on the lowed terms for cafli at their Stores in Kingllon, either wMefide ortytail ^ Cloths. • • • t bfi <V &,» j KHKRIFF'H SAMS. ,___* .____, ,. , .________t_____— I cias\ is^Kfl out of rbe C ourt oj king -' r ± a • ? i !: the -uit of Jftme* «• rbi**%oJ */ ICfft A**ri£>e&t I fa, fawn of Kington, &t}iike,againM 500 Qoi inis .!ry Ood frfc *• lw*luul t/,|Hira^f-nf A«* Au>" 10 Msvrels Ling, 20 Do. Bay OWleur Salmon, 20 Kc$s Loch fine Herring', j 10 Fi'V:n»E Butter ALSO+—& few fettobeft English Plated invnesses, Sa<! ties and Bribes, ? ariing-ale^ Pad.*, Vdieses, Kw CU>atking, and ?0 D'>z. Fine FHoos. The-»bove a-ticles will he fold cheap! fbr ^afh 01 produce. Al.FXr, VI VCDONELI. & Co. Kingston. Zqtb Jan. 1S17. 34 yrf P^RXofz Lot near the Mar- ^^3'i k l P'acc, with a ho if*- on it For particulars apply 10 the Printer. Kingston> Jan 25. 1817 ?+ Midland Oi.-rict.) If^yY virtue of a To Wit: ( Jlli tint of K-V. EGUTtONi mm d out oj tth Mqjes- tjfs Court oj Kittg'3 lleuch, holdingCt- vil PI&U8 in 'stidfor the Midland Dis¬ trict ajbrcstttd, at the suit of RICF1- A fil) RQUlSOtfi € the T<mn of Kingston) in the said District, Gentle- mun^ against the I j(rids and Tenements at JONAS f AN ALSTISE, of the Tncnshhi nf finhawmL fl>id District aforesaid, fffw Keeper, directed lo the Sh er iff o 11 h e s a \ I Midi an d D 1st 1 id, / have seized mid taken in Execution-, as hetomtiitg to the said JOS AS I'AN iLSTiW:, a,>art oftheS.attlt Ens- ierly earner of{'tot number S cente^n^ in the first Cowwion ofthi Ibumship of i Richmond; rchich piece Gf Land is I hutt.'d ti'trf fJWruled) or may be other- Kcrfty meres, Flannels, Piomoazetts, I$pmba7ene8, Men Sc Women'6 Hoficry, Irifh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattins, Luteftrings, Blue and white di¬ agonal Saifnets, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Veils Silk Shawls Si!k and Leather Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Web*, With a variety of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Mulcovado and ley, of the township of Khi£wten5 1*0* •izcise ktoun, tsfdhics ; that istosayy ■ria-ti. to mo directed; I hnve nefa&A \ commencing'r9 front ofthe said conces- ncd takMiin excc«fror!.#i" Mon^ii;* to t\\e said Amos At^ley, (he north] bttlj ofL-i ip:mhrr 15, ;:\ tfap soC*«lidj cortce^si u ofih' i.i\vii<ld{) ^f Si'iir-i i «5 ron. coo*aii'!:i^ by a«:)>'.'asn**m^iit mi€ bundred ;:.•?•-- b*- »!»•• tain* row*.*: \o>< : t'*-jj>t:»rr H'iffi ji \QS£ h* ii e fUui fraMT'd bnrn r!uM.,->i, rrui d. I fb; h '--In strve «to!i-'- , tha' 'ImmiI'ov* -.<• n- fraiicd i*'*' of laud, with fh-' hull I i"iij-vj •!-.(! app :vf»':mnrtr-* fiieretuito i> ' w c- :■••■', will !;:• s.>i'^ ?*»d rttfjtidz d Mi^ :»!t*hosi bidder, nf :ny "-. fii '■■» o*u ol Kin^taiuAtiTivwlay Hmflard d«y of .M;mt!i :i' vt at Hi" hf«U' f t-«l "'- rfon* Qt theSvUth Easterly annle of said Lot sNo- Seventeen, thence North Sixteen dor <es. lYest Fourteen chains ■fnl Viftjj !i ntcs ; I hen South Seventy- unir degrees, IVettt fvto ehahis ; then Si.uth Sixtem (Lgrccs, East Fifteen chain 1 Ft tn >'-iks. more or less, to (hv :ca<'cr%s s.Je . thrn Ea\terl$s<dtngthe ::n.(c ndihi t thcplico of beginning ; rtrnUiiniag Three Acres of Land, be the same at"- "r less, \ii,h a dxwtting and oat *!*>• s ({r'rcoa er^ef-d. Xtfss I do hereby give XOTtoE. that the nfoi ■'<•'■' ///---rv of Land, to- gcthar Kith .'■v hv/ldingx thereon crec- Cogniac D.mdy, Holland Gin, Btfi Po-t, spa*iiuiv Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pei;perment, Shrub, *■ Molaffei, Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prun-9, Raiiins, Aim »nd8, Barley, Pepper, Allfprcc, and Indigo. Walter McCumffe& Co. Kingllon, 19th July, 1816 3 t v6 NEW COOBS. THIS day rec ived 3t the «S(0re of S. Barttet, 100 Cafes wrought and cut Nails <>r all iizes. Window (51afs,Irnn, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, CKOCKEliTis G LASS M AR& in Crates and Hoglhead^ White IVi.-.t, Mustard i:. Kcffs. Hyfon Skin Tea, C< flee, Chocalate, Nvufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and A large addition to his Stock of Dry Goods; Awd has on the way up from Mont rat, A GREAT VARIETY OF -f~T\ ']T\Q Of a;most every Defeription, Which will he f"ld very cheap by whole* fale only. February 1, I S l 7. 3Jtf / Ifirk itttfa fta.-i.rr m- .1 »a1rhti.Mr. \u-j :-;Hl be ,< id and atjmtgeii to th A Gentleman wi(he9 to procure a \. Nurfe. to attend a fick Lady An elderly woman would be preferred; to whom liberal wages will be given. Apply to the Printer. Kitigilon, icih Jan. 1817. 32 For Sal ^ -1 New Goods. Tft/ST received, and for fale by the l3 fubfcrlber, ifci k T^HE^'eit half floi number nineteen * :n the feeond eoneefH ^n of^-rrown- Ihi;> of K\ ffftoo, Applvto the Printer Kings'on 'jtdv ro »ft» K $x v^ ^faf-Itf c&roc C^f.ri as 0 witw>$* n- ^«s| Jfthra iwlum* w.d cfcvlarH jutoM Oath to livclv** Juror-, lii. 1 ii •Md n »t cc'! fb^ 1!«.use & bani ahd is- (\ acre^iiftliai bf, a^r«e«bic to ii" | ori^ina' survey ; ivhtfr^fbfc tivni f- U-C and bar1 and \\ty litres uf laud i —" the lawful right, '!./ labour rtnd pr^p- 1 it) of AtflOiAustW. antl win br 1 - covered as soon as Justice car$ tnk< i' ■■:<:f.»r'.», th^SPOl' TO for* klftll ,,v N sen. Hoi.: ir.iii-.;-)" ;::»> vc.-i- "! (iu«l>. .1, *r * HOllCE. ALL perfbo* h-wing any demands a^ainfl the Elia'e of the bite jT'/W ' I rtf am r M\\ 01 Marys- burgh, decraf.d, are her.-by requeihd, to pnaduc« theii claim duly suthentiVa jktono or cluy for i.iii L, or i!. ail} \vu\- te^t—alfiiaU pcrf«ns indehied • t}le{ o*»r ifjr-riji^ fhe foose, bar;: or n«v! • faid EHate are hereby requellci 10 ii-w;. rtlflrd^ fouccs, 'MU-h-vj ■-* end bailif- in:mediate payment 10 SIMEON-WASnWTRN. ^?rr; J fdevere 5 ** * '/'/-i- *■"'•*' (bpj r/r'/,.:*- OJJ ii ' '•" de VW "< l1 / /F/iftff •/ / ./.'/ .-.- /:' "';-'" •:/ M«rt$ ..:>% ■*. ,.f&Qf 1 •»•/.'! ' h!OtMt*rtttfe6i are he c- ]■•// eJ* ■•■;•/•■-':■ f> -'•'■ ,""" ffhrr.*** • |/!--^. iV/ i* ;< ;.v M+riffi nfhh Ihtm . //////.• Filffii:* $ fttwt Tonn^ /-fxw- ons io the sal "'■••<!/: :> ,)iih Shoiiti". Kingston, ?AK'h Ma h, l£]7. 43 confiftLmeiit, ihey will be fold by the >!cee O'tly, and very low for Cafli. S4MVSL MERRILL. Kingston^ February 8, 1817. 36// I NEW AUOTDN ROOM, Hnll^well, 1 2th Nov. 1816. 3 ■ *6 j Received July 13, 1^02 »»f A mo?, ^r-fl y, :he tit!c. Deed 3 id p -.T .Ti n of j ni-.e thoufaod aeres of land — Wg »he i fubf 'iher do jsr'Jinlfr and ityce :o pay! i..p, «» said MIN*, loin th« s.-.o,,! rjpnjE Pibfcrfhtrrfrtg We toinform .-..,=•-,..•„„. U-toirmW nf king- I J thr:r frfc„t,s J |fc(. pob]ic fn t!)», now the viil;i; o' jVf?ilinpt'in« A.uoji a::.;i.!;v. Rf n«-tl)lr of tae pi.di; •r;v,u* in ivu'iJi -.1"-vlaud, rif! tni':mi^ Mini »v<r hav : .... • • :.<' '?!' OUT ll w( V H • 'lllji'l'/ s. iv? «!\oi;li! I to 4*m Aty, twenty "">■' ^ per_i,,,, n..n(!:u (rt r.l:,:...,.. | .0 (li^J / acre for fuel* part and furh qu^if or (l.,.(i;.I. ,.<„„,.. ., ..... .,.., ,...,„, ,.s ,.i;.HJ. li.e above W, ^ wr l.avc m poSefficin, j h |t!,Vl. ,,..,., .,,. ,...,.,..„ ,..„,„,,,.;,„,, BnH -nay wifli to mm as o ,r property,! ,;,-„., nii..on„,,., .mr.ii.i wrmafci- the <nnney to be «aia in ten vci;- f,-.»m •: T :-.:|>r,l ! >;•; iv. u-,. |o iiitwr v. In- ar the fr-.l day of Janunnr. .Xo3; ^ j auil .,;„,: ,u 4rmM it . llld ,„,,,...f,,,., ii.ic"«'*t u'lMi paid, and the nibien'tcrs (h'H mnafnreoff fuch q«wntt!y as they uiih to purchafe out of each lot that J I f' n f> NOTICE. (A PER!? V N to t>e e(iabli/h-J *.o run -*TiL between KrniHfoil and PmiuI Frc- we no j»j'(K.-nI to (!r» fnmfamenfal Inws ofr'i. 1 ; t\ r»fiv(|j hwi> pry Etcai- v «. ^ , r , . H^ff* U '-' o.-ou-cb-rl i:. l!r oiijnii1 thcymayb:ve.n:>u^ffi.n,and^ ftm»«ow« by abidi quantity they (ball be* confidereu to payjj Mc have ^diiecd a br» Ji«g wild.-nu- - wewft,Md nomnre. toa p0r>ol5«5Provh.ce. " y/x Wtfnefs our hands at Corlzi-ri;/>ty I .4^ \ .u0> V Vhl PY /« the county nf Delaware, and state of New-Tori* July 1?, rSoj. Signed George $ipfe% Jlhraham Houginei\agt Samuel fFbttnef* Silas Grecnfl tte% John Hougbtelingi jama Toungt John Ransicr9 'jest S/rad.r. ji'lam Van Volkinhurgh% •* FJl-nna Homes* gredrrick KrCJfiy George Krefft, JykjW Grimmon% %x derick PAPER HA VGtNm. THE fubferiber has lately received a fatal] afiprtitu-ut ->f P\PEl< HANGINGS, Fur fale on r«fonable terms ifapKlitd f»r f on. 4LS0, A few Boxe« Mould and Dipped And a new fupply of the li:;cd p jnts v\*i,l be tlie Street next to Mr. Hugh C Thornton's f.n t.hta (ide, and North of Sir Rnhefl Hall's o;j the other file. The era ft re- j quired wili be a la^gr flat hott'med boar to carry horfe* and Carriages, and rwo fuialler our* fur fo ^t pafleng-ers Tl.ofr perfoofi tiff' of'-'l t■■ undertake it, wi1' jMlvein t'.-ndtfrstd Mr. Wi'liam S(oiigfa 1 ton. Ky the twinn- th of next month. In :r 1 .. tende'*they muH fpeeify the price |«]*cj ivfll givff.-.r the Per y, and the fire jthej wileanyfor. The leafe wi'll be for three ye.irs. THOMAS \fAHKLAND,J.Fi PETRa SMITH. .1 P. / D rv Goods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. _ March, iS 1 7. 43 Jua received and for fale~al thin Ollice, ! 1 Writing Poft N'o. zt 9 ditto ditto uncut Kingston, March 2(j, 1817. ^^Jfttf ^ Mid/andDistn&lrWfBE Court of to <ivit : J Ji General Quar¬ ter Seffion of the raaceforihts Diitnrit, wil be holdcn at th^ Court Houfe in the town of Ktngflou, on Tuefdaj the twen- ty-ltcond day CtfJlPRfLy at the hour of Tea o*i lock in the forcnr> n : Tliere- fire, all Jufu'ees of the Peace, Coroners* G'nfhbles, and all Peace Officers- as well ae th^fe that have any bufincft to tran*.idl at faid Cou»t,arc hereby requi¬ red to take notice, and give their atten¬ dance aCCOiditnrly. JOHN M'LRAN. Sheriff Sheriff Office> /Ipri! 4, i8i 7, 44 ,1 put geneiai, t!iu iluy i..t d to carry on thcGOWMIS lONaiid AUG riONEKRi£G buf.nefs, tn that etc^ai-t new Pbutc built by J Aim Utiley, m Ston S*re# Th »ie w!i , wilh t> employ them may j ■-• :*»: n'J on having ttair Uafinefs d^ne io| ihefr fati'Ccl'on arcLroay reft affoied ihat nothing wil] bt lee'ectcd that may I contrilmtr to their Int:rcft, fOffN DJRLEr, 1 . „. JQHNTmR$ERt - -**«*»■ N B- fheir rev'1'!" A uctioi days "ill be ^n VI on Jay 5, W-^hicHJays Friday*, and Satordayfi—evtuing fale on thr fame. Dr,y fjdea commence at 11 o'clock a.m. Evcniup do d.» 6 o'clock i».m. Kmgft n, March 19. 1817. Ajtf ■ . • J^^^ fnhfrribers h'.^ leave 'o inform [ JL their friends atul the pub ic that ! th^v h/ve ccmuiencoi iht bufinefs of Grocers Sf Spirit Dealers, At their new Buck Store in th/* main !treetfadj infne Mi. Henry Caffidy's ; where they will be ^mftai'tly fupplied with every article in (Jiwr line of the very j hefl quality, and h \p$$ ftotn the modera- 1 tii "i of toeir prices an^d theii attention to Jbufi'efs, ta merit a fluare of public fa¬ vour. BEf FOUR: Sc FERGUSON. Kfegston* Feb 22, !$J7- $ft For £kde, ON reafonable t»<.'rms, a remarkable h indfome Bay Gelding, Vbout 5 years old next GraL,^goes well fn Harnefo, U- vety gentle, .md known t< be one oflffce belt bred florles in the neighbourhood^- Enquire at this Office, or at the Sto^e of Mr. Walter itJcCuoiffc. Kiogfton, April 4,. 1^17- 44t ~ AQUANinTY"oP SEED iCORN For Sale at tf.his O/Hce. 43 A Rags 1 Ra/p I Casll and the lii.qhe.^t price paid for CLEAN COTJ'ON AND LINEN lUils AT THTS OFFICE. fFanted, COOPER. Liberal wages will be given for a good workman by JJMES ROIUSON. Kingston, Feb. Z2 1817 tfif TO LET, A TWO Story Houfe, in Stqart Viile. juft outfideof the Town, on he road leading to the Bay .>f Qin'nte. Phete is a Baker's Oven in the tower part of it, and 9ti excellent Kiichen. For fi:-ther particular* app'y to the fubferi¬ ber. JOsiLPH CLEMENT. Khiystotu March 11,1817 41 Kl-.iUU .'SON'S Improved Table of the value of Grains ot G"ld Coin, over or under weight, For Sale at this Office. Blank Deeds and - Memorials, For fale at this Office. And the highest price paid for B*4 MIL W J, RY AND HOPS, At the old brewery of Ja>. Kchir.son. GUtcspic 5f Entity. Kingston, 26*th December, 1S16. 3* For Sale, VALUABLE Faro., wMi bufld- * ings aUo large Improvementstliew- , favonhly fit....-.t *cl whhin 2? nw'O of King ton' Pcrfons drfiro"3 <'f ¥** ebnfinff to in^m're of tlie riiftcr* A kin?ston July 'O. i^tc j ,6 HIOHISAIjSs FOR PRlfTIKO, H\ SI HSCltK'TlON', Br Wbbsthps lS' Smssi.ns, ALBANY, N. V. WITH A WAP OFTHE PBOVlS(i Ai>da Tnpo^raphical aprf Hlstorfcal l)-^^.- tton of :h*- BaUle^ fh»wjhl rfuri. 9 •[., ia;c Mar \viih;.i and n-\nr i'*. Lim-fc. CONDITIONS: 1. Thi Work Mill b<» corn;^ivd iu an Octavo roliune. cfabout300 paaea printed on a rood fiypo 8twt Ii -• imp«t. 2. The price to Mtl> criber> will ]>ft One Dollar aod >.-venM-Kivf Cen(a in boards, or Two DeU«r»8rifl KifiyConts iirr\*\ bouiul andletter-d. TheBookf1 will be delivered in Kingston at (ho Albany price of Two Dollars and I if! ty Cent?, with the addition of thu imv post duty, only. 3. To those who Mibscribe for Ten Copies, or proeura To.i ^::brribpr, an Meveiifh Crpy Will bi3 gi^l|'i,rrKfis on <hliverv and payment of tlie Copies sub-rnbfd for. $*TSubscript'ions for the above IVork ■cill be received at this Office. J Land for Sale. LOT No. 38. in the third Conces¬ sion of the townfhip of PittJburg. For particulars apply to the fubferiber, at his houfe or Store, in thi tiiwn, JAMES RICHARDSON, Sen. Kingfton, March 20, 1817. 42w6 _— t ^ J AS. FRD. ANDERSON, JP*MI*rWTMM9 From His Majesty's Dock- Yard Portsmouth, INFORMS the public, that he is car- ryingon the bufinefs of PjlINT- Jh'G, in all its branches, moft particular¬ ly that of Figure Painting. It will be done with the utmoft nicety and expedition. N. B. /!n apprentice wanted. Kingfton, March 15, 1817. ^.uf. A small quantity of ONION SEED For fale at the Drujjjrift Store of F. CARLISLE Alston, Murch 12, 1817. 4«f Lieu'cnant Governor's Qfflrf, Tori, io.'/j February^ 18 r 7. THIS is tu give notice that Tender* will be received at thw Officr frvjoi foeh perfon orperfuruas may be defirooi of Contracting to render th* wh^V, or any part of the Water Communjc:ti<>n' between La dime and Kingston, hy t\d com fe of the River Rideau, navigable f>r Boats drawing two fee; water and ten feet width—alfo, for boats drawing three feet water and twelve feet in width. The Tendeis are to fpecify the num. ber of Locfes and the place* at which it is propofed t.» hnild them : alfo the nnip- ber of Flood Gate** in each Lock—nnd the per'/^d? for completing the work by the Irifh Creek. Tenders will alfo be receiuec! fe* open¬ ing' the Communication in the diredioo of the Rideau Lake, and the water! communicating from rh'ocr to mud Lake, and from thence to Kingfton. Tenders, (fating ihe fectinties lot per¬ forming the contract will be received till the 30th of June next inclulive, and fur¬ ther particulars may be known by ap¬ plying to the Surveyor Gen. Offic.-.t Y»»rk—The Office of the Deputy Quar¬ ter Mailer General at Quebec—or the A Aidant Quarter "Mailer General at Kingfton. 20t/> February 1817. 41 FOR SALE. Apply to the fubferiber. , RICHARD SMTH. April 1. 41 •■

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