A^'Vm^n called here from Ciudnnati, who had been up a* «i> as tlu B g-Sandy, and . purclwfed 10,000 bufhels at 33 certs- It is now worth 50 cents at Cincinnati—Some are aGung 100 cents abu&el for wheat, ReeFis from 3 to 4 cwt Pork ^ 1-2 Turkeys 17 cents each, Mutton 3 to 4 cents." It isda-cK that in the courfe of r\nr year llnce thcwai, more] than 1 2.000 new fettlers, aitnoft j exciufivcly from 5 he eaftern flares, have eftabliihed them- leaves within the limits of the ft ate of New-Yi.rk, weft of the Ge-u fee river. MISCELLANEOUS. 3il«. Mn,rs. The infertion in vour coining of I he I fo'l swing cxtraft from a Britifh News* paper will y;r;.iify one of your conuant reader*] who trufts that I !eafl a ftatement clear of intentional utt-t truths was t > be rxoeftrd ; tl is was incumbent on them for every icafon ; the weight winch their fouatieus naturally gave them %vith the Court of Seffioua oujht n.>r to he abufed and if they ev.-n ryececdcH in their pbjt.fi under nu'f flntc- nients, it could but n velvethe rVcademy (the imcrcfl of which was in this iiiitance I Iptciady committed to their care) into further litigations, which, on fhe mii- llaicmcnts being co»rc<lld, must have been utfucrefiful, to the material injury of its clui after and it- fund:;. The Ke&or. I bcicve, wants no favour, and has no ob- jcCti n to the irii] fjch bcinj* brought for¬ ward in t\>e'v cafe : it »sf a* has been fan!, w neccnarv to die Academy, a-* well as j nil ru hi'T'felf* that his character (hould have the place it ought to have, and the Gen licmen 1 have mentioned will, it is pre fumed, ftd the felvcs ca^ed on to fur nifh lome txplaiuuijn of the following ftatements They fry to the Court of Settlor). II But if any proof were wanting to ettab 'lib the equivocation and faifchood of the ' fufpendet's fiatcment. a .d cot plaints, it fioil again fey, ** In the firft place, /'/ is impojftble for this fnfper.dcr to a'ledte, and ("at Irfs to prove, that any of the Di¬ rectors who *oted again ft him on the day of liu trial wnx actualed by the lead pre. vi-.ub malice toward- him, as an Individ- uul. Amidl) all the extravagant allega¬ tion of the lufpevder, he has never alle- gvd thi\, arid if he had- it would be in- wift Gentlemen who acted with fo mtfeb temper, and \u much moderation,** it** " th«e queftiAP was ridiculous in the way in which it cam* before the Court, tho' monstrously firious to the country " If fuch woe the opinions of the J«d- that A'fr. Adam is an able Umh- i- moll amply fbpplied by his allegation 111 this Bill of Suf^e'.ii' fi t.'id interdict. In t«»i* oaner the c ut.plainer reneats th addreiTed by him, in October 1812, to Provofl Grant, aa Chairman of the Di- reflois—if Mr. Adam trave tliis quota tion without comment, ii wan a proof of his moderation, and (h'mld have pievent- rd inch an afictlion in the face of ft.ch a quotation. w Being informed by Mr. deed. Much fortbermatter, introduced into the pleading*, regarding Mr. Cla'k's- .ttifliOJl to Abe;deen, and vau'ous other points is ftated in a way fo entitely dif- fert\: from the f;.il, that as it is of infi¬ nite importance to our vet ill-establiflicd Clark that heir about to quit hi* duly as j: and iil-managrd public IiifUtntion*, that ailillant in tin- La.in Ciafs of the [over- | the Tiustces do not lend thcmfelves to f" 1 j vtry l^a!emeut which ha<! been refitted at I the annual tiieeting of M>y t»»L^» as to performance arc vitally impo profpeiity of the con ttry. Kingston, April i, 1817 puvung the belt fac < n 'hi:, and »thei \ mcttcmas has ::c:\; conclufively pmvedl If WW [j 8.1 ti ffi endeavor to lixyluin awnv fttb hu Tothe EJUoreftbe tnvcrrtfs Journal !:•::.-•..•., C0 £,m k, tor \Usy Cats tb«t B«—Too have done juthce to the «. Mr. Mm va, fatinahinform,J th.it faHftcr ofaw-rthy anu much tt.jured ijr th|iCh (ikman RBJiTsvi) to /,»• fe mai*, ani to a femmary whicb, tWgh 9mmhj:hni iffire thg [yltlStorii „ tor; to make public the proceedings ofl j the Academy, and no longer to tolerate the grofli <ihufes which bed exilic !» has even amidfl M the cavi'ltiigs and oppofi t:on to fuch au innovation] very greatly iocreafed the Undents beyond the num- b r when he took charge, and f-r uia"y | years preo-di i£, who ccn» doubt, th.it uik't Ise'tcr mahagcment, the number' wnv.ld rtill have h<"en much greatei i The dceiii in of the Court of SefSnn* haadone juftice lo Mr Adam; but as, in ihe coilrfe of the linVation. f>me (late- rr.""t> I'-m\' lvi»n ^«!.-!^r i'- r.t»« i.-!i..l'.. nub He fitnatinns and opp'irtUT*ittes or in formation w;I! naturally attach no inccn fide?able weight to them, a^ theie ftat mr ts hare been printed and circulate* r ind may ftil! be circulated ; and (iixed is Mr. Adam now U) a-* !t is elFeutial to the A cade tv that Glence fhoulrj jyive n > app.arancc ofarqt.iefcence or fa net ion to any ofthwn which are of importance, I (hail trouble you with a few remarks on ilicm. I believe, SI:*, no candid man will now deny rhat for fume years the intcreftand Advantage of the Academy has not been te- as hhtt, hi-been deeply wounded ; "for, ai-|i vurfi .(v/J.,/,., "f(. fom ty comprint to &y the leterrttniasiafl of fc.r.c of th- EHrec- [I ;ii;;(1;.iy ;r. ^lird, tint \f h- did notaf^l- Mr /varii \'/-t^ nor amhurii-'d fo to Jay l.ivco-i.plaiut—the faS i; fuiih^r, and fully provrel, in pa^p? jd c*f Notes to '• Q\J rv:;ti.:n on objedu intCrettilTg to the Highhitffe" B'»t rhefe Gentleman pti mucu fu ther in their aufvvers to the Eiil o\ Sufnen- ii in ; alluding to ihcab -ve,' they !l .re. thai ** in pr.rticnlar the Directors, wee ei.titled t> entertain the utmoll df'lmfl of every ftatemeot, in o« int « f faa, bv Lhi- complainer. aftn the eere^iotis rwf reprifi vtation in which be was tlcterltd% &■■■/ '. 0Ai 1 >,jthi\L rtfyitf'ittU UUveivrs* 'it he annual m< eting of rVl* y 1 $ I 4, Hie Refj oudent- d'» mbiv.it w.ih ct-nfidence, 'ht this fabrication alone would have iiKibh r*:i}'ld *h'Z UirecV. rs in difmiliiiicr •he complaincr—but they Forbore/* W y merciful indeed i Let ih i»w fee on vhofe fide the ufabrication** lays. The nefs Academy, a.id proceed 10 the Col¬ lege of Aberdeen not to finifh his atrcn- dance on the ch.lTs there, (for that, he lays is already < ver) but fo act as guar¬ dian to Provoft Gilzcan's fon, I conceive it my duty reluecifuily to ftate to you and the other Directors, that, I coniioer \ bis doing fu v* (- hone my ar>probation, and i without toni'u't-ing iii<: L»i-ectors, ro be' a diieit vi<i|at' 11 of ihe niii of the regu¬ lations for the G vermneu! >i the Acad¬ emy, and that ^ permitted, it wlii be a very tnaterldl injury to the l.au'n Clafa.. I'o Ht** jwtt'ce * *•-•* fki's, it appears to ; n.ethrit :l.c cScrtioni ..fa well-qualiftcdj iffiilaut are as mdifix-i.faW v necrffiiry as th"fc of Mr. C BwpbetL If it U intended that *'» CJhrt »ia" ptrtu bis fitiiH^'o »5 »iorwiihi\-iiidii'-r his afafence during win-! ter, I cone, iv ?t Ms incumfee t on Lin j Jtnrl upon Mr '»'-7enn, w!im wdvifed Mm ; rothfiiep, to procure an afiifiaat in hi*-! place tollie f:'•"^-l'i'ii of ;he Rcdtorj and Dire£Ws ur" Mc Aradtw—c*r if voluntary mifreprefeutacions, and by in- duipiug in litigations founded on them, destroy ihe brefent limited funds, iudif- penfable to theii fupport, 1 (hall probably j take the liberty of treating tbefe, and I lome •uhcr n atterfi diuinvllly, and more id detail. Aristides. . w faeu-d U' b Lcifefe m%\ in esrpeds* J j from .l!.e s<cp of ihe d. cr : \L- ; ti. n that the Conn woidd bow to the'.. | {was sogrrat, that no pi»r^on omM k. •/•<--« ..i — ...1—xi.,a ...m. r.> .v....:. i !a word, if-we except l;ia ncithi •' .....Hv..«.....v.............------------ --— .. leagae, who stood behind him j,/^.' " th>e quefttAp was fidieufous in the way J1 hie reverence of his superior \\m^\\' in which it eam« before the Court, tho' j] faculties. A board or plan!;. nh(| !f ' ' * ■ - - '- 'A-------'— M ' '»rm chair, \\ere Ihen prndutcdbyj^ Hunt ; and upon the choir Lord:Ceck raiif was placed. His Uudshi,, Wy in (bin maimer eonrcyed on Jhe ,i10ll|' d?rs of It is admirers across i»ai3. j aid to the door of Wtvtmiustrr lia||e where he was set clown, amid thr2 cheers and entered with his bundles of parchment. Hunt. ul;0 had preted.J Lr>id Cochrane, clearing the way, m not, Bufiidden, into the chair, arid ttai conveyed ft) the place from whence hoy had set out. Here he made an¬ other speech to tho chairmen who car- j lied him, and then entered the home The mob then left him taking the ^ recfion of the Fark-** Several persons h.id bren arrestoj and examined, ou su$jnr*rin of boin* 1 c-nccrned in the aaault npoa. ti« I'riiu-c Regent, and one of them hail been committed for trial, c:i chargeof high ticafion.---------- 4?1000 Reward has been ^ff^rcd for the 1 (renderore gWicfers, whoattacid the Irince U^^nt\s carriage, on his return from Pailiamcut nt the opeidog of theSjs icu. FOREIGN. 4 ■ f NKW-YOUK, April 5. Late and highly importantfi'&m Mvig* land. ?:\ the arrival, this morning, of the, liiitf ti'raji^kr, captain Lovctt, in bi,\ J,.vv ),..(, jij.vio de Grace, and 43 fr«pi Tortey, Pjiglawd, the VMHors of ih l cmun ic.:i' Advi^itirYM-hiic n-cei- V '\ a !•!- n. i.-Mi.lon papers (0 ihe ov- -nrnfi ofibe 7::. February inclusive— 1 !-2<lnyh liiii.T ti.uii ware before receiv¬ ed. \ Thf coftfestf ;>f lln""»c papers are oi » • 10 rr'.i-tj-'1- the «it!-a!»'""' lh2t a! ••"•wxliiiai.viiJltiest. Oa tl«> «2Ktl» of n't!- ».iah '? V ' "'""^ '•" n':,'v "•fct ""t—!' "" 'it;"'i,"i [h> a s!»*e«;11 fro,n '■'"■• 'bran*. .m cf.ifu-.Vi. ';'- UtittC!afsww ifT — }«!»•• po;;j!ii.-« : and wi Ms return was r •,. '•, - &c PMm.it GratU 11**«*^k. d »vitli !.(cmes by a mob—(he iM.nrny. who attended (he Rc^eiM in ni<" r-i'i- earrSugd received a w-ur.d ■u:-I hi UoVvll ffluhoe5r» pli\idt'Uliil<!v •c;;p.d through the iitd-rfcivnee ot !he nolifaiy. The particulars of thi nHair an thus ghvit la a Loudon pn- * *- On the rHurn of th** Prince Ilc- o ilway^rhecvclufiveobjrftof thofc whom 1! .,,j the dependence andfubfaviency offomc ofthcir colleagues and the apathy of Others, had fuff< red to afTu nc the txclu- fjvc man^g'-ment h is renv;r!cab!e that tf.7'the law of the country, and all the MagidratCl of the town (three of whom ar-j ulfo lawyers) have joi ied in t!re hos¬ tility and in the vote of diCnifial of the Red >r The Judges of the Court of Scffi .us who decided are equally vv.ani inpus in deducing from ail the evidence of the cafe that M Mr. Adam h an able teacher, and a moil refpcfiible man;" end in condemning the conduct uled to- waid1* him ; not in doubtful and lukc- vrarm term", but in terms almofi as llroug as ibofe in which they had condemned the Reilof ; not for erronious jud^aient but 'for conducl ivhich had no color or fembhncs injustice " and for breach of the common Lvzu of Scotland*— 1 he Lord* ilate that the ,4 Dircft-irs. for fomething ivhich they do not explain* took the or poktunity of dilmiflino; the RcAor without accufallen and without trial — 11 cannot be found frorr the statements what he had done amifs—The c-ife 1? ridiculous in th*- way it comes before the Court,—but */ if monstrously firious to toe country.*'— The narrow cfcape which we have there- fire had from a cafe of exceffive op >rcf- (ion in dellroytng the character and pruf pedts in life of a worthy man hecaufi he had honcft'y- performed his duiy ; arid fiom a decifion (fancii"i*.ed by all our law) which mud have ; roved ruinous to the \ ducation of our youth ;—both which had actually tahen place ; and their confe epirnces being onls averted riy referrence to the Ctiurt of Arflj'ins, make it ut fur ther importance that it be not paffrd ovtr * tlircc Diicclor-, alluded ro art, Pr-.v.i! Grziitj Mr. [agitt9 of KlMgHmiUsi ami 3;,ilie A. M'Kcnzfe—half t>f luvemefs and part of Rofaf])ire, were r.rcf«-'»t at thai very full .i.erung, but no pctf-n, [i is believed, has b f*»rc now heard of run oath taken by a D-pcl »r theie—no fuch thekair'numr ;'l,,ot ftnP M.-Clark, he irave no ivpiy n^ to k ^V^ktetf the abive letter. u#i:! Mr. Ct&rl hadttButdfy 7. farted; wlie1 ■ &*<««jday« -ftcr h- had rcctfived it. he a!lilJ * ****$** f Dnvc- rw, and of Irr^ mert,nB l!jp R'Uovnng ••foluiion i r C0Ptfe^ : "*<■• mi'd-efs of vvhicij, v is \u h 't-"l-'!-d, when c<m- traflcdvvi h\W ^verity ol that luhfe- Huu)«l) ••tw.i;„ -y\+\ ■ ~(\ ^-b ft&a, doc t by the then »n.ij-intv ivf Dirci\or>on ihe| fubjeS of'erimeii a-1! pu*rifhment5, The refolution n... ti i}.-—"The Chairman produced "• Ifcitt-i h'.in Mr. Adam, tic. R^6lo», infii . ;:■,; :h3t Mr JohnCWk,| tlEihnt to %>,. CMt&Ki) i r ;s ceruir.ij ^|f.)ti a very proper illuf itiotl o. tl . t ., ;.]:., the/nyentenairtcd !croud >m nib! 1». n (he streets, had in- St. Jnnics'a J'aik in The Morning Chronicle of the 7th of February announced the deatiof tiu-kic^of France; and the Courier tffbfr < vetling of the same da\ roiilra- dteted the new?, and afserted that hi* Cathoiic Majesty was nearly restored to hcalfh. Price of Stock on Stli February, C on&uls v, ere yesferdaj done at H5 "%11m morniitgat 65. At 12 o*elock thy Httrc G5 3 8 1 i'. The advance ivith-n ten days is nearly 3 per cent. KMPEaiA^PAllLtAME&X House ojp Lone*, Ttu-sday, January 2$, 1817. 1 hi* being tlie day apmilnted by &t IMnce lucent for the meeting of Mh h'ouM'sofl';u-!:ameiit, UisHopl ICgli- ue-s came diiim in state, and enlcntl thv House of I eeis at two o'clock.— [Ill* lio^al Hiphncbs v,as atbtided bf :>!! the i;rrat cilice rs of State : the Fail <-f Liverpool carried the Sword nf Hate on I!is Ito^al Ugliness rifeM hand, and the Marquis of Uimliohr carried the CroHH on a cushion ouhis left. f had wa •■'! gr",«*1\. :>;::i'fuh;r 'l-z.-h u;i> \unu>i\<c. arid,, .......WWh mm p. iU^h-^u toivfbir the most violer.j jl'^e baroftlie l/onscof R-crsv.il i'hUirir rhe ;iv;i!;';k!.- !i, d r.-achvd the Ktstbii Mnmttantto iKCMpKH tn the r-aiia■ >"fl *™^ «*W*«« «»c gla^c jC'aw, had p.,;iM.. ^bei-Jrcn te/w&nfr'*^*^ nW **«? hrok* n c \&Usftidirt,iiiHi that his abi'.nce was at.IT** ' "!fi; ,st "^tantancouslyi i 1 • t t _ ~ 1 - 'wjvi^ u • *■»- ii'mi^c |>| f^cri villi • :».i! inJiM-n. {, M,„..sioits tJio i:,-.j;.„| i^alcer at their head, wber -fck iir! h- rmal «,tJy kmvsd. VTIm. J.«*«»filtered to M hiuipSS t aniainent the following Si- j '.[-.cii - my Lords, and GevlUnivti. II is with the deepest rev-, t vmft &iiu. itnpjj'-ars the g;a$sc*of tht h wa, ever raticn th re or elfti *\\,»c e and foch a fabrkati n. to caravan u.ijufl ohjeti, id any tWrtg but creditable VVJio tould fuppolc -h-t thefe ftazement^ to the Court of ^eiltonSj and for fu-h 3:: oujeci, were by pef.ms who haJ been t-r^-fnt, andaftivclv encra^ed, at thefe meetings, and wb • cann.t, thertf.rc, pled error or wr.nt of inform?': in, to cx- cufe the mif ftatemePts. What,inpai- ticular, K;ve you, Prov^M Grant, to fey I for having Rated to the Court,, that you yourfifhad taken fuch an oath ?—What can be a greater proof of the ineifpeuia ble necclfity r.f our meetings bem%public a-»d op-n, than thi» in (lance of four Gen-. tlemen holdif-g the fir ft fituati«>ns in the; town r.nd county, afTrning to the Ccurt ofScfficns, in a cafe in which their fuc-, cefs mutt involve the lofc of bread and' character to a lefpedable man, a circum-'. ftance, as af;:£ on which all tin's aflVnv teiiced with 1,1$ ^tsd iuconveiu'cnce j the qecrtrii? reTo'vj .1 that Mr. Clark (hall he Sta'lv cH^tnff* ucj-e broken on hot! The jjeiieral imnn^fon Mas that stone* terete nti.^iic^ eiiplo^cd. i yet tin required Eo«tt«id hixiutr in thcacade-! g*ass^ which are of uncon.inen thick- triy at tie commiwrmtHi vf tuxt Seffion." ""ss y\[iV •«*<*■«« as cleanly as if dune Mr. daai r^i^ht have i-.-eu well farpti- '*)'!* di.sc!:ni-c !'ioju a musket or pi». fed to find ti a in thiV retolu:ion- hi; hrJ *o!->' fed to find 11 at in this* rekdutioo, his lu- t«rwab defend by tin' Chairman,asin- rmuchicMi C aL.M.a.i,,.. i.one " t« * 6»oe Aberdeen to prnficuh th t.'uaas,1' when //a- «9QrY& ^"// nyr^ w.vr. that he had re&lvcd fc4 u pi cccd to the College ol Aberdeen, n< t :. fiui& hisatteucLnce on the elaifes th-rc (far thut he fkjn in al¬ ready .n-er. };..v/ // ^4, (hiard'an to Pro- mst Giheanifiats'% hue there wts ft;l! greater rciiW ofalkniihmer.t.'on percei¬ ving that the Rcfohttiott, h.ltead of in- ifliihng any cenalty, or even cefm-e, for I fo gr.»fs a Violation <-f the rules and du- I ties of the loftitution, merely required [the ddinqucKt to reftmic his ditiies Ci ot\ I the commencement of acxi Sejion " Mr.' [Clark, dining hh abfencc, vvai in receipt of hi* falaty and fees fr <m the Academy. Thefe circumllanc* 5 wcie, it \* known ***** ^ i* m ^ , , . . rT ----- —.......-, |the frbj-arf ful.foj'ct enquiry a.,d i bled meeting o/ Invcrnefi and Rofs fliirej 'drfeuffipn, and it may be ytAaed wlieth . h can u-ilify agaii.il t'n.tm ; and which, i tl«ey, and a cofifitkrabic c!.,im of the were our Judges of the Court « F SefiioiW Ri^........ lefs acute iudifcr:mim,.ting, or lei's con- A.:eiitio<.s in Lnvcftigating, mull have had the effefi of confining him to future infa¬ my and ruin. wit'i-iut rernark. The committee appointed to manage the law pn cecdings again ft tne Rector wrrr, Provuft Gilzcan, Provo.l Giant, Mr. Tyt'er, and Mr Mack-nzir-, the Bank a^c-nt, all able lawyers : f»m gen- llemcu hold! 'jj the ref.;Oidible Mtuation they *io in the county, impartiality, or at Again, in their ftntement to 'he Court of Stffion, they fay " the candidates who] applied thncfi.rc, an<l in particular this] complaincr, were e:;prcf:Iy informed thiit the 'U-a.-rthento be appointed was to' be only during the pleaftire of the Directors « This atTertjon IB totally void ot truth—« had there been any ora' cnnnuin feat ions, Mr. Adam's denial of it, (however nn- impeached his veracity ha* been) would have been overborne by fo round an af- fertion on the part of four Gentlemen r.fting a^ir jilees for the Academy, but f-rtunardy for Mi. Adam he hud not then \comc to ft/Verne/}, ar,d Provoit Grant's letter* foive been produced, and are en- tire, in which, nor in any other way, was rhrrethe flighted hint of any fuch thing a* an u appointment during pleafurr." The amemeutd to the Court of Scf- 11 tcior's which having originated in the negligence nf Pr v It G'ant, was aop.c- hended to aflVct him prrfottitP^ although it was compfffftufed fr >rn the fn-ds of the aeademy, were iikrly to create a„y p,r. ticular feeling ic, the part.'cs more imnie- [diately intcuued. The judc<M were unanimous in their 'opinion nf th.* <~«fc ; th, y Hated it ! 1 be t *• one of the wofi important which had ever cume under the confederation of the Court ;M— that it was " the incumbent duty of the Keflor" to do the very thing for which he appeared to be difmi'flr. j Jl that, " it cam.ot he found from the plea. diitpof the Puv&orv what he had done amifs,"—dipt " "operfonofrefpecLnhilf. ty would accept the jittmion on the terms contended fuiV1 which arc emitra bonus mores—thai 'he Directors *4 fiJV f(),nf.. thing which 'hey do not explain. U-Athe opportunity of diffniffing him without ac cufation, and withoif trial;" that, « (t waG the Ur;; geft Ipeeies of ji ilice this, that was helJ tip ty the Court as a thing j J w On the Prince Royal nJfghtitii from the v<*»te c^rrM-v ?.( St. Jam***: i':j'arr-. In imm-'diately ^eiit for Lore S:-lrioi:th, and after waiting n cousid- • rablc tiiiu for ihe air! cal of I.* id S!d- moufh, nf St JMtM's I'alaco. hft it in, id-; private eari.'a^e for Cm !• -b>n hou^e: I and fhe refrwetnry port of the popu¬ lace having left t'.w Park, he was thru n-crived »vhh l.-ud huzzas. His Roy- jal liiil.iits left hi* commands for Lord JSidniottth fo follow him fo Carlton iinusr, whi pi« his Lordshfp arrived. -hort'y afterwaids &* <1?<' the i>ukcof! Vork, and tile llwke and Dutchess of r.'!onci-ster ; theJr Royal Ki^knessoss having'heard of what Jiad (utp;-i ncd, lo>t no time i" r-'pairing to Carlton House to make enquiries. u Lord J. Murray, who attended the Regent in the state carriage a> n Lord in waiting, received a blow ovr.r his right e\c fiom a plec6 of the strong plair* gUiss bein.? struck again >t him/* While the more serious occurrences ju*t alluded to Mere taking place in thci Park,» farce was got up in Halaeej yard, forthe amusement of the rabble there Mserablcd, The aetors were Air. HunJ and Lord Cochrane About 3 o'tloek* the attention of the passengeffi in parliament street Mere attracted b) a man in a clirti blue great coat, ear¬ ning a pole on his shoulder, to which a heavy bmichof parchment was sus¬ pended. This person Mas Orator Hunt, for as uch he speedily announced him¬ self, About fifty boys preceded and followed him, calling out—" Make iva) for Mr. Hunt !" ;• nd in this wav I Ihe proc-'HMon arrived jn Stw 1'alace 'y;iid. Hen Mr. II. stopped, and rap- piag at the door of No. 7, asked il po-.t regret thar I am obliged to anuoumcc t^ you that no alteration has occurred in the slate ofw!5 Majesty's lamentable iudispot^U I I continue to receive from foreign [ powers the strongest assurance of their 1 friendly disposition toward* this coun- tr) ; and of their earnest desire to maiu* fain the general tranquility. The hostilities to which I was pel led io report, in vindication of the IiMiour of the country against the Gov. cru merit of Algiers, bavfi been attend- ed with the most complete success. The splendid achievement of his ifa. I'-sty's licet, in conjunction v.ithasqua- j dren of the King of the Netherlands, j under the gallant and able conduct of com- * being Mil- \jou\ Cochrane was come *m&in the affirmative, he deposit. "' »s bnrihrubi (he pas,a.cand pres. ;;"iy M Cochmm came forth— "*wrt then harrauguad his follower — -.-.v. % vuduct of j Admiral Viscount Rxmouth, led to the I immediate and unconditional libera¬ tion of aii Christian captives then with¬ in (he territory of Algiers, and the re- nunciation by its government of tire practice of Christian Slavery. I am persuaded that you v. i!! be du¬ ly sensible of the importance of an ar¬ rangement so interesting to humanity, and reflecting, from the manner iu which it has been accomplished, surh . signal honour on the British nation- Jn Iiuii'j, the refusal of the Govern¬ ment of Aapaul to ratify a treaty of Peace which had been signed -I) to plenipotentiaries, oceofiooed a reneffi al of military operations. The judicious arrangements of ftf Governor (lencral, seconded by die biMvery and perseverence of hisMaj- |esty*S forces, aed of those of the Hast India Company, brought the Campaho to a speedy and successful issue ; and peace has been final IJ established up¬ on the just and honorable terms of tie nrigna I treaty* Gentlemen fthe House ofCownwnh I have directed the estimated lot U*6 j current year to be laid before you. ' They have been formed upon «' nil* consideration of all the present cirnw- stancesofthe country, with an aii*" ious desire to make every reduction lil our establishments which tue-*h'M « the empire and sound policy nl!.m- 1 recommend the State of tUt PuOnC liKomcand Jv\peiu!iture to \*-*r ear./ and serious attention. 98