Kingston Gazette, April 19, 1817, p. 1

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■ gSfi^EE5SSE35! [SATURDAY, A.-IL 19, 181?.] ■ GA [VOLUME VI.------No. 45.] Eincstom, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. TTE. J*5^*S*jr*SMI!SffiIZsfflSr^^ Price cfa:!v:rtift->z in the Gazette. Six tinrs and under, 2/5 (i:'il iiilVmon. and \i\ every fabfiwpiput* Ten line; and under, 3/4 fir:'* infer t!on. .nnd i/S every fubf-quent. Ten line* and upwirds, 4//. per line full fnfcruon, and 2c/. per Hnccvtij fur- cctfltng fnfc*t|iin. Advertffttrient* unaccompanied Willi wrifen dirc&ians r? inferted till forbid, and charged jrcordm^ly* the ■ C-yh 9>0W'»fe t** '"pt n Sc!n>o m^j? icribem attr.t h*»ufr occupied by Mr Phinglf. in vfVu h .'k-hnVs may be bftrafted ii. tic following < hes c! cJncauon, ai ic annexed prices, vi"/.. In ft. cl-Mjr,—»:vj Reading Emi-liftf ii 10 e per Quarter, j) 1 »• Fn-.l fh—Writing- mLmttic ami Hm k-K/ci in.r, jl'z o o ?ev Q_y.rter. Englifil Crnrr-.fition—The E!C mepts i»f Num-v and CM' Hlfto- graphy with ihcufcofihr Gl !.cs. Ooi'^n^il^n of M»f** and] PUBLIC NOTICE. ^KE concetn heretofore carried nn _ by the fubferibers undei the firm <>f J >hn Kiiby and Co is this day cli\- f-]ved by mutual concent. A Ii demand* a^ainfr the firm will be liquidated by [Iin Kirby, and thofe indebted to pay their aee<*uuts whhout delay. JOHN KIRBY, ANN :VJALAILAY. Kinoflon. April 12. 1817. 45 3 POETRY. * • » • * • • • • • • * # # CO FFE E-IIO USL. 1 1/fJZ tohTvtHw having opened the H'»u.c late.£ cr *t y Mrs. Fin- k*. n^xt dnoi to J*%lir* k L'i IcV'*, rcf pe&ftitty i f;*rm« the public, th-it h. h t;.k/n great t-ains to fninifii it v every re';>?d to rpc^It thr kf't "f cuttum. Gen¬ tle 1 en travelling n»ay re'«y u: or bavin ii !cro daccammodciionsamd £ttend*«itfe« I The* heiuj^ a »•: hc*i to iK hotife 3 j.»Ood v ! and liable*. Team iters can l*'o -e iMJW'ir a<:co;nn»« dati«n«« wo. »h Charts » J_'2 100 |.ct Quarter ; M !r:n-Oic-!;-a«'.(]ikl:!emrt ' vi S^rii'fttiV Maih-m:itic->, wi>h;j liici* 'nr th-- otlxr brat; be« a* «»f«y Lcrvqu::\:d, ;. <i o c; !*ci Qit^ner. JOHN WlUTEi-riW- A. PIMNGLE- ffingstent Jfrii 12, 18.7.____45^5 Cover'f Contract. l>F.3.SON3 *-U:ins w Contiaa to .1. d>-;ivcr tl»c F..|!owhig qiBimiiia. of P5«F»-A ana lt«i3i*2«, »"■•'• to the lafraW'.udc^, i.a ! « Arlr fore:iea fK, ,- '•.....r!o,va....v,cn the iH rfuy fo<ips evr*y day from 12 to t o'clock. I i'rvtii oi eight gtntcel b'.ar.lcrs c;r l^c attended to. J. MOORE. Kingston* Fd. t» iB'7 35 1 H> :', >T> iiOmSOB^il6tiOi From the Boston IV-ckly Magazine. FRlllNDSillP. BRIGHTt^ glow* the r! 1 UVm$ gem, Sj,arkliri21* tli - dimo\id%s ^Icaui; H .lli;.".t i.;|hi'V-uivra>% Bew'siogrott "ir jp*Weu ciav: Bui *v;trii»er. ^arMipri> ihf pl«»«, Tiiar FneudtbiP*»>«heeriDg smiles bostOK. Fair is natures verdant srrue, w-.-rA- Hi-- vale, thcwtt?lngglt»n ; >nft:w- rVlp a<it ilou'uv !n::i!i, V.-i fairer,.M\r"Ti- rtirray, T.ra*miUU> bfigftt^ns Friendship's day. TimWVd arc lie TrarbWs notw, S.\ (Ii .; f'H u iu**ir mcliow ihio.its | So* ;i: i-u' >4nJpei po\v«r, h ralivgm) |1*-sileni hour: Y**» Soft11! -Ii'1' "'f' * t»n.rilil far, Tii«- rentle ^iiuui^of Friendship are. Majo.tici iti^p^fciwInfaH, ^ *r»*;vnc,< yiwuiaVsilver I'gMj j4^^ftlvs*M#Huog iitUeray, .\: " : I)-;:1 " «:1 »>c-'an play ; Glows Kie ::a'ii** ot' Fru-iidsiiipS airi ic. Puiv aid »fN pring of love, Giv'n N ir»r|ti fro-u (M».ja?»i>\e i IJfi;:ii.of iiJ'av'c* r*^-'ii Jrnt thrcn^, iini^l T.vof i'. K»1 «: 'i* ^Uel h^ioe >r. Avtt'iN.^I^'nlyr^, ra • h?»lBij i.i.vspiy.ou .njure. I ward in ln>*rc(l as any. Tii; feed tiinel was fo wet that theie wns hardly above lialf a cr*»p fown thi** year, I have been the account cf th** more oarticu'a: in i Liverpool himf-lf, fir ft Mi'ifler, has announced his intention to (import the m^aiure. [ A London editor fays," We are perinadcd Lord Liverpool has not changed hi*opinion on this fobicd 3" this year, whi-h, upon the whole, was the coldefl ir »m 1695, when my journal began, to 17+2 —Mr. Say. A teir'ble war a^r \ ■ 1 fcnrceltyi dearths famine, . j and divifioni* h'twecn It.c contendirs for ' I liberty 01 (la-cry at h une. The poor were compelled to feed on uncommon j J i'ame WtC!c, 13994 quarters of Wh-rat__ and ur.iviioicfome, ibi.ii-s. In October I 13.294. do. Barley—20,2^3 do. Oa!-<—. veiy fatal and contagiou v ' * *" Have for Sale, Cheap Goods ; Aaiong winVh dn U % 1 5.0CZ foct, IOtCOO do 45 .poo do 2u c^oo do 50 000 Jo 3c CCO do do ^o,co" '.io 50 Pieces &upenine and S ootid CiHiuB, 40 Do. do Pelisse, do. £0 Do. Cassiat-ere, .vbO t>0. CV.iiro (alSt' 20 BOXES KINS Yellow Soap. Kinj:lton, March c, 1817 be^an thai . , -----______ ...^__ fpottrd fever, which prevailed ovet ail England and made sad havock of pc>- p.e. Bat for the fymptoms of its hiflory and cure we mull be obliged to f»rcijrnerB. The next year, 1^96 and 1697 wercboth hydatid dear years, Dec. the 22d. 2 terrible temptfl of thunder and lightning ai HaliLx. ■ London Aujr. 1, Extraordinary Pigeon, — Thertisa Pige in in the uoff -fliun *»f a lau.Jlotd at Chel¬ tenham, f.vclve years al!, which a fe>v years a^o, was del rtrd by his fiitlveiy parfur. after having had many young on?* by her. The old pigeon to«'k it miK h Us hcarl —(hrweot oft wtliaftrnn. e pigeon* Two years aftei this event, (lie rctiiTne.% !»;i! the ->li! ptgcfl 1 beat her moft icverciy. ?i«d at tit It, would r.ot receive her Howrvcf, in the evrnlnffi flic n^i'h- good In r qnr»» !«r-;, but not! without a lccc'id cl^iiil: i'cnt. She. ! d:rd a R*wday^ ajr.i, immediately aflt v.'ii.'h theo'l pigr^n fftok wi;:g. and ;" an hour or two rctin wed wiib a uvW partner. C&\ rkr P^ron.—Sod.' pigeon-fanciers M v 4HUW w %m r— j..... ,,Rl ^ntwer.i having united to fend fume fru.;.y much fnow m Ac--p d:ift : I j p»;^ '»»t-> Unndpn, they woe let fijr I ill'thh month ice u:,on the v/*itc. w fofc j["iW«C* •"' Sunr'r.y, the 141b iulL at nine '—theartrii vrarri-ht inch-' t!^rk. i r | ■• cl»ck ; and )••' n «6rh, a* half p-dl 9 Late Omissions ------^— -------------- London Market j:m. 15, i3ir. y^ver,inr- pi lees of Wheat, the lait week 101* per quarter ; Impo-ft-l the 16 do. Ryt—291 1 do. P. os—> 2,539 facie? of Flour.—The laft Corn market was exceffively calai, and arice.. =ererallv 'ic^lining—the arrivals of new Wheat have betn very COnfidcrabJt. The pt ices of firll quality, have declined about 2i.—intciioi qualities h?Vf exoericn—d a jrreatcr decline—old Wheat hai been l^i> inquired for. I on don, Nov. 13 The Ifcaffcr.—Tl v fviVl^wiR^ u.e t orolog-ieal ace^nnt of tne year ifi^S*! jftow* at leal! thac our forefathers wefi J^cc :f.ondMy »ifitp I hy ?.= iMwaiut&i« ! feai* n> ■« ihcfc of th.* prtfcnl arieri tw and ha ** a- thc^ as at rny Si 1 iuu-.»nthecoma1 o» Jame'i, Perki< 174.* Yret onthi. 2r;-'i, If^a'iiii j? an five c^os - i K * ft 1.1" ihh fj. r Frbru?ry the w.n almoit »U the Tu>nlh. a* d Itti ."j Lnlh i' » j ;.-xie^t fix iiav-M the fevoud week Tin i "I1, y?8>;!'imvnM r',,av ^•"•■•} ywdt .'n 1 he •'..ouiinfc.Uu: f. ,L pigeon arrived at L\n'wer;> with a lifle l.i'let round hv-j teck mentionj ^ the time of hi depar-l ;ur- he:t»:e.duly Cvitifted, and fogained] tire fi il of the f»»ur prizn given. None heathers had renrned if 1 w»«al ftrtr«lww»f Office. 45 y.....i DavttB^ —Oie 'of the FrtPch ------------------------- — 1 U4 ,1 day. ,itl.,,,.,,, c'o^, |h, Fr«ch m by .r i,.prrn, ««, To Applicants jar1 »«**«n» Ap^,,1,• ,,t•,• ,,,-L r>11 A LA1SD. GENTLE .! - NT who hi? Vcn i foi'.ovveJ by fh wrr«. The 22.-I, fi owed itiwid from morninc; to noon, tlieu a ilttl- •fuolhine, th-- fa >w<-d au?-in vrry fill, . --__________________., n,-^ .,..•"■■„.- ,-c-:. 1; then 'nnflvMe f-l^wf.i with 'ar^c lull. » ■------------"'A f1 . \\J\. fr>r fomcf n, - tmpV.y.d »• the • k ii. Aprii, 1740. T!k 251'., (howers ,.f // '•"/t'? d L '£'CUCCS. !; Lniici Offices Ii. thi* Ptawh ce, and U well |' Jrerce K«a; hail Wth thunder and fnn- 'r-r «*rt ,'the Ac^cv.'ate-'Ja.q.^ir.t-d wi'-h the ncce-Tary FcmH In J fli«« mist. The 27>h, ihundcr, and a X ,'y »P'■' -' " rJ^L, hiVfit-iS ' P'epare P«i«on., nnd tratdVa Land bo- ! j The jCtlt, the firft cuckoo, gn«,fcbcrne,ucq.ur,t-h..t...nrU pe - ..nnv,c»»u. \Lnt Warned ttHI M*y *4, 3 R^at .„d '!.« i>"Mic. that hr. Sc'to 1 fowm isfoitahW FvTnWU.*l !o. iheveccptioti of a numerous fn of &^«w Uiap a p:.,*i:.!l.nceotiri» cxp. LcedUihe. wi'l be engsged ftpold finelf cencraU^ iV »t>pMeanta. Eno«iirv at i^- PA '>' r Office, Kinvstoni March 22, 1817. I1© I £ T, rot bro(T."ned ftHl May jdta Krre:it ..drcp fuow all over England The 15th 421! woods like winter. The 17th firrat -— j;kiB. The 31ft, wheat very l.w : cold weather, [une 3d, cold, yet grcnt d»t|i& r 'Sfieice ___e'T < ohfervea the CHy wiitcr. "ha. Clil) the . vVvof fnniMhing al1 the world with |/toOT9*nddni pupiU of the Fteoeh Hage arc now gratifying the people oi I ondon, Naples, Vienna* Berlin, St. Prterfljura* and MadiM. with ihe moil fuptrfa cxhibilion* of their exquisite tal- Dm% for hve.—A roelancntay in ftanee «lf'&iieide lardy occ<nred in tne vicinity <»f Llaudebrc 1 a young mnn,a wravcf,* f 'bat u':..ce,li:id paid hi-addr-s Emigration I from Switj-rland for America have again commenced. Several Julian State P if .na* are to be peimirti'd to co:n^ to America. I'he Bririfh Government h w? com' plimented the American Counlul in London, as ahnoft the only one who tikes care of ihr mfle ing feamen of hit country in England. Mr Cole, private fecretary of Mr. Viadifon, was ae Paris, having brought the news, that all diiTictilciVs were adjufted between the Uniicd States and Ruiua. CAI-TIMGRE, Ma^h 4. Extrafi from the American Conful, to a (onuncrcid! hcufi in this city. (!<ntd% " ZUKNQSATRBS Dec, 3, l8l6. u Thr Poicm "ielc Iqnadnm ha? been itnrhored a month or fix week? . t 'vlal- oonido. without having vcntincd 10 land \z man. This gov«mintr.i is at peace with the contending parties and determined io matnrain hci n un!ei"s attacked, which is no! vcy probable. To fliew ihcopinipn of the nxtogutfe merchants^ their trade is pu:flied a« ufual; their veiTeis arc euter- M An arniy \% rt>atcbingfrom Mend«»/^ to attempt recovering Chili f'om the R"yaliiU, and there ;j no doubt 01* their being fuccesflftil." T!m following was tnclofed in tie abovt> letter. RIO JAWFIRO, 2 lfi*X*>V. l8l6. I have only t'» f;iy jutl now, thut botli ithc Eugllfh a^d Spanifh Charge dt* affairs protciled a gain it the Portutjue^e expedition to La Plata, at the time it look place, and the S;*anilh Charge hat uncv rec< ived order? bom Spain to proUtt in tue llion^elt marmer again1.! that bufincfa, and to expr'fs hi» mod Cathohc Molefiy'shiaheft diCplealure al the ll-.-ps utrality- cows on Tuefdaym >m!ns*, fiwrdjfi we ed hei lover hinoinrr on a v ii' w tree, fu&- pended fey the handkerchief he had be¬ fore vvifted her io receive i.f him. LONDON, Jan. to The deficiency in the, the; -encral Cfnation of »:'"*ope, nnd the iiumerotM pi-tinon? •ndtnc to introduce Teacher. Kington, April 12, i8i7- /j.ett For Sale, AT the Store of the subfenber, Pork, Beef, Flour, Peafe, garden mn^ young people.fors-w fm;1)cil where Mdf «M» W h ' . , vveek 0, cu«,.in,l,»^y-^«t,rI,CeaVKtC moricTate term- 6 auguft I, !*.!*■ ' .from July l8, to 20,) < he wot, ft lesion -.. J| known whole fields of corn fpotled even AHDy-lMlwpwi the fi>ft day of1 ^ j.^^ m.,c^ more in tl.enc.rrh. May next, that Stare an! Brtidyat: „o - Wtfrc tlirncj |nto tire pcafe and Biefeot occupied by Mr. Ricl.ard on.,h. j | » Thc earl:tft whcat did not cut • till the middleof September—la Kern, S,d'. «9th,barle) (laadm^uoeut there. ij^blayinth.ft.s.M. « De^-her ; APP"'TOR* AMES & McLEOO Kingston Mar J.- 13. ,8l7- r» P. A few Barkis of SALMON, Forf.'eby MOMJEAU & St. GERMAN that which wa. brought «« foa,.o Uh wC ^nd almoft dGM. .Much .corn in the north UfJgO! at Chnflma* 5 Ld in Scotland they were ccaptpg m Janwavy, and bcatbg,the deep 100* ofi ft a, they reaped the poor gteen empty I U» Bread made of what wa, got j i I would not fiick together, but u, m II PosSAtEATTliiSUtHCE. Match 13. ______„---------- Blank" Summons** For the JM**rt Courts, Uv Sale at this Office. ould not flick toRCUtcr, ut,. u« >« eces,nnd tafted f«e« ^ .f naue of malt: Oaber the S^«"^""M| andprert, much tbnoder. The 15th, "6th and .7.h, extrrtne cold n.ghts, • a N N W I hf 3olh' a ^r"1 ay*-*- >r ^ sr 7th *i-fc,"Tn*An^*h«iidet. Uec economy in the public e^f.enfcs, and to I main 'a parliamentary reform will I render the ai j>roaehi»g W5 >" of ..ailiament, a< adive as iotetettinsj. It appears from the fall wing cucn-ar, adcirelTtd to the miid'lcml members, 1 hi»t miviftcr-expett a vigorous oppofi- * tion in tlie enfoing feffion. (c ircu lar ) Downkg-Street, Jan* u. ,8,7* g,|,__As it i^ccru'.in ti*at an ameod- ment will be moved to the adorers to thc Prince Regent, and that a dmfion vili take place on thisj-nint. I deem w expedient torequeft your attendana or. ^c 6rft day of the feffion. 1 Inould no: nave troub!cd( you on this occafmn, if tlerrexiiW the Wall dot'bt as regards the indention* of theoppoftion. (Signed) ARtUTHNOT. into n fcr^Jf- Capt. Sharpe at Maldotiadn on the 41b iult where he ! found Coude dc Vkna with two corvette* r.nd two fmaii.r xelTeh. Thc Admiral with the Nero and Frigate, wa» cniififVg off St. Mary's.— Very great i&funiofl ex ids between the Admiral and comroao- drr Count de Viana ; i»f courfe the fervice is going t ■» the devil, and front what 1 can learn, much more unanimity • docs not cxiil in tlie !<*nd fervice. O.i the vrholc, it feems to be a bad buGncfs, •hr r*3 warm 22d LONDON, J..n. ii, Miuiilem from motives Of econ»>mv have refolved on a farthei reduction of' the array. Thc Dublin Journal aflYrts that Mtuiftcr* have determined \ 1 tike up th<- BOSTON, March 5. Latest frcm the MrdUsrr,mfvn. Arrived this day, United State* frigate Java, capt. Perry, from the Mediterranean,and 36 days from Gibral¬ tar. V»c learn that thc Dcy of Algiers had agrerd to acknowledge the treaty1 concluded Wttb him by commodore peca'ur. The J-jva has on b'»ard ideTpatchrt fcr ani the ratified twenty, which have heen fo ward- erl to WalhhiRton. The whole Amer¬ ica- fanadron, with ihc exception of the Alert and Mir. Hornet, wcie at Poit Mahon, Jan. 14- The Java Hopped at Mahupt Ja»- 23- anr' lc^r (,K ^'c * ^ Ichr. Hornet—The lloop of war Oo ino was to fail from Pc»rt Mi ho. in ten days ufter the J.»va ft>r thr United S .;«*• Extract cf a ktftr fnm Ohio, da*ed a8/A December. " Vail quantities o* corn ,7th Uobtoin^and tnitnaer. vee. ... 1(.n;ull [n the arp.oachin.rM ** 4L a

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