Kingston Gazette, April 12, 1817, p. 4

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A Jl Notice. LL pcrfon* indebted to the fubfcrj- her arc requeiled to make imnv diotf j>avrr.enr All Wad* of produce will be taken in 'payment, at the Market prices. T'.e fubferiber has taken into partner- flt-ip his brother, •/llan R. MacDo wH. Thi-hnfinefs in future will be carried on Under the firm 'if ALES. MACDQNELLb Co. In addition to thtir former Hock, they are now receiving a genera^ aflf.»rtmcnt of DTJY GOO! £.1Q. UD MS, BdRBWJWE, Ear (hen Sc Oku®* K-c. »c. £r. AEX'r. MACDONELL. j Kin?[ton. if. Sep/. 1816. 34 i MONTREAL Air Furnace. JOSEPH hOt*GH& Co. _3 EG leave t«"» announce fo 'he Pub %-j} lie* rhr.t t»!tv have commenced ihe buiinei" c.t 'Founders, On their properly, fcvit of the Quebec Suburb*, immediately adjoining the Ship Yard of Mvffr* Rro* Logan & Co. where they will furnifh .'7/ill Caftiup* <A al! deicnptfon*;, ajjrec-ble to fnch orders a*they n*nvrecede.—-.Alio, Blarkfmith's work <>f everv kind esccnted with ncat- nefs and difpatcb. I bhntrcch Nov. 11, \*\6. N. P>. Caih liiven fornW Metal, deliv¬ ered nt rhe Work*—fay at the rate of £5 per inn, and for old Brafs <jd, and l ooper M tki lb. 3 I ! Advertisement. jqnt-lEf'ibrcn'ber.; have jnfl received ! Ji at their ^toref neaT* the Market, j a frefll afTortr>.cnr (if h > Just Arrived, 10'.) Oai taisrJrv Cod Fish, 10 iUnvls Ling, 20 Do. Bay CiwJeur Salmon, 20 iveii- Loch Fine Herring, 10 Firkins Bnitcf ALSQv—h few fetts beft Engiuh Plated Harnesses, Saddles w\d Bridles, Martingales. Pads, Vclicse-, Horse C!<wUhin£, and SO Doz. Pine Shoes. n,he tfcove articles will be fold cheap £prCafh or produce, * I EXV VAGDONELL & Co Kingston. 24/A y^n. 1817. 34 KitKttUr'F'S SALE. Mhttaml Dhirret vizt BY virtue of a urU of /'/>/'/ F<7~ f/<r.v. issued out«f t'i'2 CSuri oi Kin*;* :>cnrl»,;i( fVsuit of Jans& Robin*, of Mie town of Kin^toitj K^juire^againsi 'he land* ii'tl letwirowrf* ftf AtiuisAiw* l*n\ of t!.o t:'wnshij> of !v?:!??ton, \ o- ••■»n, to mo diroct-d : ! hare soi/ r* tad !'il\"n in exoiMtic^j as belongiim to the "aid AftttH An*l.?y, fire north j .:• '.'"of \.\ number 15- m the second . u: .-cw>n'.ffl'o fi'Wii.hip of Ki'ig>- I -i. ccntainiug by adm-'n-urramt cue hundred a* r^rf. he thn "am« nrrora or h»s*: tnj^fUcr i«tii a log hou«e and iYamed barn therein i*r<'Cti»d« i do CrfJ F-om MontHil ; winch t;icy will dif p(,fe of at vciy reduced puces for cadi, produce or o., credit. Among which are Indi-i Cotton**-, do. Silks, Swan&dow., Vcftingi Brown H«,!Iaid, Cotton Shirting, Women's fccfl Hof^—Men's do. Men's La-bs' wool do. Red ;md White Flannels* Fine and Superfine broad Cloths, P.-cket Hindkerfs, 6<unha/et*rs of various colors, Men aod Wromen'fl fawn lined Gloves, Men's common do. Striped Cottons, Calicoes an1 other articles too nume¬ rous to mention. They luvc alfo received on commis¬ si, O^e 5,il of FLANNELS,— which they wfil sell wry low at whole- fale only—and fhortly experts an afTort- r.^ent of GROCERIES, Which w ill Hkcwifc b« dilpofed of ad- vaiitageoitfly f'»» purehafers, CH RLES SHORT & Co. Kingston, 15/i fitk 1817. 37 New Goods. THE Subfcribers, having received by the late arrivals, offer for fale on the loweft terms for cafh at their Stores in Kindlon, either wholefale ofretail Cloths, Kcrf.ymeres, Flannels, Bomba/efts, Bombazeres, Men .V Women's H "fiery, Irilh Linens, Diapers, Toweling, Sattin», Lutcflrings, Blue and white di¬ agonal &u facts, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Veils Silk Shawls Silk and Leather Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit?, Mufcovado and Cogniac Brundr, Holland Gin, Bell Port, Spani ft, Sherry* and Madeira Wines, Peppennent, m Shrub, Mola.Tes Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes, Kaifins, Almonds, Barley, Pepper, AUfpice, and Indigo. NF.W_GOODS. THIS day received at the Store of S. Barllet, 100 Gaffes wrought and cut Nails, of all fizes. Window Glafs, Iron, Steele, Nail rod?, Sheet Iron, CkQCKERrte GLASSWARE in Crates and Hogfheads/ White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate, Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Curr:cr\s Oil, and A targe addition to his Stock of Dnj Goods; And has en the way up from Montrral, A GREAT VARIETY Of Of air,if;\t every De/cripl'm* Which will be fold very cheap by whole* fale only, February t, I Si 7. «tf JUST received and for fa-e at this Of- $9 f.C(. price f/8* Poems on his Do¬ mestic CircumstonscSi by Lord Byron-— With th( Stisrtf the Lf;;hr. of Honour, and other Pocn; ; to •vhicb w prefixed, The Life of,\: Noble Author. Nov 2?. * 26 Walter McCu^iffe& Co. Kingllon, 19th July, 18)6. 3tv6 ET 01 V Hm A PART'of a Lot near the Mar kc t P'acf, wi^h a houf? on it. I : Sheriff's Sale. 1%} virtus or a U .- Uy t*)v>£ :i"i!e'\ tmt the ffynv* mr*> :.r;-d lot cf land, writi ffce bnf'Utsnpi 1 :d appurh-tifmcrt-'. fhrx'ciinto belong- il. will b ■ xvd and i\:\yid/ <1 to ihc high.\*M Md<!er« at mj t' <'"■ in tlt« •*»« n i*f Ki»»i-i'Mu -t, T'r d-\ tUs irjrd t.Uy af .vUirb :••• \* h# iii»- hour of ten o"- !o:'i\ in llv (i rrnot^tr— a* which tini^ isid i>:»»'• Hit? ronditJnft* of sal J will j ■ Fv. n*rt cul -r- ,pply ro the Prater U S *»?* ^ '*'1 ■"„ n,I?; ^ ^ S^> I j ^ Pfe^ /-i «. ■'/> the fdla^Dh; Oumg 7an 2c t*n ,,-lw^oflal >r--l^ ^Hdi l»'"i|/.v,/ vjnrwiht-M ttw mit oj Ml tU nmgsw,jan.*f. w]-----------------jj. ^; f:|,-.^^ -f|to (VlIM ^ ;i u „,, „ . .: . j /;, ^ R(fJffS(J& <>/'/:» T.ncn of •M«ai Oath to t-wlvi' .?i«ror-. thill ho j I ill n-nf Ke)1 M10 li--. A Gentleman wifhes to procure a Nurfe. to attend a fisk Lady. An elderly woman would be preferred; to whom liberal wages will be given- Apply to the Printer. KingHon, coth Jan. 1817. 32 New Goods. "FUST received, and for fale by the $$ fubferiber, Noti "e. c Mkflrrri:! FVlWtf'.l To Wll : S ISO I it'JS - i**** '*' oUf °f If** Sliijes- For Sale, THILWeHt halfnflpi rmnr^cr uuiftftti i;^ thff fecon! eonccf&on oftbc '-owfl- jliir of i<i.«gHon, Apiivf> the Priiiti-t Kingston '1»k 10 r«i e 3 ' v6^ 7" A $ commenced running from ■ k. -;sl-)^ to YAHK Lc-.vhe Emeflon every MONDAY morrri'*»•; 't SIX o'clock, and York ev¬ ery 7"'HURSD 1T morning. fa:ne hour. Per!"-:r. wijbfng for a rraf&ee will call f 3t ^r Derm! lirowr s Inn. Kmgiion, ; wheu' the Stajr'" B ok- will be kept.— fro 20 t*n 2^ Ibfi- bag^i^e Will be 3I 1 nn by -■ - Sta .cwi'l be forwarded with care and 5 livcred with punctuality, and all {avour? acknowledged by ihe public's •»i nor mi mo thin-" \: l;:irn a;»:l ;v- ! ;■ m , ^s oi'ilr^;! 1^*, a^wctihle to the -•■r'v"i;n! Burrt-V '- wli Tcforfi t!,;ir house ••in'. «..*rn and nixlv acres of la:;;!, is the IomiuI right, in- labour and pr-op- **rtv of A mo? Anijrv. and will l> ■»« * rntvri-d as soon Jts Justice ca'» ..t1-.;- r,ri^rcf^r.-\ <lio«.^orto forbid all n<*r- sons irom n»akinc;;u:V «a-fc of timber. .tom*» or c.!ay for hrit'k, or in au\ nmn- wer 'ojtirin?; ihc boose. bam or orch- ahard, func^M, out-honsA^s and build- i'lsf* :•.; snid h;f Xo. IS in the FPcoud OMi't'vsioil in th ■ tc.vo-l»ii) of Ki.'i-s- »n, i»ow (!»'• vi:!»:■•'■ ol WfilMi^iu. - - .. « 1 A.viOS ANSLKY. owed in eachipaSragcr* m thrs thryj ;;.•/,•<■// ?d. IM7. null l- -Haracd for- A1] bagg?jje fenr j _________ §?usjh?c of thi*prcdtc?.rni?o.l i'i whtvh B'C '"t ;:, bus' c scions tiutt »u- havr don 1* our duly .v. subjfick?, wc shoild bo wantin.'r u> ohim Ivp< aod to thov humble f'.rvant...................... SAMUEL PURDY, jf.:.„dcr coimrcti it^ whofromm^il *%TS* n7"" r3, «^ ,1 34ti flO h»v • i),,..t ti,.i trphaoov r.rnoa-Hon, i\. b. Stas'--fare is Pollanr. NOTICE. y% LL pe»Ton« haling any deT^iid^i /l a? "..It the EH me of the hte] £/ fPHALET AD IMS. oJ v:,>-vs.j biue"1, dcceafi-d, afij hercoy rcque'ied, j, to vo.locc the:: c:aim^ do y anthf;iti-a jt tc'i.-^ifu a«l mrions indebted ro the! I laid ..-laiearehereov requeued \o make fJ ' . vi/m «re? Pr jir.niedtare p^vrn1 nt ro pjvi of our misfortune's if we <Hd not make! our • !'<im lOrjtiafico to fhotfe who ar.' ri-iK*;':. cd to -mvi it : a:::l therefore we do a.pp*ftl to thr fundamental laws o» t •«• oci"?y of which w« are mem- b*r.;_t0 be protfett H :n the original landmark* and iJouii !nri.*s by which «fc ruive r*.*dnje«*d a howJhig wilderness SIMEON WASHBU AN. Acting Sxecuolr* Hsllowelli 12tli Nov. 1816 3 r v6 5O0c>:!an Fievvard, » And all nta-ffary charges paidt .vatu ugatttoi*#*■■ haudxiwd Temutivnl* uj JONAS I tX ALHTINE, tf m* Tu;citshh> •;. lltWiuw<t9 (tail ifistrict trforvmiih lad AVr/>/'/-. dimtiett to the Sheriff of the ttrtd Mid'v ,-i f)/y/rr.L / /i//r<r seized ndtt token in fitt cuthtt^ as tettwgkigfo fM said JOS'AS t'AX 11 S7/4? '/' ft part nf the .SWA Rm- Av7///' .rr/.-r./ tot number .V-;-.-,;. 7 fo ihe first Gfoiiwsftt,! offhi* T»i?nshmqf xckfiJi p/vce af Land h halted and boitndwL or may he other*- tcisckrou.t, itaftdttns* l that is I y -//,•/. cuunncticXtig hi ftolit of the said coflceix- #/w, ?// /A, slf../// Easterly angle of- iwV/ /-"/ -?'.;. S.-'-nitift. thence. K*rth\ Sixteen oV-y^. /j c,v/ FmrfceneAvim r:d Fifhj •.;/,•< ; /'.,-.■• &»//#-Sfaxwfjf* fan? degr&t*. n\st tictp chafis f then cs ui'/ >"i'"r'./ dvf£rt**&„ Ettst Piflren duties Fifty fatten more ar fe^y, ft> ///.•■ I -cif/er"s .w;<:'; then Bnsterlfo along the •safer side. />• (bepfucx if bc$mn/H% ; cwtf&tmg Three Acre* >T Land, b the swie -r -re or frw, Kith a dwelling and oat flu rcun erected* ffanida he/**® w-'c'tfOTlUS, that the qfiresffidpiece of Land, to¬ gether to&hthti hi/Utings ihci eon crea¬ ted "illbrsohl mid wt;**4gpd to tha\\ highest biddert ttt the }lNrf;ef. in //>.-! T»mn qf&w&ton* an SATCUBjr* the TliJTi') dn, t/JJNUJR}. mv iwxtcnsui-: at the four of Eleven o'Clock in r he forenoon. lIEXir> TliORI\ Depnry Sfteriffi And evesil person orp 't'SfiVS having I claims on the u""i:c described piece of Land and premises* hi/ Mortgage, oi Second and third Cloths, l\nt{':RA' ,Ca»!CGC$,Cotton Cambrics, Sewing filka nnd Twill, Silks for Ladies Gowns fi'k fancy dn-f$ Handkerchiefs, fringed Cas- fStbtie Shuwfs, &c.—The above being a confignmcnt, they will be fold by the piece only, and very low for Cafh. S4MUFL MERRILL. c&ruarj%9 1817- 36// TO'."pstop 9 * THE fubferiber having engaged to fupply the Gairif^n at this Pod will) Peafc Oat-J &■ Straw for thf> feifon, he thertfuje informs the Public that be will commence tea ivetng the above ar¬ ticle? from this date, at his Store, ad- ■oiiiing thr Wl'ite B<;ir Tavirn. EDWARD DARNETf. Kingft m, 6lb Dec. 1S16. 31 Rags ! Rags! Cabh and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R. \ O ft AT THIS OFFICE. iFan ted, COOPER. Liberal wages will bv; given C01 a good workman by A Is a;«!ilying to T-- 1 4MJES ROBI SON. Kings'on, Feb 22 iS'i 7________gKtf_ TO LET, ' A TWO Story Honfe, in Stuart J^il. Vi!le:j'»i> outfideof the Town, on the road leading to the Bay of Qiiintc. [Thereis a t>;«ker'B Oven in the tower part of it, and an excellent Kitchen. For Ifurther particulars apply to the ftibfcri* her. JOSEPH CLEMEN f. Kingston% .March M, 3817. 41 Improved Table of .(he value of Grains of Gold Coin, over or under weight, For Sdle at this Office. And the bigliesfi price pHid for B*4mE,EY, MYE, HOPS, At the old J-n-uer, of Jn>. UoWflSOD. Gil let 11k % Burlty Kingston, 26tii Uv-ccniber, 1S16. p For Sale, \- a p.'cafanr pa!t (,f t]»e To*n «m rwo g„od dwelling [-loyfes, B,.' Hoofr, S-ahlcs, &c. the rcfidencv of th- lublcnber, which will be dilpofc.l 0Un good terms. —Ifii,c property isnoi fold by the G, a of May next, it will r,erf,.t eel for ar.y number of j t-ar3. For fur* Iter particulars apply ;o ,h, fubferfiw 11 the picmife3. m , r, L0UIST-^IN. Kingston, Feb. 15, 1S l 7. U Oil F or Sale Academical EDIT CATION v? * t '.urn pan ana iixcn qu^iMiy :h- * 'u-^ .ands, a? wc have in pofH-llion, jl \ n be delivered to James Secnrd at ?p'l m«y wi'ih to retain 3-* our property, II Qttcenfton \s // Ug ha9 not delivered ih r.'^^ev robe paid in ten years ff.un ji *,:,d j^oodo according to order, it is fop- the firfl day of January. 1803, wich]jP^4 kcba» difpofed of them, or taken '^rt- '* rirttil oaid, and the fuhfciitci* 1; t'KUl v'";- h*i to Tome diftaiU part of j Deputy KberiC Kingston, 20th March, igiT, 43 NEW AUCTION ROOM." » • » icrit *r* ^ I l l,J4^*j »vu*j an *o ion e amn* fhn^m^WfeofF fttt* quantity as iluy J! ^,tVttlT- Hf«tt ir-» «hmit 6 feet j|qpHE fubferfhers beg leave t» ,Vf0I w?»h t 1 parrhafe out of each let thu|,n,?h h^nl cmnplcxton, about 55 years J j .... tit-. ;nay have in poffcfS on, and for fuch { °hJ» a dfn general way very talkative. His former refi leriee «a«the town of 1 m qtn'Ui y .'h^y Tial! be cenfidered tn pay in.ercil,! n^. mw?. As IV!f nefs ore hands at Gortwrkrfyt in the County of Delaware, and state of New-TbrMt July \$, iSo2. Signed George Sifde, Abraham Houghteting% Samuel IVhitney, Silas Grccn/Iafe, joh'i Houghtchtigi James Toungi John Ransier% Josi Straderm Adorn Vav VoVk'mburgh% /11: a na Ho 'uws % Fredrick Kr$i, Georgi Ki'Jf. yofcph Grimmon, 41 ,1 R«oV..w.:y, GeiuTte county, N\ \r. We cannon ail prrfona n-ainlt pnrchafing fa id goods, end pariicula ly rwjucll that any informal ion which may be obtained O" th- fi:*.ject, fhould be forwarded to the Subfcribers in Ridge way, Geuel c Conuty, N V. or 10 Jufeph Judfua oi Mortreal. The above reward will be paid fur iht appnh<nficn nf faid Wmg% if fecured in any jail in the Province.,, or within ihc United States. IRA WEBB & Co. March 1,1817. \ C3*Newfpa|xrs in Montreal can give the ■dioveau in Ten iont nnd «pply to Mr. J'deph Judfon for their pay. their friends n-'d the public in general, that th:y intend to can-" on theCOMMIS ION and AUG TIONEER1NG bufinefs, »'n th:t elegant new Honfe built by John D if v, in St-*-e Street. Thofe who wifli to employ then may depend on having their bafiaeb done /o their fetisfa^tion and may reft a (fined that noihin;- will be neglected t^at itav contribute to their intercS* JQUX D,1RLRj\ | JOHN THORNER, I -**«*•* N B, Th.eir regular AitAtoq dav^s will be on Mondays, Wednefday^ Fridays, and Saturdlays—evening fale on the fame. Day falcscommence at 11 o'clock a.m. Everting do d- 6 o'chnrk p.m. Kingftoni, March 29, 1817. A I A Gentleman from England, and of X*. a: knowledged reputation -nd abil¬ ities rtfpedfully informs the pubiic that j he ir-.tend= opening an ACADEMY, For the Tuition of younp Mailers and MifTes in the various branches of this in- ftftattOAi on Monday the 24th inftant, in Mr. Henry Baker's Red Houfe, rear itreet. He hopes, by afliduity and attention to merit a fhare of public patronage. Terms of tuition, &C« can be obtained at !h.- Academy. C?UnqueltionabJe tert:monial« of cha¬ racter and abilities may be heard of on applying at thi-* office Kingston) March 8, 1817. 411 r Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Oilice. Land for Sale. I* OT No. 38, m the third Conce* For particulars apply to'the fubferib^ Ron of the townfhip of Pittfburg. at his houfe or Store, in this tow,-. JAMES RICHARDSON, Sen. «« Kiugfton, March 20, 1817. 42w6 11 J A VALUABLE Farm, with build. ingsi al5o large improvements there¬ on, favorably .'itnated within 28 miles of Kington. Perfons dvfirous of f.ur- chafing to inquire of the Pi inter. ft ingstM* Jy(v loT 1S1 f 3 f vg FOR PR,'\TT\'G, BV .SCRSCRTPTIO.V, By WmsTvns lV Xxtxytns. Af.;;ANV, ?v. V. Sketches of Upper Canada, WITH A MAP or THE PROVINCE, And a XopograpMcaJ and Ili>torical Do^ripj lion of i.p •ijuit" io"ghtd»'rii>c the late War withal imd neat \u Limits. CONDITIONS: 1. This \V(»r1cAvii! he comprised ra an O^fnvo v^!niyir, of about [W pages, printed 0:1 ajrood t\]w and fine paper, 2. Thr pricr to subscrihrrs- uill be One Dollar 3iu1 Seventy-Five Cents in boards. orTwo Ijoliar-- and Fifty Cents neatly bcund audlettorcd. The Books will bcdoUvercd in Kjng"t^n at the Albany price of Two Dollars and Fif¬ ty CVnts irttfc the addition of the im¬ post cUifjr, only. 3. To who «u?)scrihc for Ten Copies, or procart1 Ten Subscribers, an Klevonth Copy will be given gratis,on drlivcry sitid pn}mcut of the Copies subscribed for. &TStd>.scnj>; ions for the above Work xcltt h** 1reived at this Ojftcc. LAI It'S Sermons, Poriem' Evi¬ dences, the ^Canadian Vifitor» bonvd o: (ingle, together with a great variety of ufefnl 13oi>ks and Traces,for young people, for Sab at this Office ;■— where accefs may be had to a fm»fl cir¬ culating Library, three times a week, Ofl moderate terms. auguft 1, 1816. Jj^ BLANK BAIL BO%rHS and SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale ai uas l)i*

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