w Jroly religion. T-et m# a*k you sir, arftf yoiiin 'Mini-si hi (hi> dcrtaratioa ? •■ da you think a little lying* by way o\ jc.st.-uu\ for (ho sake of huiU.-quing a neighbour, is an allowable figure o: mntfh ? Jn the same strain, you say, " It i^ difficult to (btcrmiuc whether the au thoruoes not intend representing it fthfi day of Judgment) as a farce." - Let me tell you, Ansolmo, it is not di ■ JicuM to determine, whether in rtuitin - thi* pitiful sarcasm, you fa n t intend iw/j-rvprcsenting the sense of the au- tiior. But, it scorns, the short containing tflh production was pasted *»n the wall in the night ; a circumstance, from whiclryou wittily take occasion to de¬ nominate, not the act of placing it lhetvJ>'Uth~prodnrtion itself,a "dee:! af darkness" &Vp>>i l&fj the foH 4ior.it of \/ur H\!;trnian witticism, •whichyoy !i:'.v* taken care to i'tuticist\ lest it fM'ilp-; tin* notice of the reader. Prcliap- you mean t;> Lu-viuuate, that **the Di'MMitlii^ J*;ni«terM pa-ted it lip us a phiv bill, if it was really pla¬ ced in a ridiculous situation, there i- niiiili stiou^er probability that you did tiw ,; deed of darknr.-s^*' or scut some pcn;iv-,>ONi IkVi to do it: as you have been vlraiiiin ; ymrr wits to ridicule the pi-oc; and a (rick of that nature would accord with the disingenuous chuiarl'-r of several of your distorting! , J - i remarks. Some, perhaps, of your readers, who Live ucier seen the little work, which! y im fts-inl with such strained aud far! fcL:!ied rku.i.le. may, fr -m your inan-j * * I Her irf treating it, be led to suppose, t!;:»t :t purports to be a play, to be ex¬ hibited liy acirm on thesta<e,asa dra- TTiiiarcpr-j.-ent-itiou of tie* day of judg- tf:ci-t. I>.:t you, v.ho huve perused it, know brftrv* It ii ft de^cripMon of the final Jui'.iitru-ut, al lyrically styled w A (Jrnml o\:^;it;onM to be " at the Theatre of (Ik: Universe, on the five of Tim-:," by th? u command of the Kiff£ cfKJftUL** Whether the alienor) t* ftruwu tvith tast-,and according to the yt:ict rule.-of criticism, or not, it has r. :tliin ; oti it hMfiAerittg upon profanity. h'l-e.*:n.;-.y or levity- On tiie contrary, Ih* '.lu.'uai'e is mostly -cripturaU ami cvory j&nirniini' of it is gcirious and sot* htltt! Wihmi, therefore, you cajl it | 11 bbepbentoaft," w irreverent," " im- j pimi.-," * profani*," a sacrilegious,*1 "p-r•veiou;," tee. &e. &<\ I attefft, Sir, wd ttppml to the cardour of every Btif > tfi© Theafre, forsooth! ^our ;> rvortin^ imagination discovers some* Iking so " sacrilegious" in theatrical vhibitious, tint a dissenting speaker or writer cannot take a figure frGm the tai^e, without shocking your delicate feelings. Poor victim of sensibility !- 1 wonder if your religious nerves were lot effftctftd with a slight shock, at the .issunip-ion of the dramatic appella¬ tion of'** Ansel no" Where did you beconifi familiar with that name ? Not in the Church, surely, nor by reading \onr Hible. It is not found In the eal"ndarofSaints, hot among the Dra- 'w/./.v Persons. I>y your Bus kiu style, •you appear to have assumed a tragic character too, as well as name. Pray, sir, how long is it -ince you attended ^c in person ? Have you nev- ihe Theatre in person ? er, by e.xample or oflierwi-e, aided in eo!le*:(ini:an audi.mce, or distributing tickets {or a phy ? Kie upon you, All- -elmo, for snch alfectation ! lie a-sur- « d, your motives arc a^ transparent, as ynnr eUVyrts are inelfectuil. You may lihlv VOitr Llu-hes, iudeid, from oth¬ ers : but you cannot conceal from vour own heart tliO consciousness of their I quote frorb memo/fi .an^ ma7 lot be precipe irt my reco'.)'-1'110" ; hut the substance of the quota*"0" is corfect. Here, Sir, are two portraits, drawn by an English Poetic painter, of two opposite clerical chancers among hi^ countrymen. One of 'hem is known here only by description • The other, Anseltno, your conscience will inform you is a faithful !ikeiie-;s of the man. w hom you have Eabonrifd in vain to de¬ grade. YORICK. s:uus SIP. TO rt BUliX* • it » i scn-^oi-' i. add i>t'n,'iu .up]*url of t)i. fiv«iiri")»,»* thai you ar- guilty of agrOna jj.-i'v, \'<;tm of tlv* plain, olivious meau- iiig of iiv tein>?« \Vli\. ill thr unr.ie of common sense. \\\r\\ not the liual jud |;meni be describ¬ ed h\ an alle.:rnric;il allustuu to the Tuealre ; as wi-ll a-, to t he agricultu¬ ral proems of a H-nvest, when the Wheat iv separated froni the Tares, and jEltbrcwl Sufo a garner, whilst the v.hilfi^ eoo-iiimed by lire; or to the t >\sU>nl scene <»f a Shepherd, dividing his sheep from the i^oixt.i : or to (he mil* inn1 operation of an army, brought together with the sound of a trumpet ; or tV judicial process of a human tri- buuil. at waich the judge acquits the innocent, but condemn* the guilty, and d-.-liver* them over to be cast into pris* on not to be discharged, until they pay J J the utmost farthing ? " Allegories arc common in the Sacred scripturas. They arc used by our Sa¬ viour himself. Under this figure, the apostles, in describing spiritual things, allude to the Olv mpic games, and oth¬ er objects, occurrences and transactions of human life. The most insidious ?n- cmies of revelation ; they who have professed <v* w«eh concern for 4t our holy religion," as you do, Anselmo, Avhilethey were betraying it with a kiss, have not, like you, seen bl^phemy or impiety in *uch aU?,orical allusious.— Your second sight exceeds their pow¬ ers of vision : V\ hat(%ver qialms \ou have against arllerfories, you make i free use of an- ou»er :\rnre i*ff|H»«t'h3 when you say yo'i v\:is npprelK usitu *v that the repu¬ tation of tbe *'»'A o would be comprom¬ ised .M and Ih&l you fHt " indignant fiirU Kill* uutitor was not treated accor¬ ding I- histl'^rts by tlie proper au- thoritit's." Tois pnurile rant iurnt^he?! au evamph.of the hyperbole, in such a de ;ree of c\tr:iva-auce, as allow liow cheap wu Iiold Uio understanding of \ o;:i- readers. Should you be disposed to make a further « ..peiimeot of the public sense on fiie subject, follow up your idle ti;re;ir. (Jo yourself; or, if you choos. rather to b'irn a cat's paw than your own liners !«'t some dupe of a friend gu for you, to such of the civil " au- »;»-•n:iesMa-' yott deem the mo>tuprop- ■.t" on ■ Tor your pnr{io£e9 and affront him Willi ail application for a warrant against a c!'/rgyman. of exemplary pi¬ ety, for ill-' " bia-pheniy** of propn- -atlug.i r.;ii>ioUv tra.:t, which happen? to be too iigurative to suit your refined ta^te. Kxe.hangr your burrowed name of '■ Anselmo," for that of another character, and act a part3 or officiate a. prompter, iit the play of mi Much utLf nboUt /lathing " After ail, sir, what personal offenc^ hoi i1i«- fc- Di -eiitiu* .Minister*' -liven MYpyci* '.v-Tcatirin'it'J to ynnr \evz- thy mmr.ntnic.'iiioi'. iturrtrd m the last Kuip- ■j;on Ga7.«*ttr, by \t* bciaf a'Sdrrzird t*» two Ofntlrm-h of iri»d expwence and probity, aud if] wcro ccrrain that ii would receive an answer frum anyoibcrpen U'fii mint*, I WUtild rest in silence well know**'*; \m InabiUij ui ■rply lo yon in a style )«*u ih Berve ; bill, in case of accident^ I punst r«juest io l)p altOWiHl *omakc ooeor two obsonations on that pro- iluciioii| comnuvrd by one oan*:* bruin way |no- bably overbnrthpnrd with hmb^ ofihe wor-iof pa--iitns, and wlldat1 oiily denghl is in rnd*B- ^ on ring lodihtroy thac pcfttcot n>iodo£ <»tlip:**, which CtlCpangSOfbid own<o/i^cieiice will ever debar him from po>$es?ine;i In vonr cominuniL-aUon yon iur]ii*ec.l> rimrc** two nt'isc rerfpec:aWc Members of qui ocTefy with having infriniredon ilie mea^to** aftop^ed by our (inairiiau LawK( anJ of irespa-siu^ on therhrhisand pri\ilegcsofHu litiniinic \laj(^l>"> faithful -u!)|eei-. In wi-.li- !»?;• however to dtigmao/e the chor.-.^U»r^ of ;he,-M*gentlemen whoha\ealwa\'>prtw«^t':ei.!- '-elves, in their puSlic capacities, as r^ady tn redrrssthe injured a$ u>pnni>li th<' irnilty : you have,sir, c-iM acta:.i on %our own character us a peaceable member oT society, thai, iiiih' alone willobliteiaie. There could be no pM*m •>le doubt arUfi in the inii^d of un i«npart:al i-\x- • -rof the advertiM'inent, ;o which you alS d , ai to the internum** of these M0£l3tra;e- which niiirt have been ;o lay all toudera tlm. i-aine tt> itandi befnr,* (kt MasUfrates in their fienrraj O.iaiier ?^-i<»n* assembled. \s U. \,o'.,rotue«'"uN wMiing Ui know how the inones collected from tlw Ua e »»f the ferry is to b« • A\pcnded,lad-i^e »o.i to keep vourm£ per- t""C!lva" ea-e, a*;d proy dont let your i-'p-_ • i«*i*.c- master yoiir^*iodlusfcuiujrp^ d you *ha\l near in due M>a-pn li.iw every farihii>p1s la:' mil. for eMih^.'/i^iuw public ;.none», c*>mniii- tine fn»^'*ry .o ci^er ihr d«'Cei:, and lakiiij." t g ball lo save the tieek. &c. are little fau.\ 0i«, which have no* rebelled our happy clime. a\iator JUST1TIJB. COrEMUACEN, Nov. id. According to a letter from Tangier, of the i ft October the corn harveil in the empire of Morocco hat bem uncom monly^roductivc, but the exportation of corn ii prohibited. BRUSSELS, Dec 9. Mr. Pyke, of Flanders in a fpeech delivered on the 6th, in the AflVmbly of the States faid, that the crop of wheat, barley, rye, oats, has not been less abun¬ dant thii year in alrnoft all the provinces than in common years. LONDON, Dec. 15. America is to be furnifhed from England by loan, with the dollars neces- fary to open itb National Bank indeed, no fmall pnrliOQ of the lands, fuiids, and commercial capital of Aaicrica arc Eng.ifh property. The French Government, fays the Timcf;, has proclaimed its inability to pay lis ftfpulated contiibntidns. The Courier fays, it aflcs only for a little ac- com"modi".'«!on in point of time. If* a*« it is rumoured, it is about to obtain a loan, in our money market, thar, it may beorefumed, will enable it to ke-i «> the time ftipulated with the Allies. Parts ppp'ers of Tuefday, (late, that the Dutch expedition, for the purpofe of obtaining fatisfaftion from the Em- oeror of Morocco, has been completely fucacfsful without blood (hed. The Emperor of Morocco has entered Into a treaty with the Dutch, and has agreed to pay 200.000 pialters to the Dutch Government. you ? Does tho example of Ida life cast Mr. Fn-iTon, i remit mc through th? medium of your paper, to inform '=• A GanatiLvis" that a litiiToN will not debase hiia-"*f vo much as to piveany other answer fhan what is coYitahn <1 in thi< commu¬ nication, to so scurrilous a production as that which he catted to be inserted in thp (iazetle of (!.,- nth instant, a«- the writer the/i'ofis tMO eoutemj/tabta a I hhi' Vjbn taLru.ue»uicc ol by Inm. A fine range of ilone barracks, com- menced lalt year by the United Sta»e-** Infantry, at Sackett's Harbor, have been lb far flnifhtJ as to be fit far the reception oftroops, and f>> exteniive as to be capable of accommodating 2coo men.—On the 8th of January lad, the aiihive:&rv of the baLileol Ncw^Orleam, it received, under a federal fnlute, the name of " Ma/fijbn's Hayracks" r T \ " Vor Optic-sharp it need-1 ween, Ti# K.H* ttti4» i* not to he ke-'u." Ultima tic ^-presentations are now as fkvorlte a\nnsoments, as the Olympic' in ancient times : and' earn were !Wi, no Koodfcow, founded me* tli«r crltiraJ or roli^ousccHMdrrations. ttbv a chTi.<lian,in rcprcsei.tmgthe fina con«.n.n»f.on of all t:.inc«, .nay no borr-vaualWory trotn [the bta5e, a m,-1I Umowm, striking, popu.ar object, hath for tl»ww» and imagination, &-, t.n-.-ro.va^aptedtoUlu.trateandcn.l forc«th.- spiritual procord.ngs of t.u. , day of J J«n«t 1/ t »at wl.^,, > tfntftk* V""-*** diter fram the PK,:«orlhrr«lpit,w!MTCW the Uus- ali,,',. of ^.-oh, as «fS* great cl-uj ofLtitnU"* or «• the grand tissues p',rs<r,.W|-...-hH-ri.-,..i..e.it,y hear iron, T, huiu-nt, and th, Varable, of the a-liadi- <f reproach upon ) ours, by a sil.nt but visible contract J Are you rtubu.-at the succcsi of his preachingJ 5Toor sneer about u a crozeded audi* ;•/.* >' betnys a symromatic pait^ of oiny ; and yet, perhaps, you fancy )outsell' in so elevated a situation, as to look down, rather than np, at your opponent Cut, remember,fc* An em* iniMuv, though fancied, turns t c brain." With iw-ird to the gentleman, v ho Utheobj^ei *'rjour spleen. I nudtT- stand that he i not ti-.e author of th<- littlo tract complained of; but that, jori'ijj^riu^ it to be of a serious tend- c.u'y, as i^very one who reads it candid- t) .oust consider it, aud thinliing it cal- .cuiated to attract the attention of some j readers, by its striding allusions to popular dramatic ideas and terms, he has patronized the distribution of cop¬ ies of it to such persons and families as lv judged likely to be benefited by it. Somebody pasted it on the walls, where you have lin-d at it, a hluuder- bu-s loaded with hard names and sar- ra-tic squibs ; not for its own sake, probably, but as an occasion of aim¬ ing a shut ut a Reverend neighbour, whom yoa denounce as the u assidu¬ ous propagator of it," and who has the misfortune to dissent from your creed. Vv'U'u that neighbour, 1 am not in habits of intimate acquaintance : nor am 1 of his religious sect ; but, having occasionally heard him in the pulpit, and ob ervt-d the general tenor of hi- lil'e aud conversation, i farta a pleas¬ ure iu doing him the public justice, to say of him, in the language of the pi¬ ous and poetic Cow per, I venerate the man, w5tt*W heart h warm. Whose ton.** are uure, tfta* docHine and v.ho-e life Coiiicid'-iii, exhibit lurid proof That lie is busiest in tlo- i acr -d cause. And anxious mainly tha the dock he feeds Mav fctI it •*«>; as well becomes B. Kingston nth apriU. ' Aldany^d. 16.—The Grand Canal ComrrihioMer* have reported thi Sub lowing cfti.imtcd expeucc of the ft cat pr. jcct ;— Dollars, From Buffalo to Tunawanta Creek. 27 rnilcc»* •••,-•• 1 •••..... 205*877 do. Tonawantn deck to Seneca rivei, l 36 miles, 2^ chaiiis,....... **55C»9^S do. Seneca river to Rome, 77 miles,......... ........8jo, 186 d». Rome to Schoharie or 7^ do. Schoharie or, to the Hudfon, 42 rniicH,......... ••.•••'1,1 cu-077 t . ounf>ro>\-uv.NTs. ci Philo Briton" camie too late for tllfe week's Gazette, but swill appear in our ncjet — We mitt beg to poiApone M's School cxtraft, till our nexti, when the whole will appear. Total 353 miles, 1-------------- z\ chains, Dols } 4,804,82ft A honfewas burnt near Pcteifcuryh, (V.i );ifhorftime lince, in vhieh time coloured children were dell roved, hav¬ ing been locked in by their mother, who had taken off the kw-yd. Last Night's Pzrpormjxcf.- KINGSTON AMA1 BUR THEATRE. On WEDNESDAY Evening, the Ifith April, 1817, Being the clofe af the Kingston Amateur Theatre. Will be performed the Comedy of Who wants a GUINEA. To which will be added, the Mufica* Farce of Twenty years a 2:0. Do.irn to be opened at SIX, pctforofe ance to commence at SEVEN o'clOk-k. CJ* TICKETS to be had at Mr. Macai'lay's ##* No Money to be taken at t he door, or Children admitted: N. B. It is requefted, that every pec fon going to the Amateur L'h tre, wil; go to the Box for which their Tickets ate numbered ; thofe who act contrary to this rule, will fubjeel thcrafclvcs to fee removed. ecj* All d^bta againfl the Theatre arc to be given in to Wm. Mitchell, E;b. on or before Thursday next, Kingrton, april 12. ^f^^|N 'he ill of next month, the fub. ^^J/ leribers piopou to open School atti** hiuife occupied by Mr Phisgle^ in which Scholars rrav be i:*[lruftcd in the following branches of education, at the annexed p.ices, viz. In Spelling,—sod Reaiiing Englifh, £1 to c per Quarter. „ EagltBl Grammar—Wririn.j—A- iiLhmctic and Bo k-Kev \:\njrt £2 o o per Quarter. M EnglihS Conpofition—The Eli- ments of Natural and Civil Hiiiu- rv—Practical Mathemafcs—Geo- grapby, with the ufe oftlu' Globes, and ih- Co«Jlrii£Won of >iap-< and Charts, £z 10 o per Quarter. ,, Latin—GVecfc—a^dtht Elements of Speculative Ma:har»atics with fncli of the other branches as may be required, £'3 o o per t^o^rici. JOHN WHITEUvW. > A. PJUNGLE. _X Kingston, April I 2, 1817. 45*vs! Govert Contract, tf-}ES.SONS willing to HC ntiafl to i deliver the following quautoic uf Pine Pl-mk «nd boards, prior to the 31 tf Ottobei next are requctUd to fend la fcV.ed tinders, naming their fnrcie* fur lie <l«e perforo^ancc, oa the lit dr.y oi nr^t mouth* inch In this town on .Monday mornim- last, Mrs. Amy Smii-h, wife of Sir- George Smith, a;cd about 40 years. Late Omissions. Bydrogbapuw Ofwce, I'nmvl'li to Ufh \y.r\\. K ■ $JTEt and Course of the Wind, rum '- tcr. i s \ * 5,000 feetj 10,000 do 45.000 do 20 000 do 50.000 -Jo 3C.OOO do 40.000 do 20,ccorJo 30,000 d J Nioal Storekeeper^ Office, 45 Point Frederick, 5th April, 1817. 45 4 2 <i 1 -v 1 .______________* '______ & ./. tf. \ . v J v. V. N V. V.IK. \von. (•» j. if. s. s. H. i \nr-n, Koit/A, ( Midnight* ii ;.iO .7. W. tenth, von, >H"dt ri//i*, I A. >•'. r'oudiu 2: '5 P. >/. ti'rstertv \ ,ue enerr of sraceto pdl« ««■ A run ei.£' r- lt.#. «wj iu when Bchohl the picture! I-U «» • l- ^ .. T' - thiogi ibai monul the rostani rah W Will, .tart Theatric practiced r.tihepla-s LONOON, Dec 17. Ear! Stanhope.—Dud at * is feat at CUcvening, in Kent, qvi Sunday night, Charles Stanhope, EavJ Sta-.hope LONDON. Dec. 13. An important coi\liru),1;cation WlH received by letter* f.v,m Rotterdam of the 8th i-lt. They ft^te -hat tl.e Dm oh goverament have finally detemuned tint all forts of grain may \x exported duty j | - ( '—"• T"jr' &«e—The confeqnencb ,.Vas, that all the !' 0..*'» v- «• belt forts of wheat <Vl.re immediately brought up at an advar,>:ed price 5 but the probable ^nantity fron, R0*erdam, for exportation, would not exceed 1 coo lads. Dtambcr 25 —The Board :f Cuftomt have been inftruckd b> ,he Lords Com- miflioners of the TfCa%r«| t<) alow, nn- j der the peculiar circ,mrtanCes of the' country, the imi>ortati„n 0f American Hour into th< feveral p..tt9 0f Iveland. Lord Cochrane's S-„,c 0f £'|COi nr 24000 pence, was paid ;„ ^ folb*wmg| manner — £h% in bai.kf,ytcS> £r Klfttvtt,: and ^fjio in copper. LONDON Dec 2T. The D.tkeof VVeru-g.on arrived in town luft night, accor.- aa;cd uy Lord Arthur Hill Lord Lacelie~, it i-fupjv-fed, will be called up to the Houfii ,,f pcCrs uy wr;t :io.«'*o ;:.. 29 L 4"* "TTT;. .Ok.'.v. »r. J Vv#»»v/fn' 'father, >n ./. .U. \. E. \ir.-i5 P. .v. v. »r. £9.74(1 v;|«iM) S9JHM ^n 700 41 51 I r. 4t) -4H C -t ■ 11 I VN an 4» 1 Si! » »- * * 4* -e." of fumnion^i before jenct al eleftion But take plac?i for l»i> 'orWl?p WWW CcT- tainly Doiberetutneda^jjjf^eyG'k'Tiire, without the Itrciut^u. .ef4aa«ce fro:n the independent intcrcft- PAHIS,Dec. 28. ^n Snvoy frc-m th. |)e« 0f |£gypt is at thta lis* al War'feill ^ t0 reCL-We and .:nj at tte avKvaj 0f the corn t:-,v-^-:d \om r.^ypt and alter p!^^ vV.lit.Ii t^ Notice. THE adjourned Quarterly Meeting of the Commit- i-e of the Kingston Auxiliary Bible Sc Common Prayer Book Society, will be held at the houfe of Thomas Markland, V^fquire F. P, at 12 o'clock on Mond.iy»the 14th instant* The attendance of members is par¬ ticularly requested JOHN WILSON, SECRETARY, KLingfton, apt. 12. \ week KOR SALE, A quantity of Pear] and P-irt Bar ia_ ley — Enquire of the fubfciiber at Eincll Town JOSHUA BOOTH april \2s 45W.3 oil PUBLIC NOTICE. fT^HE concern heretofore carried op 4l by ih& fubfc:iber.s undei \)\~ fivr.. •yf J>hn i'li'by aid Co is this day di— _.__l ..fdveU by mutual cmicent. All demands 4V 5Ii I j apiinlt the firm will be Liquidated \y 7.. -n. 1 hn Kithy, and thofe indehted to my their ace JttfltS WltOOOt nrlav. JOHiN KIKliY, ANN M.VCALLAV. Kingfton, April 12, 1S17. 45 ^ \ Arts & Sciences. fllHE Teacher of the Academy, later _! ly opened in Mr. H 1* k1 r'« red boule in rear fireet, acqiMimn ln\ friends and the public? thai hi<» Schcx i Roun is fnit^hly fnrni(h-d for the reception uf a numerous fct of Students. Larger <»- paitmentf and the sJfiftancc of au cxpe- viepced Uflier will be c"<{aeed, fluxdi an f'ecafion require them. Both fexe« will b.' f.'paiaicly fituated. He j^uai- anieeo to th fe who may favour hi • with thru patronage that no exertion* ihali he va'>tinjr to facilitate the pro/'f* ol hi* pupil>» and. Ilntt aitcntir>n wi*' be heH'<wed on their mntab. He returns his thanks to thole who haw fo liheta'.- ly patronized the Sunday Sc'»-ol. it (hall be his primary object, witi.- ut oh* lavinp; the peculiar fortm ofanv relict- t Hfl f - >etv. lo mciicat'- the fublund truths of religion ai*-I morality contained in the Holy Soipturv?, The Evening School will be conttu- iti d a» ufual "^oi ternib, &c pleaie apply to th*. K\ ichen K:ngllun, April i», 1817. <g£