Kingston Gazette, April 12, 1817, p. 1

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-*~ [SATURDAY, .%mM$, 1817.] X m GA [VOLUME VI.------No,43.1 T T E. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive or Postage. Price of advertiflag in the Gazette. Six linos and under, a/5 firfi inTcrnon, and \ft every fuhfcqntnt. Ten fines and under. 3/4 Grli inter- SJon, and 1/8 every fuhfoquent. Ten lines and upwards 4A P*1* lire firft mfcriioi^and 2</. per line every fuc- ceding tnfertion- , , AdvertifcTcnts unaccnmo?.:i:ed withj Written directions are iuferted till forbid,. and charged accordingly. Lieutenant Governor's Office* Tori, \§tb February, 1817. THIS ]»to give notice that Tender? will be received at thi* Office ,'n-m fuch net (on orperfon- as m?.y be rlefirou* of Contracting to render the whole, or any part if the Water Communication! be'wcen t,a Chine and Kingston, by the! I cnorfe of the River Ri<U*au, navigable f >r| E^sts drawing two feel water and icn fpetj I ridili—alfo* for boat? drawing three fe.i!' ftBtcr a»*4 twelve fcrt in width. 1 The Tef-'lets areto 0»ecifv ttie num '! COY 'vRNMKJNl LOS 'HALT. , t Midland Dh'riZ. WANTED.. FOR fir vice of lie [<oyal Esg^netr Dc|v*rTiTient, to be delivered ar Kingfton or Point Henry, as required : IjCUO Btishsl> Saitc^ on or before 10th May ; 9.000 D.mIo. 10th June: 3,643 Do.da 10th July. Total <vJl > tfatab. and Dh!riZ\\n£VtJlE Coutt of. to wit : 3 -jL General Quar j COFFEE-HO V 8 E. ■ *-** **J * * -*■ Prop &14 fif til* above will be recei¬ ved, ;>t 'iii- Offi r» until the 15th April, Ctnnm}$itrim {i[fi?e* Kingston, vtl April a 1817. 4- ter ScfTion of the Pe-ce for this Dilltift, | will be bolder. ?A the Court Houfe in the town of Kingfl'Wj on Tuefdaj thctwen-'. ___ ty-Ucond day of APRIL, at the hour of I Ht IffM fnbfciiber having opened the Ten o'clock in t*>e forenoon : There-j I -It Houfe lately ere&ed by Mrs. Fin- fore, ail Juflicr-of the Peace, Coroners, jj kle> next d< 01 to J hn« & Pinkie's, ref- Con'Tabirs, an 1 all other Peace Officers, ;| peftfully infurms the public, thai heh.rsj |as well as thofethat have any bnfincfstoij taken threat patiw to furnifh it in every j ■ tranfaftat laid Court, are requi-. j refped to merit the beft of cuiiom. Gen-1 !red to take notice, and give their atten-j demen travelling may rely upon having dance accotdtagty* ii gor»d accommodations and attendance. JOJ0 M'LEAN, SheriiF. !| Their being attached to the houfe a "M/H"jT"\rf"^ \ J B7'*£Li [ Ion obtnlniMg Uie pftrmt ionof ihct>|;catt4*<s«*f 1V I 1 Hi IV t^J k^ I lho h Houses ,0 ^-al **CI, Ordrred. Shrift $hi Aprils 1817, 44i - " WANT Fill}, TO LET, ii, OutTAtlfl! fa" ?- pefr6»« W a mcrcan- 1 kLV tii'er»rotfci public lii-eof bufinefe, a lar«;e new bmx Houfe two ftnrit?* high,; with a prtn.J col^v : a Wharf and Store,; fituate fa p. r-oil eligible part of the' trwn fn b::U. ;f , feeing in tfie vjjinity i.f the market jiace. Fur particular- I>Rtsdrr^twoi^v^;a,..^... , „,^^ Btnaew a bwiI iKgible part of The WW a»3 twelve fret n vr:dib. , PT S* 1% &£**** „f rte ifkrt^ace. 'F,r particular* Tl-e Tcr.leis are to O.edfv tfte num ™.^ .;< .,... fup.,,. if ,, e Almy and ^ rf^ p^^ j ber©fT.ock- nrirl the place* at wh..-h it j l£l Nivv ;„ .,,:, f/n,,;f,ni j^^J_______________________________I K^^W'&j Fresh Beef; Wanted, \ the oerinds for pom|v'etIng the work b\ j. To ^ fiiriV{flICJ$;,, r,u!, quiuii;"^ a^ m?f) Xk Steady Ian a-, a Servant in a f.r.all j the Tnth r.eek : ! be r-0'; hv the DiHeer o* (he Com r\ f-railv, F«r Darticulars ap^'y to A Steady ian a-, a Servant in 2 ! be fvquiit'd by the t)ilieer t>! 'he Com I! _;-\\ f-rnily, For particulars ap^'y tc tiit Print r- Kit'gsiun, /#ril 2.7, 1817. Lake, iu£fWmi them- tflKjarty- [.L>r to that da-e, J:!'.^ In i:..s of ! .; I Tend-r^. ft-.tirffthe frcuntie< tor per-;^}i>|riTtMv ^lMt;0| 5r tiv CMir^ ,.:te I fbrm'nt: Tne rofttraft will be r-ceive.i_f»»i;lirin \\rJlSt , , !.,. . « CiOjfc ^ *he Ihe*oth of June nexc inclnuve, and fui-, j ^^.-[r,, .My ;, -■ | ther* psrricnlars may fee knowrby avr;j T^ . %„Me inh-rbiran^of Ss^af ' plviwr to th? *nr*rr»i Oet>. 0':,<"':1?;: t. ., V;.'.i . it^iimJ «- .frrim»fa»j i" ad Y -k— The Offi.-e of the Drnnty Qur.r- • - }-tbfl ^ t c ,;it.. t,., ... j...,^ r0, t!ic du t" ^f^ft-r ^--neial at Quebec—or the. , . ... r;K-C w* ^{.. c(vutme\ ^fli-1 -nt Quarter Mafler O* neral at {j ' pp \)0y,\., u, ,, r a^i>vc PfTea. wt-il' b 44; 41 «! Kiwft"ti 20tb February I*'7' NOTICE ,, . -4.-, ^-Xtj •,. ,,,. •..., -« .V" ? M mn ! j 4 3 j Pn uoj •*!■- to " r ab»>vc-rff«K. l«l! be [ r.-cCtWd at tbfu Office i»buI tb«f 141" *»'f i^ t^L/AJrirW FOR SALE. \pjlv tcj ii,.: fubfcriber. RlCiARD SMITH. /Iprii 1 good yard and liable** Teamlters can have fait able accommodations. £otips every day from I 2 to t o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can be attended to. J. MOORE. Kingston, Feb. I, 1817. • 35 TO LE r, AND p^ffeffion given the firft day of May next, that Store and Houfe at pvefent occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply t \ 'TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston Marc/) 13,1817. J.iS. FH& A.XiJERSOM, A\ n !1 CoMMKsitu.-r Of "tcr. For Sale.) 0;.N ri-ifi 1. ib'.e terms, a remarkable 9 1, i, f«n.e Bay Gelding* ^KSSdfcl t,.m<k!t:,K- it, will e_; 1 Sect t»nr«Murdb«eperi !"> D*v*RHi Fo*' S-ile, Th> Hini-c \v?nt into CiHnmitiee or. the 5ic- <-;a Market Rill, Mr. Sway/f :iavii»e: rrpftrtfd thr ?.;!! ami-nii- '•(i. 1 he R»*j!ort -. ■. . 1 ':-ri*ti id l,i' rrc«Mvril: and Mr. B«r« ell,seeonded l»v Mr. McNalii>, im:.- vct\ that It be engrossed, and read a third tim-T MUillOl'MiVi. Th^ Vfi»'tsc '.vent into committee on the MHl Dam Bill. Mr. Howard :^port*-H yr<i«Tt*** and ;v-i c'. *»..#. .a v',( nir.-in. t!i:.- d;i> thvee mon.l. Carried in thi* atfiniM<tl\r. Mr. Vohnt, seconded lw ?'r. Burwell, ••' - laiiu'il leav<" 10 !;rirr in a Bi!* to continue' t!i^ Art grantir.r: ad.U.ion&l dtit'K* on Still Licrn- ses, which ua>t'n-n ivnd.and 1 rierei thai i* b<' roa'i a second time to morrow. The Hoase went Into conun it te< ont^ie Fir£ Bill Mr. Cotter r«pt>rted the BiHamended* ac^ it wax ordered to he eirgrofaed, and read a third lime iti-moirovc. Mr. vTrDnneH, seconded Sv Mr.^\ic*7nrtin. moved fhnt th^ iftllfie ilo to-ir.oircv go mo cmntaUtec, to resiime the poh^ideratfon of^-r petition of Alexander ^cPonelU of Cornwall Mr. Jones, '■■ctaided bv Mr. M*-\ahI;, moved in ;:!nciiHDieet, i»i?.( it he referred to a •elect comtnifrw*, Pftrried. On motion of Mr. Nirhol. e.«eoed-d by Mr. Bnruell. the petition of Ann F.os'urek wflfl read and rfcfeiTMj to ih** Prlect * omm-oee o;i :h^ppfi»ion^of A. RTcDonell; On motion of Mr. RoV«ncon, seronded' by Mr. Cameron, a petition of -undry M^re^a iU and others, of the m»\nof YorL, W rco*. TtresllftT, Wa-rh IS. Mr. MeNabb. sreond-i^ Mr. Hall moved tliat ilie Fire Soei^t* V,\\\ be now• r*»ronnuitred. En aanendmrnt, VfnJnuvw moved* t!ia» it he . recommitted tbUda> ihvvr. months—frtiichw&s jlo5t. and »he original moUOn carried b\ a rr.a- joritv oft(tO. t Mr. Howard.secondedIry Mr. MeV« vd that the Fir^ Mill bcengiwjrtf, and rra.i a third time (lii< day. M^ Diirwell. in amendment, ihat afief the v ords'- thi day," •• three mm* tV* he added.— I.o t, and th^«»rigiiial morion carried. The Niagara Market Cill ua* r<ad a»thirj time and pa t d. Tl!" Fire Security D:.H was read a :hird time. and p'!*s ed. The Hoi.-.* vrt*i\: into rom:!!'•"•** on the We£» tern f>i«trrci Caol and fonri-lio-^e Bili. Mr. Rorwell rc;>o iedlhe B»?la^endrVl. Tile Tarb'tnit |( |Misenralion Bill na- read a second time. Upon morion ef Mr. Howa»d -.eeopd^d by U -o 1 ft ■ • '" '11 '■' '"•* t* ••• Mr. Sway?.*reported projernftjaad obtained lea\e 10 ;i« neain fo-moi row. The Dorland Eota I BUI »v read lheeecond For bi« at the 1) uggifl Store (»f l|,i,n1?* . e., Xl v M Wiin(i-4 u.. 1. ^/MU.lOLC I Mr ^^i^tj^yj^HnOTeflffatfrtoenminitlef" Kingston, March 12, 1817. 4IUI r »j* he- whole to take into emu*. Vra-ion th«« itiii f.r i-aelitj relief to 4lle> Poriand ai.ti CvnthiuVan Dyck. The Jndicatnn- Bill ^en' f-nra the TTnn. Iho i^fi 'EJ2 From ii'<> Majesty's Bock- Yard ■ •_ r /V;/ l»M4JUlh9 INFORMS chepubltci that he is car- rvitiff on the hi'linefe oi" PsIINT- I INd in all itb branches, molt particular¬ ly tfesr of Figure Painting* It will be done with the uttnoll nicety and expedition. N. B. An apprentice wanted* Kingfton, March 15, 1817. 4-ttf A sn-:'l< quanlilv of ONION SEED <o> '1C»9 »> lliry win c«t.j -V.....- . i( rcccea iar to«««» « fortbree jrw.. vn r ?_ * J ted on .he ,5 1« Airil next Kisgttotl. March t<). \'-1 43 43'fi i AOAopre jV./J r0-w Ae »,;-,i,i,?r,ts of K'ng9" n \NCiNC W ^",j ■ *' Literature. , r^HE Jtthabitanta rf Rmgtten a-d its ' JL" vicbUy, are K*f|»c£t?'.iUy informed tnai a -IT the Sicye of thembfer l>er, Pork, s B«f,, Pcafe, 08t*, S-erl Coiu, i ^n^fl rV.wa/ Qfortmcnt of SHAKER \f gakiJem seeds . ! P WETSEL. .'wV?// », i&tagS i, 1817 39 |TOH " v^E Al THIS OFFICE. March 13. Blank Summonses 1 For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. L^cWlai"* rnnndl ww read &ww •! !i»ae. 'i'!i»' Hou-r *veiH iniorn»-w' ••»• " nt* iii'*i eon*idiTatinn »he .l"dicatm** U«P ir*,porT«id pre- gre<sandobfatned !'-u\e te -i; ajaio to-morraiv. The Ptiysicand Surgerj #:ll *rad LUeahQcond J:.m;". Tl^C TfalW io «WrtlrittW Ofi lh<> JHrv*ic «'•«♦ Ver^< tv Bill, reoor ted process, aid o^toiuul lea" to A* ft&aln tn-morro;.. Mr..hiii»-s. -iT,.n«ii-«i h> .ii Hit!? obtained !'.. iiv-10 br'u'P m a BJ11 fn> tih r; l'u-r of t!:e S";»* liifTnfihc Disiriet en oiv. .\hich"t»*a .fc*r. I SUNOAV A Fvp>:-NG I rf0 Aoplicailts foi SCHOOL--.] hAND, VviS'i be !.n ■-: ' s' du dCjiURWT, " R«r Stncrt. du ii .' tfcUwd ih* eniuiw?. feafr,u, for th kw :-"- ^ »hofc, wlv>, i.-om peeulia circH*r>!lan«rw, ?.'c iinaok- AOu'ANHTY OF F->r Sale at this Olhee. 43 |a«dirml.-'fo&?«««•.a-«eees4ti«e<mTho* 1 I * 1 I ^ |ir-ar, ti-ne oil fchttfi-dftj NTS 43 {audi •%-, lldav next. *P, 0* he minor cW*-««" ^" '."""] th^tV^;t,fa-i Mr iuhi< profit,, «k rfM >! i rhe (Vnal attenti n ihnU be pjd ™£JI ,vrt tr. hrftwa them accordmg to °n n. r' V • • .MlhiM • an.l that Colfl- ?e be" d V-a ftftlonable ttvle F Kinsitoth Mcrrhix, 1.817. 43 Thouisou&Betlor Cheap Goods ; ■ IU11 be WWW.W rt"" ......ii Among which nrc :- jJS a^refs, and gencrat depn | Bent of aUwhn attend. A GENTiiEM AN who has beeaj J73_ for forBB time cp-ppV.yed in the ) / nd Officer i ihis Province, and is well acquainttd with the ncceflnry foims in making npplicatj.>ns ft)r Land, &c. will prepare Petition^ and tranfaft Land bu- iif.eff ge1 erally. fOT applicants. Enquire at th . Printing-Oihcc. Kingston, M<-hcl>2t, iS 17- 42 V WOXi N CIA l, PA K LIA M VST Of UPPER CANADA. f"e foa'r went into emrnnit'ee on the Bark Si!! '-;-M-r-fl jno^iv^^awriobraiacd leave to sit again in-mmrow. yhp "•' for n'-erip* »h* «f™m»** rtf 'u,r ....................* * ' • " ||,', \.\i-. ... mi -'Mvnfthe Wotern DWricc, _ ._____* - -* • ** 1 1 -i . ..'wi p;ii Ititi Lt.-iimmitt**tl- KOfSLOFA^FAiRlY. {•ha* the -a:i! W0 bo remmmit^rf. D panic ;iu ui «« ■*■■ C t - Kindlon, M~rcbvu iBl?. 43*3 cond Cioths 40 Do. d<»- r«>^ a0- 60 Do. Cassimere, mHEfobfcriber.bcS leave: to mfomj .^ ^ Ca!iCo (at St'l. COSt.) ' I their ErkiKb «d the pubhw tl ..t ALSQ £, h,ve comment the b^f %Q ^^g pjNE Grocers Sc Spiri Dealers, A ft wb , • p,;,-h Store in tV msrifl Ltt'Vll5Mt Hem CdHy";i where- they »i» OC belt o,,ai:ty. and hope r,-^.;nu ti»Kt:,eiT PTTa7 e ^ i-Wic fa auili-ifi, to merit a l....e ,0"' BE'. FOUR • ^.M^OK PJPER HANGINGS, rKE lubfcrjher has lately received a fmall Sflbrtaieot of PAPER j HANGINGS, for fa\c on reafonablc terms if applitel r,,r f,,on. ALSO, A few Bosej Mould and Dipped CANDIES & SOaR And a„ew fupply of Dry Croods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. March, 1817- 43 uit receive f an(l for fale at j this OiiiCe, 11 Reams Vf'iungPoaNo. 2, o ditto jiito ttucat Yellow Soap is* 10 Reward STttTi EbeCive,-y the fubfaib", t^'ti^vperlon.howi^.vefuc. Jlnalonas^mtcndio cm^tb villain nvio Iiv 1 > „:««lafl it » ■••• -j A f°v- Banvis of ON More day, Ma'eh.l*. Mr Secretary Cameron.ileJlven-.l a me-a?o frora ilia K« •tirncv ii><- W«fc flo»erflor. The House «• in lutO'romroltteeod Mi<- auc¬ tion Bill, reported prqjrewandobtaSnedleaM r<jsUasai«t«-morw>w. . . A.I) .-IH--0 >5ill '-.•u.l Up third lime. Mr McDonell, sccondWH»J Mr.NirhoI. mo- ved,ti«l ih*- B"» *<> uuvmi** *at M be .n.iV.ed. " An Ac! ro provide for th-_ \«.*ss- mpntofLandr-of Mwotees, wi'.nn thi- I'nn viuce and Rir oUii* pnrposes therein mentiott- p,I" Carried, and the Bill -ipned. Th.- T.rnn ifleeting BH1, read 'h<- third tim^. Mr ( ieii.hoi-coiKl.driv Mr. Nirh.M, moved, tha, th* BUI d" IWW l.^-and that H be enti- 1 .,i •• *u A--t ior.i..-al part of. and to amend t Ac. Pa-'-'l I"' 'he 33d yea. of Hi:- Maj^/. Jl..da,ii.oii,im.M.t of Parhhand row.. GJKceft Sii!. :hib Province." Carried, and the Bill The Brian) B»l read thr- third time. »fo. Juues,seconded hv Mr. Mrhol mo;.;-d tha .heSc.iool Bill do .10* pass and that . h« enlilled, " an M towpirf l-ari"t. and to ..- th.- law- mnv in force for esta'.l.-h..^ ,"i"n N, the several DU. .c.of th, Pruvittce, and 10 extern! the ptovi«W» SCSe, and *!-» to approprtatc eer.a,. '„„,"„( ,n,ney for thr purple:- tl.ereta uent- Zd ■• (ar.led.and the Brfl *..?n.-d. m Jonesffom•« B.ll ,:jo«.d'h,dr::u,,wl.ichua«.h.i, W&S5«.se™.»Udb-yMr. U-l-.-o... .... v -d .ta! .1 b, read- a r«v»d I ime n. ■. orrow. Jlto» Rid-,:. t.>-.S..r>eyo,-r..«e.1. . Mr, ISmw^li "';>or'i'fi rlie Bill a*i amender!. T-"- i1o»i-e wont iulo cornmiiteo nn \hv Wajs and M^uisi The Western O.'.'.ric Gart nod Court-BToas* Bill, vra« road at>.;!rt rt^i^artrl i^u-m n. Th** *.mi~i* went iiwo co*nnwUf on ihr» Rank BIU, ivponH prn^iv^ ami obtained li-avi* iomI again lo-monnw. Thf llon<*Mvrnt itun.».m»ni.;.v"i)«» *h^ Pen- ion BUI, r^pottfd profffftsapuaskfd Iraveto sll a^aiu to-inonow., tst'«*n.\Y. MauY ->0. T\\e Public Buil'ltuc Rill ^\'i« l)ii**£Ui In and read a iirsi time, and ordered (o l>e r*atl a »erond time to-morrow. The ordt-r of :Ueda\,toi- the second reiidiii« Ofthr Bill, tor ilie relief of W. >* amis, Bs^.bfr In* read. Moved, tbfti ihe raid, l*ill beread a s«>wnd time, this day thtftf rn.oaths—Year: 19, Kay- d. Tue Ii »'i-e\\cni into i.n'iniiil^enn the Aiu- Mr. Me!/«vieii repeal-|*M !li»' Btfl a1- ftm^O^eil Mr. I^obinwjn^secomVM l»v Mi. Batnaham. movpd tliaj?bf* Aaciion ISill ><> cczrr^cd, aoJ read a *h\n\ time to-mrriow. l)<«I«*.ed. < 'VIip F.lefUon Hill wai re-ad a *w*C0til1 li'ne. Unnn (heinoiion of M'*. Jpi'.VS *■ 'Cond^l l>v Mr. Ni.'ol. theHoun* went in«n rt-mmUtee --' M". ^p"::';v :"*oiee^-hi- t hair, in reepivca Mr-^n*" frcm Uit* l.e^i-lauve C\'UH' it Mr. Nie'.oi^'rondeo I'v Mr. Pwiirr. aovr . J (*ih« flu* RiH &nt l«the Uon. the L>eiia iw lr'ter;ei! t. 3.n': •■ lt<w % entii! d. ** an \et u* be 'O ' rK- ; «-: ^-'3"-W,t8t7. 41 I j Bo»l« ;;;r:;. .v.,.. 1.--nd.•.,.,., :c*SvXc.,i^^ „f ..„ Hon-*, and f"..... »Ih^,^ ' ' . .' 4 I !, rG canon. a«edr to the r.-Ho,. ol , < > i

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