[SATURDAY, An:::. .r>, 1817.] • STON [VOLUME VI.------No. 44.] GAZETT Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage Price of cidw'ifing in the Gnztttc* Six Hues and under, 2/5 tirft infcrtion. and i/3 every fubfcqueot. Ten l?nea and under, 3/4. firft infer- tion, and l/8 every fuhfequent. Ten Unea and upwards, 4J. per line firft infertion, and 2(7. pet line every fuc- ceeding infertion. Advertifemcnta unaccompanied with written.dire&Ions are inferted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Lieutenant Governor*s QMcs* TorL, 19/A February^ 1 817. TtHlS i$to give notice that Tenders will be received at ibis Office from fuch perfon or perform as may be defirous of Contraftin>' t«> render the whole, or auy part of the Water Communication 1 G()F EHNJg£KT Coy TRACT. and WANTED, FOR the fupdy of the Army Navy in this Garnfon, Fi^esh Beef; To be furnifhed in fuch quantities as may be .required by the Officer of the Com¬ mittal ial, between the id of May and 24th September next. Payment will be made on the 24th of each month for the quantity fuppfied yrri or \o that date, either in Billy of Ex¬ change o» London, at the current rale. or in drafts on Lower Canada, as the Commiffariat may prefer* Twori*f;>eftahle Inhabitant* of Kingf be ween La Chine and Kingston, by the! j ton wjjj <Jf requned as feenriries. in (jourfeof the River Ridcau, navigable krj j dition to the party tendering, foi th Boats drawing two feel water and ren feetj j performance of this eonUaft. av*- Literature. nflH^ Inhabitants of Kingflonand its I vi-'inity, arc iefpe&fully informed, that a SUNDAY & EVENING , 8CMO OIL I Will be taught at the ACADEMY, in Rear Street, during this and the enfuing feafon, 'or the benefit of thofe, who, from peculiai circumftauQes, are unable to attend the Common School. ^T>e llri&eft alttcntion will be paid j to the rr2"ners and morals of every pti-1 pil pLccJ there foi infln&ion. j For Win*. &c apply t \ the Teacher- i i For Sale, AT the Store of the subferiber. Fork, Beef, I'lou r, Peafe, Oats, Seed Corn, And a General offorfmtrA of SHAKER GARDEN SEEDS. P. WETSEL. Kingston) March I, 1817. 39 j i King*on, March 24. 1817 43 NEW AUCTION ROOS1 --••*• e due Propoials to the above erfefi. will received at thi.-, Office until rfcc 14-h April. Commissariat On ice, 11 d.% Km?ft on. z$th March, 1817. be •if wijth—alfo, for ! ;.ats dra-vng 'hree feet water and twelve feet in width. v 1'heTendeis Hietufpecify cTie num^ lierof Locks aud the place- at which iij isprop-.fed to build tbett : r<& the num- j ^ ber of Flood Gates m ea-.h Lock—and;)-' the periods for campletifKr tiic wmK byji the lrilh Creek. |« „ , - , , , .. Tender, will alfo be recseM ?"f '»™ ■ i From 6 tc 8oC tAtfh ?ood Toifrid inz the Comrm'.ni-r.roi' in the Iff M« -'• of the Rid-?u Lake, aid the water? commumcatra* from ■ thence to -rudj { ?« »,.: feed, to be delisted n the ht-.re Lab rnd from tWnce to Kingfton. -! cf Mr. I . * tftoo, B ocfcvMle. where TrnoVrs, fctiae the fcert&fc* for per- j rVnfo* will fee ..etve-l, arWrdkd to form.W ,fa cootrafl will be received tillfj Secretary & Storekeeper, D. Daverni, iSr »oth of Turn next im* fi**i and fur-; | Penh Settteae:-., or to Mr. R.c hake Act particulars may be k*>wc by :*,-. | Daurse, Q^iter Walk- Generals plyitt? to the Surveyor Gen. Offc fit; Ofi: • Ku.^W Vor'< -Th, OTue of the Deputy Qj •- I f S. -eO qaam.ty than too buftie!* w..l ter Mnlcr General at Quebec-or tl« i; b- received. The coctraft* Whl be v,, WANTED, 6 fp 8oc '.'uCleh r;ood Pettitoes* To ApplicantsJbr\ LAND. A GFNTI-EM \N who has heen JlJL fov lome time employed in the Land Offices iit this Province, and is well aequaiutui with the necefTary forms in making applications-tor T.and, &c. will ptepan: Petitions, and tranfafl Land bu- !inef= gc»eraHyi for applicants. THi fwbiirriberfl beg iciirtr to inform luii friend* and the public in gene-a i, th^i iluv i.itc< il to carry on theCOiVLvUS'lOM 2T-d AUG. TiatfEERiNG btifinefs, in thirt 11£%* Jt atw Bdruic built _y Join DariijjsaJ Store Street Th;>!- wh' will: to employ tliem may! , dcornd tf) having their bufirefs done to itiicir icr«-:;'Ciiort and may reft affined that Dvttiag wiU be negUlcd that may || Q Q }? fi jg jg _ ;y Q (/ g £ EiiQi.ii ■: at the Printing-Office. Kif/jstrin March 2 2, 1817. 42 MOORE'S co.itribu.- to iiicir lit.rcft. fUJSN DARLKT* , . _. . HfWR f,ibfciTb« having ooened the Honie lately erecleil by Mrs- Fin- CUREFOHTH^UL.v WORM. Fine (latch reduced to powder, and kept conttantly applied on a -d ar- o .nd the parts effr&ed w'th tiff ring worm, will ioon cure tbat I'azfag infeftious cuticular dillemper. On thfl head the ring worm fomel:me<? cornea to running lores, which muft once o-' twice a day be wafted with foap and (.water, and drefled with bafilacon oint¬ ment, keeping the reft of the head dry, and couftantly covered wiih powde'* (larch. The body muft he kept gently open with Cttlphurand cream o! tartar. t f °,ir . ,, tV., K.r, nrxi stiti to John* & Finale's, ref- be tin ^&tii>.a»s ^cdneuJays, i'i>^v>. cr .. . r . ... . , " \, • . /. v 1 pect.\i!!y niu.rms ihcMmbhr, tn^t hehas .i:id ba.^rdavs—evening iaJe on tne* .,1 . r 7. ■ • \ ' <» tsken arvat pmttn to rurnifh it in every ' * r. , , . iicfpift to merit the belt of cuixom. Oen- J);iv lawH commence ?t n o clock a.m. , 1 . * ,ir«. „ 1 v • ' • ue "en t -aveWing may rely HuOfi having Affitant Ojinrr Mafter General at'jiedcn the if*l» Ar K- .. ^ I 1 Ki,,„.ln-.t. March 10;M l). ^ 2C/A F, bruaey 1817.__________4 « NOTICE. A FER RY i o be dUhfUhd t« on I •.in next. Khigslon, March 24. 1817. +3 P .Lit Fre-MMidlanilBlstrict, \M Y virtue v/a 1 it 01 Evening do d*« 6 o'clock p.m. | Kin^P- n, March 29, 181 7. 4?tf • Public Notice. 'J OTlCE is fcweby gtv^i that a , ^ >/lce»ing will Ik'IA'O" ^unUt^1 tiw 71!. .1 -v ..f. A.ril trsi, *t St Geocfti'« rvi: IV L hv the twcmi. ih of next month. In l >"'in< ' ,.,„,„ directed to th* fhMi.h.m 1.'. u-'M-ch, forth.- J•■•, ( ut ftumimiag ai.d avi»oit>ti"K «..u/«.i, War I i.« '">•< ilu- eiifuinv y<ar ; ai whu 11! the Partfliioiicra are mjuefted to attend. Hv orrlcrof the nintttcr, MLN^V Hlt/rON^Cfa* Kindlon, Match 2«, 1817. gord accommodations and attendance* Their bcLig atciclied to the boafe a i»ood yiod and (tables, Tcamllers can have fuitible accornmoditii>ns. iuups every day from 12 to l o'clock. iVven or eight genteel boarders can 'be artended Lu. J. MOORE. Kbi vtten, Fcl. 1,1817. 3: ADVICE TO PARENTS. A Family of vrell regulated chPdrd is a charming and imereiting Qglit.— Many parents Jpoil their cliihlren hy in¬ dulgence ; and theinfeives receive even work than fl *p.^ in the face in return for their execute indulgence.—Exccffr.c* indulgence is very hurtful to children, ay it incapacitates them for buffering the many hardfhip* and vexation* incident to a journey through life—and by being impatient, impoiite and fretful childreo, they become pafficnate, vul^or aud hate¬ ful men aud women.—Think of tll"s parents ! ■ HENS, AN EXTRACT. " It La faft not commonly known, that the pcafon why hens do not lay eggs in winter, is the want of lime to form the- (hell. Let [hem hare ucccis to wheat, which contains lime, or to lime itfelf, they will lay as well in winter as an) other time.—There is a town in the county oi- Scbene&jdy where lime stone abounds, ani where crthan commofl, for thievery leafon/, Phila. puptr. ~\.» 4 La ,1 *t BAiLiers, Team it in. &e. butted and bo'.t-:!'cl or -m\y ■••- ulhti wise knoten, its >oHo:c$ s that fofo sa^ -. A trfclB*.Vf"V" ^Komv^t in front,rj!.u?a-^<'Y >k Jj^OR rate on reafonable terms, ewqniiv I t at thi ( fuce, o. at the Store of I Mi W W(cC uruvFP, a pair of remavli- j able (Iron;'. G'ey Canadian Ponies equal- j 1y ufeful foi draught or Saddle. Bcii^;1 yotirg and pentlvSthey would be found* ■ to a fti.iv.ly A.i)iM*oitinjr utility aud plea- I lure, achtao ;nr.chaf.'» as they require tit*le more to keep iheui thin a full iized hoife* and ibcii price no (note* March 29. ^3 ^BTI'HTS fubferiber, being again undci JI the neeflP*? of advertifmg for a rettlement oi '*• jccouutit, has now to inform lin-fe who are indebted to him, that, asl.;;i former requelb to that pur- pott has not met with due attention, notuithflariding the length ol time thofe debts have been due, dial it is his deter mimiion to put fuch accounts «a may re¬ main unpaid by tlie icth ^pril next into ihe hands of an /Attorney for colledti »n. ALEXk. MACDONELL- Ktngfton,20th March, 1817. 42*3 jm. ¥rd. andersox PAINT EM, \ sir vnnnl —Day- a-d ba*« OI u'- vASrturdmt™^ !l'6 ***** M. tben day from lions, and the molt Uh:onahlf J HRfadt attention UV,:Ibe paid to the Lnners. addrefs, a^ fifOWl d«pon-; mcntofall wh>atiend. 'Kingston, M^rc'. **_»fV£ l^«^W Three Am* <>f ^«.* on the ^c(/. Ecttf fte .fo/.7 «;k/ adjudged to tl highest bidder, at the Market* in tl T>k->i nf Kingston, on HATUftteAl the riiltiU'duy ofJAIWAR T. no; next ensuing, ai t::e hour of Eluvtn o'Clock in thcl'on-voon. Drutity SlurilV. .. ,>0 Dollar- Rcwardi ,.v:^// itucjary charges paid, iriO/l the dctcaiot; of Thomas Wing, Iij who left Moi««aJ about ihs 5th of FebruHTy. «tt. with a quantity df. Fancy Go. -els and Jamaica Spirits, To be delivered to Jair.es Secord at (W„fton. As r»i !>as not delivered ffc"! noods according to order, it is f.in- pofed he ha* difpofed of them, or taken Them with him to feme di'.iant part of ihecouHfy- Heisa man about 6 feet high. light complexion, about 35 y-ars old, a. din g-eval way very talkat.ve Kis f >rmcr refidence was the toxvn ot Ridgcway, Gen.fee county N. Y .We From tik Majesty's Dock-Yard P<>rismonlh, I TTN'FORMS the public, that he is car- I J. ryingonthe bufitiefi of POINT¬ ING, in ali its branches, molt particulai- lv that of Figure Painting. It will be done with the utmoft nicety and expedition. N. B. An apprentice wanted. Kingilo*, March 15. ^^IZl——^-1— uft received and for fale al this Office, , 1 Reams Writing Poll No. 2- o ditto Thomson &Detlor Have for Sale, A CONSIGNMENT OF Cheap Goods ; Among which arc :— 50 Pieces Supcjfiim ar.J Se¬ cond Cloths, 40 I)o. do PeVisse, do. 60 Do. Cassimrre, 300 Do. Ca'.ico, (ut Si*!, cost.; ALSO 20 BOXi'.S i^>® Yellow Soap. Kmefteh, March c, 1*17 4* ditto atiGQft raution all pcrfons agair.ll pin-chafing | f..id goods, and particular requeit that I any infovma.wn which may be outa.ntd | 0B th« foljca, IhcuW be forwarded to the Subfcnbers in Ridgeway Genefee County, N- Y.or to Jofeph Judfbo o. A few Barrels of ATLMON 9 Ft)r fale by , MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. , Kingston^VI March, x^V 4" A small quantity oi ONION SB For faU a, *, P^JgyJa Kingston,March i2, 1817. 4'rf Dealers, At their n,, B.Jck R?* *J**"* ftreet.a^i,ingM,l^.:y^ - ,- / » o0/;, HI«»t//, 1S17. 4- above an infemon, and ap A..;/^,.i, -W^f* .!. . . - •• - J(^((h judfon for the.r pay- 11**1' *T*'*------ ' m r I' ' I where thev v-ill be -^^fKv' with every avcicl: > lWl«.rf J^2 beftqnalusandi^e.fi-nilbemodra tionott,-ri— d ti,,. HUent,. ,-. .0 bafn^SO r...".;tafi»rc of pubb'- » "Ur- ti:i.FOUR3cFLRGVSON;, #10 Jleicard ^^beg^bythefu^iber (h.-t.....<2»*"fe ' sundr.v Morn««F ,a"' Infnrrrstio ■■ , .,1.1 who U . .,r,j,l| • •Ml *iiiniiii» ....... r _ . 70«NlKRGUSO- t March^ ISIT- _ 43«3 Lmdl for fibfe. «■ OT No #1 in the third Conces- t- t^r- anniv to the lubfcri&er* ^or particuiar^ app«y l 1 . 1 r «. QtAv in wh town. irf.gaon, March 2Q, «9'7- Vex Sale at this Oiuce. March r z- _._____ TO L E T, TO LET, AND poffefTion given the firft fay of May next, that Store and H^ulcac pieftrnt occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston March 13,1817. 41 PAPER HANGINGS. THE fublcriher has lately rectivet} a imall aflbrtment of PAPER HANGINGS, for fale on reafonable terms if applitd for toon. ALSO, , A few Boxes Mould and Dipped CANDIES & r^OAP. And a new fnppfty .f Dry Goods & Hardware. S.B ARTIST. March, iRi?-___________ 4.1, FOR SALE. \A Billiard Table, And Licence for the fame for 1817. RICHARD sun 1. Kingstcn, Mr.rch 2d, 1817: 42wj Blank Sunimou.\cs For the District Courts, fjr Sale at this Otlice. 42 V." v6 AND pcflVflion g'vtn Rrft May, \\^ A. Sh..p»«d C-ilar, oow occupied b» Mrffn, F.ylor & Parker. EnqMire P« 1 ' PATRK-KSMYrH. 1 *,. ; ^fa 7 t /.' ^i. 42 W AQUANTIiY UF seed co rj; for bale at t.Uis Oilicei ^