Kingston Gazette, March 29, 1817, p. 3

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C£/*rcJ .wlwe fhr wa* (for hf* W hen] fcc »| i- i! «i;*"t ,ii| altnitP of heV i»ilim-"y. with hjenttuani TownOnl) applied t&\ the commander of ik* forces Lord! IviV.. The defendart becoming a!ar-j c.c' • cotifcijuenc*' "f that R.ppKcau>*«i» sf 2 laic hour in fhr evening, turned her out into the llrect, and abandoned her* Hs dp.doinr For >hu* cruelty treeifug her, ipa»i that to lawyers informed him he had ncied wrong. • When her feducer informed her of Ids purp »f<:5 lb1-' remowllrated, but in vain ; [ fam*SfWfvf dittreft, (he befnotfht hi*] mercy ; flie 'cni'ded him that fnc was! his victim ; that under n promife of mar-! rnigCi irtifeh (lie believed, he had feduced her fW)tn her Father's houfc ; and fhe COjiiv n-uvonly look to her feducer for pv.'ttfti'1". To this appeal to the de¬ fendant's compnfTion, he rcpli-d by an tathvfayfng, uByJ-------\/hr/houhi con* finite no longer in his apartncnlsS* It was then t*aft n'ne o'clock ; the dams had beaten ; Hie wept bitterly ; fhe became Giftraded ; fh- had iro alternative left. A captain Kill, of the fame regiment, few her one of the barrarks, and threw a Sh e oToceeded! J r/. Date into her tap. ftora GcorgeVftreet to her Fathcr*3 houfe, (nit was afraid to aflc admiflhn ; fne returned again to the barracks toim-! plore the defendant's prcte*lion until i morning. She prevailed on one of the; fi>!Jiers on jjuard to deliver the defendant j a rei7a»e, tel'Inr him fhe was at the gate, and praying him to (belter her for that night only—he refuted her folieita- tion. In this extrerr.ity of fuflVring fne pray-' edlothe Almighty 10 direft her, and! fte again vent back to her father's honfe^ where at, o*d woman, who whs preparing j to%o to bed, opened the door, and let; her in. From that pe-' -1 Hie continued j to live under the prilte&ion of her mo¬ ther. Her father had never fcen her flnce. p I TV Defendant fet up a defence, in j T.'hich he attempted to prove, that the, «nl»ar>py ,rirl hadbern guilty of acls of fevfcp previous to her fedudii.'-n ; but in thi hcfa?cti,notvvitHftaodlngfhe under-j wnt a croft examination of at te*ft two boor?, during mn!l of which time the was U Msi*, and excited gtttt p*y •»* com" paflion. I'trdiclfor the Plunr^Dnmagcs750 j Oar p.t? * dtfoU&g* *» prtriflnltj ftcwiv^ ^-aJiiilml.b-Hprrfli. «fBtt-rrf by Mr. |£;fo iji\-.-iii!:«*-l:r-t... 1* may nfit Kn artiiw to tfftla the prol#aUf taw* .»J liie-evi..r.U uaving bean made u.,e or, vi/. • M fh*-evening of thfl e.^luii inst a pak« uf ni«nidhbi ir^-i' Brortifs lnn,apcrJioncaiaeiii, a<*ritapsatit(lr inlti.xicared, who endeavoured uvil'iawl with onrftf the party, which not of- le.tnic, he went away ( rho party suspecting he miplu rctam. Irft Brown's Inn and worn 0- vwiii ViatDonellV lnn,au*l Brown wont v.irh tlirm, wh«w ihry bud »»•>( lo.;p !nr;i, wheu ii,<* p;*rM«i ftlludcd 10, m'J**< his appearance, and .|'m!m hc^an toqnn.rrt-1 with owe of th*» parrv, ir j 10 ul<*a^;rai noise : ahoiw thfe time ihr ();hc •- of 1 he guard, with a pnrtN of men, came » Ma i)oiieU*Hdoor and \\anu<l(o»4-iiii; thej •A-.r assnr. d h\ Hrowii ami MaeDoneil, tha' l ■"!•(. \V»'*e iiosoltliersiTithelu.-iU'*; the ^oKliers o»v»-ver, oroh.e a w imloiv and forced their way inioiiie house ihnin^h the door, toe officer or- iler-ne; hismrn intake :|ie parlj co the guard aoase. which ihev Rtteinpted to do with ontmi l»ayo* els, and actually look ii<<- <|m.-.,Toiler and another per-on totliegflard house; afierhavinsr to'n 100s; of iheeiodie-olTof A. li. MacIJoni'li •lurmg (lie soothe. Drown^ot into a coiner 10 tli*r<n«l hi:n*olf, ntieii the ollicer called oik, " lak'* lino to (he guard Uouse.11 Tliree or four of the -oldi'Ts, wiibdraHO bayonets, aitenuit- <i\ to^ei holdof (liroun,) and one atah.n d aun in the hand ; Urown «v.;*tedthe bayonet ihH (if hi.-, hand, wl.icli :hc officer, from behlud [iron n, tool from him, then Brown said sonic 'M-pleasant, hot, true, thi up* to the officer ! the Soldiers Itttrliasthey eoultl not nia-fer lirov.n and MacDofieU Bain, weatoff, taking to the ^MarihonFethet»*oalready inerftioiled. Krown ili.'ii went home, and a*» i.diowed to hi< iHVfl e! nor In ? eve J ill of the jr-»ard( lint a* mmIU a- BmM n oatoe otlt of his house, wi.h hi* servants arnv'U,tbe Soldier-; withdrew.— iT.e next mor- t:i:iff Lieutciiaot Sanson cane to Brown's but iiOi bading him, he returned on the Monday mornit:*,aed refj'iired Brown to make an a;i»- lon-y 10 the Ofli.rer, whicii Brown refused to tie. Lieutenant Sam<0fi then sa*, lie would take or canse hl« Licence 10 he laken from him. addi*>< the vronUsworn to.—•Thesefactsmav be relied upon lobe correct.------Xtaman G. Hail, who ifcpfi kept a Tavern nenr KranklinV, declare^, that the same tdght, a part of 'tie snanl, with an O.licer, Came to his Hove, looking for Swl- dier*, a-they-aid ; ami, although he avnred them there were no Soldlerb in hishoifec, they forced thoiruay in, and stole from a .-iiolf in the bar, two IwttlesJ of UtpiOV. N*)W,.Mr. Idiior, that a Magistrate, mind 1 do DOtsa) Mazi^rates v.i!lM!|»pori Livuteiiau' «amson, as hr'ha-^ stated, I have link iloniit« hecaose it can be provd, tiia- mrhrn l»r.-Mi went to a certain Masi^ratofora the Injury lie so-'ained upon thisocccsiou, t!ie Magouraft' w-ftisrd, and amongst Oth< r e\pre>- to.\>. declared \\U approval of (he mea »:r- adopted by the Military, cattmg it an useful Parrole. XnKngHshinan'sHouRe i> bis CiiMle, an.i whoever dares to foio- h\> ua\ jmo it ;.-a\ be killed h\ ll.c o/.nrr, wao !»a- an undoslhtcsS right to rrael FORCE hv roitCK. Ii taw h any taMOF* ****** '" **Z h°U^' """ 1 ■ " huv*po:;::edoi:tthe meaas ot ,-tt.n? a.'m. - VtO'.,audno tm.n v.ill dilute the auii;o.-.:> 01 t have given, and feel willing (o come to an a- J |v ] K[ Q gTON AM \TEUR ffn emenl, t 1 in my ai-vl ^c very explicit ci those subjects. A4ieo, Sir, 10 the hope we s!i^ll soon be more iutimufoly connected. 1 b**g leave U) suh-ci ihemyseif, your friend, MATCH'EM. For the Kingston Gazette. Silence has drawn her mantle round To veil our winter's flight ; Oh ! be it now for once unbound In mem'ry of the night. * Tho' Envy's eye fhould dare to wake On ShelaWs happy day, The beam fo fh?d a* loon would break As mills diflblve away. Then do not think 1 heed the throng, In yon fantaftic dance, T> point the hand of fcorn among Or view with cynic's glance. I turn me to that circle's fpace To mark the graceful form, Tr.e mind improv'd the fpeaking face, Which hap'Iy one adorn. E&prefs'on lent her bnghleft ray And ne'er recall'd the loan, Bat hade it in thofe features Hay As if it were thine own. 0 pafs not her with penfive brow. Who draw* tW lengthened fighi Sle's mild and meek, you'll know her now, And fo I hasten by O^lighter form, and fairer (hade, Behold another near ; iTtothee fheyet \s friendship s maid, Tho' as a filler dear. Dn eye9 of 1 7ue and golden hair, The fo <-Uep light and faft, vii w nfecoml fjttiltng there A% pretty as the lad, * 1 %ih March. THE A TME. ON MONDAY EVENING The 1th April, 1817, Will be performed the Comedy of The Mountai neers To which will be rrlded, the favorite JVeFlybyNight; ok, Long1 Stories. Doors to be opened at SIX, perform¬ ance to commence at SEVEN o'clock. C> TICKETS to be had at Mr. Macaulay's *#* No Money to be taken at t he door, or Children admitted. N. B. It is requeued, that every per fon going to the Amateur Theatre, will go to the Box for which their Tickets aic numbered; thofe who aft contrary to this rule, will fubjefl themfehes to be removed. and I ■ 4 * • « f • : t MARRIED, On Wednesdav ttieiHJtil Sr. Georg;e% rhtti'hJnthisTiwn.bytkr lt»n. a O. Stu- am\ i\ A. M\(Ji;»t\1\S, !•-(;. tr: i'LlZV- ^!TJi, eldest da-'.rhrerof.l ami's M AC AULA?. in-. lIvDROGUAl'tliC On-ill!, Jii scsiox. jrill'.l »fa,.*a«.V.SjH..-c»«--«rchau:;, pj *"** ...» ■ , . _ .1-^ .. .> . 1. ,; iii-i th*H we COlloldcr dU oelehra!ed lri^'i Barrio *r4 thKWe BiXhc mo.tehiquemaod iil*<MTHtiny.w Qctrc.%to"Q f.'tlrr front it r^/wV tbl>- G:nfUmatt ** \()RK, March 10, 1817. "Winevr WeU-hftfl been vet levied for the Counties of TtalJon and WMitwnrfh,------\ pe¬ tition is before i'.ie IToii^e lor*he rcli*'*"of Mo^C* Oamhle, l'.-o.------Messrs. Ha\l, C'r.>olv<, l\ Ja/kjoii. and Colonel Cuffin. ar'» spoken of as Candidate-;for llalton.—Tlte Koum- will pro¬ bably he prorogued ahnm I * ^:iil» invtant.11 he epii Magi -<raie—the Military law '-« .JHiL :r> i.Kcrle.o, unless hi certain c«- m. WSM t-" v are lawfully rdM to the a . tanccaftfecdhil Wa^tntte: Audi *»W -v. -hfi. Mi- lime the ( ivil.anroi fhl- l<'«n be upon lu-irgearti, and be always prepared 10 repel F(VKCKh> IO;U';.,m»omI.*. o.iv pel % I on or per-on* ..i tempi 10 hrea'v Into Ihrlf h-.t- e-, or er.t-r then-, against their will . imi'•• - tnrtionerj by the written authority of a t'ivil Magistrate. . A BRITON'. FOR THE KISOSroS' GAZETTE. Kp.iNtox, Marcl; '20, lbl7. TO LOTH&RIO CO^UvBliSi Sir, J) ITE, atnl Course uf tlit 1 >nt "> ■>\.'\ M-didpbt, ('I) V. M. Hi"'! "»aie, ^ ^\>'^n.c'»-itSierlvv, (ilMuistu-*^ •a <s-sop.m. \. is•,;. (9 Fwrtvrh Literature. THE Inhabitants of Kingfton and its vicinity, arc tefpcCtfully informed, SUNDAY & EVENING SCHOOL Will he taught at the ACADEMY* in Iver^r Street, during this °.nd the e.ifuing feafonj fiir the benvfit of thofe, who, from peculiar rircumSances, are unable toatTcnd the Common School. (C/"The ilticlf-H atttention will be paid l»> the manners and morals of every pu- pi! placed there foi in & ruction. For terms, &c. apply to the Teacher. Kingston March 24, 1817. ^^.3 She rig's Sale. 30.1111 he of f •» v. m. M'Ki"-av-. ( Mi«lni£:lM.eioooiVa THE ^r.-arancedfjoureom*nun;ca#Miii —^■ -— —^----- in the l;et K^irfeWle^va.....rtavon- ... S^^J;*'1*"^ derfnl Sfn>a'ioii in Miei.-iaaie v»o;Wi. iii.oino - ) g!l,W0 „, „; our lair da»wis iwihvi»b>taudir.g Um idatnneaof >oar head and person iw»»'m! **«t- OUI hcstiat.on have a.Mre-eri von on the sttb- jeet,but unforf.natcly the q«rd;.ties you re- tmire in vcur j.artn^r, die wh a? v»> tfi\ Of anv) will acltnow ledgf rhemsclvr* |jo^e^e.l *»f. iiiswM.h a view to prevent tin* Una "• modest>th.'U\pw obtiaolei^ihe establishment ofoiiecfraj female relations tiiat I boa ivnlc v\a\ i a8 ^Soon cloudy. now ^ :,.!.n:>o yp.nii SH,750 29.852 For the Kisostos OjzvtTB* To mpcrmm^ ahem it »<«</ cometn. M \RRl *«f»t" lhis Pf»v;ne.-,»nav a-cor- Dfcts. ns are licenced for thai p«M'| to you,as 1 consider her a persoi in *•> qual'f.ed lomnkejwt hanjr,, that i^, a-i a;»- \>\ as aMife afrer yonrowu fancj can nu-Ke >ou. i>eforc 1 further it ifinv l»eiu- ce^sary to say I perfectly a^ree with >a*u iu iii«- opinion, that a irealy of this tiaiare fchootJ lm conducted \vii!» the ►tfictwtsincerity a:.duon- or, you may tln'iefore he a.^\o\-'., Sir. Mon " i shall nctWtig estCUHUie"but fairl\ mark her character as it ha* appeared tomeior t!ire»»ov font years past, and I am delighted to prtroH*e Miat though she i:-ay (fiflfer m "omti irininp par- tictdanifron] theporua.ii youbuvcgiven us oi' the woman you wish to marry, yel in aU ihe leading featere^ «he hear* a perfeei resemb- laner. Thai luura»e is under yoor l<rwe>tspe- rihed ionxi eauuoi oe defied, but tor tin* h- r domestic I.ahiU will amply co!i;pe..-ate, for believe roest/, although stars not ye; four and twetil>, sh»- can keep a house, and scold a ser- 11 <\uon. cloudy, ( ii K M.__________ . Ui'u.M. VV'-MetuT BH i * e. M. 3n;oi21 an 551 351 iff ll"> I Kd 000 j .so.ono SO.tinM IV» NOTICE. 4 FER RY is l0 be eftablifliecl to run j\_ between Kingfton and Point Fre¬ derick; the fixt'd points Will be the Street next to M-, Hugh C Thcmfon's on this &Je, and N,,rth of Sir Robert Hall's or the otiftr fide. The craft re- quited will oe a large flat bottomed boat to c^-rry horfe aj*(i carria^tfSj ar)(i two fmallcr or.rn for f\)0t paffengers. ^ Thofe I perr/%ne d'fnr.G d ►/% nM^rriilfp it. will allcr oiVffl for f\30t pjificngers. Tht»i rfons difpoG-d to undertake It, wi crive in tenders to Mr# William Stough- | ton, by the twem;tth of next month. In 1 their tender they rnuft fpecify the price they will give for the Terry, and the fare they will carry fu^ The l*afe will be for three years. Midland District,) 1E%Yvirtu* of a i TAWIt: \ J3 Unto, ICY. RJL'TWX, isated out qfllis Alujes* tffsCmnrt of King's Bench 9huldtng G- vtl Plans in and for (he Midland Dis¬ trict ajbnst;i,t, nl the suit of RICH- AllD ROjSlSONs oj the Toiofi oj Kingston, in tiiirsaid District^ Gaulle- men, against til* Laml* and Tenements tffJOSJS I\t\ ALSTINRt <>f thi Tvmuhip 0/ Richmond, and District \>/jurcs<;,\-L hm keep.-,', directed to the i|.S»l7V'// Oj titt St„d !\i,tUtl,l<l Utsht'A J hfuu* seized itnd taken in Execution, as belonging to the said JONAS VAS tLSTlNE, apartofthe South Eas¬ terly conwroj tot number Seventeen, in the first Confession t>f the Tottnship of Richmond} ichich piece of Land is hutted and bounded, or way be other- tsiscknuiin, aifalbms : (hat is to sajj, C'tmnteneing in front ofthesuid conccx* Stan, at the So/tfh Easterly angle oj said Lot No* Seventeen, thence North Sixteen desrecs* IVesi Fourteen chains and Fiftv links ; then South Sevenfy- i'our decrees, West twu rhnins ; then Sotttk Sixteen degree;;, End Fiftee.i chains Fifty links, mote or less, to the water's side ; then EnsUrly, along the witter side, to ihe pttice of beginning ; containing Three Aeres of Land, be the sautx more or less, tcith a dieeWng and out Houses thereon erected. Note I do hereby give NOTICE, that the aforesaid piece of Land, to¬ gether wilh the bnd'iings thereon erec¬ ted, will be mill and aujndged to flu- highest bidder, at the Market, in the Toxcn of Kingston, on SJTt rIU)A\\ the Tt'ltR/> day ofJANUARV, note n&rt ensuing, at the hour of Eleven o'Ch'-k in the forenoon. UEM'Y THORP, Deputy Sheriff. fVA N TED Ttj^OR the fup'ly ' ►•e Army Jl? Nvy in thw Garrifin, Fresh Bee/ ; To be furni/hed in fuch qnanti'ie- a< may be required by the Officer ot the Com- miflatiatibetween the ill of May and 24th September next. Payment will be made on the 24th of each month for the quantity fupplied pri¬ or to that date, either in Bill* of Ex¬ change 01 London, at the current rate, Ot in drafts on Lower Canada, a3 the Coiumiflariat may prefer. Two rtijjeftable Inhabitants of Kings¬ ton will be required as feenrttics, i:- ad¬ dition to the party tendering, foi the due oerformance of this contrail PropofaU to the above effect, will received at this Office until the 14th April. Commissariat 0*nc£, 43 Kingston, 28//; Alarc/j, 1817* WANTED,' ~ From 6 to 800 buftuh good found . Potatoes', Fit for fved, to be delivered at the Store of Mr. R. Eaitui, BrockviiL-, where Tenders will be received, addreffed to Secretary & Storckccpt-T, IX Daversc, Perth Settlement, or to Mr. Richard Daverne, Qouuer Mailer General's Office, Kfngfloo. No lefs quantity than 100 bufhela w<"il be received. The coritractj wid be clo- fed on ihe 15th hpri' next Kingston, March 24, mXrp 43 NEW AUCTION ROOM. fHflHE fubferibers beg leave to inform JL theit friends and the public in gcnrtal, tine thry intend to carry on the COMMISSION 2nd AUC¬ TIONEERING bufinefs. in that elegant new Honfe built I y Jjhn Darley, in Store Street* Thofe who wifh to employ them may depend on having their bufinefs done to their fatitffa&ion and may reft ;.[H.*ed that nothing will be neglected teat may contribute to their interefti JOHN DARLET, \ t „• JO FIN THORNEH. ***«****. N. B. Their regular A udion day* will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fnd&ya. w& ftwirJitvi ■ f ■• ■ ,! - 1 fame. Day falCflConinence at 1» o'clock a.m. Evening do do 6 o'clock p.m.- Kingfton, March 29, 1817. 4Jtf Public Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting will be held, on Monday the 7th day of-^pril 'ie*xt,at St George's Church,at 12 o'Cl'ck, for the parpofe of nominating and appointing Church Wardens for the enfuingyear ; at which the Parifliioners ar'- requeued to attend. , Bv order of the Miniifer, HENRY HILTON, Ckri. Kingston, March 28, 1817. 45 £10 Reward WILL be given by the fubfeuber, to any perfon who will give tucli information as wij" tend to convict tlte villain who (hot one of his Mules, iu I his grounds, on Sunday Morning IntL { JOHN FERGUSON. I Indeier; y^rson ori;e/sonr hrreing] •* \ e:m. n- I m onsider,erio^y,Hovth- c,n.n- rhrist;an, aaagooasobi^ctsot »*LS. ,, <>ren violation fteirpmctic \ in thi- reject, m ^V,.., VN ihela^tlhrecvoar.her tfcrtiow ^" *'" verr^n^ indeed, ard on a ,o^t uuportam .-. .. ____i« moiTiniODy; and trust me sir, to form an arY«ctu>,it will hee\«'iielt — subject, naircly,maininony; ai if<he dioold happen of the law 01 trie lie \\ co on To the Editor of the Kingston Gazette. RTR: v* that M*wwM' ,. s^tSOV ha- . iu ting for 'iMill heibePrst **■ r« «•« — •ith tespect to hcauty, the HM int.-.v.^ a .11 h it a-.Miani, I V.ish I could saj «« „;r on the ,c.,e of tho,c laHiu,, Whlc!, ¥Ot nrtlv (hmc genfraWj accompany «t, bal ' S***** W va..ity and h. tote of-' Lb-,!* a, ihe most ueaot.hd; of _ 1 ' ' ' — ■'. • H, •'• 1 • * , ^ ,,ll(! ,!llh,s. by Mortgage, or Kingston, Mnr.rhj9± 1817.______*»H[L;fter , ;„,•„' or iuconbrme.e, are hen- Kingsifhi, March 26, 1817 45 w ? ir Dcimin iCAfelMT. MR. JOHBSON^ vefpce.fuUy ia- fo\rr.«j th« iuH-nlitantB of Kings¬ ton- that hi hjs ^ pened hi* DANCINV* ACADEMY, At Mr. Rocvn Waltfr's JSSEM- BLT ROOM.—bay* aid hours of tu- ition will be, on Mondays* WedmfJaysf and Saiurddpy fro^ 3 to 6 o'clock, P. M. for young Lag;ea and young Gentle¬ men of the minor claffl—and on moth day, l/:dn?fJjj, a.hd Friday Evenings from 7 to Q o*d^tk, for Geutlemcn.o' \om to ■ fee mktJrjr* 43 />// -"/iv »7/s<y/ to gice notice thereof1^ to the said Deputy Sli.riJ?', at his House, in tin- \riUo*eof Ernest 7W/*, previ* \e thereof. u&x/ir TBORP, Deputj" Sheriff K/'nsst 17, 20rt Munh, isi7. To Kai-mt-is, Builders, 1 cani¬ sters, &c. IlOR file 0:1 reafonable terms, enquire i at this office, or at the Store of Mr W. MrCusirre, a pair of remark¬ able flrong Grey Canadian Pomes, equal- W ufeful for draught or Saddle. Brtog nd gentle, they would be found, ■, r.i.:— .»•*)*»« and plea- require U fized 43 AQNANTITY OF SEED CORN For Sale at this Oflicc. 43 50 Dofiara Reward, And all neceffary charges paid, fLpOR the detection ox Thomas i¥i*lg* _uO who left Montreal about the 51b of February, ult- vith a quaut^y of Fancy Goods and Jamaica Spirits, T*» be delivered »6 James Serord p.z Queen ft on. As Wing has not delivered feid goods according to order, it is f':j^ pofvd he has dtfpofcd c:f then;, or tak-.n them with him to fame diftant pnrt of the country. lie U a man ahoui 6 feet high, light corrplcxion, about 3? ytarr, o\c]y and in general way very talkntive. His former rdldence was tRe town of Ridge way» Gcnefer county, N. Y. Wtf caution all perfoits againll porch&Sng faid goods, and particularly rcqutft that any information which rray be obtained on the fubjeft, (hould be forwarded L> the Subfcr.'bers in Ridgcway, Gtnet e County, N. Y. or to jofeph JudfuM of Mortreal. The above 1 eward will be i*aid f>r the apprehcnlion of faid IVmg, if iccurcd iu any jai! in the Provinces or within ihc Untied States. IRA WEBB 3c Co. March 1. 1817- &3*Newfp»pcr« in Montreal mngtve tlie above an infertlOO, and ppp.y 10 Mr^ Jofeph Jiiilfon for their pay.

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