[SATURDAY, BImcvK 1817] KINGSTON [VOLUME VI.------No. 43] GAZETTE Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Price of' adwrtifmg in the Gazette* Si* 'ihffl and under, 2/6 firft inlertion, ^nd i/s eve*y fu^ftoneut. Ten line* and under, 3/4 firft infer- floe, inrl 1/8 every fubfequent. Ter> line* noa upward*, $d. per line Srft infertunti and 2d. per line every fuc- cffdfn^r infertion* Advertifcnents unaccompanied with Written dire&iona are luierted till forhid. and charged accordingly. Lieutenant Governors Office, j TorL iqth February, 1817. 1 RKfS is to jjive lvtic? rS^t Tenders -1 will he re/efved '1* tlfia Office from m C^ UTIOAT. ALL Perfons are hereby cautioned againft employing any So!diei,or Soldiera, of the 70th Regiment, at any time, or for any purpofe whatever, with¬ out i he proper authority for fo doinjr. This advertifement has for its cbjeA, equally the protection of die perfons and j property of the Inhabitants of the lownj of Kingfton, as the good government of the Corps. Kingston* 20th March, 1817, TO be fold by Public -Audion ai the Naval Hofpfol, Point Frederick, filch ne. fop or perfons a~ m »v he definnx*! Ion the Fiifl day of APRIL next, ©fCttitra&injr, to render the whole, orj ONE o'clock, a quantity of unfervicca- ary part of the Water Communication j ble fc-*-rn La Chine and Kingston,by the STORES & NECESSARIES, cn)i!e ortht River Rideau, navigable for CouGftino of WINE, For Sale, AT the Stare of the subferiber, Pork, Beef, Flour, Pcafe, Oats, Seed Coif* And a General ilfortment of SHAKER GARDEN SEEDS. P. WETSEL. Kingston, Mircb 1,1817. 39 To Applicants for 1 P«'iU' draw lag two feet watered ten feet I \vi Itiiw-alfo, for boars crawr % three feet] WPttrr aH twelve 6-et In width. T!(e Tenders are to fpeeify the num¬ ber of T ork> :«n•] the rlacCi at which u. w r-^op. Tc^ to build them : a*fo the n-um-i each Lock—and! ft* t •r 00' Oater. in PORTER, b;.ds. bed ticks, blankets, RUGS, SAUSE PANS, PEWTER PANS, And a number :f other articles in con¬ venient lot*.—which may be feen by ap¬ plying at this Office four days previous Lake, and from tfcwe to Kmgft<vi. i ^o the fale. IVnd-rs, (latin? the fecurltiVs for per-ii J- MARKS, Agent. ferritiiig the contrnft will be received cittj ^ Naval Ho/phul tliMOth of Turn- nfXf inclufive, and fur-; j Kingfton, 7th March, J? 17. 40 tVv xsUfiicul^s rr.av be known bv ap- th" pcti*i^ for completing the work by Aeliffli Creek Teivlcrs will alio be rfp.'Ived for open • rag 'he ^onuimnicatio'l In v!k dfr^iwi of the RMwu Lak?, and the mini fiom thence to mud cowmtimcating fcr. IT i.4 iVD A GENTLEMAN who has been for fome time employed in tbe Land Offices i:. this Province, and is well acquainted with the ntceiTary forms in making apolicanons for L-nd, &c. will picparc Petitions, and tranfa& Land bu- fineC generally, for applicants. Enquire at the Printing-Ofiice. Kingston, March 2 2, 1817. 4? POETRY. MOORE'S C 0 F F E E-1IQ U 8 E. i plviic to »!,«> Sinv v)i Oen. 0S*» at Y •Hf-~'r,t- Office of tin* D-r. tv Qaar. •tf NM^cr Oeneial at Q-icbrc— or the ■AflitaM 0»wt<:r Mailer Genera! Et 4» JO.'.A Fd.-;i?try '«i7 Academical iBBtTCATIOH 4 Gent'emJin from Errand, ^nJ of /\_ ackia>w't^'S?<' rqnitari " vm3 atnl-i ScR,refneafully informs tlie ;««WJc ihat] ACADEMY, Fo- the Tuition of young Matters AM Mi'Tes in the various branch^ '>f this m >, ftitution, on Mondny the 2Jt!> ififtant,irt* irjl ~ ikcr's Red KcKifc, rear; JT PAPEil HANGINGS, THE i'ubicriber has lately received a final' iflbrtflBttt of PAPEftj HANGINGS, for fale on rcalonablc .terms if applied fur foon. ALSO, A few Boxes Mould and Dipped CANDLES & SOAP. Dry Goods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. March, 1817. vmHtlL fubfenber having opened the JL Houfe lately erected by Mrs. Fin- kle, next door to Johns & Finkle's* rcf- pectfnMy iiif-rrns the public, that he has I taken erfat r?.ii;c to furnifh it in every refpe5 to rneiit thebeft ofcufiooi. Gen¬ tle :.cn travelling may rely upon having j good accommodations a A attendance. ft Their being u'tnehed to the houfe a good yard and flables, Teamllera can have fuitahlc accommodations, 5oups evciy day from 1 2 to 1 o'clock. Seven or eight genteel boarders can be attended to. J. MOORE. Kingston^ Ftb. 1,1817. 3 j From the Middlesex Gazette* Mr. Pkters, The enclosed poem is founded on the following fact :— A young lady of good education, amia¬ ble disposition, and pleasing man¬ ners, was seduced from the path of virtue and innocence, by the promise of immediate marriage from her per¬ fidious lover. Shs bore her fate for some time with fortitude and evon resignation : but at i<*u&>th, becom¬ ing neglected by her relatives and left dependent on the charity of an unfeeling world for support, she re¬ signed herself to despair, and deter- miuei! to * ntl her Life b) poison.—As she stretched forth her hand to grasp the cup containing the liquid death, her eye, by accident, glanced on a Bible which la) open on the table : -—the !»<»!> book had been opened by her child, which slip then held to her bo-om asleep* This sentence a(- tractctihci attention:—" Daughter. be of good comfort ; thy sins arc forgiven thee /"—Hope revived in hor biva<t, and the angel of wercjj stayed (lie arm of death. H Sleep on my babe, thy sleep is calm. Tho'piUow'd :mi Pollution's breast. Sleep ou, and sip thai bosom-balm Which lulls ihy little \\oes to rest. But ah ! ray babe, thou dost not hear The howling storm or rattling hall, Thou dost not know a mothers fear, No pangs like hers thj breast assail. Mr. Henry Bak He hopes, by ufnhrty and stte-tion, U> m.-':t a Diavc of ottWic patp-nagre. Terms of tuition. 5cc. can be obtained ^t the Academy- # % (^•Unowrtionable tcrtimomaU of cha* rafter and abilities may be heard of on waving at this office ffin**Ws .l/<irc*8. 1817. 4Itfi aOV'UiNiiKNT COVII-cACT. WANTED, OR His Mqi&y'i Service, to be delivered at KINGSTON, on or before the following periods: 1,000 Barrels of Fine Flour on or be tore 1st June, 1300 do. 1st Juiy 1,000 do. IstAu- -------gust, THE fubfcrVr, being again under the nccclhty uf advertifmg for a fettlem*.nt * f hi* aceounta, haj now to 43J|iTiform toi-fe v ho arc indebted to him, that, as hit formcj requefta to that pur¬ port has not \m\ \yith due attention,' [netwiiialanding ute length of time tho'e 1 J debts have been d?,e> that ;t is his deter- j I ruination to put fvch accounts as may re¬ main unpaid by ll.c \c#\ /fpril next into the hands of an A torney for col left ion, ALEX* MJCDQNELL. Kiogfton,201^March, i^i7. 42*3 1 m 181 Mhv PUBLIC AUCA {Total 3.SM ' on the Firtt of APRIL, ! The above fopply wil be pa.J JJS. FRD ASDERSOV, JPdlJfTEM, From Hi* MiQmtefs Dock- Yar t J If NFORMS &j public, that form, j J rying on the 1>;if.ncfs 0f he k car- PAINT- npO be h lCK ! ' ' current rate, or in Drafts on Lower Can- j j]y t^al 0f ada? at the option of the Comn.ilTdriat. Then sloep thee on—u*»r wake again Till she u ho holds thee sleeps in death Ve-, sleep thee on thy bed of sin, Till heaven demands thy Aeetitlg breaUi. I cannot weep, though tears would blot, i'orevei blot niy sins froni heav 11 — I cannot pray—O heavy lot ! Tho' angels whispcr'dsius forgiven. Then hail ! thou rosy poison, hail ! For thoncanst calm (his bosom's swell: Once drank, the world witl cease to rail : — Then, O my babe, farewell—fare¬ well ! She pausM—for lo ! before her eye, The hook of heaven full open lay. Which her sweet babe, it Unewnotwhy, Had left nnclos'd in frolickplay. She read—and while her heart N\as wrung, Yet scarcly darM to think of heav'n, A voice pionouuc'u—'twas Mercy's tongn&| u Be of good paith—thou art roa- MH. PHILLIPS' SPEECH- Court of Common Pleas, Dublin. Thursday, December 12, 1816, Creigutos v. 7'. trssEsu. This was a special action 011 the ca<e, brought by the Plaintiff, to recevtr compensation in damages for the seduc¬ tion of his daughter by the Defendant, per quod servil'.um amisit. The Defen¬ dant pleaded the genera) issue. Tfie damages were laid :i.'6(X>0. It was tri¬ ed before Lord Norbnrv and a special Jury. Mr. Phillips addressed the Court \\h\ Jury, on behalf of the Plaintiff, in the following eloquent speech : My Lord and Goutlem-n,—lam, with my learned brethren Counsel for the Plaintiff. My friend, Mr. Cumin, imi told you the nature uf the action. it has fallen to my lot to state more at large to >ou (he aggression by which it lias beeu occasioned. Believe me, it is with no paltry affectation ofmider- valuingmy very humble powers, that I wUh he had selected some more cr.pe. rieneed, or at least less credulous ud- vocate. 1 feel I cannot do my duty ; I am not fit to addsessyon : I have in¬ capacitated myself ; £ know not whe¬ ther any of the calumnies which have so industriously anticipated this triai, haveVeached your ears : but I do cxiu- fess they did *o wound and poison mine, that to s2tUfy my doubts, I ?isit- rd the house of misery and mournfnfir. and the scene which set scepticism at r<M has set description at dt fiauce------- Had I uot yielded to those interested misrepresentations, I might from mv brief have ketched the fact, and fitoi mv fancy drawn rhr*consequence*.: but as it is. reality rushes before 01) fright* M memory, and silences the tongue, and mocks the imagination. Believe me, Gentlemen, you are impanneled there upon no ordinary occasion : no¬ minally indeed ynu are to repair 1 pA vate wrongs and it is a w roni: as d.'ad- 'y as human wickedness can btfllct. as iiiin.aii WvaUi.c-.Mau • -iniuir . a WfOilij which tttimhih>^es the hope of the pa¬ rent and hapoine sof the child : '.vhicU r»t 100 eio_ Viftualing Office, Point Fredendc, the! Allowing Damaged Provifions, viz. Flour, 9601 pounds, 233 do. Su^ar, Butler, Cheese, Raisins, 172 194 124 uo. da. do. I Po;k, 97 pieces of 4!b each, Wine, 5l94galta*, 0-ilineal, 1792 gallmiSi Chocolate, 3W poands. The above Pnwifions will be out up ifllotswhtch rnay be viVwed by apply¬ ing at thitt Of5ce, Four days previous to the fale. J. MARKS, dhesU ViRualur. Naval VidualTing CJice,"j Point FreJeric/s, fit. > 4° Marsh, 1817. 3_____________ THE fubferibers beg leave to inform their friends and the pcWic that they have commenced the feofacfi «'f Grocers Sf Spirit Dealers, \ck StofB in Ae main No Tender will be noticed unleis un¬ exceptionable fecttvity i? offered, at the fame time, for the due performance of any cont.aa the parties may with to en- gag.e in. . _. ■ Propofalf, addreffed to this Office, will be received until the lft April. Ccmmjffariat Office, Kingston, blh March, 1817._______4° Thomson &Detlor Have for Sale, A CONSIGNMENT OF Cheap Goods ; Among which are :— 50 Pieces Superfine and Se¬ cond Cloths, 40 Do. do. Pelisse, do. ()() Do. Cass 1 me re, 300 Do. Calico, (at SCI. cost, ALSO, 20 BOXES FINE Ye/low Soap. KinuAon. March c, 1*1?. 4°r' Figure Painting. It will be donew;tri :he utmoft nicety and expedition, N. B. An apprentice wanted. Kingfton, March ,r> T8!7. 4Ttf. Juft receive^ and for fale al this Office, 11 Reams Wit;ng Poll No. t, p ditto ditto uncufc A few Barrels of SALMON, T'r fale by MONJEAU I St. GERMAIN- Kingston, 13/A Ktch, 1817. OIV N P> Her babcawolvC—a cheerful smile O'er all its lovciy features play'd— Siieda-ird the cup—sweet peace re¬ turned, And death's uplifted arm was stay'd. Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Oflice. 4-1 A snvai'.qnantUy of ONIOy SEED For fale at the D^ift Store of F CARLISLE. Kingston, Mari, , 2, 1817. 4l f f At their new Bi ic!c Store flreet, adj-ining Mt. Henry Cafiidy * j where they will be cnnftai..1/ tupplied With every article it their line c f the very bca quality, and hope, from the mocera-! ■ ^ H • ne tha[ St>rc W •ictiC:".;*. •-• .v.iention to, | -1) .. t,-_l ] Apply to TO LE T, ND poffeffion given the firft day of lion of ti»eir pr Houfe at nh. bulinefs to mc C"T : ^SB^!lpTcfc0l occupied by Mr. Richard Stn vour. BE: .FOU R & FESGU80K | %g**arf Feb. zip 1817= 38 1 TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston March 13,18.7. For Sali: .y TMiS OrFlca. March 13. Blank heeds and Memorials, For iil$ #t this Office, Land for Sale. LOT No. $& in the third Concea- fion of the townlhip of Pittiburg. For particular* apply to the fubfenber, at bis houfe or Store, in this town. JAMES RICHARDSON, Sen. Kingfton, March 20, 1817. 42wfi FOB. SALE, A Billiard Table, *Vnd Licence for the fame for 1817. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, March 20, 1817: 42W3 TO LET, AND poiTeflion given nift May, th<- Shop and Cellar, now occupied by Meffrs. Taylor Sc Parker. Enquire of PATRICK- SMYTH. Marti 22. • 42w3 in 002 morn- ni blights the foiidcsl tnti- :ipalionsof the heart, and llairkeos the social heattbt and worse tlmn depoptw lateatkehabitation oi thchapp ! l!.t, Gentlemen, high as it is, this is far frr-oi vour exclu^ii'c duty. \ nu Ait* ( do much more. Vou are to say, whethar an example of such transcendent turpi- hide is to stalk forth for public imiia- t;on—whether national morals are to have the law for their protection, 01 imported crhne is to feed upon impiN uit\ : whether chastity and religion are still 10 be permitted to linger in this Province; or is it lo become on" loath- ■ome den of legalized prostitution— . hi'thcr the sacred volume of the Gos¬ pel, anil the venerable statues of the Law, are still to be respected, or Hung i.nto the furnace of a devouring lu?;t, 01 perhaps converted into a pulcstral, <>a which the mob and the military are to erect the idol of a drunken adoration r, Gentlemen, these are the questions yon are to try ; hear the facts on which your decision must be founded. It is now about iive-and-twentyyears since the plaintiff, Mr.Creightoii,eotrt- menced business as a slate merchant, >n rlie city of Dublin. Ills vocation was humble, but it was nevertheless honest, and though unlike Itis opponent the heights of ambition la> uot before him. the path of respectability did—he Iihs proved himself n good man, and a res- pertable citi/cn. Arrived at thx- aire of manhood, he sought not the gratifi¬ cation of its natural desires by n-lultc- rj or seduction. For him the home of honesty wassacreel ; for hi© the poor mail's child wad Maassailed. iVo do¬ mestic desolation mourned his enjoy* mnnt; no anniversary of woe commem* orated his achievement?. From his own sphere of life naturally and bono- rable he selected a companion, whose beauty blessed ins b* d, aud whose vir¬ tues consecrated his dwelling. Eleven lovely children blessed their union, the darlings of their heart, the delight of fiieir evenings ; aud, as they blindly anticipated, the prop and solace at (heir approaching age. Oh! sacred, wed* tied love, boil dear, hew de4ifhtful9 ho« oivine are thy enjoyments! Con- ffchtuient crowns thy board, affection -bids thy fireside ; pas&iou cha-te but auleut, modest but intense, sighs o'er thj couchj thoatmosphereof Patadise-! San t>", surely, if this consecrated rite canaciiuiitf fnjm circnmstaacjM ft ^>