Kingston Gazette, March 15, 1817, p. 4

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tt \Lti J>crfon« md*b*ed lo -*.c fubfcn* ^<rr ;irc rcquctlc! t.) make -imrm'- .All kifi-'s i*f produce will be taken in pavri^nt. at the Market prices. T' ■' fubferiber hns ta*efl into partner- RJ« h^ btotrV-r, Allan II. MacDonell- Th- '" i*»-fs in future will be carried on v *£r -h firm of .if :-"'. \LlCDOXELL§ Co. In addition to t*>eir former i'oek, they ate now rec iving 3 general aflurt merit of dry 000m Karlhen &; Glass, AKX'fc. MACDONELL. - Kingston, if Sept. 1816. 34.: f 9 «7 ##/' Arrived, !*>'; .)'ii stats di'yCVl Fish, Barrels Ling, Do. SJyy (Jlwipur Salmon, 10 20 ««) 10 li i'itim: S> K^o's Locli Fiiie Firkins Hotter. ^ ALSO—A few fctts bett Ei!^!ih1i PJatcvJ harnesses, Saddjes and Bridies, friaftm&ales* Pads, Veliese*, Moi'vc Ciodlhtuj?, hini sU I to*, x me shoes. The ,!,.rti-e articles will be fold chcao J or aih ■ »» produce. • ' I ' X'r M <\CDONELL & Co 34 m ft} ?'■■■ 2^ h Jan. 1B17. Mi cl 1 ft Be*:ls and Itfeinorials, F<ir fale at this Off ce Sal rot1 saie, '*pHE .Vcsv lislfoflo: nombcrtjinctccn * ; % r]\e fecund eonceflion of (he tnwn- ftfe of KJngftoo. Ap ;ly to the Primer. yif PAJlYcf* Lot near the Mar- (fc/jul kft Place, wtfft a houfe on it. Fo'- particulars apt*!y to the Printer. £%4«, y*u%$i 1817. 34 * J Stage V( Nohct. 1H£ DibicwWr hcfiR leave to in&cm the pubUVthat he has commenced runnin' the iM7zi7 Stage, c rorn this town to the Lower Province, •V the enfuing feafon, TWICE AW *EKK; To leave thw place regularly every MONDAY and THURSDAY Morn. iitgf.—Perfons wanting a paflage will plcafo call at the Tavei 11 formerly known by the Sign of the Brittanh Irm, where the Stage Books will be kept Packa¬ ges, &c &c, will alfo be depofited at the above p'acr. BARNABAS DICKINSON. Kingfton, Jan. 11, 1817. 32tf MONTREAL Air Furnace. JOSEPH LOIGH& Co. BEG leave to announce to the Pub lie, that they hate Commence:! the bulincfs of Founders, On their property, foot of the Quebec Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Ship Yird of Meflfo, Hart' L-an 5: Co. where they will furnifh Mill Cartings of all defcriptions, agreeable to fuch orders asthty mayieceive,—-Alfo, UlarLlmithN work '>f every kind executed with neat nef* and difnatch. Montreal, Nov. It, 1 8' 6. N- B. CafllgiveM for old Metal, deliv¬ ered at the Works—lay, at the r&te of i?5 per ten, and for old Brafa /j.d, and Copper 6d per lb. 3 t hHKKlFPS iALE. " Midlf- d District, viz : B3f virtue of a writ of fieri V<i- .•fey, issued out of the Court rf King's tJench, at t\\o. suit of James RobtUi t>( the town of Kingston, lvf^uire«agft)Q^t the lairaj and t'lninvnit^ of AmosAns- 1-y, of the touusliip of Kin^ntoiig Vro- mari) to mt* direelr/1 ; I ■* VG seized aud taken in rxeeution, as belonginc; 2 the said Amos An l.y, the north half of Lot numuer 153 in fh<? second concession nfthc township *•( Kiuj{<- r ji 1 AS eommcDccd running from " KlNtittTON to VQHK. Lr.vir.T kri/fton every MGNDA? troi * -r *t sJIX o'clock and Yo»k ev¬ ery /'HUR DAY morniip', 'arne hour. Per:- > .vflh* e foi a oaffagewfll call j j, a;n,t Jc-thio Joeks< 2t *'* Pffhitt B?own*s inn, Kragfton, .-non Oath to twelve whtr*" .'.)e .Stig'- S «>ks will b^ kc^t.— fro-rt 2c to 28 lbs. baggage will be al- lowe i to ea&Ii pafTenger, ever this th^y mr'l b« char red for. yf II baggage fent by the Sta ewill be forwarded wiih care anr! delivered with punftua'ity, and a!l fevcnira acknowledged by the public's humble fervant ^^MTJELPURDY. Almton* J<ir, 23, 1817. 3.}.tf N ft Stajr-faieio Dollars. K£ Subscribers hive im¬ ported direct From Lon^ don, Manchefter, Birmingham and Glas¬ gow, &c. an extenllve alTortmert of ev¬ ery fpecies of Merchandise fuitable to the Upper Canada Maiket. The Goods have been felefted with care and purc^-fed for Cafli, and will be difpoftd of, either by Wholefale or Retail, on the rru-ft reafonable terms. tinder thediifcrent heads of IJtji/ors, Grrccrit'S) IItndvjotfGS, Clot/is, Fm?w<:U, lluher- dcisherh. Hosiery mid CABFET'IMG, SUdionary. Cnekeiy and Glfcss Ware* Caitlage, &c. &c. They would enumerate the fol¬ lowing xi tides, viz : Very beft Port, j L. P. Madeira. \ WINFS Sp. Fine old hro^n Sherry, ( L P. & L- M. feneriff, Hibbert'g beft BroVvn Stout by the Calk rr Dor.en, Brandy, Gin, &h &c. &c. Teas ; Sugavs, l-oaf and Mofcovado ; Coffee ; Sauce? ^f every defniption, Loch fine Herrifg^ hy the Keg J Pearl Barley ; tfoftaid Snap & Candles by the b x i Scotch Oatmeal, Paints arid Oils <flVted— Crawley and Blifcftd Steel, Swede* I- ton afforteA Dncki Pigeon and Snipe Shot. N',,b& Spikes of all forts, Tin Plate an J Sh"* lron» Frying pans, Sp*$« and Shovels, Hollow Ware—T'air, Cloth, whitewafh, Scrubbing, Horfe, Shoe, and Ta¬ ble Brufhes lvnlvepandF>(ke>afI"ortcJ'— Penknives, Sciflbrs, Spn-n», t***h Shavhig Cafes; -Lock**, Hi"SC;<» Saws, Hammers. Files, Gimbias* &c- &^- ^c- Boots and Shoes ~~ Nankeens, CorduK>7»i Stripes, Cottony Cheeky ^omlwasctMi - Mnfiins, Shawk, Diri1^^' Papes, Bobbin ; Brown. oznabut%* Shining and Sheet ing Linens i Lai-«» CamhndU Veiling.., ifttfo* Ribbons, .9irk HandkbTc,lJrfa : Navy Blue, BlacSt^S^J/'a^Ai•fBJNtelmSc Superfine LQroad Clolhwand Can- huieres. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Gloves and Hofieiy, C-arpcling of various pat terns An affoitmentof Schoolbooks and Sta¬ tionary.—- Glafs ware and Crockery by the Crate or caflc, an<J packed to iuit Coun¬ try Shops. Gentlemen's pmr.f Beaver Hat-: ^!'•n,s youths' and B^y's Ca«re! hair and plated do Men*> Willow Mats. I r,rves of lor N>. IS was not sold. Tne L?d:' 3' & C'n|q> Bea,w trim>d Bonnet?. Jhcriffofcme icto Coarfeas a wit t^ a. V/i-— R<->d, Jelh.wand Blue Flannel*, New Goods. TH£ Subfcribers, having received by the late arrivals ofTer for fale on the lowed terms for cafh at th« ir Stores in Kingdon, either wholefale or retail Cloths, Kerfeymerefi, Flannels, BombazettSj BombdzeneB) Men i Women's H(»fiery, Irifli Lineno, Diapers, Toweling, Sattins, Lutrflrings, Blue and white di¬ agonal &lrfnet8, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, LaceSfr Footing, Gihgham9i Lace Veils, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits* Cngniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Bed Port, Spa>.ifh, Sherry and Made it a Wines, Penperment, Shrub, MolaiTes, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar* Teas, Prunes, Raiffns, Almr»iid8, Barley, Pepper, Allfpice,anJ fndigo. ton, containing by aum .'-urmrnt o*w hundredacre, he the same more or \\*&%\ together with a loir house and Frwn d barn i\wrr-t> Pv&nteA* I Art li rchv give notic , tliat tlw abovo men* Honed lot of land, with the buiidingo and appurtenance*) thereunto belong¬ ing, will b ' sold cud a(ijudt-"d to the iii*;|i"st bidder, at ni) office in the (own of Kingston, on Tuesday the third day of March next, at the hour of ten o'¬ clock in the forenoonn—rit which t«m*' and place the conditions of sale will be n>ade known, CHARhf9i STUART, fotrffi X-' >v thj house and barn and A\t\ Walter McCvniffe xs Co. Kingfton, 19th July: 1816 3IV6 ADVERTISEMENT, THE Concern heretofore carried on by the fuhferibers, under the firm of Roderick MacK?.y 5: Co. was diflelv. ed on the yd) infi by mutual couleut. -^11 dema.ids a^ainft the firm will be li¬ quidated by R MaeKay, and tiiofe in¬ debted to it are rtqueited to pay their accounts. ROD::. MacKAY, JOHN KIR BY. Kingston, Wth Jnn. 1817. 32 N B. The bufiucfa will be continued by R & A.MacKay. blk GOO0FRESUBEEP! nrlHE fubferiber informs his friendi JL and the public, that he keeps c-n- Itai.tlyon hfnd, at his Cellar, under the office of D. tValhburti, Efo good Berf, at a very low p» ice. at ;«iv hour »*n the day, hy the hundred weight or fmaller qu.uitity. Vegetables of a! mod every defcription, together tvTih E^jjs, Fowls and Butter, ill of which will be fold fo 1 Cafli only. JOHN YOUNG. Kinpflcm, December 5, 18i6. 3 rtf THIS day rrcefved at thr S^re of S. itartlet, too Cafks wrought and cut Nails, of all fizes, Window Cilafs,tron,Stccte| Naii rods, Sheei Iron; CROCKERT&GLASSWARft in Crates and Hogfheads, White Paint, Mustar) it Kegs* Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate* Mufcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits* Currier'1 Oil, and A large addition to bis Stock jf Dry Goods; And has on the way up from Montr;a1| A GREAT VaRIETJ Of GOOBS, Of almost every Defcriptiwi Which will be fold very cheap by whoW fale only. February I, 1817* $;tf Notice. THE fubferiber having engaged to fupply the Gairifon at this Poll w^th Peafe Oats & Straw fortius feafon, he therefore informs the Public that hft will commence receiveing the above ar* tides from this date, at his Store, «d- joining the White Bear Tavrrn. EDWARD BARNETT. Kingfton, 6th Dec. 1816. $1 Mi CASH 3 And the highest price paid for MAM.EM % RYE, AND At the old Brew, n ot Jas. RoVi^dH/1 fii H NtbfVti A tew Bdrrcls CHaUAIONT herring AND Prime Pork, lull leceived, and foi f.ile bf S. BARTLET. Wtgtohjfa *& '■M! 7- 34*f "" NOTICE. A LL peifons having any demands jC\ ag?mft the Eftate of the late ELIPHiLET ADAMS, of ^arys- burgrs deccaM, are hereby requclled, to produce thett claims duly anthentica- tctl. — alfo ail perfong indebted to the faid Eliate are hereby requefted tomake iiTimediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN. Afting jExeaiotr. tfaRowell, 12th Nov. 1316. 3iv6 Sfrat/ed or Stolen, CXN the ni^ht of the wd February, W a %ht Chefnut HORSE, with a nvh'tc \\r'w% in hit- forehead, and one vrhite in'i'd foot, about ten years old. If fto- ien, whoever will dete&the thief, fo as tp reefer the horfe, (ball receive Ten Dollars, by applying to Wm. B. Whtt- SEt, Kingfton, or to Rolph H. Ro- Aers, Kingfton Mills* March 1. ____________^_ J9 ~' FERGUSON'S Inrpro^ed Tabe uf chc value of Grains tJi ttold Com, over or under weight, f%M& at this 0'Ti,-c, 1 son, and dftclar^l 1 poji uatii ro twciVC Jurors, that ht- !id not sell thf House <fc bnrn and si\- ty acres of that lot, agreeable to the origin*] survey ; wheivfore, that bouse oud barn and sixty Bcres of land, i1* (ho lawful light, the labour and prop¬ erty of Ann:- Anslev, nnd v. ill be re¬ covered as soon asJusti'.c cfln take place. Therefor^ thes^oi1 <o forbid all per¬ sons from making any waste of timber, touo or elav for brick, or in any man- uer injuring the house, barn or orch- ahardAfeiice5, ont-hoosGA bud build¬ ings on said lot iNo. 15 in the second concession in the township of Kings¬ ton, nofr the village 01 Wellington. \AMf^ ANSLKV- Mfttrh 3d, 1817. Sen -ible of tli3 predicament in which we stand, and conscious (hat we have done cur duty ?*s subjects, \ve should be wanting to ourselves and fo those tender connections, who from necessi¬ ty have been the unhappy companions of our misfortunes, if we did not make our.1 *.im for justice to those who ar-' authorised to grant ?t: and therefore we do appeal to the fundamental laws of the society of which we are mem¬ bers— to be protected in the original Landmark* and Boundaries by which we have reduced a howlingvildernes:' to a popolousProvince. 40 AMOS AMSLEY- G '^.i * road Baize* Kk I OT1CE i- hereby gi< I ^ Partr.erii-ip hithcito a Co *! ^o'nt E'ankcts—Counter pao/a, | lied Tick, Sec &c. Storage and Wharfage at the cnflom- ary p; ices and Comnfiffion Bufineis exe¬ cuted at the ufual rate. JOHN K1RBY &Co. Kingston, fuly 26, 18!& 31 v6 Advertisement. ■ * A quantity of ftafoned Boards Sf Plank, For fale by GEORGE SCOUGAL. Kingston, Feb I, 1817. 35 Garden Seeds. THE Subfciibcr haa juft received from Montreal a fele£icm of GARDEN SEEDS, for fale at his Store, nearly oppofite the Maiket. ALEX. McLOAD. Feb, ti$ 1817. 38-b T!HE fubferibers have juft received at their Store, neat tile Mai^ct, a frefh affortfPClit of From Montreal ; which they v.'ill dif" pofe of at very reduced prices for cartr, produce 01 on credit. Among which are I India Cotton*, do. Silks, Rvvansdown Verting, Brown Holland, Cotton Shining, Women's bed Hole—Men's do. Men's Lambs" wo«>I do. Red and While Flannels. Fine and Supeifinc broad Cloths, Pocket Handkcrfs, Bombazettes of varions colors. Men and Worfifn's fawn lined Gloves, Men*s common do. Striped Cottons, CaUcocs and oilier articles too nume¬ rous to mention They have alfo received on commit fion, One^ailof FLANNELS,— which they will pdl very low at whole¬ fale orly—and fli^rtly exp.dsati aflbrt- ment of GROCERIES, Which will lik-wife be difpofed of ad- vantafieoufly for purchafcrs. CHARfcES SHORT & Co. Kingston, Iff/i At "817 37 ven. that the ip intneito fubfillinjj be- tween thettodcrngnfd, in Lower Cana¬ da under the firm of GEORGE Hr WILLIAM HAMILTON, and In Upper Crtnada, cenduded by taeii part- <ier occaf-onally in his «-wu name, \vill he and is hereby diflclved by mutual con¬ fer f on, the ;. 1 fl December. Aii ptifo.ih having dims again ft the faid concern are requeued to prcfeut them for payment to Geofgi' Hamilton, and all perfona indebted to hiid Co-part¬ ner Ihip to make immediate payment of their refpective accounts to, with the exception of the amounts dtfC to aud4 from the concern at Kingfton, which will be received and liquidated by Wil¬ liam Hamilton. GV.ORGE HAMH-TON. Montreal, December lb, tSl6. WILLIAM HAMILTON. Kingston, OH. 28,1816. 3 2w 1 2 u A J UST deceived a,1d for fale at this Of fice, price r/8i Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstaw^y by f;ord Byron.— With the Star *>f *&* legion of Honour, andothci t*oenw j to which is prefixed, The Lift of the NpM* Authr.\ Nov. a9» „%- ^6 . Gentleman wifhes to procure £ tfurfe, to attend a fick Lady. An elderly woman wou'd be preferred y 10 whom liberal wages ivtH be given. Apply to the Printer. Kingfton, loth Jan. 1817. 3** • i> CAUTION. TTlHE fubferiber informs the ptfbikf* J. that the Boat i-ow building by Mcflrs. McDonnell & Smith (near the Artillery Park) is his proper ty, and here* by forbids all perfons froii purchafing the fame, he having furniflied them with money and materials for building the faid boat. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingston, March I, 1817. S9^$ Rags ! Rags ! Cash and the highest price paid for CLE/^N COTTON AND LINEN RAG AT THIS OFFICE. Wanted^ A COOPER. Liberal w.iges will be given foi a good workman by applying to JAMES R0BIS0N. Kingston, 26th December, » 816- For Sale, ~~~* 4 Valuable Double Lot, fit-arcd i9 a pleafant part of the Towot *ith Two good dwelling Monies. Bafaj Houfe, Stables, &.c. the reiidt ce of the fubferiber, which will be diff.of-d of en. good terms —If the property i ndtfo/J by the lit ft of May next, it will be rent¬ ed for any number of year*. For fur. ther particulars apply to the fubferiber on the prcmifes. LOUIS TAPIN, Kingston, Feb. 15, 1*817. 37 For Sale, A V^LCABLE Farm,-:with buifdl ** ingi- also large improvements thcrr« on, favorably fituatcd within 28-milef of King-ton. Perfons defirous nf our/ chafing to- inquire of the Punter. Hinxston, July IO, 181 f J1 v6 PROPOSALS. FOR Pftl^TKfO, HV SUBSCR1PTI0S, Uy tl'jitiSTr.HS Sf Ski&N£r$9> ALBANY, N. Y. . Sketches of Upper Canada, WITH A MAP OF THE PROVINCE, Anrtii Topographical and Hi>*ortcai De^frijB titmofthe Battles fought duriog mclate War A1 thin and n^ar its Liniii*. CONDITIONS : 1. This Work v.ill be comprised ifl an Octavo volume, of abc it 300 pag&j printed on a £;ocd type a:rd fine paper». 2. The price t\> subscriber- will bfl One Dollar arid Scv.jnty-I*"ivc Cents m boards, or Too Dollars an* Fifty Cents neatly bonnd andlettered. The Books will be delivered in Kingston at the Albany price of Two Dollars and Fif*. ty Cents, with the addition ef the im* post duty, only. J. To thoso who subscribe f<»r Tcfl Copies, or procure Ten Subscribers, nn Elereutb Copy will bo given gratis, on delivery rind payment of the Copies .subscribed for- $T Subscriptions forthe above W» S icill In- received at this 0jfi.ee4 BLAIR'S Sermons, Potreus' Evj. dences, the Canadian Vifitor, bound or (ingle, together with a great vtftiety of ufeful Books and Trafts,far young people, for Sale at this Office ;—• where accefs may be had to a fm&H cii* culating Library, three limes a week, oa modrrate terme. augufl 1, 1816. 0^ BLANK BAIL BONDS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, For'ftSlB at th^ Office*

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