4iad !<'t 1-iM 'ftilr pby—iia.l let Uh'Hvh nature jpiita ai n» iflteftt't nfee'idancy N would not have aftcd so—b*.t tlicic is foniethin^ in guilt which i'i.it".ite»j it* votaries forward—it may begin with a promife broken, but it vpjfl cud in the home depopulated— yet theft l.i Cbmcttring in a icducer of peeul- ia« turpitude. I know of no chaiaAcr i'o *i!c, fo di t«; (tcbV. He is the rilefi of! robbers for he plunders hapoin.f,—the wont-of m'ird'rrers. For be murders iii- nocmice—hi. appetites are \( the brute —his arts of the dsemon—the heart of the i»hrJd end ihcc *rpfe of the parent are thr futindnuo"*or the altar which he rears to a hilt, whofc fires an: the fires of bcil? and wh ufe ineenfe is -the agony of tiittl ! I hope Mr. D's advocate may pmre he dues nut dcfci*etn rank in fuch a clafs as thi«, but if he does I hope the Infatuation fafer.ar.lbly connected with fuch pr rcccdings may tempt him to de¬ ceive you through the fame plea by which he has defrauded his miferable d'ipc. [ d:ne htm to attempt the defa¬ mation of a character, which before liis cniehi-*, never was even sufpe&ed.— Haopiiy, Gentlemen, happily tor hcrielf this wretched creatine |1mi« ca(l upon the world appealed to the parental refuge fhe had fo.f.-ited. I need not deferibe to y*Hs the parent's angivfivat the heartrend- iii*& difc very. God help the poor man whrn his mttffoi tunc cou.e* upon him ! How few are his refoilfCCB ! How dis¬ tant hi** conization ! You mad not for- get* gentlemen, that it is not the unfor- lunate vicli'ti hetTcif wlio appeaUto you f:>r conipetfat'on. Hei crimes poor w.'ct.h. have outlawd her from retribu¬ tion, a-d however the temptations by tvhich h r errinjx mturc wa-. feduced,may pr*efrre in audiance fi%.m the ear of mer¬ cy, the Hern morality of the law refufes their interference. No, no, it is the Wretched parent who comes this day be¬ fore you, his aged locks withered by mis- Fortune, and his heart broken by crimes ot which he was uncottfefous. He r*forts t< this tribunal in the language ol 'he Lhw, claiming the value of his daughter's ft rvitttdei but let it not efcape attd that wealth w at »>(1i*a a baf>nt for! Crime* and an exempt n frim i:* confe- qneitees. Happily for this laud, the day of fuch opinions has p.ifTed over it— the eye of a purer feeling and more profound phil'fopl y n w bch.dd rivhe- bnt as one >f tlic fcidi to virtue, and fe?s jin opprcfTed poveity only an additional jftimulua to encreafi'l proteeTti »n. A igener >us heart eannot help fcclfng trnt jin cafe: of this kind, the poverty of the y.-u iliai Jnho.ir. he ir is for her mere manual foHcha compenfation. No, i injured is a dread! ul aggravation If thr rich fr.H-r, they hive much to cofifblc hem but when a p > *r man loles the darling of hi.s heart—the Fole plealure with which nature blcffcd him—h :\v abje& / how curdt-fa is the the defpair of his destitution ! Believe me. gentlemen, yon have not only a folerr.n duty to perform, but you have an awful rcipon libiiity impofed upon you. You are this day, in fome degree, trollecs for the morality of the people—perhaps of the whole nation ; fjr depend upon it, if the fluiced of immorality, ate once open¬ ed among the lower orders of the people, the frightful tid*:, drifting upon its fur- face a 1 -hat is dignified or dear—will ibou rift even to the habitations of the blghefti 1 feel, Gentlemen, I have difchafged my duty—I am lure you will do years. 1 re pole my client with con¬ fidence in yotit hands; and rnufl f-rvenlly dj I hope, that when evening ih t!l find y«>u at your happy liire fide, furroutided by the (acred circle of your children, you may not feel the heavy curie gnawing at your heart, of having let loofe, unpunifhed, the prowler that may devour them. Gentlemen, we will now call our evidence. I affure you I have ftated tliia cafe far lefs lirOngly ahan f;-y inltruftions v/ouid warrant rr;e ; but even fo, I cannot avoid warning you to take no word of mine for granted, and to decide folely according to the tellimony produced to you. There was a Verdict for the Plaintiff, of 2,500!. Kingston, January 4. IbS t. T*a'!.ii£.l isiir^-^parci^^lH'lv-mcl: ui-r»,rni,-h [<iquorto Uie-Tavern K^P^r, ought lu hav I won iatji:.3ty Uiw.. to int^rii 10 in the granting 6f Licenceb\ S::o'ild'he \vriter\ narrt*' he required, it nill l»" ffiv.Ml. Kingston, 3d Jannan 1817. Mr. Stranger, In the lail G^zetf 1 perceiveyonr L ccgrtcal enumeration "f ferum foetcties ; from your nlmlous idrag it appears yuw are of the tray which ha< loll its fenm ; Ihould therefore prefc'ihe the addition of la little rennet to your clan that you may ihe foooncr come to fannyclihher. Joe Molasses. Many articles, prepared for this day's Gazette, are unavoidably omitted FOREIGN. 9awi^cfMrIli», K^. 50 .!ti*.ep!i Wilson, r.;j. '20 Alderm;'n SirV . Fiosvor5 Ci. Ki\ John Mortlock, Tsq ; 200 Mr. A'd.Scholey 21 >Ie <j'>. \'\ ilson i: Moore lM Jos. Butter worth Kmj. M. P. *ib W.G..Carter ixlc . rs. Z. Macaulay and Cihinnt'in Sir tl. Crufl [ion. A. flarbert T. it. Iforker9 Esq. ICapr. .11. lUdd I Mr. R. (I. Arrowsmith Messrs. Cooper, Munro and Duncan - Rev. D. Ruel Mr. C. fial>rrt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 31 10 0 ao 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 Oi 10 10 0 2 2 0 • • • LONDON, Julv-3U 1816. Association for tk& relief <>f the Manufacturing and Labour¬ ing Poor. At a very numerous and respectable Meeting, hold ai the Ci'.y of ItmAv* lav^rn,on the SJ'th^ry H.inh, IHIfi.l Ilia 'i-nal Highness the <)ul.c of Vork IVividcr.t. bxfhe Chair. Resulted, 1. That there th *1 H»i moment e&Ut a ta jnatinn of en'jj'vy- j moi't. and a ivvul-i.>r. of hade, diivpij 1 afieclkig ihe situation of v.Kn»y parti of the community, and produci:^ mam in-Linces, of local diu.'ss. <•>. That from the esppri^.Kvd c-;r - rositj of the Brit; h :\*a?i..1., it ;.ui) h- conlidi'titlj ov> .M«-d, thai tho'ft wi: are nblrt toad id the mean* of relief In tluir feilou subjects, will cotilributdl their utnmst eiKieavors to remedy or jalU'vrale <h- -ntlVrJugsof tbase^bo a- [particateriy cti tressed. 7 I 1 J. and VV. Deans 5 c. i'. t;. 2 Mr. Henry Teape 5 Sjl).Cashier's Office, Bsn& of England ^1 M'Vsrs. Haukey & Co 100 j.?or.n Julius An::":^"'.n. K-rj.JOo \vis.:-.s. Barclay Peirkius&Co^UO Mr. Cherlcs liohnes. 5 Rd. Hoihwell, V.<<\. *ib The Enrl&Cotmtess of Jersey TOO Wyndkitn lvoateM>uTl * 52 M^r-!. Tt*rrjca P^aco^k, Ter¬ ry, and C;:. aud the ii^e of (h.dr boa* e 10 *jIc**r*«Cap°! andCucitous 60 Wnv$t< iuin- vis i'i »]. |0 :;. C. [):adf:ri. Esq, 10 .vle«-r«-.!•■:« '-, Lloyd & Jo. tW) Jain<*s Alnd i)-q. 50 Jane - Sfc'Jibi !»• Ksq. Ma.-ter iii Clianeery flu \V.... Vrilb'Trorc*. Esq. M. R/;0 J, VV->!n;.d, juu. E,q. 10 •Vhit'i,. d Keeue, K.-j. M. P. 20 Ch. Brewer 1 ?.lv • sjv.. .M..:uii;igs & Ander- ttci ICO 7 0 1 (.' i 0 s 0 2 0 5 (* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 o 0 10 o received on $"rvice ?^ d.'ftnee*«f tit* Proving, .!,--tr/-be l<te Waft By Order r,f Jjjs ExlelUnft, EDWARD MacMAHUN* A3* Secretary. ---------------------- Erratum. In th.- Gazette of Nov. aR« afirif "The Hon. \V. B. Ccltman, and J. Fletcher Efq to he Jttftlret of the* Peace for the" for ** Irdian Territoricb" infert Wellern DiftnA. Hydro graphic Office, hlSGSTOH. From Friday noon 27th \).t. to Fri¬ day noon 34 Jan. Date & course of the Wind. Barom¬ eter. Faer-lnrea- ir mom- if nig. *. r whose 2 *a(- iVt- etcr. lb»S I ] hAttrs nioi-' p..- ii 8, Thai alfho^hu r^eevwve^y 1.;. \} ;rh« u.aeles, E q. yen.aieto compenfate him f-.r all he has ftiiu-rtd—f..r all he is to fuffer—for feelh'ga out 1 aged—for gratifications plundered—tux honed pt ide put to tin. Lluilj — for the exiled endearments of his once h m py h-unc— for all thuic iuiitmte- laale and inlHntlivc ey.tacies which a viriuoiiH daughter fills her father's hrart, \\i- .. *•• / {,. ' \.> '•■ t.fr*\ pwi* ti haven Da:nCi htM of which nature i.c antindantly and richly eloquent ! — Do not fuppoie 1 Hin L'udvawrm^ to influei ce you by the powir ofdccjamatioti. I am hiyin^r down to you the Biltifh Law, a? liberally expounded and folemnly adjudged. I fpe^k the lan^na^e of the Eligliih Lord h\don, a Judge of great experience and greatvv lea:nwg—(Mr, Phillips here citr-il kvvral cafes as decided by Lord Eldo»)—Such. Gtntleinen, is the lan- gaage of Lord Eldort. 1 fpeuke alfo Co tl.e au-lion'iy of our own Lord Avou- ino:e—* jitdge who iiiuminaied the Bench by his getilli*. endtared it by his fuaviiy. and dignified it by his b»-ld uu- comnron ifir.g prohiry—one of thofe rare men wlm hid the tiioies of law tcneath the flowers of literature, and a? it were, uit'i the wand of an enchanter, changed a wilderucfs 11.u> a garden ! I fpe k upon that hir^h authority—but I fpe.-.k upon authority paramount to all ! —on the authority of Na'ure rilinrr up within t.'ie heart of a 'r»an. aud calling f r vcugeaoce upon fuch an outrage* God forbid that in a cale of this kind, we v^erc to grope our way through theruins of antiquity, and blunder over tlamtc and burrow through bla.de letter, in': fe.uco it Ml iiteip/etalion, which Pro- vidru' e has enclave 1 in living letters on e«ery i*;uMM heart. Ve*—If there bei one iH.^O'iolt you hkllcd with ^ daughter, the fnn"!<!s of whofe in^a-cy llil! cheers your memory, a< id the pi omife of whofe yo-i'th Ulu'ninaics your hope—who has endeared the toilsof yourmanh.iod,whum you look up to as the folace of your decli'.n. g year?—whofe etnhrace allevia- x.i the pang of feparation — whofe glow¬ ing welcome haled your oft anticipate d return. Oh, if tlMr he one amongft you, i tJ whot-.uholerecolI.-AioriR are dear, to whom thofe hopes are precious—let them nnjy fancy that daughter torn from hiscr-cTcs by 'h<- feduccr'aarts, and caft on the world, robbed of her innocence : and then lei him aft his h'art '* what money couhl rrp*-'ife him.** TIk defendant cannot eo nplain that 1 put k thus to you. If in place of Voting, he had as- faulted this poor girl—if he had attem¬ pted by farce what he had achieved by fraud, his lift w-i^d have been the forfeit: and y*t how trifling in co.r.parifon would have been the parent's agony \ He has 1*0 ri-.dit then to complain* if you fhould c(\i:oate this outrage at the price of his very txiltv nee. I an to'.d, indeed, this fentlenuiiu-utertaiii!-an opinion, prevalent Cno'j/h ir* the ape of feudaliirr, as ar- r;yi:it as i: was barbarous, that the poor arc o'dy a foCciea of property, to be ti.eated according to intcrcft or caprice i The fnow, fn Albany, the 2d c December» was about !ix inches deep. with m 'derate winter weather, .-\ Louth wind, however,it was fcare^ would take il away. The weather, in this place, continues very remarkable, We have not had over two or three inches of Snow, which w:t.s about the roth nf December ; fincethit time, the ground ha» been enttie'y bare, and the atmotpeai is n^orc dkl ttiirt *A\ May than J.i iuary ; on wtdnelday, the firll inllant, a for.all vcffel arrived fiom Sandy Creek, with Hay, &*C. and on Thurfuay morning two veHelA LFc this port.—It began to rain yesterday after¬ noon, which Hill continued ilnV morning, till about 10 o'clock. — It bl**w a icvere gale laft night from the I'outhvveil. • # ^*i Coo have been iubicii-ed In City of (Quebec, for the relief of Poor in thai City. the the 0 <( CORRESPONDENTS^ A correspondent over the fi,ncture of An Inhabitant^' comp'ains or the lofs of his Prayer Boole federal time-, fro-D his Pew tu the Church, whe-e it had been left alter fervicv, and cannot con¬ ceive how aperfoncan have the conscience to pray out of a 'olen book !—We aie of his opinion, and can only fay from go ul authority, that t% the prayer* of the wicked availcih nothingn—lie nlfo hints^t the propiiety oi cftabliniing a Bible and Prayer Book Society in Iviugs- • ton, which, he is of opinion, would pre¬ vent fuck facriiegious depredations. We certainly cannot fee much pith in the poetic pvodfcdiions of u P-tfro."— However to ill.'w bin* w.it v.e do not e:'tl ey difcard hw4ner*;$, iye pu*>;;Ui 1 .- Following ftai.za, which we the.de the mcli beautiful c?.rt ot hi* performance. *' i\ofuj earneflly (hvuld ym •zuij-j to *• About En Possnnt for to htozo f" Correfpondcrnts generaily arc informed that Pos-'age mutt always be paid, or their productions cannot appear. possible for any Awciaatioti ofiridivld «als tji.ti. r.pt the1 general relief of dif-. licuUie^ .ilii.A'tiiii; »n large a proportiori j < f me public, yet thot it ha? beuu pro¬ ved by the cx$i rieiirp ol this Associa¬ tion, tliaLmo5tiniptu*ta!rtatul o^tMisit^ bcucnt- may !ye iU riv^d from Elte ro- ■'perntion andcnnv^sponil^nce °l il s*°- ci'-t*» in the Mctn>r,i-lis. fnconraffitu Mi'* riibrts of ntOSs b 'Ucvol"nt individ- uaN v.ho r.iay he (imposed to associat- th«*m«*dre5 in diffrV m' di6trict<!,for Ihr r.li; f ofthtir s^vjr-^i ^ci.<hbotirltnod*. t# Tiiiii a Mih^-i.pih.n h " immccli- :vtel\ upeoed, a\td Contributions gennr- aI!y«iotirUpd forcarr)in^iutoc;ijct (hi hpcf uft!i!S \K:J i:;?i m. 5. fliat S.di-crib- is of nil* hundred oouiids and upwarcU be added to tli" Committee of the Association fcr thrrp- !ici ol 1 lit- Air.Tinhit'turiiii^ ami Luhour- ing Poor. Thit the said Commitfco have foil power to dispose* of Ihe fuud' lo he collect* d, ami haw power (o atUI to it* numb- r: and to form Sub-* 'nm- ni'tbvs fur correspondence or oth*.- purposes, I [Jvre foliates a thf of names tch* vm/ipmc ihe Ctwwiu'r;', rcltielt consist* 0/ uLlthr fioj/a/jftn :ljj, ami the Jirs! ;; 7 r ••ir.'cvi in.(he A--; .'/.>//..] 6 That all the Bankers of London and Wieflnviuftcrbercqnefted to receive Sob Icitjvi; n.. for the Fund. .7 That his Royal Hfetoefttfa Du!;e \i;;ici;d 10 0 i) G 0 0 0 0 0 0 u 0 0 l) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 33 10 0 10 0 0 W. G. C\RTER. . I*»e.97 1810 Strnn it o-rj|p SUy.N.wV ;J*S WMy. & Fresh brezes 29 ModrC l>re**zeh from >Vr'd v/.s.\v. iiO.\ iy'chrir stroriff eale1". 29,486 4Q J ■ 61:1 29,GiO 32 u — 500 •29,450 17 2-1 622 20,846 V 5 3) Srou^^al. w.s.w.do.s.v. freezes cold clear ni^ht. ifilTJam 1. "^d XMy N.N.K. _VV.>, W._ 3d N.i-:. li't Minds s.£. & mild cloudy liirhl rain. 99^750 335 «o 700 30,336 -29,912 35 I '2G 16 j ii** Yo'kbc humbly riqn-.lled to accept th-* gr-tefnl thank* of this Afilmbiv. I for taking the Chair on thSa nccalion. 's lit? lollop iu^Sttb«c-iiptious wore i:.i- mrdlnt-dy ni?»de :— The 1 riaco licscnl !4!u* Quctu The i)ukv of Yiok 'i he Duki ./f Cambridge The P:riiC"-s Av^u {a I I .lC i'lilK *'N> l*lls.<lhi tJl .'in.' PHwces* Snphin the i^.'k:' ri Oioiu t^ter I fhe Utihjn of Wellington ['lie Archbishop of tJanter- bury The l>uke of Rutland Tin* Karl Mnnveis Right Hon. ff. Vnntjttart We intend in our next, to nnblifh the proceedings of the Bible a/J Prayer j Boole Society, of the t.jwn of York. COMMVSlCATtOXS. TAVKRNSar" inleivlrri "»• .*-nrco:n:ni (latton of Travellers ; and n4«ti people exj»rt themselves 10 hav** and fe<*i'K«>ot! itous*^Cir :l»is p.irpo-e, tltev onplu l# :it' Wlcown^pHl-— ^vepal Tavern** hav<* hivi* bt»*%n Hiippjws^*' In Kjngstauancl tfRviei'uni*»ud ver.v pr^p^r- lyT and u ere some oth^r> sii;»pr *• ri| ft ivrmhl beofjrrcatficrviceto'Ucc*H»»mMHh\—the dram •hops vvhicli abrrn ^ in ;ln- unsii *r.£\\ aUn !«• be buppre.N-ed. /• is-aid thai lu-nce- bavi« been granxedtofonrprrwitK wnlMmt \\w town Plot, on !h- •*o'"l 1 'adin^ '« the N*Vim<i (\i:tce^- ••on. Blakrand Qlaadtard have each paid |{o -se«—tii.» o-!nTs, if I a- figbtl) i:ifor»*U*«L ;iaw not t li d for a travel!?*, or a S a! le for heir Ho* es. Suchtsal-H) rhcrn*n with E^me .vilhinihe lownplo:. Som<-nave been refu- a\ licence- who have s^ood Unn*e* and are re>- n'Meuu'e per-ons; oiie of whn*a i^- Itleltard ^•u'Ji, whohsc- lnult an ho>e tor rhf express ■Mirpose.-*-Tin* reason awlgneH by ihe Morfi - , .trao-<is,'hat hrt \><*r\i* a M-'i^ant i.o;». So ?.!o--a Mr. Dov.tiii, Mr. Ir^li^li, Mr. M'orrfeii { and Mr. Mvag'uT HlG two La_-t ar* 0>\ ji*\m- il ' I nc Bishop *>i l-'unl.m ri • 1 C'llt'.iropo the Bishop of Durham Uca-ion Long, iSsti- Mes«-rs Ornninionds llcnrj Drummondj i>q, got Sir P. Toh" Thorntiifi ^ £c, \o( <\r Ts. Baring, &t. Lord Kcnyon ■ *^ir Thomas Rear? Messrs. Harman & P^. John Harman, Ks^. ,!rr. Ilarman, K>-i- Ueid, J1 viva 0. ( '. Samai I and 1'l.^r!. S ••Vrmrr 100 £500 300 SOG 300 100 100 100 100 200 — 100 100 100 100 100 \/.* 100 100 100 00 0 200 60 100 1C") 100 100 lOu 0 (. 0 t 0 <j 0 fi 0 Q 0 < 0 C 0 o 0 ( 0 ( i> 0 0 0 0 ( 0 ': 0 1 0 t We never kn>-w a meeting nf greater refpeft ilian thai a: the City of London Tavern. Itcompofed a perfect ri-pre- fent..!tio!i aflhe realm—for the Crown, the Lord* Sj-vritual aud Temporal, with the Commons, in all their degrees ot Land and Stockholdeis, Clergy, Pio- fefTi.uig, Merchants, MauufaCturere, Traders, AitilU, and Aitifin?, were ali repreftnted l»y Princels of the Dlo<-d Royal, Archbiihops and Bilhopi;, I\eri», Knights of cha SI lire. Citizens and l}urgi.iTi.;s Miniilerial aud Oppoiition, in Parliament and out. Never was formed ' I in one room a more compute epitome ol the whole nation—And it is trom thr circumftance that the voice they pronounced takes its value. It cannot he denied that fuch an aflembly fpoke the frnfe of the nation at large—and iVviUi that voice NKnitiers may draw the couclnfion of what they have to e&p&St fiom fin-»ilar meetings in every other part of the kingdom. The fubfenption was began undei the bell aufpiees, and our rc.dct* wid fee by the fums, that it is likely to Iweil to a gnat amount. We rejoice to obfervc, that it is not limited, which is alwjys ■tiinou- to a fubfeription, and that men aie aot inftoenecd by etiquette or delicacy* »ro;r! contiibuling what they can atfoid, becaule they will not exceed the fum fet down by their fnpen'ors in rank. On the contrary, we tee the fubicription •if a Broker greater than that of a Prikce—and we trull the example will be followed by men oi every condition — that at h ail the thanfar.ds out of work may have temporary relief. i KINGSTON AMATEUR THEATRE. On WEDNESDAY Evening TheV.thJun. 1817, Being 'h: anniverfary of the opening of the Klnnflon Amateur Theatre, Will be p-rft»rmcd 'he Play <A TheMoun fa ineers To which will be added the favourite Farce of We Fhj by night, OR Long* Stories. Doors to be opened at SIX, perforrr ance to commence at SEVEN o'Clock. Tickets to be had at Mr Macaulay*s. No Money to be taken at the door,»i Children admitted. N. B. It is rcqdefied, that every perfou going to the Amateur Theatre, wil goto the Box for which their tiekets are numbered : thofe who aCl contrary to this rule, will fubjecTt themtelvcs to be removed. Wanted^ j. and Li. io urc Alfxsi*. .f( hn Atklts^ &Son Mpjisr*. id Ma 1I1 100 't.^'-vaiid 100 so 10 *4 Right \Un. .I.C Viliiers [Ion. Mrs. Villlcrs him Vil'ders S.D. Wi!braham,F^ M r m M^ssi>. Uosaliquet a lt4j \>-t^ |qq Earl of Ayle-bury J(}q J.'sliua \V;ii*0lU Esq jqq IMjeMU^iiH1^'! 100 0 C! 0 0 0 C 0 (y 0 0 0 (• 0 f 0 i 0 (. 0 <. 0 ( 0 ( 0 n 0 ( 0 a 0 c LO 0 0 0 0 I 0 <: 0 i- u t On the 15th February an edlfi of the Inquifaion had been promulgated in Mexico,prohibiting, under the fevcreft penalties, the p?- '.h! of all woiks pub- nfhed in Spain daring the time of the •Jones. On the 24th of the lartx month. Fe&dihand V! I.'idecree.rt-cllablitliing the J r.'.'.: in ail the dornintouf ot Spain and the Indie*, was k>!emn!y pro l.umeri in Mexico. Notwhh&andtug r.!.f threats oi the Inqnifltatiou, and the exertions of] '»I the King's OlTiccrs, the revoluii- n ii: ail the interior oi Mexico pt sce*:ded In a rapid aud folid manner, parcieuiarly fines I the great aid received tio*n t!i: United Slates, with which counry imrrcouife was very frequent* FOR His Majefty*a Service, to be _ delivered into the CommilTariaf Magazines at King Run, 500 Ikncl> Fitre Flour, on op before SOth February. 400 Do. do. on or before 2(Hh March. 800 Do. do. 1st May. on or before Fotr.I 1200. . t (rtft/ffBfe QiEHi:t , Oct. 10. Oag !—VVe, =om-^ time ince, mrutioitfed the shooting of Mr. \i rrauir \ dog,Growler, On the*L?lii in ti a vi idiet of ^60 d Una--^ Wai iouudf';rMT. P- who we understand ha- >li 1 i >i\ dogfi rcmaiiiingj wivioti hi prt'bjbly would be induced to part a Hli at the same pri .A Lt. Govt mar's Office, } Tori, Lee IO 1*81 & j" His Excellency the Lt. Govtrioi haa been , lealed to appoint S;»rgv;on j Anthony MarfliaH, of K ngfton, to eK- ..mineand G rant Certificates of diltbilty, to Militia-men difabled from Wouiu^ i i'enders will berr-ceiveel at this Of Bee for rhe whole, or any orje part of the ahove.T.en*ioned qoa>itiue^ antilthe 24th ;Janv:ry next. . Cjmrr,\!fariat Office. K'w*(lon9 %%th Dccemlrri I 61 6. 31 1 ■ ■■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ 9m* Team Work. \ NY pe^fon Willing to coitrrtl tr , £ X. tumid) foch quantity nt" OXLN and HORSES, with the necelUv Ca;tt* ^c. from the firft day of nest month, to the 31ftJanuary, :&t$, as may be re- quired from time to time, for ihe life of the Navy, on Point Frederick, pre re¬ queued to fend in fea"»ed Tenders on the 20t?i inft before 12 o'clock, [pcofyiajj !the rate per team of Ho?fe^ with3 driveif and a driver to every two yoke of Oxen. Naval Storekeeper's Office* \ l/! Janbary, 1817. | 31 For Sale, LOTS No- 22, 23 and 24. :nth-41' C'*nerffion, z\>c\ one four fa of vh 20, in ihe 5th conceffi m of thi tow vh r nfrydney. F'-r particulars enquire ;HOs. A PKLNSON* at Willi ■• Moon's, Kinjjllon. 51 -