Kingston Gazette, January 4, 1817, p. 2

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Tl /rOsrrcfpe&f'Uy informs the La vJL die> of Ktngflon, and the public ;n Tcnri^J, that he 'has received by th' I;*tearriv.ii- a! Quebec, and are now rca- .dv for mfpecrion, at the Sure late occu¬ py ! by Nfefr* K'Dooald & Joo^ M<i«'rt St cct, »fa&Ko*ing articles, which #il] or Wd i heap Tor dafh only. Elegant Swaufdown Muffs and Tip- jjets Waterloo Seal flcin Fur Cap* f r Ladies and G^tlemen with Gold t&nd *ad Regency Taffds, alfo Sed (kin f«*r Gentl< ven's Great Coat Collars and Cuffs, and a variety of other Fit**. Re/t Merino Pelifle Cloths, Silk Vel- fret« in every colour—a large afiortmtnl of Snitioe and Sar(netts and Ribbons, Irifli Lmnens, Patent loom Shirting all Jcmds pf Witflins and Lenos— a quan¬ tity of Thread Laces, Gold Trimming? find Tafltls Wadding for Linings of Pe- liffrs, and many *ther articles too tedi on? to mention N. l>- H urs of bufinefs from ten a. t« ':ntil 4 ? M. Kingston- Di'C 5% i8*& Cheap fVooien GOODS. THE fubferibers have just received, by the laic arrivals from thtir Manufacturing Houfe, in England, a larp-'- ointnritv or SsrjWti-'iNE & SECOND road Cloths ; Ladies' Pelice CLOTHS and CASS1MEHE% CONSISTING OF ".— Bhie, Black, Waterloo, Bot¬ tle Green. Brown and Mixture Broad Cloths ; Brown, fVcnch Gray, Drab nud/^ior'd Pelisse Cloths ; Biaek, Blue and Mixture 0om|> e Miird Giissiiueres! Which they row offer for fale at the Store of MesM-a. Thomson & Detlo.<, very I nv for cafh. JERfcY WHITEHEAD Sc Co. Kingston, \fih August* 1816. 31 CiOOD FRESH BEEF ! ^TJl;IS fublcribcr i farms bis friends JI_ and the public, that he keeps con- l!a> t!y on hand, at his Cellar, under the ( SI £ «fD. Wfflwn, Ef't- good Be. f, at a vny low pi Ice. at avty hour in the day, by the hundred weight or fmaller quantity* ALSO, Vegetables ofaimofl every defcription. together w!?h EgiPi P^wlaand Butt r, all of which will be fold f »r CauSonly JOHN YOUNG. Kwjlon, December 5f i tf 16 3 Itf j MONTREAL f Air Furnace* JOSEPH LOUGH & Co. EG leave to announce to the Pub¬ lic- that they have corcmeoced the t niineffl of Founders, On tbcfr ornpeny, foot of the Qnebec goburbs, immediately adjoining thTohip ™C ba?t!:: J?3 d» s,x «■*»!**«* Yatd of Mefl-rs. Hart Lo^n & Co. f&**& *** nrta ymad the ground : where they will furnilh Mill Callings of all dekriptions, agreeable to fuch orders ap. they may receive.— Alfo.Blackfmith's Tue Ptrsr-fior or toe KINGSTON GAZETTE, To his Custotners. A NOTHKR year has rolPd away. And this, my friends, is New-Ycar^ Day. VVtrhjoy, I hail St*opnii«g RCettC Of Eighteen [[uadred'Seventeen* And wish vom oil, both far and mar, As rusfnni hid.-,« u^F.9 *W j* Through which, may you have peace and health-) Anpkwitt&ttt, competence of wealth, A faithf.-l frif-nd,a llowiu^bowlj A heart at case, a liberal soul,^ With every cither enrthly blessin*. That's worth d&4nn^ <>r possessing. Upon tliis; tliresUold of the year, Whose cbangcS do not yet appear, Lei'sturfl a glance upon the la t, Which now lies buried with the past. The ha tv retrospect presents . A mbtlev series of events, ft vfii! Mas fresh within our view. That* om the field of WATERLOO, L'nited Buropn had pravaiPd9 And Bonapartc*s h'-«k fortune fati'cL That meteor, « bicfi so long had blftx'd And at v.hose light the nations ga/.*d Was shaken from its dazzling height, And fell, and sunk in CiitllefS night. l\)or Bon' 1 now. in durance >ile, On St. Helena's distant t^h*, The jest and by-w- rd of die t:mes, Is duiuj penance for his crimes. Though war on Europe's piaios had eea 'd, And scarcely echo'd from the Rast, \\\ lately heard it-; cannon roar On wretched Afric'a huharous slinr* Long h;.d that country's north- r. S(ati*s, Frotn eron without Gibraltar's Strait0. For many a sava-re. sen-b^at mile. To near oid i'^\pi's seveii-moutlfd .Nile, To prey and plunder hreti iniir'd, While Christian Powers (heir wrong* e«divr*d- Ow eaptur'd <!aves compa?sion icepJ Bat veH4p!HfUV lour, too loii^ bad slept* Coiumllia hud tiieenchiutmcni bro kiMi, And to those l":.;'s in earnest spoken. DiH'ftturaftW! his Vankcy tar.^ With ii.iiu-. Ivi^le. Stripes and Stars AMack'd th- C!»!^airs,jja«vpthem 1'hace. And covcr'd Algiers withdi>*grac« ; Dictated modemte terms of pftare, Vnd bade her claim of tiilmteeea^e, Reclaim'd I heir country's thirl ecu •d ity"., riicnprondlj ;ai!\!«>VrMidlandwavs But, th^i^ii a vivlorv thus nas won Die avn.rinff work \y%$ not half done Tln'irabr^nti'.v/sfho.^ I'iral 'shravV! A I'd Christian prisoners srili enz»lnv d O'ervofl Italians fe.*ble be.nds. And wid-'o'.-r Knrope,«i raiious .and.-. f'h-' cnsl.ivhig pin d rcr -proad alarm, J Til] Britain rais'd her potent arm, To cru^h tfi* faithless soiij of prey, And wip« f!io |on^ reproach away. A urtr-il ehiof, of iiohl^ nnn>e. Well known to service, and to fame, The R».-if**nC> high commission hore- And hastened to the hostile shoro. The Algerines,a numerous ho*t, II»d man'd :li**ir works, and lin'd tfje coast, Prepar'd, niib desperate force, to meet Th- thunder of she li;ifi>!i fleet. From ships and b.nterie , walls and towers, To sooti, Mch patriofic grief, And give H-,. nr.tion ffonse relief, Reduction an(] decrease of pay Have-on,, the order of the day ; As oJBCers and clerks remr>'d Have iatol^ to ^e|j. sorrow, prov'd ; And liberal aid the wealthy .giant To manafgeteriug sons of want, While Ro*al, Princely, Noble names Support thrir meritorious claims. For want of battles and of news, The croakers mu<( their Prince abuse Not long a^o, thej dar'd to tell us, That of hi; Princess he was jealous, And felt ifrcliu'd to have recourse To Parliament for a Divorce ; Because ii<- catftflike one old Harry, As often a-- he wi'-h'd to marry) Obtain a JVipal dispensation, To grairfi jiis inclination, And giw i«is consort a divorce, Though h*'Id for better or ior worse ' Nor can In.. H hi- sovereign will, Himself decree his wife a !5ill, A- Buonaparte did Josephine, Uis anti [uated, Emprraw*»Qiieeii« Like other men* in such a cause, An Kn^Iish Priueeb bound by laws. Beneath a Bigot's gloomy reign, Fhe dUtftllt Provinces of Spain, .11 climes and regions not a few, FromToxra-Firma to leru, i'Yom Mexico to Pamgnny, ilavv'Vu ngfiinsl their monarch's sway, Au;K tf d ;anee of his throne, Fonn'd tab s tc Swnpiresof "heir own. As forty's fluctuating tide [las elib'd %k\ !|owM fjorn side to sido. i.e I a?ri-;H nd the Royal cause Have sharM reproaches and applause : 'jut, «nct (he;rNt;iM<Iard lust wasrear'd. vo fomsn po'^'T has ititerf?rVL work of every kind executed with neat nefs end difpatch. Montreal, Nov. 11, 1316. N B. Caffi given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered *t the Work*—fay at the rate of X'S per ton, and for old Brafs 4d, and Crtpper 6d per lb. 31 For Sale, By the Subferibcrs, A few Barrels excellent € I jD M ,m THOMSON & DETLOR Kht£sfont Dec 14, 1816. 29 Singing School. YOUNG Lidies ta'i^ht finging. on ThtnfJay, Saturday, and Sunday Evenings, from 6 m 8 »'cli>ck, at Mr. Head's, nest door to Mr. Hilton's ; to commence on Thurfday Evening, the 26:h December. Kingston, Dec. 2 t I fi i 6. ~ I Notice. THE fubferiber having engaged to fupply the Garrifon at this Poft with Prafc O'.is cV Straw forthU fcafon, he therefore informs the Public that he will commence receiveing the above ar- tie'ei from this date, at his Store, ad 'joining the White Brar Tavern. ' EDWARD BARNETT. Kiogfton, 6th Dec- 1816. 31 Sails, yard, and roast- were scatter'd roai.d : Ilundp'd' ofBritish hcros bled, And thwands of th«*ir foes lay d?sd . At length, the C -rsair fleet was rird : And, with if. all their hopes expir'd. The bumbled D<y, now forced to yield, A Treaty of submission seaTd ; At once consented to restore Flis pri oners, and * nslare no more ; Renounc'd his predatory trade ; Repaid thfl U-rs for ransoms paid ; Hi- folly and his madness ouiiM. An<i for his cruel wrongs atton'd. Jti triumph, E.xmoltii homeward steer'd, Uyall th<* world admir'dand ehccr'd. Great Dritaiu is once more at peace : But Opposition docs not cease, Tq those, whe a!\\a>s love to rail, WPhose notes of croaking never fail3 Algiers and \\ atekloo appear IMcht scenes of glory, boughi too dear ; Since other Pow«?r»5 in every fray- Induce John Hull to light and pay. I iiat Russia's empire sliil may rise, And spread 'rom hyperborean skies ; The Bourbons gain their long-lost reisjn. O'er envious France and jealous Spain : And Kmperors and ncw-rois'd Kings O'er broader rcn I ms expand (heir wings; While British subjects groan and sweat, Beneath nev\ loads of foreign debt. The public debt, that mighty weight, Which moves the clock-work of the state, Incrcas'd b> every war's cxpence, And growing yearly more immense. Makes tne machine now run so fast, The.y fear; rt*i iilbreakthowhecloatlast. [he conte-t k>% /" lenjrthi'ni'd out, .'id fcti!l fie »rv v is in doubt : A'hefher 'twill ^;, in it- conclusion, l.beilion or a h,t volution. Vo ir-a^on pr- s?'*t^, for Hits r^a-on, Chat if it prospeft, tis not treason. Such ti'jfldsj Otn e, and dubious fates Uiended »h«- United Stattrs. inch bloo«l $ treosare were ^?:pendod3 '5'Mon-t!i; jrseven yearssfru^le ended. 7ow [*rt\ •'•:iwon- hnv b< en i»ani'd. ■*hire they their ! tid -pend: nee elaim'd. A i.-ci uLw:w has dnnii'ii il ihi ir plalu^ :l la-ted otdy t.'jree c.anipalgns. '( •turning p- ii n rheir ciiitheU& blest, v d fh '\ a" yH rere-Kn at : *?icepl til • Httr uluch parties wage, With l.ol, 1 i:ciioueeri:-^r::^:.( !*lir out* nK fkctkM\«^ ftml tiu- fas All guilty of official $j-n<i laheir partisans \\\l\\ libels fisht Vnd /v./.vH..d Vtmto railand write ; rfcrnn their eppene^ts^ ciuan.l all, And dip (l.nrpnrh p.-us jn jaj[. To FmitceU^' *mv -,H, itmghwn sold; The other, bought with Brirr h gold. Ptiuseach reviles the adverse side : fbongfe both, in th; poii^are b. Hod : Vnd France and Britain are deeeiv'dj t either paii) i- h. |;, V'CJ, While they each of f,c, thus afswil, rlnnroe and Demo iar^ p*"v;m!. From fer^i;-n eoitnfv;"- \pt v.-- CO'TIC Vnd look at object u-nror home- To ii\ the boatidfe, and run (he linc^, The Treat) hnstil) de w^% Along the rivers, lalces, and highlands; Tu ascertain the various Islard.^, And settleitll fhe>* ,.]<j d^h.-ites (jetwepu the i roviuccsa- d States ; Commissionors at !isf hare nvt, A> mention'd h\ a 'ate Gazette. Another subject of dcei-J^wi Has eai S*d another High ComTniK^ion, SfouVe heard (Uc muehle, blood) fray, 'Twist Lords & lads of limis: n's Ih'y, And Laird Al-Ciil.-«:a\ and the rest, Al! b-riu) partners of X--rfb JFesfy rhat region.wIieroorie< ■••tfish brother, With clanni-h zea!.."f(;-eks anot!:er ; And each, in (urn. h\ force of law, Sends his. opponents Tarawa, To take their trials. i»real and small. Before Judge Monk, a? Montreal. M^an time. Hie hunters of the woods, ChagrinM, for want »»f iJiiidi ^ood>, \\ ill from flvir eahtn*- h^rd'j stir, To catch tin animal? of far > Aiid -o. whiiedi>cord dire pr« vuils, The richest •onnre of for^tntth* fails. To view tho c^nt"ot»;I;i1 ground, To dud wdat proof ran there be found, To ean<<*hostilities to eea-.**, Restrain the rash, m*d k* ep thepcace, Nfjuire C'dthtait tit'kc! an air) ri<!e, \\ iih Justice Fix n her b) his .side. In Lowor C.tu'mIh. aflat**, The high disputes nh°uttfw> State, Which kindled uch «i p:trh fire, Have,every sevioo, ri^cn higher; And, more (ban our", bro*tdissolufion, Election, ciamor and confusion : And juries both to find and by bills For party perjury *"«d lib* is. Ordudge.^oncoith^Housecomplain'd, Andpray'd (hattheV migbtbearraigu'dj Ifat had no agent,f° rapport Their charges at 'In* Uoyal court. Vnd yetthe Privs (-ouiitH heard them, And from those »a<iou* charges clear'd them. The House dec'!ar'di< a denial Of an i-npaiiialje^al trial ; And claiiuM, by s/'h mu r^olution, V founded 011*1 In (ousdiution, Offheirimpcachu^"1 » renewal, Againrt the Judge/; Monfc k Sew*!!. ! 1 On wliich. tl.e late A(ouinis(ra^of, Proroguing, Srsf, thp Le.^i-'ature, Dissolved the Commons, as before, And sent them home fn haste once n<ore, Because that judgment they resisted And in their former vote p r. ist( d. The people, whothc more re pert ti'- m, With warm applauses, Reelect then?. This n,o.nth they wili ftjjaln eonv.:ue, And—here we close the painful scene. This Province feeN no public jar, \"o feuds, or Legislative wars. More pleasant thc;:ics our thOtt^ltc employ ; And many sing the tune of joy. Theatric Amateurs appear, To wear the Sock and Buskin lif-re. in all the ardor ct the a^e, Our S0if*taught actors tread the -tage : Amuse themselves, and otlu r folks, With Tragic strains, or Comic jokes ; And. if the play be not too longj A Farce, cnliven'd with a song, These treats are givon, at periods set; VouMI read the Bills in o;ir Gazette ; Apply lor tickets at M«cattiayV, And bo\ ^wilhhew jou whor th?hail is. We publish, too, M pu'strlau feats, I'iVhibitcd at Kingston Heats, Whose open * port a common stock is, \\ rth liverird gentlemen for jo*.V*y', As gaily deek'd as Roman IVicsts, Or Crcftiinen* at Masonic feasts, rite sti^k^s, the matches, weights and courses, The Christian names of all theborsesj Their owners, rider, and relations, Ace.ompani *d v% jfh ob < nations, In spoiling technicals di'-piay'd, With those who honor their parade. A Ball concludes th<e racing day. And dancers race the night aw ay. 'Midst all itsshivrings and alarms, Our winter has peculiar charms. Besides the joys, which books iu-pire, And friends around an evening ore, The sluM-jhintj <ea^on sweetly calls fo jovial rides, and country balls, W here lad-ai.d lasses, void of art, Indulge in cheerfulness of heart, Atevery bridge, the puling kiss Adds rapfetrc to their fionial ;.!is:;. The sea-crij a!-o, now invites, To h Id. in cheerful winter nights, ;V*sembIh s. in more formal si) In, \VheieBeauv& liellesma) bov. tesinile, And I rip it down some Kugli>h dance, \ German VVaitx, orwbimof Krauce; U hi!e senior member.0, as they |i»t, 'V-'Ve wi,e-« , •, % ta Sfe^ hm * v ; And ;il! thn* rap r, lounge or play, Vnd wV;i ?he rollim; hours.iway, I "ill ti the gun aniiooi'.ces day. Tlrsi: scenesmaj aftxsruardsappear, fn hvt*. r- from -atiric I.-nh, \\ hnse n r>e .tempt the w'Mideri:^ cits Topt;int her ;u*kijs, or strain th- ir wits, To guess, pci.- p- a so^ro of times, VVI10 sported tie mj facetious rhymes ; Then (indout meanings not i»rterKlr*d, .Vnd say. wlio Ollght t^ be Oifrndi d. Meaiiuiiile, (lie author hears their lee- tur^s. And chuckles Hi (heirw i!d fo:\jecturcs. »♦ All rhei-e and many other eapens Arc dKlfd r>:t in our Kingston pipers. In whose mixt pugc.>. it i* tiue, So slniiderever should accrue : So nini ov personal allusion Shou'd I »ad 'o an e«n|U.ytconclusion ; Xogall should tiugj;tht pencils strokes. No malice sharpen MitirpVjofcesj To tarnish honor with disgrace Or raisr a blush on virtue's face : ■ To make one wounded bosow stgh9 I Or >i'iit a tear in any eye ; Yd humor may dull car** beguile,; And plcafianfciy 1 vcite a sntile. All ( ha^tc dispiavs of mirth or wit Our columns readily admit. Tiier°you may read, from time to time, Th? news of every foreign clinic : Hear what new wars or plots arc brew¬ ing. And what the btwy world is doing. What LegHIativenet*are past, W hat courts are held, what parties cast, What rogues arc puuish'd or detected, What candidates are late e|e< led, What hero by promotion rises, What tickets draw the highest prizes. What ships have cnter'd port or sail'd, W hat merchants havedissoUVl orfail'd. What works of chariry ar" done, What church or chapel is begun, What casualty or strange, event A frowning Providence has sent, V\ hat friend or relative is dead, Whose wile's elop'd, orpul to bed, Whose house is burnt, whose shop is lifted, Whose place i*f residence is shifted, Who oft'ers good* orwares for sale, Dyaoction, ivhola.?ale or retail, Whose horse is stolen, or has -tray'd, What things are lost or found or made, What scheme has* prospered or miscar¬ ried, Who's rohh'd or murdcr'd, hani-'d or married. From week to week, our Paper men¬ tions The widows advertir/d for—pensions. The late dispatches and .idvices, The foreign and domestic prices ; The annua.1 Crop*, abroad and here, Unusual states of atmosphere, Such as last sumiiin's cold and frost, liy which tLe fruit and corn were lost, Anrl reeentMerry*Chmttfca< tSaws, VVitb shnwd conjecture on the cause 'j'int horrid :potupou the -v,u^ Which allthi i mischicfmus< h^vedonc And essays, hints and sppcnlations. On fashions, morals', laws and nations. Such various items, as Vm- hinted Are in our weekly numbers printed. Through mud and mire, and cold or wet, I trudge, t > bring you the CJazette. In snmm r\s heat, and snowsof winter I'h'-n, think of me, and pay thcPrhj- tcr. And even nowy while I am h'*re. With this dull Proiogde to the Year if, prompted by your generous heart \ on will seme boon to me imp:trt* To save my hands from doing harm To make outside and inside* v.arm, And help me, in th&wtittr} weather* Keep soid and body finug together ; P11 drink your health, and once more hay, Ileav'n grant a happj Nc&-Tettti*$d4n} lam. kind Sir, wini iiat ii hand. Your humble servant, ateonuna u', The Pos-r-BrJv. Kixgstos, January 1. 1817, Mr. PHILLIPS1 Speech. m ConeluJed. Such h the fuprem^ power of eha&. toty, asdefcibed by one of our divine bards, and the plcafufC which I feci in ihe lecitation e.i fuch a pafla^c is not a little enhanced, by the pu'dc that few countries mere fiiil'y -ffird its exempli¬ fication than cur own. : e: foreign cn« vy decry ur as tlicy will, chdjliiy is the injlmct of the Ir]J*h female—tlw pridr of her talents—the power of her beauty— tht fplendour of ucr accoinpii-ht.cnt^are but fo many handmafdn of this vedal virtue—it adonis her in tht: court—it ennobles her in like cottage—whether file b;»fks fa profpenty or pines in for- row, it clings obont fcer like the m'a- mood of the morning1 on the mountain floweret, rrcmMing even in the ray that at once exhibits and inhales it ! Rare in our land is lire abfence of this virtue.— Thanks to the modrlty that vcuciates— thr.nk* tf» the manlincfi thjt b:nu!s and avengtH its violations. You hive icen that it was by to common te"*ptrtEK3W *\cw this humbler villager yielded to ft- dndioQ, I new come, gentletnrfli fg mother f?6i in the pr^rclsof this rtaiifl edion, brfrnyiu- fn my mind ."s bafca ' premeditation and as low and a** (lcli(.ie. rate a deception as I evei bezrd of____ While this wietched cresturc was fe % kind of C'WiterpoiuS between her f^ar and her tff< clfon^—ffniggJinjr as well a» (he could between pr.flhm enfl^med rnd virtue extinguished, Mr. Dillon ardent- ly vowing that fuch an event as fcpar^. tion was impofiible—ardently v-nvino ^ri eternal attachnxr.t, infiPevl upon pf-rfrft- ing an article wfarch Ihould hera- hovc the r^ach ofcontlugenen*. Cen- tkmenyruj (hnl! fee this document vol¬ untarily executed by an edicatedand cftated gentlemen of your cf-unt:y. \ know not hew you will fee'» but fo tv part 1 protcfl I am in a fnf e :fc of ad miration brtvreeio the virtue of the ui.»- pofal, and The magnificent pr.drgnlrty of theprovifion. Li.'len to ihe article, — it is c\\ it* his own hand wilting : ■' I prornife, faya he, to give Mary Conn achtan the Aim of ten pounds fterlmg; v hen 1 p-^rt with lier, but il /he the f.od Mary, mould at anytime hei rafter con- dudl herfelf improtx rly or f UM'k this gentlemen) has ettmtfo before tht dra<w- Xing of this article t 1 are not bound to pa y (the furr of ten pounds, andthfa artic c becomes nail and void a? if the fwnc vv-s never execrited------* John DiJUn "— ! li There, GcndemcOj there is the tioblc?n-l dignified document for you—take it in¬ to your box, for 1 know nut how tn comment en it. Oh, yes, 1 have [icatd of ambition urging men to crime—\ have bean! of Love tllHaming even tp madnefs—I have r*-ad of paffion ruflit.^j- over law am] re«ielon to enjoyment, but never until titts did I fee Ao'/en avarice chilling the h- t pulfe i>f fenfmdity and defire, paufe before its brtltiih d:ainht. that ir might add deceit to dc(' lation ! I nted net tell yi.u thai having p'ovirl-'d in the very execution of this itrticle f r its predetermined iafiio^emcii th't knowing as be mntl any (lipniati it far the ptitchafe of vice to be valid !y our law ; that having in the body of this article mkned a provifionagainllthatprtr- vious pollution which his prudent caprice might invent hereafter, but which hi* own confctcnce* her unfverfal clr^ract^r, and even his own ddire for her poflefle.-r., all afl*ured lorn did not cxill at th.- tunc — I need not tell you that he now nr^cfl the invalidity of that inltrumetif — tluit he now prcflesthatprevious polhiti-.i— that he refufes from hiVlpIendi.l iocome the pitrcfuce of JLJiQ, t,*> the wretch lie has ruined, and fpurua her from him ttf pine beneath the reproaches of a 031 cut's mercy, or linger out a living death in thecharncl huufes of proftitiitior ! — You fee, Gentlcoien, to ivFhm ibftjzns like thefe may leid a man—I h *t na doubtj if Mr. Dillon Lad j/iveu hia lurk-; ■

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