_^^ * _*■• v* |»»%#4 -v v -*- Uh|«i -»*• [bAi - !vi*AVj •.{ani.ahv 4, L817.] t*Vi i / ^M ■ 4 * * E C%^#. [VOLUME VI.------No. 31] iviNtJST0H, Ui'per Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. .^■fc"»«<r.*3Sia»-»iRrsKrTi whs GOODS. [J£ Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- fchcfWr, 8»'rmn»gfav-i and Q!a«gjw, &c ui executive aflbrtment of every fpecics of M-.m-c'i n.*i*/. • f.ittdb'e to the Upper Canada Market. The ' Jnoli -rave been Feleiled with care ami purchafed for Cadi, and will be "*2ifp Sid of- e»;i»ev by V*nolcla*e or Retail, on the m :ft reasonable terms. Under the different heads* of Jbiqimrs. Groceries, Hardwares, Clo ih m, Flan n els * Ha b er das fi¬ ery*, Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary, Crockery h GLASSWARE, CORD* AGE, he. &c. They would enumerate the following articles, viz : V-rylvft P.<rt, f WINES. I.. P, Vin'cira, I ; Brown, ry/.rraburg, Shirting and Sheet ! rog Linen* ; Laces, Cambnck*. Sp-Fine old brown Sherry, ( "****•** • Ve'iir.;^, Satins, Ribbons* bik LPS! V. Tcne-SF, ) ! Sidr EJandkerthitfs : Hibiien'i Ml &rc*ffio Stout by the ; I\avy Blue, Black Gray and fafliionable Caflc or Dozen, ; Superfine Broad Clothes and Cas- Brardy, Gin, Sec. &e. &c. ! P.-neres. Ye.-:- ; Rnjj:tr«, Loaf and Muf.«ovadn ; \ Larllps* and Gentlemen's Glove* anil Cv&e ; {****$*•* f'f>*ey Jefi "'vti-ui, ; Hofieiy, Carpeting -.i wjioih pat- L \eh Hie '^rrrngfi bv the Kfg ; I icraa Pc*i5 B-irley ; ftf&ffani Soap & Candles ; An alignment of Schoolbnoka anaSta- hy the .fwx ; Scotch Oat-meal, : tionary.— fcifflt* and 0;;.-= afi^rted — ; ©<»& ware and Crockery by the Crate Crawtfiry an! IMiiLr.-d Steel. Swedes I- ; or calk, and packed to foit Cou..' tom ;;fT rtcd. Duck, Pigeon and ; try Shops. SnifceSh-rr. N:iiK 3c S^kes of all forts, I GettfUemcft't proof Beaver Hats: Men\ Tin Plau md Sheet Iron, I ymtffo1 and Boy's Camel hair and Frying ,.;.ns Mpa-te- an ! Shovels, : plated do Men's Wiihw Bats, HolJuvv War- -BpKClnrh.whitewafri, : Ladies' & Gfdtf Beavertrim'd Bonnets. Shoe, and Ta- : White, Red, Yellow -vd Blue Flannels. ; and Green broad Baize. : 2 tog J Point Blankets—Counter panes, ; "li-dTick, &o &c. I Storage and Wharfage at the cuflom- ". ary price* and Coiim-fuou Bufiflefs exc- \ cuted at the ufual r*re. JOHV KIRBY &Co. [ Kingston, July 26, t« ' 6. ! 61 v^ SernSr n •, Horie, lile Rr,.fhefl K"iv^,,,„i v ..kfafToned,—Penknives, Seiffjrs, SpconVf Razor-;, Shaving Cafe^; -Locks HtftfffS* Saws, Hamtn^, F.l-s Gio-tb'ets &c. &c &c. Btvrtj at)tl oh'^tfi— Oii.*cks Bcnnbazetts, Muflins, Shawl;, Dinaitf^, Taprs, Bobbin ; New Whole-sale STORE. THE fnbfcriber having c-immenceJ Commifli »n bnfmefs, in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Patrick Smyth, \ front Street—Informs his friends and the public, that he has received a num¬ ber of config(n»ents, eonBfting of Su- peifine and ccir.mon Cloths, C«flimerer., Coatings, Flannels, Pclicc cloths Bom bazctte* nt all colors; a great variety of Coiton Go*d«>,a ^eiy elegant aflbrtment of Silk,-, Sattir.-:, Ribbons and Cotton Lace^, Blkhat ales, brace^ cotton and worcefled bofifirjr, Nails, Sheer Iron. Window GlafV Iron, Sucl, S*Tt; and a very good afl rtment of HAItD WARE, a few Liqno** and Gn*c4'tcs, and b?S on the way fro > Montr, ^dind Qtfbecf wh/ch will be !. re in a vejt. few days 80 PACKAGES OF fSOOI>$, confillrngof Trunks of London mud foperfine Coats, Par^7>nB, Fine Shoe.- pbted bamcfs«-a »ap-vly of Cotton and Wuollen GOODS, ?y3rrpj and a few I crater and Hog/headr^nro^ed Crockery and Glais Wa»e, ah-'vhich will be fold ow,3' wh-lefsle onlv. also,—. -r fale^a Farm, containing 100 acres, witfefo tvvo miles of Kingfton, and 3 town Ti>t three tenths of an acre in a good fiuiation. I.ibera« in'v'nces rnnde on any kind of pr* petty deposed for fale. Having co« ye ieat ftone Stores on th. Doc!:. f»e will oe happy to receive and propiTFfy up tie Lr-k- or down Price of'.i'/;vO;r-« in tht Gtizrtte. Six'i.v'^ antlW'Icr, 2/6fnli inl'enion, and 1/3 every fel-feqiart. Ten line- and u-uler. j^ firlt inler- CK,n. and 1/8 every fobfeqn-nt. ' Ten lint..-* and upwards 4A per line fc-ft infrrn'Mn. and 2*L pel line every fuc- xevoinsri ifrrri«ih AdvtrtffemcsVts unaccompanied with written dfrcfltVns nc bftatedtiB forbid, %\\i charged acoordincrW. BfanJe Deeds and Memorials, For fiile at rhifi Office. For Sale, THE We-t Tnlf"fliif nu'nl-e- nineteen in the fccf.n.-1. rpneeffi-.n of the -own- ftjp of Kiug&ttt. Ap:-ly t . the P.;i.i'<:r. FGnSiteth 3*k 10. 1815. 3iv6 ______ .________ , WJRLSS 8HQBT% Co. jJECt 1 e3ve to inform their friends 13 and the pub'ie, that they havejult received and bow t&rfcr fale. at their St-jre frr nting the Maiket, an aiTortment 13IY GOODS, AMONti WHICH AR3 Superfine and low priced Broad Cloths, vhite, vellcw and red Flannels, grten B.i!2e, fancy Veftlflgs, 61k ana woolen do. white Qnuting, Boinbazettr affotttd colors, Cain oes, Ginghams, white and black Cfm-.tnYk. Dimity, Coton Shir¬ ting, trifli Linen, Gentl/ir-cu's white coaonmd Llack worlltd Hofe, Ladita 60. <:o. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes, Mens Lamb's Wool Stocking, filk and cotton Biacea,Barcelona Handkercnie^, filk Shaw;;, [jidia B^ndannoes, Ladles Kid and ol GSovcf, Geutlemens Bea¬ ver and hlk cc. Satin iilk Tutbans, Thread Ponti-W Thread and Cctton Lace, fewing fik »> >* Tv,i«. fi!k Velvet, Ribbons,S5k ghawU, Kackfiik Floren¬ tine, figured Si-icenet*. &fi &e. &c. ALSO, Hyfon and Gre h Tea. Spirits, Port and j nrtHE fiAfferibery-efpeftfully inform J!, their friends and the public in ge ncial vh"t they have received an ?dditi •$ to their ufual fupply, confuting of a ge nera' kfpntment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE: Donl/Ic a*id Qngie Stoves, • Iron Barj, Str-jl and Wheel Boxes, LaJJes and M«*n% Shoes, A complete alTovtmeut of new fafh- ioncd Laoics and Ger.tUmcu's Fur Caps and Trimmings for Grrat Coats ; Two elegant Dining Setts, With a variety of other article* too lengthy to enumerate, which will be fold cheao for enflj. MONJEAU S: St. GERMAIN. 1 Kingston* $d Ocl. t S16. 3 1 v6 (at word the River, or t0* any part 0f the States. Boat-^ to fo-tv^rd any quantity of Pro¬ duce will he fnmiflied on fhort notice, and all order, flj&ty attended to. Smith bartlet. Ki> ^fton noy g% ^,6, 3iv6tf Lands for Safe, B»L>»NC1NG TOTHK ESTATE OF the laic Honorable Mr. Chief' Juftkc ALLCOCK, Lot No. b» i -the ifl conreffi -n, town- (hip of Y.ok and home Diftrici, con- aining ico acres. lyot. No. \<) in the 1 fl concefGon,fown IhioofYork and hi»me diUiicl, contain¬ ing roo aeres. Lot ^ 3 Ea(t fide YSung fireet townflii of Y. rk home diftrict contain¬ ing iyc ?cres. Lot No i6,2d concellion. towuilr!) ..f York, h.imc diH:ict coi.r'g 200 'ore-.. Lot Mo. 24, 3d conceffiou townlhi^ •f York, home dntrict cout'g 200 acre.^. Lot No «c id con. \ (v- c~\ ., ? J . , * to vvr. I hio or) , —,\o 34 ;> 2a do. v ,, i .' f .r/(. 3f „D ^ y pi^ltci-mg V iO(.;; m . ° , 1 \ home dis. \ —No IP, 19 7th do ) I Lots No, \i 13 {4 16 17 18 and the Eaitciii moll part of lot No. 19, in the townfhip of Scott and home diftiift con* taiiiing \ zco ac"e^>. Wanted, FOR the ferviceof the Store-keeper General's Department, to be deli¬ vered at Kingllon, as foon as practicable. "28 b ushels of IIair. CoinmifTatiat Office, Kingston* 2 6, Dec. 1816. * 3 c//" Notice. ANY Perfons who may have collec?ted any flour, or Pork, that was thrown over board from the Schooner ivlary, will have the poodueCa to deliver it to Mr "fhhn EHerbccl', who is autho¬ rized to receive and pay charges on the fame. ELISHA ELY. STANLY B A GG. Kingston, /Xv. 27^1816. 30 cy p Supe*fine, Sf Fine FLOUR, ' For 5ale by PJJJi/CK SMTTH. Kingston. Dec* 27, 18 • 6. %cxf NOTICE ■TSherrby given that fen-ed Tenders Ml will be received at the Naval Store- keeoer'n Office on the 31 (I January next. fat the Tranfporr. of Stores from La Chine to Kittgflon during the Naviga ti-;nofl8i7—to mention the rate per ; I on. Ttfavai Yard, Kin\rJlont qth Decemltt\, \ o 16. 3 1 v6 Samuel Shaw, T> EGS leave to inform his Friends and JL» the Public in general lhat he ha4 PUOFOSALS, FOR PRlNTDia BY MJ&SCRIPTION, ALBANY, N. Y. Sketches of Upper Canada, WITH \ ^!\I» OFTHJi PROVINCE, Ami a TttpO;;n|»h!<'aJ a.u\ IJi>\)r;r.il l)r*rrin- tionofiiie liini- fought duringthe late War ni*llin mid near i»- L:iniis. CONDITIO^: 1. This Work will bo coinprised in an O.tavo voliiHi'*, of about 300 pn^-s prinh'd on a good typ? and ':U«? paper. CL. 'Xiw. pTtce to sub>i"i'il)"rs \srll bn ();r 1)(i!l-,r and ScT&itly-Five C^ufs in r>'iards, or Two Dollars and F;fty !ruts .: ally boaud aifdltttti X\ \\. The Lkvoks . ill i)l'drlircrcd in Kin^tou at the AMiany p;ir -. of Two Dollars and Fit- i) U^itj , -./ill tin- addition of the im- | i»ost dji), ou!y« 3. To those trh<* subscribe for Ten ^ ptt". <>.• j>»uciiv«' '1 "•■' S»«b-1 rto rv. an ii.,-w».ifi» C py will b • j-iv n grati^j on 1« livery and payment of the Copies ab erlbi'd for. Q^Snfisvripttuniiforiheaiovii Work icillhe rccehed id this Office* jafi received and now offers for fale, at his Store, an elegant affortment of IIA R DW ARE 8s CUTLERY, D'xrifX from the Birmin^harn and Sheft field Manufactories, which he will elf1* oole of Wholefale or Retail, at reduced prices j among which are the following 3 Carpenter's Bench andMouldinu i ;anes» ChiU'els of Sorts ; Trying Squares and T Bevch, Hand, Tenon, Dovetail, Safli, Mill, Croffcut, and Ke/-hole Saws; Chelt, Cup!>oard, Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Door, Moiiicc and Pad- Locks ; Ship and Pocket CompafTes, Glaziers Diamonds ; Hinge-, of all forts, Brafs and lion ; Sadciery and Harncfa trimmings ofaJJ delcnpttona; 1 Tandum, Gig and Ridi.ig Whips ; D>. Thonga and La(hc« ; ZMl Plated and Braf= Candlesticks, Do. Crue:s of 4 & 5 Glalfcs, Brittanny Metal Teapots ; Watch-maker's and Jeweller's Plyers^ Nippeis, Fiies, Sercvv-piatts, &c. F' wliug Pieces, Shot-belts, Powdetr Flaflcsand Bullet moulds; L«ck« f .r Fowling pieces; Block tin Sauce-pans and Tea-kettles j Handles & fpoutS to do do. Tinman's Rivets & wire of Sorts ; Gold fcales of various fizei ; did Irons and Frying Pans, Table and Deiert Kuiven Sc Forks J. Do Carvers with Fo:ks ; Wood Screws aflbrteel ; Bureau Trimming", Portable Defk do. Bed Cap1;, Screws and Keys ; 4d, 6d, 8d, rod, r^d, i6d, iSd, 2cd, s8d and 3od Nails ; • Wliite and Block Lead, Prnflfiw RUre, ^ Spanifh Brown, Red and Yellow Paints;— Boiled Engiilh Oil, Sec. kc. Sec. Which in addition to his f nner Stock will form the m(»ll compleie aflortment ever offered for fale in thi.s place. K:ti£<t:jnt .luvusi ic, 1816. ai*6 To Let, JUSTraeived and for file at Ellis Of j lice, price 1/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With the 67.?/-.)/' the Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to which is prefixed. The Life of the Noble Author. Nov.'2$. , 26 FERGUSON'S Improved Table "f ihe value of Grains of Gtld Coin.«ver or under weight, For Sale at tliii Office. Blank Summonses For the Distri.t Courts, for Sale ix this Orlice. e »■_> \irayed, mile and I^ROM a Pasture one mile ana a, ba f from Kingfton, (Mr. Perch's Tavern,) about the laft of Auguft, a ay Horse, en en Four years old, dark ma^e and tail, one white hind hoof and a fmail wliite fpot ________ _____ Jn his forehead. Whoever will reiurn iff* Wine, Mu.'covado and Loaf ' laid hoiiV, or give inform.ukn where he Sugar, Raif.r... ?-:^p.v. Mnftard, C* ftee, -r:iy be fund, fhall be vydl rewarded, & Sec. &c- which c..Vy will felUheap for , alineceffary charges paid by Cadi, or hart appioved credit. , hi LAS MAY. Mifl^im, Sep* 133 1816. 3lv6 I A'i/^.V/, Oct, 4, 1816. q i v6 Lo:» No- 18M 12 13 north fide of Simc.K- place, and No. 18 & 19 foutli fide of Rnlfcl fjuare, in the tewn of 7ork, containiny; | acre each is 3 pcres Lot Mo. zintl»e 2d conceflion "No t in the ^,i eonceffiun No. 6 & 7 "*,; the -fi'.i co.»t'elTi m, townlhip of 3inbrook, diltnct<\»- Niagara containing 2400 acres. L->t i>r block No I i.) 1 tie 2d C0Ui el- lior* oftbe t.»wnlhip of Binbronk, Dift- ric?iof Mizgara containing icoo acres. Bn.'k. m tut.-No 24 Sc 25 in the jd. eonceffiun of North Crofby, dilbift of John'.b'wn cun-lur.'iing 300 acres. 1 Lots JJo. \H & 19 111 the f;rh concef tv n, brnken lots No. io & 19* Sth con- Cfflton Nouth Crofby diftrict of Johnilon, containing fi^o acres. Broken lots No. 25 26*27—4th No. 24 & 25 and broken lots No. 26 3c -7—5 Ih coacclfion, North Crofby dif- tv.'ct "f [ohnliown containing 900 acres. I*"1 Which good and iuracitmt Titles are now. ready to be given by the fnb¬ fcriber. also, I ots fj0# 16 ! 7 & 1 8 in the 4th con- ceSufl ftfP^lhara, coTit?.»'hi^ ^^4 acres. ' WILLI.ill /ILLAN. Y:irk. Nov. 2, ISMS- 23—3010 _ ("hair Shop. Hi '*^*! fdbferibc-.-keep on hand con- JL ft-.mly, for fale, CHAIRS OFjijuL biu^UUi V.OVS, W,,"-Ii will be v.-art.inte,i good. C. HATCH, & Co. Z'"Z:-.an, 2 id Nov. 1816. $l*titf "I V * • wiiss JueimSi ]^ fF Q'ST nfuecrfnlly informs the T-a- j_V JL dies of Kingllon, and the Public m genial, that fhe has taken i\w upper part of the hou(e ab«ve Mclfra Ml Don- aid S: for.e^1 St-»re, in tbe Main Streel, Where Hie has now ready for infpection, a oiotl ele^rnt afTo1 tmenn.f MILLINERY DJiESSES, Which will be fold cheap. ALSO, jl[7s ROM the I ft of Deceit .:r netfc, L that larr^e Stmie Houfe belong¬ ing :o Henry CaiTady, Eft], of KingftoOf ntirated near the Mavket place, and well }ea<C'ilated for a houfe of Entertaurnent. | r:or further particulars enqtn'ieof Wal- Ir = R McCuniite, who occupies if tbe shove mentioned premiss. Ki::£Sio;:f t6tt Vfoo* 1 8 I 5. 3 lv6 J - part I Gt^vernmeftt Baildtftg\ w C-'iiulrcrt's Cans ami Frwks. Kingston, Dec. 13,1816. $i\*'- RANTED to be hui!t,a vrry fufc- ^ T (lantial Store Stoic Houfe, in 'he Naval Yard at Point Frederick, 200 feet long! and 80 fett wide, the rouf to he tinned. Plans rmy be feen by applying at thi? office*and Sealed Tenders will be recei¬ ved until the 14th January% 1817, which mult exprefs on the outfide, " Tenders for building a Stone Store IToufc." The Sttftfe will be allowed to be qnar- ri<*d on the government ground: The building mull he tiniihed next fumtner. Tbe Tenders will ft ale the time of com- rletiun, and the names of furetics, two being reouired. Na~-t>lStorekeeper's Officii t&b Dec. 1816. ,,„+ For Sale, O LAIR'S Sermons Pore*-.,*' £v i j donees, the Canadian Yiiitin, bouv.dor finale, together with a great variety of ufeful Books and 'i'r-id-.for young people, for Sale at this Office ;— where accefe may be h;id to a fniiijlcii- culating Library, three times a week, on modeiare terms. auguB 1, 1816. 9 Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLE AN COTTON AND LINEN RAG S AT THIS OFFICE. f^VN rcafonable rerms, a likely Bay *\^Js Hoife. good for the Saddle or Ha:uefs, for which good Wood will be received hi payment, to be deFIveicdany time between ihis and next June.— &n* quire at this Office. Dec. 5,1816. CAME in othe inclofure of the fub- fciiber, a Red COW, with a fhort tail and whue lace. The owner may have her by proving property and ikying charges. ROBt. TOM SON. Kingston, Dec. 2a. 1816". 29w> Blaafe i>umjtaonlbs, Sulcus- nas and Executions, for tbe Court of Requefts, for Sale at this ():lice. ! BLANK. BAIL BODS, and SHERIFF'S SALES, For sale at this Oilice. J ult receive i and for fale Ijp this ptilce, \ n Rew» VViiii..g Poft No. 2, 9 diuo ditto uuctiC at