to \)ov$e wthxmm. TV bo Erected, Two Small Stone Buildings, &8 ftppen<t&gc& to the Naval Hospital at Point Frederick. Any pOrfofl or perfonS defirous of cort- traiHimj to bniid and complete the fame tin iht early part of next Cummer) are requcilcd to deliver fetid Tenders, on or before the I ft Hay of January next, in- to tlie Agent Victualler's office ; where jfn»ti may he fe^-n, and further particu- Jar:; made known. (Signed) Point Fre&rkh K'mgst$ft% Dec J. MARKS, Agent Victualler. 16, 1B16- 29 s Government Building. l|TANT£D to be built, a very fub r (Ufttral Stone Store Houfe, in the Naval Yard at Point Frederick, 200 Feci loop, and So feet wide, the roof to be turned- Plans nny be ken by applying at this office, an/1 fraicd Tenders will b<-* recei¬ ve.! until the 14th January, 1817. which ir.rifl: e:c«refs nn the out fide, " Tenders f. biii' Hug- a Stone Store Houle." The Stone will be allowed to be qwar- ri-.1 on the government ground The Ht■ t" tti £ rnni! be Gmfhcd next fu miner. *i I**' render? wfh ft?te 'he time of com¬ pletion, and trs-r names of furctto*, two being rcauircd'. Na%wl Kinrt&wjw^s Office % ___ t&i fits* 181& 39XV4 Public Notice. \ Midland D'tflna 1 JOfY virtue of a Vj -toil : j i Jf Warrant to me dire&ed, finned by two of his .Vhjefty's ^I'itif-i of the Peace for tile f:iid Dif- ti -^i, N'.tioe <".> her« hy yiv^n, rh»t a meetr iiy cfhtt *: nVuV. Jiift»ccsof tht Peace fi r the uivij'n 11 of FroOtenac* will be bui- •l n -» »he CcitiTt Il'ii'ie i-i tbr rown of Kiugtton. at eleven t'clock r the fore ttjotHHnKAtTTRDA?. the z^U of! i. Ijewisi MOSTrefpeftFully fetta&ttta La¬ dies of Kingllo1*.* r.nd the public ;n general, that he lias received by the 'ate arrival* at Quebec, and are now rea¬ dy for infpection, at the Store late occu¬ pied by Mtf/.j. M'Donald & Jones, Main Street. thcfolJowing articles, which will he Told cheap for Caih only. Elctjant Swaufdown Muffs and Tip¬ pets, Waterloo Seal (kin Fur Caps for j Ladies and Gentlemen with Gold band and Regency TalTcls, alio Seal Ikin for Gentlemen's Great Coat Collars and Cuffs, and a variety of other Furs. Real Merino PeliiTe Cloths, Silk Vel¬ vets in every colour—a large aflbrtment ofSaitins and Sarlnetts and Ribbon?, Irifh Linnens, Patent loom Shirting, ail kinds of Muflins and Lenos—a quan¬ tity of Thread Laces, Gold Trimmings and Taflels, Wadding for Linings of Pe- lifies, and many ether articles too tedi¬ ous to mention* N. B. Hours of bufniefs from ten a. m. until 4 p m% Kingston* Dec. £, t%\& 2? I Cheap ^Vooieu GOODS. ^"Ir^HE fubferibers ha^e just received, ? by the bite arrivals from their Manufacturing Houfe, in England, a 'arge quantity of SUPERFINE & SECOND Broad Cloths ; Ladies' Peltce CLOTHS and CASS 1MB RES, CONS1STIMG OF :—- Blue, Black, Waterloo, Bot¬ tle Green, Brown and Mixture Broad Ciotlis ; Brown, French Gray, Drab. and eofor'd Pelisse Cloths ; Biack, Blue and Mixture Dii«il>k* Miird Casshnercs. Which thsv now offer fin fa!e at the t»w pr?tent rrionili, f-.t rbe ouip-'fe of fie¬ ri mag the Urenje* for the year next en |j Srnc of Me/i*. Thomson & DCTLOR, ; i ..ewifc f>r trnrtitin^ new Lieu \\vrvy h>w for eatih. aorilfca- Tavern, fin'I*! ■ Cv« f• •:!i i!r who wfh ro make ti *. 1i r tin fa-re. ill Inn, an«! Pybiic ri.Kile keepers, will tiie<c- f%irc give tlicfr attend3nc-.*acc<»riRngIy. ROBERT YOUNG, NU Callable. Kingston^ Dec. 20, 1816. 29 JERRY WHITEHEAD & C. /SirixWcf/, 17//' /tmuftt t8i6« 'i Kingston, Decembek^H, I8l<i. Summary of Intelligence, London dates to the 24th, and Liver¬ pool to the 26th of Oflober, have been received a New-York. i4 It was repor¬ ted that a fecret correfpondence had been intercepted between the Court of Vienna and Bonaparte, and that tfe Auftrian Cotnnu'fljoner had been de:e6ed in an in trigne for Bonapaites relealV . the rumor of a dilTolation of Parliament, was alfo received." Butj it is added '" we have no reafon to believe in the truth cf either of the reports."—Great diftrcfb prevails in France, on account of the fcarcity of Bread fttifffi and fuel—Ths Duke of Kent, it isfaid, will (hortly fead to the Iiymenial altar a Cpntuiental Priuecfs.— A corporal's pa'ty of the guatds is potted every night in Carlton Houfcor within its circuit.—A Cadiz letter d Sept. 27, fays, " the lad fale of 500c barrels of New-Orleans flour, was at 5 d- liars 50 cents."—A Berlin arture ftatcs, that Grain is abundant at Ri^a, J>a:it/.ic, and other potts on the Batlic, and that no orders come for ir. — Flour h«9 fallen, in Beltirr.ore from 14 to 10 dollars.—A fmart aft-on took place at Alacran, between the Spaniih Roj «fift* and Independents OS the 6th Si-otember, in which the former l-ll npwaid» of 50c killed, a;d 300 pnToners ; that of the latter 4 killed and 40 wounded—It wau reported in Halifax, that ;• tiansport. havii-g on board 500 troop-* had been caft?way,and nearly ?OOfoi|liv*-*>'fried.— A fire broke ovt ins large oe* unfiniflwd Roman Cath-lie ChnrL-h, oi» the 17th iull. in St. Rock's Subtnh, Quebec, which wasconfumed in about two hours. — A fubfeription has bcei* opered at Quebec under the patronage °> nlw Excelleucy tbe Got*mm in Chief, for the idiuf of the diilnfLd p«>or in that Ciiv, Shocking morning, the T T;s ,.')J>!..\>S REWARD. (f^i :f'l EN. from (>•- board the Far t ;> ;;/•/•'/ !)-:: *b:er Packet, Captain -.I1, on rhe night of the 2 id Nov. [aft, GOOD FRESH BI5EP! l.-It fubfetiber informs his friends and the public, that he keeps con* ilantly on hand, at hid Cellar, under tlu it-fS x « f 1^ \\r;*^dnun. Ff.;. t{i»»»d IU'» f. at a ve^y low price, at nny hour in the day, by tilts weight or {mailer quantity. ALM, Vegetables of *dr-vt every defcrrotfon. Mvrd:r '—On Tliurfday iptfa iuit. M«- Thom». Jackfoo i>f A-wherft Ifland in *»c^)' •" Ouiutr, went into the field f,,r ™v Fur' pole of foddcrfntj hi. eattli! N""v ,L" tU'ntng at f o a,i w:in expcel;w' "** idtn > became unrafv, fea<vh iva«ma<i*i aa'1 • 1 11 his body found about nine ot',( ^ lrl fuc evening, murdcreil fu n m.i uaunrr ; having rrcefved u I 'c'c out a" eye, which -h\>ncdfi a t-*\-A if* Chel!, ccmUniiug acre- unr . b,k; ,,e::n„, arpar:l, r.ul other Mt | 'V^f .^ Sff'V^TJ o fl f^ ck :.fu> f-:v;e hut CO the cw„t-.j'a.:ofvvluca v.-.ll .K-o'.!f,-r(,|i,o,1v. WV ;vrr wi:I givr : f "r.-natii.-p, or returr; , feld Ciitfl, wt'li ^t^e'nt""^. W!']i receive &fc?£h'*v<f reward hy applytng to Daniel reid. KisgAon« ot?"i December, iH r> 2-j N. II. V'tir reward will be giv¬ en fwi the J". !;••■ ar"ne, ?.nd n.» q-«cil»ons afk-.don apj/licatiOD to Mr. DEMSY, K: ^-ilon. JOHN YOUNG. croft the rig to drop out, and two !.i-gc rut* ou t!,c back of 'he r.e>]: .hf whole ap:iarf tly don- \vi It i«ii dv 'I p.-:rt wa* wilfulmurJ.r by/owepfrfon un-\ A young man by 'he name of I •ji'jivn- \J:».Ti'inis, ha- been aire'led on ftifojcioi * eh hly Uuu dfgfsis and thirty minutes ti'ejl of London, north to the fouthern boun¬ dary of the Kudlon's bay territory.— For information, I beg -eave to enquire of Algernon, in what afl of Parliament that is defined to he the Wefteui boun¬ dary of this Province r I can fiud no fuch definition. The aft of the 14 ->f Geo. 3, commonly called the Quebec a&, eftablifhct.the Weflem boundary of the Province of Qtiebec to be a line from the river MitTiiTippi " northward t*> the fouthern boundary of the territory gran¬ ted to the Merchants adventu.ers of Errgland, trading to Hudfon's Bay."— The fource of the Miffiffippi, according to the obfer vat ions of Mr. Thomfon. in in Lai. 47°28' N. and Longitude 950 Weft of London. That line of Longi¬ tude, then wa3the Wtflern boundary of the Pro-'ince of Quebec. The aft of lift of Geo. 3, [Nov. 25, 1790] did not iifelf divide the Province of Quebec in¬ to the Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada ; but referred to His Ma- jerry's MefTage, £$riufying his Royal in- tention to make fuch a divifion ; and ei- tabb'/hed a Conllitution for each of the two Provinces. It, however, contains no definition of their boundaries His Majeity's proclamation.dated November 18, 1791, as recited in Smyth's Topo¬ graphical defcripiion of Upper Canada, drawn up l)y him when futveyor Gene¬ ral, at the requeft of Lieut. Gov.Simcoe, eomrr.ences the line of divifion at a (tone boundary on the north bank ot the lake St. Francis, at the cove weft of Pointe an B'>del, in the limit between the town (Hip of Laucaiter and the leigneury of New Longociul," and, after running thence to the Ottawa* rivrr, up the fame 10 the lake TonuTeanning, and from the head of the fald Lake, by a line drawn due north, u^'til it linker the boundary line of Hudfon's bay, addi the following words of defciiptiuu, u including all the territory '0 the IVejlward and Southward* of thj'jid line, to the udnofl extent of the \ country commonly called or Inatvn by the. name of Canada " Is Smyth's extiaCt; frrm the proclamation cor reft ? Jf fo, U'haC Governmental aft has lince curtail¬ ed the wtflteru extent of this Provimc ? The act of parliament of the 43d of J ^c" 3' Ll^°3»] niakes fome provision for the adntiuiauaticn of kisticein cer¬ tain Indian TcrritcrrieS, and other parts of Arn.i ioa. not within th: limits of Up- 1 per or ( owci Canada, or any civil gov- : eminent of the United1 States ; but it docs not define thofe Indian teiritories, , . and other patts of America, 01 the lim- 1 " '" *' r; 1 ^;{v\t provinces of Lrp;.)er and Lower Canada, or cither of tl em Not having ] l(en any Statute or Proclamation, vary- in;/ the western buindiry of Upper Can Foil TBF. KrXGSTOS G A /.lit XL. li iWki'ni* * -mm I 9 STORM. npH 2 fabferth *r baijqft received, and _fi_ offers for fale, at his Store in the V* k't P'-ee, (lately ocewpied by Mr. I>nnc?.n. Anftiot'etr) a fe'eftron of Which will be Add verv reafonable, ALEX VKDEX MacLEOD- Ki-'g.'ton ^d Dec. 1^16. 37 W4 N B. \\ Confiinmciit of S\D- DLERY, SHOLS,5c-c, for falelow. For Sale, AT the Store of Mr. John Duncan, "profile the Market Place, Hco Pairs G!ove*, fit for the prefent fraf n, 1 Trunk bed Englifli made Boots, |;lfl ar iv d, to be fold very cheap. 4 Elegant PjiTige Lamps, 4 Do. Writing Defl<^. A large collefti.n of beautiful Engravings. The whole will be fold very cheap-— The Engravings will be expofed in the Auftioti Room every day, 27 Kingston, Du. 1816. HO^THEAL iii Furnace. on" c;'ild to Hmmt his untimely end I lir age was 49 years. ! • * * CA M E inio the inclofure of the fub- fcriber, a Red COW, with a ihort taii an J whi'.e face. The owner may 1mvc her by proving property and paying charpw. KOBt. TOMSON. IQfit*S(m$ Dec. ao» 18 j 6. 29^3 JOSEPH }J)l'GH& Co. ISJJ EG leave lo ^nnounee to the Pub- IJIJJ licv that ti!-:y have corr.n^enced the bufinefs of Founders, On their property, foot f>f the Quebec Suburbs, immediately adjoining the Shio Yard of MefTrs. Hart Logan & Co. where they will fumilh Mill Caftin™ of ^1 defcriptiurts, agreeable to fuch orders as they may receive,— Alfo, Blaekfmith's work ■ f every kind executed wr.h ntat- nefs and difpatch. Montreal* Nov. 1 i, 181& N. B. Calh given for old Metal, deliv¬ ered s: the Works—fay at the rate of fj per ton, and for old Brafs 4d, and Copper 6d per ib. . 26 From the Montreal SUN. The interior boundaries nf almofl a!' R:;:i(Ti Colonies upon the Continent, have been undefined until & ttlcd by au¬ thority. Co* iidcrable diifentions, and even bloodlhead, have frequently becil||bis *7** ,f l)e w?uld Iiavc ;he. go^r.efa the former Province of Quebec, and still fnithfr. if 'he country b..)Oi.d has Lscri '* commonly called or kn >wn by the name of Canada-" B ta^ 1 have not the Biiuili stututes at large, fub.equcnt to 179T, 1 may ha?c been mistaken it. this icfpvft, and wiil feel obliged to Al- ijernon, (houhl thU communication reach the trnfequence A di'pUlc relative to the Northern boundaries of New Harr.p- Siire and New Yoik, terminated *i\ cite ellablilhmcut of:he prefent rtate of Ver¬ mont. The Northern boundaries of Pcnnfylvanta, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia weie not fertied lill arter the revolution. In regard to Briiift Colonies it is a branch of tin- R<gpd Pre- ^ rogative, to ed-'.bliih the limits «?t them. I Neverclielefs, the boundaiics of the Col- fonics of Newfoundland, Lower Canada to correct the mistake, by pointing out the afti which he eonuders to have fixed our western limits in LonLritude eitrhry- "ine degrees afid thirty minutes West of London. CAMDEN. Mr. Fditorj I fliould feel much oblfgeci to you or to feme of you? correspondents, to inform me, through the med*-um of your Weekly Publication, the different chiT- For Sale, By the Subfcribers, A few Barrels excellent c 113 e m, THOMSON & DETLOR. Kingston^ Dec 14, 1816. 29 Singing School. YOUNG Ladies taught finging, on Thuifday, Saturday, and Sunday Evenings, from 6 to 8 o'clock, at Mr. Head's, next door to Mr. Hilton's ; to ro-nmence on Thurfday Evening, the 26th December. Kingston, Dec, 21, 18 16. 29 land Upper Canada, arc defined by feve jes of Society at Kingston, and who they (ral aftsof Pa.liamcnt, lofar as't i pof- |couiift of, as i am given to nndtrftand j that tlie iaine p«rion gives a party, firlt Notice. THE fubferiber having engaged to fupply the Garrif in at this Pod with Peafeand Straw for this feafon, he therefore informs the Public that he will commence recciveing the above articles from this date, at his Store, adjoining the White Bear Tavern. EDWARD BARNETT. Kingflon, Oth Dec. 1816. Isble to define them without a ftfrvey.— The fallowing are the boundaries of Up¬ per Canada. Commencing on LafceSt, Fivncis, at the North Weft anr*-^ "f the town (hip of Laucaiter, then:- through the middle of the St. Lawrence? a»d the Lakes Ontario- Erie, Huron vtfA Supe¬ rior, to longitude eighty nine degrees thirty minute* Weft of London • thence North to the Southern boundary of the territory granted to the Merchant's Ad¬ venturers of England, trading to Hi-d Ion's Bay ; thence Ealtward ah,ng that fonthern boundary, to a line to lie drawn North from the head of lake T"^ifeam- ing ; thence along that !ii,e» and through that lake down the riv-f Otto- was to the feigneury of Vaudn u,^> anfl thence to the place of beginning The Grand Portage is in longitude riJoe*y ^e- grees Weft of London, and cof^eq'>ent- ly thirty miles without the limir 5 or Up¬ per Canada. ALGERNON. FOK THE KtXCKXON (1.V2F iTZ* Mu. Pristkk, A writer in the Montreal ^un,over the fi^nattire of Algernon, h^s ^ated that the boundaries f Upper Canada arc defined by ad of Parliament, f$ farasit is poffiblc to define them witholJt a «ir« vev ; and that the Weltern bou.'^ar>' 's a 7 line from Lake Superior, m fe^*** to one c'afs, the next week to another, and the third to another defcrfption. It mult be fan-factory to perfons in general coming to this place, to know how they are likely to iland—for my own part I cannot divine how the foJu* tion ib made. Perhaps it might affiil the perfons who 1 keep theft kinds of fociety to clafs them as follows : Firlt clafa The Cream Party. Second do The New milk party. Third cio The Skim-milk party, if they goon this way 1 imagine they will very 100u come to Milk and paitic:*. A Stranger. Kingston, Dec. 25, 1816. , YORK, December 12. The Hon. W. B. Co'tman and J. Fletcher Efq returned to this placr on Satmday laft, not hiving been able to proceed fartherihan Notiwafaga Landing owing to the Lake being frozen over. Thefe Gentlemen intend going down to Kinglion to await farther iuftrudtionn. It is faid, that they wiili to proceed to their dellination through the UuiteJ >tateR, which although a very circuitous 11 BtfWCommunications corrupt Gn'id Manners'* Blnslinot, Jeviv.k these proud banners \\ ere neVr upheld a*ttliis1 good manners; 'Vhese honest lines shall only go To m areh the Wolf bodl high and low; WhoVcr he was, j-o false within, ("oi.lusilhiindoun to toil and spin- Hid n il breeding; to rxpress*, \«sume the ^i^flc•^f till v dress, I'i render skin of virtue hid, Toroiism you ar* * * * did. \o, no, then injured spinster Lt.atr9 Tiiis bosom never could betray a— ------------------but fakdrae, try me, Or prove me in t'»e fireandfry me^. Ro faf deserving yonr esteem, You'll find me ju>t the child I seem. Wa1* it ^ome wreldi OUCe burnt, now cold, f.'ould thus run down pure virgin gold ? 'Tissaid thai only tho-e who know The scorching dame, can dread gtso ; Oi el-r wash some rank old Tory ApM Solomon in all hi< t;lory ? No Shark in Mermaid shape deceives yoo, And if there's ought I «ay relieves you. Then blesl forever he I he rime \Vh'*n Paddy scratcli'd bis head for rhyme Ob Brkton, let it not be ?aid Heroic virtue qnitehas i!ed; In that hi^h spirit now I rail, The wordat'enlion toyotl------. Tiiiiot ro siir up strife or flame Tliat I derend this vhv'"*5 tiame, Nor is ii from a fatal passion. Suffice to ^ay—'tis Srish fashion. B^fbeo the bunrbte province mine Til tract- the dt*ni;nka«ion line, pFCFPrve deron.m. mend the times. And check such m •Uiu-hoiy rhymes; For once that line i*c;o>.Vd beyond, !n truth 'ti^ time to correspond. So attend to my sons:, I'll delay it nolonger< Tao" but a poi>r $oriof Po*»trv monsfcr, Doiii trcatiiich ^ood feelingswUh Rilcnineglcct Or else, hy my should its yourself I'll sufpoeC Vrrnb why, Mr. l.ditor, call ilgcvart To admi f ^ few » orda in defence Oi the fair ? S;nc<* eNewill romeup with a&ticfc Tojfivetfiis invisible author a lick. Only one tiling t pray, don't conceive me a Yank'*?', Should any one whi per I'm tali, fair & lankeev \o threat head, to br sure, have I to commaad, Just enough to keep counsel 'twist the heart end the l.±->d; Well, I thought u hat you'd say. Sir, its rallier too rougb| But, like PatWy'd own COAt, you observe its tine stuff J In ParMV:, aid ji3'»lc* sure no fault can he found. For, if that's gll you'r after, iher«"% plenty of touiid. IVHtN ofliersso^ayand j-o sportive with frolic, 'Tuuiiid xvin\<»i alone were a victim :oc!»olic. Good spirit=,!»»»< punch,nndftra strong & 4 von, ln-!cad iff- reduclngi sllr'd up jour *jii-*WL llow -illy, how vttljrar waa ii too to write, My rye Bktty V,------'sroom, what a^rand ■"-hi ! What an iil uatnrcdcreature, whoe\er he was TVuii-src.-aiiurh-»(U« lipid*98itO;AllUiitry^ '^tt>» Sinck up in >uin«' rorn»r, no doubt, lakii g note* A * long a< ore's arm about shoti pftiticoHi*. "Twa^-haMi'fol. 1 vow, aid mama, and I AWCMj To qui'/ the old iadiea^fud Mioil *>i;r n>i/«'V; H^Vs **n* 4»«n vo«iiii*kw*lJa*B* ■WfrfTfl^n if, IfyaiTmfan lOg^t married a: Cararoque ? But perhaps you are one of those wretched fel¬ lows, V.'ho, tliwar<ed in fan?, are 50 apt fi»h» jf*a!r»usy Oh ! then, my-d^w -ii,do I pry you* ea*e, Which account*5 tor ihe reason you can -hew O.-, nwyhap \\\\*i turn out you're a strange kin*! oi'ooer. Dividing -,nai ti'ir- 'twlxt thctanri & th^Marer, Soi-ir a."?'.:atie prochi.'ion, or calf, "TwiAt tbe*ra an*l th • mow; gt>\ ur' haif& half, j Some extraordinary genius, from Lawrmcc ro'vl'd down, Topoi! ail ° -rfonaad breed mi.-ehief in town. ftlie*! nei' \n*i iixXxnd -o ue3ciibe King-ton ! Bali-. * ;' a^ ."einemher a g&nttoaae's ruk when be caH*; Instead ofdeliverinjjyournottolis by nfght, \ ou prigbl come Iik-o a man, I conceive, in day li?)u, j Not stealing your way to the Editor's r.o«. As yon (fid, I am fold, lifcca^ecoud Qtty Faux, j Dr lik? thifinii candle, which make- asiiort hiazc, f>Y>'!v*>in^ mil nature wherrvcrit tray-;.— Or" your name let n> have1 but one cfjri.-lian joints 1 No* a syllable mori*dv we wish from thr point) Which, be what it may, eiiher Rory or Bnb* l.e' an innocent j^irl he the la.-t one you'1 fluff— F.vl r ir?.n, ro deceive us in robes of a con-in, \\ itii lines that don't talue one copper |u:r iioz-" eiu With ^u^h horrid tra-h 'tisavhame -ofati^ueus Oi'alupid'details aliont hot pttneba>nd-negu$. *Ti-plain \^>u were pusb'd,^ Jtad littletoyay. Wlrcu >ou" wrote 6*u»y deargfrlj ldauc'dtill ue.vt day," Whilst I";a -old that ksqus^in^ this pretty creek drex% Ton inok just •* w eek to prepare for the Press ; ApiI ufdtujrereJ assurance >«ti'd M con-?i-de-ra- ule, IJ'.ieu you pane**In «ne word, such a swing (b votir rjrhlr— In -ome line- near toe end, which ailnde to the sleigh, Dri\ingon pretty mrteh in the same silly way, 'Twa«ca^ilj seen you'd a mind to he hitter, 15. your wamar attack an a i-oordumhrn/wr. 'Tv.ou'd fecm irhcn young Spry, so politely made Vi a, A cup fbrmO't hitter wa^pour'dout to thee; Aart whether hi? bear! was a traitor 01 true, \ ottrlaee'iwasoi) trverf, lheiilo<#k"d wry blue, A:id ifni"*could bccuirduny '(oth( r iTour rival stiewMsense, lirsthelping the mom- cr. But, beware of this Venus )ou met al the ball, W itb tiie rpray on her wings,jui»t fre>h from the fall, Le^told Ne|.tune invoked she.Id ri?e from the water. Pitch you to the d---------1 for lampooning \{\$ daughter ; A , whoever hedune'd with, insciirlct or blor, "T. - plain from your malice she daue'd not wi;h )0ll. Ifnofi were wise I presume, I., gn tnioxtaya—ol^ome maid in the room, Where ntgar and milk wa*> with water I ihiuk, 1'or such a man- milliner, very tit drink. Keep aloof, too, I warn you, from Aunt in the Creek, Asher blood is quite up, sincaihe ball, in each check ; rout would enable thcoa to ait upon the! iuftru&iuWj eirly (u the eiiluin^ rcafou. *------------What is rnaint by a Jhigh- y 'Th a rate open Carriage, with herse that is sin tn vAfrA] like tlth poetry, both aunt ant! mice, j Brjvr* theygtt in, muitf+fsis pem* Jy^rcv.