Kingston Gazette, December 28, 1816, p. 1

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[SATUI- DAY. Dscnsfizs S8, 1S1G.] 1 CI ~sr [VOLUME VI.------No. 30] GAZETTE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Doll ars per Annum. NEW GOODS. jl HE Subscribers hive imported direct from London, Wan- ■chefter, Birmingham and Glasgow, Sec. an ektenJive aflortment of every fp^cie? of Merchandize fuitable to the Upper Canada Market. The Good« have been feleeleJ wiih care and purchafed for Cafh, and will be difp >ftd of, either by Whohdalc or Retail, on the mult reafonable terms-. Under ths different heads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clothes, Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery, Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary* Crockery New Whole-sale k GLASSWARE, CORD- AGP;? he. &e. .. They wcuiJ enumerate the fullowing articles, viz : Brown, Q35i»abl>«"g» Shirtiig and SJlcCt : i;>g Linens ; Lace3, Catnlracks, Veilings, Sattins, Ribbons, bik. : Silk Handkercbitfs : • NTavv BJiif, Black G--av *nd fafllfoiablr WIN TS Brandy Very bt ft PoTt, L. P. Madeira* Sp. Fine old brown Sherry, I. P. & L. M. TeoeurT, Hibbert'ft befi Rrown Stout by the Caflc or Dozen, Ghi, See. &c. &-c. Teas ; Sugar?, Loaf and Tvfnirovawo 5 CrtFce ; Ranee* of every defcrfp.tuMij L.^cb Sse £ierring« by Las Kegj Peujl S*m4Sv : Muftard Si/ep &. Caudles by tb* h^x ; 5c< !-jb Oat meal, risnlt trad'Oili ~*T..rfci— Crawley arid lilideivd ftt£C$, Swedes I- ro«i aiTorted. Dacfc* Pigeon and Super STORE. THE fubferiber having commence'! Commiflion bufinefs, in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Pa/rid Smyth, front Street—Informs his friends and the public, that he has received a num¬ ber of configuments, confiding of St:~ peifine and common Cloths, Caffimeres, Coatings, Flannels, Pelicc cloths Bom- bazette^ of all colors; a great variety of Cott >n Goods, a very elegant aflortment of Silks. Sailing RiLbo.19 and Cotton Lace*, filk hat cafes, braces, cotton and worccfled hoiiery, Nails, Sheet Iron. Window G:ak, Iron, Sictl, Shot, and a very good ?.fl<>rtmeut of HARD WARE, n few Liquors and Groceries, and hn» on the way from Montreal and Quebe*, \\h/<h wit] be here ;a a very few days Jr*c PACKAGES OF GOODS, c:>nfiftiog of Trunks cf Loudon made ltiperfinc Co:its. Pantaloons, Fine Shoe*. plated harm f<*—-a variety of Cotton a' i fine B«>ad Clothe* and Cas-I Woollen GOODS, Furrs ; and a few ; fi meres. ; Ladies5 and Gentlemen's Glove and ; Htfleiv, Carp-ting of vaiiom put- ; tews • An affortmentof Schoolbooks ani Sta- ; t!:»nary.— ; GlaO* ware and Crockery by the Crate or cafk, and packed to fuil Coun- 1 try Shops. S«m„.. §fc .r. N.rds ■': Sv>>kes of all forts, I Gentlemen's- proof Beaver Hats: Ifaft Tin Pfeel-aqd Shret Iron, FryhljJ pans, Spades and Shovels, Hoii »w Wsrt-—Hair, Cloth, vJiitv'W^iTi, youth*' and B >y's Ca net bar and elated do. Men's Willow Hats. P» I adies' & Girls' Beaver trim'd Boinets, Scrubbing. Horfe, Shoe, and Ta- I White, lied, Yellow and Blue Flainels, hie Bnifhes > a"d Grten broad Baize. Kfimnnd Forkotafibited,—Penknives, ". 2 to 3^ Point Blankets—Counter janes, ScifT.ra. Spoons. Razors, Shaving Cafe?; -l«Act»i Hinge*, Saws, Hammers, File*, Gimb'.cts, Sec. &c. &C Bants and Shoes— Haul .'<«:, Ci-.Im nj-** RtMi*»*« ^^^ne, Ch-cks. 8o*tihazetts, Midline Shawls, Dimities Tap-% Bobbin ; Bed Tick, ft* &c. Storage and Wharfage at the cdtom- ary prices and Commiffion Buiinef: exe¬ cuted at the ufual rate. TOH\T KIRBY fctM Kingston, July 26, l IS 16. 8 prh'f rifa*h?r£fil£ *»/&■ Gazette, ' | mHE fubfcribers *efpeQfd]ly inform Six lilies and iiodtr. $/6 fi* ft infer.ion, JL their friends and the public in ge- 8!id 1/3 every fafcfeqWHt. Ten" lines and under, 3/+ firfl inler- ^'on. and l/!8 every fu!>f:quent. Ten lines and upw-ml', \J. per line firi> infertion. ?.nd id. pel li:ieevery fuc- CCeding infertion. AdVettifements uuaccniripanied wiih written dtreftions a*e iufertcdtill fovotu, and charged accordingly. Auctioue cYinz TUURSDsir fT^HS f-iVTeriber rc' !u- fioecre & and luaity thanks to his friends ?.n ! the public in general, for the many favours he ha* received fivm them Fdr thr-fe fifteen y?ar^ past ; and •Vfoiir»s the<r«, that he haf. leromtncr.ced bi.f.neis 2£-\\n f t btatf*i-& Any -trenucmaii wilh- injffri difpofc o? T-vf p--p^»ty, will be Waited upon atlllcir own quarters, or ct Mr D. Browii*8 Tavern, fronting t!_- Market Place; and he afiares tLT- gent'e-nen who fli-ill pleslfi to favor h:m with tluii custom, that they {hall havtt nooecafion to call twice for chcir Mon". and S/lTUllDAT, are Ms regular Auc¬ tion Djjs- JOHN DARLEY, Autllwter. Kingston,4th &er>t. i$iC_______J-l For Sale, A V^LUABLF> Farm, will* build- ** ings alto large improvements there- on. favorably fitoated within 28 im'cs of King ion.' Perfons d-. nrous of pur- chafing to inquire of the Punter. frfosston, July io, rSt?. 5 tf Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. ntral that rhev have received an addition to their ufual ftitoly, conQiiing of a ge- neial aff>rtmcnt of DRY GOODS, AND HARDWARE: Double and fingle Stoves, Iron Bars, Sire! and Whrel Bores, I.adieu and Men** Shoes, A complete alTo'tmpnt of n«*w fafb- i.j.icd Ladies and Gentlemen's Fur Caps and Trimming K>r Great Coata ; Two elegant Dining Setts, With a varie'v «»f other articles too tenfftliy to enumerate, which will be fold ehcnp fo' caflj. MONJEAU St St. GERMAIN. K:?."'ston, %i 08. 1816. crate and Hogflieads afforted Crocker) and Glaf-5 Ware, all which will be fold low,at wholesale only. also,— f*r fale a Farm, containing too acres, within two muVs of King .ton, and a town lot three tenths of an acre in a <jood fnnation. Liberal advance^ made on any kind of property deposited for fale. Having conve^ert ftone Stores on the Dock, he will be happy to receive and forward Droperty up tftC JLake or down the River, or to any part of the State*. Boats to forward any quantiiy of Pro¬ duce will be furnifhed on fliort notice, and all orders flicxly attended to. SMITH B.1RTLET. King (Ion. nov 9, 1816. 23if Lands for Sale, "fcllOSCINQ TO THE FSTATF OF the l*k IImoral1* Mr- Chief Jtijlkc ALLCOCK. Let No. 8 in the i'ft concefTi >n, town- fbipofYork and feome Diftrifl, con- ICO acrp«. Lot. No. 19 in the' 1 -t conceffion,town-- (hip of York and hofiuc diilrid, contain¬ ing 10c acre-*. Lot No. 3 Eaft fiifc Young (Ireet. townfhio of York ho^c drllricl contain ing 190 acres. * Lot No. 16, 2d c^cefHon, townfbip ff York, home diilri^t cot.t'g 20c acre-1. Lot No. 24, 3.1 ijonceflion townfiip of York, home diilrid cont'g 200 acres L<'tNo.35iflcon.itmvnfh; , -No 34 35 2'i f. \, pokering t lfi0fl -no«,2$,H3<f<K home d«f —No t?, 19 7th do 7 Lots No. 12 1314 16 1718 and die Eafteru moft part of lot No. 19, in the tuwnfhip of Scot: and home ddtridt rou- tar»ing -2^0 3cre?. *a:r if;g 18 ClfJRLES SHORT $ Co. EG 1 cave to inform their friends and the public, that they bavejuft received and now offer for fale. at their Store fronting the Market, an affortment DRY GOODS, Groceries, Croc/an/, £c. fyc, among wmen \ke Superfine and low prie'd Broad Cloth*, white, yellow and red FLnnels, grten Baize, fancy Veilings, filk and woolen do. white Quilting, Bomba/.etts aflotted color?, Calicoes, Ginghams, white and bjaek Cambrick, Dimity, Cotton Slur- ting, Irifh Linen, Gentlemen's white cotton and black worfted Hofe, Ladies do. do. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes, Mens Lamb's Wool Stockings filk and cotton Biaces, Barcelona Handkerchiefs, ulk Shawls India Bandannoes, Ladies Kid and filk G'oves, Gentlemens Bea- w a::d filk do. Satin fiik Turbans, I bread Footing, Thread and Cotion i-^ce, fc-.ving filk and Twill, filk Velvet, Kibbons,fi]k Shawls black filk Floien- tine, figured Sarcenets &c. &c. &c. ALSO, Hyfon and Green Ten, Spirits Port and rcneriffe Wine, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar,Rat/ins, Pcpi^er, Mudard, CofiFee, Tvc. &c. which they will fell thenp for Cafh, or/hurt appioveJ credit. Kingston, Sept. 13, 1816. 15 PROPOSALS, roa rRtxn\(;, by suBseitiprroN, By l\'i n\ ri-:ns Sf Skismhis, ALBAiNY, N. Y. Sketches of ( )jpcr Canada, ITlTH A MAP OFTHE PSOTlS'CR, Vi.d a Topo^raUbieaJ and Hi o;.cal Descrip¬ tion pfthv Battles foi«in ti.iriiij Uir la;e War uio!in ami xu'.w its I.iuiiis. CONDITIONS: 1. This Work will be comprised in in O. lavo volume, of about '.SOU page**, printed on a ^ood type and fme paprr. li. Tho price t> subscrib^rii will be One Dollar and Seventy-Five Cents in boards,orTwo Dwllars and Fifty CVuis neatly bound audi* tiered. The ISooJ.s ■vill be delivered iu Kingston at the Albany price of Two Dollars aiid Fif- ly Cunts, with the addition of the inv jio.nJ dutyj 'Mily. :u To th-^" who subscribo for Ten C»pi-s, or procure TenS,i1)-crB>cis, an i"h Vfidh Copy will be aive.n gratis, on ihdivrrv and payment oi the Copies subscribed for* f£"f Subscriptions forth? above IVorrlc .cill be received id this Otiii-e. A JHST received and for fale at this Of fict. price 1/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With the Star "f the Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to crhicfc is prefixed, The Life of the Noble Jurhor. Nov- 28. : 26 FERGUSONS Improved Table of the value of Grains of Gold Coin, over or under weight, For Sale a: thin Office. Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. Strayed, For Sale, THE West half of lot number nineteen in the fecond concefiicn of the town- Blip of Kmg&oo. Apply to the fritter. on, Jm'v Io, 1815- 5tf- Kingston Blank Summonfes, Subpoe¬ nas and Executions, for the Court of Requelts, tor Sale at this Otfke. X^ROM a Pasture one mile and a JJ h-.lf from Kingilon, (Mr. Beach's Tavern,) shoot the laft of Auguft, a Bay Horse, Four years <-ld, dark mane and tail* one white hind; luofand a fmall white fpot ;'\ ).\ rorehead. Whoever will return faid horfc, OPglW infoimntion where he may be found, (hall be well rewarded, & ail n.eee£diy charges paid by SILAS MAY. Xfoifei, ?.t. 4,1816. >8 Lot« No- 19U X? 13 north fide m Simcx place, and No. 18 & 19 fonth fide of RufTel fquarr, in the t«nvn ctf York, containing [ acre each is 3 acres* I ots No. 2 in 1 he 2d conccflton No j 1 in the 3d co.iceflion ?^o. 6 & 7 in the 1 4th ronrt'fTnn, townihip of L5:nbr:> >k didricl of Niagara coi*:.-tioing 2400 r-cres Lot or b'^tk No ! tn 1 he 2d coucef- Gonofthe itjwnihip of Einbn»ok, Dill- rift of Niagara icco acre.^. Broken ^UNo 24 % 25 in the: 3d conceffion of North Crafty* diftrift *.**' Johnflown containing 300 acres. Lots No. 1% S< ly in the 9th concef fion, broken lots No. iS 5c 19, 8dl ce ;- ccfTion South Crofoy ditlrict or Jobnfton, containing 600 acre?. Broken lo's No. 25 26 & 27—-*r;h No. 24 Si 25 and broken lots No. 26 & 27—51I1 concefiicn, North Crofby dif¬ trift of John ft own coofcainfog y.00 acre8* For which good and fufheient Titus are now ready to be g;iven by the fub¬ feriber. A L s o>, Lota No. 16 17 Sr I 8 in the 4th con- cefGon of Pclham, containing 334 acres. WILLIAM ALLAN. Yhk, Nov. 2, iS?6i. 23—3mo Chair Hhop. FlflHE Uibfcribers kc-ep on hand eon- JL ftamlv.for fale, ^ CHAIRS GFALL J)£*Ci,u;■ riONS, which will be warr.!ntC(j g00(j. C HATCH, & Co. Ktngtton, t%£Nov, i^y 16. 25tf Miss Lewi&% MOST refpe&fiiUy informs the La¬ dies of [Cingfton, and the Public in general, that ihe has taken the upper part ;;f the hor.fe above Meurs M*Don¬ ald 3c JonCA1 Store, in the Vlain Street , Where file hastrow ready for infpeftiou, a moft eleeant afTortment >>f CLOTH PELISSES, MIL!JSEli Y DRESSES, Which will be fold cheap. ALSO, C'ti'dr&ns- Caps and Frocks. Kingston, Dec. 13, 1816. 28:f BLAIR'S Sermons, Porreus' Evi- d-nccs, the Canadian Vifitor, bouvd o\ (ingle, together with a great vaiicty of ufeful Books and Trafts, for young people, for Sale at this Office ;— where accefs may be had to a i"m:jl cir¬ culating Library, three times a week, on moderate terms* auguft i» 1816. o Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R A G S AT THIS OFFICE. Juft received and for fale at this Oiiice, II Reams Writing Pod No. ?, 9 Samuel Shaw, O EGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public 11 genera!, that be has juft received and now offer* for tale, at his Store, an elegant aiTortment of HARDWARE * CUVLEuY, Diri;:! fro-n the Birmbgham a>»d Shef¬ field Manufactories, which he will dif- uofeof Wh.defiie or Retail, at reduced prices ; among which are the following 5 Carpenter's Bench and Moulding Planes, Chiflels **f Sorts ; Trying Squares and T Bevels, Hand. Tenon, Dovetail, Safh, MiU, CrofT-cut, and Key-hole Sa^vs ; Cbeft, Cupboard, Drawer, Trunks Stock, Door, Murticc and Pad- Locks ; Ship and Pocket CompafTe^, Glazier* Diamonds 5 Hinges of all forts, Brafsand Iron ; Saddlery and Harnefis trimmings of all dcicriptions ; random, Gig and Riding Whmfl ; Do. Thongs and L*Jhtf« ; Arft Plated and BraH Candlc-tHcks, Do. Cruets of 4 6c 5 Glaifea, Brittafiny Metal Teapots; Watch-maker's and Jeweller's Plrcrs, Nippers, Files, Screwplatc3, &c. Fowling Pieces, Shot-belts, Powdev- FlaGcsaiid BiilUc moulds ; Leeks for Ft>wling pieces; Block tin Sauce-pans a..d Tea-kettles; Handles & fpouts to do do. Tinman's Rivets& wire of Sorts ; G<»ld fcalei of various fizc^ ; Gri-1 Iron* an-J Frying Pans, Cable and Defert Knives & Forks; Do Cavers with Foiksj Wood Screws affjrtcd ; Bureau Trimming., Portable Deilc GO. Bed Caps, Screws and Keys ; +d, 6J, «d, tod, i+d, i6d, i8d, 2d, zMwA }jdS*i!*t White and Black Lead, Pr.iiTun Bltie, ^ Spanifn Brown, Red and Yellcw Paints ;— Boiled Englifh Oil, &c «?cc. &c. Which in nddition to hh firmer Stork will form the mt.U complete aflbrtfflvot ever oiferc<l f->r lale ;n t!ii-» place. Kingston*August io, 1S16, i^tf Notice. rHE fubferiber.* to the U. C. Book Society, art informed that Mr. Samuel Merrill has tjk-n the Books and dt-t befongm£ t* rhe Society, and thofc who wifli to take their dividend of books for the laft year and fubferibe to¬ wards impoiu'ne maw b«mk.-» for another year, arc requdlcd to cal! without delav it Mr. Mernl's Store for that purpofe. By Order of the Preftikni. Klngftrrn, Auguft I 1816. 9 To Let, 17*ROM the 1 ft of December next, . that large Stone H-vjfe belong¬ ing to Henry CaflHdy, Efq of Kiugfton, lituatcd near the Market place, and well calculated for a houfe oi Entertainment. For further paiticnlars enquire of Wai- tkr McCusikfe, who occupies part of the above mentioned pTemilcs. Kingston, l6f6 Nov 1816. 2+ Xolice to Discharged S.ddiers. IN confequence of the gre^t Inconve¬ nience as well a* attempted Impoii- tion ariliug frmn Soldiers daily claim- ing Grants of Land at the fcttlement* in (Toper and Lower Canada, ah hough they have in many inftancts b en dis¬ charged from the fervice 1 jw;ird» of a vrar ; Hi-Excellency the Governor in Chief Dnd Commander of the Force* 1* t tv.;ed to give tliis PubHc Notice to all concerned, That no D'fcharged Soldier nill be received as a Settler who does not come forward on or before the First day of January 1S17, and bring with him fatilfadory reafuns fupported by proofs, why he did not ai an earlier pen- ad avail bimfeif of the bounty ot Gov- errfcrncnt, in claiming hi* grant of Land, in ilue time, under the exifting regu¬ lations. tin til's ErceticHrtf* Command) (S^ned) C. MYERS, Lol & D. § Mr. Gt»L ditto dirm uncf-t. HlAKENirj) by the fubferiber, one JL bay Mare, with a Star in her forc- lcld. Wm. 15. WHITNEY. Kington, Dec. 2 t, 1S16. 79-3 1 Shorter M-iflcr G.nerais Office, \ ^<r.'>^;yf Oatiitr, lBt6. j 2jtJ BLANK BASL BON'DS, and SHERIFF'S OA1.1-.S, 1 or sale ax this OilifC.

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