MILITIA PENSTON AGENTS OFFICE— Koine, IM September, L8I& jNTOTICE is hereby given by the General Agwl for the Payment ot Militia Provincial Pensions, pursuant (o the directions con- *^ Cawed in the Seventh Section of the Militia Pension Act, passed in tlta last Session, 0f tj,e Legislature, that having received the Sum of Si\ Thousand Five luwtrvd Pounds, forthe purpose of paving the said Pensions for the period op to the S^st-of December next, the same arc now in Course of Payment LIST ofdUaHtd Persons toko have heretofore been admitted, and of tfiQsealso who Claim to be admitted, as Militia Pensioners of this 2vv>r;";:c.\ on account of Wound* received in Jetton, or Disability occasioned b^ Casualties or Accidents ichich have occurred on Acttud Service in efe- Jbtceafikt Proving a*far at Returns lurce been received ; with the sums due to t,;inse Zift(, haveprodaced the necessary/ Certificates and Documents touch¬ ing ti eir Wounds and Disability ; cud ichich mil be due to others who have product those Documents in pe.rt, tvhen they icill have furnished them complete. as required by Laic, up to the Hist of December, 1816. Name of Pensioner. Kink. Regiment or Des¬ cription of Service to which belooged. Action or Plat n where wounded, &c. Time when wounded. Period for which Pension is due. From To Amount of Pen¬ sion. Province Curr'y. Dollars at 5* £. ft D. Titus G. Simons ' ' lamps Kir!>y *\ tlliara JOftfitf John Mr|)iineH Thomas Frawfr Philip F.mnry FJiuuttJ Smith * 4i-::i > Ittfltafl l*»'rtr;r KyC nn Jjw PirOrcpor r*ai;i-l McOowgaSI Ooi.ald McDcArniid Ja'nev RichardsOD Rnji**rt Richardson -RSrna'd DraWr William Buell Mirhael R«auine TiiO>nos Silven horn R- !>rn Mward Andrew KennedJ nioinsuServia John 3'uinett John I'.prtrand John SiHye William Maliimoir John Cinncfl J(»"|»h Shrnard David Treauor Batnuol Wiera fteorg? CamphrH .ia**'»"« Snyder Cnarles McK»nna* Ja qwhar McBeau Arthony Rihblc Roderick McKenzi* Neil TVowu I,a» cblin McDnajpd Jam.:- Crawford Archrlau> Parobatn Francois BonirHTer Ban •.;•!*• Con^hicao ftwrii P. Carlei Jaoi* riarteu Laurel ce Pur ray T*:o ;ia- Major Calrt Powell "ji.-ii H Morion £u m »' \vei*t 9rena*>' JEsphtT \riar#iW Borland **»<* A. Mullet an M.-l 'Inll Minor 'id York, now 1st Gore Ltintly > Lane ^."> Jlll\ IM4 1 January I8lb Major 2d Lin. and In. Militia Fort Erie & Lum.) dy'fi Lane \ S Dec. ItfVfiaiidA lJ> Julj 1814 j 27 April IBIS 2 Dec 1812 Captaia Incorporated York ^ 1 January 1815 do do Lundy^s Lane 25 July 1HI4 1 January 1816 do do do do do 25 July —14 do Kent Volunteers Long Woods i March VM 1 January —10 Lieuicuant Isi Siornlont O^deiwmreb Ti Feb. 1813 do. do Late Second York Lundy*fa Lane !io Jul> 1814 13 Nov. —15 do i Incur, lorated do do 1 January —16 do Isi Norfolk Tort Eric 23 Nov. 1R12 do. do Kent Volunteers llixer Thames 9 July 1814 OJuly —14 do Incorporated Lnndv's Lane 9 25 Jidy 1814 25 do p En»ign Second Lincoln Ghippawa 5 Jul, IM4 5 do. Lieutenant 1m fllei.jrary Ogdeuabur^li 23I-M>. 1S13 22 F-bruary —13 M$*rer% Mate Provincial Marine Oswego 6 Ma\ 1H14 n M ay — H Midshipman do River Itaisin SSJauuar) 1SI3 2^ January — 13 Serjeant* Second Norfolk Stony Creek, L. E. 12 Nov. 1813 2S Feby. — 16 do 1st L-eds Ojjdeiisbnr«h 38 Feb. 1813 »J May — 15 Private Second Essex River Kaisiu do January 1813 22 July do. do - 1st Nroriolk Fvrl Erie 21 No\. 181*2 i January — 16 do 2d Norfolk do 28 Vov. 1812 do. do 3d York date) Quecoston 13 October 1812 do. do 1st Sionitnnt Oj^dcnsbui'gh 22 Feb. 1813 do. -"5 J do SdNorfolk Fort Krie SB Nov. 181 s do. —Itf Bugler Incoi uorated — Niagara Frontier 8 October 1814 do. Private. do Lundy'a Lane 86 J uiy 1814 1 July —15 do do do do. 1 January —16 do do do do. 1 July — 15 do Sd Ynrk(intc) TToi k 27 April 1S13 iSFchy. —16 do 5ih Lincoln Qncenston IS Oct. !M|2 1 Jajiuarv — 14 do Second do Cltippawa 3 July 1614 do. — 16 do 4 1st do Fort George 2? Ma] HIS 27 May — 13 do 1st do St. I)av1d,a 22 July 1814 22 July — 14 do Incorporated litmdyN Lane 25 Jul) 1S14 1 .faii.'ary —16 do 2d r.lm-ary Near Cornwall SO Nov. 1*13 do/ do 1st ($l**ngcry i>£d»*u-i#»ir^h S2 Feb. 1H13 22 Pcby. do. do Secon i Lincoln I ('iiiooaw.a ■ # » 5 Jul) IHI4 5 July — 14 do 1st (flepjrarv ^cetd^ nt on Duty Ltoi£ NV^iods SB Oct. 181^ 28 Oet. —13 do Kent Voiunieert 4 March I»i4 4 March —14 do do do do. do. do. do do It uer Thames 9 July do. OJuly do. do *d Leed: (lannaiioque 21 Sept. 1812 V 1 S.*pt. —12 do 1st fi&ex Mongivaga 9a\u^. do. o August do. do do Rivei Ttaivin m Jan, 1813 22 January o Nov. — 13 do jil Norfolk Malecdin'-c Millfi 6 Nov. 1814 — 14 do &I Ltncohi Black Kock 30 Dec. 181* 30 Dec — 13 do do do do. do, do do do do. do. do Sd York(lftto) Queens ton 1:5 On. HI* 17 Nov. —14 do la' \OHolfc. Mnl'idmV Mills 6NV. 1814 , ti do. do do i For* line Z*W. 1812 i 'IS Nov. — IS do 2ri Leeds A* ei.'lem on Duly 26Jaauju-j 1813 23 January — 13 do f1 lf*ne.»ln tU 5 &t>«. do. • .'• Sept. do. do $<i York late) ! York 27 Vprll do. *:r April do. Sfnp ant Iuoi; (jo -led Cm> - Uoad3 8 Oct. do. >ct. do Private de i-i •" Krte !2A.n*nst 1814 :-• A«p. ~U 31 DecV. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.- do. rlo. do. do. do. 1816 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. d<>. do do. do. 20 81 40 20 48 20 20 22 20 20 4» 48 49 77 53 78 17 S3 28 20 so 40 20 20 30 20 30 17 60 20 7i 18 20 20 17 49 63 56 56 *9 85 *7 78 43 60 00 CO 42 IX «\ ?H '.in 73 64 '17 12 New Goods. T^HE Snbfcriberst having icc^tved by * the late arrivals, offer for fale qq the lovwft terms for cafh at tntir Stores in Kingiton, either vrholefale or retail. Cloths, Kerfeymere3, Flannels, Rombazetts, Bombazcnes, Men 5c Women9* Hofieryt Irifli Linens, DiapeiS. Towel ingj lOi Si !2 34 10 4 10 » I 4 3 ^"* i7 .^ 18 Of 18 | n -' Blue and white di* agonal 5arfn»;ts, Levantine Silk?, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Ginghams* Lace Veils, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gloves V/ellin^ton and Berlin Webs, With a variety of other articles in the Dn/ Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits Mufcovado ami I I Sattfns, ! J J-uteftrings, Ci "J.iiac Brandy, Holland Gin, Bed Port, Spani(h, Sherry and Madeira Wineflj Peppermea^ Shrub, Loaf Sugarf Teaa, Prun^Sj Raifin^, Almond^ fiarley, Pepper, AH1" d Jnd Indigo Molaflc8, WALTER McC'J J : Kingftotj, 10th Ju!yfc ii>i6 C-9 Co. 18 lb' i i7 If »2 i2 r> n iH i7 i 2 2 2 9 i i7 i2 9 i2 iS t5 84 4* 3 2 0| 04 H 2 2 2 S 4* 3 7i 2Ve^ Stage. riflHE fubferiber prono'. t^ run a r LIST oj Widom and Orphan Children admitted as Militia Pensioners previous to the ___________________________________ »;/ Deceh'b-r\ IKlw. ,/, /.■?■ ... /A,- \ . Art ptt^cd in 1816; shoving the sum due to each in advance to ihe 31v/ n hn t Aw/ returned. ' Nine of Widow, &C. tfaineof Lai** Hnshan^ or l aiber nf Orphan Children. Etaak ia MUoia. .iioi*n "' ' *r.i d I • - • ■ 4 * 'I "Ma- c V:ir*oIut«* Bondj Hr.-r Walker....... Ma ^a":*' l*o-^fh................ Na:>Cv C'ovoll................. An •* T* -riu-\.................. So aioiah McDoncll............ J-ro ha Detlor................ A lap Ba liehtw................ C■• i • Ri'aurni*................ l'-.iocr? Moira^ !•"!•: a'urh Coel" 11........ Ellza!*^tti Wright........ Saab Tayloi............ 5*.TTarei 13a-*ido........ B1. 'V Adam?............ L- Ira PctT............. Mar) BlaichtHe........ Hannah For-vth......... Nawcj Wllkcrson........ NsfK'v Clrnd-'iiiien....... MvranQe*SmUli.......... Cp. iiai:ne Wolfram....... Children of........• Child of . Child of . r*hifJren of...................' Children of..................... OvHrenof..................... * ■ ■ « • ■ • * ♦ » • * • • » • * • • • ■ i Laurenic lSon'd% Edward Walker J ■. I;i'^ BiHxb. - . ........... John (. orroll.............. (■corgr Tiunev............ Christopher ^lc Doocll...... Joltn IVUor............... Pierre Badtchon........... I*a-enl Reanme............ Daiiiel i\iuna\............ George Cogliell............ Charles Wright............ Room Taylor............. Jo ' ph Ba>tSdo............. Saiiiuel \dains............. Sttpben Pew.............. L .vis Hlanch**(it.......... Jaraes Forsyth......... .. Jftroh Wilkeron........... Adam d**ndenntn......... Chync Smith..........."•• Philip Wolfram........... Mai hi 03 Saunders.......... John McGrath............. William Cameron.......... Martin MeClellan.......... Timothy Skinner........... Thomas s.uui*............. ( ;i]t'am do tlo do . (l° Li**utcuant Knalefl it . n !'r'\«U' «■ Cap.ain CM0:Vrn of.......-.............I John Hender-holt rir » i<"\ In. -o.poiai* Ad lingtOU Oiford Sc<*ond Lincol do Tiiird York Second Essex First Essex Third STort First Ijkico!" do Second Ltncoli do do do <io do do First Norfolk First Oxford Incorporated Fir*i YdrK locornoraied Firs! LImcoIjI do Second io Trii-I .urk. neoli 'Aeiion oi nUMth kilicii ]______Kc.______ N»-a. Fori Moi^* I ori ii ic Casually C;» »;**li v ».' lippawa do Ir oik Uiv. r R.i to do Vo-k Listtd^" fane froj, '.»i-oixe Chiopiiwa do Jo do . t do Far Erie Accident do. at Kingston Vork Fort RMe Fort George do Chippawa Quecnslon QucetKT^n heighta I Tnflc uf Decease, Vr:od l«v *vnich Pro: ion ii LoheJue. r. ro.n - To o Mas |W|3 ,2 A;ig. —14 27 Oct. —r.'i 27 A»<. —.1 5Jti!> —do 21 April —a 2i Jan. do do 27 \jTll do 25 1 ..v —i» 27 Ma? —1^ b Artly - ii do 0o (io do do do Widows and Oruhans admitted an Militia remhrtters untiei do do do 2S Vov. O N:k. 2i Aug 27 \p.-.l 2-3;v-t. 27 May <U\ 5Ji«W 13 On, 18 S-pt. do do do —12 - ll —IS do — »4 —rS do —il —12 do i Ma., i .luo. do Jo !o to I July •_'.\l'dv 22 Jau. i Jaa, Ho «'o do do do lio do do do do is.., —Ki i5 !fi do —rfc —1> do dr< do do do do do dn do do do do i January do do I Julv do i Jan. do do do —15 do —lb do do 5j Deer. Ho do do 110 do •!0 ilo do do (to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Ho do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do¬ do do do Amount, IVo. luri'v. ' 5* I 4(3 si; KG . 20 ■ 10 i 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 f 20 20 :*0 HO 20 20 20 9 STAGE between Kingfton and York the enfuing winter ; t;> e^;nn.e»ce th- firft Monday after the flcighitig will poflihly admit—io leave Kiogtlon every Monday morning, and Yr.rk tvery rhurf- day morning. The Qib'cciber hopes, by hi« unremitted exertJpn<» for the ac* commodation of travellers, and the fafety of their baggage, to merit the p.uronag* of the Public. SAMUEL Pl/RDT. Kingston, 08. 9,1816. !9tf 1 TJ 55 i 24<f p>Y virtue tf a SwRlTof£x! f/?' 4*'.. ^\ame o; Kaofc ot Ueceaed Hu.-L.iiid, rfc. ^ap.3^ of G^rdian of IU SUIWOJ to whi€h Name of Wridow,«Scc. j---------------73------------------------------;—;------1 Orphan Children. i deceased helooff- :v,. 1." :,t,.htu>pasted in i ear 1S16', mjttr m their N(M*C$ have been ret nncd. Scan Butler Cat'.ariuc Maincr Dorothy May JT.Iizah^th Dennis Barbara Teal Ca!hann<- Teal B:»r(>ai-a Bnmn tyaiharioe Kock Mar\ X ooo Mary Clnrk Marv Vstudrrbanectc ?lary GfaiiS 1-Ll*ey Volfe Eleocr Boycr Hannah Clend:nnen "Hanei Hain^r Lii-a'ietii Weaver Phebr Warner Catharine Net*kirk ■ Inna Johnsjon Catharine Limburncr Phebe Adair Ta^o-^ Ba'.ra ('hii-lrenof .. Children of .. * Children of .. Children of .. .. Children of .. .. C'h-'dren of .. C'M.d»en of .. Children of . . Ch Idren of .. Children of .. Cb'Mienof .. .« ( U\\d••••n of .- .. Loereua^rewart Ma^ia Kaldier Aaney Lonridge Kar'iara K.IM Elizabeth Hall nfafgairl Vaniiekle ( luldier. M .. ^(don M»JU b'iH' 04 M« Iwr' Widow 01 1 ./'lildret. of •. Name. Johnson Butler George Haincr John Ma> Joseph Dennis Lav;iaiue Teal Zactiariali Teal Isaac Brown John Rock John I'oon John (.'lark C*>iu<. Vaoderbaneck Michael (trass CoiMod AVolfe Marti0 ttover Abner Ch'i'dinncn ZaeharlaH Ifa'uier David llamei Francli" weaver Michael Warner Benjamin Newkirk John Johnston Alexander Eimburner John Adair Jacob BaJm Casper Sonfrll John Shakleion John (»aliipi)i Oashain Conger > William LK'iinis John Smiili Jonai'ian (iriftin Chaiiee Stevenson Isaac Walker Lewis BoMghner A hrahaio Aere Samuel Nunn Enoch Smart Johii B. Rabbee John !.'».. 1 ■i:i£t- George Kine KiaJi Hull David Vaiisiekle John St'iai'i Solomnn >.ills iiei 1 • Hi beri iJ.L:re (.ai:uMVii- Lt. Col. Lieat. Lieutenant Private ed. • Fourth Lincoln first iio do Third Lincoln do do Second York Third Lincoln Second do do Pint do do do do do do do do do Serjeant Private Serjeaot Private Captain Lieutenant Private John Benner Sta;\ .Hihn Warren Peter Trumble Lawrence Jenniues Sarah Dork^eder George Adams Smith Oriffin A-mia Younps Will tain ttalker Ifeii uorCliuiaben Robert Nelles Charlotte Acre >cjeant Pri\ai#f Sarah Bau^hart I ^ltfii [Q-rer* Usccpted} Fourth do do do Second Linrolu Third do do Second do do do First do Fourth do do do do do do iWlifin Artillery Arillery Driver Piflh Lincoln Beennd ^ ork Incorporated Mil. 1'it'th Lincoln do Secoad Yo.k Fifth Lincoln Incorporated Tiun-of Decease, I iW. 181° 82 \0V 14 [ a So. 12 3i Jan, i5 ft Ja,n. t^ 17 do* do lO !/<-c iS 1 do do v Ja 1 |3 4 Derf i2 iy KMireh rt i7 l>^c 12 lO rtto do 30 Mpr<] a 8S 0lct. i*2 6 Oe't. to N<uv. I div \% dm 1 Dee. i3 iid\&- lb* D*ee. 2 <do 6 Ja*"- 11 D*ec 9 -<lo 3 ido VS .<!» 25 Aug. 20 (Met. « N»ov. 4 >do 11 ,rio :jo <do 1 D.-e". if) IMtiireh i3 l>0 -do do SO fySOV. i2 .Ii Dler do SOjiloie t'.l ^i I).'**. i2 30 No*v 0.1 Bjttftl »'l Hi) Ni»». i* 28 Feb. i5 By wha- BoardiPenod r'or « hich Pension i> .tne. Amount, the Wtrfuw i\-e lecommended. From To Proy. ("urrS. ! DoIU ar-i at 5s. do t4 do i? do li i2 do 13 1^ dc» do dd ■4 1^ do do do do do ^Niagara r District Distrfeiof Gore 1 Dec. i8fg 22 Nov. ^4 H Nov. 12 3i Jan. i5 9 .ian. i3 17 do do 10 Dec. iS t do do 2 .ian. rs 4 Dee. 12 IS March vi i7 Dec. |9 i0 do do 20 April 13 25 Oet. i2 2 Feb. 13 fi Oct. |3 15 Nov. i4 1 do do IS \ov. I j 1 D.-e. do 13 Atiff. U LS Dec. I 2 2 do do 6 Jan. 13 14 Dec. 12 9 do do 3 do do 13 do do 25 Aug, 14 20 Oct. ]2 H Nov. do 4 do 14 do SO do I Dec. do 1° March LI 20 do 2d Nov. Ic2 91 Pec. do SOjune IS S\ Dec. 12 SO Nov. do SI Dec do ^.#CCubabicrc Dl«d iACoptivify a< a Pit oner of M'ar in .In- Hni^dStates 5 -tlv SO Nov. 28 Feb. 14 15 do do do do do do do do <lo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do tlo .Io do lo do do lMl- do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do du do do do do do do do do do do si U ■*» .is 79 10 Hi HI 79 81 75 SO 81 74 83 78 84 4* 8z 81 47 80 Si 7M 80 *< »I I 8l 47 84 82 8?; ' 8V - hi J 73 75 Si 70 80 Hi •i'A H io :i 19 7 II £ 4 IS <* II Uft 10 2 G 1 Wk lf> 4 j I 6 H a H 14 5 1 II < 6 6 10 I^ '8* U I1A W, 6 13 ; 4 U ]0 11 ! (54 5 ll 1 11 I 19 :i 12 13 iJ 1j It 15 1 1 1 IS 17 2 9 »i 4 7 11 1 I I I at j ia W 1 iO 3 UWAtt MacMAHC^, Oner*!^tforp^iM^nnnmcr* GROCERIES. . THlv filbfciibera, having coniroerccd bufineftin the Grocery Line, cicber whultfalcur retail iu this pl'ce, wbcM they will do their utmost to Imply th« public on the most reafonablc term*. Taiuaatcs & M'Leiw* King&Con. 30th May, iSifi. fj NOTICE. A LL perfonv having any Jcmandi r\ awtJnft the EtUtc of the jptf EUPHALLT ADAMS, oi Mzr^l burgh, deceafed, are hereby rtquellti ro produce their elbima duly aut!.<ntica! t^W—alfoall pafona indebted to the faid Fllatc are hereby reqtteltcd tomrkc immediate payment to - SIMEON WA8PBURN1 A8ht£ Executor. H^II'-well, i2?b Nov. 1816. UMidbnd District % To W, ECUTION iffoed out >{ K>a ^ajefty** Court of King's bench, holding civil pl«s, in and for the Midland Dint rift a. forefafd at he lull: of A LEXANDER AUI.DJO, of toe toivn/hip of Marys. burgh, in the faid Di^triclt, yeoman, agdmbt the lands and tenements of PHILIP SWI'PZER, of the toivn. flifn and District aforcfairi, yeoman, to im directed : I i'ave Cctzco aorl taken in executton« as belotiolng to the kid PHILIP SWITZ-ER, the S.uth- westerly half oi Loc number 1 on the Southeasterly fide of Southwest, or I Prince Edward'd Bay, in the faid town. {hip of Matyfbnrgh, which faid Lot of land is butted and bounded, or rmy be otherwife knoon as follows, that is to fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, m the limit between Lots number x and 2, and at the westerly angle of the fn'd Lot ; then South 46 degrees East, jc; chains 27 links, more or left, to the lands granted to Cape John Allan ; tlicu North 44 degrees East, 9 chains jo links, more or Ids, to the centre of th^ faid Lot; then North 46 degrees West, 105 chains, 27 links, more or lefs, to South West, or Prince Edward? Bay; then Southerly n;on^ the waters edge 0/ the faid Bay, to the place of beginning} being partly cultivated, with all the buil¬ dings thereon creifiud, containing by admeafurement too acres, be the lame mure or Jefu.—Now I do hereby girc Notice, that the aforefa-rd Lot and pre miles will be fold and adjudge to the highest bidder, at rny office t'n the towa of Kingston, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of DECEMBER next, at ifc of the clock in th« forenoon, at which time and place the coudii ions of i'ale wit be made known* CHARLES STUART, Statfy Andeveiy perfon 6r perfone halving claires on the above defended Lot 0. land and prcmifca, by mortgage or oth^r right or incumbrance, are hereby advef- tilcd to give nou'ee to the faid Sheriff, at hia Office, In the town of Kingston; piivious to the falc tfitre»>f. Sherijf's OJkc, Gaoler \ ||i 8 (6. * 9 THE above fale i$ poftpontd till the 241b of February next. CHARLES STUART, 5&r$C Sheriff's OJLc, Dec. 1 7. 1 b';. i ^