i v. • J • tV.' l ■ ; • !'1 lS\ nit IVf n ■ 4 ; • iv provi ;tf ■• both. A if ■ lil • , I ! pin-, an 1 f > ji rso^s iifii] * fite "XCii - 3iV" e'viui/t.i; * of *v nr. :vnal ao'noi*! }ty : an ftnJOlKlrnwtof *h*" Kw, 'Mil.;;- 4i'.i«! surh cases, will ro^rtt In* eat -, attention of the legislature- It win ' i\ KHa^OU.tbl'3 ncoasiou. also, f.->i' in.;„i rn^hnv far legislative frttPrpoMtiofl rn:\,- 1)0 furfliT nquiHite in provid'm: j p^nn-tie* for oToncss d • i^nnt'd in the constitution or it) the RttfHii'S, and lo which i^ith *r no p^nahU.^ ar£ &r*irPx*Hl( or noiir with suilirio'it c*rteitTty. And I submit to i\v: whilom of Congress, whether a more enlnr.jv.d rsvisal of the criminal coiW b«* not c\p;'di':»t. for the purposr of militating, in v *rtiin ca*»es» p^n::lfi**s which were adopted into it anteci'dftit to expirom^nt* and ^xnni- pies whh'h ju-tify and rccor 0 nd a m xr" lenient policy. The United States having been the first to aboli-li within the extent of th°ir authority, the transportation t f tbi" natives of Africa into slavery, "by prohibiting tho introduction of slaves, and by pnnfalrag tH"if citizens p^rti- cipating in tlw* trallic, Giumot but be gratified at tho progress uiade by con¬ current efforts of other nations, towards a ^'ncral suppression of so great an They roast feel, at the sometime, the greater solicitude to give the fullest ef¬ ficacy to their own regulations. With flint view, the interposition of coniros? appears to be required j by t-ie viola¬ tions and evasions, which it is suggest¬ ed, arc chargeable on unworthy citi¬ zens who mingle in tlv slave trade un- dor Foreign flags, and wit a foreign ports tt'.iri by collusive importationsof slave** info tXo United States through adjoin- in:'; port.* and territories, i present tfc* subject to congre^^, with a full a-^tt- Tance of their disposition to apply all the remedy which can b.: afforded by an a.ii.'iidin-Mit of the law. The regu¬ lations which wereintended to guard agnimt abuse* of a kindr* d character, in ihe trade between the several states. OU2*htnl<o to be rendered more effec¬ tual for their humane object. To these recommendations, I add, for the consideration of Congress, thv fcxp'diency off. re-modilieation of tin. judiciary establishment, and of an ad¬ ditional department in the IS&ecutive ft ran eh at fliogoverftment. Jug huV.ues* whifh ih>€i surily swelU thr duiio-i of Jho Tiuliml Courts, au<l bv th<'\M, ;U Rod wideni'-ir^picCj wi*h- hi which tuUic: i? to be d^p.-u^ed bv th.in. The tiane veisai*! to havi- arrived w\\\'h riii;i.'is for inemb lts of the su- ;*" me ewtt a relief from itiucrary ta- Ciujufts, incor.ipatible, a^ w« 11 witli tlu- atf« whicu a portion of th>oi will al- vayU:iv:% o^^.;e»'M. nswith there-ear- ches and ;>r pa rations ^'hich aro du*1 t.> Iheir stattor.<, and to the juridical reputation of tli ■»:' country. Audco'i- Bidcratious *'(jually rog*»i»t require n xnor? c^tivcuent or^aui *n*"i«»»i o\ the subordi.u'.? fr'ibui\al^, whie'i roav be ftceompi'^hed without an »'I)j<utiouuble iucrftttts of the uup.tb.r or expcnee of thr Juries. Tjj extent aud variety of executive busftiefi*- alno !t<ieu*nulttting with tft-2 prsgrowofour country, and it- grow* iug population, call for an additional department, to be charged with duties unw overburdening otie.T departnicuts, end with such as have not been annexed io any department. T«e canr^? <>t* ttxnx*-ftau:* recom^-.uls, a- finuiltoi' iiii»»rOvoiii>**ii ti« (h*' cXt-ciUut* p>tu:>- iisUu/.'t',t:uitiit*po/*Uioa Tor ta»? station i»i Attorney C«*aeral, vtho^C rr-'id.meo m Lllta»£kl ^;'.;ovcrn.u>"at. ottic:al coau-cuu a uiih(t,aud in.t.ia.-r.-Meuf of the pibl.c btt^iniMS hefoiv tlu- .iipiiriarv, pr-ciiitit* ai< CKi^iwsve partictpa- t\f>i» io uiofe^sioaaJ eiin*J»inicni-'1 b** made inoiv adrqrr.e ;o hi« s?rvl«u*9 *t*Jd iw» ivtinquish- men.* ; »a«l i'ha', wi.ii a view oi* hi* rest&OttU- blt* tt>-cjut«uoJa<ion, and i«» a proper itcpoa- Itory ofiil> oOUtial o;n •!»*.»- u.rl pracctftUugi, theve be included in •«■■• provuioit, tbe usual appuru-naHCPs to a public olhCC. In directing ilir L»*gid^«vvattention to tf*e state o* the i.nanre.^ ii i* a niliject of g.tai giatiiicaiion to i>n<i, rha: even w.iiiiu Ui-.-thon period wilicli has elapsed since i/ic reiu.n of pcacr, the rcveuu*' tuiifar exci' eded a'.! ike cur* r**?:i demand? upon itie Treasury,auu e»ai, un¬ der uuv probable Uiiauni:iou ot »ii Euiurc uaiiu- al product, which the mussitudoa uf eammeiee ma\ un'avioa, it W'iUaUoi'd an Quisle tui.J ibr theeiV«-r'u:.\ and <'iliiy rifie.^. -luavat ut the publi. ttebt. It has been estimated, ilia: dnr- ingtheyear WL6, tUe aia»-.i receipts of rove- \i .w^oP^f,.,,d.tM,.--f rr.^wr.r •; ^ nafnljerfi between St, rhennaaj and Porto Kiffo ; It icial rt.iTverica*i and KnjjliflivcrTeU havr-bc^n boarded by them, and treated wr<h tbegreatefl politrnefs. They have recently captured feveral Spanifb vcfTcls with valuable cargoes. Baltimore, November 28. Late ft and important from South America. By the Fa*r American, arrived this morning fro*** St. Thomas we have received the following important new. Late accounts from the Spanifh Maine, received at St Thomas, represent the o- perations of tlic: Patriot forces as fuccefj*- ful in every rencontre : They had captured the city of Caraccas and Laguira, and Carried thtir arms as far to leeward as Porto Cavcllo, of which they are in poiteffion, from Oronike down. The Virginia, arrived here from Earbadoefi, brings information ihat a veffel had arrived there on the 6th from Laguira, the captain of which had brsuyht verbal intelligence, that the celebrated paulocic Gen. Sir Gre^or, had! ip.ken poiTeffion of Cumana, and was] proceeding cs^nft Caraccai with a fuf- ficient force, it was believed, to tak* po:Te(iion of that place. * mie at the treasury, incinrtlng w baiuufiea the cotuai-ncemeiu of t!»e ye*r, and excluding the proceedsdfi»an*aiUTrra»itry i.OLes, mil amount to about Luc sum oi 4i millions oi D01- lars; thai during the tame \ear, the acttial receipt* at the Tre**nr>* iadudiug the pay- meat of the arrearages of \\n.' War [>«part- mo;u,a.. well astiui paymeMOfa cansidorahJ.' e\ce s, heyon'i »h'- annual appnqmatioiis, will Amount to about»•+ >nmor^d nuiHuiib of dol¬ lars; and tliat, con .equenily, ai lUeclo^e o\ tlie y^ar, .here w ill he a surplus in the T.fiasu- ry oia'j.>ui the saiaofuine inilUons oi' dollar-. TSie operations of the Treasury uouiiuaeio be •bstrucu'd by diillcnlties.ai'iaiag iVoio the Condition u!" IU? national eurrcocy ; bnttlie> have, aeveitlieless, been ea'er.iuaJ ;o u hene- fida! exieat, io the redaction of the public d'-ht, ui.il tlw iMablKhmciu ot* publk credit.— Tae uoaoiijc debi of i'rea-ury »oi<*s uiul "eiu- voiarj loaus wdUfga lie irabreh diiCUC^ted- ii • * - nf.Ia** .vvt.e.t it j>"i(innt **t<S,eft- .":,»." hand*".!and teantilllonof doUa<i,__ ! • ■•••diwary :rr- ia! expr ik ?a of jjoven.ni-i-' ■ ne nut'iit i»a !»••*••>•" alt ii- blHiuidon*,crviu 1 V, v*. v -in'! ua-;il, |iav« b^en e>t'mur -,{,^ u \ *.I.U!i t.veio;, tu.Utoi-i of cioi.;;'-, ,rM '• ',i'*'« 'a.Kit! n-«. -;hie 'Hh hreu •hi.miim-6 at » ■ • ol aro*i1 Jwrni\ iWeindtioioofdolhirs. »*;hi<,.» £. ni-nii vi-'>v<n i;m '.t'^er', »t b*o!>- •in., tMwt tiirvr ihonlv tv an ting for the fecal •<i ,*e ityofthc gnven.rnrn!. ihe restoration "a m-'tirm twedtORI of •xcuanpe. T<ie re-onv- ••-;j*».( t;ntti of tiif* nn'ion, rtlSplaved in the , icui which <oii';res-i has esiahlUhcd, Cli-twr ■ per. UM<1 r«*tiu*ii"i.*'»' botii at home fife abroad, /i»- I'KtiliirrninuUriotir of the revenue ha\- .f "»ady ^nuliled the Treasury to meet th»* puU- Ii',/"ti.,C:ij;"meiits in the local currency of mo.n &{ the state*; and it is expected that the same • a'H1 will prcfiu-ethe same .efleet throughoa*< toe union. But for the interests of the commn- nits at large,as well ;t^for the purposcj of m?* Trea&nry,itises*eiuial that the nation should i#i>-sess a currency of equal value, credit and use, whereveri* may circulate. The conViUi- Ltoo ha?entrusted Congress excto*ively, wit.. the power of crating and regulailng a curren¬ cy of thai description gaud uM*roea*ftfMwhiCfi fe*"1 taken during the tasl se»>ion, in execu- iom of the power.gjve every promise ofsucce**. I'tie Bank of the United Slate- has been or- ^ini/."d ruider auspices the mo<i favourable, aid cannot fail to he an important auxiliary .c lho-e mra.-ut*'S. Frtr a more e. lar^'-i view of the pulilicfjjan- e»^ tviihavie.* fifth"raea-ar^^pwrsu *d h\ the [*••♦».! w«y I) *par'tiM*iil, preVMHi^ louic re.itf;.;i- • ioci <*f ihe Use sec-eiac\, 1 trcn^nut an ei- .racl f'orti t...* la-i re»:»ri of ihat o!ii>%'*r. Coa- C'ex- w.H perceive iil it ample proof- of the solid fomd.r ion on which tliefiuancial prosper¬ ity of the nation r<^r>; an.l v ill «h* i"vi'.re to the distinguished ability and sacee&ful exer- fiouft with which iliedii ie^of-hai department were executed, during a period reiharkahle for its diificttUic and it> peculiar perplexities. 'flipperiod of my retiring '"otn the public .ervice hein^at little d:eran'"\ i shall tind no o^ca ion more proper tha* the present, tor ear- \y; wing iomy fellow citizeu> my deep sen>C oi the continued confidence and kind iUppO'l which I have received fro.n the:;i. Mv prate- ful recollection of these dHVnjuished marks »f rbeh"favourable regard can i'e\ercea-e; and with the COUaciou>nc*S, that if 1 l.ave not >erv- iuI my country with greater ability, I have ser- • ed it vviiha -incere devotion, will nccotnpauy mc&sa -ource o"f trofailiiig gratiiication, Hapiiy, 1 shall enn\ wiih me from the puh- 1!j theatre, other sources which u>>c who love their country raost will be>t appreciate- I ■hail behold it blessed with tranquility and prosperity at home ; and v.ith peace and re>- p-ct abroad- I can indnl^euir proud reilec- riotti'tmi the American p*-o4>le have reached mi *afet\ and success; meir fortieth year ai an ini!-'peiideu( uu.ion: thai fm uearly an en¬ ure genera, urn, they have had cxpcri- •iicof ih'-.r»» e*ent eonsUtotio i, theoithprl*i|£ of their undiMnrlied deliberations.and of their free choice ; that tliey have foui.l it to hear 'he trulsof adv"i's».*a- well an prosperous circuia- -taucei. to COhtain, in it« como-natlon tii' the federate and elective principles, a re:-ouci!« - •neat of paid.* -iien«th witb indiviuial LtWrtv and of national power for use defence ot n;1-- iio ai rights wl»na security a^atn^t \vars oi injusticeoramle.tion or of vaio Rfory, in »h»' f ndauteniat tiroviMOo wh;cJi &u'ij»claau<jueft- \ mil is to pay iu coi taud i'«<cl iu calVbul'tes, N'" is it lr-* .i pPCUliai' I'.'l'.ut y of Oh .ton^titu- tOion, mi dear io n«a)i thnl it i found lobeca^ |i..t>le, wi'iioat lou-.nz it • \u.':l e:ieiy,»» ^ of e\- pa<td»tig itnelf over a -p.!' <oa- lerniory, Willi (tie increase «ittl expo olmi of tly> rnmtauuit} for Whose heueht it '.*oj e»tahhrUed, And may I not he allowed Ifl a^d to (hi* £"aul\in;r ?pectael»\ thai I MuJl read in Oir ch'frace?of the .imirieao people, til diet! de- vi>" >it io line liberty, and to itte consUtuUtm ivlttch is it- palladium, sure [ire-ag *-. Ma the <i.* -.lined career of my conntry will exhibit a gov«'i tu.'Muit on railing tiie pnhiic j^ood a^ its sole ohj 'Ct.and r. tj'ila*.:^ it-»meam hy the great j priiicipte> C4inseaau«! in it^ charter, and i»s ho e mora' principle^ to which they are -o well allied: apivTn.'i'vti which nratcUes over the t*. irit y wf if* elections* he trce*ifl»a of speech a*.;<l iifllie prees, the Hal '»? j.ir- ,a.'d the e<;ual in¬ terdict i«ja.r.^i the i'.icro^v h:>:erusai;d compact? between retl^iHi and »he state, wlueh main- lan.s inviolahls ;!i" maxim ofpnhlic t#iitU, tiir- eciriiv of person- a'Hi orope»uv, and »Meoiira- sre". In every uuiiioi i/«u mode, na; general dii- lusW»n of knowledge \thicugua au^-.'s to p«ti- lie liberty its permanency, atsd u> those who |io^-*\;«. the hle^iujr. 'he |foe •*• j*vymeift of it : A tc:neranieni wUiill a.'oiu- in iumous on the tulernal "eposv* oi other nations, and repel* lU^.n from iioown : which doe- justice tc all na* iio.' v.id? a readiuC>»rcpi«l to rue lituiue^o with w!iich it Teouireyjoftlee fr-ORI them; aidwhic'?. kvhVl t it reaarS it>.iome-iicc >dc t»o'n every in- Efrcdi.n! UOl con^ee.i-»i wiUi the precpt* of an enlightened aye, add .»i".-c. tin.tuii.-of a vi^iu- ous people, seek.-, by appeal* to r n nn^ a:*d by its lilvral example/, to ini'two into the Ian which (S»iv«rn< ihe ..uvilizet aorld, a spirit which may diminish* Mie frequency, or circiim- serlhe me calamtued at wor. and nn iiorate the social and beueiicicttt ivU'.tons o> ti«»ace : \ ffovernuient, iti a word, wliOv conduct within and without, ton} :*\>peal; tiie most nohie of all ambitions, t':a» ol'yromottag peace on earth and -.t-'-.i will to man. These contemplation?, sweetening the renv uantof m\ d^>s, will aulinate my pruvei's for the happit:e->of my beloved co intiN and a per- petulty aftheJiisUtnttens under which it is en¬ joyed. JAMES MADISON. From the PhUedelphia Freeman*s Journal. u Account* were received a few days fmce via St. Thomas, dating that a fevere enga^cuient was fought on the aSth Odl. on the plains of Barcel*)na, fix miles diftant from the town, between the Royal and the Patriot armies. Sir Gregor. M'Giegor, commanded on the part uf the Patriots anJ Gen. Morales, tor the Moyalifts. The forces were about eqnal 7000 ftrong ; M' Gtegor fuccceded ii 1 fung 2, 500 prifoners and killing 8 to uoo together with pofTcfiion of the town. * " General Morales had efcaped into the mountains* and left behind him his | horfe, baggage, &e. 4i The Patriots wrte in poffcfli.^n of feveral other parts of the Maine, Their fluct was faiJ lobe at Mjrgarctta. : TJEW-YORK, December 3. Latest from Havana- — By the arrival this forenoon of the United States brig Box*.-, Capt. Potter, from New-Orleans, but la3 from the Havana, in 14 days, we learn that a Spanifh Beet ©f about 15 or 20 fail under convov of a (loop of war and an armed fchooner, had failed fro Havana for Cadiz. The fibop of wzx was faid to have on board D6oo,ooo. From c?pt. Porter we alfo learn that H B. M. floop ofwar Brifcis, capt. Domelt, from Jamaica for Naflan, (N. P.) was wrecked on the night of the 5th o; November, on Point Pedro. All her officers and crew, &moft of her armament weie faved. Capt. Porter, on learning* the filiation of Captain Domelt, im¬ mediately went to hid telief p.nd tendered his afhftance, which v;as accepted in the following handfome manner. 11 POINT PEDRO, Nov. 8. " Captain Dom;h prefents Ris mod greatful acknowledgments to Captain Porter of the United States brig Boxer, for his very ready and prompt offer of afQftanre ; but having fuccecded in get¬ ting all his people from the wreck, is de¬ termined to leaiain by the (tores, &c. that were prcfervcj? until veflcls arrive from Havana to remove all together ; but requefls Captain Porter will pleafe to convey our >.ffi^ro tn that jdacc to c^ l^.iite a or relief From the Raleigh Rvtgister. Mr. Gales—By giving thin following recipo a place in your valuasble paper, you will probably do a pulblk good, and oblige A StinsCRiaun. I have laboured under a dttseftse cal¬ led the Chronic Uhciunatisun, for nine months. I could get in [relic! from the rVuHy of Phytic ; tine pain iu- creased to such a degree Hnat I couid scarcely v.a!L; 1 stated my ca^c to a frieudj \\ ho advised me to <drink lied Pepper Tea, which I accordingly did in the ev-nun-juht before g^Jng to bed, the next morning, to my utt^ra-.totir.!t- m^nt. I found myself entirety relieved from theiltsca^e,and haven>ot had even the slightest •ym|)tom oi* it -ince. |Hrt3Bfft*fte^ uiHi nnj-vtviji, «?!l oon! nure that teazin^ and Infection* euf'aeu« Inr distemper. On the head ring-1 worm ftometimea comes to running ftore vvhich must once or twice a day, |>el washed with soap and water, and dre - 'ed with baailieon ointment, koepins; the rest of the head dry. and constant¬ ly eorcred with powdered starch. The body must be kept jetftlj open with sulphur and cream 0. Uutar. 1 To take MiMew out of Linen.—Take soap, and rub it well: then "scrape some fine chalk, and rob that also in the linen; lay it on the grass; as it dries wet it a little, and it will come • »ut at twirr dohfgi Kingston, Bkcemher^I, ISIfi. • 4 • • • We intended this day, to have com- mctirod publishing a Diary of the Weailu r, state of the Thermometer, &<:. for the Ulformftton of our rentiers : hut. finding the time too short, nft.:r re- crtving a tabic of the lar.t eight days, to prepare it, we are under the necess¬ ity of omitiiig it till our next. A Cv' melancholy and distructire fire" broke owt in New York on the Xi^ht of the 4th instant, which conduit., d *;a- i>out thirty dwelling houses and store*, in .water and front streets between LSur- iing at»d iieeLii,aiuS;ip*.M K!NTGcTOV \MATrtTH TBEATHm ON MONOAV BVKWiiNCk The9M of D>tv. -: Wai.hf reprcfented the Comedy <f Tfi? Rivals. To which will be ad-ed the Mufied! Farce of Twenty years a °o. Doors to be opened «tr SIX ^erfov-o- ance to commence at SEVEN o'CIn k« Tickers tn be had at Mr VhCaiihy'«, No Money to be taken at the door, irr Children admitted. N- B. It is requeued, thit eve^y perfop «oii«? to the Amateur JTjrttit, wil iroto the Box for which their ticket* are numbered : thofe who a£t ceritr^'v to this tule, will fubject tbemfelves tc be removed. ! \Vfi shall publish in OUT next Ga- zftt*., the Speech of the Celebrated Irish advocate" ?\lr. Philips, on seduc¬ tion. We had it partly in type for this heft, but owmij; to the length of the Presidents M^sage, are obliged to lay it over. This will bo a rich treat to jour reauers* Singular Bee-Hive.—A.S fome men we-e lately digging a grave at a more than ufual depth under ground, in Fri¬ ar's Bum burying place, about a mile from ficlfaft] in one uf the fl<tills that weia du^ up, they were furprifed to find, that a hive of bees had taken up their a- bede, and had completed their ellahlifh ment in perfect order; one half of the cells • were full of pure honey, and the ether half filled with young bees ; the old hers as healthy, and in as good condition, as if they hud long enjoyed the luxury of the gay eft patience. London Paper. It ia much better corifcientiouiiy (of practice the plain truths we know, than curioufly to difpute about thofe things we know not. Front the Sational Register* Medical*—The hoopin\j-C\>u:/h heirrg at pi. rent ge;;ernlly prevalent among children, and as persons livW.iii fhe country at a distance from uvedica! aid. may be rendered ypry uneasy \jy the urgent syniptdfrt^it ?ometimv^ assumes, I think it may be useful to rfl akekuown to sucli a very simple rem^t' y for x\\\*. I distressing infantile disorder : which was suji^cstcd to me some \\;ars since by a lady on Cumberland Inland in the siati: of (Jcorgia. The £ond effects of tliis remedy I witnessed \\x upwards of nft) cases, amoug the b\ack chiU dren our the plantation*; all 0,' whom by the- use of this remedy, p^sed thro1 the disease, uithout < xperix■^cin*' one bad symptom, whilethe chi](\xen ja j^,, neighbourhood* treated in Q±i usual manner by the physie.ians, v, m> dvine in grent numbers. This rci^i.. ;o!U consists of equal portions of nov/ nijik and the lye strained from hi*..^ orv ari[-( es : of which one. table spo^nf0| nia., be given cvejy hour through thc (!a {0 1 a child of 7 or 8 years oid. ^>tnuL supposes the cause of this d»s wi^r ^ ^e seated ia the stomachy arid uQ C0I)^st of indigestions of thai o^aiu brecftmini! acid eruetati*»tis, and rooietl^^ ¥0TO^W ing, whereby the pharynx a.,(, h MV< are irritated. Adm;":n? :|ijs u~ ^ -0 opera* »t onct MARRIED. At Cornwall, U. Con fhe 3ditttt.b] the Rev. Doct. Baldwin, Mr. John MrAuTurit, of Kingston, to Miss Ca- raAui.vE Me\uTuun, of (ilengary. In Hub town, on Sunday htst^ th*- J 15th lust, by the Ret. OiRcSal RtuartJ Mr. Simeon Morrill, to Miss Marga¬ ret Jndre;c$: both of this City. On Thursday the 19th inst. Mr. James Moody to Miss June Da&$<m, Uovfrnment Building. WANTED ro be built#tvery ftib. (rantial Stonr; Store Hrufe, in the Naval Yard at Point Frederick, ?Od feet long, and 80 feet wide, the mof to be tinned. Plana may be feen by applying at this office, and fealed T ndera will i> - recei¬ ved until the 14th January, 1817, which mult exsrefa on the oiufide, w Teno^t^ for building a Stone Store Houfe " The Stone will be allowed to t^e quar¬ ried on thc government ground The building mull be fmifhed next i'uTimer. The Tenders will (late the time of pom- oletiun, ano* the names of furcties, two bein^r required. Naml Storekeeper's Office. lOih Dec 18 16. 29W4 Public Notice. Midland Di/lria,! ^Y virtue of a to wit : J JLj Wat runt to me . directed, figned by two of his Majclly's Jurticesof the Peace for the faid Dif- tnct, Notice is hereby given, that a meet¬ ing of his Majcfty*a Juftice;of tl t Peace for the divifion of Frontenac, wiii behol¬ den at the Court Houfe. in the town of Kingllon, at eleven o'clock in ^ fore¬ noon, on SATURDAY, the -8th of tfats prefent month, for the purp ;fc of re¬ newing the Licences for theyear nextcn- (uing ; lincwife f<Tgranting nejtfJLJcea* ces to thole who wifii to make apjMica- tiokforthe fame. All Inn, Tavern, and Public Houfe keepers, will .there- tore give their attendancr acc«ir<nni»lv. ROBERT YOUNG,' High Cnnttable. Kingston, Dee. 20, 1816. %e\ Masonic Festival: THE Feftival of St. John thc Evan-! gelifti will be celebrated by the Brethren of Lodge No. 6. A. Y, Ma- fons, on FRIDAY, the a7th inftant,at- Walker's Hotel. Thofe Brethren,' Civil or Military, uho vvifh to join in the: Feflivity of the Day. will pleafe fignify! the fame to Mr. R.. Walker, three days previous to the 27th. By order of the \V. M. W. DUNN, Secretary* Kingfton, Dec. 19, 1816. 29, TO HOUSE BUILDERS. _____________ To i)c Erected, Two Sir.til Stone Brntdings* As appendages to the Naval Hospital at Point Frederick. I • j Any pfrfur. or perfon: defrous <*:rcon-( trailing to build and con-^etc :hc ."ame (in thc c.;;!ypart of next fnmmer) are requeued to deliver feaird Tender*, on or before the ill day of January n. sr, in* j to the Agent Vi&oaHtr'* oiSre ; where TEN DOLLARS iiLWAUI). OTDLJJM from on board the Far* k^J titer's Daughter Packet, Captain Reid,.on the night of the 22d Nov. lad, a travelling Cheft, containing ace -unt books, wearing apparel, and othtr.arti¬ cles of 110 fervlce but to the owuer. Whoever will give information, .or return laid ChuMl, with its contends, will receive the above reward* by applying to DANIEL R£tth Kingfton, 9th December, 1816 29 N. ii. The above reward wid be giv¬ en for the Books alone, and noquellions afkedon application to Mr. DE.V5SY, rvingllou. * For Sale, By the Subfcribcra, A few Barrels excellent .c 1 n m **. THOMSON 6; DLTLOlC. Kingston, Dec. 14, 1316. ' 29 jpAME into the inclofure of the fob- fcribcr, a Red COW, with a fhort tail and uhiic face. The owner may have her by proving property and paying charges. ROUt. TOMSON. ^* " 29*103 Kingston, Dec. 20. l8ic7. rfflAKEN up by the fubferiber, on; JL bay Mare, w.tii a cStaf in her foic- ead. Ww.B. WHITNEY. Kingston, Dec. Z ?, 1 e\ 16- 293 Singing Sc/iooL ou day ^TOUNG Ladies taught tnging, JL Thutfday, tJatutday, and Sua* the raus«», thr* rational" ot tion of this m:diJne bvito!.. obvious, cousiatiug iti the tv :(;-aii/:lti. ou of thc supcrabuiidanl Stomach by the vev table held su^pjucivd in the lyt plans may Be feca, a&d further patticu- Ewf»»gsffwm 5 eojtf o'clock, at Mr. iars made known. j Head**, "t-xt door to Mr. H:.;on'$ ; to -.(Signed) J. MARKS, I commence cr. Thurfday lieniag, ths fj.it Fycderich9 Kingston, Drc, sjgerrf » idt'olkr. 16, tSi6. 29 at Kit tl id of the iilt IS C liy II. Care for the Ring Wot d to powder, Fine start h rcdun a t*» ^uw, ^^j ^c . *«TUc Patiiot^rivuiecra are cruifing [constantly anoHertoaan5 k?.„„j a£. is ou^d th • TlilS is to^ive notice to aU people concerned, ttiat my* wife. Polly Lamb, hatibecn-for fome time pall Ujum- dering my property away ; thiu is to give notice, that any perfon or perlon*. who ihall put chafe any propctiy, or trill heron my account, (hall be profecuted to thc uimoft rigor of the law. DANILL lamb Kl --'ton, D]::. 5. t816. agwj I 2©tb December. Kingston, Dec. 2 t . f Hii^. 2Q ii Notice. HflME lubCcriber having engaged to ii. fupp!y*lic G&r&m at dw Pod with FcaU' a.id Straw for thio fcafon, \- ? theufore tn^-r ns the Puh'ic that hew,;'! coriMnmcr n-.^ivting the arbove artiutM from tbf* date, nt his St re, adjuluih^ the White Brar T*i.j;«. EDWARD BAkNETT- Kin-uon, Oth Dec. 1816. i;