Kingston Gazette, December 14, 1816, p. 4

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Name or Pensioner. Rank. Regiment or Des¬ cription of Service to which belonged. Action or Place where wounded, &c* Time when woun dec*. Period or which Pension is due. Amount of Pen¬ sion. Province Curry. Dollars at 5s. tfcttG, SitOpSIS • r- Kirfcy \'• Worn Jarvie 'i»tin McOm**ll r.*<:;r»u-> Frascr , ^:>:»n McGregor 1 fillip rmi'i'v ^liftma? Smith " i Ttry Ifcuttafl uenrjjc !£ver oi» Me'ire.f«>r •?o'>er< Kirfce < "irk Donald Mcl3« :unnid ih'":»'r< r*n»ife *Wlins* Swell M" vin-l Readme *: m ua .- 1 vert horn •b -n :• A"ivjiu\! V i lr*w K-v. .«dy '" til UBS *:•! sis --> ••. B' ;i • 't Jrttin 8pr< ;• «<l ;«!.n S:e!v* ♦Ytiliar* ialtusufre ••■i:fi Coitnf4< *<>• -pi; c. -«-«: 1 ttfevty FiYaftftf • .m»j. i Wirrs .*, ".7£- Campbell .".t-^;j*j W*tf»aton ^i." c vicKinnon ' * -*|,<W McBeao :'i "honyK*bl»le V-...,.«-,c:V MrK*»nxJa < ErOWi J CiiliU SI" >»l**U .*; -s (v awf«,rti ' • Jaus Farnhaa ' • rois Bouti'llie? •»a Ifcrtr Cnnriiieaa > »v i\ Curie* .t.i \r*. Marten .1 ne- Srafcain 5. iwreiic.** l***.*rraf T o ia Major von-.H mrton \;': .*v, Borland ':i n-i \. tib Met -,'!-;.id Hull Major Major Captain do do do Lieutenant do do do do do Ensign Lieutenant .Ma-ii".-"* Mate Al'ti-hi|i.i>;:ii Serjeant do Private Jo d> do dt> do Rn -W I'm. ate <k) do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dn do do do do do do do Sergeant Private * v2d York, novr l>t Gore 2d Lin. and [n. Militia Incorporated do do Kent Volwnfp^rs 1st Stormont Lite Second York Incorporated 1*1 Norfolk Ka«c Volunteers incorporated Second Lincoln 1st Glcngary Provincial Marine do Second Norfolk I-i L eda Second Es*cx Lt .Norfolk. yd .Norfolk 3d kV<c<Jate) Ut Si^tmont 2d Norfolk Incoi porated do do M 3d Vork date) 5th I ineohi Second do IA do 1st do Incorporated 2d Glongarr 1st filengary Second Lincoln lit Glengarv K 'iii Volunteers do do 2d Lcede 1st l&ex do 2 1 Vnr/olk 3d Llncotn j do do 3d \ ork late) Ul Norfuili do 2i? Leeds 2■■' Lincoln Sd fc'ork i late-; Incoi j'O'.i'f ,i do l;, '■• Lane Fort Erie & Luu- dy\s Lane Yor!c Lundy's Lane do Long Woods Ogdensburgh Ltsndv's Lane do Fort Erie River Thames Lrtndy's Lane Cbippawa O^deusburgh Oswego River Kaisln Stony Ceok, L. Fv. Ogdeu^mrgb Kim.r ii ..-'ii Fort Fric do Queeuston Foi. iv .»* Niagara Frontier LundyJ Lane do do Q.i-'i-n>'on Cnippawa Fort (Jeorge Si. DavidS Lunrtya Lane Near t'OI nwall O&lensbnrgh Fti'pp.'Mva AcruVr.l on Bitty Long Wcods do River Thamea Gannanoque Moafr-WI".'* Hive' Siaiskin Mttlcohn** Mille UliuOc Rock do do One**!! 'ton MaUolm's Mills Fort Krlc A.Ccii'.'ni on Duty do York Fro-< Roads Fori Rrie 25 July isi + S Dec. 1812 and ) 25 July 1SI4J 27 April 1813 25 Jul> 1814 do do m 4 March lhl4 22 Fob. 1813 25 Julv 1814 do 2S Nov. 1812 9 July 1314 25 Jnl> 181* 5.TuU 1314 22 Feb. 18T3 6Ma\ 1814 22 January ISIS 12 Nov. 1813 22 Feb. 1813 • i Jnnoa'i y iSU 21 Nov, 1812 28 Nov. 1812 13 October H!2 22F='n. 1813 2S \ir.. 1^12 8 October 181-i 25 Jul) 1814 do. do. 27 April l.'MS I30CI. 1812 5 Ji Iv 1814 27 M.i\ 1813 r'9 .i iv lsl4 S^ Jul) I 14 10 N'o,. 1*13 22 Feb. |Ml3 5 J'llj lH»! 2-Oc . 181 4 .Wui-cb Ihl I •la. do. 9 Jul} do. 21 Seji . 1812 QAug. d 22.1a-. 1*13 fi Nov. 181 J 30 Dec 1HL1 do. do. 11 Oct. IS12 6 Nov. !8» > 2h\0x. I H2 2i> Jaiviavv ixitt 5 Sept. do. 27A;in] do. S Oct. de. !2 VtigUSt I .Jaiiii;; 2 Dec. 1 Januarv I Jannai. 55 July l Janua'v do. 13 Nov. 1 January __|tj do." 9 July _14 New Goods. pHE Subfcribers, having recei,e.J v, *■ the late arrivals, offer for Cl " Cloths. Kcrfeymere9. Fl.-nnel^ Bombazctts, Bombazcnes, ^elovvclUcrmsforcaniat their S^ •n Kmp'lon, euher wholefale Bloc and whfte^ agonal 5aifact8| 1-evaniine Silks Ribbon*, 8' Laces, Footing, Ginghams, » Lace Veils, Silk Sha*U, Sille and LeatW Gloves, Wellfnerton anj Berli, VTen 5c Women's Hoficiy. Irifh Linens, Dtapersa Towelingj Sattins, Luteitrings, in Wefw, With a variety of other articles in th- Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirit^ Mufcovati) and Cognise Brandy. Loaf Sugar, Holland Gin, Beft Port, Spanfft, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Peppermcnt, Shrofc, MolafTes, Teas, Prunes, Railing, Almonda', Birleyi Per>pert Allfpice.and Indigo. LIST of Widows and Orphan Children admitted as M hti& Petitioners prcvium to he /•/ armed in ISlfi - shovim. n » "" __________________________________of II ,v ,!>,r. 181B. m nir <« ,hr S..... Uau 6< m n u°Jj " ** mm *• ,0 ««• «« Name of Widov, Vc, If'Trii'i V il -r....... Margai liooih....... >a::ry Corrull... An!»* n*rney.. Ru annau TV1<Tnn«<41 .-• J Tu-;.d Dctlor....... \nne tJaiichon....... ■ ■ i ^ p • * • ■ * • t * ■ ■ 1 ■I ■ • * * ■ * N.imr of !aio !(u>bnod or Father of O phnni hi'riren. I«anreii>r Rondv..... Edward W^ker..... Jcsidira Booth........... John Corroll........... George Turncy......... Chrlnoptter McDoncll ... JoIjo Dctlor............ Pierre UndichOil........ fiiknw /.'i fft? '?iv/ i Rank in Mili.'ia I* gone»< 'o , «liun be «'\c:ion In r.'iirii villfd. 'hi-i'J'ViI i ^c. ftnio oC Decease. [iVriiH] tin w.iitli PeiiNitiii i> lono-'nr. • • • ■ * ■ ♦ A-jra Perr * ■ - * Marj ulnncheMe Hannah CVmrj !li..... Na:-> flilkeraon — Nl*v CJlondenneo ... ■\I 'a-.n,. SiViih .. frt^hnrine ">Volfrum.... ' lii! Jren of........... Child oi I * « « * • • <"t.-... Reatnno................ Pascal Rraume . Fi »n - ■> Murray................ Daniel Mnrruv . i Ii7nbi»i.! Cozhefl.............. 0;*or^c Cog ir*l| . ftHzfthetb WngHt.............. Charle': V\ ts,u* . Sara., Taylor.................. Robert Ta- ior .. Ma»££j?j .'.■!-1;.'.«'...............Joseph Bavildo.. Ma v A"am>..................I Samuel Adams............. Stephen Peer ....»......... Lewis Blanchetft.......... Fori) th........... Jacob WilkerFOn........... \dam ClefidenneO.......... Chancy Smith ... Philip Wolfram . Marinas Saunders Join McGrath.. William Cameron.......... Martin MeCldlan.. Timothy Skinner... Thomas Smith ... John Hendervholt > ap a: D do do do do Lieutenant Ensign Private • • • * * « • * * • * # CMUof * ■ ■ * « ■ * * « Ch.KUt-nor................... CMMsvuflf.................#.. 0-;*do'-".oi'..................... Ch l-i. -v......................I • 4 ■ ft ft | - - • Captain »»*•*•**• * • II idoxsm ami Orphans advritted as Mil I il>. ! S i-\ |i.Coruu.;i"d Addin^ton (>x!o.d Seeojjl Unco! do T.V.rd V.>rk Si cond Essex First E=;ex Third York Final Lincol* do Second l.inrol. do do do do do do Fjrsl Norfolk Fir.*-: Oxford Inco.^orated First ^ ork ta corpora ti Firs* Lincoln do Second do T'l-i ' Verk Fifrh *,r'-<u- p >-a. I'or' Mjn^s Fori hrie Casualty f'a-iualty Ciiipi atva do York Rrwr Ra in do V'r-i k liiindy'*; Lone For- j»- '»••« ( uii>i>H.%a do do do do do do . Fort Trie \ccfdcni 'io. nt KhurstM York Fori Erie Fort GeOrve do Cbipprova 0 loeiis'.oa 0" 'en^U/ji h^isrhts i From I To 5 iWaj iMiv 27 Oct. — ,.< 27 Ai»g; —i; 5 Jul) —do do 27 April —13 2i Jan. do do 27 \oril do /*/ 1 ens'nnirs "rule- r' l Ala> lh*3 ' Jan. —ifi do r.r> do (i»i do do i Jnlv — (6 22Jiily ^ -ia l2'? .-an. — 16 i Jan. do :lo do dn do do do do do dn do io do lo do lo do fo do -!o do ■>o dn I July do i January do do do i-iiy i "O ) Jan. .io do —10 do —r6 do do Si I)t*cr. r««!ri do f!o do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dn do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Nxne of Widow, &c. jRameft Rank of Deceased Husband, Ac I Rank. I Nam Name of Guardian of Orphan Children. i rwmmti Statute pan. d m the J..... 7Z ir, " -#1,------.. .-,,--------;-------p*------- -------------------------------------_______wiolo, as far a* their Names have been re 1 mount. Pro. ('urr'y. 1 >'»H,!tS 5*. ' Wi * : " 90 40 ?(» ; io i *k ro 4 fc2t) SO 20 20 SO 20 50 20 '20 20 20 20 10 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 Walter McCuxiffe^Co. Kingfton, 19th July, 1816____\ - PACKET. THE Schooner Perfeverenee. J. G. Parker, Matter, will continuf to run as a Packet from Kington to Sack- cts Harbor. May t5» 1816_____________5°_ uft received and for fale at this Oilice, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, Rearm Writing Poft No. Ji ditto ditto uucut. New i&^m^w. J|HE fabfcriber propofts '° •*! ST/IGE between King*0"*" Yorkthcr enl'iiiiig winter ; to commence the firll Monday after the fl.ighiog >«" p«,fltbly admit—to leave Kindlon ««£ Monday m(!r„i»g, and Y-rk e»«ry JW«- day n...,K,flK. The fubfcnber k||J* ../...- exertions for the, SAMUEL PURDr I OROCERII^ ^ 'pHEfiibrcn'bers, having commence,! bofinefsin theGmccry ;, eiih« whoUfale or reta,! ,n t!,iS place, w|,r# they Will do ,h«r utmost to fupp]yth. public on the mo« reafonable termg. Kingston, 30th May, 1816. Midland District, To Wit i }B virtue nf . WRlTofFx C«nt of KJTCC ZS"f jReglw^nt LOwh>eJi <l*»reased beion^- Su.-a *. Etatfcr Cai&ATine ilainer Dori>ta> May Elizabeth [>L-nni3 BarbaraTeal Catha-ineTeal Barbara Brown Ca bar *;** Rock Mary 1'con ^!3r> i i;irk Mar; V'anderbaneck ?u<i-», Grass I ! "> 'Volfe Cies Eoyer Kan ahtTieudlnneji Suphltfi ILiiner lidrit?I iJa.iiit-r i.ii ahetli Weaver y it .>- Warner Ca'^ariue Ncwkirk A .;a v'o;iii>'oii Ca»HOrine Liinburncr Phelic Adair Ta***5 Balm Cn.hi: -ii of .. .. Cuiltfrenof .- .- CliiMren of .. Cliiti'r'HJ of .. CfetMrCtof .. .. (at Id rn of .. C iiWren of .. Chihl/enof .. .. CUM rn of .. .. <r*i* 1 d — ji uX .. CuiMifn o( .. t^j:"lr' !i of . - Lucretia Stewart Maria Rabbee Nanc^ CiOiirirfge I>ju>ara King Efeal t! * 1 -11 M .....1- • Vansicklc fhiidv-t n nf .- .. V* '-: A Milk Hebcr' TViUow 0* Child i"> *>( 9**12 [£rrei*£^rrfj>/trf.'} Johnson Butler George Hainer John May Joseph Dennis Lauiance Teal Zac.*:ariah Teal Isaac Brown John Rock Joan Coon Jobfl (lark Con-.. Vanderbancck Michael Grass C),.rod Woife Marnu Hoy it Aimer G"ndinnen I Zaci;aria!i Hainer David Ilainer Francis Weaver MieJiae] Warner Benjamin New kirk John Johnston Alexander liimburncr ■'"ii Adair Jacob Balm Casper Slmfelt John Shaklelon John Gallipot Gasliara Conger William i)( i.nis John Smith Jf»na(han Gri'Bn Charle*' Stevenson Im;w Walker Ll*.\us Bough ner Abraham Acre Samuel Nunn Enoch Sluart John Ii. Rabbee John l^oit.idpe George King Kiah Hull DavtdVftnricftle Jifui Stuarl ■ Solomoi Wlin tie'1'Y Hebert Pierre Cubaaicrc LI. Col. Lieut. Lieutenant Private ctf. L Tim. (>f Decc^. _________________^^^ turned. \B% what IJnardil Vrmd .or v> Mei.MOn h dnv. Atnonnt rour(h Li'iol»« Pint du do Turd Lincoln do do S»acond Vork Third Lincoln Second do do Fir* Serjeant Private Serjoant Private John Benner Senr. John Warren PeierTrnmble La\ireucc Jennings Sarah Dock^teder George Adams Smttb firiffin Anna Youngs William Walker Heleuor Cham bees Robert Nelles Charlotte Acre Captain Lieutenant Pri-ate Se-ieant Pi 1* ate Sarah Banghart do do do do do do do do do do Fourth do, do do Second Lincoln Third do do .Second do do ' do Firft do Fourth do do do do do do HHitfa Artiller) Artillery Driver Fifih Lincoln Second ^ oik Incorporated Alii Fifth Lincoln do Second York Fifth Lincoln Incorporated r> ij 13 do IV do t3 i> . 89 Nrtv l4 8 \ov Si Jan T'do • 10 Dec f do 9 Jan 4 Dec t$ I Jai>;, |3 iT J)ec |2 f0 do (|o SO Ap/i] l3 2 l-Vo'v. ^ 6 Oct. d0 15 Nov 14 1 do i3 do r Dec. rS Aim 18 Dee, 2 do 6 Jan. 14 Dec. 0 do 3 do i3 do 25 Aug. 20 Oct. a Nov. 4 do it do SO do 1 Dee. |0 Mar-th 13 20 do do 20 N<M 3i Dee 3(> June :«i Dec. SO No* 5 ju!\ .'JO Nov reeoioipeiided. From do rS do f4 i2 do i3 x2 do do do i4 12 do do do do do Niagara District j-2 do a do 14 i2 15 i [.District of Gore »<§& Dlc<l in Cn,.(ivit, ,. aPri......., -T W„ ,„ rll, t .v;,^^^ I Dec. iSr2 22 Nov. 14 S Nov. 3l Jan. *9 .»an. 1? do tO Dec. 1 do 2 .ran. 4 Dee. 18 March |3 i7 Dec. r2 i0 do do 20 April i3 25 Oct, i2 2 Feb. i3 6 Oct. i3 i5 Nov. 11 I do do 13 Nov. 12 1 Dtc. do 13 Aug. 14 18 Dec 12 2 do do 6 Jan. 13 14 Dee. \-i 9 do 3 do 13 do 20 Aag. 20 Oct. b \ov. 4 rlo I ! do SO do I Dee. lfl March 13 20 do 29 Nov. 12 81 Dec. 39.Tunt! Ml Dee. SO Nov. 5 July 30 NoV. 28 Feb. Dollar* al 5>. do do do 11 l2 do do do 13 12 do U 15 'Wi»S Militia Pcmtonrr*. ECUTION iflWd out of His Maifti forefaid. at the Juit of ALEXANDER AUI.DJO, of the townfhip ofMaryi. bur^rh, in the faid Distnd, yeoman» against the lanrf3 and tenements of PHILIP SWITZER, of the town- flifp and Diitn'A aforefaid, yeoman, to trie direded : I have feized and taken in execution, as belonging to the faid PHILIP SWITZER, the South- westerly half of Lot number i on tbc Southeasterly fide of Southwest, of Prince Edward's Bay, in the faid towo. fliip of Mary/burgh, which faid Lot of land is butted and bounded, or may be otherwife knoon as follows, that is to fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, in the limit between Lots number I and 2, and at the westerly a1'**!- of the laid Lot ; then South 46 d*,;;:c3 East, ioj chains 27 links, more or left, to the lands granted to Capt John Allan jtliea ' ("ji North 44 degrees East, 9 chains 5$ 6j links, more or IoN, to the centre of the "- faid Lot; then North 46degrees Wend, 105 chains, 27 links, mure or lefi, tu South West, or Prince Edwards Bay; then Southerly along the waters edge ot the faid Bay, to the place of beginning, [feeing partly cultivated, with all the but dings thereon ere&ed, eontaioitg' bj admeasurement roo acres, be (he fame niore or lefs,— Now I do hereby'give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot and ' pre mifes will be fold and adjudge to the highest bidder* at my office in the towo of Kingston, on WEDNESDAY the 18th day of DECEMBER next, at 0 of the clock in tbtf forenoon, st which time and place the condition* of 6Ie wul be made known. CHARLES STUART,Sheriff* And every perfon or perfon* hmn$ claims on the above defcrioed Lot of land and premifea, by mortgag* of ot'lpf right or incumbrance, are hereby adver* tifed to give notice to the faid Jh^ft at hid Office, in the town of Kings10* privfoua ro the f'le thereof. Skerjfs Office, CS.ier t%i l*W 9 it

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