Was [SATURDAY, p&mum 14, 1816.] [VOLUME VT.------No. 28.] 1 II -wr 1 Kingston, Upper. Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. SWBSKL3 si .. -1. •a*' -'--< tiaaa JV£*F GOODS. j HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- thfiler, Birmiwgha n and Glasgow, &c. ?.n extenlive aflbrtment of every fpeciea Of Merchandise fuitable t« the Upper Canada Market. The GowU Have been fek&d with care and purchaled for Calh, and will be Jfooftd of, either by Wholefale or Retail, on the m >ft reafonable terms. Under the different beads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares, Clothes, Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery* Hosiery and Carpeting, •Statimwnf, Crockery & GLASSWARE, CORD- "*AGE, ixcr&c. They would enumerate the following articles, viz : New Wholesale STORE. FflHE fubferiber having commenced 1_ Commiflion bufinefs, in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Patrick Smyth. fiiont Stieet—Informs his friends and tiie public, that he has received a num ter of confignments, conlifting of Sll- ftfifine and common Cloths, Caflimeres, Coatings, Flannels, Pel ice cloths, Bom- htzcttes nf all colors : a great variety of Cotton Goods, a very elegant aflbrtment Ribbons and Cotton and ... yf Nai.U, aneet iron. vVind-nv Glafs, Iron, Steel, Shot, and i very go id aflVrtmeut of "HARDWARE,' a few Liquors and Gr>ceiie3, and h.».s ot Silks, Sattin Lace*, filk bat cafes, braces, cotton vorcefled holicry, Nails, Sheet I WINES. th'e Wy heft Patfe L. P. Madeira, gn. Fine old brown Sherry, LP4L H Tenet iff, } tfibbert's beft Br-wn Stout by Caflc or Do&*0» Brandy. Gin, &c. &c. &c Tn- ; Sngar*, Loaf and Mufcoyado ; Grfbe ; Saace* of every defoription, Lo.;!i fine Hcm'nes by the K <e ; Peri Barley ; Milliard Soap & Candies by the b x ; Scotch Oat meal, Paint* and Oil- afl«rted— Crawley and Bliiter.d Steel. Swedes I- toii aiT>rted. Duck. Pigeon and _____________^ .. , an the way from Montreal and Quebec, n, . . , c, „. i wh/i h vill be here in a verv few day* So Brown, o-:«vT »£?S£££J PACKAGES OF GOODS, me I.mens ; Lacea, ^amoncKs* i . O _ ~^ . . * t i 4 . r j! r____C T-.».Ua ^* » ai\Hai\ mart r ..lg .....--. , . Veiling, Sattin*, Ribbon*, blk» Silk Handkerchuft : j Maw Bin , Biack Gray and fafhionabie ' Superfine Broad Clothes and Cas- fimerea. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gloves and Hofieiy, Carpeting of various pat te:ns An aiTortrnentof Sdnoib*ioks and Sta- Sninc Sh*»r Tin Piatc :'ivl Sttt'rt Iron, Frying [>ani% Spades and Shovels, Holl.-w Waie—Hni'sClib^vir-tewani, _ .nfidingof Trunks of London made bperSnc Coats, Pantaloons, Fine Hhoes. plated harnefs—a variety of Cotton and .Woollen GOODS, Funs; and a few '.-rates a. d Hogfheads affiled Ciiokciy and Glafs Ware, all which will be fold low>at wholefale only ALso5—for falc a Farm, ©staining ioo acres, within two mile* of* Kingfton, and a town lot three tenths of an acre in a good fit nation. Liberal advances made on -ny kind of 'property depoiited for fale. i Havinp convenient ttone Stores on thr Tri&rfmnA B -ft Ca ndhair and HDock, he will be happy to receive and nlated do. Men's Willow Hats. Jjf-rwavd property uo t.ne Lak^ or down Ladles' ScGitV Beaver trim'd Bounets. • j the River, or to any part ot the States tionary — :Giar3 ware and Crockery by the Crate | or caflc, and packed to fuit Conn- try ShppS 'ed. Duck. ru>eon d:i« . «••; ----r- TT ^f.,,,*, Wi!s Spikes of .11 Ions, :ta*»* P^*TS.5SiSL- CHAULES SHORT $ Co. BEG 1 eave to inform their friends and the public, that they have jult received and now offer for fale, at their Store Fronting the Market, an aflbrtment bay goods, Uroce;i<>$, Crockery, &;c. SfC AMONG WHICH ARE Superfine and low prie'd Broad Cloth*, white, yellow and red Flannels, green Baize, fancy Vcftings, filk and woolen do. white Q n'lting, Bombazetts a doited colors, Calicoes, Giii^hams, white and black Cambiuk, Dimity, Cotton Shir- ting, Irifh Linen. GenElemen's white cotton and black worded Hole, Ladies do. do. Ladies KM and Morocco Shoes, Mens Lamb's Wool Stockings, fiik and coi ton Braces,Barcelona Handkerchief, fiik Shawl*., India [Bandannoee, Ladies Kid and f\\k Glovec, Gentlemcns Bea¬ ver and filk do. Batin filk Tutb&na* Thread Footing, Thread and Cotton Lacc,fe»vfng filk nnH Twid. filk Velvet, Ribbons, ii.k Shawb, black filk Floren¬ tine, figured Sarcenets. Sec &c. &c. ALSO. Hyfou and Gieen 'rea, Spiiitr,, Port and Tenerifle Wine, Mulcovado and Loaf Sugar,Ratfins, Pepper. Mullard, C >flee, Sec. &c. whicli they will fell cheap for Cafli, or fhort approved credit. Kingston, Sipt. 13,1816. 15 ,, r 01 A Tn " White Red, YtMowand Blue llanneiS, Scrnbhlng, Horfe, Shoe, and Ta- . W.ute, iv« 1, ,. « -° • and (jreeu Droao oaizt. ble Bruthes Knives and FWkei affbrtcd,—Penknives, Sciff^rs, Spoons, Rsmon, Shivlng Ctfeii -Lock-. Hin^ett Saws, H.immers, FiV, OinMcti, &c. &c &c tin \t* a » ' s,h '^h— ^e.« ^rdtrroy^ Strlpea, (>t^ Check*. BoiTiba7.rtt», Mailing, Shawls, Dimities, Tap-*, Bobbin ; ! 2 to $\ Point Blankets—Counter panes, Bed Tick. Sec. &c. ; Storage and Wharfage at the en Horn-1 • ary prices and Commiffion Bufincfs exe- •. -'.t-.-l ar the itTrtnl rate.. I JOHN KIRBI <x Co. "; Kingston, July 26, 18 > 6. 8 ,• „ ry \t% every Inbknvrnt. *% n„ra0d upw -rds y. l-r ,ne ^••.fera-on, and 2,/. per hue every fuc re oi^ir infertion. . 'Advertifcmcnts unaccompanied jUl ,,;„,,. dircdions are inferied till forbid, and charged accordingly.__________ Aacfioiieeiing-. THE f..nr. ribcr rct.ims his fere and h.a-.ty lhanks to ho foot* with* public in general, for the m*ny ££, he ha^ received from tr,.m for 1.'hat he has recommenced b,finefS Liof>rbI.«fclf. Anye-mfe^*'^ S t ■ difp..f. of any property. «iJk ;Ld ui>n at rHeir own quarters, or* npHE fubfcribrrs'efpeafully inform 1 theii friends and the public in ge¬ neral that they have received an addition to their ufual fupply, confiding ot a ge¬ neral aflbrtment of DRY GOODS, AND HARDWARE: Double and fingle Stoves, Iron Bars, St?el and Wheel Boxes, Ladies and M<n'» Shoes, A complete afibitment of new fafh- ioncd Ladienand Gentlemen's Fur Caps and Trimming* for Great Coats ; Two elegant Dining Setts, Boats ro forward any quantity of Pro¬ duce wilT be formfeed on ftoet notic-., and all orders ftiftly attended to. SMITH BARTLET Kirigflon, nov. 9> 1816. 231 f____ Lands for Sate, BeLOKGMnc; lOTHt fcSTi.lt 01 the late H'h^omhk Mr. Chief Jujlice ALLCO',. K. Lot No 8tv, th< iftconcefli nffown- fhipnfYoik a&nd home Diib-ifl, con* csnning tco a*.Cres. Lot. No. I9hn theiftconccfii >n,town- (hip of York arutf home didrict. cwnwin- i»g 100 acres. Lot No. 3 lEaft fide Y-uing dreet, fwndiip of Y' >rk home didiitl contain ^o acreB. Lot \o i61t2d conccflion, townfliip of York, hcK.. didriaco-.t'g 200 acres. Lot No. 24 3d coiiccfli=jn townlhip of York, home didrift cont'g 200 acres. Lot No. 35 1 il con.J\wmM^en -NVU35 2'3 do (. plckering ( tm -no,! 2S.a4 v.doi how at H —No 1^,19 7Hhdo) } Lots No. is* 13 14 16 17 18 and the Eaftern ran ft j%n of lot No. iq, in the townfliip of Sco,tt and home diltnct con- taihinir ' 2^0 aores. mg iy 25 Reward. v X J HE RE \$ on the morning of the 51J1 iud. a i^an by name of 7?/- CHARD E. BARKER, ran away from Prefcott, Upper Canada, wich nb- out 1000 dollars, the profieity of the iubfciiber. \::y perlon or peifotw who will apprehend and fecure the laid Ru&- an! E Barker, \o that he may be bi o't 10 judice, fliall receive the above reward by apylying to the fubferiber at Prefcott, Uppei Canfida, He is a man abot-t twenty fix years of age, five feet fix in^lws hi^h, frefh complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round vif.ige, head a little bald—at the time he made his efcapehis clothes weie a black coat and pantaloons, ftrtped waidcoat, & long boots. It is to be hoped that eve* ry exertion will be made for the fecuring offuch a ch?ra£ter. AM ASA WOOD. I Prescutt, U C. June 8/4, ISI6- 5 Mr 1). Brow »»* Tavern, fronting the Market . ..-e - „leafetll favor him pntlemen who ItaH rlcair ,. , with their custom, that they dull have "occadon to call twice for their Mon- n% B. teMBATn THURSDAY d>:J SATURDAY* are his regular Auc^ Kington. 4th Wpt* l**& l + Wiih a variety f'f other article? t<K» l«>n<rrhv t enurneva*c. which will be fold cheao fo» cafli. fid** of Ruffcl fanare, in rhc t#wn of t°< St GERMAIN- II— . ...-.■•_*»- .-t. .-. . ...-^ Los No. 1®, [i 1? 1;; north fide of Sirococ place. %nd No. »B 5c 19 foiiti _ __ _a 1 m 4 MONJEAU Kingston, ^d del. I i 16. i3 JUST received and f<>r iaie at this Of Bee, price i/S. Poem on his Do mestic Cimmstcwces, by Lord Syr^n.— | With iheStarrf 'he Legion of Honour, and other Poem- ; to which is prehxed, The Lift of I be Nol'le Author. Nov 2o. 26 For Sile, VALUABLE Farm, with build- „ - ha r.bo 1. ■ ;ce improvements there- i fa.orably fitted w?.h . #«** nn(iu,«on. ?,.ionsd,!Kous..f *»* A FVVaOUSON'S Improved Table af ("he »altw rf. Grains of Gold Coin, over or under weight, lie at lhi> Office. For Sa of KWton. r«»»on^- d,.UBto ncriire of te FW** iaU", ft& j^ ;811__.._Ill Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Ogf; For Sale, rpHE West half of lot number nineteen 1 inthefecondconcemonoftbeo^ l^ipofKinglton AppytothePu.ter. Blank Summonfe*, Subpffi nas and Exccutl ns, for the Court of Rcqueits, tor bale at this Oftcc. Blank Summonses l-or the District Courts, for| Sale at tins Office. 1 ile and a] Strayed, FlROM a Tasture one m half from Kingfton, (Mr. Beach s . Tavern,) about the laA of Auguft, a | Bay Horse, Four years old, dark mane and tail, one SSkSS hoof anda foall white Po „his forehead. Whoever will return faWhorfc, or give info, muti-m where h- Zy be r- and, (hall be well rewarded, & aUneceiTl!iy charges Pa1dLbysMAY_ Kingston, Oct. 4» l8^* lS Vork, containing i acrP eacJ, Jj 3 acres Lots No. 2 r., thc sd conccflion No .. 1 in the 3d -OTK^fl^n No. 6 &f til the ||*|h coiKeffinn, townl1n> uf Bmhrook, dillrift of Niagara containing 2400 ucrcs. L-« or bl ck No , j,, ,he jd couceC fifM.. f the town l,;p 0f Biubrook. Dill- rnSof Niagara vontaining icoo acres. Bukm lots No 24 & 25 in the so conctffion of N,,rth Cro(by, diftuftof Johnilown conv^;a;Bg 3oo acres. Lots No. 18 & 19 in the 9ihconcef- lion, broken lot-, >] . ,R & i9,S,l» C0H- ceffion South Ct-ofby diilriaot Johullon, containing 600 acres, Brokm lot> M„. 25. 26 * 27—4th No 24 Si 25 aftg broken lots No. 26 & 27~5,h concc|rlon, North Crofby dif- trift of JohnttO\vn containing 900 acres. F01 which gMod and faBkfcat Titles are now ready t0 be g;ven by the fub¬ feriber. A l s 0, Lots No. 16 ,7 & ,g ;n the 4th con- ceflion of Pellro^ contairang 3^. acres. WILLIAM ALLAN. York, Nov. J f 13, G# 2j—3rno Chair Shop. THE bibfci:bers jjKp on haild con Itantly, fo\ fale) CHAIRS which will bc watnmtc<J g00d. R HATCH, Sc Co. \T a inciting of the inhabitants of the Town of Bcliviiic, on Thurf- daythe 17th day of OAobeft 1816, faf ihc purpuie of ele&mg Truftees and a Secretary to the public Cchool of the fai^l town—The following perfons were nom¬ inated, viz: I'ft. Refolved—That Mr. John Hiib- Jhard be appointed Secretary to the faid zd. Relbfcrd—That Simon NrN-\hh, Esq. Mr. John Reynolds, Mr. John Tay'or, he appointed Trutlees. 3d. RefoWcd—X&« Mr. Henry II. '\nfley, bt teacher to the laid School. jNo. HUBB\RDf Stereo eery 10 Jje Bclville School. , BellvWe, Nov. 4,18:6. »£« 6 BL'MR'S Serrnooa, Porten^ Evi- dences, the Canadian Vifitor, bowtd-oi fi«gle, t.^ether with a great varietv of oleful Books and Tracts, for young people^ for Sale at this Office ; — where accefi may he had to a &»h!1 cn- c<tt&:ing Lihrary, three times a week^on moderate terms. au^ i; a 1.1816. 9 NOTICE. ALL perfons having any demands againft the Ertate of the late ELIPHALET ADAMS, ot Marys- bnrgh, decealed, are hereby reqnelled, to produce rhnr claims duly authentica¬ ted,— alfo all pet-ions indebted to the faid Ellr.te arc hereby requefled to make immediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN, ASlng Exfcutor* Ka'.Irtv.el), tzth Nov. ig»6. 241!' Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R A G S AT THIS OFFICE. PROPOSALS, FOR PRINTING, !*Y SUBSCRIPTION, By W&bsters 6f SkisnEM, ALBANY, N. Y. Sketches of ( )?/)er Canada, WITH \ M\i* OFTHE PROVINCE, And a Topo^r^ihical and Historical O.-crip* (ion of the wwelrs foughl during Uiebtft War uiilii'i and nrni i«- l.iHiiis. CX)Nj)lTiONS: I. This \\ork will be comprised iu tin Ortavo volume, of about SOU bage$9 printed on a good type and hue papor. -. The price to eubspribetii "ili be One Dollar and Seventy-Five Cents in boards, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents :icaU) bound and lettered. Tin-Books wrfl) be delivered ia Kingston at the VI ban j price of Two Dollars and Fif¬ ty Cents, with the addition ot" the im- oost duly, only. 3. To those who subscribe for Ten C'i]>ies, or procure Ten Subscribers, an Kleveuth Copy will be given gratis, ou delivery and payment of the Copies subscribed for, (££■Subscription*firthe above Work trill [ir received <ft (his Office. Notice. THE fubferibera to the U. C. Book Society, arc informed that Mr, Samuel Merrill has taken the Books and F€h belonging to tinr S«>cietv. a»d thofe who wifh to take their dividend of books tor the lall year and fubferibe to¬ wards importing more books for another year, are requeftcd to calj without delay at Mr. Merril'a Store for that puruufc. By Order of the Prefuknt. Kingflon, Anguft 1 1816. ____^9 To Let, 171 ROM the 1 ft of Deccn bcr n«Tfc JT that large Stone Hmtfe belong* ing to Henry Caflady, Efq. of Kin^fton^ lituated near the Market pl.*ce,and well ^aknUted for a hmife of Fiifertriirpy»»>i. For further particulars enquire of Wal¬ ter McCumffe, who occupies part of the above mentioned premifes. Kingston^ xfith Nov. 1816. 2+ Notice. THE Eoard for examining into the claims of peiXons entitled to Mi¬ litia Penfious, will affemble at ihc Court Houfe in Kingfton, on the feeotol Monday in November next.at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and continue to affem¬ ble at the fame place on the iecend Mon¬ day in every month, whilB neceffary, of which all pei funs concerned arc requefted to take notice. JOHN FERGUSON, Col. M M. Senior MMbia Officer in tbt Midland Distria< I Kinost'*, October 10, I 8 16. 19 1 Yatice k» Dmefiarged Soldiers* I TTN confcqucace t»f the great Inconve- II JL uience a> well a^ attempted Impofi- tion arilinft from Soldiers daily claim¬ ing Giants of Land at the fettlements in Upper and Lower Canada, although 'hcv have in many inftances been dis¬ charged from the fervice upwards of a year; His Excellency the Governor in Chief nnd Commander of the Forces is .pleafed to give this Public Notice to all 'concerned, That no Diiehaiged Soldier will be received aa a Settler who does not conic forward on or before the Firjl flay of January 1817, and bring with him lati'fiiClory reafons, fuppotted by proofs, why he did not at an earlier peri¬ od avail htmfelf of the bounty of Gov¬ ernment, in claiming his grant of Land* in due time, under the emitting regu¬ lations. Bij His Excellences Command^ '(Signed) C. MYERS, Lol. cf D. % Mr. Gad. Quarter Mafter Generals Office, 1 Quebec>Z\jl Oftober, 1816. J *$*'- Taken Up ON Thnrfday the 2 III Nov. about feven miles below Kfngllon, uear Long llbnd, a BATTEAu ; and on IIThursday the 28th, a SKIFF, diivea !|.:lhoieon Long Itlmd. The owners are rc«pielled tn> prove property, pay charges and take ihei» away. OLIVER TH1B0D0. j K'ngpn, Dee. 3, 1*1 &__________£7^ BLANKS HAIL BONDS, and SHEitim SALES, For sole it thL OiKg^ 1