Kingston Gazette, November 2, 1816, p. 4

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MILITIA PENSION AGENT'S OPftc&f-YoR*. >\m September 181ft NOTICE is hereby given by flie General Agent for the Payment of Militia ProvithSaf Pensions, pursuant to the directions eon- i*' ivI ir tiv *v v srtls Rcctii n oi Mz Militia Pension Art, passed in the last Session <»f the L»»gi^lature3 fi,at having received the Sum of Mix Thousand Fhra ]i d Pound-, for the purpose of pa) in ^ the Aid Pensions for theperiod up to the 31st of December nex< ,t&es&:»c are now in Course of Payment. t*i£*ff nftlfatihUrd Person* vsho haver heretofore hem admtit&t, and of'those: also wfut Ctai*» to be admitted* as Militia Pensioners of W/s Prvvfnct - ">? account of Wounds received in Action ^ or Disability occasioned by Casuames or Ae-citfents ^ih'h have occurred on Actual Service in de¬ fence vfthc Proving as far as- Returns hti&e been received ; zeith the sums due to these ich<> have proditr,cd the necessary Certificates and Documents touch* ing their IVonnds and Disability : and tc/uch u-ilt he due to others z;ho have produced those Documents fa part) tchc tithe// xoill have furnished them complete, as required by Law up to the 31st of December, I SIC. Narao of Pensioner. Rank, Ileghncut or Des¬ cription of Service to which belonged. Action or Place where uoundedp fi;c. Time when I F^»°d bv which Pension is due. wounded. From Amount of Pen¬ sion. fitus O. Simons* James K»! ■;>• William Ami* John BclJbneH Thomas Ffewcr ,)oMn McGrcgflj Philip f":n;'ry Tbomns Smith lleurv Rtt::an Getrge il- --^n •/mil* 11 ;sjor IK,-. vPrttougad Ro W i Krrfej Ai-irk ftooaiii l;e!>ea t'lid J;. ;,»-; ~r;rJoa R ih'ii ftt<'tiarii;On Richard Drake lr» il.tiai Bucll U* ad Reaume Tfronn M'.vr thorn A 'ir«'*v K-•iii'dj T! wis,* Servis Jjqjiq Bennett Jovn J**rt$and Jo.n S lye V*IFrri Maltimorc Joj 'ph S*i *])ard 6a> j Tratnof &-nr? Campbell Ja s. •■ *A'i.eaion- Jacob ixyS/Gr C'iu : -K -fiori F*v *'*'.r Me Bean Autn*»n- U"»;'ltf Rodei ck McKenzM Hc'l *-v»;n LavcHin Mc *osgal Jmr*s i «a-fi> d At'i.-i.*"* Farufeata T . n. . Bonf-UiCf Ban; -. Cot:c ucm 9* a.- P.'Oaitai Ja-.- la* -n Jiu 'iia'iam Ti.r a Major Ctfkb Powell 6u :i' **l vor on Ebenezer kvei^ &» fie:>; r A.n4t'c«i Borland j..^:d \. Mullet RTc ard Bull M jjor ^■j Vork, now if-l liore Major V.; Lin. and In. Militia CaiJtaJU Incorporated do do do do do Kent Volunteers Lie.uenant ]si Sitnmoni <lo LaieSecoud York do lucoi'j.oraf' d do 1st ^or|o|k do Kent Volunteers do Ineorporaied Eniign Skcond Lincoln Lieutenant l>i Glengary Master's Mate Provincial •larin'* Midshipman do Hrr'ant Second Norfolk do 151 L"«*dN Private Second E&iei do Ist Norfolk do 2d Norfolk do 3d York (late) do hi Slonnont do 2d Norfolk Bn*lcr Incorporated Private do da Ho do do do 3.1 \ot relate) do 5:a [jilicota do Second do do l>t do do 1 >t do do Incorporated da 2d GJt'ogary do 1-t 'f!-P^;trv *» &kmnd Lincoln do Li ("tcn^arv <to Kent \ oluutoers do do do do do Zd Letm do 1st Bssex do ilu du z-\ Sorfolk do 3'l Lincoln do iio do do do 3d York | late) do 1m Norfl'ik do do do 2>l Leeds do 2'1 !...»oii!n do 3d \ ork i late) S-'ig-ant bicorporated Private do 1 Lmidv's Lai.c tori ttrie -\' Lur- dv's Lano Ifo/k Lundy's Lane do Long V\oods O^deOdburgh Luudy^ Lane do Fort I'.ric River Tftames Lmid/s Lane rinppawa Ogdeiitliargh O- * ego River Raisin S;ony Creek, L. I*!. O^dcu-ii'Tffll River Ra't?m Fort Brie do QiireJision 0^der>Al>urgb lor: Liie Niagara Frontier Lnd)V Lane do 6o York Q.ieen »on Chippawa Vo' t f>"orgo S'. DavidN Luudv^ Lane N- ar i oi .iwall 0|fdeiinburgIi Ciuppawa AriMcn: ou Duty Lo*.£ Woods do Ri\ei Tia.nes Gannanoque Moti^rvvaga River RaiMfl Maltcdm' i Mills Black Rock do do Qttcenston ittalcoltn'i Mills Ton Brie Aeddcut on Duty do York Ci"Osi Roads Cor' V.rie ZJ rflUj 1514 I i>ec. LHiSand? 25 Jh-Ij [814$ II April I81o 25 Jul> lyii do do 4 Marrii 1S14 22 Feb. 1813 UUf) ^> Occ. Prn-ince Curr'j Dollars at 5s. /• I Jai aary I January "23 Jul) I January do. 83 JWy 1814 LI No*. do *2S Nov. IS 12 'J Jnl> Lsll 23J«i3 LSI I 5Jul\ L>M S9P«k LSI3 6 M.i. i.-.U '2? Junnai") 1813 IS No.. \M3 23Fek 1S1.8 d-i Jaaattn ISIS 27 Nov. 1812 2s W.. 1812 l3f>ecolier 18W 22 Feb. LSI3 28Xov.lKI2 8Oct0iier 1814 25 Jul v 1S14 do. do. 27 April lSli 13 Oct. IS 12 5 Juh 1HI1 27 May IMj 22 ilulV I.SI4 29 Jttlj 1811 10 Nov. 1813 22 Feb. K8IS 6 J'llv 1814 £3 Oct. isi2 * March 1814 do. do. GJ jlv do, 21 Sept, IMS 9Am;. do. I»13 »Nw, 1814 80 Deo. 1813 do. do. isn uiats 0\o . '•.! 1815 1816 — 14 —16 —15 —10 —14 2r» Jaiiaary ISl^ 5 Kej)', do. 27 April do 8 <»•-. nV 12 | km LS14 i January do. 9 July 25 do. 5 do. 22 i'Vl»r'ja:> —IS 0 Maj —•■"■* 22 January —IS 23Fcby. — ;t> •» May —15 iv July do. 1 January — !ti do. do. do. —15 l\0. —10 do. I July —15 1 January —!f> .1 Jnly —15 i % i-Vny. — |f^ I I January —14 ■jx —in v; May — i:i 22 July —II ; January —16 do.' 22 Fcfjt. da SJnTy —14 fSOct. —13 4 March -All do. 9 Jui\ do. 21 Sept. —12 ^ Au^u^t do. 22 Janun-v —13 »6 Nov. ' — M ^{) Dee. — U do. do. 117 Nov. —14 ti do. |2H Nov. — lli 3fi January —'-i ^?L. do. '7 April io, --. n... 4% —U ■7< do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do: do. d<>. do. do. do. do. do. .10. do. do. do. do. do. do. no. Jo. do. Jo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do* do. do. do. do. ;lo. d). r*o. do. do* do. da do. TT-.I _■-■■ d.,. do. do. dn. do. do. do. do. do. do. da do. do. do. (IO. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. <j i. do. do. du. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. dft. do. do. do. do. 20 | 81 1 lV 10 20 48 i5 20 20 22 2 20 20 10 t2 4H i5 •1J to ( ( I :>ri li 7S i7 17 J2 :S 2S iS *0 ------ 20 ■ ■ 0 <^— H) — 20 ■VM ft />. |0£ •iO JO 20 30 17 60 20 7: 4a 20 20 17 49 <:3 5*> bo l'J ?<7 4i R0 (H) fii) 12 -13 *l IS C3 7^J n| 47 4 8| 3| 4 si 7ft 18 18 ? i7 I! i2 r'2 12 XI IS |7 T 2 2 2 U r r7 12 a 12 r3 IS H 3 2 0i *oi 4* 2 2 o 4* 1 lh^*^HE fubfenberhns received i.y t. . ' Jl lateil arrivals, a general aiTortmtni ° GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. C'>.ifittfng of the following aiticleaviz :*' Tea and Sugar, Tobacco and SnutT, Pepper and Allpicrj Cloves and Cinnamon^ Almord-and Raifin^ Starch and Fig Blue, Scotch Barley, Jamaica Spirits, Cognise Brandy, Holland Gin, Shrub and Peppermint* Wines, &c. Sec. Bcfl London Pickles in boxes affbrtQjl or b)r the bottle. Ketchno and Saucea of all kinds dov CROCKERY & GLASS WARE, And London Muftard in pint and half pint bottles. ALSO, A quantity of Made CJLOTHESi And :u t.'<<: preient t;n;e. will not ad¬ mit of any crtot, he ia determined to ciif- pole of th'j whole for Steriino; c.»:l. JOHN DUNCAN. Kiugftott, igihQtk. ;8i6r zawt Blacksm it A in g. |TTRHE fubferiber refpedfuUj' informs JL the public that fhe has employed Mechanics to carry on the BLACKS:VKTH BUSINESS, In al! its various branches, with a f-ff d"Ors of Capt. Henry Murney's. AnJ pcrfon or pcHons wahh\g »o favour *ier with their cudom, in tie Bjackfmitfmtg Line, may rely '»rr having tlifir wo'k done on ihcfhortelt notice, and on n* fonablc ttrms. FRANCES LANDRIGriN. Kmgflotw 19th 0& 1816". sowj Readi ■> u lOS LIST of Widvics and Orphan Children admitted us Milftm Pmsfomrs prcvitm to the Act passed in IMS, shoving the sum due to each in advance to the 3\st •r w the \a-'i % "trts iu'?ii returntL Of !):-<*<<ihrr. l>>1.'i. </s la Same of Widow, ^c. Name of (jjir- 'lu-'i.ilid or Father of Grpftun C'UHUn^n, I Rank id Militia. tv * inn i id w\\ioh be l»»lonsp*l, (ACItoi» in vlnrh \illc<!,| I'.im ^f I)<\va>e. I - IPerioil for ul.i<h Pen»Wi-> to brd.n I Laiu't .*»<• Soufiy ........... Ld'-aff. V ;.jlcr........... Jrwht»a r-,e-h.............. John CoiTOll ♦. * • • * * 4 4 Kir t<*Mi»ft Bond>......... ■*wn>" ^*.Li'AT. ............. Uare >r» Gnotli................; ^a r\ CorruU................. A.....T. •!*.!•%................. GcQtgfiTomey............ fc a ';i!' N'rJXrtn^il.............ChiiMophrr McDoneH...... John l)**'lnr............... I P:rrr-^ Ifiatlirhon...........\ Pascal R. auioe............ Daniel V»n ray............ Georea C^iirSJ............ Charlw Wiijjlu............ Robert Tn\ lor............. Joseph Bat-lido............. \e. * v ?a Peer Jo-■:■ isa Dt-tlDi ..... Au'.p Radicliou .-............... Cecl?" Rva^mi' .......... France Mi ray.......... jEl /a!.-.i CoRliell.-..------ Elwa^eih WriRM ......... &T83 Ta>ior............. Margaret Ba.»ndo......... >!.t- ■* Mum .................. Samuel Adams............. St-phen Peer.............. L-nU Blanchettc.......... James Forn Hi............ Jacob VVilkei>on........... Adam Clendrr.ium... (*!ianc\ Smith...... Phtl'p MoltYinn .... Ma'liias Saniders ... Jonn Mcfflrurli...... William Cameron ... Martin McCleUan..., Tnnnthy Skinner___.. Thorna* Snitb....... Jtdih llei)rie*>ho1r .... ( auiaiii do do do do I'ii'iiten« I'rivatc Lvd RJan Blaneliette............. Hai.'3 : Por^yili.............. Win;'. W~>lker*©n............. Jl.i.1—. Clcntlerinen .1.......... S:. "ar-oe S.nith..............., C^ marine ^oifrojn............ Children of..................... CH * f...................... CbiMof...................... CbtMfuois................... Ch'Hr-liOf ChJUm^of Ch-i" -.• r 1 • 4 * * • GapJ a in -. • I 11 -.'>*• ,\ IliHiijuniii.'il Add ins; ion Oxford Second Uncol: do Third York J>c'C»>;;d \'.>m\ i'irst Cssex Third York Fir»t Lincoln do Second Lincoli do do do do do do First Noi-fol.V First Oxford fnco;pornied First York Uicorporated Pirn Lincolti do Second do Third York Ft'-- !;...->i ■ Nw rori Keig& 1. on l.rie Ca-»ualty C«t-ual.#v c liippu\va do York River Ravin 00 York liMndv'f t.snc Fori jrieoiec Cbijpjwiva do do tlo do do do Fori Eric Arciriejit do. eU Kin-;?'.on l*ork rort Bile Fort-GooTfgQ do Chippaiva Q-M'eii>iot) Q\i rn&can heithiii VraoiiDt, Pro: '""r^'v. H-.dztcs ana Or,,hj'*s admitted us Militia Pensioners tuner tr.e m^urd Statute rass,d it thy JTar \Hl^ as fitr as ihrfr AW* huoc tnen r,f., ZJ JVanted) IMMEDIATELY.asan Appreafite to the Watch Making B.nfine6i» FmartaShVe Lad, from r^ %<s i6yca»3o£ e. AjipJy to rhe Ai'Mcrihcr. age. Vaa Wanted for Ills MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, .500 Bu,shds O.-//*, c2() Tons //^ K The who pie to be delivered into th C0mrrifran.1t Magazines at Kin^on 28 Nov. — |S 0 Nov. — it S7 Aurtl dn '24 Sror. 27 May — rS do * do —i^ tS Ore. —r5 rt frpfc do by die earliest pradticable period. Tenders for the above fupp.'y wfl] l„ received at this office, i- Commissariat Ojpce, Mew Goods. of Widow, &c. .Name- & Hank 01 Oecea*-tti Iiu.-b<.i.t,/,r. >auie ofCSiiardian of Itegiment io which • F Name. I Hank. Orpboii Ciiiidreo. deceased l>eh)B2- eJ. Si'=a.i Uu:tpr Catuorliie Hamer Dorothy May iilizalx* ui Dennis Barbara Teal Ca^.iaineT'ai Barbara Broun Ca'harine Rock W»t, toon Mary O-tA " Ma^j V anderbanedt- t' r\ 'Aolfe Bl«oci Boyer 31-4.1 na'i C'ler.dinncA. Sodbia Haih#r ■ 3iar:ei Halner EtiKitHi 1 Weaver Pin bi Wwiicr Ca*h.uiia".Newkirk i1 Mia JohnitOii Ca:harr»e laiuburneT Piiehp ,-wliiir T»*> lialul C 'i .i 1 n of .. Cll>l:ilCUOf . . C.ii-.renof .. .. Cnil i;rn of .. Ciiill en of •- .- <■ Io —nof .. .. Ci W»en of C- i Ir'ii of .. C:* idren of •• -. Caildrenof ., CtHtdreri of -• .- C'l.itiren of -,"«4a Stewart. Waf*a Ra.bbre ISaic liotiridge JB&hira Kin^ £;:*ai>eii Kt.ll jyincaiei \ ai icUe Clnldren of .. .. ifkdm Mitla fffdow or CM' Irenof .. * • ! JohriMin Bniler Geoi'jce Haiftee Joho May Joseph Dejinia Lauranrc Teal Zac::.-ji iaii Teal l*>aae Hroun John Rock John Coon Join; (lark Cons. Vanderbancck Michael Grass Conrad Wolfe Man 1 n Boyer Abner Clendinneu Zaehariah Hamcr David llainer Fra?:ci> Weaver Michael Warner Benja.itn N.-.vkiik John Johnston Alexander Kimburner John Adair Jacob QaSm Casper Shu felt John Shakleloa Joan Gallipot Ga-ham Conger William Demiu Johii Srniih Jooathat; (oiffin Cfcarlee Steveiison i.-aac Walker Lewis Bongiiner Abraham Acre • Sanmel Xunn Knocb Smart Jolui 1?. Itabboc John LoLtridge George King Kiah Moll David Vansickle John Siuarr Solomon Mills Keeley Uebert Pierre Cab«»ictc - L.. Col. Lieut. Lieutenant l>ii>ate Serjeant Private Serjeant Private John Berfncr Senr. John Warren Peter Trnnible Lav react1 Jennings Sarah Dockiteder Georg" Adams Smith (iiiifin Anna Yotmgfl Wil-iam Wa'lUr Helenor Chambers Robert Ifclles Charlotte Acre Captain Lleuteiutntl X'rivate Serjeant Private Saiah Banghnrt «i»i: \0tirrortti£cryU(t.j IS. B. Cabanere Fourth Lincoln First do do Third Lincoln do do Second ^1 ork Tnird Lincoln Second do do do First do do tlo do do do do do do Fourth do . do do Second Lincoln Ttrird do do Second do do do Pint do Fourth do do do do do do i iVHlitia Anillcr, Artillery Driver i Fiflh Lincoln I■■. < -OII.I \ 01W Incorporated Mil. Fifth Lincoln do Second York 1 Fif.h Lincoln Iiu-orporad'd ±. Ti:m* of Deceaae. By what IJoaidlPcmrf 10: whte.i V- n>um \> Ju< va^e. U ■ Widow & cj--------------- ______ |re:'oininnde.!.| Prom P10 i Or. iSr2 22 Nov •h Jan. 9 Jan. i7do J To i%j i/ee il 13 l3 do i2 do ,1 i.i 1 I do 2 Jan 1 Dec irt March t3 i7 Dec r2 rO do flo SMJ April [3 25 Oct. r2 9 Fel/v. i3 0 Dei." do ia Nov. 11 1 do da i:J do ri 1 Dee. do rS Aug. »4 iJS Dee. r*> 2 do 6 Jan. il Dec. 0 dn 3 do a do 2ft \og. *2D Oct. 8 Nov. 4 do r J do 30 do 1 Dee. iP, (March |3 ?() do do ^!) Nov. i°. »l Dee do Sfl .fuue i3 ,1i Dee. 1*2 3U Nov do 5 .inly 1 ^ SO Nov.* i2 'ri Nov, « \ ov. ^ Niagara DiMiria 00 iS i2 do do dH .1 i2 do do do do do t* I? l5 do do r3 ra 31 sm, fi .ran. 17 do lO Dec. r do 2 Jan. 4 Dec. is March r.* ) 7 Dec. 12 r'» do do 20 Vpril x:i *:> Oct. 12 2 Feb. i3 6 det i3 ij Nov. 1J I rlo <!o 13 Nov. I 2 1 Dec. do 13 Ang. 14 IsfVe. Z do MM J I , District of Gore 4 4 J2 •lo o #an. 13 1-1 Dec U € do do 3 do do \$ do An KAngi u 20Oec. I3 8 Vov« do -I do 14 do SO do 1!U do tSJttarch li 20 do 2? Nov. 12 31 Dee. Io SO.nme 13 31 Dec 42 30 .Nov. do i S>l\y 1 i 30 Nov. 12 23 Feb. 15 ~ 1 do do do do do do .lo do do do do do do do lo do do ,Jo do do do do do do do do do do oc* do do do ■h; do do do do -io dd do lo Ho (16 do .to 1 ^lil** Itilti do dc do do do dn do do do do do do do do do do it-. d<> do do do do do do do I do do -io Amount, Cnrr'y. Dollars ai dr. 1 28 Feb. i3 in Captivity a* a Prisoner of War in 'be United s ates £DWA1U> AlAcMiViiOxN, General Jgenlfor Paying W8ti*P*k do do do do do do do j do do do do do do do do 31 3d til -1 79 HO si 7 1 >.? 7H t.t 4z r.i Hz n Hi) 8l 7l 8- 47 o2 I l'J 3 ifl 7 H 4 13 LS io Ui id 4 14 11 13 ! J la It 19 "> it .lf* 111 TlHE Subfcn'bers, havhg received by the late arrival*, offer for !a!e cd the lowed terms for cafh at their Store! m Kingftoo, either vvholefale nfiretafla Cloths. - Bl„e anj u.!};.e «. z 3 8 I 11 8', 5 1 Kerfeynere^ Flannels, BomSpzett8»! Bon^ba/.enes, Men 3c Women's Hofiery, Irifb Linens, Diapers, Toweling, r SattinMt Luteftrings, • 8x M -3 •:5 Si 80 io HO hi 4- 8 3 ;0 3 L2 i3 ra U tc I I 6* C 84 HA G" 4 10 si 2 2 3 1 1 1 agonal o^arfn.-ts, Levantine Silk^r Ribboni, Laces, Footing, Ginghamf, Lace Veil's, Silk Shawls, Silk and Lenti.c Gloves, Wellington and Berlin Webs With a variety of other articles in the D?y Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Mufcovado Corrni and nac Brandy, Holland Gin, Beft Port, Spaniflj, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Pepperment, Shrub, MolafTes Loaf Sugar, Tea 9. Prune*, , Raffins, Almondfl* Barley, Pepper, A1Ifnice,and Indigo. I Sit? ■ .0 J S stvniTj. 11 Walter McCuniffe &f Co. Kfngfton, 19th Jtdy, 1816. 7 uft received and for fale at this Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, i Of Quality No. 2, it Reanw WritingPoRNo. f, -

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