Kingston Gazette, October 26, 1816, p. 1

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[SATURDAY, October 26, IS1G.] J\ Cjt [VOLUME VI.------No>i] Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Hollars per Annum. ausrxi i **f; tr^.***** ,;* <am t, lfT»7^:^ iV.EJF GOODS, J HE Subscribers h.ive imported direct from London, Man- cheftei, Birmingham and Gla gow, &c. an ext<jufivc allot tment of every fpecies &f Merchandize fuitab-e to the Upper Canada Market. The Goods have been Selected wilh care and purchafed for CaCk, and will be! |lfp»{td of, either by Wholefu'e or Retail, on the mull reafonable terms. Under the cliff, rent heads of Masts $f Spars, npO be delivered at %&EBMG$ by JJL the end of July next, according to the following fiz^ 3nd lengths. M A ST, Distance from He Bull 5-18 of the Length. Liquors, Groceries, Hmrdffi&r€3$\\ Clothes, Flannels, Haberdash- iiy, Hosiery and Car pet tag, Stationary, Crockery & GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE. &c. &c. They would enumerate the following articles, viz : i li X>2 '. 38* 381 |32| »l •2 J • • • • I i / 115 0 0 ...874 - ..38 . 108 0 ____29 4 • • • * 88 0 M 0 81 0 72 0 101 1 9 S * 9 * • ^ * • « o ■ * « t Tervbeft Port, "j ! Brown, Qznabnrg, Shirti- g and Sheet L. P. Madeira, f WrMFo ' J"ng Linens 5 Laces, Cambucks, Sp. Fine old brown Sherry, f «««»■ ; Veftiogs Sattins, Ribbons, blk. J LP SL M. Tene iff, ) : 5iik haadkerchtifs : | HibbeuN bft.E^wn Stout by the ; Navy bin*, Blade Gray <j..d faibiooable j J l*4 Calk, or Dozen, I Superfine Broad Clothes and Cas-] ] •*+! : fin eres. 20| U4 iu • • Brandy, Gi;, Sec. Sec. &c. Te*« ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovado $ Coffee ; Sauce* ofewy def* ription, Loch fine Herrings by tlic Ktg ; Pearl Barley ; Milliard nc*p & Candles by the b*-x ; Scotch Oat meal, Paint* and Oils aiT rtcd — Crawley and Uliilered Steel, Swedes I- »oi affi rted. Duck. Pigeon and Sniyt- Sh.)t. NailsrSc S.*ikt« of all forts, Tin Plate aTid Siieet Ir^n, Piying* pans, Spades m<* Shovels, Hollow Ware—Hair, Cloth, A'hitriva{&, Scrubbing, Horfe, Shoe, an Iiruflies I Ladies' -nd Gentlemen's Gloves and: ; Hoficiy, Carpi ttug uf various p<st- 1 tetns ; An aflortment of Scfi o'b;-cks and Sta- ; ti'.i.ary — ; Gia!:- ware and Crockery by the Ciate ; or o>fk, and packed to tuit Couu-JI ; try ShooS. II ;';' proof Beaver Hats: Men'* yoUtuV a.-d B y's Ca<: e; hair and ; pl«t*i do Men*c Willow Htta. ||;f*| : I acies' St GrrV Bcavt-rtum'rf Bo'imet^.ii^ T R5 74 [ 77 9 6S 0 60 6 102 0 »3 .. 102 0 991 .. 39 7 •3 'I - . »~4 oo.i. - '& IQ1 v 4 • V .... 17 1 A I ... . 1 ■ • ,:, .... 1 3 83} ':l « A ■ 78 0 81 0 71 9 ays. V * * » 91 7- ___i»4 * ♦ *• u ■CJtt 112 C 108 0 92 0 90 0 sr> r> 70 0 fi'2 0 U, 8 S3 (i 7S 3 75 7 71 :? (il 0 52 (5 100 6 05 S 8:; -2 7<> 8 75 0 fi.'i 0 56 '3 BOWSPRIT. Bedfrom the Butt 3-8. » * * * ■wlj * • • * 2(i II bl d Ta- : Win'tc, Ivcd, Ytilow<tnd Blur i'la.mcis, i, t>.- b^oail Baize. !!*"?X and Grtc:i « * Knives and ForkesafTcrted,— Penknives, lit.^i Point BlankeU—€ unter panes, j ScifTors, Spoons, Raz-sr , Shavlog C>ifes -Lock?, Hii>g^S| Haws, Harnrncrs, Filcn, Gi;nbiets, &c. &c. &c- Bo-.ts and Shoes— Nankeen's,Corduroys. Strines, Cottons, Checks, po:nbazetts, Kllfl»;Vft| Shawls, Dimities, 'rap- .. !"l >,mij Price of iidviTtiS'tg In lb* ijtwctze. Six lines and under, 2/6 firil hlfcftftm, and 1/3 every fubfeq^ent. Ten lines and under, j/4 firit inter- ttOOi and l/8 every fubiVquent. Ten Hnea and upwards 4^/. p<ft line fir ft infertiooj and zcL per lmuevety fuc- ceeding infcrUon. AdvertifeM^nts unaccompa:iud with writ en dircAijns are mftrtcd i-iii forbid, and charged accordingly. ; B,dTLk. &c. &c. I ■ Storage and vVLarf'-c it the C<dU>0Q-J ; ary puces ana C'oiiiuofiujn Bafiacls e.\c- ' cutcd at the nlua r-ite ; JOHN KIR BY & Co. ; Kingston, July 26, 11516 81 175 73 (i ii> 1 51 6 ....^Si 52 8 ..,.23| IS 10 213 .1 I \> 70 10 no t 67 0 50 § 43 1 •"HARLB8 &HOttT!k Co. 'ipr.G 1 cave to inform their friends JxJi and the public, that they have jufl received and now offer for fale, at their Store fronting theMaiket, an alTurtment DRY GOODS, AMONG WHICH ARE ■ Superfine and low prie'd Broad Cloths, while, vellow and red FlannelB, green I Bai>.e. fancy VtlHutrs, fiik and woolen do. white Quilting, Bomba?.etcs allotted colors, Calicoes, Gin^hanas, white and black Catnbtick, Dimity, Cotton Shir- ting, IriTr; Linen, CcnUemen's white cotton and wjr!ied Hofe, Ladies Jo do. L'idie? K'd and Morocco Shoes. Mens Lamb's Wcol Stockings, fiik and cotton Biaces,Baicrlona Handkerchiefs, fiik Shawls, India Bundan::ccs, Ladies Kid a:i'i Elk Gloves Oenilcmc s Bea¬ ver and ' do. Satin fiik Turbans. Thread Footing, Thread and O. tion ! *ce, fewfnr (ilk and Twiil.- fiik Velvet, RihboHSj ink Shawls, Mack IIIk Flpicn- * tine, figured Sarcenets &c. &c. S:c. ALSO, Hvf n and Ore. n Tea, Spirits^ Port and jTcneviffe Wine, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar, Raifius, Pepper, Muftard, C. fTee, I Sf-c. 3:c. which they will fell tlieap ior jCaftl, nr flinrt a; proved credit. Ary perfmi "iilincr to deliver a pro pOTtioli >f the ^parGof each fi/e at Q^e bee, are req»c-!leti to deliver tti fealed Tendeta t<> the K;ava! Storekeeper at hi OfTi r. mm or btfore tj-ie u,.Q day uf ncXt • mo ,rh : mentto^;nff f,.||v xhf fiyes and ........... y ...». .....1*111' ni'lt.V I'"" II/-S ll-'ll lltiig'hs, ind the pike agaiuil eachi'lV/.c, il fuhfcilxKs •ef,it;d;uli) irifium j j and U-nr'h, and alfothe afijence <of the Kingston) Sej>U 13, 1816. '5 tlicn fuVin).- mv) tive ptvljiie in ptr-;! pcrfan whu tenders. ncral th.»l tl»*-y i.a*« rmiw* m*&\iXHm\\ /Uf'H ftUlhcr Tenders will bei:-erived to their ofu-1 1"';.-p.y, coniiiiiug o.' a ^c- ||for iaFii % maltft and tin.her froiin this place t Ou.'hec, llie Tcudu's •>, nu'ii i tion either by the CuHic f-o» (»r '^.p^r. Nnvtil Ya*d, Kingston* \ F* • fX^HE fubferiber returns his linccrc JL and heaity thanks to his friend*) anu ths. public in general, for the many favours he ha° received frofn them fur th'fefivcen years pan ; and informs them, that lie has .commenced buflnefs again for bimfelf. Any gentleman wifli- ing to dlfpofe of any property, will be Waited upon at their own quarters, or at Mr. D. Br ww\ Tavern, fronting the Maiket Place; and he afu;rea th. fe . gentlemen wholhall pleafcto favor l*im ^^ with their custom, thai they fnall have no occafion to call twice for their Mon¬ ey. AT. B TUE8DA1\ THURSD/ir and SATURDATt are tier regular sec¬ tion Days JOHN DARLKY, Audhnetr A Kingston. 4th nept. t 8 ! 6.____14 ncra' -Aflortrn*'!;! of DiiY GOODS, HARDWARE i Double and lingle Scoves. Iron f'..r?, 1 Wh-el Bnyrs, 19 Chair Shop. f{ "HE fubferiber*, having removed'o £ their » vm Vl,T> would inform the public that i\icy will endeavor in future to keep on hand ...I kinds of CHAIRS, SETTEES, && in their line. Ornamental Painting, Gilding and Varniihinsf di'oe with matnelj. Glals cut to any ihape n quired. Also—bailed Linfeed oil lor fale by the Barrel or imallcr quantity—Paints :csdy prepaid F01 uft?, and all directions Tor ufli'g them GnilU C. HATCH, 5c Co. top. 6 »4<f For Sale, Or to Let-, For one or more years, a very valuable Grist and Saw • 1 i P. S/ f* M / <»/■/ p r i I id. t }il-el am L?-die« aid Vffn'a S'-iOCf, A contract f >r the coi.vtvai-»re of \ Kis W/y l\w\ MAIlsl r^iee a i week from Kingtici to Yuvk, c-* v.n^v, ' A temrtete affml««» t of new felh-l f% ln JMU».ry ».e;;V Any perl, :)f lic ioue-1 Lad'i« >n ' Gertk-BKlf. Fur Cap*! f" » * oblainilljj it, MT^t,tffl«d V„ fcuo and Tiim.-niP«for Gn^t Coate ; I n •1V'I> f"'^ v-',,!,c,lt d"1:i>' to ,: '" «* T^'O eieg;*:.t line, acldreffcdto rh« P"i* Bleftn cue Dining Hells, Wilh a varic.v abcr articles to > J lengthy t-- enumerate, which will be T'-ld cheap for c;ifh. MOMJEAU & St. GERMAIN, j Ki/jp ^/ c«, yl A3. 1816 18 rui a; Montreal, ftatiag; hio lowtli terms, 1 -n«i (he f-curiiy w'Mch can be gfv ,, for I the due -'erf rmnnce of his c-'^.-gt ne:;ts. POST OFFICE, ^ 1 Kingston 1 o.'^ 0<1 18163 1 g\ f JVac Stage. MILL, In good repair, Btuated at Thurlow & immediatelyby the town of Beileviile. \*U prtiuulars, and u> irta; fo>- the fame |lapply to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the pro- puetor. ' Several T'nvn Water Lnts upon the bm.ks of the Riser Moira, for fale. A good Miller and Sawyer wanted. Bt ii-rk AugusUiSt »8t6. 12 ^^5 Reward.' ■ ^;:' HERE \S on the morning »f 1"> ?iii inll. a by name <»r A/ Mr*. Lamb??, RESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle¬ men of Kingflon and its vicinity, that she has imported from Londi n, and is now felling at Mr. Baruetts Store, ad- JOtntCg the White P*ea< tavern, a variety of Fancy Goods, fuit*hk for the feafuOi which will be fold on th-: moft reaiar.a- ble terms. Kingfton, 26th Sept. i£i6. I?!! To Let, THE Upper r>ar: of that Houfe fit-j uated in front of the Market, for] a .mall private family ; rflf-, fi-ablmg for ahoffe. For particuiarj apply lo the fubferiber. j. DUNCAN. Who has on ban- froo: 1000 to 1500 Palrc oi Worsted Stockings, Fit for the army, which will be fold cheap for cafti only. J- D. Kingston* fib Seht. 1R16. 14 ^o.tu.y day morning. The fubferiber by his unremitted exertions for c-mmod-ti-n of travellers, and the fafetVi- t* • i . r c • 1 . .• tu „^. 3 \, 11? is a man &bOivt tvr^ntv ijk yearn \t then baggage, to merit toe pat •jna^c ' r e r %. , v n 'bA r ,JU*fc {iofaue,fiv ?.ct hx inches h\uhf fiefii I ',,n "II10 j ttiee, fhall receive th^ above reward • i*1'*" ' \ i by applying to the fubferiber at Prefcott, Upper Candca. NEW GOODS. ! HE fubferiber has just received and X now ofierslbi fale, an cxtcnfivcaad well chi'fen aflortment of " Dry Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. A well chofen Afibrtcneat of MED/CI Nr The whole of which will be fo-d at the lowest prices for cam or country pro¬ duce. Ewd. J. Hendirsont. K'>g;to', 26 fmnary r 9. t fv xg For Sale, . BY the fubfciioers, 4c BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Cafi. Thomson & Betlor. Kb^ston, J-Jj I, 1SI6- $d To be Soid,~ " 800 acies of i-'HO in the towafliip of j Loughborough 200 acres in the townfhip of Hui.- getfoid. A Saw-Mill and Grill-Mi'I with two dwelling houfes, out houfefi, fi^bl.-, ic. with 4OO acres of land, a e.own jeale, in the town/hip 1 f PittuSin j"fl. AL6U, A nutiiber of valuable Tow;n Lots ia the village of Wtliii.gtou. Foi icmtis, apply to AMOS 4NSLET. Kingston, July 5, ISI6 5 Notice. rllE Board for exaomiing into the cUims of perfor.B entitled o Mi* litiri Penfions, will alTcniMe **L the Court Hoofe in Kingfton, 1 11 tlie fceo id Monday in Novemhei np:-:T.nt ten otlork • in tlic foTcnoc.n, and conttMJfi to •• in- ble at the lame place on the lccom! Mon- day in every mcn.h. whil'l feccifur \ nf which aM pcrfona concerned art rc<| td to i.kc notice. JOHN FERGUSON, Col H M. Senior Militia Officer ir the Midland Disirhl. I Kingston^ QBobi r to, x 8i6« 19 l> LAIR'S Sermons Portend Evi- j^3 deuces, the Canadian Viiitor, boi:*d 01 fiitgle, together with ^ treat vjuiety of afeful Eouks and Trn& > for y.iuug people,forS^leat this Office ;— [where accefs may be hnd to a Iniull cir- jealating Library, three times a week, on m -le:ate terms. I aaguil i, 1816. 9 1 1 LOST, of the Pubiic. SAMUEL PURi^r. Kingston, Oft- 9, 18j 6._________ , ^t f For Sal e Straj/ed, i I 5 A VALUABLE Farm, with build- ings als*o large imp: nvements there- ; on, favorably fituated v.i' ?-8 miles j of King-ton. Pcrfons deiocus of t/iir chafing to inquire of the Punter. Kingston^ July 10,181^. 5tf Blank Seeds and Memorials^ Vor &k at ibh Qgjos* FROMaTaitiire one mile and a half from Kbgfton, (Mr. Beach's] Tavern,) about the laft of Auguft, a Bay Horse, Four year? old, dark mane and tail, one white hind h'-of and a fmall white fpot in his forehead. Whoever will return fsud hoi ft, or give ittforiuati n where h* n.ay be fund, flvll be wel rewarded, k GROCERIES. T^HEfuofc'ribtrSs having comr^.cnce(j *■ buiintfsin the Gracety Lir.e, either whole fale or letail in this p!.:rv, wherelj they will do their utmost to fupt«]« ^\^ public en the most reafonahle tertr3 TORIUNCE & M'LEhn Kingston, 30th May, 1816. VD- S2 all ■ ecelfary charges paid by bl LAS MAY. Kingston, Oct.^y l9i& *8 Notice-. "pHB fubferibers to pe U. C Book JL Society, are informed th^j yn Samuel Merrill has trikfn the Boot$ m$ T»ad. belonging to the Society aoj thole who wift to takr their dividers Q| books for the lalt year and fubfcri^e to_ wards importing roqrc books for ^Urtther year, are requefiedto ralj withouy je|ay at Mr. Merrira Store fjrthat PilII-0re# By Order of the Pnfdent. KingftoOj Auguft 1 >^if. n CCmplirxion, l.'ght hair, blueeyr-;, round vifage, head a little bakl—at the time he made his clcape his cli'thes wen- a blr-ck co3- and pantaloons, ftriped waillcoat, & W. g boots. It is to be hoped that eve- rycxertiiMi will be made toi ttie fecuring of Aich a character. AMMA WOOD. Prcscolty U. C. June Stb, IbIM- 5 P jl Iri'w lublGfibera inform the lnhab- iL itants of Kingfton and iLs vicinity, that they will pay for good HOUSE AsIIES, JNine Pence per Bufhel, and provide mtnins to lake them irom their rtfpcAive Huules once tvery two weeks. Cliarles Slant & Co, Sttpi.'tid'er 13, 18 i 6- '5 Blank Summonses i*or the District Courts, for Sale a? tins Oiuc*. j TJROM the Paliureol Mr. Jcthro JC Jacklon, a COW, a R^ddift bfindle cctour, white Spots on her fi^re- b ad, rtd Sr white belly, one biak horn,, part of oue ear off. She is m w milk {and three years old. Whoever v. ill re¬ turn the fame to the fubferiber, Shall re¬ ceive the reward of FOUR Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. Kingfton Aug. 16 lb' 16. IT nice Bee?\ f"\T? nioil any quantity, can be had at I i the CELLAR under the Auftioa Room of jMt. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. P. S. AW persons who are in¬ debted to him, are requefted to call with¬ out delay, and fet^e their accounts. Kii?£jton, July 5, 1816. 5 PACKET. 1 HE Schooner Perfeverence. J. G. Parks*) Matter, w.'l: coritmne to run as a Prelect froo: Kicgftoo to Sack- itts Haiboi. May t;, iSi6_____________._ 5o_ B'-^nk Suii-.f:' n'.e-, Sabpce- llnas ano ExecUiu«rib, for rhc llCourr of Rriqucils, tor fe^ie tr* 4 i' lltbis Office.

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