fVant&dfor His MAJESlY'o" SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE, 500 Bushels Oats, 20 Tons IIA Y. The whole to re delivered into the Comif'ifTnriat Magazines at Kingston, by ihe earliest practicable period. TcndctB foi the above fupply will b? rrc^ived at this office- Commtssa ial Ojrce, 13 Kingston, tsj-) june^ r&l$. New Goods. || CHARLES mom*$ Co. TT^^G 'cavr to ioform their friend- JJJ and the public, that they havejuft received and now offer for fale, at their Store fronting the Market, an affortment 'my goods, Groceries, Crockery* %c- fyc, AMONG WHICH ARE Superfine and low pricM Broad Cloths, white, yellow and red Flannels, green li.uze, fancy Vcflinjo, filk and woolen do, white Quilting. Bombazetts affbitiSt! colors, Calicoes, Ginghamo, white and black Cambtick, Dimity, Cotton Shir¬ ting, Xrifh Linen, Gentlemen's white COttOll and bfeck worfttd Kofe, Ladies do do Ladies I-Iid and Morocco Shoe-, Mens LamVo Wool Stockings, • fiik 'and co!ton Braces, Barcelona Handkerchief?, refill. Subferihera, having received by -" the late arrivals, offer for fale on the !owoft terms for cafh at their Stores i;> ivmpflon, either wholeiale or retail* Ootfe. Kcrfeymert^ Francis, BomSa/,ettflJ IV?mba/ene% Men *■• Women's H'*(!•••y, fn.1i Linens, Diaper*, Toweling, Sflttins Lu'eft""ng3# Blue and white di¬ agonal «5aifnets» Levantine Silkfl* Ribbom, Laces, Footing, Ginghams, Lace Veil*, Silk Shawls, Silk and Leather Gloves, Wellington and Cheor) Stiles. II LLEWr, begsroofl refpc&ful- • ly to inform the inhabitants of KJngftoQ and its vicinity, that he has juft imported direct from London, the fol¬ lowing articles, which will be fold at lower prices than ever was offered before in this town. Rich twilPd and figured Sarfnet3 ; rich white and coloured Satins ; Merino Crapes fir Drefies • rich worked Col¬ lars and Tippets ; real Trench Cambric worked Caps foi children. Alfv—Frock Bwdiet ; a cafe of the mod fashionable Straw Bonnets, Trimmed w. h new Tri.nrr.ing. 150 Mend and Boys Common It A T& (UkShawk, India Bandages, Ladies j A large a(Tortmm"t"of Mecklin and Val- K:u snd {ilk Gloves, Geatlemer.s Be i- J fcnei nc ver and Glk do. Satin filk Turbans, Thread Footing, Thread and Cotton Lace, faring filk and Twifl, filk Velvet, Ribbons, filk Shav.h, b'.ack filk Floren¬ tine, figured Sarcenets Sec. &C. &.c. ALSO. Hyfon and Green Tea, Spirits, Port asd Teneriffe Wine, Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar, Raifms, Pepper. Muftavd, C'»ffe*i &c. &c« which they will fell cheap f«'r Cafh, or fhort approved credit. Kingston* S ft. ! 5, 1816. 15 Berlin Webs, TV'th a va-ietv of other articles in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits, Mufcovado and C/miac Brandy, H "land Gin, flrli ?Ott, Sr?a :fh, Sherry and Madeira Winca» Peppermenti Shrub, Molaflei, Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes, Raifins, Aim >nd<j Barey, Pepoer, Allfptct, and Indijro. T Chair Shop. d IT Walter McCu\2ffe<£? Co. K'-c<lon, icyth July, t816. 7 aft received and for fale at t!iis Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper, Of Quality No. 2, ■Reams Writing Pod No. 2, i: 9 HE fubferihers having removes fo their new (hop, would inform the public that they will endeavor in future to keep on hand all kinds of CHAIRS, SETTEES, &c. in their line. Ornamental Painting, Gilding and Vtruilhing done with ncatnefc. Glafs cut to any fhane required. Also—boiled Linfeed oil for fair by the Barrel or fmaUer quantity—Paints ready prepared foT ufC) and all direction* for uGng them Grafts. C. HATCH, 3c Ccx Scft, 6 i4tf For Sale, Or'to LpJ, For one or more years, a very valuable Grist and Saw A few fine ph :i and worked Mudir.s, Samuel Share, BEGS !eavc to tnf* nhis Friends and the PubJu in general, that he has jult received and now offers f >r talc, at his Store, an elegant aflortment of HARDWARE k CUTLERY, Dirift from the Birmingham and Shef* field Manufactories, which he will dif- pofeof Wholeiale or Retail, at reduced prices ; among which are the following ; Carpenter** Bench andMoulding Planes, ChifTels >f Sorts ; Trying Squares and T Bevels, Hand- Tenon, Dovetail, Safl>, Mill? CrofTcut, and Kev-holt Saws; Cheft, Cu >^rd, Drawer, Trunk, j| St»ck, u®Gt% Mortice and Pad-! Loc?;s ; Ship and Pocket CompafieB, Glaziers Diamond f; Hinges of a!! forts, Brafs and Iron ; * ! __ \ Chpap Woolen GOODS. THE fubferibers have just received, by the late arrivals fiom their Manufacturing Houfe, in England, a large quantity «f SUPERFINE & SECOND Broad Cloths; L•dtlie8, Police C LOT! IS mi CASS1MEUES, CONSISIIMG OF :—« Blue, Black, Waterlw, Bot¬ tle Green, Brown and Mixture Broad Cloths ; Brown, Frencli Gray, Drab, and co'or'd Pelisse Cloths ; Black, Blue and Mixtuife Double Mili'd Casstmeres- c , n , u t _• . r it - ■ Which they now offer for fa!e at tlif aaddlery and rlarncla trimtxntiea or all o.. c\x 'r* <, r\ .... © ? .Store of Messrs. IHOMSOS Sc Detlox, delC'iption-* ; I « c n ' door to Mr* Patrick Smyth's Store, VTa:n Strec:. N B. Hours of bufinefs from Ten un¬ til Four o'clock. Kingston* $tf* 13, t S 16- IJtf I JERRY WHITEHEAD <<k Co.' Kingston, X^th August\ 1816. If Nippers, Files Scre\v-clate«, &c. j'( R Jonas Abbot, ESPE'JTFULLY tmBm hi* thanks to his cuftomeis for their Fowling Pieces, bhot-bo.u, Powder- j gjfaera] fiipport in Mercantile trmfa&ioM Fkikvand B-'llct moulds; jifmcche cameto this place, and inf rmf Locke f »r Fawubx pieces ;_ _ j, them thdt he hag now corprne;ued b,lfi. Block xln Sauce-pans and Tea-LetUe3 ; Handled S: fpoutstodc do. Tinman's Rivets & wire of Sorts % G"ld fearer of various fize.s ; Sfuhfcrier ha:just Tcccwcdand jGndlroi^ and Frying Pans, w r.ffcii fax faL, an extenfive and [Tabic and Defcrt Kr.ives & Farka y Do Carvers with Forks; ditto ditto uncut For Sal 'T'HE Wert half if lot number nineteen * in :he fcccr.d concefuon of the town- filio of vi-'gfton. Apply to the Printer. Kingston, ftth 10, i8r-J. 5 tf. GROCERIES. rT*HE fubfciibcrs, having commenced bufmrfs in the Grocery Line, either tthokiale or retail in this place, where they wiii do 1 heir utmost to fuoply the public on the most reafonable term*. TOXHANCE iff M' ' EOD. Kiflgstonj 30th May, 1816. 52 LETTERS, Mcwtittingin the Post Office at King** Umofi the IQtk Octi '.t. 1816- j irMIAH \l>A9R6bfr AtJcin^n.Jani- , v-'i-^**, pierr? Bariere, ^nr. Bjiracs, 2 -a vii }3rfr«v, Barnabas 3rr?maw ; **Vi i^„» CarrelJ1Fraji<x*fc Cu^orne, TimotUy Chsh ..-n, .Joseph B.Chessman, James Clatfy,| #. Ir, lur -.darWs OoI\nn-n,Margarel Crooks, Ain^aiiderDallas, John Dean, JnTn DH- flrji, i^ar.r Denikr,Thotnau Durlaad: Mr. i a-!maRf Jatoph BnsnoD, David F.n«- Jo^ph Fannfn. Xa*h R. RrU; Vay Garrison, Francais Grcnier, Jc^^irfi dHfEn; I A me] \nn Hal', John S. IT^nnaa;, Peter Uenderaon, Orin I). Holcomh, .lulu. Hopfon, lari'-Hor. G^org^Haliflg, Lemuel i/uiji)ard, O' <&%** Hutchinson; Darnel /oJm^wi, Slargaret Jolmson j S;r hm-s Kuip; V U:aii Lah)*, Denis Lancy, Goorge T.ans:- flnii, v*-. i^-.!"»-*»t*, VfitiTrun C. tee, Isaac Lew¬ is; .A1*\.Ma.".Donoll,aSerp^ant <»f G. L I. F. flfso M'li^aii,JaneMacLcao, Mr. MaeNaT- l«*v. (atae^ Mackey. R. Macpherson, William Lj'H-».-»,S.i-riuel 5fooenf,ApotIos Mooro,Wi1lin<n MoorA. T!)f»mas MontagiM1, .A!:ehae! Moiau, Ma^k Vo'ilc, Robert Oedfn; J-'Uu Perlun on, Jovhna Pitt, Ratistc Pom- liiviiN*; Jane Qmglcy; W.lliam Uila, Nancy Robinson, Tbomas ftu^T o,>, Mr. ROst; S.on: Sa^er,Secretary of tlie Grand Lodge, Rilev S. Sro:t, Toward Shilton, John Smith, Ja*vi'» Smyths Richard Spencer, John Stan- Ximw T!'oin, iV!r°. Tliom, John Tliomas, Asa Tn^tr-A, Freeman Tracey, John T'.vmddle, J.Bate /a<ffron, Marie Voilerte, James Vro» JsvVs^eBt, RoVrt WcllN John AVheal- Vn?, vJr-. Wi^at, Caleb R. Whiti-g, Samuel 1\M:hamT lam Willmr, Willfam' Wilkin*,! L'uiuT WiMiaro*, Jprnniah Wood,John Wood- f>* Mtm MAL'AULAY, P. M. MIL L, In good rcp.iir, fituatcd at Tb & immediatclyby the town of Belleville- j For particulars, and to treat for the tame; apply to Thomas Coleman, Efq. the pro¬ prietor. Several Town Water Lots upon the banki of the River Moira, for fa!c. A tfood Miller ad Sawyer wanted BcUeviHc,Auguft% 23,1816. 12 NhW GOODS, i HE i now well ch-.ifen afTotiTient »f • Dry Goods, Grocesies, and Hardware. 4LS0, A well chores Affortment of M E DICIN E • Th": whole of which will be fold al the lowest price t for cafli or country pro Ewd. f. Hendt?rsok. Kingston. ?.f\ hungry i^ff%. TO C • T IT ( 1 nm with v*r. Thomas S. Whit«b»J i under the firm of JONAS ABBOT & Co,. And are now receiving a very general afibrtrr.cnt of Fancy Sc Staple W'-o'i Sccws aSortcd ; hmeau Trtmmingf, Portable Dd!c do. Bed Caps, Screws and Keys ; 4i, 6d 8c3, rod, 14^, if.d, i8d, 2od,[[ tftr* and 301! Nails ; j f Well adapted t*> this Market; which have White and Black Lead, Pruffian Blue, 11hecn MfAcd by otic of the Partners from Spfttufl) Brown, Red and YcIIott j jlhe .lalcI^ arrivals at Quebec and Mon- Pa in t*;—- Boiicd Eng'ifh Oil, &c ire. &c. Which In addition to his former Stick wid fo.n the molt complete affortment ever ofiertd f >r (ale in this place. Kingston^ August 10, 1816. ictf Ureal, and purchafed for ready money. They flatter themfclves their puieha. to tt uilow!! > * W rcar>naV.P tefrnn. No. 22, intfe "*'* ^mcession, No 23, in >/v 6.'/, . «w», <ot JA\ii-:S G. HANNA, Watch Ma her ami Jcxel/rr, "p ESPECTFULLY informs hr. W, fcieudn and the public in general, thai he lias juft received a vei7 elegant afT rt"—i,i of Gold and S3ver \a ztchcx, (Pr.tent Leav er pud pfene)—Mufical [flftrumeutfl of * ^ all defcription?, fuch as Double Fiage<- et>, Clarionets. Flutes, 1 1. ^ of „rs Clarionets. Flutes, S:c. Ladies work 11 i! Notice. THE fubferiberf? to the U. C. Bocfe Society, are informed that Mr. Samuel Merrill has tak< n the Books ?.rd 'Oa&; belonging: to the Society, and thofe who wifh to takr their dividend oi» books for the laft year and fubferibe U>\ wards imparting more books for another' vear, are requeued to aiT without delay at Mr. Mern'l's Store for tint purpofe. By Order of ibt Prtftdcnt. Kingloo, Auglift I 1 316. 9 — '•--------------------------------- J£$5 Reward. IX/HEREAS on the morning of the ifth inft.aman byname of RI¬ CHARD E. BARKER- tan away from Pre-fc^.tt, Upper Canada, with ab- out ioco dollars, the property cf the fubferiber. Any pcrfon or perfons who will apprehend and fecore the izid Rico ard E Barker^ fo that he may be bro'L to juftlce. (hall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at Pr fcott, Upper Canada- He ia a man about twenty fix years of age, five ftet fix inches high, frefu complexion, light hair, blue eyes, round vifage, head a little bald—at the time he made hid efcapc his cljthcs wcrie a black coat and pantaloons, ftriped waiftcoat, & long* boots. It is to be hoped that eve-; rytxertion will be made for the fecuring of fuch a charafter. AM AS/1 WOOD. Prescoits U C. June 8//;, 1816. 1 AND Lot No. 20, n f/:r {, // * nression, The whole bc?% f„ the T rnfhip of Unnfewmh tl, rirttia of f, t,floV-n. I j B^7P^ted Cm* do. Candle Hicks ttT&Ti^***™ r"th' ifiicc ofhdo. SuurTvr-ndTravs, do. SaltCerar-s dLf.AN MCr f. + y rr7 Kingston. A>*.t. &\ ,815. !i Fo ■ Hale, »**. BLANK BAIL BOVDS. and SHr.klFFV SALES. l"jr sale at this Oliicc THE fubici ii>er8 ini'orm ih? Ii-hab- itanf» of KlDgfton and its vicinity, that they will pay for good mum ashes, Nine Pence per Bufhel, and provide meant to take them from their refpeftive Houfes once every two weeks. Charier Short & Co. September 13. 1816. , c Blank Summonses For the Disrii.t. Crurts, for baie ai this Oiljce. " •' •• fubferiber^ 40 BOZEd FINE Yellow Soap, CHE.APJor Q<$. ~ Thomson & Drtlor. To be So/(l,~ 800 aerfc* of end in the Cown&ip of Loughborough, 200 acres in the townfnip cf H-un- geifoid. A Sav Mill rnd Grifl-Miil with tvvc dwelling houft-f ;,m home:, itabhs, Src. with 400 acr^; of land, a crown leafe, in :he tosvnlhipof Pitifbiirgh. ALSO, A number nf valuable Town Lots in the village of Wellii^ton. For terms, apply to AMOS ANSLET. lano Ttf&fl :-:k;. Ivory handled Knive5 ■and Fork in feitatvith Careers, Patent jCorfc Sc en - ; Siker, Gi'f and Steel J Purre;'. Silver ftnd Ilated Fifh Knaves, !do. Euttr- Knives, do. Spoons, Silver, (Gilt, and other Snuff Boxes, Razors, iScillor-. Pen Knives, Clock4-, FifLing riVckIf. Bag^ammrn Boards Cheflmen,! Dice, S'ir?r$ Tortoifc Shell and Steel j Bpccktacles, and a number of other ar- [ridcfi too nu.Tierou.sto mention, which he $tf; .will fell cheap for c^fli. N. B. AKo—fome excellent a Notice. 1 rHE Board for examining into the claim? of psrfrms entitled to Mi ■itia Pcnfions. will aflemWe at the Court Houfe in Kin^fton, on thefcco;.d Mondav m November nrx:,st ten o'clock in th^ forenoon, and continue to aflem- ble at the fame place on the fecond Mon day in every rponth, whilft nccefTary. of ■vh;ch all perfon^ concerned arc requefted to take notice, JOHN FERGUSON,/v fj. M. Stntor Militia Officer in the Midland Distrifi. Kingston, QXobtr ! o, 1 816. 1 g ■ ■ ■ - — -------- _ ^^ ___________ B I. AIR'S Sermons, Portcus' Evi- dencCT. the Canadian Vifitor, ruui-Jo- Gngle, together «iih a great variety of ufirful Bo«.ks anj Tf9«stfot jrbung people, for Sale at this (iir.re';— where accefs may be h.d to a f01ij] [;,. culatina Libri»y, three timet a week, on moderate tcrrAf- augull I, itfifi, SMUJFV, Whoirfaleand Retail. Watches and (."locks repaired and c!ea« ned in the bed manner, a^d warranted. Kingston. Aug* I 7, 1S16- i7// i LOST, FROM the PaRare of Mr. Jethro Jackfon, z COW, a Reddiih brindle colour, white foot* on her fore¬ head, red & white belly, one buck horn, part of one ear off. She is new milk and three years old. Whoever will re¬ turn the fame to the fuhferiber, fliall re¬ ceive the reward of FOUR Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. KIngfton Aug. 16 1816. 11 ■ * ** 9 Spruce Beer, f\J rnoft any quantity, can be had at ^1 the CELLAR under tfce Audion Room oi Jllr. C':ur!es Short. JOHN YOUJgG. P. S. All persons who are in- drhted to him, are requefted to call with¬ out delay, and fertle their accounts. Kingston, July 5, 1816. g ~ PACKET\~ THE Schooner Perfevereree., J. G. Parker, Matter, will coutmue to •un aca backer from Kingftou to Jack¬ ets Harbor. May i;, 1R16______________j0 ) Blank Sumrnonfe% Subpcc- naa and Executions, for tre Court of Requcits, for Sale at this OiSce# fes have been fuch as will enable them to (ell their Goode as low as th fc who have imported dire£l from Eur/»pe The strictest attention will be paid to customers, and goods fold at a veiy mo¬ derate anvanGB* Kingston, yl August, x 8 16. P. S. ' J. Abbot bemg about tcrf move to Montreal, requefts thofe who have demands against him, to exhibit [them; and thofe who arc- indebted to j him, to make payment. 9 Midland District %\~\yY virtue of a To lV,r ; j ISWRIT cf KX- ECUTION UEubA out of His Majcty'g Court of King's bench, holding civil ideas, in and for the Midland Uisirift a- forefaid at the fuit of ALEXANDER AULDJO- of t\ui townlhip of Nfaryi. burgh, in the faid District, yeoman, .^^«in3t the lands and fcentmeuta of PHILIP SWlTZER, of ihe town- (hip and Distnft aforefaid, yeonnan, to me directed ; I have feizcu and taken in executiooi as belonging to the faid I PHILIP SWlTZER, th^ South¬ westerly hall of Lot number 1 on the Southeasterly fide of Southwest, or Prince Edward's Bay, in the faid towa- Ihip oi Mary/burgh, which faid Lot of land is butted and bounded, or may lv: ntherwifc kno<>n as follows, that ii to fay, commencing in front on the faid Bay, in the limit between Lota number ? and 2, and at the westerly angle of the faid L"t; then South 46 degrees East, 105 chains 27 link*, more or lefs, to the lands granted to Capt. John Allan ; the.- North 44 degrees East, 9 chains 50 links, more or lefs, to the centre of the faid Lot; then North 46degrees West, !Oj: chains, 27 linke, more or lefs, toi South West, or Prince Edwards Bayj* then Southerly along the water? edge of the faid Bay, to the place of beginning, being partly cultivated, with all the buil¬ dings thereon cre&dd, containing by admeafurement 100 acres, be the lame more or lefa.—Now I do hereby give Notice, that the aforefaid Lot^ and prtmifes will be fold and adjudge to the highest bidder, at my office in the town of Kingston, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of DECEMBER next, at 10 of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of We will be made known*— !. CHARLES STUART,Sirrif And ew:rjrvr»erfon or perfooa having claims on the above defcilv'd Lot of land and premifes, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby adteft" tiled to civ? notice to the faid 5hen(f, at his Office, in the town of Kingston, privious to the fale thereof. SberifsOJice, Oclober 12, 1816 \9 7 Rags! Rags! Cash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R * G S AT THIS OFMUE.