Kingston Gazette, October 5, 1816, p. 4

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Wanted[for His MAJESTY'S) SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEA SE, 600 Bushels Outs 20 Tons HA F. The whale to be delivered into tlu CommiJTariat Magazines at Kingston, by the earliest practicable period. Tenders foi the above fupply will be received at this office- C'.mnuisarhit Office, 13 Kingston, ZAfb June, i.St6. J Goods. ISesv HE Subfcribers, having received by the late arrival?, offer for fale CM the 1'owefi term? for ca/h at thtir Store- in Kingfton, either who'dale or retail. T Cloths. K.:rfeymerC3| Ffmneli, BomSazettsJj Bembaze \es9 Men S Women's H ifiery, Irfft Linens, ■Drape*?, T .'.veWng, Sattins, LuteftringSi Blue md white di¬ agonal Sarfaets, Levantine Silks, RibbonSj Lace.-, Footing, Ginghams, X.ace Veils, S!!k Shawls, Silk and Leather G'OVC?, Wellington and Berlin Webs, W*th a variety of Other article;; iu the Dnj Gaols Line. ALSO, Jamaica Spinu, Mufcovado and Co<yniae Brandy, H SXnvi Gin, BcftPort, s-v.;o\ Sherry and Madeira vVines, Pe-pcrtnent, Shnife- Molafe*, Loaf Sugar, Teas, Prunes, Ratfin«| ATrtv ndaf Barley, Pepper, Allfoice, and Indigo. WALTER McGurifFEWCo* Kingfton, 19th July, 1816. Notice. T'HE f'lbfcriber >efpedWJil!y inform1 hi* frie-td^ ?:id 'he puWIc .Ii3t he ie afcout o )e. lug a St!ir<- in front of •.}»>• new market I onfe, yvner- lie wili do BUoIWC.SS on COMMISSION Win buy and fell, ne & Forward GOODS Up or chwn the River* Will take in .iny orders of any defcripti on in that line of bnfini'fa N !3 PerfonR defirous of committing confi^nments to his charge Tmy kn"w ih rite of ftorage and crtromiflton by galling at the new *\ mmiffi- 'tore JOHN DUNCAN. Kinjfbn, Dec 30, i8i£- 7 ______________ .. ——*—^—■ jfi rece've* and for fale at this Office, A QUANTITY OF Writing' P~* rriARLES SHORT 'Jr Co. EEG leave to inform their friend and the public, that they havejuit ••cived and now offer for fale, at tht i; Store fronting the Market, an aflbrtment DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, §c. §c. AMONG WHICH ARE Superfine and low priced Broad Cloths, white, yelloW and red Flannels, green D.iize. fancy Vtftmgfl, filk and woolen do. white Quilting, Bombazctts aflbited color-, CalicofS, Ginghams, white and black Camhiick, Dimity, Cotton Shir ting, Irifli Linen, Gentlemen's white cotton and black worftcd Hofe, Laditr do do. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes, Mens Lamb's Wool Stockings, filk and cotton Braces. Barcelona Handkerchief^., filk Shawls, India Bandannocs, Ladies Kid end filk Gloves, Gen'lemens Bea¬ rer and filk do. Satin filk Turbans, Thread Footing, Thread and Cotton L^re, fewing filk and Twill, filk Veivec, Ribbon*, filk Shawls, black filk Floren¬ tine, figured Sarcenet.. Sec. &c. &c. ALSO, Hyf >n and tlrecn Tea, Spirits, Port and TtncrivTe Wine, Mufcovado and Loaf Sug-.r, Ratlins, Pepoer. Muftard, C ffec. &c. &c. which they ff3] fell cheap for Cafh, or fhort approved credit. Kingston, Sept* 13,1016. 15 Chair Shop. "T*HE fu^fcribers having removed to I their new (hop, would inform the 0'ililic that 'hey will endeavor in future to keep on hand ;:;i ki:idsof CHAIRS, fcETTEES, &€. in thei' lire. Ornamental Painting, Gilding a..d V Tinfliing dune with n-.atnel*-. Gtala cut t.i any (hape required* Alm—b iled Linie-d oil lor fale by the Banel or fmaller quantity — Paiuti ready prepared for ufe, >. ul all Jirettium for ^ifii'g them Gratis. C\ HATCH, & Co. Sept. 6 i^tf I! 9 Of Quality No. 2, Reams Writing Port Mo, 2, ri itto d-i'to uncut. Pablic Notice. f~I^HE fubferiber has commenced run- Ring a . Stage Waggon Fo'n K.:n^fton, t" Ernefl T <wn village, dailv ; to leave B. Olcott's tavern, a' Kf'-^fton. every morning, at fix o'clock and retQrn the fame evening. To cm- me ice -n Mnortay, the firft day of |n!y. Eyerv accommodation will he afforded tp pafiengers and baggarre. SAMUEL PURDT. Kingston, Jnly 13, 1316. 5 MR. MAKSMALL, Member of th- College of Sur- geonsf London, AN'D X-ICKNCilO BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE OOVKKNOU IS CHILE TO PUA.CTTCE PHYSIC, SURGERY -*vn MIDIV1FERY, TAKES the liberty to inform the Public tha' he has moved from Mr. Patrick Smyth's houfe to MeiTrs. Johi;s 8t FiNKLi-s, where all calls in fiis line will be immediately attended to. N B.. Families arid other? may be fupptfed wkh fmall quantities of genuine DRUGS and Patent MEDICINES. Kingiton, Xph dugujt* 1816. 11 For Sale, nnHE We-t half of lo' number nineteen ■* in the Second conceflion of the town ihip nf Ki -gfton. ^pply to the Printer iCwg4tmf /«/v it* i*«J. fti- •d 10 For Sale, Of i" Is;1. For one or moic Tears, a very valuable Grist and Saw MIL L, Cheap Bilks, j L LEWIS, begs moll ttL&faU ' • ly to inform the inhiibi(ints 0f Kingftun and its vicinity, that ru |ias jU|l imported direft from London, i)ie f0]. 'owing articles, which will be (,\^ ai lower prices than ever was offerc^ befou* in (his town. Rieh twiiPd and figured SM-fner° ; rich white and coloured SattHS; VIeri"o Crapes for Drefle* ; rich work .j (^0j. lars and Tippets ; real French C'ombric worked Caps for chi'dien. Alfa—Frock B .dies ; a caf^ 0f the mofl f ifliionable Straw Bonnets, Trimmed with new Trix.rrti-0- toO Mem and Boys Common 11 A TS. A large aflbrtment o'" Mecklin aid Val- lenci'-ne A few fin*' plain and worked Wi:fl«ns, Merino Pelifle Cl'th, the veiy led col¬ oured fi;k VeWrt^ ; alfo,filk Friigesfor trimming Dreffes, Ribbon*, ^c.&c. The above wi1! be ready forInfpee- ;on on Monday nixt, Septcmboi 16, at Wr. BROVVN's BoardJnj? Ho^next door to Mr. Patrick Smyth'; Store, Main Street. N. B. Hours of bufinefs from Ten un¬ til Four o'clock. Kingston Stpt. 13, I 816- Iftf NiAV GOODS. PHE fubfoi:ber hasjust re<ovedancl 1 I. now '.-ffer :o; tale, an and well chofen aflbrtment of D:y Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALsnt A wel cholen Afforttncot of M E DICIN K • The whole of which will be foM a» the lowvst prices forcafh or country pro once E\VD. J, Hl-NPRRSOV. Kingston, 26 J .niinrv 'R*Ct 10 II B Samuel Shotr* EGS leave to inform iw Frfendi ?r\ ' the Public in general, that he I.;* jofl received and now offers for laic,- iiis Store, an elegant affbrtment of HARDWARE ;> CUTLERY, D'n'ft from the Birnvngham and Shef¬ field Manur-iclonVs, which he will dlJ oof-of Wholefale or Retail, nt redu^ l»ri.;es ; among which are thefollowm Ca'penter's Bench and Moulding Plants. ChifTels f Sorts ; Tiying Squares andT Bevels, Hand Tenon, Dovetail, ' Sifli, Mil1 I Croffcut,and Key-hole Saws; Cheft, Cuoboard, Drawer, Trunk Stock, Door, Mortice and Pad Locks ; Ship and Pocket CompalTes, Glaziers Diamonds; Hinges of all fbri*j Brafs and Iron ; Saddlerv and Harncfs trimmings of all . i . . ° delcnpt'onv ; Tanditm, Gig and Rid'ng Whips ; D >. Thongs and Lame* ; B"fl Placed and Brafs Ca-.cMetlicks, Do Cruets of 4 & 5 Glades, Brittatftny Metal Teapots ; Watch-maker's and Jeweller's Plycrs. (Tippers, Files, Screw plates, &c. Fowliojr Piece?, Shot-belt** Powder- Flartcs and Bullet moulds ; Lock1? f*r Fowling pic es ; I !il' ck fin Sauce pans and Tea-kettles ; Han ilea & !pouts to do do. Ti man's Rivets & wire of Sorts ; G*»ld fcales of various fizes ; G-i.I Iron« and Frying Pans, Table ;«ad Defert Knives & Forks; Do Carvers with Fok's; W-'od Screw?, affoited ; Bureau TWrnmrng*, Portable Deflc do. B<ri Cap**, Strews and Keys ; 4A 6d. 8d, icd, i+d, i6J, 18J, 2od, 2^d and god Kails ; White and Black Lead. Pruflnn Blue, :-V.2:,i^ Brown, Red and Yellow Points ;— Boiled RngHfii Oil, Sec. &c. Sec. Which in addition to his former Stock will form the mufl complete aflbrtment ever offered for fale in this place. Kingston, August 10, 1816. 1 otf Cheap Woolen GOODS. rHE fubicribeis have just received by the h'te arrivals from their Icinufatturing Houfe, in Eng'an , z Kg. quantity of iUPERi^lNE & SECOND Broad Cloths; Ladies' Peiice CLOTHS anj CASSIMERKS, CONS/STIMG OF :— Blue, BiacKj Water..;o, Bot- e Green, Brown and iMixturtf Jroad Cloths ; Brown, French Gray, Drab, and coloi-'d Pelisse Cloths ; Black, Blue and Mature Double Miird Cassimeres, Which they now offer for fale at the' Store of Mes«rs- Thomson & Detlor, very low for cafli. JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. Kingston, \*]th August, 1816. 'n Jonas Abbot j RESPECTFULLY lender* hh u thanks to his cuflomeis for their liberal fnpport in Mercantile tran!r.ftion3 finee he came to this place, and inf<rm9 them that he baa n- w commenced bxifi* ■it(s with Mtfi Thomas S. Whitakei, under the firm of JONAS ABDOT& Co. And are now receiving a very general aflbrtment of Fancy Sc Staple Goom Wool Carding. tn good repair Stoats at Th,..low||'T ^ ^'\T \! ■>.?**$* <^: « imrn«i;,relyby l , tow- of Betiflrili. \\-.} «*. ^"? c- **Wh rf rr»lv to Thomas Coleman, EfH. ihe pn.. >!'"the tow,,fi,lP:/ Kmgrt-o, »4 b* it pnetor, .Several Town W.. or Lot* noon th, bank of the Rive Moira, fo» far. A ?ood \?ille« a ti S.o^y*.- waited Bdlwilk .'It'grt'f, 23,181$. r 7 No/ire. m I I *TT*HE fobfc*foeri t 1 the TJ. C. Boot \ S iciefv. arr jvformed that r\f« Samuel Merrill has t':k n the Book' anr7 P«ad b'lo* ring ♦.• the Society, v A thofe who wili to take their dividend -»f books for the 'art year ai.d G.tbfcnh* fc>- wcrda irnporrfir mort* book farannthc" year, are reonefted to a^1 wMrn* dcltfv at Mr. MemTfl Sto^ 6i»*that putpofe. By Ortkroftbe PrtfiAttL Eingfton, Augofl t i«'6. 9 J£ 25 Seward* \i7HEREAS on the mommg - fthe * jrh inft. a h»an by r,ame of RI CHARD E. BARKER ran awaj from Pu-fc tt. I poer Canada, with ab¬ out 1000 dollars, the property of the fubferiber. Any perfog orprrfor.9 who will apprehend and fecurr the laid Rid arc! E Barker, \o that he may be bro't to juftice (hall receive the above reward by applying to the fubferiber at Prefeott, Upper Canada. He is a man about twenty fix yeary of age, five feet flx inches high, frefh complexion, Ugh* hair, bine eyes, round vifage, head a little bald—at 'he time he made his efcapc his ch thes weie a black coat and pantaloons, ftriped vaiftcoat, St long b-ot*. It U to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for the fecunng of fuch a charadler. A MAS A WOOD Presents U- C June $th, 1816. 5 f j! "MllL fubferiber inform the I-diab- _11 itants of Kingdom and its vicinity, that they will pay for good HOUSE ASHES, Nine Pence per Bufhel, and provide means to take them from their refpeftive Houfes once every two weeks. Chaileh Short & Co. September 13, 1816. if Blank Summonses tor the District Courts, for bale at this OilicCr . ow iii complete order f. r Carding V -:oK All peifona who will fax-or him with their custom may be afTureJ of hav- ing their work done well. Price, 6d. pc !b. PJ FITCH. Khyttm funt&t&t 18 t 6. 2tf FOR SALE, Lot No. 22, in the tth Concession, r'o. 23, in the 6th Concession, T.ot No. 2c, in the iub Concession. The whole being in »1k Towif^ttn of aiudWtt, ir die district of JoHptlawn. Forpartichtt enquire =t the office ot ALLJN MCLE'4N,, Ktnrt&Ht Aupist 38, 181 j. 12 Ra$s ! Rags ! ~~ Hash and the highest price paid for CLEAN COTTON AND LINEN R < G ^ AT THIS OFFICE. r Safe, 11 Fo BY the fubferrtars, 40 BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, CHEAP for Cc/h. Thomson & Detlor. Kingston, July I, J 816 51 f To beSoTd, 800 acres of land in the tov/n(hip of Loughborough. 200 acres h\ the townfhin of Hun- geiford. A Saw Mill and Grill-Mill with two dwelling houfes, out hou&S, Ihtbles, &c. with 400 acres of land, a cro^n Icafe, m the townfliip of Pitt/burgh, ALSO, A number of valuable Town Lots h the village of Wellington. F«ur terms, apply to AMOS ANSLET. Kingston, %/y ;,!,';'/; _ BLANK BAlli BO.I>S, and SHERIFFS SALF;s, For sale at this Office, * JAMES G. HANNA, Watch Maker and Jewc/ler, RESPECTFULLY informs Ma fnVj»d<iand the public in general. f-'hVtHfc'hr* j tilt rectil veil a very Cicgaut ?.K rtn ^nl of JEWELBT, Gold and Silver ^A aichcs, (Patent Leav¬ er and plane) — MttScal Inflrurnents of all ilefrriptlons, fuch as Dot'bb- Klajrel- Kti, Clenonet*., Flute?, &c. Indies wo» I: Boxes P'ated Crewtts, d". Candleflicks do. Snuffers and Travs, do. Salt Cellar? an ; Toaft Racks, Ivory handled Enive* and forks in ferts with Carvers, Patent Cork Screws ; Silver, Gi!t and Steel Pttrfeti Silvef ^nd Plated Fifli ICm'ves, do. Butter Knives, do. Spoons, Silver, Gifts and other Snuff &'-?%es9 Raznr** ScifTors, Pen Km'ves, Clocks, Filhtng Tackle, Baggammon Boards, ChefTmen, Dice, Silver, Torto'Te Shell and .Steel Specktacles, and a number of Other ar¬ ticles too nu.nerousto mention, which he will fell cheap forcafh. N. B. Alfo—fome excellent &«WUFF. Who'efaleand Retail. Watches and Checks repaired and clea¬ ned i" the befl mariner, a id wai ranted. Kingston. Aug. 17, 1S l 6. Wtf Well adapted to this Market; whicll have been felected by one of the Partners from fhe lateft arrivals at Quebec and Mor> treal. and purchased for ready money. They flatter therr.fe'ves their puicha- fes have been fuch as will enable them io fell their Goods as low as th» fe who have imported dire<5l from Europe. The strictest attention wil! he paid to customer?, and goods fold at a very mo¬ derate advance* Kingston\ yl August, 1316. P. S. J. Abbot being about to r(* move to Montreal, reqnefts thofe KTO itMi^t tlemiuKte agtfioat !him, to exRil > thems and thofe who arc indebted to him, to make payment. 1 LOST, FROM the Paflur^of Mr. Jethro Jackfon, a COW, a Reddifh" brindle colour, white fpots on her fore¬ head, red & white belly, o^r buck horn, part of one ear off. She is new milk and three years old. Whoever will re¬ turn the fame to the fubferiber. (hail re¬ ceive the reward of FOUR Dollars. JOHN SCOTT. Kingfton Aug. 16 1816. II FOR SALE, Four foot LATHS. 30,000 App|y a this Olfice. Kingfton, r7th May, 1S16. II Spruce Beer, OF mofl any quantity, can be had at the CELLAR under the Audion Room of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG. ?. S. All persons who arc in¬ debted to him, are reqtietted to call with¬ out delay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston> 'July 5, 18 16- 5 PACKET." THE Schooner Perfevercnce, J. G. Pakkfr, Mailer, wili continue to run as a Packet from Kingfton to Sack- ets Harbor. May I5,.i8jCj jo MidlandDistriaA pY virtue of 3 To Wir: J DWKIT of EX¬ ECUTION iffued out of His Majciy, Court of King's bench, holding civil plea*, in and for the Midland Difbifl a. forefaiA at the fuftof John KtVby oft^ town of Kingfton, in the faid Diftrifl merchant, agaiuft theland»«and ie* ai-** s which were oc William ^tkinfon, of be (ame place Tanner, the time of his death in the hand9 and euflody of J Richard Csrtwright, John Fergufon, Nicholas Siick'eand Mary Stickle, Ex¬ ecutors and Executrix, of the faid Will, fam Atkinfon decerfed, to me directed, 1 have fcized and taktn in ejection, P3 belongmg to the faid WILLIAM AT K1NSON, the time of life death in ih-c handi and cuftody ci Rich¬ ard Cartwright, John Fergufo'i, Nicho¬ las Stickles, and Mary Stickle?, Execrj. tor? and Executrix of the faid Wiiliam Atkinfon, deccsfed, lots ni'uihcr 19, 20, 21, 22. 23 and 24, in the fourth conces- lion of the townfhipof Sidney, containing by admeafurement 1200 acres be the fame more or Ief&. Now i do hereby give no¬ tice that the faid lots or parcels of land wit} be fold and adjudged to the hfghcil bidder, at my office in the town of Kino*. flon, on WEDNESDAY the SIX. TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, 3t which time and place the conditions «f fale will be made known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. And every pcrfon or pe'fons having claims on trie above defcribed lots of land and prcmifes, by mortgage or other right or incumbrance, are hereby arker- tiled :o give notice to the faid Sheriff, at his office in the town of Kingfton, previ¬ ous to the fale thereof. Sherifs office, May 6, ! 816. 4 For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with build- * ■*• ingt* aUo large improvements there¬ on, favorably fituated within 28 miles of Kingston. Pcrfons defiroua of pur- chafing to inquire of the Piiuter. fiingston* July IO, 1 81 e._______$jf BLAIR'S Sermons^Porteus' Evi¬ dences, the Canadian Vifnor, bound 01 fingle, together with a great variety of ufeful Books and Traces, for young people, for Sale at this Office |— wliere accefs may be had to a fin.'.IIcn- ciilating Library, three times a week, on nyderate terms. augud it 1816. 9

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