Kingston Gazette, October 5, 1816, p. 3

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.V which, M ** memorial ftateo, l#| Fort ttiaparA. arrtbnntlrijr to otic ftdhj-' L R /., Jb^atfA* ' ^;;/&in,!,lby.^dproaucr1it,l irrro I fritter Mb, tt be applied la I**&*jP*lf? ■ *£ thing to the public treafury, hi confe- uiienec nfthc fraud committed by ii>e jritifb Merchants anil their sgentf. fa¬ voured, as they are, by the hnnfiji y cus¬ tom houfe officers, who are eafily fiihorn- ed. This ib only one (mall link of that pxtrnfivc chain of COtnbtnalton againft Bntilh manufaftures, whic*' already e&« h\t on the Continent, and which, though teofCtly plotting, bids fair to pioJuce e- •qually as great effc&a a& the Berlin and Milan Decrees on the late Confederation of the Rhine, about which our Mioifttrs toade fo much noife. klNGSTON,0cTOnEKr>s 1816. Arrived ,n ^*'s town> on ThnrfrJav ftitiniMg laft. His Excellency Governor Gore, in the Governm-nt fchooaer Toronto. On landing at the Market Place, his Excellency was faiu- ted by adifchargeof artillery. The fame day the principal Inhabit- ants- of Kingfton waited upon his Excel¬ lency, and pre&nfcd the following ADDRESS : To His Excellency, Fkamcis Gopf, Ffq j Lt Gov. of the Province of Upper \ Canada* ESfa. May it Pliase yovr Fxc'ly, We the inhabitants of the tava «f j Kingfton. hearing of your Exce'lencv's j a<*r"v?l at this place, avail ourfeWei of the ■ pr.-f'-nt occafion again to espref; our fat- hfadion at feeing yon among!} u». red a-jd forty-noun ., ^o be applied in aid of the fundi of thf Society ; and it may not be fmnrop to remind the fo-' cicty that this donation added to- thofe already given toihe Loyal and Patriot-j <c Society by onr faid late Prefident a- m..unt to Five hundred pounds Provin¬ cial currency, a noble donation which cannot fau* 0* exciting the warmcit ac¬ knowledgments. The Treafurer has likewife to ac¬ knowledge'a donation of twenty pounds From Major General Shank, fo well known in this Province. The Treafurer takes this opportunity of reminding the beard, that he was di- le&ed when paying a donation in Gov¬ ernment Kills t» any diftrelTed perfor,, agreeable to a vote of the Directors, not to demanc the intereft arifing on them, it| being their unanimous wifh to excicife their fun&ionH with the moll liberal de!- icacy, Thi« amount for the intereft in the general ahftra& appearing M« than it would have otherwife been, S3 it wil! be fecnon exaniinhigthe deduftedamount i to form part of the donation. There . vi> f-Mom any portion of the funds of (the fociety bearing i itereft except nrhat] was placed in the haJs «>f Meffis. Ger- r--d. Y-.owavd, Gillafuie, Ss Co. and th"Te Gentlemen with one >mnv>n lioer- a:itytpaid ii.terefl for the fams'tfesofited with them, though fobjeS daily to the jraft* nf rhe Treafurer. It wi'l be feen on cxa-rii^ing the diiF- ci'Ot abfl-ra&s that during the fi-il year, only the furn of nineteen hundred and _ 3. ft , Society oh the ' \> A|«rti« . I mm,:...................u»J nj I By IntPro-tmHo. for imeyear, 503 15 6 By Call collected at MoutfCjU and Terrebonne bey<> td last yearN credit,..... '**.","' By Interest accruing ■»** difffer entsurasupto 1st ApriUHI4% 182 Oft 15. By a Horse (jiven in a n»-ejent to the Society <»> Col, Nuhoi.........;..........20 B^ Cafh in Donattonvi....... IS By Capt.Gl,B««*8 Subtcription ^0 By Cash returned,........... 12 Oct. 29. Bv (lie Jamaica Do¬ nation,.................. 1419 2 8 B\ Ca4l from General DdoM- MONO,................... 360 0 0 9 9 19 1 5 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 v i ,£10912; 12: Hj Errr,r>Kxrcpte(1. JOHN STttACHAN, Treasurer of L. P. S. Vorf:flstJprit,\S\5. We,the Commitiw appointed by a Meeting of the Directors of the LoTAt and P.\TR!"Ttc Society to examine the above, have d«ne>o ai-cordin^ly. and find it correal in all it< part-. fSlsoea) WILLIAM ALLAN, York^OihApriK 1810. n>i»^isi. at »v« ...s j». «.......H- - - , o.i.y .he lorn ;»t nineteen nTinjic-i a»u Your return from England ha» already j ^^ onfl# p^^ thfl(lCn (h3itDj|l afltl been bid wirhjoy by .he people woer gveT)eae?waac«gributcdam .ngf»KwiaJ ever you havt- appeared. We now brg j} j;iir-fs k-j ffA. v-t i>e, 0 1H fc, <r-;nc- 4n Ahs'ront f>f the Cash account of (he I.otai. fl\0 PAT«!lOTIO So: IFTY OFt'PeF.kCANAOA. frmntliAhit Jpril.l$loftoth<sWi Jug. i*v4 £ & />- ./Uij.r,._T» Cash paid by order v-v- Ut \pril, if!3.........6908 11 -H To«*a-h appropriated bv vowsof the 1st Hay l>»i5.uotpaid over. 437 15 6 To balance at Gxe di posal of the Society.................... 1384 2 2 1815. £ 8730 9 0* : _ .. you have appeared. We now b^g leave to afTore your Excellency no part o>* the inhabitants of this Province, par¬ ticipate more in rKatjoy t^an the peop't of the town i»f Kingibm. Your Excellency's paternal care whHe h England, in the time of our did'tr and danger, and the exertion rriade by you for the Cuffcring poor of tin* * iov i'.ce will ever be gnuelul'T remember- j !th. dtftreft had -.ot yet l>e<.o nc f<» g^ne- ra\nor were the Fund.* o: tic focirly f :r the obiter pan of that tiTC fuch a.t to enable the board of direftord to be fo b-juniiful a» thejr were inclined. During the fecond year, t'.'.e fuin of iwo tl'Ottiuid four hundre-1 andeigh- ty 5x pounds two (hiiling« & two peoce was expended. Tlie Gtuatidn of the 'Pnunnrf wsi* fo GTltfca! Had the difficul- ,<jir*A I.— Ry Cash nl the rtispofal of u.c Soc.e;y.............. 8889 By in teres t accntir.g fVom (Jo..... 233 r«^,$Q—By f'asfi received of I/-.G»ii. Sir Gordon Drunnnnd, being hi* second dividend «f the N :..*-.. i a prize Money.... ••\x V.\*< R i-vl SubvcriptiOil___ :>_. a donation from Major Gfiue- ral Shan Ik......,.. * 4 n 4 11 no 5 0 0 0 l) 20 0 0 The vifit of vour Excellency, at this j m rovnee was ty ofcomffiUMcatujn To threat, that m h Aiicvimu* yuw *-*wv«^» -r >""{Iihc tttttiofl fiC^rtltHW o.i Meir part, the Iwtc feafon of the year, to tUe Milant let-Jj jjjre&orfi on feverd occafi >n - iai.'eJ i« dement of Perth, on the Ridrau, to add j||nmcay;rtw fafc conveyance or peT!*ona V «ur fofteuufy care, is a further proofotj] , ., —it ,...».-'. r\ ,~ ..,K> »*™)A the anxiety you at for the welfare an Ottt&e Kmeau,tnaocv|i wjca - pafc conrrva:.Co ov pefionfi :, it a further proototj vhl);n ,hey rollu eitr!,r>, or wh>-v mho , tall time^w^^'j c me treble to f-k out tibjeda of dhapj.iMewui tiWAu-M l{Ureft thc pun£ua| pro;,ie in each habitant1* of the Provinc K'wgs*ou> 3^'0<3. J 81 <>. * * • p 7 o £0&ieft //« Esccll: ncv mad< tie-following B&pty. 1 a.o much obUgcJtoyon F.n" y-itr cxp«efli:.n»of ftiWaCiiun on :.,y, i« tk.fiifferrra bv the late war, i* t lo relieve the i»mm» u; ( a-pply repaid by the fpintel Loplt> w „ ..........., :, .. . g Kioft a,ld aff.dion»to the motnerj .>uo-»« busaanw iwmeious and the ;x?cn r iiTttrv evinced by the Inbabiunia tilldiluremuchmo^c ennfidcrabt^, nor in the j J litre 18 by a-j punctual p f!iftrt& beir-pf aaie'y emi'ioyed in the "ar. It ought likewife V* Lc remarket! | i iiat while rtt* wai ntged, diilrcft was not f-i generally frit ; molt nerlVns had ftvneconnexion dir-rtly or tndtre&ly hdd entered fo much into thc*piit ol the wm, that tiny did not fe." i!:M;dkfi» vvhieh at other times »vuu\l excuCvhelr iflotl hit'er complaint?. After th- cIcAtj of the war the diltrefs wa? ^reariy a«g ' is7;J'J 9 ui Errors Excepted, JOHN *T'BACHAX. Treasurer^ L. i*. ^*- Yo'rk^th Juzn>tt\$ifL Fvamtttrd an^ au4ited by u**-balance in uV baad- of ih -Tn-a-uior. i I3«4 :91 9. (Signed) WK A1J.W. D.CVMKROV, GR-YN'f POWKtL. 1! s E-.crU.- toft the Untenant Go- Kfnur inis been pfatsed /*> mal'v tin r'//'oc/»?ir pfi'MMioiis and appoint nwvt* t,v, Rccvnetu of £ mute nut Miiina. L't'at. t'ttfan■ f Jilas M.tcLEiS o U- CoLvL vi-.t. thc Honorable Col Gtirftariekt, dec^ nsed* I tfcort to itintjRoti, \i\ ty nope n» meet- i»g Vfr. Juftice Campbell and the Attor ney General, and where it is cxpefted they will obtain their liberty under a Habeas Corpus. The Gentlemen of the Noith Well Company, ftrenuoully deny having in any way inftigaterl the Half-Breeds to com¬ mit this murder, and on the contrary af fert that his Lord(hi;>'sfettlcr$ were the "ggrefTors,having foicibly poffeffed them- felvcs of twofmall cllahlifbrncMtfi belong¬ ing to their company, making the tra¬ ders, in charge of them, prifemet* and de- ftroying thc Forts ; that had not this been the cafe, the influence of their a- gent8 would have been fufficient to have re(hained the natives, and prevented bloodfhed. Thc North Weft Company have long been in the habit of trading in the Red River Country, and though a competi¬ tion has always exillcdon thc part of the fcrvants of the Hudfon'. Day Company, and for fome time the trade wa» disputed with them, by the members of the latf New North Weft Company, yet altho* cccafiona! dilagreemcnts and differences occurred between particular pods, no fe- rjous affray took place, at leall nothing happened which can in any degree be compared to the exterminating Ipirit, the prefeut rivalry has given rife to, and which if per ft fled in, mry cccafion fu^h a ferment in the Indian Tribes, a* will en¬ danger the remote fettlemcntof this Pio- vince. P. doubt naturally cxifte luiw far the Eiirl of Selkirk can be considered 33 a difintertftcd MagrAratef a^d whether from the train ot previous circumftanccb which h-'ve led t«i this event, I1I5 Ltfd- Ihip is not a Party as well &s a Judge in 1 thecaufe. Ontbis point I will not pre-1 tend to offer an opinion, nor d"> I decide whether Fort Wil'iam, on the N* rth Weft (hore ot Lake luperior, is or is not within the Province of Upper Canada ; »t if how; vcr 1 believe, by genera! ufttge , confidertd as part of the [ndran Terriio- j rj», and I will ventuie to afti-m that his Lcrdfhip is the firil Ma>;iftiate of the Weftern Diflridl of Upper Canada* who has trken cognizance of any crime com¬ mitted therein ; no doubt he has a&ed fron) amplele^al advice, f.>r it is difficult to conceive that a man of his LoTdfhlpft abilitiea and Cijol judgment j (houid in a matter, productive of c^nfjqiiences of fuch important magnitude have proceed¬ ed from mere impulfe. Here thc matter at prefeat refts. liti- gation will no doubt eufuc, and ii thc In thil townJon Thurfd^y la*> nytfri Rev. M-.Picket^ Mr. Peter ^wirim, of Portland j to Mifs Merc/ Purdy, of this town (hip DIED, In this town, on Monday laft, Mr* Thomas TnuESDt-LL* TaiW. On Wcdnefday lalt, Mr-. Jake Rob¬ inson, wife of Mr. James Robinfon, Coo*, aged 35 yeais. Government Sale. WILL be fold by public aufticn, at the ComrnilTariat Stores at Kingston, on TUESDA YjheHih Oct. 1810, I arge quantiefca of Blankets, Clothing, and Field Equipment? And amongst which the following are more particularly deferibed. Soldiers Great Coats, Do. Trovvsers. Blankets, Haversacks, Camp Kettles, Tents, diifereut description^ Pistols, Rill Hooks, Axes, menu J and more generally fen aryU* itry the Pi /vincc. I thferve with great pleafurc the in- creafc of populitinn, an 1 :(\i pttifyeioUfl Hate "f The Town *>f Ivi ^ft'»n. To the Inhabitants of the Vnun of Kingston, KingUon, 0<ft. 3, I0t& Yefterday morning, his Kxcellency, accompanied by Major General Wil- son, left this place, under a f:«iuteof ar- tiller)-,for the New Settlement, ut the River Rideau. To the Editor of the Kingston Gttzcitt. SIR, As it w;ll be fome time before the de¬ tailed report-»f the proceediivga of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, which is now ready for publi¬ cation, can be placed in the hands of the fubferibers, I frnd, for iftfertwHi in your refpedable Journal, the Treafurcr's Re¬ port at the lad meeting, a;:d the general abftrafta of his accounts (<>r each year ftnee the formation of the Society. I mud add, that the £nm* voted at the laft meeting, and paid to claimants fince, have reduced the balance at the dtfpofal! of the Society, to lefs than five hundred pounds. I am, Sir, Yourmcftobt. ferv't, ALEXANDER WOOD, Scc'y. L. & P. 3. Tori, 23J Sept. 1 fi 16. In prefenting an abftvaQ of his Cen era] account to thc board of Directors. the Treafurer has thc honor to Report. That fince his lafi audit, the Turn of fix Thouf-^nd nine hundred and eighty pounds eleven (hillings and four p;-ncc farthing, has been diitribi'ted among the (offerers by the war ; and that the fum of four hundred and thirty feveu pound;, fifteen (hillings and fix-pence* ftarids ap-. propriated by^tesof the Board, but not! yet expended, leaving the remainder,■ thirtieu hundred and eighty fi BV pounds two (hillings and two pence at the dil- pofal of the DlreAom. That during this period, Lieutenant General Sii Cor- dor. Dvummor.d, tvanfmittcd hi-> 2d di- vijend of hit, Prizs rrtorK/, fox taking v iQrans relieved* .-ants are daily appeiViRg and although thi-i Society i»a» already dh^ribut d from it* Fund*between fouravA five rh«nrfand puundBtn the Niagaw Diftrid, the Rrt rre-d Robert Ad.lifon a-d Thomas j JJickfon, Elq. requett, if poifiblc further JOHN ST8LACHAN, Trrufurer of L. /*• 5. Twh 4ug. 9, 181a dn Abstitvi tfitiT- Cult Account aftto ;;,,V4t- ASD /.VVH'"!'!!: S*>CtETV M ree* C&XA ax, Jvr the first yene cH^tiig th$ '^'tS,L *ltW** »U .4 - D- D.reciurasiucv l-t &u\r\ > |I *'•>'* "10 >;U^cnptioi"> unpaid, ^tta \ • iu C.i.11 ai tne dlSOO at of ^ J^gg j r> tbebueiesV) Cn,,-,ih> 'Iflifb'MjtfysKJ&lJV&tA *■ li-j^^Wftofnf i'vUrCoQrt with the \\\wt ^h>d<::tu>u<- Colonel, vilM MirtLemMmwoBtJ they have displayed in the In dian Lands, the gentlemen of the Rube cannot fai! of ^xtraMing a glorious har- veft ; a fair competition is dcfirable in m A\ trades, perhaps the Indian trade h j an e.'.ccption to this, and can only th»ivc by monopoly ; if this is the cafe : it is cer¬ tainly dcfirable that it fliould be in the handaofthufc whofc labours have Ii:fr explored the tia-.kkfs v/ilds through which the trader p.oteeutes his. hazard¬ ous enierprize, and whofe energy ha-j rat- fed the Fur Trade to its prefem refoec- J table ftate, and 1 muft cor:fefs it would bea matter of regret to fee it wrcfted fiom them, not by a man driven foam ne- ceflilv to embark in thia laborious com¬ merce, but by one who defcends from thc \A 5 i Wji Q \" 1 *' 1 1 ■•< / promoted- Lkuttmtjtfii Thomas Spjriuh to bv 'ofduin, i\r<> Marklandi protnoletL Lfrtdcfivtnt Petim Gnjss to lc C:iptatn, t!/;4.e ]<\,,-$ijfh. deceased* Elf Sign M'uiJAM NlTCUl-.LL to be hu'ittxAUn^ «/Ve Siiitrhanu promoted* Ensign litcn.tnn BtthnnKVKtobf Lkutenank vice Grant, Lft thc Pro- viitr?* aiii.x r.vrun M* Kar, Gentleman. t>j t*» En&ign. yjre Mr'tchelL promoted* I),:: id ftjxh 1 y, Gcnti• •/'a»/, to In f&migttn r/vV Nnrkland. promoted* llonBRTr Macaui.4Y. Gctdtemarr^t be K.v.wVU; ;/(v Eltel.*':. promoted. lSrtflgn frtonon MxnKLJSuto l><- Liaetenantf^ V/Ci: Grass^ promoted. A P'ft-Oflice y now eftabltflied in the new and fl^'urifhing town of Bcllville, j(Myera' Ciwk.) * 3. M'Nadb, Efqr- 1 Poll Maftei- ir 10)56 j i4 : >i |! 12*5 ' G 1 I .. 3:JJJ 6 18 I B) amount of BttbtferiptitMifr? atiu 0\tuu\.i*ii>.*f VorXj ^ iij ar.iow.ot tfV i/o:iai.:oub / ii> u iwmii or 00. from Mou- / B, amount oftU from Umi- i uon, 111 the Uu ids oi U»e> Cvauuinttl^ Gi-i.crui, j ErroR Excepted. JOi4H STttACHAN, jPi ca$ur<if of L. P- S. ¥urk, SUt .tfnrcA, ldli. We, the Canimtitee appointed to examine ..„(i(t'.yiioii tht* account*oftne Luvvl a\d t-A*i'H!oT« B.04 stiA, n.:d that the above is cor- ..,.i :aiU a OHUWiee ivm.tU^at the ciirfpasai ^ ]ul .oc.rtj oi'^igiuT.iou^riuTaive iiumlreu ,,„.\Ninr:y Six i'Ouoos, l\e SuUling*audl>- ,rveu Peaoe, Uitrency, <-xelu:i\eoUuch iu- ^j.^.ta-ma) now \j,' acemm^'.hereon. f^lguedj WLLLlAr'u ALLAN', D'ArtLi iJOULl'O.N.Jun. Fork, \$tb-1P'il, ML In .tetrad ofthfCaih Jwuntofthe Loval ano Patriots docittnf ot UfPEn Cana¬ da iur Me year ending l/ic-ilst March, HI.3. £ '&mJk roC^li;aid by die orders on I..- DireCLora since U Aprils HU, ) to InUwrM on ditto, To cash ciftliird on a Subs tiuii no( pad, - T TobaUuice at the tkspo^al ot / fl^^g the S»s:::>, * :l I ' From t\e jfot D.n/d's Spectator. TheXorr/i jffat Company and Lord Selkirk. York, Sept. 9 1816- Some tliflfe %~o a report reached this place, thatg party 0f Lord Selkirk's Set¬ tlers on the Rcd River^ had been mnf facrcd by fi)me nfthe Natives or Half- Breeds, wl;0 inhabit that part of the country ; th;s unhappily turns out to be but too wel| founded, and has led to an extraordinary transection, which deeply intertits thc Merchants engaged in the Canadian Fur Trade. hi-h character of a Biitilh Peer,* who foifakes thofe purffutH by which a No blemsn flio:;!d diitinjruim bimfetf, to follow the life of an itineiant wader in the Forefts of North America. A FRIEND TO PrO?RIETJ(^/ * IVbo abandons the Senata In his abilities tuouidjlnne. «u hub Sho\ -!», Spades, Oil Clothe Sheeting', Saapsacks, OanacUan Mocasins. The fale to begin at 11 o'clock Ojt, each day, and to contimw until the whole wiil be difpofed of. Payment to be made on the delivery of the articles from the Kind's Store*. Kingston, ZCtb Stpt. 18 16. 16 rnHE fubferibers refpeflful'y inform JL. tbeir friends and the public in rre- nt*ral that they have received an addition to their ulua] fupp'y, confiding of a ge* nera! aflortment of DRY GOODS, ha rd Ufa R E: Double and (ingle Stoves, Iron Bars, Steel and Wheel Boxes, Ladiea and M.m'a Shoes, A complete afibrtoicnt of new fanh- ioned Ladies and CieMtlemen'e Fur Caps and Trimmings for Great Coats ; Two elegant Dining Setts, With a variety of other article? too lengthy to enumerate, which wi!I be fold1 cheat.- for call). MONJEAU 5: St. GERMAIN. Kingston, td 93. \Sl6. IS Straj/edy FROM a Pasture one mile and 1 ' half from Kingftoo, (Mr. Beae&'i Tavern,) about the lad of A.uguilf a Bay Horse, . Four years old, dark mane and tail, one 'a 111" ! £ 24Sii [| $01 •20 ti li JtlVJ-ii : Is; H Lord Sqki,k having obtained pof- fdlion of thfc Nonh Wdl Company's ra- tab.iihment ^ Forl William, and pro¬ ceeding up..„ the fupDofuion, that the GcBtlcmen ;jfthat Company, had by in- ftiXating tli,. Nalives to make the ^^ on the Ked R|ver fentiefneiUi rendered I tnemfcl^3I!ect-iririe» tothe murder there- jbyoccafionud>iias commit:etl Mr. M'- Gd.iv.ay, Mr> Alexander M'Kenzie, and faerd hther partners of the Com- pa-iy to the prifon of sanjw;th ja (hc Wctlern D.,lrict of th;s Province, by his own warrm., a$ a Magiftrate of that Dis¬ trict ; thec. genl]e.nen arrived in thin townontne ^ and 6th inl> underchaige ^^.j,^ of ,helate R t. / 2?"*^ aai"8 a» a Constaltc by hb *'or«»'^ 'jjpointmeot, and afiiilcd by an armed WfM compofcd of diffianded ft™ , fr* famc rV'Brt ; t,ie J°dbr- e- v i..g uii ;jVtll.,|t,iy abfent on thc Cir¬ cuit, H,C &%ttm taw ..ry^,^ under Q rj v. n r c. Sept. 2!. EXTRAORDINARY. On the '2/iii of June last at E-l.imanx Say, the Snow fell 3 fert deep. A Vessel in the Kay was frozen in by the [ce which was suHHl-utly (hick to enable the People to walk ashore. Kskimaux Bay is beyond ihe Streights .if ?A\\*\e aL die entry of Hudson's Day. To come nearer home we nnderstrud the small Lakes to the North of Bay St. Paul (16 or 17 leagues from Quebec) were still covered with ice in the middle of July, parts of which were strong enough to bear the Indians. white hind hnof anJ a fmall white fpot in his forehead. Whoever will return laid hoifr, nr give information wher? he may be foufld, fhall be well rewarded, 3c ail neceifaiy charges paid bv SILAS MAY. Kingston^ Oct. 4, 1S16. 18 ' We understand upwards of 10,000 Dollars have been seized In ftw Amer¬ ican Steam Boat at St. J'>hns, destined fur the New-York market, in violation of a Provincial Statute. The moiuy, il is said, belonged to several per on* in this town. We understand an insi¬ dious attempt was made to retake it by means of bribery, &c«—Mont* Herp. We are happy to understand that Wilt.iam M\rh\t.l, Ksq. a Capt. in the lat«4 Canadian Rigiment, is appoiu- t:*d one of superintendent* ef the new settlement at Perth, upon Tay, (Rhet Rideau,) Upper Canada. This new colony, by every account, is progrssing rapid!) in improvement, and buU fair to be one of the most Ihuivhii^j , . Hflir** mtmto in the *h»& »■«!■»—•. ,lIl,s U|1^'" 4 TAKEN up by the fubfcriUri on Saturday moiuiug Tall, a CRIB, Boating down the river between Garden and Grand Iflauda, with about three coids of wood Dpon it. The owner can have it again by proving property and paying charges. SAMUEL CONE. Grand f/land, 03. 2, 1816. 18 Strayed^ IT^ROM near Kinglton, on the 9th inil. a dark bay Mare, about four- teen hands high, a white flripc down her forehead, qnile narrow ou her nole, her upper lip alnioft all white, fou.e wlu'ttf fpots on hei off fide jull below the faddle, very fquarc built and well let. Whoev¬ er will bring bei to Mr. Mftthift* Badg- [ly, (hall be wed paid forthwr trouble. Kinglton, Sept. 27, 1816. i7wJ -----------------,-----------------------------------— Blank Sum monies, Subjoe* nas and Executions, tor ibe Court o£ Rc<jxaerts, fw ^5alc 3£

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