Kingston Gazette, September 21, 1816, p. 4

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Wanted for His MAJESTY'S SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels I PEASE, 500 Bushels Oats, 20 Tons If A Y. The whole to be dtliveied into the Crr.n^flViat Magazines at Kington by rhe earliest practicable period. Ttiidfrs for the ab<-ve fupply will be received at this t.ffice C 7mmis-ariat Officet Kim-nor. 2 ith ^>/n? \ & 16 •3 \ 2 \.ih J"it? ^o oils. rpHE Subfcribcrs, having received by *- (he !u*c arrivals, offer for fale uu the lovv.u term fir cafh at their Store* In Ivi igilon, either vvholcfalc or retail. Cloths ot.....J •"■'— Al K rfi vmeres. 4 W Bombazetts,' D r^bazces, Ttfcn 3: W -men's Irifli Linens, Drapers. Sattin-, LmcSftngs, Blue and White di¬ agonal Satinets, Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Laces, Footing, Gingharosj Lace Veil?, Silk Shawls, Silk tnd Leather G • ve-t, Wellington and Berlin We W'o a va'ie'v of other article* in the Dry Goods Line. ALSO, Jamaica S-.iritc, Mnfcovado and — i Co it*c B'-'nJy, H< l.>nd Gin, B--1 Port, S-, i ill), Rh .'-rv and M* tc:»h Wines, Sir ib. l.o-f '^ugar, Teas, Prunes, RaiGtK, Al-ii nda, Bar y, Peo-Hr, Alii ice, and ™*A**X£8SHOUT* Co. BL(i Irave to inform their friend* and the public, that they ha*vc juft . ceived and now offer for fale. at theft Store fronting the Market, an afibrtmcnt DRY GOODS, Groceries, Cpdckrvy, eSjc. SJ& AMONG WHICH A HE Superfine and tow prie'd Broad Cloth*, white, yellow and red Flannels, green Baize, fancy Vcfiingsj, filk and woolen do. white Quiltine. Bombazetts aflotted colors, Calicoes, Ginghams, white and black Ca.-nbiick, Dimity, Cotton Shir ting*, lrifh Linen, Gentlemen's white cotton and black woritcd Hofe, Ladies lo do. Ladies Kid and Morocco Shoes* Wens Lamb's Wool Stockings, filk and cotton Bnee« Barc-^ona Handkerchiefs, filk Shawls, India Bandau.'oes, Ladu\« TCid and lilk Gloves, Gentlemens Be: vrr and filk do. Satin filk Tuibans, Thread Footing, Thread *nd Cotton Lace, fewn.g filk and Twill filk Velvet, i feb6m, fi^k Shawls, b'aek fiik Floren¬ tine, figured Sarcenet* &c &c. &c. ALSO, Hyf^n and Green Tea, Spirits. Pr>rt and i Tcneriffe Wine, Wufcovado aftd Loaf Sugar, Raifins, P?p c;-. MuhV/d, ^ -ffe , \t. ecc. wh\\ they will fed cheap fi .' Cafh, or (h rl approved ore lit. Kingston* SgW. : ? t ^ 16 15 ?lj~v JF. fubferiber* i*«orm the Inhah- _i itan?* of Kinsjfton and its vicinit*. chat they will pay f-r good HOUSE ASHES, Nine Pence per Buflu!, and provide means to take them from their refne&ivt noufes once evew tw • weeks. Cbaries Short & Cci September rj, i8i-6< ir B:/ Auction. NEW GOODS. S bEfwbfc ifeei haajtistreceivedaad i how iffcrsfoi lale, an extenfive and well ghofed affortm. nt of Drv Goods, Groceries, and Hardware. ALSO, A veil chofen Ailortment of MEDICINE. Thl whole of which wiU be fold all the lowest prices for cafh or country pro duce. Eu'D. T. Hfndfrson. ivmgfton, 26 January 1816 10 Wool Carding* THF Ebbfcnha has erected a Card¬ ing .■•!•>..-hinch df a taile north of Mr. M«Guii.*• Mi'lon Collin** Creek, in thet'-'-vnih'p wf Ki'ig^c-n, and has it e« in e**tnpl*>u order f->r Carding Wool, All ,xriun. who will fav»« him with their cur lorn may hr h(Inred of hav- u'v t'eir work done wt 11. Pi ice, 6-\ pei lb. P.J FITCH. Kingston, June R/&, 1816. 2tf I Notice. i1 ■ Indi ^o. •'" iZJTER McC'J \"F£&Co. J K:. jfton, 19th July, 1816. \ Notice. T :TF. ttiblcriherrefpr;"ifully i'lf-rnv- a*1 i!' u^enmg a Store in frcuit of *hf new :?i.. ■; -> '-.Hi-r. where he wiU do BUSINESS on CO .'MISSION Will buy and fell, Store :3 Forward a JIT i LL be fold at ihe C minifTarfa Ifiuiug o re, on PUESDAY, GOODS TC) he fold or rented, ss mry beagie:d upon, that wr'l known va'nnb! farm. I°t No 1 1 and thr Weil half of • ot No. 10 !«i the iirtt concefficn of ^ddin'ona' F ederleksburgh. together wiih a g<*»r.d fra** e Houie and Barn, g(»od 'Widows and *wo Orchard there¬ on, and about one hundred and fnrtv acres id improve*^ and. The pnmi^- are w*^ Boated for a farmer, merchant, m Innkrener For further particulars anpU t " the fi;1 fcvjVr, <,r to D Waft- burn, Pfq:,-i KinrUon. Mich a 1:. Coyle. T^» E©3 leave to inform hi-. FnV'tde and Jtl the Public in general, thai he ha- •nit received and now offera f»r fale, a" Ins Store, af» elegant afRirtment of HARDWARE ' v t irrtEHV, Dittd from the Birmingham and Sh^f- fivhl Manufactories, which he will lif- pof-of Whdefale or Retail, ^t redu-c prices ; among which are the following i Carpeuter's Bench andMouIdin^ Planes, ChHMs of Sorts ; Trying Sutiares 9nd T Bevels, Bond. Tenon. Dovitril, S;.(h, Mill, CrofT-cut, and Key-hole S.iws ; Cheft, Cnr.boaid, Drawer, Trunk Sto.k, Door, Mortice and Pad Locks ; Ship and Pocket CompafTeB, Glaziets Diamond^ ; Hinges of all forrs Braf^ and Iron ; Sudcjlery a«d Hamefa trimmings of all j deiciptiona ; Tandum, Gf.q; arid Riding Whips ; Do. Thongs and l.afhe* ; Seft Piated and Braf* Ca-dletlicks, Do Cruets of 4 & 5 Glafles, Brittarny Metal Tcanots • Watch-rr ater's and jcvdler's Plyers, Nippei-s File*, Screw plates, Sic. Fowling Pieces, Shot-belts, Powder- Flalk»and Bullet moulds; I o<k- fr Fowling-piece*5 51 ;ck 'in Sancc*pans and Tea-kettles ; Handles & pruutodo do. Trtnau'a Rivets & wire $rf Sorts ; G« Id tcaJes of vaj-jonsfizca ; Gn 1 I'ons ?nd Frying Pa^s, fab'e and Desert Knives 8c Forks ; Do Carvers with Foiks; W>'od Screws affiirtcd ;• Bureau Trimmings Portable Dellc do. Bed Caps, Screws and Keys ; J4<L 6.L RJ, lod, r-td, j6d, i8d, 2od, Cf?«&p JVoohyt a ODDS. FliF (ubferibers have ju t received, ' >* he late arrivals from their Manitfaciuiinp Koufe, Id F-ng and, a 3 g: quantity of JUmti'HNE & SECOND Broad Cloths; Ladies' Peiicc CLOTHSanA. CASSlMEKiCK, CONSISTING OF :—- Bm} Black, Waterioo, Bot- i 0 Given, Brown and Mixture liroad Cdoths ; Brown, French Gray, Drab, and eo'or't! Pelisse Cloths ; Black, I5!ue and • M'xture Double Mill'tS Casaimercs. Which they now offer for faie at thtf Store of Messrs. Thomson Sc Detlor, very l»>w for cafh. JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co. Kingston, IJt'j .'lugust, 1816. ir Up or tfoutn the River* w 11 tar;e in any ordc--< c.f any defcrioti on in that line of hufir 'fi N. B Perfons oWidus of committi'i^ confignrnenti ro h/s charge, may know th«r rate* of ftorajjc and ownmiffion by ^ai.i;i;r a; the nc\vc>m'nilTi 1 ■ ftore. JOHN DUNCAN. K'.'lon, Dec- 30, 1815. 7 for fale at J and i'i rcccvei this OfTJce, A QUANTITY OF Writing Paper% Of Quality No. 2, IT Reams Writing Poft No. tt 9 ^'tt0 ditto uncut ■ ! T Publte ?f;>T!ce. HE fubferiber has commenced run nltig a Stage JVa9:%0R F«-om Kingfton, t-^ Ernell '* mn village. dafSr ; ro leave B Olcotr's tavern, at Ei gft >n. fivery coining, at fix o'clock. an-J return the fame evening;. To o»m- n e ';e ,;n M";mday, the firfi day of July Every accornno hition will be afforded t.o paflengera and bagr^afre. SAMUEL Pl/RDr. Kingston, July l^, 1816. c Mother oj Ul College of Sur¬ geon*, London, ANO MCEXCKD KV ills EXOEttESCl THE GUVERNOU IV CUILF TO i P. \T1CK PHYSIC, SURGERY ^vo MiblVWERY, AKE.\ ;!»r libeity to Inform th Pub, c i.har he has moved from W . ^ii..i.;K Smyth's hrufeto NlcfTr^. Ji-i.'*s vx t7i.>KL\s, »vhere all calh in fcia 'I- • wil ♦vfaionedidt'-ly au nded co t *3. Fa .:;;es aod other*, may i^e f':•;>*! d ..:th '.oal! quaritfrie offfrnjiiie }J»'i,nr? and Patent MtiD/c/lVLl. the 24 h 111ft at 12 'clock, 3 & Ualtzn tf white Wine. Kingston 1 1 th Sept. \ 81 6. : J For Sale. Or to Lf. For one or more years- a ve»y vain ble Grist and Hair MILL, !i In g-ooc repair, foliated ar That low & 5u?medi3tc ) by the town of Rc'-tcvI:Ie F01 par:i;u'"r . and to tr^nt foi ihc fame apply to Thomaa Coleman, Efq the p-1- priVtor, Several Town Water L ts unoa the Lank, of the Rfver Morra« foffa^c A CfOod Mille.'a'd Sawvcr waite! Belleville AvguH% 23, ' % \ 6, 12 OROCERTES. T^HE fiibfcr«ber>« having c^ntme'-ced * bofinefafn the Or '-cry T.ine ei her • h dtf^le or let •"! in this i.J.iee. wheir tl».*y will do ihe< utmo*' to fu'-ply the public on the most reafonaWe 'crma. Kingston, joth May, i??«^, r2 ------------,--------------------------------------. I JSfottee. 'ipHE fubferibers to t, e U. C Bock -JL S^cV*-, are informed 'hat Mr. Samt/el MerrlU has taken the Bo.-ks and T*act; bf'Iontjing to the Society, and thole who wifli ro take their dividend of books f.^r the lall year and fubferibe to- wardb importing more hooka for another yefti'i are reqi.eftcdto oal! without delay at Mr. MernTs Store for that purpofe. By Order of the Prefident. Kingfton, Auguft 1 r816. 9 Kh rO tx%\ rr > 6* V ^R 45 r \^/ .^ reafo'iab'c te—ns Lot h°- 22. in the ^h Concession. No. 1;, in f*w f,th CtncmtonA '■ No. 20. fa tbt 1 \ih Concession* • whole bene in rhe Trftwuflitp '»( •ioun. ii. tlh' tlisit»£t of JiffroHnwn, ■>r lyiii'l'M" •iu|".iT«' -it »he onice of *' p.-ftV mt.R M ~-{q \J. c !,,.-.\ or '/)•(({/<sh r\V "*-'C; their Books in arrear, and v i"!!^ V jjet ihvm "ra«Ie up, vi'il '•ear cfa veifon ready to complete thcoi b a^Ti'vu*' at 'hi- office. A ingston* 15/A /tugrtfi, \ 9 i 6. it 2 8d and ^cd Nails ; P. » ■ ♦ i Boiled Lng ■.;»■ Oil, &C. Ac. Sec. Which in addition to his former Stock Will form the mcfl complete affortnicnt rvfr offered fr»i fale in thta place. Kingston\ Augml 10, 18:6. iotf Jonas Abbot, RESPECTFULLY tender, his thai ks to his cuftomeio for their liberal fupport in Mercantile tranfadlions fince he came to this place, and informs [them thdt he has now commenced but ^•efs with .-lr. Thomas S. Whitaker, under the firm of JONAS ABBOT & Co. And are now receiving a very general affortfneiif of Fancy & Staple , _g Wr-U adapted to this Market) which have Wlii! and 31 ck Lead- Pruffian B'ue, 11 [u en (elected by one of the Partners from bpmiflt Brown, Red and feScw|| he lateft arrivals at Quebec and Mon- ue:-l, and purchased fur ready money. They flatter themfelve* their puicha* fes have been fitch as will enable ihem to fell rheirGoodsas low as thofe who nave imported direct from Europe. The strictest attention will be paid to customers, and goods fold at a very mo¬ del ate advance* fr*'.**/*,*, -id August% 181 ^ r. 8. J. Abbot being nbtinttaftv jnove ro Montreal, requclks tbofe who iv« demands against him, ,„ ^hibit Hajsrs f t ' -ash and the highest pi ice paid for CLE \N CO l'TON AND LINEN R G AT THIS OFFICE. .JA.Vt! > (i. BANNA, }V, hh \'. l-r <u<i ./• .xiiti,. |ll ESPFC (FULLY informs hi T\ friends mid i lie- public m general, :';at he lins juft received a very elegant i fl rti- em .if Gold and SUvei \r\ aichc«, ( Patent Leav- (T'-nd plant) — Mulical ltifii'uroent« c« all def'-iintiou'j, fnch as Double Fiagei- tt-, C-arioncts. I'lutes, &c. Ladies wolk Boxc*. Plated Crew its, do. Ondte/Kcks Wm i I I For Sale, 1 •■ I \ 7e t h :lf .jf )o' namber nineteen -.n.l coneeffi m of"•-.■ fown i. i •* \ .n. '^v'ivtj the Printrr ft <s >;. v«.*r ic, i8«j, ii £i'y Reward. \)ljrHERE A.S on the morning of the jth in ft. a man byname of R/. CHARD E. BARKER, v,m away from Prcfctt, Tpycr Canada, with ab- out 1000 dollars, the property of the I iubferiber. fl ny perfoo or j-erfons who will apprehend and fecure the ('aid Rich ard E Barter, fo thai he may be bro't to j. 'lice m.-iil receive the above reward by applying t<- the fubferiber at Prefectt, Upper Can-da. Ht is a man about twenty fix years of age, five fer fix inches high, frefh complexion, light hair, blue eves, round ■MM, head a little bald—at the time he made tw efcape his clothes weie a black coat and pantaloons, ftriped waiftcoat, & « "g boot,. It .', t0 be hoped that eve- iv .-x.Ttu.1, will be made for the fecoring of iuch a character. ■ A MAS A WOOD Prescoi:, U C. June St/j, 1816. 5 Blank Summonses For the Distri t Courts, for bale ai this Oiljge. For Sale, BY rhe I'ubfcrfbers, .40 BOXES FINE Yellow Soap, CHEAP'fir Cajh. Titomson & Detlor. K'uwsion, July I, 1816. jtf To be Sold, 8ooacrci of land in the townihip of Ltf>nghboiough. 200 acres in the towi.fhip of Hun- gel foi d. A Saw-Mill and Grilt-Mill with two tfpdlfag honl'es, out houffis, (tibles, &c. with 400 acres of land, a crown Icafe, m the to\vi;fl:ip 0f Pittfbtngh. ALSO, A number of valuable Town I n <, f» th^ village of Wellington. For terms, ap'ply to AMOS ANSLET. Kingston, July 5, 1816. j To Lei, |T*^HE upper part of that Houf fit- M "ated in front of the Market, for a ifmall private family .• alf.>, (tabling for alJi'-rfe. For particulars apply to the fulbferiber. J. DUNCAN. Who has on hand from l<000 to 1500 Pairs of Worsted Stockings, Fit for the army, which will be fold d^eap for cafh ,nly. I p_) Khwzltn, jd, $tp, ,8,6. ' " do. Snuffers and Travs. do. Sa't Cellars land Trail Racks. Ivor)* handled Knives »iid Fnrkdtfl ferts with Carvers, Patent Cork Screwsi Silver, Gi't and Steel Ptirfes, Silver sod Pteted Fifli Kn;vcs, <!o. Butter Knifes, do. Spoons, Silver, Gi't. and other Souff Boxes, Razors SciJorf., Pen K;:ives, Clocks, FJihing Tackle, Eaggaflimon Boardss Chcfl'mei', Dice, Silver, Tortoife Shell and btCcl Specktacles, at:d a number of other ar¬ ticles too numerous to tr.ention, which ht will fell cheap for c.fh N. B. Alfo—fo-re excellent GWUFF. Wholcfateand Reis-il. Watcher and Ch cksrepaired and clt'- na\ i > the befl manner, a>d M-arrant-.*! Kingston* Aug. tj9\8\6. * f them; and thofe'who »m, to make payment. are indebted to 9 LOST, FROM the Paftare of Mr. Jethr., Jp.ckfon, a COW, a Rtddifii bnndle colour, white fpots on her fore¬ head, red & white belly, one buck lion , part of one ear off. She is new milk and three years old. Whoever will re¬ turn the fame to the fubferiber. (hail re- ceive then-ward of FOUR Dd'ar*. JOHN SCOTT. Kington Aug. 16 1816. 11 for" sale, 00 nnn Four fl,ot r^THS. ■ 0;»7U Apply at this Office. King Hon, 17th May, 1816. u ^**^^^^»^ — - ~ - —- . _ _ _____ __ ____ Spruce Beer, OF moll any quantity, can be had at . the CELL AR under the A udion Room of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN YOUNG.- P. S. All persons who are in¬ debted to him, are reqnefled to call with¬ out <h-lay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston, July 5, 18 I 6. C PACKET~ HIE Schooner Pcrfeverence^ J. G. Parker, Maflei, will continue to run as a Packet from Kiogilon to Sack eta Harbor. May 15, 1816, 5o I MhllaiidDhlria+\ p.Y virtue of a To IVir: j jT;WRir of EX¬ ECUTION iffned out of Hih Majelly's Cottrt of King's bench, holding civil picas, in and for the Midland DdHdt a- f.refaid, at the full of John Kirhy f.fthe town of Ktngitot), in the fa id Diftrift, rnerchant again fl thelandsar.d tenament^ which were of William Wrkinfon, of ihe fame placw" Tanner, deceafed, at the time of hie death in the hands and culiody of llichnrd Caitwright, John Fergnfon, Nktmlas Stick'eand Mary Stickle, Ex. ecutors and Executrix, of the Wu\ Will- iarr: Atkinfon deccafed, to me dnecled, t have iti'/ed and taken in execution, a? bolotiging tothe faid WILLIAM Al*. K1NSON, deceafed, at the tin.e ofrj* (denthin the ha id. and cuftody «f Rich¬ ard Caitwriglu, John Fenutfuii, jV»c'*o- las Stickles, and Mary Stickle, Fvr$!i. tors and Execwt:ix cfthe Uid Williato Atkinfon, dectafed, lwt»nn»mb£r \$*23$ 21. 22- 25 and 24, in thefo'nth conc»f iion of the townfiiipof Sidney, cuit.-.ini g hy admeaftirerpent 1200 acres be the lame more or lcf&. Now 1 do hereby give no¬ tice that the faid'lots or parcels of landf will be fold and adjudged tothe liighefl bidder, at my office in the town of King* lion, on WEDNESDAY the SIX TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions »f fale will be made known. Char Li's Stuart, Sheriff* And every pcrfon ot perfons havmg claims on the above defcrihvd lots of land and premifes, by montage or o'her right or incumbrance* ate hereby wverj Li fed to give notice tothe faid Sheuft, at his office »n the town of KingA--1", previ¬ ous to the fale thereof. Sheriffs ojfice, May 6, 1816. 4 For Sale, ^ VALUABLE Farm, with build¬ ings also large improvements there¬ on, favorably fituated within 28 milcfl of King-ton. Perfons defirous of pur- chafing to inquire of the Piinter. Kingston^ July 10, 18 r c;. sy- RLAIR'S Sermons, Porteus' Evi¬ dences, the Canadian Vifitor, bound or fingle, together with a great variety of uiefal Books and Trafl*,for young people, forSaltfat this Office ;- where acccfi may be had to a ffrail cit' cularing Library, three limes a week, on moderate termn. auguft i,i8i«. , *9

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