Kingston Gazette, September 7, 1816, p. 4

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titties. ►*|"*HE fohf.A*r <efpe&V.'V informs I hU frit/d* and the public"-hat be is about «.■ f >.i: n Store in front o^ he new irark^t ; .Mile, where he will dr BUcVrt&SS on COMMISSION Will bay and fcIt, Store & Forward GOODS Up or do-on the River, Will tcke in any orders of any descripti¬ on in that line of bufin'cft. _ N. B Perfon* defifoUSof committing co: SpmhU to Sfij charge, may know the rate* of dotage and com million by calUtfg at the ««wcomrotmon ftoVe. JOHN DUNCAN. Kiiicdori, Dec. 30, 18i5. 7 ....... fid #07* &I&* (V; /-> /->«/, For one or more years, a very valuable Orist ami Saw MILL, In good repair. fixated at Thiutow & immcdiatclyty the town of Bellevnie. For partiVni-n, and* to treat for the fame apply to Thomas Coleman, Ei'q. the pro¬ prietor, Sevrrsl Town Water Lots upon the bank* of the River Moxra, for fale. ft good Miller ar-d Sawyer waited BclIevilk,Augusty 23, 1816* 12 o tlft received and for this Oliiee, p at QO RE.MS WRAPPING A QUANTITY OF Writing Paptr, Of Quality No. 2, 11 Reams Writing Poft £o. 2, 9. d'ttrv------ditto uric—t. Public Ndiifee. fSpHTS fubfaibe'r has Commenced run- GROCERIES. THE fubferibers, having commenced bufinffrtn the Grocery Line, cither wholtfaleor retail in this place, where they will do their utmost to fupply the} public on the most rrafonable terms. ToRnANCE &f M'Leod Kingston. 30th May, 1S16. kew goods. HE fttbffnTWf fjjfetat received and now offer* foi fak an cxtenfiTC and chnfen afloftmei^ ^ Dry Gt)0ds, Groceries, and Haidware. A well cbofen t;0rtment of MEDICINE. The whole of wh:cn wfll he fold at the lowest prices forc^fh or country pro¬ duce. Ewd. J. Henderson. Kingston. zC Jsniiaiy iSi6- 10 C3 itutff a WEA'g% TVaggon Prom Ivingfton, fo Erneft T-'»wn village, pafty ; to leave B- Olcott's tavern, at! Kii:%rfton» every morniiig, at fix o'clock j and return the fame evening. To cm- "fnence cm MonJny, the firfl day of July •tv-vv accomrnoiatiun will be afforded "?» paffcft&Crs and bag-jraee. SA'MUEL PURDT. KimstMh ^u-y l3> 1816. 5 Notice* THE fabfertbers to the U. C. Book Society, are informed that Mr. Samuel Merrill has taken the Books and T'aft belonging to the Society, and thofe who wifh to take tfectr dividend of books for '.he lad year and fubferibe to wards Importing more books for another year, arc rcqucflcd to tal! with ^ut delay at Mr. Merril's Store forthat purpofe. By Order of the Prefiicnt* Kingfton, Atiguft \ l8l6. Wool / i rt Advertisement, \ "HE fubferiber offers for fale the following Lots of Lands. Lots No. 14, 15, 17- 18, 25 and 26 j arcing. THE fubferiber tom creeled a Card- intf Machine hjlf a mile north of Mr. M'GmVs Mill on Collin's Greek, in the toWnfhip of king'ton, and has it now in complete order for Carding Wool. All p*rfons who wiil favor him wiili their custom rnay be allured of hav¬ ing their woik f'onc wrll. Price, 6d. per lb. RJ. FITCH. Kingston, June 8/A, \ 3 j 6. *tf Notice, TO be Toid or rented as may V arrrc.-d apo*"*, that well known va wabh- farm, bt No n and the Weft half of ! ot No. 10 in the M conccflion of A dditional F» edci icfe^urgh, t'.fferher BEGS leave to inform his Frwnds and rhe Fublic in general, thai he has hift feceived and now offers for faie, at his Store, an eie^ant aiTortment of HARDWARE $ CUTLERY, Di-fa from the Birmingham and Shef¬ field Munnf.ftorie.v which he will dlf- pofe of Whi-Ufale or Retail, at reduced prices ; among which are the following : Carpenter's Bench andMoulding Plane-, ChifTc-ls-f Sorts ; Tiying Squares and T Bev?l«f Hand," Tenon, Dovetail, fiafc Mil', Croff-cut, and Key-hole Sdws; Cheft, Cupboa'd, Drawer, Trunk, Stock, Dowr, Mortice and Pad- Locks ; Ship and Po,ket Compaflea, Glazicra Diamonds ; Hinife? of all forts, Bfafc ■ nd Iron ; Sjddlery and Harncfs trimmings of all deicriptiona ; Tandum, G% and Riding Whips ; Do. Thongs yrid Lafliefl ; BA Plated and Brafa Caudlerticks, Do. Cruets of 4 3c 5 Glaffes, En'tcanny Metal Teapots ; Watcb-m-iker's and Jcwcllcr'a Plyer.s, N?ppe?*tFPOj Screw-plates, &c. Pieces Shot-bclti, Powder- Raflv- ittfd Btuftet moulds ; Leek* fur Fowling pie.e^; Kl »ck tin Sauce-pHud and Tea-kf tiles ; Handles 3c ^pourstodo do. Tinman^ Rivets & wire of Sorts ; i G< Id icr.'CH of vanotia uzes ; I G*iu 1-ons and Frying Pans, iTable r.iid Delert Knivc Sc Forks; Fowling I To m*s J I "'WRIT of EX. 1 ECUTION iJTwed out of His vtajkfly'j I Court of King*e bench, holding civil plcao, in and for th« fih&ftmd DilHft a- f rcfaid, at the fuit of Join Kirby nfthg I town of Kmgft'on, in the faid Diftri^b 1 merchant, Sgainft the kwdaand tenameuta ; which were of William v/ckinfon, of th« I fume place Tanner, deceased, zn the tim« lofhw death in the bands and cuftody of Richard Cartwright, John Fergufort^ Nicholas Stick'eand Mary Stickle, Esi ecutors md Exeeulrix, of the faid Wi!J, fam Atkinfon deceated, to me dire&etJ, i havefmed and taken in execution, aJ belonging to the faid WILLIAM AT K1NS0N, dtceafed,at the time cfhi# death 1:1 the hands and cuflody uf Rich¬ ard Cartwright, John Fergufim, Nicho¬ las Stickles, and Mary Stickles, Kxecu- tors and Executrix of the faid William Atkinfon, deceafed, lots number 19,20, 21, 22. 23 and 24, ic the fourth conco fion of the townfhipof Sidney, containing by admcafurement 1200 acre j be the fam* more cr Icfs. Now 1 do hereby gi?e no¬ tice that the faid Jots or parcels of land will be fold and adjudged to the bighei biJdct*, at my ofGre in f' e town of King- Kton, on WEDNESDAY the SIX. TEENTH day of OCTOBER next, at TEN of the clock in the forenoon, at which time and place the conditions of fule will be known. Charles Stuart, Sheriff, And every perfon or pe'ibns iavinj (claims en the above defcribed IotS<f land and premifes, by moTtrraje or o'Hcr Do Carvers wfih Foiks ; '_ By Auction, ON \VEL)NESDAYnejct,the aifl iulant, taiid following days, till- ,thc whole is Bifpoicil of, at the fubfcii 'tjeri' Stores, the remainder of their | Sock, in Trad "Vlli be i'-v.d wiihout referve to c'ofe the tbnCtrt^ cmifililtig c-f fupcrfine, fine and CoVfc Cl^thfl and Ciffimeres, white ana c W* ^1 Finn-cl?, zoo Flannel Siiirt^i "f) i it **, CMn'Z'-s^nd Calicoes, a cafe i^f Wiili, l\i--cnK 8"oniKa7.ettcs, Gi.^ham.-.. ^hir::ngs, Scotch tShee;iiig5, Brown H ^l;?nd«!, wliite Cottons, rS^ Checks and StiipeSi Lenosf Muflns and Cam- hric:., Trlili. P.opiti^, §ilk and Cotton jShrnvJdj/nenYoct women's Cotton Hole, . Ft k and Cotton Gltves, black Lace VciSsj a quantity of.ich.filk Trimmings, facrs and women's nr.e Fhoes Sc Boots, si fv- v men's and women's Fur Caps of a r-cperbr kind, tabic Knivea & Forks, trith an aflbrtmentof Ht&ihnaw/t Hardware and Crockery, fyc. i ALSO,., \ J^farnatca Sj>iTit«=, Cognfac'Btandy, Wincj "Penpermint "and Fhr b, Tea, Raillna, Currants Pepper^ Allfpfce, Foap, &c* p Fale to commence at 4 o'clock P. M. each day. W.n. M'Lean & Co. Kinyton, 16th augufl$ 1816. II Charcoal Wanted. Of\ AriA fiUSHELS, tobede ..Z^^UWUlIvercdbe;crc the clofe qf th- navigation of iS 16, at dated peri¬ od*, or Seven Hundied Bufhcls to be 'delivered weekly until the end of March, -Any perfon wUhin? to undertake the delivery of flie fame are requefled to fend fcalei tenders to the Naval Storekeeper's Offi Pi int Frrdeiick on :he 31ft mil. Naval 2'arr/y Kit{gston% Atf 15th May, 1816. with a good framr Houfe and Barn,: good Mc&ow*. and tt<^ Orchards there-1 : Wuod Screw, rflorted ; on, and about one h^drcd and forty U«W Trmmm^ Porta acresof impmved fanf The pr-rrif.r J Btd Cau>, See,-, and Km ; arcwennt.Mtedfora 'armtr, merchant ! j 4& «; M, ice, 1+0. »«. i8d, aod, r»rlnnk*epei ForfiVr*cp pa«>cubfs | ^*8d and jodNailsj apply tn the fuhforiheP^ to D. Waft- | Whiu and Bluck f^d Prufll.n Blue. rntfheQthconceiTiouof the townfliip .-f burn, Efq mKingUoi" | ^;"" "OUn' ReJ and Ycfow ^Slr Boiied cn:: 1 Oil, S:c. Ac. &c ... n :° vsgnt or tncurr<0;ance, are hereby adver- tiied ro give notice to the faid Sheriff, m. his ofHcein tlrr- town of Krngflon, prev> om to the lale thereof. Sbtri/F* office* May 6, i8r.6._____ 4 ble Deflc datlBLMK DEEDS and MEMO¬ RIALS, for fate at this Oilice. Thurlow. No. 4, in the 8th conccffioi. of Hun tingdon. No. 9, in the toth conceffion of Row j den, No. 3i,.Eaft half, id cenceffion of Sidney 2CO acre^ in the 4th n'.d eco in the 6th conceifion if the Go»e between Er- neft Town ano: Fr deiickPour^h. No. 18 and 19 in the 8th tonccfli »n of Murray. No. 34 ard 35 in rhe 4th conccflioa of the townfhip of Vau^hnn, ALSO, Three Town Lots in the town ofi Kingston, of o"e fifth of sn acre each. Wm. CRAWFORD. Fredcricksbnrgh, 26th June, r8i5. 4 J^M Reward \\? HEREAS on the morning of th Jth in ft. a man byname of RI¬ CHARD £. BARKER, ran away K,m Prefcrt, Upper Canada, with ab¬ out 1000 dollars, the property of the fubferiber. Any perfon or perfong who will.apprehend and feciire the faid Rich ard E Barker* fo thai he may be bro*t King"* n. 7 .„j »Hifi *—*- For Sale, A quantify of Oak far Staves and fdOare Timber within a tea- i <>f the water leading i»W FOR S>LE» V ) N renfonable tt>m* Let No. 22, in the &* ^oncetston. No. 2%. in the 6ib Concession. Lot No. to Jr. the llihOencemon. ri.e whole ww in :!"• jfTrp , ansoown, in inr> qm\ , r- ror pruti.liir* tnoitiH at t-He oTnCO .t ALLAN MCLB/SN* Ffj Kingston* August 28, 181C- 12 Which ii. rfddittOH to hi.-' former Stock j j tJie gay cf Quinty. For particulars gmf I will "0»ir> Uie vmM complete aflortment 11 pC,fon or perTons wi/hing to pnrcbjsfi {ever 1 ffrrcd f;r i^!e in this place. \\vt\\ K'tj^rtun> August 1 c, 1816. iORSAL^ ICif 30,000 pleafe to call at thin Office or at Mr. 'jofeph Valuer's Honfc. 27tf. Kingfi!>n, Dec. 9, 181 j, 1 * \ AVING their F •• ksin arre^r, snd wiihing to get :hvr; made Up* will hear of a peifon ready to complete them b applying at the office. Kingston, 15/A , i'vv 7?- 1P r 6. r 1 J10 pubUfhed, ffndfir fale ai this Office, Price 1% rheLIF£andPVmGS?Ei CH Fo'jf.foot LATHS. Anply at this Oilice. KmgHon, 17th Hay, ]8i6. 11 A LONGX^ASE-, an made-}] building lot, nearly rfl acre, in the jity cf lyrupflon ;—/t«o [cvcr*\ I.ora of j one. two cr thrci fifths ,f ai\ sere each, may be had 11 cafy t :rm&, either on For Sale, A VALUABLE Farm, with bo/T* * * ings also large improvements there- on, favorably fitnated within aS mi'W *«flit» %«n! ^rfbnsdcfirous^^!1 'vicm- chafing to inquire of rhe Pi«ntei citing lesiies or fib; — lAjwly to Mr. Miles,—r.pri! 20. fciffgstm* Yvh io, i^tc. mtei. NOTICE, 'l^HE fubfrribt-rs rcft-etfiftilly iifo*n I -1 the Mcrd«30fg, Ti«ilcr« and the pttbhc in jrencrfcl, that tl>ey b?.ve entered i I 5tf p LAIR'S Sermon:, Portcus' Eri. O deuce*, the Canadian Vifuer 4gtr11 bound o' fi.,y]e. togtthcr with a grew warfety of ttfefol Bonis and Traas.fer pang people, for Sale at. this Office }_ where aeceft may be. had to a Onsdl<& cufetinff Library, three times a week^'n rr.'^'fiate t-rrrs. WI 10 0( JOS' PHBFJIR ; j Jonjifeft was executed at Kiwgston on M^n [tt3 • hav to juflJce. fhall receive the above reward J jday- the 41b d::y f ^^}X^V\ J?'\^ by applying to the fubferibe r at Prefcott, Upper Canada. He is a man about twenty fix years of age, five feet fix inches high, frcfti complexion, light bah* blue ey;*s, round vifage, head a little bald—at the time he made hi3 efcape his clothes weic a black coat and pantaloons, flriped waiftcoat, Sc long boots. It is to be hoped that eve¬ ry exertion will be made for the fecuring of fuch a character. AMASA WOOD. Prescotl* U C. June Sib, 1816. 5 Strayed, J MR. MARSHALL, '^Member qj th" College of Sur¬ geons, London, %st9 mcencl'.d by his !:.\cellenct the goveuvor in chh;f to rRArricr. PHYSIC. SURGERY^.vd MIDWIFERY, HPAKES the liberty to inform the X Public that he has moved from Mr. Patrick Smyth's houfe to Mtflia. Johns & Finkles, where all calls in h'w line will be immediately attended to. N» B. Families and other* may be Jupplftd with finall quantities of genuine &RUGS and Patent MEDICINES. Kingston, X$[hAuguftm i3i6fc 11 For Sale, rpKE West half of lot number nineteen * - u. rhe fec-md conceffion of the tow;)- jP?»p of Khgfton. Apply t-> the Printer- K:r7gsVsi;% Jfu$ J0| Wl^i 5*ftj jf^ROM the the town of KTngfton, ab- * out fix v* ka ago, 3 Young COW, of the following defciiption.—Small fize—color, dark red, with a white face, and white (pott down her back—fore feet white—fhert horns ; and fo now with calf. Any perfon that will return her to the Printer, or give information where {he can be found (hall hi hnrulfome- ly Rewarded ; and any perfon found keep- Wig her after the date of this advertife- ment will be profecuted for fo doing. Kingston^ July J, 1816. e OST— Oh Thurf^ay Evenmg fa£ fomt where about the Goal, two Leafes, running from Government to Stephen Fairfield, and relrafed from the faid Fairfield to me ; alfo, a Contra^ between Daniel Phelps and the fubferi¬ ber, concerning a Saw Mill. Whoever I wiH return faid papers to the fubferiber, /hall receive a reward of Four Dollars. Thomas Parks. Kingston, April iG, i8t& 4$ for the murder c-f Mary Bevir, hi- daughter. ^stolenToR s iTT^mT T«WO Marcs one of vhuil i* a jet black, three yeiri=0'd, with a fear up¬ on her left hind f/:tl^ck, the othci i-a bay. with a white fWf* ,n lier focdiead, two white hind fee1' w?rl1 *&** "P('" Iter left thigh, 9 year! OWL WboeverwiJl give Information Concerning them, f,» that the owner may' S€l them fliall have ten Dollars Rewa^' j0!iiN N. Woodcock. Fredtrickjburgh* june l Vh > 316. 5 mj into CO-paitncrfijip, and : ave opened an ai.diou room in HOnt <»f the New Mar* [lcet, in 1 he bw-k p3#t of the bcufc be to John Duncan* where thev v- regular amftfonfi twice a week'; and being thai the fer-i r fofefcrfher hat}: been the only one in line nf bufincf-: '. Ki«.jtrllon,for a nurrh r of yearp, they ! auzttfi 1, x8v$. 9 Cheap Woolen GOODS. . •"TMIE fubfc>ibe--a have just recefve'd, .....m......,......................-,-r.vj ,..* hy 'lie late arrivals from tht.r txvt&hy thai' Vti'At Vi.tlon sud ecr-11 M"«»a««ng Houfe, in "England,^ I R ags ! Rags Cash and the jhghest pnee paid for <CLEAN COTTON AKD LINEN G * ^ ■ R AT THIiS 0^ICE. C ALE, ----.—-------------------- ^ Blank Summonses J-or the District Courts, for Sale ^t tthie- Oflke, FOR 200 Gaff** Unseed O IL j0IMNS & FINKLE. Kingston, July ,c> 1?'i6- M 8 Bo<lai\s Reward. LOSi.onthc' '3th Jfft- between the widow „Bu,,,ftl'_a"d Jol". Burnett's, aNOTlE' 3g^nfl B"'d Fcain- Rom, of twenty P.i;>u"',s' wi,h a fn,afl in. dorlemcnt on tl.e I. C^.' A* pern,n that "'" ,J« *• ^ note to Fatnnel Rpl J '»3»«8ccwethe above reward. rvr>^r- r,r . GEfOF<OE BLAKE. reficrli, that they will have the curto<n of the place in future to encourage the! new firm, J John Du\cav, Auctioneers» Kiffgthtit r^*h April 1816. N. J3. The day* of auctions are fixed j on Tuefday and Friday. n J AMES G. liANNX Ji'atrft Maker and JvtzeUer RESPECTFLILLY inform, fcta fr/ends and the public in general, t!>at he has jpfl received a very elegant wfTortr-ent of Gold and Silver Watchea, (Patent Lcav er and plane)_Mu!ical Inftrnments of all defcriptions, fnch a3 Double Iilaffe« a.;, Clarionets, F'-ites; &e. Ladies werW Boxes. Plated O wets. do. Catidlifticka do. Snufferaand Ttays, do. Salt Cellars ana Toaft Racfa», Ivory handled Knives and Forks in fetts with'Carv-rs, Patent I Cork Screws ; Silver, Gilt and SteW Purfea, Silver and Plated Fi(h Knives, do. Butter Knives, do. Spoons, Silver^ Gilt, and other S*uff B-xe-, Razor-,' ScifToii. Pen Knives, Cl«cks, T-i!bii,.r Tackle, Baggammo,, Boards Chtffnicr>, Dice, Sflver, '/Wolfe Shell »nd Steel Specluacles, and a number of other ,-,r- befa; too nu.r.erous to mention, which h« will Id I cheap for calh. N. ]}.. \jf,,—•or,ic. excellent • SA'\ Watches and Clock, repaired and clen, ndhj.the bed manner, •£ warranted. llfT large cj'.'antftv of ^JPIHMNE&SECOXD Broad Cloths; Ladies' IVIice CLOTHS ami CASSIMERES, €• .N^STIMG OF ',---- Blue, Sfaekj Watoiioo,.Bot- iic Green, Brown .and. MixJu* Broad CMhs ; Bro'.vn, French Gray, "DraJ>, and eolor'd Pelisse Cloths ; Hiiick, Dine and ^lixtufe OoubJe Mifi?d Gassi meres. Which they now offer for fa!e at the Store of Masfs. Thomson & Detlor, very bw for cafh. JERRY WHITEHEAD & Co, __K'ai^ston, i-j//j Augnst, i R16- r?l Not tee. 1%. CHARLES WflrTLO*?, PROPOSES to deliver/.. this place, l a courfe of Leflures on BOTJNT. The courfe will confift of fifteen Lec¬ tures. Twelve of thefe will be delivered in the dav time, and three in the eve- :'ing. The principle* of the Sconce will be iUurtrated byTaint/ngs, execufed according to the direfltioi-.., and under the fuperintendencc of the cekbrartd Doctor Th or n.tom. Terms of admittance, £i : r : C for i he courfe, and for a finglfe LcCturc $S; Kingston, Augujl 16, 1S.16. Wf V H BLANK BAIL- BONDS, ajjd SHERIFF'S SAVES, For sale at this Uilfcc, i

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