Kingston Gazette, August 31, 1816, p. 1

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[SlTUiiOAY, IkimmiZl, Htt&] TON [VOLUME Kingston, Upper Canada—Pri-nted and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum. Price of adverfifing in the Gazette. Six lines and under, 2/8 firft iufeVtiori, tad 73 every fuhfequent. Ten lines and under, 3/4 firft infec¬ tion, and 1/8 every fuhfequent. Ten lines and upwards, juL per line firft infertion, and zd. per line every fue- ©eeding infertion. Advertifements unaccompanied with written directions are inferted till forbid, aud charged accordingly. Wantedfo>% His MAJESTY'S' SERVICE, 1,000 Bushels PEASE J) 500 Bushels Oats, 20 Tons IIA Y. The whole to be delivered into the Commiflaiiat Magazines at Kingston by the earliest prr.&icable period. Tenders for the above fupply will be received at this office. Commissariat Office, 8 Kingston, 2-\ih 'June, i#i6. New Goods. fTlHE Subfcribers, having received by -* th" late arrival?, offer for falc on the low* ft terms for ca(h at the ir Store-. in k'ir.gfton, cither wholdale or retail Cnths, K«.rfey meres, Flannel?, Bo/nhazettg, B;*ntbazeneff, Men Jr Women's Hofjery, Irifh Linene, D;apers, Toweling, Sattins Xuteftrings NEW GOODS. $ HE Subscribers have imported direct from London, Man- chefter, Birmingham and Glasgow, 5cc an extenfive aflbnment of every fpecies of Merchandize fuitable to the Upper Canada Market. The Goods have been feleclcJ with care and purchaftd for Cafli, and will be difpofed of, either by Who'efa'e or Retail, on the molt reasonable terms. Uuder the different heads of Liquors, Groceries, Hardwares*) Clothes* Flannels, Haberdash¬ ery, Hosiery and Carpeting, Stationary, Crockery h GLASSWARE, CORD¬ AGE, &c. &e. r They would enumerate the following articles, viz : Charcoal tVanted. (1 OO non BUSHELS, tahede of the navigation of 1816, at Mated peri- id?, or Seven Hundred Bufhels to be delivered weekly until the end of March, 1817. Any pernio wifhing to undertake the delivery of the fame are requeited to fend 0-aled tenders totheNnva! Storekeeper's OfHce Point Frederick uu the 31ft Enft, Naval Yard, Kingston, ' ^J %ph May* 1816. POEiii*; Veiybtft Port, L. P. Madeira, Sp Fine old brown Sherry, ( L P. &L. M, TeneufT, * } ■ Brown, ozn^burg, Shirting and Sheet > WINES * *n* linens ; Laces, CambricI;.*, THE LAST ROSE OF WMMB& BY MOORE. Tis the Ijft rofeuf fummer, Left blooming alo.c; All her lovely companies A»^ faded and gone : N«> flowe'f * f her kindred^ No T'At bud i& 0-agh, CorefleA back herllufhes, Or give figii for ligh ! Vcftingfl, Hattins, Ribbons, bik. Si'k Handkerchiefs : Hibbert's b.-fl Bvown Stout by the ; Navy Blur, Black Gray and fafhionable Cade or Doze ;-, Blue s» -d wxiue ci- Bgonal Satfmts» Levantine Silks, Ribbons, Lacs Footing, Ginghs m<. Lace Veils, Si!k Shawl* Silk .*itd Leather G-"vc, Wellii>;f n and Benin Webs With a va»ietv of cth.-r an it In hi thc Dry Goods Line ALSO, fcig^ica Spirits and Brandy. Gi'i, &c. &c. &£• Teas ; Sugars, Loaf and Mufcovada ; Coffee ; Fauces of every deicriptiu*}, L< ch fine Herri tog* by the Keg J Superfine Broad Clothe* acid Ca*- ; fimeres. I Ladies' and Gftitlemcn's Glove? and ; Hofieiy, Carpeting of various pat ! terns Pearl E.:rW ; Muixard Soap & C*:>dle3 ; An aflortment of Schoolbcoks and Sta- hy the box ; Scotch Oat-meal, Paints and Gib afT rt.-d— Crawlej %u6 Bliftered Steel, Swedes I- rov. ifTnted. Duck. P'*;»»;i and Sni^; She: N"ii*.v Si 'kes *-f 'til foitrs 'ii Tin Plate an.I i'h-.c* I on, Kvyin^ pan*, Spades 3jjd Sbovela, tiolirw Ware—Hai»,*hit Scnibbln^i Horfc, Shoe, bk • 1 .'n, Br^fbes 4 'IV ^ ft *i ttfi :•-)- — ; Ghfi Ware and Crockery by the Crate : -.r calk, and packed to fuit Coun- I try Shops. ; C^itSJeniftn** pre-nf Bc.vcr Hats: Men's ; v« ■Lzth-' and B y*« Camd hair an J p!.te-^ do Men% Willow Hats. ! l sd / !: CurU bwra-nW&l Boimece, White K - iVlowaad Blue Flaiuiels, MR. MARSHALL, Member of the College of Sur¬ geons, London, AMI LICINCKO CV BIS E.VCr.LLEXCY THE UOTERNOIt IN ClIILf rg h;.uiick PIIYSir, SURGERY 4x0 MIDWIFERY, T'AKES the liberty to inform the Pubiic thar he has moved fron,i yix. Patrick Smyth's lioufe to MeiTnr. Johks S FinkhiS, where all calls in fife line will be immediately attended to. N. B. 1'amiiies ;uid other? may t>t [upplied with fmal! quantities of genuint DRUGS and Patent MEDICINES. Kingstut, I yh Augujli 1816. 11 I'll not leave thee, thon lone onef To pine on the ftem ; Since the lov-ly are fl. epmg, Go, lie p thou with them s Thus kindly I fcat'.er Thy leave?; o'er the V..-'* Where thy mates of the a !eu Lie Iccntlefs aud dead. So foon may I follow, Wheniricudfhip* ^ccay, And from love's fhi: \w^ ..irclc The gems drop awaj ! When the true hearts lie withci'dj I And fond ones art flown. Oh ! who would inhabit Thiu bleak woi Id alone 1 Kniveaand F< rkcsafToited,— Pe*.!< uVe*. zu '/ ; -; Bt%, kcw—C<uimei pane'i Sc;fllrs, Spi>"n8p !?^z« r-", Shavlni. Uttfe ; 1* 1 n !-• "• c aC. ■' •:• c ., A >.yi*.o^ at the ■ctiftom- rti ^ mifSus Bufinefs cue- Cnr;niac Bnndy, Holland Gin, Btft Port, Spa:M<b, Sherry and Madeita Wines, Pe- perment, Shu'-b. ^iolafTep, Walter McGm ipm & C. Kirgfton, 19th July, 1816- Lo»f Sugar, Tea-, Prunes, Raifin^, A In. \uk, Barcy, Peeper, AUfpiee, ^nd Indie-- 1 -l.ock-. Htng^t, Saws, Bajirners^ Files Gimhte'ttf &C» ^«. &c- '.wj prto Bo*vt« and Sh r — " cut v : * - r.H« Nankeens,Corduroys StTipeayCowon*, ; | ... 7 KIRBYi tlamhftsctts, M«fli»i, ; Kings fen, pdj ,j-t i$i6. Ch,<l:< 8 i Shawls, Dimities fape9i Uo^'hwi Jonas Abboti E: ('EC I FULLY i.ii-.!. his ?v\. thnj ks t<* l»rs cuttomcis f--T thcL JAAfKS -g. th'.NNA, 1' . lea MoktJT ami Jncihr. T) LSPrCTF'iH.IA' Motto* his r„;.v he 0/™t . cilia place, a.»<l i.'f rmi I ^ ' "" iUtt "*»*«*< a vel> c «ffW i»ic.;" ilwl ]«e Iras n«5W commenced n'ti! v-ei- Witn '• r- TH(iMA5 S WHlTAUtR. under the tirm oi afh •*_ J.cH of JHRTVELRT Cheap Wualen, GOODS. r I 'HE lubfcribera h.-c ju t received, S. by the h'te arrivals from their Mttoufatiuring Honfe, in England, a iSfge' ^uauiity of SLfiil . lNE&Sr:COND Broad Cloths CA?:5JlATERES, COKbtS ; ' OF :—ir Btiie, Bfeck, Waterloo, Bot- tic G." vW, l>**o\vn and Mixtuv^ uroa;l Cloth* ; j :Si'<i\vn. Pretech (hwy, Dn b (.,iul voldr'fi Pe(?qse Cioths ; I Burck, B lie and Mi.\tu: ! 9 CJNZGNET: Bf C iMOE.VS. Flowers are frefh and huflics greeri^ Cheerily the linnets fiog ; Winds are fott and lkics frrenc ; Time, however, fcoli fliull i^-->--» • Winur'b liiovr O'ei Lbf! buxom bre^ft :>f Spiiijg. Hope that buds in Lover's heart, Lives no<. through the .s»orn of years I Time makes Loveiifcii depart, Time and fcorn wcn^cal the mind ; L>ck„ unkiad Freeje .yffcel :".>;. 'a wmiiefi tcar&! 1 \. Ar aflorU VliH'd m meres. ••-/■ PlUVt1 A fit' G^dr^Sdve- V\-,a?chr.;(pHr(!nt r.c;!V. Stor-of Wesik T >\i .....1 iU:lWI . * -. er ,a! jlarv) —: _i ufica| lnli:umcnts of | vcrv I .w fur cafe, d are now rrcciving a very general a!] ,jcr,nvt;,,,,, j ^ ^ D^hU Ra ,. »—R Ry WR •Tien or er> ("|r.r;onct.-. T'i...^ ^.« rju^'t /,'• . ._.» Which they now offer for (ale at the riOMSON & DETLORj r. * Fatiey & Staph 1 Pale, tf r- iobfmherSi ior 40 BOXES FINE fellow Po^ip, ■ CHEiPfcrCnJb. V W;l' ad.j.i»t-.^ t iht« Market? i\hie!> hav- b. en f. ecte.i by :re >f tin- Par;--e-. ftsm the fetefl arrivals .it Quebec and M;;n- treal, and pnrchafed f**r f.'jy money phey flatter :!k-.ti[c!vc> their purcha- \s have been fnch as will enable Them th fc who Thomson k Detlor. \\w fiB their Goods as low as th fc who Ttngdm, fuh L »16 5-f I •■« *■* f- ^ ^ ^e; ■, t . .- * I h<* strictest attention wt*l be paid to To be Sold, "80c acres offend in the townlhip of Lough^orougn. 2CO acr^s in the towi fhir of Hun getfotd- r^ Saw Mill and Grilt-Mjfl with two JwcHng houfesout hoxvfes, ftsMes, ftc. with 400 acreb of land, a c.owa lcale, in the townlhip of Fittfou'gh ALSO,. A number, of valuable Town Lett in j the village of Wt!lii-gton. For terms apply to AMOS ANSLET. Kingston, July J, I8J6.__________ 5 Spruce Beer, OF molt any quantity, can be had at the CELLAR omlcr the Auciion fioom of Mr. Charles Short. JOHN VOUN P. S. All person^ v, ho arc in¬ debted to him, are requcitcu to call with¬ out delay, and fettle their accounts. Kingston, July 5, 1816- 5 For Sale, THEWer.t halfoflo! Mm 'be' n^i.tttn in :hc fecend coouelli1 h cf •'•£ ru*"" •up of Kigllui:. /*b,l) t*» tiie I'ihi- • K'lyuon, July :o, i«ij. i :-f criomir-, and <-;<;ods fold st a very mo- "irrate athenc: Kingston, $it August, iSti'i. p. S. J. Abbot being about to re¬ move to Montreal, rcqtte&e thefe who iinve demanda against bii»j to exhibit thsrn ; aad thofe who arc indebted to him, to make payment. 9 et^. Clarionet* T ilires, &c. Ladies wa;k Toxes. P;.T<d C...w.,.Ui dll, Ond'eS^le; J do. S.niFfr-. nd'! vavs. do. Salt CdlaW I an.. Tr;itt P.acfc lv'ovv handJed KjIims. and rorltsin fetts. wj,j,' Carvers, Patent O'rlt Screw ; &i|ver, Gi't and Steel Puii-s. -Silver andj pi,tC(j jrjfl, K,,iyC8t do. Butter Knives d0 Spoons, Silver, Gi't, and other %„ug" B-xe-, Razors. Sciffow. Pen Kn.;ves> Clocks Fifhing Tackle, Baggamuj,on Boards Clieffmen, Dice, .Silver, Tor:-0;re She!1 2nd StceJ Specktades, and % number of ether sr- ticlet too nn.r.erou,, to mcntion, which he will fell cheap for c?if^ N. B. Alfo—iome excellent JERRY WHITE! IttAD & Co. Ki:igsroa, \"jlh August, 1R16. 11 PUBLIC NOTICE. /- The Maih difpatched from th Hcewill in future be clofed at thc foi- lowing hours— For Lo-**er Canada, Monday at eight o^clnck, a. m. Thurfday at so o'clock, a. m. For York- Sandwich. &c. Monday at ten o'clock, a fl. Post Office, 7 , July 12, rSi6 j 6^2 UFF, Whole!":.le:im] Rctaj]# Watches at-d C\^$ rcpiired and clea¬ ned w the bell manner, and warranted. Kingston, Aug. |?j , g, ^ x, /y Take Notke. STOLEN or itrayed> on Sunday the ..... T Itl) |0SE* a fiiie young Liver and White Pointer D()Q# rbout five months old, the property ^ M;;jor Glegg. Should he be m Vbe poffeffian of any pertbumthe neighborhood of Kings- ton, the adveitifer\.cquests l,e may be immediately retun,ed to h;s rcfijcncc aL Notice. JJIlOPOSES to deliver in this p-ac.-. I a eourfc of Lc&ure* on BQtANT- The cvuirfe will confdl of fifteen Lec¬ tures. Twelve of thefe will he delivered in the day ti-ne, and three ill thc eve¬ ning. The principles of the Science will be iUu lira ted by Paintings, executed according to the directions, and under the fuperintendence of the celebrated Doctor Thornton. Terms oi admit:ancef ^1 : 5 ; o for the courfe, and for a tingle Lecture 5^. Kingston, Auguft 16, i S 16. l\if - Twelve Dollars lie ward. I'irne d^ifoive the Winter'*- f iow : WiuUi be foft, aid iki;- feiene, l-iuuct-i hug then wonted ftmin, i'uiagaja tjiighted Love can t.ever blov/. — Odd foes of Mi -Hagemore. Tlu llev. Mt. Hagcmo-rcofCalthropg l.eicelleiOii'e, died the nt of Janua-y 17^6 poffefled of the following cifefts viz. 7C0I. per annum and rood, it; money, which(hc duri.ig iuteftau*) fell to a ticket porter in London. He kept one [grant of inch fe$ whom he locked up every iHghr. His ialt en'ploymeut in a\\ evening was to g<\ round hu picmiJ.eSjlet loofe hi? dr»g anj (iie lii.^ gun. He iolt his life as fallow : going one morning to let out his fervants, the dog* fawned upon him fuddenly aud threvf Una into a pond, which was breait high. Tlte fervantr. heard him .all out for af. fillance. but, being locked up, cotdd not lend him any. He had thirty gowns and cafLcks, 6ft)eight dog^, one liundred pair of breeches, one hundred pair of boots, four hundred puirof fhoeft, eighty wigj yet always woie his own hair, eighty wag¬ gons and carts, eighty ploughs, and ufed none, fifty faddle-i and furniture for the menage, thirty wheelbarrow*, fo many walking fticks,thdt a toyman in Leiceiter- fields bid his executor eight pounds for them, fixty hories and mars1, three hun¬ dred pickaxes, two hundred frudes and. fhovel»,fev^nty five ladders, ar.d two hundred and lorty razors.—London Paf, L OST, in the town of Kingston, on the 21 ft inft. a Gold Seal* Kingston Notice, Mrs. Aiv.-erforTs, i^^ton. Anyperfon detj;ttjng hJr no;ice will he Prot^.culcj# Kitten. i;//j 'Ammti 1816. after this ! I rHE fubferibers being about to clcfe their bufiiicf^, requeft thofe t.i whrm tl.ey are indebud, to fend in then accounts foi paynscnt, and ;h d'e in- i i«ehted t*» them arc dtfired to make im nedwtc payment, or their accounts will heaven into the hands of an attorney for uolleAloa. Wb. w'Lcan & Co. Kingston > i) to Jb$«//, 181 <5. _ 11 F LOST, ROM the Psttute oi :kfcn, a feci Mr. Jethro COW, a Reddifh w,.ii te fpot« on her fore- brindle colour, head, red & white j^j • onc buck hort)> part of one ear on ghe is new m;lk and three years el.,# Whoever will re¬ turn thf lame to t.,t rubfv.r;ber) n,an te. ccivr the rewavd ( { pQUJt Dollar-. JOHN SCOTT. KingRou Aug. J6 igi6. 11 , Marked with the letters A. M- D. in capital Letters, with Three GOLD 1 KEYS, in a ring. Whoever wiil bring the faid Seal and Keys to the fuofcribei, will receive the above reward. Z.MACDONELL. Kingston, %zd Augusi, 1S16. 12 8 Dollars Reivard. LOST, on the 13th iuft. between the widow Burnett's and John Burnett's, a NOTE, againft Bord horn, of twenty pounds, with a fmall in- dorfement on the back. Any pci fori that will rcturc the faid note to Famuel M'Crea, (hall receive the above reward. GEORGE BLAKE. Kingston, l #h Aug us4} 1816. 11 ABokI of Punch. On the 28$ of Oct. 1694* a bowl of puch was made at Hie ML lu>n. Edvvmxl RiisseVsbouse when he was captain-general tiud commander in ctiiej of his Majesty^ lorcts in the Medrtev- ranean aeas. It was made in a tbunlain in a garden, Use the middle of fiitiv walks all covered over head with lemon ami orange trees, and in every walk was a table the whole length of it covered with cold collation*, &c. In the sa d touu'.iiin were the fo!lo\ying ingredientSj viz. 4 bo^sheds of biuudy, 8 hogsheads of water. 25,001) llMUDllS 20 -illloiLS il)f I nni' jui'x*. 13 bandiiKl "weight

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